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Honorable Prime Minister Peter O’Neill,Dear Colleagues,


It gives me great pleasure to join you in the beautiful city of Port Moresby. This is the first time for us APEC economic leaders to meet in the Pacific Islands region. We gather under the theme “Harnessing Inclusive Opportunities, Embracing the Digital Future” to review what we have achieved in our cooperation and chart the course for the future of the Asia-Pacific. I wish to thank the Papua New G uinean government and Prime Minister O’Neill in particular for the commendable efforts you have put in to host this meeting.


Our world is undergoing rapid development and changes. A new round of technological and industrial revolution is unfolding. The system of global governance is being profoundly reshaped; and the evolution of the international architecture is accelerating. On the other hand, global development faces acute deep-seated problems. Protectionism and unilateralism are resurfacing. The multilateral trading system is under assault. The global economic environment is fraught with risks and uncertainties.


As a line in the Chinese classics reads, “A man of vision sees the trend of the times and follows it.” We have reached a crossroads of history, when we must have a keen appreciation of the trend of our world and take the pulse of the world economy. That is how we will be able to respond to the call of our time and chart our future course accordingly.


First, we need to advance economic integration in our region so as to build an open economy in the Asia-Pacific. We should continue to promote trade and

investment liberalization and facilitation. The road toward a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) will not be smooth. Yet, we need to remain committed to this goal and move toward it. We need to adopt an open, inclusive and transparent approach to the various kinds of free trade arrangements to ensure coordinated and positive interactions among them. We need to firmly uphold the rules-based multilateral trading system and say no to protectionism. The World Trade Organization is exploring a new round of reform. Such reform should be designed to enable the WTO to better play its role and uphold the core values and underlying principles of the multilateral trading system instead of having the Organization overhauled. What we need is to make economic globalization more open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial for all.


This year marks the 40th anniversary of C hina’s reform and opening-up initiative. China will pursue with resolve continued reform across the board. We will speed up efforts to improve our socialist market economy and put in place a modern economic system. China will continue to pursue its fundamental policy of opening-up by significantly expanding market access, better protecting intellectual property rights, and making our investment and business environment more attractive. The first China International Import Expo, which was successfully concluded in Shanghai just a week ago, was attended by 172 countries, regions and international organizations, and 3,600-plus companies and over 400,000 Chinese and foreign buyers who sealed 57.8 billion U.S. dollars worth of deals. The Hongqiao International Economic and Trade Forum held alongside the Expo was attended by over 4,500 leading personages from various sectors. This sent one more message about China’s strong commitment to support free and open trade and to voluntarily open its market to the world.


Second, we need to pursue innovation-driven growth and foster new growth drivers. Digital economy represents the development of the future for both the
