本份文档包含:关于该选题的外文文献、文献综述一、外文文献文献信息标题: Business Logistics Performance Measurement in Third-Party Logistics: An Empirical Analysis of Australian Courier Firms作者: Michael W; Ferry J; Ahmad A出版物名称: International Journal of Business and Information卷: 10;期: 3;页: 323-336 年份: 2015Business Logistics Performance Measurement in Third-Party Logistics: An EmpiricalAnalysis of Australian Courier FirmsABSTRACTThis paper presents an empirically validated measurement model of logistics performance in Australian courier firms. In third-party logistics firms, logistics performance directly influences both internal and external stakeholders/customers. The courier firm is an important model of third-party logistics. In this study, all measures are validated by both academics and practitioners. Empirical data for the study was collected through a web-based survey. A total of 162 responses were used to verify the measurement model of structural equation modeling. Results indicate that the logistics performance measurement has high reliability and validity in the study. This measurement model contributes to the business performance literature. It provides insight to assess logistics performance in the postal/courier industry. In addition, the measures can be generalized for different business management purposes.Keywords: Performance measurement, logistics performance, business logistics, supply chain management, postal/courier industry1. INTRODUCTIONDuring the last couple of decades, the logistics industry has boomed worldwide, and competition in the third-party logistics (3PLs) market is now very intensive. Thelogistics performance of 3PLs is crucial in today's competitive business world. Logistics performance in courier service is critical for customers [Ho, Teik, Tiffany, Kok, and Teh, 2012]. It is important for transport logistics service providers in delivering value to members in the supply chain [Lai, Ngai, and Cheng, 2004]. Especially, 3PLs and transport service providers play a vital role in a supply chain system to deliver goods and information to link the different business partners in a supply chain. Thus, the effect of 3PLs' performance is significant. Furthermore, logistics performance is a success factor for both logistics service providers and their customers [Richard and Rein, 2004], because not only are 3PLs and transport service providers impacted by logistics performance, but also other business stakeholders and/or customers in the same supply chain network may suffer negative impacts of logistics performance.Cohen and Roussel [2005] indicated that performance measurement refers to the indicators of the work performed and the results achieved in an activity, process, or organizational unit. Logistics performance was one of the important factors driving the choice of a 3PLs provider Mentzer and Flint, 1999; Thai, 2013]. In addition, an oft-repeated axiom is: "If you can't measure it, you can't manage it." Performance measurement is fundamental to achieving organizational success [Fawcett and Cooper, 1998]. Therefore, logistics performance measurement plays a vital role in today's business management.The 3PLs provide various services, which include transportation, warehousing, cross-docking, inventory management, packaging, and freight forwarding [Gudehus and Kotzab, 2012]. Between 84% and 90% of companies using 3PL suppliers believe that 3PLs should provide a comprehensive set of offerings [Donlon, 2006]. And, the 3PLs could benefit the companies in various aspects; for example, reduction in cost, reduction in capital investment, and enhanced operational flexibility. A courier company is one of the typical 3PL models in the logistics industry [Cowles, 2012]. Logistics performance in courier service is critical for customer satisfaction [Ho et al., 2012]. Previous studies have found that logistics performance could directly influence customer preferences [Feng et al., 2007; Ho et al., 2012; Mentzer and Flint, 1999;Thai, 2013]. Although less attention has been paid to the logistics performance of courier services, this paper presents an empirically validated measurement model of logistics performance based on the Australian courier industry.2. BACKGROUNDThe earliest record of courier parcel service in Australia can be traced to 1809. Its origin is Australia Post. Postal services were an important feature of Australian life from the early colonial period, being the only means of contact between Australia and Britain for much of the nineteenth century [Post, 2013]. Today, airplanes, ships, trains, trucks, and bicycles have been widely used by couriers to transport customers' messages and parcels. Modern forms of transportation allow parcels to be delivered very quickly over vast distances [Wang, 2011]. These methods are highly efficient and obviously far more reliable than any of the options in the past. The general parcel courier service uses technologies to