



Abstract —The torque con stan t, together with the back-EMF co n sta n t, was origi n ally used i n perma n e n t mag n et DC commutator motors (PMDC motors) to couple the electric circuit equation s with mechan ical equation s. But it is still an open question whether the con cept of the torque con stan t an d the back-EMF con stan t can be applied to brushless DC (BLDC) motors an d perman en t magn et (PM) AC machin es. This paper presen ts an in -depth study of the two con stan ts un der various real conditions in PM machines. The torque constant at various load con dition s is computed usin g tran sien t 2D fin ite elemen t an alysis (FEA). It is shown that the torque con stan t is n ot a constant for BLDC motors and PM AC machines.Index Terms —Back-EMF constant, brushless DC motors, DC commutator machi n es, fi n ite eleme n t a n alysis, perma n e n t magnets, synchronous machines, torque constant.I. I NTRODUCTIONHE torque constant is defined as the ratio of the torquedelivered by a motor to the current supplied to it, and the back-EMF constant is the ratio of voltage generated in the winding to the speed of the rotor. In PMDC motors, they are almost constant at various load conditions. The torque constant and back-EMF constant couple the electric circuit equations with mechanical equations, and are widely used in motor control.It is of great interest to see whether the concept of the torque constant and the back-EMF constant can be applied to BLDC motors and PM AC motors. Some effort have been made in this regard [1][2]. Reference [2] indicates that an ideal BLDC motor (also called a square-wave motor), under the condition that the line-to-line back EMF waveform is trapezoidal and that the winding current waveform is ideally square, is electrically identical to a PMDC motor. The author also applies the concept of the torque constant and the back-EMF constant to sine-wave PM AC motors under the assumption that the internal power-factor angle between the back EMF and the current is fixed to zero.However, in real cases, the winding current waveform is far from the ideal square-wave in BLDC motors due to current freewheeling. And, in PM synchronous motors, the internal power-factor angle is normally not zero because the torque angle is automatically adjusted according to the changeThe authors are with Ansoft Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 USA(phone: 412-261-3200; e-mail: dlin@, ping@,zol@). in load. To this end, this paper presents an in-depth study of the torque constant and the back-EMF constant for BLDC motors and PM AC motors. The suitability of the use of the two constants in PM motors is discussed considering the following: current freewheeling, arbitrary back-EMF waveforms, salient pole, variable pulse width and trigger angle, and internal power factor angle.II. R EVIEW OF THE T ORQUE C ONSTANT IN PMDC M OTORS In PMDC motors, the electric circuit equation isb a s V I R E V ++=(1)where V s is the applied DC voltage source, E is the back EMF, V bis the voltage drop of one-pair brushes, I is the input DCcurrent, and R a is the armature resistance. Equation (1) can be coupled with load mechanical equations by introducing⎩⎨⎧==I k T k E T mmE ω (2)where ωm is the angular velocity in mechanical rad/s, T m is theelectromagnetic (air-gap) torque in Nm, k E is the back-EMF constant in Vs/rad, and k T is the torque constant in Nm/A. The torque constant and the back-EMF constant have the following properties:i. k T = k E in the metric unit system; ii. k T and k E are constant; iii. k T and k E are measurable.Property (i) is obvious from the fact that the electric power (EI ) is equal to the mechanical power (T m ωm ) during power conversion.Property (ii) follows since: (1) PMDC motors have large air gaps due to surface mounted magnets, thus the saturation change caused by the armature reaction is negligible; (2) the brush position is mechanically fixed during operation even if it is adjustable; (3) the current in each coil completes commutating within the angle of the brush width, and the commutating duration is independent of the rotor speed; and (4) there is no reluctance torque even if the armature reaction is not aligned with the q-axis.Based on property (ii), the back-EMF constant k E can be measured at no-load condition operating in generator mode. The torque constant k T can be obtained directly from k E , orcan be measured at load operation. It is straightforward to predict the performance of PMDC motors from (1) and (2) in motor control. In-Depth Study of the Torque Constant forPermanent Magnet MachinesD. Lin, P. Zhou and Z. J. CendesT©2008 IEEE.III. T ORQUE C ONSTANT IN BLDC M OTORSEven though the torque constant and the back-EMF constant in BLDC motors are defined in the same way as those in PMDC motors as shown in (2), there are some essential differences regarding the torque constant and the back-EMF constant between BLDC motors and PMDC motors. For the sake of easy discussion, take a Y-connected