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制作 说 明
1、郭崇兴 《考研英语词汇真题词频记忆法》2007版(以下称《词频记忆法》07版)
2、郭崇兴 《考研英语历年真题阅读理解精读笔记》2007版
3、郭崇兴 《考研英语必记词组一本通》2007版
本资料主要根据 郭崇兴 《考研英语必记词组一本通》2007版改编,为原书的精简版,按照出现次数由大到小重新排序,本资料只包含原书中的词组,没有包含原书中的例句;本书共分两部分:真题出现过的和未出现过的,共约1750个词组,分成了35个单元,每单元50个单词,词组以及出现次数的统计依据是1994-2006年考研英语真题,是名副其实的高频和低频词组;建议首先掌握历年出现过的词组(前面的19个单元),然后再看剩下未出现过的;本作品尽管已经仔细核对,因个人时间精力所限,仍难免小错误,欢迎不吝指正!
版 权 声 明
转 载 请 保 留 以 上 部 分

因时间有限,以上的部分工作我会抽时间,不定期完成自己认为对广大研友有帮助的部分,基本都发表在沪江论坛,可以从我的blog中找到链接地址( /luckysxc/ ),希望能对大家有用,同时也祝广大的XDJM们都能达到自己的人生目标。
致 谢
转 载 请 保 留 以 上 部 分
Unit 1......................................................1
Unit 2......................................................1
Unit 3......................................................2
Unit 4......................................................3
Unit 5......................................................3
Unit 6......................................................4
Unit 7......................................................5
Unit 8......................................................5
Unit 9......................................................6
Unit 10.....................................................6
Unit 11.....................................................7
Unit 12.....................................................8
Unit 13.....................................................8
Unit 14.....................................................9
Unit 15....................................................10
Unit 16....................................................10
Unit 17....................................................11
Unit 18....................................................11
Unit 19....................................................12
Unit 20....................................................13
Unit 21....................................................13
Unit 22....................................................14
Unit 23....................................................15
Unit 24....................................................15
Unit 25....................................................16
Unit 26....................................................17
Unit 27....................................................17
Unit 28....................................................18
Unit 29...................................................

Unit 30....................................................19
Unit 31....................................................20
Unit 32....................................................20
Unit 33....................................................21
Unit 34....................................................21
Unit 35....................................................22
根据 郭崇兴《考研英语必记词组一本通》改编
(全书共约1750个词组 = 50 PHRASES/UNIT × 35 UNITS)
Unit 1
such aseg (23次) 像…那样,诸如,例如
as...asnk (22次) 像…一样
both...andyl (17次) 既…又…,两个都…
lead tokj (17次) 通向,导致,引起
for exampleki (16次) 例如
according tojz (14次) 按照,根据
between...andmn (13次) 在…与…之间
depend on/upontd (13次) 依赖,依靠
so...thatkx (13次) 如此…以至
base on/uponio (12次) 把…基于,以…为根据
of coursetk (12次) 当然,自然,无疑
be able tolm (11次) 能,会
focus on/uponnn (11次) 集中于
tend toen (11次) 注意,趋向
whether...orwj (11次) 是…还是,不管…还是
at leasthp (10次) 至少,最低限度e`qH
come tows (10次) ①总计,达到;成为…;②苏醒,复原;③想起;④谈及,涉及Zx5<
have (got) tofg (10次) 不得不,必须9Ot^
rather thanxd (10次) 而不,不顾F!Mt
as wellcg (99次) 也,又DH7G
deal withsj (99次) 处理,对付,安排%'WO
less thanxw (39次) 小于;决不/>`#
no longervh (99次) 不再,已不h9JS
refer togi (89次) ①提到;②说起;③指;④意为;⑤参考c{eA
account forjn (68次) ①说明,解释;②占;③解决;④得分4P@q
as well asrv (48次) (除…之外)也,既…又
be likely toff (88次) 可能ZG[n
even if/thoughqc (58次) 即使,虽然O_4p
in the pastug (18次) 在过去Bv:>
instead ofhr (48次) 代替,而不是;不是…(而是)Z+@C
be different from (37次) 与…不同KQP4
begin withlj (77次) 从…开始\8#l
come fromhs (47次) 来自,出身于J9U'
compare with/tohn (47次) 比较,相比,对比EJ}d
credit carddz (37次) 信用卡w#}R
either...orav (57次) 或…或,不是…就是;不论…还是BVK/
in order toef (47次) 以便,为了T&Sc
natural selection (37次) 自然选择/~GA
pay attention to (17次) 注意45n;
that ismt (27次) 就是说,即0[;-
try toiv (67次) 设法1i'Y
a fewrr (56次) 有些,几个!-QP
at allue (56次) 完全,根本1ea1
be essential tocu (16次) 必要的,必不可少的r^
be related toht (56次) 与…有关WNvz
bring aboutuq (56次) 带来,造成4(h=
fail topw (86次) 未能0$c*
in factey (66次) 其实,实际上adS?
infer fromkg (16次) 从…推断出!no.
interest indp (26次) 兴趣,关心,重要性,使发生兴趣,引起的…的注意WX)G
Unit 2
not only...but also (66次) 不但…而且.-N.
not...butzd (06次) 不是…而是scKz
provide with/for (96次) 提供,供给EsTo
result inan (26次) 导致,结果是i(zF
search foroo (36次) 搜

seek tohl (66次) 试图做J,Sm
a littleqr (75次) 一点,稍;一些,少许|;X
a number ofix (15次) 若干,#xk
and thenez (85次) 而且,其次,于是,然后|
at the same time (05次) 但是,然而O!He
attempt tovj (35次) 尝试,试图:a[J
away frompz (25次) 远离6+!^
be dependent on/upon (95次) 依靠,依赖"i
be known asvh (05次) 被认为是,被称为Z+F*
be sensitive tolo (55次) 敏感的,易受伤害的0Z
because ofcl (95次) 由于,因为Pae?
benefit from/byak (95次) 受益Tpb&
due tosf (15次) 由于,因为*E$I
each otherli (65次) 互相m$K^ 第 1 页
根据 郭崇兴《考研英语必记词组一本通》改编
have an/no effect on(65次) 对…有/无影响"9@Z
in allme (85次) 总共,共计;]F;
learn fromed (95次) 向…学习+ePi
look forww (15次) 寻找,寻求S=RO
lots ofdh (55次) 大量,很多wmXk
or soul (25次) 大约,左右a&~h
other thansj (35次) 不同于,除了1;D:
play a...rolesa (45次) 发挥…作用c)#0
point of viewhz (55次) 观点v*h"
regard assr (35次) 把…看作为,把…认为
respond todw (45次) 响应!5#c
so thatco (35次) 以便,为的是[Sqw
speed upbi (45次) 使加速`a#t
take inwt (45次) ①接受,吸收;②了解,理解;③欺骗&)$e
think aboutbc (25次) 考虑,回想<`OS
used tood (75次) ①过去常常,过去经常;②习惯于…的~Jmk
agree onan (54次) 对…达成协议;对…取得一致意见4C|o
as a resultkt (24次) 结果,因此cMVm
as/so long asls (94次) 只要,如果ee{!
at the end ofhd (4次)在…结尾,在…末端?:am
be aware oftq (74次) 知道,意识到9MQ=
be characterized by (44次) 以…为特征.I%y
be opposed tons (34次) 反对y.3y
believe infl (24次) 相信,信仰0m|n
business cycleha (84次) 商业周期*38R
call forbg (44次) 邀请;要求,需要$NLb
common senseyd (84次) 常识!!2%
contribute tokz (04次) 贡献,捐助,捐献@7W.
domestic marketqv (74次) 国内市场:v5'
draw a conclusion (94次) 得出结论x9n/
engage inaa (74次) (使)从事于,(使)忙着>
Unit 3
for yearslz (24次) 多年以来,好多年9[-!
go onqt (44次) 继续,发生NACF
in favor ofet (4次)有利于,便于,赞成,支持
in turnea (14次) ①依次,轮流;②反过来
interest ratexc (14次) 利率^k<:
limited liability company (34次) 股份有限公司wqw
make uprz (54次) ①构成,组成,拼凑;②弥补,赔偿;③化装,编造;④和解jmiz
on (the) one hand...,on the other hand (64次) 一方面…,另一方面…Wcdw
one anotherhf (64次) 互相.wWs
point outpe (14次) 指出Z^WQ
rely onue (04次) 依赖,依靠Q
result fromuf (94次) 起因于,因…而造成D"
show upgl (34次) ①使呈现,使醒目;②出席,到场YW>=
stick togk (94次) ①坚持;忠于;信守;②粘住Os#^
strive touu (24次) 努力,奋斗JJwh
suffer fromjh (64次) ①受痛苦,患病;②忍受,遭受!X}n
take advantage of (94次) 利用,欺骗HW%L
too...totl (14次) 太…以至于不能Qh0|
turn intoer (14次