organize, transport, and even track deliveries. With GPS-style tracking options, customers not only receive parcels quickly, but also can watch the progress of their parcels along the way and get a proof of delivery. Therefore, many information technologies are involved in modern courier service, such as online real-time track and trace technology, which enables customers to monitor their freights from the point of pick-up to the point of delivery.A courier company is a less-than-a-truckload (LTL) third-party logistics (3PL) carrier. One can sort 3PLs into different types, which include freight forwarders, courier companies, and other companies that integrate and offer subcontracted logistics and transportation services [Cowles, 2012]. A courier company is one of the most significant 3PL modules for all types of 3PLs. The operational costs for a carrier have three major components: costs for drivers and vehicles making local pick-ups and deliveries, line haul costs for transporting freight between terminals, and handling costs for sorting and consolidating freight. Handling freight in an LTL terminal is labor-intensive and therefore expensive because workers must quickly sort a variety of freight [Bartholdi and Gue, 2000]. Generally, road and air are the two most popular transport models in the Australian courier industry.Today's courier service is different from a traditional postal service. A large number ofcourier firms, especially the large-scale ones, have begun to offer various services, including inbound freight, freight consolidation, reverse logistics, value-added customer services, distribution, order fulfillment, and outbound freight. Moreover, trends such as globalization, online shopping, and urbanization stimulate demands for courier services [Wang, 2011]. It is important, therefore, to understand and measure courier performance. This study focuses on the performance of delivering express small parcels (normally under 30kg per item) in Australian courier firms; for example, DHL Express, TNT Express, and Toll priority.3. MEASURING LOGISTICS PERFORMANCEFrom the resource-based view (RBV), each firm is a particular bundle of resources and capabilities. Moreover, each firm may have distinct objectives and strategies. Therefore, performance measurement may be different in different companies. In general, performance can be measured in hard (objective) measures and soft (perceptual or responsiveness) measures [Chow, Heaver, and Henriksson, 1994]. Hard measures include raw financial statistics, costs statistics, commissions, and services rendered. In contrast, soft measures include supervisor appraisals and self-perception. Performance analysis is the measurement and comparison of actual levels of achievement of specific objectives [Yang, 2012]. When analyzing system performance, it is difficult to use qualitative evaluations that are vague. However, the chosen numerical performance measure may not adequately describe the system's performance [Benita, 1999]. Hudson, Haas, and Uddin [1997] showed that performance measures are the quantities that capture the level to which the system performed and the results achieved in the process. Performance measures also can be used for other business purposes. Such performance measures have to be identified as the first task in risk analysis [Aven, 2012]. The informative performance measures could help companies to prevent the escalation of, and reduce the consequences of, a hazardous situation [Aven, 2012]. Furthermore, performance measures may prevent and monitor the risks in risk analysis [Aven, 2012].Various indicators and attributes of logistics performance have been discussed in terms of different aspects or purposes. Previously, an aspect such as transportationcost or customer service was measured [Fawcett and Cooper, 1998]. The performance of activity was determined on the basis of costs [Christopher, 1998], whereas a number of empirical studies focused on service and quality [Irene Gil, David Servera, Gloria Berenguer, and María Fuentes, 2008]. Richard and Rein [2004] suggested that logistics performance is a success factor for both logistics service providers and their customers. Although logistics performance measurement has been widely discussed [Chow et al., 1994; Pichet and Shinya, 2008], there are few studies that investigate the logistics performance of courier firms. This paper provides an empirical analysis of courier firms in Australia.There are many distinct ways to measure performance in logistics companies. In the current study, logistics performance measures focus on the transport and freight industry in terms of the nature of being a courier, which is transporting express small packages/parcels from point of origin to point of destination (door-to-door service). The dominating logistics performance variable is on-time delivery [Helena, 2012]. Fawcett and Cooper [1998] identified important logistics