three phase winding with bridge-type inverter as an example, as shown in Fig. 1. The trigger pulse width for each branch is 120 electrical degrees in turn and the inverter has 6 repeatableoperating states with the state period of 60 electrical degrees.Fig. 1. Y-connected three-phase windings with the bridge-type inverterA . Voltage equation (1) is no longer applicable The voltage equation (1) is no longer applicable in BLDCmotors due to the inductance voltage drop. In PMDC motors, the inductance induced voltage caused by the current commutating will not contribute to the voltage drop across the brush terminals. However, in BLDC motors, the inductance voltage drop becomes comparable with the resistance voltage drop.B. k T and k E are no longer constantIn BLDC motors, E used in (2) is the average back EMF across the DC link, and its value will vary with the current freewheeling duration. In Fig. 1, assume at the previous operating state, the source voltage V s is applied to winding terminals AC via branches 1 and 2, and at the current operating state, V s is applied to winding terminals BC viabranches 3 and 2. When branch 1 is off, the phase-A currentfreewheels through branch 4, which makes winding A to connect in parallel with winding C. If the voltage drop acrossthe conducting transistor in branch 2 is the same as that acrossthe freewheeling diode in branch 4, the average back EMFduring the current operating state is])(21[10∫∫++=sf f T T BC T BC BA s dt e dt e e T E(3) where, e BC and e BA are instantaneous line-to-line inducedvoltages, T s is the state period in second (corresponding to 60electric degrees), and T f is the current freewheeling duration,as shown in Fig. 2. It is obvious from (3) that the average backEMF varies with the current freewheeling duration, andtherefore k Eis not constant for various operations.Fig. 2. Rectified back EMF from trapezoidal line-to-line induced voltagesFor the circuit of Fig. 1, as long as T f < T s , the freewheeling currents always reduce the input DC current and increase the delivered torque, and therefore, k T varies with the current freewheeling duration which in turn varies with the rotor speed.Another case in which k T is not constant is, in interior permanent magnet (IPM) motors, the reluctance torque component also contributes to the air-gap torque due to the salient-pole effects, and the reluctance torque component is not linearly proportional to the DC current. Furthermore, the trigger angle and the pulse width of the controlling signals in BLDC motors are usually controllable. This is also a casewhere k T is not constant.Fig. 3 shows the variation of k T with the speed of a typical surface mounted BLDC motor with fixed trigger angle andpulse width.Fig. 3. Variation of k T with the rotor speed C . k T is no longer equal to k EIn BLDC motors, the back EMF across DC link normally includes ripples associated with arbitrary line-to-line back-EMF waveforms. The ripples become considerable due to thecurrent freewheeling even though the line-to-line induced voltage may have a flat waveform in 60 electric degrees by aspecial design (see the solid lines inside T s in Fig. 2). Theinput current also contains significant ripples because thefreewheeling current is in nature of “generator” current. Byexamining the power conversion, one gets∫⋅⋅=s T s m m dt i e T T 01ω(4)∫⋅∆⋅∆+=sT sdt i e T EI 01where, ∆e and ∆i are the ripples of the DC back EMF and theinput current, respectively. From (4), one concludes that atload conditions k T ≠ k E because T m ωm ≠ EI .D . kE is no longer measurable By measuring the air-gap torque (which is obtained from the load torque and the mechanical loss) and the DC component of the input current at load operation, k T can be determined. However, k E is no longer measurable at load conditions for BLDC motors. It cannot be measured by driving the motor as a generator and rectifying the line voltage with a rectifier as described in [2] because k E at load conditions is different from that at the no-load condition. Also it cannot directly be obtained from k T because k E ≠ k T at load conditions.IV. T ORQUE C ONSTANT IN PM AC M OTORSThe torque constant in PM AC motors can be defined as the ratio of the torque to the peak value of the input AC phasecurrents I peak , and the back-EMF constant is the ratio of thepeak value of the induced phase voltages E peak to the speed of the rotor, as expressed below [2] ⎩⎨⎧==peakT m mE peak I k T k E ω. (5) Most PM AC motors operate as synchronous motors. In PM synchronous motors, the internal power factor angle ϕ i , the angle between the back EMF phasor and the current phasor, is automatically adjusted based on the mechanical load and is normally not zero. In these cases, the delivered mechanical power is E peak peak T m m k E I k T /⋅=ωi rms rms i E T E mI mk k ϕϕcos cos 2⋅= (6) where I rms and E rms denote RMS values of sine-wave phasecurrent and back EMF, and m is the number of phases. For thepower conversion, the mechanical