
1、 Talk about your favorite sport, your way to exercise, how do you like it and why?谈谈你最喜欢的运动,你的锻炼方式,你喜欢什么,为什么?My favorite sport is table tennis ,which is one of the most popular sports in China .It's a go way of exercise ,and it's easy to play .I often play table tennis after class with my friends view ,this sport don't need many skills .Focus on your gesture ,your hands and your steps ,you w 。
be better .I also work hard我最喜欢的运动是乒乓球,它是中国最受欢迎的运动之一,它是一个很好的锻炼的方式,并且很容易玩,我经常在课后打乒乓球和我的朋友在我看来,这项运动不需要许多技能.Focus你的姿态,你的手和你的步骤,你会更好,我也努力工作。
2. What role friendship plays in your life?友谊在你的生活中扮演什么角色?,friendship is as essential as water and air in our daily life .People As far as l am concernedcan hardly live without relationship .A true friendship ,poor or rich ,will comfort you when y are down and wipe away your tears when you cry .In this relationship ,you may be a speaker or a listener ,but in any role ,you are happy with your friends. Personally speaking ,the luckiest th the world is to have a true friend and go hand in hand with him/her .So if you have ,please cher him/her .在我看来,友谊是水和空气一样重要在我们的日常生活中人们很难谈资。

大学英语口语考试1. 考试概述大学英语口语考试是大学英语教学中一项重要的考试之一,旨在测试学生的口语交流能力和英语应用能力。
2. 考试形式大学英语口语考试通常由两部分组成:个人发言和交流对话。
2.1 个人发言个人发言是考察学生独立表达能力的环节,学生需要准备一个话题并在规定时间内进行发言。
2.2 交流对话交流对话是考察学生交际能力的环节,考官会与考生进行对话,模拟真实的日常交流情景。
3. 考试内容大学英语口语考试的内容涵盖了广泛的话题范围,如日常生活、学习、文化、社会等。
以下是一些常见的考试题目示例:•Describe your hometown.•What is your favorite book and why?•Should students be required to wear uniforms at school?考生需要根据题目用流利的英语进行表达,展示自己的语言能力和思维能力。
4. 考试准备为了在大学英语口语考试中取得好成绩,考生需要做好充分准备。
4.1 提前练习口语表达考生可以通过参加英语角、与外教或其他英语母语人士交流等方式提前练习口语表达能力。
4.2 积累词汇和短语考生需要通过阅读、听力等多种途径积累丰富的词汇和常用短语。
4.3 模拟练习考生可以找到一些大学英语口语考试的模拟题目,进行模拟练习。

Alice: Good morning, and welcome to the English speaking test. My name is Alice, and I'll be your examiner today. How areyou feeling?Bob: Good morning, Alice. I'm feeling a bit nervous, but I'm ready to give it my best shot.Alice: That's the spirit! Let's start with some basic questions. Can you tell me a little about yourself?Bob: Certainly. My name is Bob, and I'm a junior majoring in computer science. I enjoy coding and playing basketball in my free time.Alice: Interesting. What do you think about the role of technology in education?Bob: I believe technology plays a crucial role in education.It can make learning more interactive and accessible, especially with the rise of online courses and digital resources.Alice: That's a thoughtful perspective. Now, let's move on to a more specific topic. How do you feel about the current environmental issues, and what steps do you think individuals can take to help?Bob: I'm quite concerned about climate change and pollution.I think everyone should try to reduce their carbon footprint by using public transportation, recycling, and conserving energy.Alice: Great insights. Lastly, can you describe a memorable experience you've had recently?Bob: Just last week, I volunteered at a local food bank. It was a humbling experience, and it made me realize the importance of community service.Alice: Thank you for sharing that, Bob. It sounds like a very meaningful experience. That concludes our conversation for today. Good luck with the rest of your test.Bob: Thank you, Alice. I appreciate your time and the opportunity to speak today.这段对话涵盖了自我介绍、观点表达和个人经历分享,这些都是大学英语口语考试中常见的话题。