performance attributes, including cost, productivity, customer service, and logistics quality. The performance indicators in the research are based on the hierarchy framework for evaluating logistics performance [Pichet and Shinya, 2008]. From Pichet and Shinya [2008] and Helena [2012], we extracted four logistics performance variables (on-time delivery, frequency of damaged freight, frequency of operation disruption, and flexibility). According to the literature review, the measures of logistics performance are drawn and developed from previous studies of logistics and transport industries [Fawcett and Cooper, 1998; Morash, 2001; Najmi and Makui, 2012; Pichet and Shinya, 2008]. The indicators of logistics performance are measured by four aspects: customer service, delivery operations, freight safety, and information accuracy (Table 1).The current study focuses on the actual courier performance of delivering small express parcels/packages, which may influence both courier firms and their customers. The results and generalization may be widely used, however, in the transport and logistics industry.4. METHODOLOGYStructural equation modeling (SEM) comprises two types of measurement scales: formative and reflective. It is important to understand the distinction between the two, because different types of measurement scales may influence the relationships and results in a study [Loehlin, 2004]. In reflective measurement models, variation in the construct causes variation in the item measures, changes in observed variables or indicators of the latent constructs reflect changes in the latent constructs, and the error item in items can be identified. In contrast, in formative measurement models, variation in item measures causes variation in the construct, latent constructs is determined as a combination of its indicators, and the error term cannot be identified if the formative measurement model is estimated in isolation [Churchill, 1979; Coltman, Devinney, Midgley, and Venaik, 2008]. In this study, we used a reflective scale to assess logistics performance.4.1. Instrument DesignMeasurement of the logistics performance of couriers in this study was derived from literature review and observation, and, then to ensure content validity, a pilot study was used to test the questionnaire before conducting a comprehensive survey. In the questionnaire survey, the items are structured and presented on a 7-point Likert scale. Likert-type scales are considered reliable and are recommended for obtaining people's attitudes, values, and perceptions [Miller, 1970]. In the 7-point Likert-type scale used in this study, 1 = "strongly disagree," and 7 = "strongly agree."A multiple-indicator measure of a concept is used to measure logistics performance. The main reason for its use is recognition that there are potential problems with relying on just a single indicator, because one indicator may capture only a portion of the underlying concept or be too general [Bryman and Bell, 2011]. In addition, the SEM requires a minimum number of indictors for a latent variable [Loehlin, 2004]. Multiple-indicator measures may minimize measurement errors and improve the reliability and validity of measures of concepts [Grinnell and Unrau, 2011].A positive feedback was received from our pilot study of the questionnaire, producing suggestions for minor changes. Nine items were finalized to assess logistics performance in Australian courier firms (see Table 3 in section 5.2). The indicators oflogistics performance are validated by both supply chain and logistics academics and practitioners in the Australian courier industry.4.2. Data CollectionIn this study, we consider the sample size for research using the partial least squares approach for structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) analysis. One of the advantages of the PLS-SEM approach is the smaller sample size compared with other approaches. A questionnaire survey is a major instrument to collect data. In this study, 98 courier companies in Australia were identified and invited to participate. Empirical data was collected through a web-based survey. A total 162 responses were used to verify the measurement model of structural equation modeling. The approximate response rate was about 20%.4.2. Data AnalysisPLS-SEM has become a popular statistical technique in today's business research [Henseler, Ringle, and Sinkovics, 2009]. The IBM SPSS version 21 statistical software package was chosen for the study. This package is widely used for data screening involving data cleaning. Factor analysis involved the initial reliability, validity, and measure of purification in the study.5. RELIABILITY AND V ALIDITY OF RESULTSTo ensure the reliability and validity of the measurement model, a factor analysis is performed for the reflective construct. Reliability is an assessment of the degree of consistency between multiple measurements of a