) 变成FB}m
a group ofpd (83次) 一群sS*f
a series ofbu (13次) 一系列,一连串6XNQ
a set ofgt (63次) 一组,一套\L\Y
a variety ofzv (33次) 种种,各种uZ[D
adapt tofb (33次) (使)适应,适合rX`T
add...totc (93次) 增加了riE8
and so forth/onlr (93次) 等等um|1
appeal toei (63次) 呼吁,要求,上诉}vp+
as a result ofod (53次) 由于…的结果{@)0
as yetci (23次) 到目前为止,到那时为止;fV0
attribute tobo (93次) 把…归于Z$w7
be addicted toaj (43次) 对…上瘾(入迷)5N-!
be capable ofie (03次) 可以…的,能…的PK27
be involved innu (33次) 涉及,包含,被卷入V]=F
be of...importance (83次) 有…的重要性M%cV
be responsible for (63次) 对…负责'_iz
be unable tokv (13次) 不能,无法D;{_
bombard withmr (73次) 轰炸;痛斥;连续提问b
by contrastmr (63次) 和…成对照,和…比起来]ua(
by the timeja (63次) 在…时RKc$
close tofv (43次) 近的,接近的IL0X
combine withvx (03次) (使)结合,联合ad'G
compensate fordy (13次) 补偿,赔偿C$-w
control overzl (33次) 控制,支配1\Yp
dedicate tobi (73次) 献身$zPo
dissatisfy with/at (03次) 使不满,使不平J}o$
driving forcepc (03次) 推动力@P1X
drop outgz (33次) 退出,离队bR\9
energy intensive (43次) 能源密集型的q,WB
第 2 页
根据 郭崇兴《考研英语必记词组一本通》改编
far-reachingur (23次) 深远的,伸至远处的,广大的zfk*
fill withsj (33次) 填满,充满13*x
Unit 4
for lack ofnj (03次) 缺乏$wCs
for the first time (13次) 第一次F8Pm
full timejg (23次) 专职,全部时间K\&+
give upja (63次) 停止,放弃>:#s
have (something) to do with (13次) 和…有(点)关系>^{3
hot spotku (63次) 热点;危险的地区FaTg
however+adj.yi (03次) 无论…LeP2
human naturebv (73次) 人性,人情2PM5
hunt forrb (93次) 搜索w`*}
in (the) futuregi (43次) 今后,将来OU7L
in detaildm (93次) 详细地"[tU
in generaldw (73次) 通常,大体上^5_F
in one’s/the way (63次) 妨碍,阻碍LR7)
in partms (23次) 部分地,在一定程度上
in terms ofbw (13次) ①依据,按照;②用…措词w>ew
in thatmb (43次) 由于,因为&HI#
in the face ofon (63次) 面对,在…面前;不顾,即使}v'I
in the long runsy (43次) 最终,从长远观点看来-
influence onuv (53次) 影响,感化BoR9
interact withak (13次) 与…相合Daj?
keep track ofkl (03次) 通晓事态,注意动向xL
lie inqs (23次) 在于x'@v
life styleto (43次) 生活方式7'vT
live inom (73次) 住在,住进&HwZ
long-termed (03次) 长期的woRp
look atqg (93次) 看望,注视}L;M
make clearoh (43次) 解释,说明[lfd
more and morexs (13次) 越来越9u|f
on the contraryrp (23次) 反之,正相反kxr\
open upnm (13次) ①开放;②打开;③开展,展现2uUZ
out ofct (73次) ①出来,由里向外;②丧失,失去;③缺乏,没有;④出于:e,l
pick upqg (03次) ①拾起;②增加;③得到;④(车船)中途搭(人);⑤学会kE*F

training (33次) 专业训练H0p8
responsible for/to (13次) 应负责的,有责任的qP
serve aspk (53次) 作为,用作tOR&
set upzj (73次) ①创立,建立,树立;②资助,扶持70pF
social scienceez (93次) 社会科学pn6_
subject tojl (13次) ①易遭…的,受…支配的;②使遭到,使服从~@{S
such...thatcn (03次) 那样的…以致switch toge (23次) 切换到;转到,转变成F(bi
think ofys (23次) 想起,想到;想一想s0^n
to...extentiz (93次) 在…程度上lr2-
wake upim (93次) 醒来@D_h
warn ofbc (23次) 警告Dg[|
a bit ofgy (02次) 一点)"EP
a great/good deal of (32次) 大量(的),许多(的)Kfkk
a majority ofkd (92次) 大部分`:C-
a period ofok (02次) 一段时间,_&4
above alllq (52次) 首要,尤其z9A6
accuse (sb.) of (sth.) (52次) 控告,谴责9~Yj
Unit 5
add towp (62次) 加,增加6hS;
after allgl (52次) 终于,毕竟;虽然这样@w
aim atkg (72次) 目的在于,旨在@\lf
all over the world (52次) 全世界]CN4
along withaa (22次) 与…一起gqGn
appeal forjn (12次) 请求[ofq
apply tosi (02次) 适用,应用,运用k^\3
arise fromlp (42次) 由…引起,由…产生-r
as a wholeyo (72次) 总体上?=@!
as if/thoughqy (72次) 好像,仿佛eOXZ
as soon ashz (92次) 一…就,刚…便N6h$
as toaf (22次) 至于,关于t./h
associate withfk (82次) 使联系,使联合XW~@
at a lossms (52次) 困惑,不知所措@{#K
at all costsas (52次) 不惜任何代价,无论如何T_5#
at firstqi (62次) 最初,首先~`lo
at lastqx (72次) 最终,终于)SPD
attach importance to(32次) 重视a9iL
be bound towq (12次) 必定,一定}8y*
be busy withwd (02次) 忙于…的_r2u
第 3 页
根据 郭崇兴《考研英语必记词组一本通》改编
be concerned about (42次) 关心,挂念_TfD
be eager tovq (22次) 盼望,渴望u4h/
be entitled tons (42次) 有…的资格;有权rH&N
be familiar with/to (62次) 熟悉的,通晓的L~ik
be ignorant ofjq (92次) 不懂,不知道*23U
be inclined totz (72次) 倾向于D9nH
be indicative of (92次) 指示的,暗示的ewtS
be obliged tokd (82次) ①被迫,不得不;②感谢
be ready toer (02次) 准备,即将9fQ6
be relevant toxp (72次) 有关的,相应的-Nbe satisfied with (32次) 对…感到满意V,:%
be unaware ofyw (82次) 不知道,不注意7vQ8
bid fordc (42次) ①投标;②追求9~1\
build uprx (02次) ①积累,堵塞;②树立,逐步建立;③增加,增进;④增强(体质)?^*F
by farvb (42次) ①…得多,最;②到目前为止!UIy
carry outyl (82次) 贯彻,执行,实现|[I.
cast/shed/throw light on/upon (22次) 使明白,阐明'ChJ
characteristic of (72次) 特有的,独特的#)e9
comment onmt (82次) 注释,评论dagE
concentrate onxf (02次) 集中,专心z&P=
confine to/within (12次) 限制,局限于b~tN
conform touw (12次) 遵守,依照,符合,顺应
consist ofya (82次) 由…组成,由…构成F=
cool offwx (42次) 变凉,平静下来{>N5
cope withms (62次) 对付,应付

