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基本语调: 升调
1. 普通疑问句: Have you been to London ↗before?
2. 问候句: Good ↗ morning. Goodbye ↗.
3. 含蓄句: Nobody else could have done
this ↗ better.
4. 表示委婉语气: Take it ↗ easy. I beg your ↗ pardon.
Lecture 4
Rhythm & Intonation
Rhythm of English Speech
Rhythm pattern in English is based on stress— variation of words or syllables that have strong stress with those that have weaker stress. English speakers
Rising tone for Politeness
♣ I’m so sorry. 太遗憾了。(同情) Keep on trying!(友好,激励) Pass me the vinegar, please?(客气) I beg your pardon?(请重复) Don’t leave! (委婉请别人留下) That’s right. (委婉表示同意) Don’t forget to write. (亲切)
incompleteness & uncertainty or questioning The falling-rising: feelings of hesitation,
contrast, reservation or doubt.
♣ Intonation and stress work together to express meaning. Intonation makes it easier for a listener to understand what a speaker is trying to convey.
make some parts of words or some words stronger and clearer than the rest.
Rhythm of English Speech
句子重音与弱音在连贯的句子中交替出现,形成了轻重交替、 抑扬顿挫、跌宕起伏的音乐节奏感,使话语说起来朗朗上口、 有起有伏,听起来节拍鲜明、优美动听。 从时间上来说,如果某一重读音节算一拍的话,那么,句中 的各轻读(弱化)音节则只有1/3至1/2拍。
Impressive remarks
Don't be afraid to ask questions. Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. I do that every day. Asking for help isn't a sign of weakness, it's a sign of strength because it shows you have the courage to admit when you don't know something, and that then allows you to learn something new.
Intonation Patterns
Low - Rise: Isn’t he NICE? Do you want some coffee? Do you need me to bring some newspaper? High-Rise: (Raising the voice to clarify or confirm) Taking up WHAT? She PASSED?
The end
The grammatical function
♣ 将句子按不同的意思分成小组或语群, 在不同小组之间予以适当的停顿,并加 以不同的语调,就会相应பைடு நூலகம்产生不同的 意思。
Those who sold quickly // made a profit. Those who sold // quickly made a profit.
Impressive remarks (read loudly)
These people succeeded because they understood that you can't let your failures define you -- you have to let your failures teach you. You have to let them show you what to do differently the next time. So if you get into trouble, that doesn't mean you're a troublemaker, it means you need to try harder to act right. If you get a bad grade, that doesn't mean you're stupid, it just means you need to spend more time studying.
The discourse function
♣ In speech, people often use intonation to focus the listener’s attention on aspects of the message that are most important. So the placement of the nucleus or tonic stress depends on the “information content”: the more predictable a word’s occurrence is in a given context, the lower its information content is. E.g.:
Pay attention to the rhythm in his speech, noticing how the alternation of weak forms and strong forms in his speaking helps him impress the audience.
If you see him, give him my message. I would like to buy a new one, if I could afford it. A quick tour of the city / would be nice.
Intonation Patterns
2. Keep the pigs, and the cows and the sheep.
3. Grow some beans, and some dates and some rice.
4. Buy me some maps, and some pens and some books.
5. Buy some more desks, and some chairs and some boards.

This is the book that I bought in the store on my visit to the

Unit 12 (录音开始部分) Listen for Stressed Words in 10 sentences.
1. Keep the dogs, and the cats and the snakes.
It’s a bit too good to be true , isn’t it?
Functions & Uses of English Intonation
Additional function: The falling intonation: completeness and
definiteness; The rising intonation:
Intonation Patterns
Mixed rise and fall: fall–rise & rise-fall Will you come or not? Would you like tea or coffee?
Before you make your decision on this, please think twice.
1. 陈述句: China is in the east of China and
it is a very large ↘country. 2. 特殊疑问句:
Where are you ↘ going? 3. 感叹句: ↘ Aha! ↘ Why? 4. 祈使句: Open the window, ↘ please.
Unit 13 (停止键左边处:第四五六七部分句子跟读):
Speaking – Falling/Rising/Falling-rising/ Intonation /Imitation
4 Intonation Patterns
♣ fall // low-rise // high-rise // mixed rise and fall
Impressive remarks
No one's born being good at all things. You become good at things through hard work. You're not a varsity athlete the first time you play a new sport. You don't hit every note the first time you sing a song. You've got to practice. The same principle applies to your schoolwork.
6. Buy me some meat, and some fish and some fruit.

Video Time
Listen to the remarks by the president in a national address to America’s school children.
Practice: Unit 15
♣ 建议听录音前四部分。
Types of Intonation in English
We call the melody of language intonation: the total pattern of pitch changes, i.e., the rising and falling of the voice when a person is speaking. Rising and falling are the two basic intonation patterns. When they go together, they can make a falling-rising tone.
The telephone is ringing.
The kettle is boiling.
In speech, people often use the following tone for new information and the rising or fallingrising for “shared” of “given” information.
Rise-Rise: expecting “yes” or “no”.
If I helped you / would you try again?
Despite his drawbacks / do you favor it or not?
Fall- Fall: for a positive answer