variable [Hair, 2010]. This study applies a reliability coefficient with Cronbach's alpha to test the reliability of the scale. The reliability is demonstrated by Cronbach's alpha greater than 0.7 in SPSS [Hair, 2010].Validity is another important dimension to indicate the degree of accuracy of measurements. Face or content validity was tested in the pilot study. Convergent validity assesses the degree to which two measures of the same concept are correlated [Hair, 2010]. High correlations are required to ensure convergent validity. A value greater than 0.7 is considered a satisfaction level. In contrast, discriminant validity is the degree to which two conceptually similar concepts are distinct [Hair, 2010]. Factoranalysis includes various reliability and validity tests, Cronbach's alpha KMO, Bartlett's test, communalities, and convergent and discriminant validity.5.1. Factor AnalysisExploratory factor analysis (EFA) is used to explore the underlying dimensions of construct. Logistics performance is a reflective multi-item construct. The most widely used method in factor analysis is principal axis factoring (PAF). It is a least-squares estimation of the common factor model. It makes no assumption about the type of error and minimizes the unweighted sum of the squares [unweighted least squares (ULS) or ordinary least squares (OLS)] of the residual matrix [Winter and Dodou, 2012]. Promax is used for the factor rotation method. The detailed testing results can be found in Table 2.Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measures of sampling adequacy and Bartlett's test of sphericity are used to assess the suitability of the respondent data for factor analysis. Interpretive adjectives for the KMO of sampling adequacy include marvelous (> 0.90), meritorious (> 0.80), middling (> 0.70), mediocre (> 0.60), miserable (> 0.50), and unacceptable (below 0.50) [Hair, 2010]. The value of the KMO measure of sampling adequacy for this study is 0.92, which would be labeled as marvelous. Bartlett's test of sphericity plays a vital role for accepting the sample adequacy. A general rule for the Bartlett's test of sphericity must be less than 0.05 [Hair, 2010]. The sig value for this test is 0. Therefore, the validity and suitability of the responses are accepted in this study.Based on Kaiser's criteria (eigenvalue greater than 1), a cumulative percentage of variance of 66.3% and a total of one component having an eigenvalue >1, one factor was extracted for the construct-logistics performance. No item is removed from the logistics performance measurements during the factor analysis. As Table 2 shows, the construct has high reliability and validity.5.1 Item Reliability and ValidityFor reflective indicators, a general rule for item reliability is Cronbach's alpha greater than 0.7 [Hair, Sarstedt, Pieper, and Ringle, 2012]. Cronbach's alpha is a commonly used test of internal reliability. It essentially calculates the average of all possiblesplit-half reliability coefficients [Bryman and Bell, 2011]. The instrument showed good statistical properties as the Cronbach's alpha for logistics performance is 0.93, which is above the threshold of 0.7 (Table 3). Therefore, the reliability of individual items is eligible in the study.In the current study, nearly all loadings are above the threshold of 0.7. In practice, items often have loadings below 0.7. It is common to exclude items only if loadings are below 0.4 [Hair, 2010]. Convergent validity is demonstrated by an average loading greater than 0.7, A VE greater than 0.500, and communalities greater than 0.500 (Hair, 2010). Convergent validity for the reflective items shows that all items load with a significant t value and that the A VE score is 0.66 higher than the threshold of 0.5 (Table 3). Discriminant validity is demonstrated by the square root of the A VE being greater than any of the inter-construct correlations (Hair et al., 2012).In this study, factor analysis is conducted to explore and investigate the nature of the variable - logistics performance in the Australian courier industry. The results demonstrate the reliability and validity of the scale of logistics performance in the Australian courier industry. Factor analysis has become an important tool for both quantitative and qualitative researchers to explore and generate dimensions. In EFA, researchers normally do not have expectations. This would help researchers to develop a theory. In addition, EFA is an important factor analysis approach to reduce a large number of variables into a smaller set of factors. We have used the approach to determine the factor of logistics performance and to develop an empirically supported scale of logistics performance in the Australian courier industry.6. DISCUSSIONWith the rapid development of e-business, couriers have become more and more popular, but there are very few studies on the courier industry. The objective of our