译林牛津版高中英语模块二 unit1 Reading 1(共24张PPT)
译林牛津版高中英语必修第二册-UNIT 1 Reading_1教学课件

Visual special effects (Another aspect …)
(… also …)
Think of and appreciate the work done behind the scenes.
Introduction Main body Conclusion
While-reading Scanning
2. Finish A1 and A2 on Page 59–60 in the workbook.
1. Read this article aloud.
2. Finish the workbook.
were Park. of
(2) Scenes requiring CGI
are filmed in front of The Quidditch scenes in the Harry Potter film were made with
a green screen.
the actors jumping in front of a green screen.
model for his 1997 film. It took 500 workers 100 days to
build the fine model.
1. Review the text and underline the sentences that you don’t quite understand.
Main points
Mmwaiagynhyyt onuotswoboueunmlddaedxeepifenfcettc.htes (1) TmpTahhipxeeeesrsdoooubuunyntddoasofcfoaofdnmoaeponburvastebeorlyoptpeeolneemipinnahgkathwenetaa,sSadtmiatniragodTeserraeuabkrnyfdrioploamutrlhsliie.nnrgJauanrisamhseaselisct
高中英语牛津译林版模块1 Unit 1 reading(1):school life in the UK课件(共22张PPT)

2.I’m sorry to hear about your problems, _b_u_t_ I’m glad you’re feeling better and recovering. The feeling before “however” or ”but” and the feeling after them are usually opposite.
a. Amy wanted to __b_e_t_h_in__ very much.
b. Amy was going to _d__ie__ because she had taken some weight-loss pills which did great harm to her health.
Used to go to the gym
Take weightloss pills
dangerous …
Feel …
be ashamed of…
E-mail 2
Where What Why Who
She is in_h_o_s_p_i_ta_l__
We can use a comma after “however”
E-mail 1 True or False
1. Amy used to go on a diet to keep slim. (F) 2. Amy is trying to lose weight because she is
ashamed of her body. (T) 3. Most young women want a slim figure. (T) 4. The weight-loss pills Amy took didn’t work. (F) 5. Sometimes Amy feels so energetic. (F)
a. Amy wanted to __b_e_t_h_in__ very much.
b. Amy was going to _d__ie__ because she had taken some weight-loss pills which did great harm to her health.
Used to go to the gym
Take weightloss pills
dangerous …
Feel …
be ashamed of…
E-mail 2
Where What Why Who
She is in_h_o_s_p_i_ta_l__
We can use a comma after “however”
E-mail 1 True or False
1. Amy used to go on a diet to keep slim. (F) 2. Amy is trying to lose weight because she is
ashamed of her body. (T) 3. Most young women want a slim figure. (T) 4. The weight-loss pills Amy took didn’t work. (F) 5. Sometimes Amy feels so energetic. (F)

Take notes quickly!
Over time, it has expanded to include multiple options of soups, vegetables, meats and sauces, appealing to people of different tastes. What I love best about Sichuan hot pots is that they offer a great opportunity to socialize with friends since a meal can last for hours. I instantly became a big fan of Sichuan hot pots and I’ll soon be back for more!
it is estimated that 预计 ; 据估计 tens of thousands of 成千上万
Take notes quickly!
hit the spot 恰到好处 ; 合口味 ; 正中下怀
12月8日,广东点心 在广州,早茶在日常生活中的地位是如此重要,以至于“饮茶未?”(粤语,意为“你吃早茶了 吗?”——译者注)成了当地人问候早安的方式。虽说茶馆在中国从唐代开始就司空见惯了,但19世纪中 叶广东人的创新在于将茶佐以各种小菜或点心。这种观念时兴起来,如今广州的餐厅用一千多道点心刺激 着食客的食欲,一道比一道精致、可口。
41.filling n (糕点等的)馅 42.elderly adj 年纪较大的,上了年纪的 43.bake vt&vi 烘烤;烤硬 44.flour n 面粉 45.adorable adj 可爱的,讨人喜爱的 d adj 不浓的,淡味的;暖和的;温和的;不严重的 47.Tiramisu n 提拉米苏 48.bakery n 面包(糕点)店
新牛津译林版高中英语必修二Unit1 Lights, camera,action-Reading课件

What contributes to the success of those films?
visual effects
wonderful props
touching music
A successful film is made through the joint efforts of many workers in front of the scenes and behind the scenes!
What type of film is shown on each poster?
Documentary Fantasy
Which film type do you like best? Why? Science fiction Cartoon
Box office hits
war science fiction comedy
Green is required as it doesn't match any natural hair or skin color so that actors can be easily separated from the background.
Focus on para. 3 and answer the questions:
What type of film is shown on the poster?
A film in which very horrible or unnatural things happen.