英语四级口语考试规则及备考全攻略英语四级口语考试规则及备考全攻略如下:一、考试规则1. 考试对象:大学英语四、六级考试口语考试(CET Spoken English Test,简称CET-SET)用于考察大学生运用英语进行口头交际的能力。
2. 考试内容与时间分配:自我介绍:每位考生发言20秒。
3. 注意事项:考生须按时到达考场,遵守考场纪律。
二、备考攻略1. 提高口语能力:多听:通过听英语广播、看英语电影等方式提高听力理解能力。
2. 熟悉考试形式:了解考试流程和形式,有助于更好地应对考试。
3. 制定复习计划:制定详细的复习计划,合理分配时间,把握每个部分的复习重点。
4. 模拟考试:模拟考试可以帮助考生熟悉考试形式和流程,提高应对能力。
5. 加强词汇积累:增加词汇量,特别注意常用表达方式和口语词汇的积累。
6. 注意语音语调:正确的语音语调是口语表达的重要一环,注意模仿和练习。
7. 练习口语表达:通过练习口语表达,提高语言组织和表达能力。
8. 熟悉常见话题:了解和熟悉常见话题,提前准备相关词汇和表达方式。
9. 注意个人形象:在考试中保持良好的形象,包括穿着得体、仪态端庄等。
10. 放松心态:保持冷静和自信,不要过于紧张,相信自己能够通过考试。

考生可以期待以下可能的话题:1. 自我介绍:包括个人信息、兴趣爱好、学习经历等。
2. 家庭与朋友:描述家庭成员、朋友关系等。
3. 学习与生活:谈论学校生活、课程喜好、学习方法等。
4. 旅行与文化:分享旅行经验、文化差异等。
5. 工作与职业:讨论职业规划、工作经历等。
6. 环境与社会问题:讨论环境保护、社会责任等。
7. 个人观点与看法:就各种话题发表个人意见。
三、考试要求1. 流利的口语表达:考生需要具备流利自然的口语表达能力,能够使用准确且恰当的词汇和语法,表达清晰的观点。
2. 理解和回答问题:考生需要能够准确理解考官的问题,并能够给出合适的回答。
3. 灵活应对:考生需要能够在有限时间内适应和回应考官的提问,展示出自己的思维灵活性。
4. 合理的思考时间:考生可以在回答问题之前花费一定时间思考,但不应过长,要避免思考时间过长导致回答时间不足。
5. 合作与互动:考生需要与考官进行有效的交流和互动,包括提问对方问题和就观点进行进一步探讨。
四、备考技巧1. 大量练习口语:多参加口语训练和练习,提升自己的口语表达能力。
2. 模拟考场:找朋友或语言伙伴模拟考试环境,在规定时间内进行个人陈述和问答练习。


这包括:1. 加强词汇学习:扩大词汇量是提高英语口语能力的基础。
2. 练习发音:正确的发音对于口语表达至关重要。
3. 模拟练习:学生可以与同学或老师进行模拟对话练习,这有助于提高他们的口语流利度和自信心。
4. 准备自我介绍:学生应该提前准备一个简短而有趣的自我介绍,这样可以在考试中给考官留下良好的第一印象。
5. 关注时事:了解一些时事新闻和热门话题,可以帮助学生在话题讨论环节中有更多的素材和观点。
6. 学习礼貌用语:在口语考试中,使用礼貌用语可以给考官留下良好的印象。
7. 保持冷静:考试时保持冷静和自信,即使遇到不熟悉的话题或问题,也要尽量保持镇定,用已知的词汇和表达来回答问题。

大学英语口语试题及答案一、口语表达(共20分,每题5分)1. 描述你最喜欢的一部电影,并解释为什么喜欢它。
2. 谈谈你对环境保护的看法。
3. 描述一次你难忘的旅行经历。
4. 讨论一下你认为大学生活中最重要的三个技能。
二、角色扮演(共30分)5. 假设你是学生会主席,需要组织一次校园文化节。
三、情景对话(共50分)6. 你和你的朋友正在讨论即将到来的期末考试。

