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第一章农产品绿色营销相关概念 (3)

1.1农产品绿色营销的含义 (3)

1.2农产品绿色营销的特点 (4)

1.2.1提倡绿色消费意识 (4)

1.2.2实行绿色促销策略 (4)

1.2.3采用绿色标志 (4)

1.3农产品绿色营销的意义 (4)

1.3.1保障人们的身体健康 (4)

1.3.2扩大农产品企业市场 (4)

1.3.3推动生态农业经济的可持续发展 (5)

1.3.4促进企业绿色文化建设 (5)

第二章我国农产品绿色营销现状 (5)

2.1绿色农产品种类繁多 (5)

2.2渠道层次多 (5)

2.3交易方式传统 (5)

2.4收益低 (6)

第三章我国农产品绿色营销SWOT分析 (6)

3.1优势分析 (6)

3.2劣势分析 (7)

3.3机会分析 (7)

3.4威胁分析 (7)

第四章我国农产品绿色营销中存在的问题 (8)

4.1绿色农产品种类少,创新不足 (8)

4.2绿色农产品价格制定不合理 (8)

4.3农产品绿色渠道不稳定 (8)

4.4农产品绿色促销力度小 (8)

4.5农产品绿色推广不全面 (9)

4.6缺少政府支持 (9)

第五章我国农产品绿色营销对策 (9)

5.1加大对绿色农产品的创新,增加农产品种类 (9)

5.2制定合理的绿色农产品价格 (9)

5.3建立稳定的绿色农产品营销渠道 (10)

5.3.1特许专卖渠道模式 (10)

5.3.2选择性分销渠道模式 (10)

5.3.3零层分销渠道模式 (10)

5.3.4龙头企业+农户渠道模式 (11)

5.3.5通路结构渠道模式 (11)

5.4增加农产品绿色促销手段 (11)

5.4.1特价促销 (11)

5.4.2抽奖促销 (11)

5.4.3广告促销 (12)

5.4.4增值服务促销 (12)

5.5做好绿色推广 (12)

5.5.1培养优秀的绿色销售人员 (12)

5.5.2加强绿色农产品的有形展示 (12)

5.5.3增加绿色农产品的服务形式 (12)

5.6加大政府对农产品绿色营销的支持 (13)

5.6.1政策支持 (13)

5.6.2经济支持 (13)

5.6.3服务支持 (13)

5.6.4人员支持 (13)

参考文献 (12)





Analysis on Green Marketing of Agricultural Products in China


With the advent of the 21st century, the society is developing continuously, people's awareness of environmental protection is gradually increasing, and they pay more attention to their health. Therefore, green food, especially green agricultural products, came into being. The word "green" is also understood by more and more people. With this green wave, green marketing gradually replaces traditional marketing and becomes the latest marketing mode for enterprises.

Due to the late start of green marketing in our country, although enterprises have made some achievements, there are still many problems in the implementation of the strategy. Therefore, this paper takes the agricultural product industry as an example and applies SWOT analysis to comprehensively analyze the internal and external environment of the agricultural product industry, thus analyzing and discussing the marketing environment and current situation of the agricultural product industry in our country. Based on the 7P theory of service marketing combination, the paper finds out the deficiencies in the green marketing of our enterprises, draws lessons from relevant foreign experiences, formulates green marketing strategies suitable for our country's national conditions and international trends, improves the competitiveness of our agricultural

product industry, and promotes the sustainable development of our economy.

key words:agricultural products, green marketing, green prices,green channel