cut offol (52次) ①切断,使隔绝;②前去,删去;③打断,停止Ob:G
derive frombx (22次) 导出;由…来rR9-
discriminate against (62次) 有差别地对待,歧视,H$)
distinguish...from (82次) 区别,辨别Z>tl
double-digitcg (12次) 两位数的Bp&l
Unit 6
dozens ofeh (42次) 许多的pv\q
elementary school (42次) 小学],_R
energy conservation (12次) 能源节约;能量守恒d{
evolve frombb (42次) 由…进化cIv!
except fortj (12次) 除…之外=%/}
exchange...formt (72次) 交换,调换,兑换Zi]t
exert influence on/over (72次) 施加重大影响于jUYS
expose tozq (62次) 使暴露,受到RJ,f
fight forcy (32次) 为…而战3u3f
find fault withux (22次) 埋怨,挑剔Z+6N
for (the) purpose of (52次) 为了]^DX
for instancetd (92次) 例如,举例说4+U5
for reasonzl (92次) 因为…理由y,for surerp (12次) 确实I}0*
for the benefit of (12次) 为…的利益&y~w
full ofjb (72次) 满的,充满的5b_L
get out ofcm (02次) 逃避,改掉JD=#
grow out ofhm ( 2次)①抛弃,戒除;②由…而来
heavy industryls (62次) 重工业vI-K
help tosy (02次) 有助于,促进7Z^{
impact onyt (72次) 对…的影响@txB
in additionjr (22次) 另外dK.o
in any casedc (92次) 无论如何,总之jj"j
in businessnz (62次) 在做买卖W7U_
in caseiu (72次) 假如,以防(万一),免得
in face ofqp (82次) 面临,面对_`&-
in large numbers (92次) 大量的,为数众多的92
in placexq (22次) 在适当的位置PFu<
in practicedl (12次) 在实践中,实际上b^#B
in response tolr (52次) 响应,适应S3ca
in return forlq (32次) 作为…的报答.6x\
in stockzt (42次) 现有,备有s`_$
in the eyes ofnd (12次) 在…心目中lG:o
in the long/short term (02次) 就长期/短期来说.JM&
in the wake ofxl (72次) 尾随,紧跟,仿效^AcO
in the worldzu (52次) ①世界上;②到底,究竟
in timeyy (22次) 及时,适时地5^1h
in view ofnv (52次) 考虑到,由于-y:N
in/with relation to (92次) 关系到2n3p
indispensable to/for (52次) 必不可少的,必需的b
intend tozi (32次) 打算`PLz
keep uphz (12次) ①保持,维持;②继续进行,坚持Z=:b
key tocv (92次) 答案,解答;关键.f6+
legal liabilityxy (52次) 法津责任XEuV
long perioddf (42次) 长期的u!6X
look back onhy (22次) 回忆GK!b
make moneygs (12次) 赚钱[KAa
make use ofaq (82次) 利用#?'l
meet one’s needxe (42次) 满足某人的需要>^An
monetary policypt (22次) 货币政策j5f+ 第 4 页
根据 郭崇兴《考研英语必记词组一本通》改编
Unit 7
multitude ofyq (12次) 许多(W6!
nation-widezt (32次) 遍及全国的7h5g
neither...norrw (22次) 既不…也不…8x$x
not as/so...asoy (42次) 不如…那样RKFo
on (the/an) average (32次) 平均,一般说来4Z%I
on the horizondp (82次) ①在地平线上;②即将出现%[Ip
one after another (82次) 一个接一个*gtu
originate in/from (52次) 起源,发生`M=.
ought tovo (72次) 应

owing tosb (62次) 由于g$3+
participate invg (42次) 参与,参加P$b*
pay forfr (92次) 偿还,赔偿Dw)*
place emphasis on (72次) 注重,着重于,强调,加强(语气),重读75jg
pour intogg (62次) 使不断涌入K_a\
preferable toyb (32次) 更可取的,更好的N.@}
press forgz (62次) 敦促,要求{4`(
public figureea (22次) 社会名人G20N
put forwardew (42次) 提出q]x$
reason forzv (92次) 理由,动机R.cT
rest on/uponjc (72次) 依赖qG8`
return tofy (82次) 回到;恢复S2iW
ring upwp (52次) 打电话W=1H
root inhh (12次) 来源于,植根于'u(5
scientific community (62次) 科学界p*iG
self-doubttj (32次) 缺少自信,自我怀疑!H8
separate fromse (52次) 分离的,分开的_GMp
short oftz (62次) 缺乏,不足_$|7
so manyri (42次) 很多(的),和…一样多的,全都是qJEC
so-calledfu (42次) 所谓的,号称的Je6=
speak ofir (82次) 谈及,说到F9F:
speculate about/on (52次) 推测,推断4*q~
split uphl (22次) 分裂BEnD
spread overvc (52次) 遍布,传遍,覆盖zDqF
stand forgx (22次) 代替,代表,意味着cDb
standard of living (12次) 生活标准,生活水平$,E
start withqp (42次) 以…开始[Il6
stem fromof (02次) 起源于z5u*
take offrn (62次) ①拿起;②脱下;③开始
take overqn (32次) 接管,接办nG<}
take pride inhv (82次) 以…为自豪;对…感到满意*^tK
take stepsfd (52次) 设法;采取措施ZZL"
take...for granted (92次) 想当然,认为理所当然
technical journal (52次) 技术杂志,科技刊物S
thanks totz (12次) 由于,幸亏7[AM
think highly ofke (82次) 尊重,重视NtH8
think of...aslz (42次) 把…看作是,以为…是\
touch oner (02次) 提及,谈到VWr:
trace torg (02次) 上溯EpFu
trade uniondu (42次) 工会QN7c
translate intoae (92次) 翻译成,解释成Xg+w
Unit 8
turn offmt (22次) ①关掉,断开;②拐弯,叉开&EBm
turn outup (02次) ①制造,生产;②结果是;③驱逐,使离开=(VV
under controlkw (22次) 被控制住PZCR
up tosl (92次) ①多达;②直到;③忙于;④胜任e7Z7
view...asvq (72次) 把…看成…*N*4
wait formp (32次) 等待,等候~x|:
well-knowniu (22次) 众所周知的,有名的@~A
well-meaningtj (32次) 善意的,好心的X;Ey
wish foriy (82次) 希望得到,渴望BpB*
with respect tonb (92次) 关于e@ep
yield toto (12次) 屈服,服从E{o*
a flash in the pan (61次) 昙花一现。Am#M
a fraction ofbw (41次) 一小部分UQ]z
a lot (of)xo (31次) 大量(的),很多(的)W69
a matter ofpf (51次) (关于…的)问题;大约`
a quantity ofgn (11次) 一些v7/^
a sheet ofpv (71次) 一张,一片FBn0
a shell of our own making (81次) 我们自己建造的牢笼{]{x
a spell ofke (91次) 一段时间RF.R
access toof (51次) 进入某物;某物的使用权;接近(某人);acJ
act fornj (81次) 代理,代表$9hx
act onwm (31次) 起作用r>O@
add a new idea to (81次) 添加新的想法Jii$
add up toyu (51次) 合计,总计bH6h