1. 教育的重要性教育是社会发展的基石,它对于个人的成长和职业发展都至关重要。
2. 环境保护随着全球环境问题的日益严峻,环境保护成为了一个热门话题。
3. 社交媒体的影响社交媒体已经成为现代生活的一部分,它在信息传播、人际交往等方面发挥着重要作用。
4. 科技发展与人类生活科技的快速发展正在改变我们的生活方式。
5. 文化多样性与全球化随着全球化的推进,不同文化之间的交流和融合日益频繁。
6. 健康与生活方式健康是每个人都关心的话题。
7. 职业规划与个人发展在大学期间,学生们需要开始考虑自己的职业规划。
8. 旅游与文化交流旅游不仅是一种休闲活动,也是一种文化交流的方式。
9. 公共政策与社会公平公共政策对社会公平有着重要影响。

Part 1: Introduction and Personal Information1. Introduce yourself briefly. (1-2 minutes)2. Describe your hometown or the place where you grew up. (1-2 minutes)3. Discuss your hobbies and interests. (1-2 minutes)Part 2: Opinion SharingChoose one topic and express your opinion. (2-3 minutes)1. Should universities focus more on practical skills or theoretical knowledge?2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?3. Is it important for young people to learn a second language?Part 3: Problem SolvingChoose one problem and propose a solution. (2-3 minutes)1. How can we encourage more people to use public transportation?2. What can be done to reduce plastic waste in everyday life?3. How should schools improve mental health support for students?Part 4: Role PlayChoose one situation and act it out with the examiner. (3-4 minutes)1. Situation: You are a customer at a restaurant and there is a problem with your order. Role play the conversation with the waiter.2. Situation: You are planning a trip with a friend. Role play the conversation where you discuss the destination, activities, and logistics.3. Situation: You are organizing a fundraising event for a local charity. Role play the conversation with a potential sponsor discussing the benefits of sponsorship and details of the event.---Instructions for Students:- You will have 1 minute to prepare for each part before you begin speaking.- Each part should last between 2 to 4 minutes.- Speak clearly and confidently, and feel free to ask the examiner to repeat a question if you didn’t catch it.Scoring Criteria:- Fluency: Ability to speak smoothly and without hesitation.- Coherence: Organization of ideas and logical flow.- Vocabulary and Grammar: Appropriateness and accuracy of language used.- Pronunciation and Intonation: Clarity and naturalness of speech.---This sample exam covers a range of skills and scenarios that a student might encounter in the English-speaking world, helping to assess their ability to communicate effectively in different contexts. Adjust the timing and topics as needed based on your specific exam requirements.。

目前有7个题型,Reading aloud用于Band 1-2。每套题至少要包括以下4-5个题型。 Reading aloud Listening and speaking Questions and answers Comment on English sayings and quotations Describing pictures Talking about movies Group discussion
Hints: Numerous UFO photos in the world can show UFOs are alien spacecraft. Many planets outside the solar system are similar to the Earth. So there is a possibility that aliens do exist. Nearly all photographs are blurry and many have been proved to be forgeries. There is no evidence of intelligent aliens living anywhere in our solar system or in outer space. [准备时间:20 seconds] [答题时间:60 seconds]
Part 4 Discussion [5 minutes, 20 points]
Each group is composed of three students – Student A, Student B and Student C.