power must be equal to theelectric power, that ism m T ωi rms rms E mI ϕcos =. (7) As a resulti E T k mk ϕcos 2=. (8)One concludes from (8) that k T is not constant for PM synchronous motors even though K E may be constant when the saturation effects can be ignored. It varies with the internal power angle which in turn varies with the mechanical load.Equation (8) is derived under the assumption that the spatial harmonics of the air-gap magnetic fields produced bythe permanent magnets and the phase currents are ignored. Inorder to show the effects of the spatial field harmonics on thetorque constant, a three-phase 4-pole PM synchronousmachine, as show as in Fig. 4, is analyzed using 2D transientfinite element method (FEM). To focus on observing thevariation of the torque constant with the internal power factorangle, the change in saturation caused by armature currents isignored, and thus linear materials are used for all components.Fig. 4. The one-pole geometry layout of the three-phase 4-pole PM synchronousmachine Three-phase windings are applied with DC currents as follows⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧−=−==IAm I IAm I IAmI CB A *5.0*5.0 (9) where IAm is set to be 0 and 1A via parametric analysis. Therotor speed is set to be 1500rpm, and the rotor initial position is set to such a position that the phase-A winding has positive maximum induced voltage at time = 0. The computed torques at IAm = 0 and 1A are shown in Fig. 5. It can be seen from Fig. 5 that the torque at IAm = 1A consists of two components: one is the component producedby the phase currents, and the other is the cogging torque component which is produced by the permanent magnets at 0phase currents. Because linear materials are used, the torque component produced by the phase currents can be directlyderived from the result of the torque at IAm = 1A minus thetorque at IAm = 0, as shown in Fig. 6. By definition, the curvein Fig. 6 shows the torque constant because the torque isproduced by unit phase currents. One notes that the torqueconstant is not a constant as had been anticipated and istherefore not suitable for use with PM AC machines.Fig. 5. Torques at different phase currents varying with the internal power factor angle ϕ i (time=20ms corresponds to ϕ i =360 electric degrees)Fig. 6. Torque produced by unit phase current varying with the internal power factor angle ϕ i (time=20ms corresponds to ϕ i =360 electric degrees)V. C ONCLUSIONThe torque constant and the back-EMF constant which were originally used in PMDC motors are generally not suitable for BLDC motors and PM synchronous motor analysis. Detailed computations of both constants with real motors reveal that they are no longer constant but, instead, vary significantly with load conditions.R EFERENCES[1]Electro-Craft Handbook, Fifth Edition, August 1980, ISBN 0-960-1914-0-2.[2]J.R. Hendershot Jr, and T. J. E. Miller, Design of Brushless PermanentMagnet Motors, Magna Physics Publishing and Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1994.Din gshen g Lin received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, in 1982 and 1987, respectively. He is currently a Senior Research and Development Engineer at Ansoft Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA. Before he joined Ansoft in 1999, he was an Associate Professor of electrical engineering at Shanghai University. His research interests include design and optimization techniques of electrical machines and electromagnetic field computation. He received the third prize of the Chinese National Award of Science and Technology, in 1987, and two second prizes of the Shanghai City Award of Science and Technology, in 1986 and 1989.Ping Zhou received his M.S. degree from Shanghai University, China in 1987 and his Ph.D. degree from Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada in 1994. He was with Shanghai University as a lecturer after his undergraduate study in the same university in 1977. He was a Visiting Scholar of Memory University of Newfoundland from 1989 to 1991. Since 1994, he jointed Ansoft Corporation in the R&D department. Currently, he is the manager of Electromechanical R&D group at Ansoft. His research interests include finite element numerical field computation, circuit coupling, multi-physics coupling and electrical machine modeling.Zoltan Cendes is Founder and Chairman of Ansoft Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA, and is an Adjunct Professor at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. In addition to his role at Ansoft, Dr. Cendes has served as a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, as an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at McGill University, Montreal, Canada, and as an Engineer with the Corporate Research and Development Center of the General Electric Company in Schenectady, NY. Dr. Cendes received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from McGill University and his B.S.E. degree from the University of Michigan.。