toly (51次) 适应,调节U1eR
agree toui (21次) 同意,赞成A5MP
agree withsb (21次) 同意,赞成DFEK
alien to/frompv (21次) 相异的)]&P
all aroundhb (11次) 周围_yv>
all day longcw (61次) 整天y2(z 第 5 页
根据 郭崇兴《考研英语必记词组一本通》改编
all of a suddenhh (31次) 突然9s@9
all overau (21次) 遍及,到处m[L$
all rightgi (61次) 行,可以;顺利,良好g?
all the sameai (41次) 仍然,照样地R[x_
all the timeej (71次) 一直,始终-$;p
all throughri (91次) 一直,始终I=S6
allow forcb (1次)考虑到,体谅,连…算在内
allow sb. to do sth. (51次) 允许某人做某事}P-[
amount tofs (01次) 合计,总共达,等于DPD
an amount ofca (81次) 许多LK~9
and yetms (41次) 可是,然而6XXQ
another line of thought (41次) 另一条思路
anything butme (41次) 除…以外任何事(物),根本不D%6>
apart frompw (61次) 除去iappropriate tonc (41次) 适当的,恰如其分的)}Ug
argue forkb (81次) 赞成oY2:
arrive infq (71次) 到达QRuh
as good astu (61次) 和…几乎一样,实际上等于93ke
as usualwy (91次) 像往常一样,照例Fwv!
at (the) bestmz (11次) 充其量,至多Tfj0
Unit 9
at (the) worsteo (21次) 在最坏的情况下,Hnr
at a profitkn (01次) 盈利2*e]
at a timesn (71次) 每次,一次u|rR
at an endnw (31次) 结束,终止;耗尽xu-H
at homego (31次) ①在家,在国内;②精通,自在7Thw
at oncemh (31次) 立刻,马上?HBl
at presentwa (31次) 目前,现在!?Ye
at randomlf (51次) 随机地,任意地}=}K
at the expense of (11次) 归…付费,在损害…的情况下\Y%=
at the instant of (61次) 在…时I)mK
at the longesthy (11次) 至多plX|
at the mercy ofox (91次) 受…支配,任由…摆布
at timesop (71次) 有时\cT|
at willfq (91次) 随意,任意SQ)i
attach toqt (91次) ①缚上,系上,贴上;②附属于,隶属于yV|V
attention spangz (91次) 注意力的广度8QQV
attitude to/towards (91次) 态度,看法x_2.
back and forthsu (51次) 来回,往返,来来往往地
back down/offfd (11次) 放弃,让步,退却A#c_
bank ongs (41次) 信赖,指望s-n<
basic skillmo (11次) 基本技能!n;u
be about tobs (71次) 即将G$Jo
be afraid ofop (11次) 怕,害怕的wnPK
be amazed atbn (21次) 对…感到惊讶.\1F
be analogous tojy (31次) 类似于…,与…相似g}
be anxious about (21次) 渴望,担忧~^&a
be applicable to (51次) 能应用的,适用的3:pp
be appropriate for (01次) 适合Pv_v
be beneficial to (31次) 有益于be bound up with (11次) 与…密切相关ew0x
be certain togz (51次) 的确,一定会G.S3
be composed ofre (21次) 由…组成sVlU
be concerned with (61次) 关心,挂念,从事于I3f
be confined tovq (61次) 禁闭il,B
be conscious oftf (01次) 知道-ZEZ
be coupled withrw (01次) 联合,结合;伴随着[~6D
be critical ofoo (71次) 不满Q1sC
be diligent inbq (31次) 勤勉于…,专心于…K,i
be disappointed at (91次) 对…失望>h|?
be discontent

with (21次) 对…不满意t>F#
be distracted by (61次) 被…搞得心烦意乱;被…搞得要发狂`_J&
be enrolled inum (71次) 入伍,入学8*,;
be equipped forhe (41次) 准备好,对…有准备%=W
be faced withor (81次) 面对d*lZ
be fond ofcy (71次) 喜爱的,爱好的NJ/P
be harmful tolj (31次) 有害的,}l#
be helpful toll (1次)有帮助的,有益的,有用的
be independent of (61次) 与…无关El4z
be interested in (01次) 对…感兴趣2)KG
be irrelevant to (81次) 与…无关G1Db
Unit 10
be jealous ofqa (31次) 妒忌的PC\L
be liable foroe (51次) 有责任的,有义务的9
be liable tolw (01次) 有…倾向的,易于…的,
be made ofbn (51次) 用…造成(原材料可见)
be marked byts (31次) 特点是,以…为特点{xy
be open tolc (01次) 开放;易受到,易遭致f
be popular withxr (11次) 受…欢迎Fj;M
be proud ofuj (51次) 自豪,高兴"[ji
be puzzled bydy (91次) 迷惑~J:L
be reluctant toie (11次) 勉强的,不情愿Wey9
第 6 页
根据 郭崇兴《考研英语必记词组一本通》改编
be second topd (51次) 次于…5LVH
be subject tohn (81次) 受支配,可以…的mvX)
be to blamesm (41次) 应承担责任的,该受责备的#[`3
be tolerant ofbz (71次) 能够容忍7l@"
be typical ofhy (31次) 典型的,有代表性的1e
be unfamiliar with (91次) 不熟悉,不了解/E7z
be urged togm (91次) 被迫做jom+
be worth doingke (31次) 值得做…=)[j
be worthwhile to (61次) 值得做…hDI9
be worthy oftp (51次) 值得…的,配得上…的[
bear/keep in mind (91次) 记住++_|
belong tocs (31次) 属于,附属,隶属u_99
bet onre (61次) 打赌](LF
better offsa (21次) 状况好的;经济状况好的,富裕的S8tZ
beyond disputere (21次) 勿庸置疑的.@ly
beyond one’s ability (81次) 超出…的能力范围Ow"W
beyond one’s comprehension (41次) 不能理解ELr"
beyond the capability of (91次) 超出…的能力范围
beyond the dreams of (81次) 超出…的梦想,…做梦也想不到)`HD
bid upxj (21次) 出高价,哄价,抬价+y`=
boast of/aboutrt (11次) 自夸,夸耀RIIL
book reviewru (11次) 书评<`W]
bottom linehj (81次) 结果;底线@GWR
break downgq (31次) 损坏,分解,瓦解0QUV
break upwz (71次) ①打碎,拆散;②中止,结束J5/l
bring backwh (21次) 拿回来,使回忆起来,使恢复0MaS
bring intf (11次) 生产,挣得<2*3
bring intoha (21次) 使开始#5C/
bring toux (71次) 使恢复知觉,!&#
burn downei (11次) 烧为平地!sEJ
burst intotw (11次) ①闯入;②出现XS%+
buy upcx (61次) 全部买进C6}+
by a large/small margin (21次) 宽裕的;)9\
by accidentvn (91次) 偶然MFc{
by means ofkl (31次) 借助于,用W`FF
by natureim (01次) 天生,就其本性而言<4@
by no meanspp (61次) 决不u{1'
by oneselfsy (21次) 独立地,单独地-%^4
by the end ofei (91次) 到…末期Eow\
call on/uponab (31次) ①访问,拜访;②号召,呼吁7I5g
Unit 11
call uprs (71次) ①召集,动员;

can’t/couldn’t help (11次) 禁不住;不得不ZMJl
carry weightbp (61次) 重要,有影响Dek!
cater tocv (91次) 供应,迎合%=B2
change intokr (41次) 变为;使改变cbHB
charge sb. withqf (11次) ①以某事指控某人;②赋予某人某种职责K^NZ
cheer onpb (21次) 鼓励o]va
chop outpk (71次) 砍掉,去除r}Z9
clear-cutlj (21次) 轮廓鲜明的,清晰的/\P
climb upri (81次) 爬上|{bB
cling toyw (71次) ①紧紧抓住(或抱住);②坚持4SvF
come downcv (61次) 下来,倒塌,没落,病倒,捐钱,流传下来,垂下UKD3
come into beingrh (31次) 形成,产生hKyy
come into useyr (21次) 开始被使用WsSp
come outft (01次) ①出版,刊出;②出现,显露,长出;③结果是,结局是;被解出+%Sn
come out ofrd (11次) 由…产生;从…出来kn
come to handst (21次) 到手,接手(B>@
come up withal (71次) 提出,提供*WG'
commit suicidevv (71次) 自杀1_~9
common tosx (21次) 共同的,公共的)l#a
communicate with (31次) 通话BVeQ
comparable with/to (21次) 可比较的,比得上的fM
compare...topn (81次) 把…比作\E)h
complain about/of (31次) 抱怨#(:Z
confess tobt (11次) 承认F\N{
confidence injw (61次) 信任|yL'
consent tokv (41次) 同意,赞成,答应DrSB
consumer marketwa(31次) 消费者市场,用户市场
convenient tokd (61次) 便利的,方便的x"(_
correspond toml (81次) 相当于,对应p,?%
coupled withow (51次) 加上,外加!l.'
cultural tradition (81次) 文化传统R>fV
current affairslp (91次) 时事,新闻tv:%
cut and driedod (91次) 单调乏味的,呆板的3|
cut inlt (11次) ①(汽车)抢挡;②插嘴,
第 7 页
根据 郭崇兴《考研英语必记词组一本通》改编
day to daylb (01次) 天天,日复一日(#6w
dead endrx (91次) 死胡同;绝境,僵局.Ndeduce fromfn (41次) 演绎,推断0s;F
delayed effectgm (11次) 延迟效应"mn:
department store (41次) 百货公司`7:t
dependence onct (61次) 依靠9YZ2
deposit moneypa (11次) 存款T-sV
deprive ofjg (81次) 剥夺YG)q
detach frompz (91次) 与…脱离dV[Q
developing nation (81次) 发展中国家*4Sm
devote toqy (61次) 奉献,致力pz~b
die outga (01次) 消失,灭绝x[zC
differ inwj (21次) 在…不同{m]F
direct at/toam (31次) 指向,针对R[z?
disagree withnt (61次) 意见不同D5Bt
Unit 12
distinct frompz (91次) 与…截然不同JfGE
divide intoll (41次) 分成GVlG
do businessii (21次) 做生意v4le
do sb.’s bidding (21次) 照某人命令办事^Q^Q
do withouttn (91次) 没有…也行%;pS
doubt aboutsc (11次) 怀疑]k|N
doze offyy (41次) 打瞌睡_=Vv
draft billkl (11次) 草案K3.1
draw a comparison (11次) 对比|S,3
draw a distinction between (41次) 对…加以区别
draw attentionif (21次) 引起注意%+c4
draw dividendvw (61次) 领取红利8I$9
draw updw (71次) ①写出,画出;草拟;②停住.^zc
dream upym (11次) 空想出,<俗>构思,创造,设计(发明物等)Z

