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条件句分两种:一种是真实条件句,一种是虚拟条件句。虚拟条件句,即指在一个虚拟假想的条件下来描述说话人想象的、非真实的情景,这些情景是不可能发生的,与客观事实相反。在这种条件句中,从句和主句都要用虚拟语气。虚拟条件句一般用if,unless (if not),

If I had enough money, I would go to the zoo with you.

If I had had enough money, I would have gone to the zoo with you.

If I should have enough money, I would go to the zoo with you.

If you were to examine the birth certificates of every soccer player in 2006’s World Cup Tournament, you would most likely find a noteworthy quirk: elite soccer players are most likely to have been born in the earlier months of the year than in the later months.

If railroads charged all customers the same average rate, they argue, shippers who have the option of switching to trucks or other forms of transportation would do so, leaving remaining customers to shoulder the cost of keeping the line.

on my mother’s going to Florida, she would be alive today.”

三、would rather引导的宾语从句的虚拟用法

would rather意为“宁愿、宁可”,其后的宾语从句用虚拟语气。would rather有时也写

四、as if、as though引导的方式状语从句

If I correct someone, I will do it with as much good humor and self-restraint as if I were the one being corrected.

Many immigrants in Salt Lake City were angered by the arrests and said they felt as if they were being treated like disposable goods.

as if / as though 也可不用于虚拟语气,而用陈述语气,表示事实有很大的可能性。这种情况常用在look, seem, appear, taste, smell, sound等后。

It seems as if the boy has lost his way.

There were clouds in the sky; it looks as if it is going to rain.



appropriate education, and have ordered that public schools take the necessary steps to provide that education.

Smith recommends that, whenever possible, you schedule a dental appointment or other discomforting events in the morning so you don’t spend the whole day worrying about it.

The suggestion that the mayor should present the prizes was accepted by everyone.


Theories concerning the individual suggest that children engage in criminal behavior because they were not sufficiently penalized for previous misdeeds or that they have learned criminal behavior through interactions with others.

The current state of affairs may have been encouraged – though not justified – by the lack of legal penalty (in America, but not Europe) for data leakage.

How many men would have considered the possibility of an apple falling up into the tree?


Without forgetting, adaptive ability would suffer, for example, learned behavior that might have been correct a decade ago may no longer be.

Without the prospect of such a monopoly, it is widely believed, there would be a diminished motivation to invent, and in the long run society as a whole would suffer from a slower rate of technological advance.


It is unthinkable that they should have denied my request.