In Depth Study of the Torque Constant for Permanent-Magnet Machines
指導老師:黃昌圳 學生:陳育俊

介紹 PMDC馬達的轉矩常數回顧 BLDC馬達的轉矩常數 PM交流馬達的轉矩常數 轉矩常數的其他定義方式 結論

輸入電流因為也包含顯著的漣波。藉由功率轉 換的定理,可以得到
1 Tmm Ts
1 e i dt EI Ts
e i dt

Δe和Δi是直流反電動勢和輸入電流的漣波,相 對地,從由上式,得知因為Tmωm≠EI所以在負 載情況kT≠kE。
D. kE在負載下不再被精確測量

交流永磁馬達的轉矩常數被定義為轉矩與交流 輸入相電流Ipeak的峰值的比例,並且反電動勢 常數為感應相電壓Epeak與動子轉速的比例
E peak k E m T k I m T peak

大部分交流永磁馬達操作如同同步馬達。在永 磁同步馬達,內部的功率因素角ψi是反電動勢 相量和電流相量之夾角,從機械負載的觀點, 夾角會隨著負載自動被調整,因此一般不是零。 在這些情況,傳送的機械功率為
R1是相繞組電阻,Ld和Lq是在dq軸上的繞組同步 電感,p代表d/dt,並且 . eq -md -(nppmd) m (14)

λmd是由永磁轉換成d軸的繞組磁通交鏈,ωm是 rad/s的機械角速度,npp是馬達的極對數。 以N· m的轉矩為 Tm n pp (Lq - Ld )idiq - mdiq (15) 大部分的表面型永磁馬達 Lq=Ld,因此轉矩為


科技创新导报 2008 NO.17 Science and Technology Innovation Herald
圆周方向的分布剩磁密度,θr 为定子齿中心线
其基波周期为 z,并且齿槽转矩是电机固有特
1.2 纹波转矩的影响
及定子绕组 Y 型连接无中线且三相对称的
图 2 为直接转矩控制系统主程序流程图。
3 结语
本文详细分析了直接转矩控制下永磁同 步电动机在低速运行时转矩脉动产生的原因, 并给出了硬件原理图与主程序流程图。随着 直接转矩控制技术的实用化、全数字化、智 能化与集成化的发展,永磁同步电动机直接转 矩控制系统在低速运行时的性能将不断得到 改善,其应用必更加广泛。
当系统运行在低速时,定子电阻 Rs 的影响加
2 直接转矩控制的硬件实现
在交流调速领域,尤其在对电机控制时, 由于系统运算量大,电机的电气时间常数小等 特点,使得一般的微处理器很难胜任。通常在 交流调速领域里选 DSP 作为其控制器处理器。
上式表明在大惯性、高次谐波频率及 电机在高速运行时,转速的脉动将会很小, 即大的转动惯性起到了滤波器的效应,纹 波转矩可被转子惯性所吸收,但当转速很 低时,纹波转矩影响加大,转速脉动也会相 应变大。 1.3 死区效应的影响
