drive awayso (31次) 赶走,开走{WM8
drive into action (41次) 取得进展?aP5
drive sb. to do sth. (71次) 迫使某人做某事Nr.0
drop out ofaj (41次) 退出sxfC
drop topa (01次) 下降到;跌到dT>v
earn one’s living (41次) 谋生4?6`
economic progress (91次) 经济进步T*`G
economy of scale (21次) 规模经济:MEQ
educational reform (11次) 教育改革*pF&
elementary-particle (01次) 基本粒子NUWb
eliminate fromyz (31次) 从…中消除V!z~
enable sb. to do sth. (01次) 使某人能够做某事AJ
enough forfm (61次) 足够的,充分的{S{u
equip withji (71次) 装备,配备#V6u
equivalent topg (21次) 相等的,等价的,等值的
escape fromhs (41次) 逃脱[@,w
ethical valuegl (91次) 道德价值Ar8t
even sopw (31次) 虽然如此m_<;
ever sincejv (41次) 从那时起,自那时以来'
expert inkf (21次) 熟练于…[VS-
extended familybm (1次)大家庭(数代同堂的家庭)
fair competition (81次) 公平竞争^z\q
fair playow (41次) 公平的竞赛,公平对待,光明磊落1u(,
fall downes (41次) 失败;掉落p{c`
fall offvc (21次) ①下降,跌落;②减少,缩小;8F~
fall out oflc (11次) 放弃(习惯等);从…掉下来'?HQ
fall short offo (81次) 缺乏,达不到#e-)
far fromrv (21次) 远非,远离0r0R
federal fundsja (71次) 联邦基金vpz$
field-study oriented (91次) 以实地研究为导向的
fill in/outte (21次) 填充,填写6--4
financial support (11次) 财政支援DFX^
find outhx (71次) 查明_G4x
first of allwj (81次) 首先,第一Y,//
fit for/toaf (91次) 适合的,恰当的pxt%
fit intokx (11次) 适合!L;h
Unit 13
flash oneg (21次) 闪现zBb4
follow a fanciful fashion (51次) 追求奇异的时尚iL2"
follow the new fashion (21次) 追时髦BoA`
follow throughzl (41次) 坚持完成,进行到底iV
for a whileyg (01次) 暂时,一时]M<)
for longjd (81次) 长久地xVgm
for salezu (11次) 待售x(NF
for the sake ofgd (61次) 为了…起见,看在…的份上?aE>
for the time being (01次) 目前,暂时"`v:
frame of reference (91次) 参照系,观点|5xG
free fallhb (11次) 下降Od#q
from time to time (01次) 有时,不时dMIs
get along/on with (1次)进展相处融洽;生活,过活
get around/round to (91次) 找时间做,开始考虑}
第 8 页
根据 郭崇兴《考研英语必记词组一本通》改编
get goingiy (81次) 开始工作,开始做事A}
get on in lifeku (51次) 发迹Uo4L
get out of the way (81次) 让开,避开r)-$
get overqo (51次) ①克服;②(从病中)恢复过来HO3=
get readyok (51次) 准备好xYrv
give access toem (71次) 接见;准许出入;使用;}
give birth tolq (51次) 产生e*#
give priority to (61次)给…以优先权,优先考虑
give rise toki (11次) ①引起,使发生;②造成
go byaa (01次) 过去0]4J
go intodf (11次) ①进入;②研究,调查k
go on a diethw (71次) 节食kLMk
go throughnd (01次) ①经历,经受;②详细检查SuI5
go upea (31次) ①上升,增

go withxd (61次) ①伴随;②与…协调TV
go-aheadqx (01次) 许可;前进gB6!
good for nothing (11次) 无用的人(CyV
good-naturedoc (31次) 和蔼的,和善的y,_5
grieve overrw (61次) 哀悼f!U~
grow upvq (21次) 长大成人C;fg
habitual thought (71次) 习惯性思维}7Z9
hand overle (11次) 交出,移交,让与1XA$
happen to sb./sth. (31次) 发生在…身上cJcc
have an important influence on (71次) 对…有重要的影响)R.x
have faith injo (51次) 相信,信任=TH5
have no knowledge of (91次) 不了解,不知道
have no relation to (11次) 和…无关p\/^
help sb. toward... (91次) 帮助某人走向&;:;
high profilels (21次) 高姿态的,引人注目的
home marketbh (31次) 国内市场5Jl(
host ofvt (71次) 许多,一大群mwoX
hundreds ofhx (81次) 数以百计,许多~,Ub
hundreds of thousands of (11次) 几十万,无数
identify withkk (61次) 把…和…看成一样,打成一片-Qa3
ill-informedud (41次) 消息不灵通的Loar
impose onar (81次) 把…强加给]Ctb
Unit 14
in (the) light of (81次) 按照,根据A!Gk
in a mechanistic fashion (71次) 以机械的方式
in a position to (91次) 在…的位置上hcYp
in a rowus (71次) 连续64uv
in a wayvr (01次) 在某点,在某种程度上%
in actionhh (91次) 在活动,在运转R2>$
in addition togk (71次) 除…之外p$Z[
in ample supplywc (51次) 供应充足i`%U
in blinding flash (31次) 在灵光一闪中]U'z
in briefnw (51次) 简单地说,简言之3Qrp
in cashaq (21次) 有现钱;用现款支付+W
in commonxl (91次) 共用,共有,共同]pkb
in competition with (41次) 与…竞争m%f0
in contrast with/to (31次) 与…成反比aL=5
in danger ofiu (61次) 在…的危险中K,81
in demandjd (21次) 有需要,销路好AxLI
in despairln (01次) 绝望kIj,
in disguiseir (61次) 伪装,化装pOIs
in disputeas (01次) 在争论中,未决的]1#k
in doubtka (21次) 悬而未决o(t:
in effectjk (61次) ①有效;②实际上:$V]
in excessvu (11次) 过量的9ie?
in exchange forim (21次) 交换,以此易彼{wE`
in front ofqp (71次) 在…前面g6U^
in handth (31次) 在控制中,在进行中?[
in itselfol (31次) 本身GZ1r
in matter ofwb (41次) 与…有关/Z6(
in no timekc (51次) 立即,马上,IfN
in one’s own right (81次) 凭本身的头衔bFEm
in operationhu (81次) 工作VJDC
in other waysqa (41次) 在其他方面azWY
in other wordsgv (41次) 换句话说,也就是说u:
in paineg (21次) 疼痛;在苦恼中Bli]
in particularpe (51次) 特别地,尤其,详细地y
in perspectivepo (21次) 正确地bN}&
in principleon (11次) 原则上,大体上+@dB
in quest ofid (21次) 探索,寻求BmM$
in questionrx (11次) 正在考虑GdW(
in shortau (91次) 简言之,总之g,O)
in short supplypx (41次) 供应不足9k@9
in small amountbj (01次) 少量的,小批的<'@G
in spite ofls (21次) 不管,不顾,尽管,虽然@
in sympathy with (51次) 同情;赞成;和…一致o
in the backgro