Fast reading
1. Who are the main characters in the play?
Eric, Daniel, Mum and Dad.
2. Why was dad very angry with Daniel?
The room was a mess.
3. What happened to their dog, Spot?
1. I just finished my vacation to Yunnan.
A. work factory had been close. A. to give meaning of sth. B. to give a reason for sth. 3. When I went into the room, I found the room was in a mess. A. a difficult state B. holiday
"当年情圣确定如何对待你族の/马开身为情圣弟子/得到对方の遗荫/马开对情圣当年の举动倒确定好奇/ 说到这/帝国皇帝再无之前の威严/反倒有着几分苦笑/ "它///它或许才确定壹位真正の至尊吧/" /// 为咯(正文第壹三八五部分 至尊后裔) 第壹三八六部分真正の至尊 帝国皇帝神情苦涩/当年情圣强势回归/强大到无敌の层次/寻找最快更新站/请+虽然未曾真正问鼎至尊/但谁都知道它抪弱至尊咯/那佫时候/我族惶恐/当年为咯拆散两人/羞辱情圣抪知道多少次/壹佫无敌天下の人物要确定报复/就确定确 定至尊后裔/都难以抵挡/我族所有人都以为大祸将要到来/情圣定然对我族出手/但让我们自惭形愧の确定/情圣并没有对我族出手/虽然来到我族也只确定询问公主の下落/甚至我族有人询问它修行/它都壹壹指

【 单句填空】
1)We finally persuaded Ben _o_f_____the wisdom of the decision. 2) She persuaded her daughter out of _s_m__o_k_in__g__(smoke). 3)He is easily _p__er_s_u_a_d_e_d__(persuade) and changes his mind so quickly. 4)It took a great deal of _p_e_r_s_u_a_s_io_n__(persuade) to get him to accept our idea. 5)The professor is a very __p_e_r_s_u_a_s_iv_e___(persuade) speaker.
1. In other words, it tries to persuade people to buy a product or service. 2) persuade vt. 说服,使信服 n.__p_e_r_su__a_si_o_n___说服,劝说;信仰 adj.__p_e_r_su_a_s_i_v_e_有说服力的 adv.__p_e_rs_u_a_s_i_v_e_ly 令人信服地
3)persuade sb. of sth.
persuade sb. to do sth. = persuade sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事
persuade sb. not to do sth. = persuade sb. out of doing sth. 说服某人不做某事
3. In addition to making people aware of a product or service, a successful advertisement will also create a desire to buy, thus boosting business.
新教材 牛津译林版高中英语必修第二册全册精品教学课件(共856页)

Directors may write the film script or have it written by others; or they may be hired after the script is complete.Directors must develop a vision for the finished film, and seek a practical way to achieve it.During preproduction, directors make important decisions, such as selecting the right cast and place for the film.They then direct the performances of the actors once the film is in production.Directors also manage the technical aspects of filming, including the camera, sound, lighting, design and special effects departments.During postproduction, directors work
A director plays a key role in a film's production, and acts as the vital link between the production, technical and creative teams.
Directors are responsible for turning the film's written script into actual images and sounds on the screen.They must define the style and structure of the film, and then act as both storytellers and team leaders to bring the vision to reality.

home at 110:0:405pp.m.m. .
( T ) 4. Justin has a sister called Kelly. ( F ) 5. The aliens were yewllohwite–-skinned. ( T ) 6. Mavis Wood has been taken by the
4. What does Kelly think happened to her brother? She thinks the aliens took her brother.
the following evidence given by Justin’s
paragraphs parents, sister, neighbors … 9
Reading strategy for news articles: Read title + Look at pictures/ charts
predict Read first paragraph/ the lead
for details Read the rest paragraphs
用约30个单词概述课文的主要内容。 _J_u_s_t_in__F_o_s_te_r__w_e_n_t_m__is_s_i_n_g_t_h_r_e_e_d_a_y_s_a_g_o_.__ _S_o_m__e_w__it_n_e_s_se_s__sa_i_d_h__e_w_a_s__ta_k_e_n__a_w_a_y_ by _a_l_ie_n_s_s_i_n_c_e_t_h_e_y_s_a_w__s_tr_a_n_g_e__li_g_h_t_s_a_n_d_____ _a_l_ie_n_s_._T_h_e__p_u_z_z_le_d__p_o_li_c_e_h_a_v_e__s_te_p_p_e_d_ up _t_h_e_ir__se_a_r_c_h_._________________________
( T ) 4. Justin has a sister called Kelly. ( F ) 5. The aliens were yewllohwite–-skinned. ( T ) 6. Mavis Wood has been taken by the
4. What does Kelly think happened to her brother? She thinks the aliens took her brother.
the following evidence given by Justin’s
paragraphs parents, sister, neighbors … 9
Reading strategy for news articles: Read title + Look at pictures/ charts
predict Read first paragraph/ the lead
for details Read the rest paragraphs
用约30个单词概述课文的主要内容。 _J_u_s_t_in__F_o_s_te_r__w_e_n_t_m__is_s_i_n_g_t_h_r_e_e_d_a_y_s_a_g_o_.__ _S_o_m__e_w__it_n_e_s_se_s__sa_i_d_h__e_w_a_s__ta_k_e_n__a_w_a_y_ by _a_l_ie_n_s_s_i_n_c_e_t_h_e_y_s_a_w__s_tr_a_n_g_e__li_g_h_t_s_a_n_d_____ _a_l_ie_n_s_._T_h_e__p_u_z_z_le_d__p_o_li_c_e_h_a_v_e__s_te_p_p_e_d_ up _t_h_e_ir__se_a_r_c_h_._________________________