study is to verify a measurement model of logistics performance in the 3PLs. In this study, we focus on business logistics performance measurement based on the Australian courier industry. We use factor analysis for measurement model development. Although items are adopted from the literature review, all items are used to assess the logistics performance of courier firm for the first time. This papercontributes to business performance literature. Logistics performance is assessed from four aspects: customer service, delivery operations, freight safety, and information accuracy. A total of 9 items were identified and tested to measure the logistics performance of the 3PLs. The factor analysis revealed one underlying factor of logistics performance in the Australian courier industry. Based on the results of factor analysis, the measurements of logistics performance have a high level of reliability and accuracy.7. CONCLUSIONThe primary contribution of this paper is that we found empirical support for a measurement model of logistics performance in the Australian courier industry. The scale of logistics performance was verified empirically. Our findings can be widely used for further research and/or measurement of logistics performance in the transport and logistics industry. We used IBM SPSS version 21 for data analysis. The results indicated a high level of reliability and validity. During the measurement refinement process, we did not delete any item. In other words, the 9 items were found to well represent the logistics performance of the 3PLs.The current paper provides, for the first time, an empirically validated measurement model of logistics performance for Australian courier firms. The results have important implications for both academics and practitioners. Logistics performance is an important concept in business discipline. Measuring business logistics performance is one of the key tasks in understanding and developing the concept. Our measurement model makes a contribution to the literature. For managers, operating costs may be a problem in many Australian courier firms. From our research, we identified problems relating to delays, customer complaint and damaged/ lost freight. We suggest that the scale could be used to assess logistics performance in other industries. Therefore, an important implication of the study is that future empirical studies should test logistics performance measurement in different countries and/or sectors.Although the results show a high degree of reliability and validity, it must be remembered that the empirical data was collected from Australian courier firms onlyand that any generalization to other countries or sectors should be made with caution. The logistics performance measurement model of structural equation modeling can be used for a structural model. Further research may be conducted to investigate the relationships between logistics performance and other constructs.二、文献综述第三方物流的文献综述摘要第三方物流,英文表达为Third Party Logistics,简称3PL,也简称TPL,是相对“第一方”发货人和“第二方”收货人而言的。
JannéMats与Rudberg Martin[3]认为第三方物流安排在城市建设项目中正成为一种常态。
Issam Laguir and Rébecca Stekelorum and Jamal El Baze[4]则在论述中提到了主动环境战略。
文献综述物流管理低碳时代第三方物流企业优化发展研究一、引言Professor Martin Christopher(1992)提出未来的竞争不是企业和企业之间的竞争,而是供应链之间的竞争。
美国著名的管理大师P. 德鲁克曾指出:“在10 年至15 年之内,任何企业内只做后台支持而不创造营业额的工作都应该外包出去。
引用出处[1]谢凌云.创新驱动发展战略背景下大学生就业创业能力提升研究[J].创新创业理论研究与实践,2020(14):175-177.[2]朱高明.大学生创新创业及就业能力培养探讨[J].内蒙古煤炭经济, 2020(24):209-210.[3]熊苗.探究高就业压力下的大学生就业创业指导[J].公关世界,2021(24):66-67.随着经济全球化步伐的加快,现代科学技术尤其是信息技术和通信技术的快速发展,现代物流模式的改变成为企业降低成本及提高竞争力的重要手段之一。
1、概念“第三方物流”(T h i r d-p a r t y l o g i s t i c s,简称T P L或3P L)一词于20世纪80年代后期开始盛行,最早提出是在1988年美国物流管理委员会的一项顾客服务调查中,这种新思维被纳入到顾客服务职能中,被描述为“物流服务提供者”。
文献翻译第三方物流文献综述第三方物流:文献综述Alessandra Marasco摘要近年来,第三方物流(Third-party logistics,TPL)引起了许多学者的重视研究。
关键词:第三方物流;组织关系;文献综述1.简介第三方物流(Third-party logistics----TPL),也称为物流外包(例如Knemeyer,2003;Maltz and Ellram,1997;Razzaque and Sheng, 1998等等),已经获得了大部分物流学者的关注,从而导致在这一领域的研究和写作日益广泛普遍。
(例如.Lieb and Bentz, 2004, 2005a; Lieb and Miller, 2002;Lieb and Randall, 1999a等等).尽管现在有很多关于这个研究领域的文献,但是对第三方物流进行综合研究的科学文献数量还是比有限的。
Razzaque and Sheng 在1998提供了一个比较全面的物流外包文学文献综述,从期刊杂志和其他出版物搜集了一些突出重要的研究成果。
Skjoett-Larsen et al. 在2003年提出了第三方物流研究概述,树立了北欧学校关于第三方物流的研究方法、推理方法或总结经验的鲜明特色,他们的综述总体上强调了北欧的第三方物流的研究对国际研究过程做出的贡献。
1 国外研究现状(1)关于第三方物流企业的研究美国东北大学供应链管理教授Robert C.Lieb(1993)认为,TPL 指的是用外部公司去完成传统上由组织内部完成的物流功能(包括全部物流功能或所选择的部分功能)。
Simehi Levi等(2000)认为TPL 就是通过一家外部公司来执行公司的物料管理或产品配销的部分或全部功能。
09 级学院:专业:班级:学生姓名:学号:完成日期:近年来我国第三方物流研究文献综述【摘要】近年来我国第三方物流行业受到越来越多的人的重视。
一、我国第三方物流业的发展现状与特点西安铁路职业技术学院王公强教授在《我国第三方物流业发展探析》一文中指出:“我国第三方物流的引入是近几年的事情, 第三方物流以其独特的优势吸引了越来越多企业的关注, 整个中国第三方物流的市场2000- 2005年, 年增长率达到25% 。
中国仓储协会对全国450 家大中型企业的调查显示, 45% 的企业将在未来一两年内选择新的物流商; 其中,75% 的企业将选择新型物流企业, 60% 的企业将把所有的综合物流业务外包给新型的物流企业。
企业对新型物流服务的需求迅速扩大, 使第三方物流市场成为新兴的朝阳产业和丰厚利润的源泉。
(三) 发展趋势
关键词:第三方物流,现状,促进作用,建议引言:第三方物流Third Party Logistic),简称为TPL或者3PL,最初是由欧美一些发达国家的外包业务融人物流产业中形成的。