und (81次) 在背后,在幕后~(S|
in the form oflb (81次) 以…的形式,呈…状态,通过…方式m9ug
in the heart ofuc (31次) 在…中心\N8I
in the interest of (11次) 为了,为了…的利益"
in the knowledge of (61次) 在知道…的情况下y6
in the manner of (81次) 照…的式样;做出…的样子YhfX 第 9 页
根据 郭崇兴《考研英语必记词组一本通》改编
in the pipelinebg (81次) 在准备中,在进行中#0(7
Unit 15
in this sensefk (21次) 从这种意义上来说Ns
in vaingb (91次) 徒劳,无效ymgf
in wordscw (11次) 口头上#p1|
in-builtqf (81次) 嵌入的,内置的s7`i
inform of/aboutlx (61次) 通知,告诉,报告%8r(
information society (11次) 信息社会'JOl
inject intopk (11次) 把…注入\6KH
integrate into/with (51次) (使)成为一体,(使)合并
interfere injf (21次) 干涉,干预L"+4
interfere withqk (31次) 妨碍,打扰GRTk
international cooperation (81次) 国际合作P?
introduction tomc (31次) 介绍+8Vs
job marketwd (81次) 工作市场g]r]
keen onju (81次) 热心的,渴望的.7:3
keep abreast ofon (21次) 保持与…并列y:ci
keep downkh (71次) ①控制,压制,镇压;②压低,放低(声音)SU_:
keep fromil (41次) 使…不(做)#CgU
keep one’s eyes open (71次) 注意,留心!`
keep secretse (41次) 保密,把…保密-86Q
keep up withkd (51次) 向…看齐,跟上…V0FV
key inqc (31次) 输入=Mh2
key pointak (91次) 关键点oeKS
laugh atge (41次) 嘲笑,漠视,因…发笑U
laughing stockio (51次) 笑柄|*xe
lay downpr (01次) ①放下;②制定,拟定;③铺设n!Z#
lay the root for (91次) 使扎根于`>'d
lead intogq (11次) 引起C]_d
lead ondj (61次) 率领,引诱J-,D
leading actorqv (51次) 主角XS_O
leave behinduf (91次) 留下,忘记带&>?w
let downkm (31次) ①放下,降低;②使失望
let outyh (61次) ①放掉,放出,发出;②放大(衣服);③放松(绳子)s@iL
lie downbh (81次) 躺下km|}
lie withxw (61次) 由…决定K$7`
life sentencelg (11次) 无期徒刑之判决CshU
light uprz (51次) 点燃'bW#
listen toco (31次) 听从!_X>
live offco (71次) 住在…外,靠…生活q,
live up topy (51次) 做到,不辜负oqGU
logical consequence(61次) 逻辑结论2d
long forfv (41次) 渴望,极想{\?m
look backps (31次) 回顾,回头看7@go
look intogv (81次) 调查,观察,过问,窥视
look outan (11次) 留神,注意,提防,警惕
lose sleepnw (01次) 失眠;忧虑Yq$=
make an effortaq (01次) 努力G5YJ
make friendsqu (21次) 交朋友,友好相处S@(X
make fun ofhh (91次) 取笑,嘲弄*nWR
make no difference (21次) 没有影响;都一样^BY#
make progresstf (71次) 取得进步[2V)
Unit 16
make sacrificesv (31次) 牺牲5[Fm
make sensegb (1次)讲得通,有意义,言之有理
make sure (of/that) (61次) ①查明,弄确实;②确信;确定,务必#jt.
make the best use of (61次) 充分利用,妥善处理Yk
manage towx (81次) 达成,设法d->.
manufacturing industry (51次)

market cyclelf (61次) 市场周期~6z3
market-orientedfb (21次) 以市场为导向的0Y;e
mass communication (61次) 大众传播工具:U=|
meet the demandde (81次) 满足需要;符合要求B=
meet the requirements of (1次)迎合…的需要
middle-classlr (91次)中层社会的,中产阶级的
millions ofur (01次) 无数?txh
more often than not (81次) 时常D7j5
move againstjp (11次) 行动起来反对(/;'
move forwardqv (41次) 向前移动,前进!:k7
name brandbo (81次) 名牌JKXD
negative effectjl (41次) 消极影响a=Ds
neglect ofwh (91次) 疏忽W^Qw
no doubteq (41次) 无疑,必定kuf[
no less thanzg (91次) 决不少于,不亚于,不次于;(和…)一样R20)
no other thansu (01次) 只有,正是B0vY
nothing butmz (21次) 只有,仅仅8N9d
objection toku (21次) 反对,异议\`5T
occur toxh (51次) 被想到,被想起3qvC
of no accountct (71次) 不重要的,无价值的XE
off-the-cuffdu (01次) 未预备的,即席的v,;\
on behalf ofnq (81次) 代表,为了ei]y
第 10 页
根据 郭崇兴《考研英语必记词组一本通》改编
on earthmc (31次) 究竟,到底;在世界上F
on equal termsnt (71次) 以平等的地位TdCB
on good termsht (71次) 和睦"-&Z
on handjo (41次) 在手边,临近X9bz
on modern linesqq (11次) 按照现代思路~Vx<
on papertw (41次) ①以书面的形式;②理论上,表面上;③在筹划中cql6
on sb.’s behalfwe (71次) 代表某人,为了某人"((`
on the declinens (71次) 走下坡路,在衰退中0"cj
on the ground of (31次) 以…为理由z+9+
on the risecf (61次) 在上涨(增长))hZI
on the ropesbi (71次) 即将崩溃P4}e
on the spotgm (71次) 当场,在现场r_)l
only ifjp (31次) 只有sKVx
open-mindeddg (51次) 虚心的,思想开明的l
organic compound (11次) 有机化合物*]28
over timell (71次) 随着时间的流逝+OSg
owe tohp (51次) 归功于…i1AF
package deally (91次) 一揽子交易c'\C
parallel to/with (51次) 平行的,并联的;相同的,类似的`CmV
pass awayya (41次) 去世,逝世;消失lk*l
pass on tonv (61次) 传递>cHi
pave the way for (61次) 为…铺平道路;为…铺平道路,为…做好准备'b&b
Unit 17
pay offha (51次) ①还清(债),给清工资(后遣散);②使…得益;有报偿
persuade sb. to do sth. (11次) 说服某人做某事KAL/
pick outsd (71次) ①选出,挑出,拣出;②辨认,辨别出IP%:
piece togethermz (01次) 拼合,拼凑"z\&
plan forqu (21次) 为…作计划,打算cxDF
play withds (01次) 以…为消遣,玩弄BEt$
plead forhj (71次) 为…辩护2~&T
plough throughmd (71次) 费劲地阅读,吃力地钻研;艰难地通过HKdh
point at/toiy (71次) 指,指向,表明IO2/
popular culturecx (91次) 通俗文化0V5+
pose a contrastot (71次) 做对比TOTq
pour outyj (91次) 诉说,倾吐S0-[
practical valuefu (61次) 实际价值.iqF
prejudice against (31次) 对…有偏见$mS.
prepare againstew (91次) 为防止…而预备*aRv
prepare forzh (21次)