藉由測量氣隙轉矩和負載運轉下的輸入電流的 直流成分,kT可以被決定。然而,無刷直流馬 達的kE在負載下再也不精確地測量。因為kE在 負載情形不同於在無載情形,所以不能藉由驅 動一個馬達作為發電機並且使用整流器整流線 電壓。因為在負載情況下kT ≠ kE,所以kE不能 直接地)永磁直流馬達由於表面型磁石有高氣隙,因此,因
電樞反應影響的飽和度變化可以被忽略 。
b)在運作時電刷位置被機械固定即使他可以被調整 。 c)在電刷寬度的角度內每個線圈的電流完成換相,並
由特性3)的觀點,反電動勢kE可以在發電機模 式無載情況下被測量,轉矩常數kT可以直接從 kE獲得,或者從負載操作下獲得。
A. 固定電樞磁場旋轉轉子
Im -0.5
Ic -0.5 Im
Im經過參數分析設定為0和1A。轉子轉速設定 為1500rpm,轉子的起初位置設定在a相繞組在
我們可以看到Im=1A的轉矩包括兩個成分: 其中一個成分由相電流產生,另一個頓轉轉矩
介紹 PMDC馬達的轉矩常數回顧 BLDC馬達的轉矩常數 PM交流馬達的轉矩常數 轉矩常數的其他定義方式 結論
E=kEωm。 kT和kE 將電路方程式與機械方程式結合一起,
並且廣泛使用在馬達運動控制。 兩個常數使用在PM馬達必須討論以下:


额定容量 / kVA
额定转速 / r. m in - 1
起动 计算值 /N. m
阻力 实测值 /N. m

偏差 /
1# 3 750 8 5. 5 4. 8 14. 6
2# 3 200 12 7. 8 7. 2 8. 33
3# 5 150 16 9. 5 8. 8 7. 95
4# 7. 5 150 16 10. 4 9. 8 6. 12
Vδ = Aδδ

μ 0

式中 μ0 ———真空磁导率
由式 ( 1) 、式 ( 2)得
Bm Hm Am hm =σkrBδHδAδδ 考虑式 ( 3) 、式 ( 4) 、式 ( 5) ,并整理得
(Bm Hm ) Vm = σμkrBδ2 Vδ 0










1 电机的基本设计方案1.1 模型机规格此电机的极数为30,定子槽数为36,由于极槽数接近,与传统交流电机的一个极下有3相绕组的结构形式有较大差别,每极每相槽数为分数,即2/5。






本文1996年4月22日收到 设计分析 永磁无刷力矩电动机峰值转矩能力的研究孙立志 王 强 陆永平(哈尔滨工业大学 哈尔滨150001)Study on Peak Torque Capability of Permanent Magnet Brushless Torque MotorSun Lizhi Wang Qiang Lu Yongping(Harbin Institute o f Technolog y,Ha rbin 150001) 【摘 要】 在考虑了永磁无刷力矩电动机峰值极限转矩主要制约因素的基础上,分别讨论了正弦波及方波驱动方式下的力矩电动机峰值极限电流及转矩,并针对正弦波驱动方式下的该类电机分析了影响峰值转矩能力的主要因素,文中还进行了数值计算并加以实验验证。

【关键词】 永磁无刷力矩电动机 峰值转矩能力【Abstract 】 This paper considers th e majo r con-straints to thc peak to rque capa bility o f permanent mag ne t brushless to rque mo to r (PM BL T M ),discusses pea k cur-re nt limit and pea k to rque limit o f sine wav e PM BL TMand squa rewav e o ne respec tiv ely ,and ana ly zes the influ-ence o f som e factor s on the peak to rque capa bility of PM -BL T M.N umc rical calculation a nd ex periments a re made accor ding to a sa mple mo tor.【Keywords 】 pe rmanent mag net br ushless to rque mo tor pea k tor que ca pability1前 言在一些控制系统中,常常需要所使用的力矩电动机产生瞬时峰值转矩,从而以较大的加速度来驱动负载,由于使用NdFeB 表面磁钢的无刷力矩电动机具有高转矩惯量比、高过载能力[1],所以非常适合此种运行状态。