外文翻译原文Third party logistics: a literature review and research agendaMaterial Source: Department of Management ScienceAuthor:Konstantinos SelviaridisIntroductionIn recent years there has been a surge of academic interest and publications in the area of third party logistics (3PL). This can be partly explained by the growing trend of outsourcing logistics activities in a wide variety of industrial sectors. The continuing wave of consolidation within the 3PL industry has also resulted in the emergence of large companies that have the capabilities to offer sophisticated logistics solutions on a continental or even global scale. Such logistics service providers (LSPs) strive to assume a more strategic role within the supply chain of clients, expanding their scale and scope of operations.Despite the growing interest in 3PL, the literature on this area appears to be disjointed. Based on an extensive literature review, this paper aims to offer a taxonomy of 3PL studies and point out opportunities for further research. In a previous attempt, summarised the results of their literature survey which also included articles from practitioner journals and the trade press. For the sake of rigour, the present study concentrates only on refereed journal papers published during 1990-2005.Analysis of findingsThe analysis of literature is based on multiple dimensions. Both content- and method-oriented criteria are used. The papers were firstly classified according to their research purpose (descriptive vs normative) and nature (empirical vs conceptual). The results indicate that most 3PL studies (60 per cent) are empirical-descriptive in nature.3PL studies are weakly theorised, with 69 per cent of the papers having no theoretical foundation and simply describing trends in the industry. This confirms others' views that logistics research lacks a theoretical basis. Nonetheless, somework uses theories such as transaction cost economics (TCE) and the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm to explain logistics outsourcing. Relationship marketing approaches, network theory, agency theory, competence theory, channel theory, political economy theory and social exchange theory have also been applied to explain aspects of 3PL relations. However, their use seems to be the exception rather than the rule and most of them are applied on a piecemeal basis, without serving any broader research objective.The level of analysis of 3PL research is also examined. In line with Harland (1996)and Hakansson and Snehota (1995), studies are classified in terms of three levels:1.the firm2. the dyad3.the network.The firm levelThe decision to outsource (or not) logistics activities depends on a multitude of variables, which refer to both internal and external considerations. have identified factors such as centrality of the logistics function, risk and control, cost/service trade-offs, information technologies and relationships with LSPs. The concept of logistics complexity is also introduced to incorporate a number of critical drivers that impact on the above identified factors. Product-related (e.g. special handling needs), process-related (e.g. cycle times) and network-related (e.g. countries served) drivers are believed to have an indirect influence in the outsourcing decision.A variety of benefits and risks in relation to 3PL have been reported in the literature. These can be classified as strategy-, finance- and operations-related. Outsourcing non-strategic activities enables organisations to focus on core competence and exploit external logistical expertise . 3PL providers can also contribute to improved customer satisfaction and provide access to international distribution networks . The most often-cited risks are associated with loss of control over the logistics function and loss of in-house capability and customer contact . However, it is usually the case that shippers employ a mixed strategy regarding logistics and retain important logistics activities (e.g. order management) in-house. While it is reported that users of 3PL enhance their flexibility with regard to market (investments) and demand (volume flexibility) changes, lack of responsiveness to customer needs is also cited as a problem of outsourcing .The review reveals a mismatch between supply and demand for logistics services. Evidence from recent industry surveys indicates that while LSPs expandtheir offerings to include information systems, consulting, contract manufacturing and even purchasing and financial services, there is a low uptake of such services and buyers in general prefer to outsource transport- and warehouse-related functions .Three main frameworks for procurement of logistics services have been identified. compare the purchasing process between commoditised (e-freight exchanges) and advanced logistics services. They find that definition of service requirements appear to be more difficult, criteria for 3PL selection extend far beyond