1. 自我介绍:请简单介绍一下你自己,包括你的兴趣爱好、家庭背景等。
2. 描述事物或场景:请描述一下你曾经去过的一个地方、你的理想家园或者你最喜欢的节日。
3. 表达观点或态度:请谈谈你对大学生活的看法、对未来职业的规划或者对某个社会现象的看法。
4. 角色扮演:请扮演某个角色,并进行简单的对话或表演。

英语口语考试试题及参考答案Part I: Self-introduction (20 points)Good morning/afternoon, dear examiners. My name is Li Hua, and I am 20 years old, currently a junior at Beijing Foreign Studies University, majoring in English. I have a strong passion for English language and culture, which is why I chose to pursue my studies in this field. In my spare time, I enjoy reading English novels and watching English movies to improve my listening and speaking skills. I also participate in various English speaking contests and clubs to practice my language abilities. I believe that with my dedication and effort, I can achieve a high level of proficiency in English.Part II: Picture Description (30 points)The first picture depicts a serene landscape with a river flowing through a lush green valley. On the banks of the river, we can see a group of children playing and laughing as they splash water on each other. The clear blue sky is dotted with a few fluffy white clouds, and in the background, there are mountains that add to the tranquility of the scene. The overall mood of the picture is one of joy and peacefulness.The second picture shows a bustling cityscape with tall skyscrapers and busy streets. People are rushing to and from their destinations, and there are cars and buses congesting the roads. The atmosphere here is quite different from thefirst picture; it's filled with energy and movement. The city lights up with a myriad of colors at night, creating avibrant contrast to the natural beauty of the first scene.Part III: Opinion Sharing (30 points)The topic of discussion is the impact of social media on modern society. In my opinion, social media has significantly changed the way we communicate and share information. It has made the world a smaller place by connecting people from different parts of the globe. We can now easily keep in touch with friends and family, regardless of the distance.However, the overuse of social media also has its downsides.It can lead to a decrease in face-to-face interactions andmay cause people to become more isolated. Additionally, the spread of misinformation and cyberbullying are issues that we need to address. It's important to use social mediaresponsibly and critically evaluate the information we come across.Part IV: Debate (20 points)The motion for the debate is "The advancement of technology has more positive effects than negative ones on individuals' lives." I stand in favor of this motion. The progress of technology has brought about numerous conveniences, such as faster communication, easier access to information, and improved healthcare. It has also created new jobopportunities and has the potential to solve complex problems, such as climate change and disease control.While acknowledging that technology can lead to issues like privacy concerns and digital divide, I believe that theoverall benefits outweigh these drawbacks. By implementing proper regulations and education, we can mitigate thenegative impacts and ensure that technology serves as a force for good in our society.参考答案:Part I: 自我介绍各位考官,早上好/下午好。

大学英语四级口语考试试卷Part 1: Introduction and Warm-up (5 minutes)1. Introduction- Examiner introduces themselves and explains the structure of the exam.- Examiner asks the candidate to introduce themselves (name, university, hobbies, interests).Part 2: Individual Presentation (3 minutes)2. Topic: Environmental Issues- Candidate chooses one of the following topics:a. Climate change and its effectsb. Pollution and its impact on healthc. Conservation of natural resources- Candidate prepares a brief presentation (2 minutes) on the chosen topic.- Examiner may ask follow-up questions related to the presentation (1 minute).Part 3: Interactive Task (7 minutes)3. Discussion on a Contemporary Issue- Examiner and candidate discuss a current issue related to education, technology, or society.- Example topics:a. The impact of social media on interpersonal relationshipsb. Online learning versus traditional classroom educationc. The role of AI in the future job market-Discussion includes exchanging opinions, giving reasons, and responding to each other (5 minutes).Part 4: Role Play (5 minutes)4. Role Play Scenario: Problem-solving in a Workplace- Examiner provides a workplace scenario (e.g., conflict resolution, project management).- Candidate and examiner assume roles and perform a short role play (3 minutes).- Roles may include manager and employee, colleagues with differing opinions, etc.- Candidate demonstrates problem-solving skills and effective communication.Part 5: Conclusion and Feedback (5 minutes)5. Conclusion- Examiner wraps up the exam and thanks the candidate for their participation.- Candidate briefly reflects on their performance and experiences during the exam.Evaluation Criteria:- Fluency and coherence in speech- Vocabulary range and accuracy- Grammatical range and accuracy- Pronunciation and intonation- Ability to express and support opinions- Engagement and interaction in discussions and role plays。