preside at/overtf (81次) 主持"sO9
price indexnq (51次) 物价指数N1%T
prior toxs (31次) 在…之前,vi8
private property (51次) 私有财产,私有制iA=?
private schoolso (61次) 私立中小学H9f~
profit by/fromat (51次) 得利,获益j-:a
public serviceqe (61次) 公用设施,公共服务K
pursuit ofxn (31次) 追求,寻求5+EW
push asidedp (61次) ①推开,避开;②排除,避免)-.G
push uprv (81次) 增加,提高%a=A
put an end togi (81次) 结束,终止put down rootsfx (01次) 生根;定居7Ky#
put into effecthl (71次) 实行,生效)F=m
put pen to paper (51次) 落笔dM04
quick-wittedxv (81次) 富有机智的,机敏的O
range from A to B (81次) ①在A和B之间变动;②从A延伸到BgD6H
ready forwz (91次) 准备好的,现成的p"AQ
ready-madeng (31次) 现成的,做好的sn9Q
refer to...astz (61次) 把…称作,把…当作(
reflect onre (71次) 思考,反省#cQO
regardless ofnz (61次) 不管V6>X
relative toct (61次) 相对的,比较的/%;7
relieve ofbo (31次) ①减轻,减少;②解除;免除(职务)9Ba"
remark about/onnh (11次) 评语,议论,意见#G&]
replace...with... (51次) 用…代替…B,#s
reply todr (11次) 回答,答复,以…作答
report backcj (71次) 传达报告,报告返回xS
requirement forcj (51次) 需要,需要的东西,要求
research into/on (41次) 研究,调查0H+B
resign fromoi (31次) 辞职w6Jo
resort tofj (31次) 求助,诉诸,凭借e=$b
retreat fromog (41次) 放弃,退出1C71
ride onyl (11次) 乘,骑,依靠|qw:
rule outox (71次) 把…排除在外,排除…的可能性~eX7
Unit 18
rumor has itix (81次) 据传闻03T@
run outxe (21次) ①用光,耗尽;②到期,期满54Op 第 11 页
根据 郭崇兴《考研英语必记词组一本通》改编
run wildiq (01次) 放肆,撒野Ya|5
saturate withdq (91次) 使充满*)-K
second-ratewl (41次) 二流的,二等的Sdkt
see todn (91次) 注意,负责,照料;修理
self-analysisik (41次) 自我心理分析K3*]
self-contradictory (11次) 自相矛盾的?-T_
self-helpmy (31次) 自助的Xh0r
self-sufficientac (71次) 自给自足的,过于自信的
sell offby (11次) 甩卖,卖掉g'5^
send ondz (51次) 转送,传送u:>]
send outmz (01次) ①发送,派遣;②放出(声音等)qZHM
set invm (91次) 插入,开始w_]P
set outel (11次) ①陈列,显示;②动身,起程;③制定)jb0
settle fornw (41次) 满足于sL#@
shut uppr (51次) ①关闭,监禁;②住口l
side withae (81次) 同意,站在…的一边n
sign upys (21次) 签约参加工作,签约雇用7"e]
silver liningeo (51次) (不幸或失望中的)一线希望6U,]
single outqk (41次) 挑选出2Lr[
sink inlz (81次) 被理解?C:s
sit downvp (61次) 坐下,扎营,坐下来商讨,停止,降落okI0
slow downnm (31次) (使)放慢,减速A}:h
smell oflk (21次) 有…的味道N[}7
soak upiq (31次) 吸收,摄取'?[|
social indexwg (11次) 社会指标xtaN
social responsibility (01次) 社会责任I*I

spare timeaf (81次) 消遣时间Yq[z
specialize in/at (51次) 专攻,专门研究;灵巧的,娴熟的YkK8
spend money onfc (21次) 花钱买a87H
spring upwg (91次) 出现,生长pXH]
stand outzj (71次) 突出,显眼!8l{
standard pattern (91次) 标准模式q%6G
stand-pointyp (61次) 立场,观点Ak5?
start upso (31次) 启动,发动W}#[
state-ownediq (61次) 国有的;州立的Cm7n
stay withyq (41次) 陪伴isiC
step outzj (21次) 下台,辞职GR!g
step upyh (91次) 提高,加快,加紧LP[}
stir upmi (01次) 激起,鼓动,煽动7%eW
stop shortum (21次) 突然停止_k}]
strive foreq (81次) 奋斗,争取stumble acrossxx (31次) 偶然发现A>\G
substitute foros (61次) 代替,替换"=#9
succeed inti (41次)成功
success inex (71次) …的成功xUVT
supply with/tomg (61次) 供给,供应,满足(需要),补足#/4-
swarm intovh (41次) 涌入bL_d
sweep in/intoan (81次) ①涌入;②以多数票上台执政45#(
Unit 19
take actionsu (31次) 采取行动,提出诉讼^|Cl
take care ofpd (21次) 照顾,照料;承担,处理,负责@edd
take into account/consideration (51次) 考虑到MYvY
take measuresqk (81次) 设法,着手-Y'N
take on/uponms (51次) 承担](u6
take outjg (61次) 拿出,取出g/&s
take placebe (51次) 发生,进行lxhD
take rootdg (21次) ①建立,确立;②生根,扎根'-1k
take sb.’s lifelv (81次) 杀掉某人~[7%
take the initiative (01次) 带头F3Tg
take the plungecc (11次) 冒险尝试@I)I
take toxt (41次) 喜欢,亲近TmGF
take upho (61次) ①占去,占据;②开始,从事;拿起,接收VD_A
talk nonsensepd (01次) 胡说八道B;8Q
tell...fromxg (81次) 辨别,区别J9vn
the same asxv (51次) 与…一致,与…相同的
there and thengx (51次) 当时UsMf
think-tanksr (41次) 智囊团c524
thousands ofbp (81次) 许多,无数"JB;
thumb throughzd (81次) 翻阅,查阅Jz,G
to be fairhv (21次) 平心而论o_)g
to be surexe (51次) 确实;当然gBi6
to the extent of (41次) 到…的程度|*}2
to the limit ofzn (61次) 达到…的极限|i!t
together withdq (61次) 一起;同时K9'*
toss outcm (01次) 丢弃,扔掉LCqd
transform...into (31次) 把…转变成…2(::
triumph overzl (11次) 击败,成功,得胜&u*6
tune in (to sth.) (81次) 调谐,收听AEj1
turn aboutsq (11次) ①翻身,调转;②转变
第 12 页
根据 郭崇兴《考研英语必记词组一本通》改编
turn aroundzh (21次) 转向~=kl
turn backgo (01次) 使折回,往回走.8pg
turn tory (11次) ①变成;②求助于,借助于P6
turning pointfp (61次) 转折点z|*$
under firela (61次) 受到攻击m0yo
under pressuremv (31次) 被迫;在强制下OozX
under wayib (11次) 进行中,在行进Wzia
up in the airiy (31次) ①悬而未决;②兴奋,激动A;Of
up to datemf (91次) 时新的2D+c
upper-middle-class (41次) 中上层社会的hUj7
wait-and-seese (81次) 观望的caD)
well donenv (41次) 做得不错8n`r
well-balancedsv (71次)

what aboutyl (31次) (对于)…怎么样Qn5!
whether or notyr (41次) 无论是…或…,是否)Y
win overex (91次) 争取,说服j@XP
wipe outlk (31次) ①擦去,除去;②消灭,毁灭bu8S
with/in regard to (01次) 对于;就…而论!NLb
wonder atdi (51次) 诧异,奇怪0)cp
work onwg (71次) 致力于/M(O
Unit 20
work withuu (81次) 与…共事,与…合作;对…起作用B#`M
world outlookuu (31次) 世界观vJ;s
world viewls (21次) 世界观#Fo&
wrong-headedef (81次) 执迷不悟的;固执错误的^XW/
a great/good many 许多,大量"%k{
abide bylm 坚持,遵守]An"
abundant infh 丰富的,充分的,充裕的5>00
acquaint withrz 使认识,使了解18BK
action onps 作用jqSh
adhere tonl 粘附,胶着pyqz
adjacent touw 邻近的,毗连的)Q['
after a whileqo 过了一会,不久V0j/
agree to/withbf 同意,赞成EJ.A
ahead ofam 在…前面,先于4fB;
ahead of schedule 提前w_Uv
ahead of timemy 提前@5{M
all at oncevl 突然,同时,一起1?,B
all butlr ①几乎,差一点;②除…之外其余都[F!@
all outbh 全力以赴,竭尽全力8all roundor 周围,处处HKally withzo 使结盟pu)r
answer forfc 负责,保证smct
answer toyl 符合,适合k.vV
apologize to/for 道歉,认错GA?O
apparent tokj 明显的,显而易见的]Y,>
apply forqk 申请,请求U^wt
approve ofjq 赞成,满意,同意lxMz
around the world 世界各地A,[T
around/round the clock 昼夜不停地ekLn
arrive atuf 达到,得出a#r0
as a matter of fact 其实,事实上Mrtd
as a rulegl 通常,照例_2[<
as followsnl 如下Ny*K
as forqk 至于,就…方面说Fx@'
as regardsem 关于,至于E~Ho
as/so far asfd 远至,到…程度Aas/so far as...be concerned 就…来说aside fromev 除…以外D(|j
ask afteroo 询问,问候_KW^
ask forft 请求,要求87tT
at (the) mostmy 最多,至多,不超过{}IM
at all eventskx 无论如何+5"e
at any rateyf 无论如何,至少j?h;
at first sightkk 乍一看,初看起来">-{
at full tiltga 全速地,全力地u*ip
at handoa 在手边,在附近,即将到来Z|V
at heartsv 在内心,实质上c(N]
at intervalsfr 不时,时时at largeqe 一般;大体上|n9y
at leisureea 从容地,有空Sm^T
Unit 21
at lengthhr ①终于,最后;②详细地qtd?
at no timekz 从不,决不Qxuk
at odds (with)kp (与)…不一致;差异;争执'~q
at one timeac 同时,曾经,从前曾z'p[
at one’s wits’ end 毫无办法,不知所措a8J^
at stakeih 在危险中,利害攸关[Y8O 第 13 页
根据 郭崇兴《考研英语必记词组一本通》改编
at the cost ofkg 以…为代价c>Yv
at the momentfq 现在,此刻^*nD
at workse 在工作,忙于%TzI
attempt atpf 企图,努力1attend topx 照顾,护理Wb{l
avail (oneself) of 利用#(s'
back ofmf 在…后部,在…背部@M1^
back uppa 支持,援助;倒退,后退[9ban fromgy 禁止\iMw
be absent fromcj 缺席,不在场g";h
be absorbed inej 专心于n