price considerations and contracts are much more detailed when buying advanced logistics solutions.Berglund have identified several factors facilitating the rise of the 3PL market. On the demand side, key drivers include reduction in asset intensity, reduction of labor costs and restructuring of distribution; on the supply side, industry deregulation and declining profit margins in basic services are among the reasons for growth. Some authors have explained how transportation firms developed into 3PL providers by expanding their service offerings to differentiate themselves from competition .In a highly competitive sector cost reduction, market segmentation and service differentiation are the main ways of improving 3PL performance and profits. In addition, environmental changes and the introduction of new technologies have an impact on LSP strategic planning. For example, e-commerce and its implications for logistics operations should be fully understood by 3PL firm s .Both vertical (shipper-LSP) and horizontal (among LSPs) alliances are set up mainly with the aim of getting access to complementary resources and capabilities. In particular, horizontal alliances among LSPs are deemed necessary for the development of cross-border logistics solutions. Some authors though question the effectiveness of Pan-European and global logistics operators and they argue for the existence of local, medium-sized 3PLs that better serve customer needs in foreign markets .The dayd levelExisting literature suggests that the nature of 3PL relationships is a function of service offering composition, contract duration and the client's motivation for outsourcing.There are many examples of partnerships between LSPs and manufacturers/retailers in the logistics literature. It is suggested that such partnerships develop gradually, as the number of outsourced activities increases overtime. Shippers often adopt an “increasing scope” strategy in respect of their relationships with LSPs. According to this practice, buyers are looking for specific solutions at the initial stages of the relationship in order to test the provider's capabilities . However, over time, the scope of the relationship increases and the offering expands to include more value-added and customised solutions .The design and implementation of 3PL relations appears to be problematic. Often-cited difficulties include lack of understanding of client's supply chain needs, lack of adequate expertise in specific products and markets, unrealistic customer expectations, inadequate description of services and service levels, lack of logistics cost awareness by the client and lack of 3PL innovation. In response to such problems the literature focuses on issues such as 3PL selection, contracting, information sharing between client-LSP and performance measurement systems. In relation to service provider choice, the buyer organization should create a comprehensive list of selection criteria that extend beyond price considerations. These issues are now considered in turn.Frequent communications and information sharing between the contracting parties are crucial for effective management of 3PL relations . Information exchange is important even in the pre-contracting period, when the buyer attempts to assess the capabilities of the potential supplier. Communication channels in multiple organizational levels are established in order to cover the strategic as well as operational information needs. In many instances, joint meetings are also established to review the provider's performance and solve any arising problems. More seldom, inter-organisational teams and committees are formed with the aim of facilitating information exchange between contracting parties and/or improving business processes .Whatever their starting point of analysis or theoretical perspective, all frameworks include a relationship evaluation stage. A feedback mechanism is also incorporated in order to adjust the relationship objectives and adapt processes. Some of them do not consider specific 3PL characteristics. Even worse, researchers who apply such frameworks to 3PL relationships do no appear to provide any justification for doing so. These frameworks also suggest, either implicitly or explicitly, that 3PL alliances are a means to achieve competitive advantage, by gaining access to external resources and capabilities .Collaborative 3PL relations can lead to new competence development and innovation, provided that partners openly exchange information and share their knowledge and skills . Organisational learningis thought to be an important quality which facilitates innovation and 3PL service improvement .The network levelCurrent research focuses on dyadic LSP-client interactions. However, the boundary-spanning role of logistics and the importance of customer service for 3PL arrangements are reflected in many studies, which either implicitly or explicitly discuss