电机 内存 储 的能量近 似为 永磁体 和 电机气 隙 中
的能量 :

a g p M  ̄- i a +P r -

电机气 隙 内的能 量可表示 为

1 ̄

B) r[ 2 ( 0

( ) 有 效 气 隙 长 , 为
(1 永 磁 体 剩 磁 , 为
种削弱 齿槽 转矩 比较 行之 有效 的方法 。
5 【 鼍 术 22 6 2电 技 0  ̄ 1
研 究 与 开 发
度 ,
为 水 磁 体 充 磁 万 向长 度 。
系数不 同 ,就 会使 耳 ( 的傅里 叶分解系数 不 同。若
令 = ,则 0
必 为整数 。 文献 [] 据 4 的分析 , (
( p ) K N 2 -  ̄ /p
: —

电枢 齿 之, 的 相 对 位 置 , 可 得 间
[ ]。 。 : 2+ s+ 5 = cc G c z
式 中,Z为 电枢槽 数 。所 以,在不考 虑斜槽 的 时候 ,
/ p 2
+0 0 , , , .3 . 1 … 00 +
况 对 比 图形 。
本 文 利用仿 真 软件对 削弱 齿槽 转矩 的常 用方法
进行 了分析和对 比, 到 了几种适合 于削弱低速大转 得 矩 多极永磁 电机 齿槽 转矩 的比较行 之有效 的方法 。 21 极弧 系数对齿 槽转矩 的影 响 .
, ) An le 。 g /
由 =-- s 冗表达 式可知 ,如果 极弧 = i n
= = 。imZ【 P为极对 数 , _’ s n p, 7 为 极 弧 系 数 。 对

699 轮毂式永磁同步电动机电磁转矩的数值计算与误差分析

699 轮毂式永磁同步电动机电磁转矩的数值计算与误差分析
对于所研究的样机,假设定子绕组电流为零, 则当定、转子相对位置满足磁路的完全对称条件, 即转子磁极中心线与定子的齿或槽中心线相重合 时,电机的电磁转矩和磁阻转矩均应为零。显然, 在这一条件(零转矩条件)下算得的电磁转矩值越 接近于零,则表明所应用算法的计算误差越小,计 算精度亦越高。本文以此作为数值解验证的判据, 通过深入分析和研究,提出了具有较高计算精度的 网格剖分单元配置规则。 大量的数值计算和分析表明,应用麦克斯韦应 力法计算转矩时,求解域内剖分节点疏密度的分布 以及单元形状应合理、规则,尤其是对气隙域内的 剖分要求十分严格。计算分析可知,气隙域内沿半 径方向剖分三层较为合适,若继续增加剖分层数, 则剖分单元和节点总数亦将随之大为增加。事实 上,当网格剖分达到一定密度后,继续增加单元数 只能徒增计算量,而无助于计算精度的提高。本例 中,当剖分单元总数为 >?$(,节点总数为 ’@@> 时, 若采用图 >5 中的气隙单元剖分形式,零转矩条件 下的转矩计算值为 ABC@C D $& % $ E ・!;若进一步加
由虚位移法计算所得的电磁转矩特性 ./01234!5,602+1 2437809 15/18/520: ); <+3285/ 0603,; !02=4: 图> *+,- > 气隙单元的剖分示意图 G09= ,060352+46 +6 5+3 ,5H 30,+46
*+,- (
! 网格剖分对电磁转矩计算误差的影响
波永磁同步电机的电磁转矩,均可获得较高的计算 精度。但麦克斯韦应力法具有计算量小和计算精度 高的特点,更适合于电磁转矩的数值计算。 (#)单元剖分的疏密度和形状将直接影响电磁 转矩的计算精度。当运用麦克斯韦应力法计算转矩 时,气隙单元的剖分尤为重要。此此,积分路径所 经的三角元须对称分布(见图 =) ,方可保证转矩 数值解的计算精度。 (>)应用斜槽结构或减小槽口宽度,可以有效 地抑制表面磁极式永磁电机的定位转矩。 参考文献





