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Stwenku.baidu.comre all reagents at 2-8°C Collect sample: serum or blood plasma
7. 自动处理:使用 logit-log 或四参数数据处理模式,由电脑自动计算 得出结果。
8. 敏感度:0.01ng/ml; 9. 图例
Human Angiotensin 2 Receptor 1 Autoantibodies ELISA Kit
96 Tests Catalogue Number: E01A0207
注意事项 1. 试剂准备:所有试剂都必须在使用前达到室温,使用后请立即按照说 明书要求保存。实验操作中必须使用一次性吸头,避免交叉污染。 2. 加样:加样时,要控制加样速度,避免第一孔与最后一孔之见的时间 间隔过大,否则将会导致不同的预孵育时间,从而影响实验的准确性以 及重复性;一般加样时间控制在 10 分钟内,如果样本数量过多,可使用 多道移液器。 3. 孵育:样品要在密闭的容器内进行孵育,严格按照说明书上规定的孵 育时间和温度进行。 4. 洗涤:洗涤过程中反应孔中的残留的洗涤液应在滤纸上充分拍干,同 时要消除板 底残留的液 体和 手指痕迹,避免 影响最 后的 酶标 仪读数。 5. 反应时间的控制:加入底物后请定时观察反应孔的颜色变化(比如,10 分钟左右),如果颜色较深,请提前加入终止液终止反应。 6. 建议实验前预测样品含量,如样品浓度过高,应对样品进行稀释,计 算结果时乘以相应的稀释倍数。 7. 建议使用本试剂盒时先做预实验(即先做标准曲线,试用几个标本), 如果对本试剂盒有任何疑问,可和所购经销商联系,如果因运输过程导 致试剂盒失效,可要求调换,但概不承担产品本身以外的任何损失。
1、表达上清(非融合性蛋白) 直接将培养物和上清吸出,10000rmp x10min, 取上清,-20℃或 4℃保 存,作为标本进行检测,如有需要可进行透析或纯化处理; 2、菌体裂解物(融合性蛋白) 直接将培养物和上清吸出,10000rmp x10min,弃上清,沉淀用 PBS 洗 一遍,500-800rmp x10min,弃上清,DDW 重悬沉淀,冰水浴中用超声 波裂解仪进行裂解,10000rmp x10min,取上清,-20℃或 4℃保存,作为 标本进行检测,如有需 要可进行透析或纯化处理;
INTENDED USE This B.G AT1R-AA ELISA kit is intended Laboratory for Research use only and is not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.The Stop Solution changes the color from blue to yellow and the intensity of the color is measured at 450 nm using a spectrophotometer. In order to measure the concentration of AT1R-AA in the sample, this AT1R-AA ELISA Kit includes a set of calibration standards. The calibration standards are assayed at the same time as the samples and allow the operator to produce a standard curve of Optical Density versus AT1R-AA concentration. The concentration of AT1R-AA in the samples is then determined by comparing the O.D. of the samples to the standard curve. PRINCIPLE OF THE ASSAY The coated well immunoenzymatic assay for the quantitative measurement of serum AT1R-AA utilizes a monoclonal anti-AT1R-AA and a AT1R-AAHRP conjugate. The assay asample and buffer are incubated together with anti-AT1R-AA antibody coated plate for sixty and washed. The diluted AT1R-AA-HRP conjugate is then added to each well and incubated. After the incubation period, the wells are decanted and washed three times. The wells are then incubated with a substrate for the enzyme. The product of the enzyme-substrate reaction forms a blue colored complex. Finally, a stopping solution is added to stop the reaction, which will then turn the solution yellow.The intensity of color is measured spectrophotometrically at 450nm in a microplate reader. The intensity of the color is inversely proportional to the AT1R-AA concentration since AT1R-AA from samples and AT1R-AAHRP conjugate compete for the anti-AT1R-AA antibody binding site. Since the number of sites is limited, as more sites are occupied by AT1R-AA from the sample, fewer sites are left to bind AT1R-AA-HRP conjugate.Standards of known AT1R-AA concentrations are run concurrently with the samples being assayed and a standard curve is plotted relating the intensity of the color (Optical Density)