大学英语四级口语考试试卷---Part 1: Self-Introduction (1-2 minutes)You will be given 1-2 minutes to introduce yourself. You should include your name, major, interests, and any other relevant information about yourself.Example Questions:1. What is your name and major?2. Why did you choose your major?3. What are your hobbies and interests?4. What are your future career plans?---Part 2: Individual Presentation (3 minutes)You will be given a topic to prepare a short presentation. You have 1 minute to prepare and 2 minutes to present your ideas.Sample Topics:1. The importance of learning a second language.2. The impact of technology on education.3. How to balance study and leisure time.4. The benefits of participating in extracurricular activities.---Part 3: Pair Discussion (4-5 minutes)You and a partner will be given a topic to discuss. You should take turns to express your opinions and ask each other questions to deepen the discussion.Sample Topics:1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping.2. How can universities better support students' mental health?3. Should students be allowed to use mobile phones in class?4. The role of social media in modern communication.---Part 4: Question and Answer (2-3 minutes)The examiner will ask you follow-up questions based on your presentation and discussion. You should answer the questions thoughtfully and provide detailed explanations.Example Questions:1. Can you explain more about the challenges of learning a second language?2. How do you think technology will change education in the next decade?3. What strategies do you use to manage your time effectively?4. Can you give an example of how an extracurricular activity has benefited you? ---Notes for Students:- Speak clearly and confidently.- Make sure to structure your answers with a clear beginning, middle, and end. - Provide examples to support your points.- Engage with your partner during the discussion.- Listen carefully to the examiner’s questions and answer them fully.Good luck with your exam!。