be accustomed to 习惯于wHy;
be ashamed oftf 羞耻,惭愧,害臊rmIZ
be cautious ofsn 小心的,谨慎的|=v<
be compatible with 与…不矛盾,与…一致,与…相容c.NK
be content withvk 满足的,愿意的3$/>
be equal tozn ①相等的,同样的;②胜任的,合适的Df`e
be fed up (with) 感到厌烦3?}n
be friends withar 对…友好,与…交上朋友_tjs
be good forzl 有效,适用,胜任w=ED
be indignant at/with 对…感到愤慨qXT(
be inmune toly 对…有免疫力,抵制KqtU
be made up ofyn 由…构成,由…组成hTB@
be married tojv 与…结婚S,>D
be proficient in 精通~^=q
be resistant toji 抵抗的,有抵抗力的;=,{
be similar tosd 相似的,类似的V*/K
be skeptical of/about 怀疑y9,S
be suited forzp 适合.[Op
be superior tocx 较…多的,优于…OJfp
be supposed togx 应该_XgG
before longfv 不久以后Qpyl
behind schedulelu 晚点*Q&"
beneficial tonh 有利的,有益的y$_O
break away (from) 脱离,逃跑N%~_
break intc ①强行进入,闯入;②打断,插嘴O
break intonc 闯入%!tI
break offyu 断绝,结束4](K
break outlq ①突然发生,爆发;②(of)逃出4
break throughud 突破Pcfc
bring downuc ①打倒,挫伤;②降低8>c8
bring forthdx 产生,提出PH1F
bring forwardlq 提出rZ/_
bring outki ①使出现,使显明;②公布,出版?Dkh
Unit 22
bring upke 教育,培养,使成长H-lh
bring/put...into practice实施,实行^Z&6
bump against/into 碰,撞rHU7
burn outpg 烧掉=W#q
burn upay 烧起来,旺起来;烧完,烧尽
but forhs 要不是w86=
by all meansgk 无论如何,必定dBe5
by analogyqo 用类推的方法Q*Q`
by chanceed 偶然,碰巧Z1VZ
by comparisonnr 比较起来mwcw
by courtesy ofsk 蒙…的好意(或准许),蒙…提供(或赠送);由于的…作用_w
by handxi 用手qOZ(
by heartkp 牢记,凭记忆,;kg
by itselfcj 独自,单独gJXN
by mistakeyo 错误地R+z(
by reason oflz 由于`4I2
by the same token 由于同样原因,同样地pQ:[
by the wayxn 顺便提一下,另外~V%I
by turnsmp 轮流,交替地U3Rj
by virtue ofks 由于w{(H
by way ofzm 经由,通过…方式Y{;#
call forthyi 唤起,引起;振作起,鼓起OnO|
call offsz 放弃,取消&Oi+
call on/attg ①访问,拜访;②(车、船等)停靠(某地).>LM
care aboutsf 关心,介意,计较@O#D
care forrg 照管,关心;喜欢,意欲m#w*
carry offqv 夺去.jh)
carry onms ①继续下去,坚持下去;②从事,经营X.{K
carry/bring into effect 使生效,使起作用q~dX
catch a glimpse of 瞥见,看见O00[
catch fireox 着火_<=P
catch onic 理解,明白t%&"
catch one’s breath 屏息,歇口气p0}[
catch one’s eyedh 引人注目x4By
catch sight ofhk 发现,突然看见/N(|
catch up withyy 追上,赶上>^x/
certain ofoq 一定的,确信的,可靠的0.dz
check indv 办理登记手续18Eo
check outcw 结帐后离开;检验,核查S`$$
check up/on/upon 校对,检查,检验H,`I
第 14 页
根据 郭崇兴《考研英语必记词组一

cheer upow 使高兴,使振奋;高兴起来,振作起来~xxJ
clear awaypq 扫除,收拾l80(
clear upab ①整理,收拾;②清除,解除;③解释,澄清;④(天气)变晴PsJ^
close inli 包围,围住]Z1U
collide withwo 抵触yd0M
come backun ①(旧事等)在记忆中重现;②恢复(健康)!K[!
come into existence (事物,局面等)产生;形成;成立nIYT
come offbm 实现,成功,奏效^.:&
come onjx 请,来吧,跟着来,快点;开始,来临;进展,发展;出场,上演f
come round/around ①来访,前来;②苏醒,复原#:ne
Unit 23
come throughze 经历,脱险lk!k
come to the point 说到要点,扼要地说;dDN
come trueds 实现,达到$c%L
come upoc ①走近,上来;②发生;③被提出1A>u
come up toxa 达到,符合vS|.
come/go into effect 生效,实施xXdF
come/go into force 生效,实施ssji
come/go into operation 开始运转,开工B
comply withpg 照做,遵照,应允^Z}#
conceive ofok 设想,构思,想象;Ht7
confident of/inoj 确信的,自信的o>r0
conflict withoy 抵触,冲突iCRY
congratulate onkx 祝贺,向…致祝贺词"3[H
congratulation on 祝贺,[pl.]祝贺词%UR%
connect withjf 连接,连结'3mE
conscious ofcs 意识到的,自觉的yAJ7
consist inuu 在于,存在于Rzwc
consistent withyj 前后一致的,始终如一的tDLQ
consult withrp 商量,商议3<[9
contrary todd 相反的,矛盾的,对抗的F#b}
contrast withll 使与…对比,使与…对照,和…形成对照t6P2
convince ofih 使信服,使确信FMj2
cooperate withfz 合作,协作,相配合rEMg
correspond withza 符合,一致xRO7
correspondence to 相当于,对应43:o
correspondence with 符合,一致y[:1
count ondq 依靠,期待,指望Ycount upqi 把…相加BGT.
cover upoh 掩饰,掩盖z3xh
crazy aboutws 狂热的,热衷的vNx&
cross outlk 删去,取消sE-Q
cure offo 治愈,医治R|,1
cut acrosstg 走捷径,抄近路j,=\
cut backtc 削减,降低+/XW
cut cornersxl ①走捷径;②省钱(或人力、时间等)!pj!
cut downxn 削减,减少!tq)
cut outdg 删除us:N
cut shortjd ①中断;②简化hO1K
date back toxe ①追溯;②始于7C'+
dear toei 珍贵的(j?d
despair ofsq 对…绝望lFTb
deviate fromcf 背离,偏离)?h{
die downaf 渐渐消失,平息6Nt[
die offfc 相继死去k#{2
differ fromos 与…不同02)r
differ withsp 与…意见不同ou&N
dispose forsw 布置,安排S&0=
dispose offo 处理,处置L/\N
distribute overie 散布;n^9
diverse fromvw 不同的iJv|
Unit 24
divide byps 除*j?@
do away withbo 废除,去掉1J&t
do/try one’s best 尽力,努力RbZN
double upfj 弯腰,把…折起来MG0[
doubtful of/about 怀疑的,可疑的nJ,v
down tosr 直到nspL
drag downhi ①使…跨掉;②使(某人)注意某事物CS@L
draw ingk (火车,汽车)到站VHV~
draw onib ①动用,利用;②吸,抽(烟)HN{v
draw outqo ①变长,拉长;②掏出,取出;③使(某人)开口说话ZT5c
draw to/towardswz 挨近VtsS
dress upjl ①