持稳定的温度与湿度) 6. 充分清洗酶标板 3-5 次,保持各孔有充足的水压;(浓缩洗涤液以 1:
100 的比例与蒸馏水稀释) 7. 酶标板洗涤后用吸水纸彻底拍干; 8. 各孔加入显色剂 A、B 液各 50μl;(不含空白对照孔) 9. 20-25℃下避光反应 15 分钟; 10. 各孔加入 50μl 终止液,终止反应;
SAMPLE COLLECTION AND STORAGE Serum- Use a serum separator tube(SST) and allow samples to clot for 30minutes before centrifugation for 15minutes at approximately 1000 x g.Remove serum and assay immediately or aliquot and store samples at -20 °C or -80°C. Plasma - Collect plasma using EDTA or heparin as an anticoagulant.Centrifuge samples for 15 minutes at 1000 x g at 2-8°C within 30minutes of collection.Store samples at -20°C or -80°C.Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles. Cell culture fluid and other biological fluids - Remove particulates by centrifugation and assay immediately or aliquot and store samples at -20°C
6. 人工处理:以标准浓度取 log 值为横坐标,对应的 logit 值为纵坐标 在普通坐标纸上或以标准浓度为横坐标,对应的 B/B0 为纵坐标在 logit-log 坐标纸上画出标准曲线(理想化时是一条直线)。根据待 测样品的 B/B0 可以从坐标纸上查出样品的浓度值。如果使用普通 坐标纸,查出的数值应取反对数才是最后的浓度值。
温(20-25℃)内进行。 2. 取出酶标板,按照标准品的次序分别加入 100μl 的标准品溶液于空
白微孔中。 3. 空白微孔中加入 100μl 的样品,空白对照加入 100μl 的蒸馏水; 4. 在各孔中加入 50μl 的酶标记溶液;(不含空白对照孔) 5. 将酶标板用封口胶密封后,37℃孵育反应 1 小时;(在孵育箱中保
结果判断 1. 30 分钟内在波长 450nm 的酶标仪上读取各孔的 OD 值; 2. 百分结合率计算:设 S0 管计数为 B0,各标准管或样品管计数为 B,
非特异管计数为 NSB,则百分结合率计算公式如下:B/ B0=(B- NSB)/( B0-NSB) ×100% 3. logit 计算 :各标准点或样品管的 logit 值计算公式如下 :logit=ln(B/ B0)/(1-B/ B0) 4. 将标准品的 OD 均值与标准品 0 点的 OD 均相除,为标准点的百分 结合率,在 log-logit 坐标纸上绘图。 5. Log-logit 双对数标准曲线:坐标纸上横轴从左至右第一个 1-9 表示 为第一个 10 进位,第二个 1-9 表示为第二个 10 进位。第三个 1-9 表示为第三个 10 进位。坐标纸纵轴为百分比(1-99),即各标准 吸 光值的百分结合率。取一条通过各点的直线。要求尽可能多的点在 线上,同时剩余的点均匀分布在直线的两边。样品也同样由吸光值 计算百分结合率,再从纵轴上的相应结合率找到直线上的点,此点 对应的横坐标浓度即为样品的浓度,无须换算。
操作步骤 1. 取出试剂盒,于室温(20-25℃)放置 15-30 分钟。实验过程应在室
to the concentration of AT1R-AA. The unknown AT1R-AA concentration in each sample is interpolated from this curve. REAGE NTS PROVIDED All reagents provided are stored at 2-8° C. Refer to the expiration date on the label. 1. MICROTITER PLATE 96 wells 2. ENZYME CONJUGATE 6.0 mL 1 vial 3. STANDARD.1 0ng/ml 1 vial 4. STANDARD.2 0.5ng/ml 1 vial 5. STANDARD.3 1.0ng/ml 1 vial 6. STANDARD.4 2.5ng/ml 1 vial 7. STANDARD.5 5.0ng/ml 1 vial 8. STANDARD.6 10ng/ml 1 vial 9. SUBSTRATE A 6.0 mL 1 vial 10. SUBSTRATE B 6.0 mL 1 vial 11. STOP SOLUTION 6.0 mL 1 vial 12. WASH SOLUTION x100 10 mL 1 vial 13. Instruction 1