大学英语口语课程真题试卷一、听力理解(共 20 小题,每题 2 分,共 40 分)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear five short conversations At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once After each question there will be a pause During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centreConversation 1W: I'm so tired of cooking I think I'll eat out tonightM: That's a good idea But where do you want to go?Q: What does the woman say?A) She is good at cookingB) She doesn't like cookingC) She wants to learn how to cookD) She often eats outConversation 2M: I'm going to the library to return some books Do you want to come with me?W: No, thanks I have to finish my homeworkQ: What is the woman going to do?A) Go to the libraryB) Return some booksC) Finish her homeworkD) Accompany the manConversation 3W: The weather is so nice today Let's go for a walkM: That sounds great But I have to clean my room firstQ: What will the man do first?A) Go for a walkB) Clean his roomC) Enjoy the nice weatherD) Do nothingConversation 4M: Can I borrow your bike this afternoon?W: Sorry, I'm using it myselfQ: What does the woman mean?A) The man can borrow her bikeB) She will lend the bike to the man laterC) The man can't borrow her bikeD) She doesn't have a bikeConversation 5W: What time does the movie start?M: It starts at eight o'clockQ: When does the movie start?A) At seven o'clockB) At eight o'clockC) At nine o'clockD) At ten o'clockSection BDirections: In this section, you will hear two long conversations At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D) Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centreConversation 6Questions 6 to 9 are based on the conversation you have just heard W: Hi, Tom How was your weekend?M: Not bad I went hiking with some friendsW: That sounds like fun Where did you go?M: We went to a mountain near the city The view was amazing W: How long did it take you to get there?M: About two hours by busW: Did you stay overnight?M: No, we came back the same dayQ 6: What did Tom do on the weekend?A) Went shoppingB) Went hikingC) Visited friendsD) Stayed at homeQ 7: Where did Tom go hiking?A) A mountain far from the cityB) A mountain near the cityC) A park in the cityD) A forest outside the cityQ 8: How did Tom get there?A) By carB) By busC) By trainD) By bikeQ 9: Did Tom stay overnight?A) Yes, he didB) No, he didn'tC) We don't knowD) He stayed for two daysConversation 7Questions 10 to 13 are based on the conversation you have just heardM: Hi, Mary I heard you got a new job How is it going?W: It's great I really like it I'm working as a salesperson in a big companyM: That sounds good What do you do exactly?W: I mainly contact clients, introduce our products and try to make salesM: Is it challenging?W: Yes, but it's also very rewarding I get to meet different people and learn a lotM: How many hours do you work a day?W: Usually eight hours, but sometimes I have to work overtimeQ 10: What is Mary's new job?A) A secretaryB) A salespersonC) A managerD) A teacherQ 11: What does Mary mainly do in her job?A) Answer phonesB) Type documentsC) Contact clients and make salesD) Organize meetingsQ 12: Is Mary's job challenging?A) No, it isn'tB) Yes, it isC) We don't knowD) SometimesQ 13: How many hours does Mary work a day usually?A) Six hoursB) Eight hoursC) Ten hoursD) Twelve hoursSection CDirections: In this section, you will hear one passage After the passage, you will hear five questions Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D) Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centrePassageQuestions 14 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heardThe Internet has changed the way we live and work It has made communication easier and faster We can now send emails, chat online and make video calls to people all over the world The Internet also provides a lot of information We can search for anything we want to know, such as history, science, and culture Moreover, we can shop, watch movies, and play games online However, the Internet also has some disadvantages For example, some people spend too much time online and neglect their real life Some websites contain bad information that is not suitable for children We need to use the Internet wisely and safelyQ 14: What has the Internet made communication like?A) Difficult and slowB) Easy and fastC) Boring and tiringD) Complicated and confusingQ 15: What can we do on the Internet?A) Only send emailsB) Only chat onlineC) Only make video callsD) Send emails, chat online, make video calls and moreQ 16: What kind of information can we find on the Internet?A) Only historyB) Only scienceC) Only cultureD) All kinds of informationQ 17: What are the disadvantages of the Internet?A) It has no disadvantagesB) Some people spend too much time onlineC) Some websites have bad informationD) Both B and CQ 18: How should we use the Internet?A) FreelyB) CarelesslyC) Wisely and safelyD) Randomly二、口语表达(共 3 小题,每题 20 分,共 60 分)Task 1: Personal IntroductionIntroduce yourself to your classmates You should include your name, major, hobbies and your future plansTask 2: Topic DiscussionDiscuss the following topic with your partner: "The advantages and disadvantages of online learning" You should express your opinions clearly and give examples to support your ideasTask 3: RoleplayImagine you are a customer in a restaurant You are not satisfied with the food and service Complain to the waiter/waitress and try to solve the problem。

答案:My name is [Your Name], I am [Your Age] years old, andI come from [Your Hometown]. I am currently studying [Your Major] at [Your University]. In my spare time, I enjoy [Your Hobbies].二、日常对话(Daily Conversation)假设你和朋友在咖啡馆,你想要点一杯拿铁咖啡。
问题:What would you like to order?答案:I would like to order a latte, please.问题:Would you like it with sugar or milk?答案:Yes, I would like it with a bit of milk, please.三、情景对话(Situational Dialogue)你是一名留学生,需要向教授请假。
问题:Can I talk to you about something, Professor?答案:Of course, what is it about?问题:I need to ask for a leave of absence for a few days due to a family emergency.答案:I understand. Please make sure to catch up with the coursework and let me know if you need any help.四、观点表述(Expressing Opinions)请用英语表达你对在线教育的看法。