关键词:永磁同步电机;永磁体;转子结构;转子支架中图分类号:TM341 文献标识码:ARotor Structure and Permanent Magnet Design Strategy of Low Speed High Torque Permanent Magnet Synchronous MotorHao Shuangge, Hongyan, Yan Shuqing, Wang ShengGuizhou Aerospace Linquan Motor Co., Ltd. Guizhou Guiyang 550000Abstract: After discussing the concepts of permanent magnet synchronous motor and low-speed high torque permanent magnet synchronous motor, this paper analyzes the design strategy of rotor mechanism and the optimization design of permanent magnet. Based solely on the design results of this article, it is intended to serve as a reference for Chinese motor enterprises and form a new approach for the development of permanent magnet synchronous motors.Keywords: Permanent magnet synchronous motor; Permanent magnet; Rotor structure; Rotor bracket在国家环保政策不断深入以及永磁材料价格逐渐区域稳定的环境之下,我国永磁同步电机的应用范围越发广泛,且应用经验不断丰富、积累,大量企业均以永磁同步电机取代了以往的异步电机,从而基于低速大转矩永磁同步电机的优势提升企业生产效率。



第34卷第9期 2011年9月合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版)JO U RN AL O F H EFEI U N IV ERSIT Y OF T ECH N OL O GYVol.34No.9 Sept.2011收稿日期:2010-12-22基金项目:安徽省科技攻关计划资助项目(06012179)作者简介:何庆领(1969-),男,安徽肥东人,博士生,合肥工业大学副研究员;王群京(1960-),男,安徽蚌埠人,博士,合肥工业大学教授,博士生导师.Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-5060.2011.09.010低速永磁风力发电机的参数分析及优化设计何庆领, 王群京(合肥工业大学电气与自动化工程学院,安徽合肥 230009)摘 要:文章讨论了低速永磁同步风力发电机的设计特点,为了有效地减少阻力矩,采用分数槽绕组,为减少漏磁通,采用瓦片型和放射状的永磁体安装结构,并重点对结构参数与运行性能之间的内在关系进行了参数分析,为风力发电机本体的优化设计打下基础。


关键词:风力发电机;参数分析;优化设计中图分类号:T M 315 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5060(2011)09-1317-04Parameter analysis and optimal design for low -speedpermanent magnet wind turbine generatorsH E Qing -ling , WANG Qun -jing(School of E lectric E ngineering an d Automation,H efei U nivers ity of T echnology,Hefei 230009,Chin a)Abstract:This paper discusses the design character istics of low -speed per manent m ag net sy nchr ono us w ind tur bine generator,including the use of fr actio nal slot w indings to effectively reduce the r esist -ance m oment,the use of tiles and reflective -like structure to reduce leakage flux,and the installationof perm anent mag net.T he intrinsic r elationship betw een structur al parameters and o peratio nal per -form ance is also analyzed for the optimal design o f w ind turbine foundation.Aim ing at optimizing the motor efficiency,the optim ization algor ithm based on chaos theo ry can be used to obtain the max im um output efficiency o f wind turbine generator under a certain restriction of installatio n size.Key words:wind turbine generator;parameter analy sis;o ptimal design0 引 言风力资源是一种清洁、安全和可再生的绿色能源。

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1 堵转时的电磁场分布
1.1 场路耦合分析














1.2 仿真结果与分析

本文仿真低速大转矩电机的主要参数为:额定功率5kW,额定电压220V,定子槽数48,极数10,定子铁心长度225 mm。







2 结束语



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