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adventitious roots -- A root that grows from somewhere other than the primary root, for example, roots that arise from stems or leaves.

alternation of generations -- Life cycle in which haploid and diploid generations alternate with each other.

anemophily -- Seed plants which are pollinated by wind are said to be anemophilous.

angiosperm -- n. A group of plants that produce seeds enclosed within an ovary, which may mature into a fruit; flowering plants. anther -- The pollen producing tip of a stamen; part of a flower. More info?

antheridium -- The organ on a gametophyte plant which produces the sperm cells.

anthophyte -- A flowering plant, or any of its closest relatives, such as the Bennettitales, Gnetales, or Pentoxylales.

apical meristem -- Group of cells at the growing tip of a branch or root. It divides cells to create new tissues.

archegonium -- The organ on a gametophyte plant which produces the egg cell, and nurtures the young sporophyte.

axil -- The angle formed between a leaf stalk and the stem to which it is attached. In flowering plants, buds develop in the axils of leaves. bipinnate -- Describing a pinnate leaf in which the leaflets themselves are further subdivided in a pinnate fashion.

bisporangiate -- When a flower or cone produces both megaspores and microspores, it is said to be bisporangiate. Most flowers are bisporangiate.

blade -- Any broad and flattened region of a plant or alga, which allows for increased photosynthetic surface area.

bract -- Any reduced leaf-like structure associated with a cone or flower.

bryophyte -- Plants in which the gametophyte generation is the larger, persistent phase; they generally lack conducting tissues. Bryophytes include the Hepaticophyta (liverworts), Anthocerotophyta (hornworts), and Bryophyta (mosses).

carpel -- A unit of the pistil; it is evolutionarily a modified leaf.

cataphyll -- In cycads, a scale-like modified leaf which protects the developing true leaves.

columella -- A small column of tissue which runs up through the center of a spore capsule. It is present in hornworts, mosses, and some rhyniophytes.

compound leaves -- n. Leaves with two or more leaflets attached to a single leaf stem.

cotyledon -- n. The "seed leaves" produced by the embryo of a seed plant that serve to absorb nutrients packaged in the seed, until the seedling is able to produce its first true leaves and begin photosynthesis; the number of cotyledons is a key feature for the identification of the two major groups of flowering plants.

elater -- A cell or part of a cell which assists in dispersing spores. The elaters change shape as they lose or acquire water, and they will then push against surrounding spores.

embryophyte -- Synonym for the Plantae, as here defined. It includes all green photosynthetic organisms which begin the development of the sporophyte generation within the archegonium.

enations -- Flaps of tissue such as those found on psilophytes.

endodermis -- Literally "inner skin", this is a layer of cells which surrounds the central core of vascular tissue, and which helps to regulate the flow of water and dissolved substances.

entomophily -- Seed plants which are pollinated by insects are said to be entomophilous.

epiphyte -- A plant which grows upon another plant. The epiphyte does not "eat" the plant on which it grows, but merely uses the plant for structural support, or as a way to get off the ground and into the