在准备考试时,学生应该注重以下几个方面:1. 发音练习:通过模仿标准发音材料,如英语广播、电影、电视剧等,来提高自己的发音准确性和自然度。
2. 语法学习:通过系统学习英语语法规则,确保在口语表达中语法结构的正确性。
3. 词汇积累:广泛阅读和记忆英语词汇,尤其是与日常生活、学术和商务相关的专业词汇。
4. 模拟练习:通过模拟考试环境进行口语练习,提高在压力下的口语表达能力。
5. 交际策略:学习并运用有效的交际策略,如礼貌用语、话题转换、意见表达等,以提高交流的流畅性和效率。
在这些环节中,考生需要做到以下几点:- 自我介绍:清晰、简洁地介绍自己的基本信息,如姓名、学校、专业等,并能够适当展开,谈论自己的兴趣爱好或未来规划。
- 描述图片:观察图片细节,使用恰当的词汇和句型描述图片内容,并能够根据图片内容展开讨论。
- 讨论话题:针对给定话题,能够提出自己的观点,并用合理的论据支持自己的观点,同时能够倾听并回应其他考生的意见。

1.在英语口语交流中,当你想表达“我完全同意你的观点”时,最恰当的表达是:A.I totally agree with you.(答案)B.I don't care about it.C.I have no idea.D.I disagree with you.2.如果你想在英语口语考试中提出一个问题,询问对方对某个话题的看法,你应该怎么说?A.What do you think about this topic?(答案)B.I don't like this topic.C.This topic is boring.D.Can you finish this topic?3.在英语口语对话中,如何礼貌地请求对方重复他们刚才说的话?A.Could you please repeat that?(答案)B.Speak faster, I can't understand.C.I don't want to hear it again.D.Stop talking.4.当你想要表达“这个主意听起来很有趣”时,在英语口语中应该怎么说?A.This idea sounds interesting.(答案)B.This idea is boring.C.I don't like this idea.D.This idea is stupid.5.在英语口语考试中,如果你想要表示你不太确定某个问题的答案,你可以怎么说?A.I'm not sure about the answer.(答案)B.I know the answer very well.C.I don't want to answer this question.D.This question is too easy.6.当你想要在英语口语中表达“我不同意你的看法”时,最恰当的表达是:A.I disagree with your opinion.(答案)B.I agree with you.C.I don't understand you.D.I don't care about your opinion.7.在英语口语对话中,如何询问对方的联系方式?A.What's your contact information?(答案)B.Give me your money.C.Where do you live?D.What's your name?8.当你想要在英语口语中表示“我需要更多时间来思考这个问题”时,你应该怎么说?A.I need more time to think about this question.(答案)B.I already know the answer.C.This question is too difficult.D.I don't want to think about it.9.在英语口语考试中,如果你想要请求老师给你一些提示来帮助你回答问题,你可以怎么说?A.Could you please give me some hints?(答案)B.I don't need any help.C.This question is too easy for me.D.I want to leave the exam.10.当你想要在英语口语中表达“这是一个很好的机会”时,最恰当的表达是:A.This is a great opportunity.(答案)B.This is a waste of time.C.I don't like this opportunity.D.This opportunity is boring.。
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I hope you don’t mind my asking, but I’d like to konw…
I wonder if you could tell me…
Excuse me, do you happen to know…?
Well, let me see…
The piont I’m trying to make is that…
Let me put it another way.
Personally, I think/ feel/ believe/ suppose…
My view on… is that…
As far as I’m concerned,…
As i see it,…
I’m afraid I didn’t quite catch you.
I’m afraid I’m not quite clear about…
Sorry, I can’t follow you.
Could you repeat the question, please?
I couldn’t agree more.
My own view is precisely the same.
That’s exactly what I’m thinking about. I’m with you on that.
That’s true, but…
Mm, possibly.
I see what you mean, but…
I’m not sure.
Well, that depends.
I don’t think so, really.
I was wondering if you’d ever thought of…Why don’t you…?
You’d better…
Perhaps we could…
Well, I’ve heard that…
Sometimes I think that…
Eexcuse me, but…
Sorry for interrupting, but…
If I’ve understand correctly…
Could you tell me more about…? Would you mind telling me more about? Something else I’d like to know is…被人误解,立即解释
That’s not exactly what I mean.
Let me put it another way.
What I’m trying to say is…
I’m sorry, but I really don’t know. I’ve got no idea.
I wish I could…, but