the client's customer interface, i.e. the treatment extends beyond the dyad to consider larger networks.There are a few studies that explicitly discuss the formation of logistics outsourcing triads.Bask argues that the term 3PL implies a triadic link among suppliers, their customers and LSPs. Larson and Gammelgaard investigate the preconditions, benefits and barriers to the formation of collaborative relations among buyers, sellers and 3PL providers. Carter and Ferrin have illustrated the impact of trilateral collaboration on the reduction of transport costs. Moreover, Gentry has studied the role of carriers in strategic buyer-supplier alliances and concluded that LSPs mainly have operational responsibilities and are not involved in strategic planning of the supplier-customer alliance.Various forms of sub-contracting are also considered in the literature. In particular, the design of 4PL/LLP solutions entails that the LSP acts as a single point of contact within the client's supply chain. The 4PL provider is often regarded as a non asset-based company which makes use of its supply chain design/planning capabilities and IT solutions and acts as a single interface between the client and multiple (asset-based) LSPs (Skjoett-Larsen, 2000). Logistics providers also develop horizontal networks in order to gain access to complementary resources and capabilities.Directions for future research1.Focus on network research.The review has revealed a knowledge gap in relation to the design and implementation of 4PL/LLP contracting arrangements. Existing studies focus on conceptualising 4PL and pointing out its difference from 3PL, without reaching a common definition. Further, empirical research should be directed towards these phenomena, in particular:2.Focus on normative research.Further normative research is needed to provide practitioners with tools and frameworks for decision-making. On this front, two suggestions are offered: Outsourcing decision framework, Selection criteria framework.3.Focus on theory-based researc.hExisting studies that adopt a TCE approach to explain the outsourcing decision focus on asset specificity as their main construct and pay little attention to (or at best take for granted) the actual costs of defining what is to be exchanged, writing contracts and measuring performance. They also fail to include production costs in their analysis. It is suggested that such “mundane” transaction costs can be important in determining the boundaries of the firm, given the prominence of cost-efficiency criteria for logistics outsourcing.4.Focus on empirical research in 3PL design/implementation.More specifically, two suggestions for future research are made: Empirical research should be directed towards contractual practices and the development of performance measurement systems in 3PL.. Given the increasing complexity and uncertainty in the 3PL market, there is a need to re-visit how logistics capabilities and services are defined and designed in specific client-service provider relationships as well as how they are re-packaged and evolve over time.5.Focus on qualitative methods and triangulation.The review has revealed a dominance of survey research in 3PL. Surveys have been particularly useful for identifying trends and practices in the 3PL market (e.g. Lieb series).Concluding remarksIn conclusion, 3PL research is at an exciting stage. In many ways it has followed a typical pattern of development, beginning with relatively simple issues and adopting an essentially descriptive approach. Now that a substantial body of literature exists in the area, it is timely to extend the methods employed and the issues addressed to deal with network phenomena and to progress with more normative considerations. Organisational and technological change, associated with globalisation and ICT developments, mean that 3PL is a sector undergoing constant change, and so there is an excellent opportunity both to study an interesting sector for its own sake, and to use 3PL as a vehicle for the generation of more generic insights into the dynamic behaviour of inter-organisational relationships and networks.译文第三方物流:一个文献综述和研究议程资料来源: 科学管理系杂志作者:康斯坦丁诺简介近年来,一直是学术兴趣和出版物的第三方物流(3PL)面积激增。
1990年,Prahalad & Hamel在《企业核心能力》中指出,核心能力是企业可持续竞争优势与新业务发展的源泉,它们应成为公司的战略焦点,企业只有具备核心能力、核心产品和市场导向这样的层次结构时,才能在全球竞争中取得持久的领先地位。
这份报告还指出:ﻫ(1)运输外包在欧洲和太平洋地区更加广泛;(2)欧洲地区的总裁更倾向于外包他们的运输管理;ﻫ(3)相比起其他地区,北美洲的组织(5 1%)更倾向于将运费审计及支付工作外包(拉丁美洲10%,欧洲18%);ﻫ(4)亚太地区以及拉丁美洲的组织对顾客服务外包更加关注。
(1) TPL 的概念、特征、绩效、发展阶段等ﻫ①概念ﻫ第三方物流在国外常称之为契约物流、物流联盟、物流伙伴或物流外部化,类似于外协或契约物流( James C. Johnson,1998);也有将TPL 定义为:“一家公司使用另一公司进行所有或部分物料管理或产品分销" (RobertB。
l— landfield , 1996)的物流; TPL主要是“外协所有或部分公司的物流功能, 相对于基本服务, 契约物流服务提供复杂、多功能物流服务, 以长期互益的关系为特征" ( Russell A。
Gilmore, 1998); 它是“综合物流服务供应商, 提供给潜在顾客向一个供应商购买其所需的全部物流需求中的两个或两个以上方面服务的能力” (Bowersox, D。
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第三方物流Third Party Logistic),简称为TPL或者3PL,最初是由欧美一些发达国家的外包业务融人物流产业中形成的。