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The second stop Purpose: to go to a place with wildlife _p_r_ot_e_c_ti_o_n_ Place: Zimbabwe Animal: African _e_l_e_p_h_an_t_ Situation: used to be hunted with numbers decreasing rapidly Result: now being protected by farmers making money from _to_u_r_is_m__/_t_ou_r_i_st_s_
Part two:
•What was the situation about elephant ? Farmers used to hunt them.
•How did life improve for the farmers in Zimbabwe? The government helped and the farmers made a lot of money from the tourism.
The main idea of each part:
Part 1(para 1) Why we need wildlife protection Part 2(para 2) A good example of wildlife protection Part 3(para 3-4) What we can get from wildlife protection
Find out the main idea of the passageC: A. It is about some protection of wildlife.
B. It is about a journey of a flying carpet.
C. It is about Daisy’s wonderful experience with some animals.
Unit 4
Wildlife protection
What other endangered animals do you know of?
red-crowned crane 丹顶鹤
green peacock 绿孔雀(爪哇孔雀)
camel 双峰驼、野驼
Chinese alligator 扬子鳄
Part onwenku.baidu.com:
1. How did the antelope feel? The antelope felt sad.
2. Why are people hunting and killing the Tibetan antelopes? In order to get the wool which is used to make sweaters.
can protect us from mosquitoes
Result: Daisy plans to tell WWF about
the drug.
Part three:
•Why did the monkey rub itself? Because this protects it from mosquitoes. •Why is the thick rain forest important for animals? Because different kinds of animals can live together.
Daisy been to?
What is the main idea of the passage?
Zimbabwe rainforest
Which para: para1
With the help of the ______f_ly_in_g_c_a_r_pet
Yak (牦牛)
dolphin 中华白海豚, 是世界濒危物种
Chinese sturgeon 中华鲟
Why are they in danger?
They are being killed and hunted by people. They have not enough food. Their habitat(栖息地) is being destroyed
or changed. They are being killed by other animals. …
How Daisy learned to help wildlife
1. Is it a true story? Why? 2. How many animals are
mentioned in the story? 3. How many places has
The structure of this passage
The first stop Purpose: to see some _en_d_a_n_g_e_r_ed__w_i_ld_l_if_e_ Place: _T__ib_e_t_ Animal: _T_i_b_e_ta_n__a_nt_e_lo_p_e_ Situation: being hunted for the wool under its stomach Result: numbers are _d_e_cr_e_a_s_in_g_ rapidly
give a lot of money to
tour companies
make money from
happy with
The third stop Purpose: to go to a place where the WWF is involved Place: _r_a_i_n_fo_r_e_s_t_ Animal: __a__m_i_ll_i_p_e_d_e_i_n_s_ec_t___ Situation: produces a drug naturally which