7.attach vt.认为有重要性,重视;把……固定,附上→ attached adj.附加的; 依恋的→ attachmentn.附件;依恋;连接物
8.frequently adv.频繁地,经常→ frequent adj.频繁的→ frequencyn.频 繁;频率
9.enable vt.使能够,使可行→ able adj.有能力的 → unable adj.未能;无法→ disable vt.使伤残
Section A Welcome to the unit & Reading
Unit 1 Lights,camer
基础落实•必备知识全过关 语篇研读•文本脉络全明晰 重难探究•能力素养全提升 学以致用•随堂检测全达标
6.angle n. 角度;立场,观点
7.Atlantic adj.
8.ocean n.
9.audience n.
10.location n. 外景拍摄地;地方,地点
11.desert n.
串记拓展词汇 1.type n.类型,种类 vt.& vi.打字→ typical adj.典型的;特有的 edy n.喜剧片,喜剧→ comedian n.喜剧演员 3.fantasy n.幻想作品;幻想,想象→ fantastic adj.奇异的;空想的;极出色 的;不可思议的 4.horror n.恐怖电影(或故事等);震惊,恐惧→ horrible adj.恐怖的;极坏 的→ horribly adv.可怕地;非常地 5.romance n.爱情故事;浪漫史;爱情→ romantic adj.浪漫的;多情的;空 想的→ romantically adv.浪漫地;不切实际地→ romanticism n.浪漫主 义;浪漫精神 6.actually adv.实际上,事实上→ actually adv.实际上,事实上
牛津译林版(2020)高中英语选择性必修第一册 Unit1Reading 1 课件

Para. 5: ___C__o_m_f_o_r_t _fo_o_d__is__fo_o_d__f_o_r _th_e__so_u_l_._______________________
While reading
Read the article again and answer the following questions. 1. What does the author compare the flavour of the rice pudding
1. Have you ever heard of the name of comfort food? No. This is the first time that I heard of the name of comfort food./Yes. I have heard of the name of comfort food many times.
Para. 4: __C_o_m__fo_r_t_f_o_o_d_g_i_v_e_s _th_e__“_t_a_st_e_o_f__h_o_m_e_”__to__p_e_o_p_le _w_h_o__fe_e_l_h_o_m__e_s_ic_k_w__h_e_n_t_h_e_y _m_o_v_e__to__a_n_e_w__c_o_u_n_t_ry_._____
Para. 3: __O_u_r_c_o_m__f_o_rt_____ f_o_o_d_s_a_r_e_h_i_g_h_ly__i_nd__iv_i_d_u_a_l, d_e_p_e_n_d_i_n_g_o_n__o_u_r_o_w_n_____ u_n_i_q_u_e_e_x_p_e_r_ie_n_c_e_s_. ______
Unit 1
新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修二Unit1 The mass media-Reading课件

Why is the “inverted pyramid” widely used in writing news reports?
The purpose of news reports is to inform readers of what is happening in the world. It makes senses for the facts to be arranged from most to least important. The “inverted pyramid” allows information to be found quickly in specific sections.
_d_e_a_t_h_c_o_u_l_d___ r_e_a_c_h_e_d_t_h_e___ n. 救护车
_r_e_a_c_h_5_ Henderson
Tower 4 confirmed dead and
s_c_e_n_e_w__it_h_i_n_1_5 m__in__u_te_s______
(3)A__d_r_o_p_p_ed n. 香烟 c_ig_a_r_e_t_te__e_n_d
4 What may different journalists do when an estimate of a
number is given? Journalists may choose to present the minimum,the maximum or something in between in their news reports.
The blog post below is about how to be a good journalist. B1 Complete the blog post with the correct forms of the words and
牛津译林版9上Unit2 Reading1课件 (共26张PPT)

2. You’d better have a good rest if you feel _s_t_r_es_s_e_d___ .
3. Which colour _r_e_p_re_s_e_n_ts__ new life and growth?
4. The girl is a little bit blue today. Let’s go to her and __ch__ee_r____ her ____u_p____.
Read, learn and say.
Tell me your feeling after looking at the pictures, paying attention to the colours.
You may say like this: The main colours of the picture are blue and white. They are calm colours. They can make us feel relaxed, calm, peaceful, …
1.What colour can give you energy? Why?
Green. Because it is the colour of nature and represents new life and growth.
2.What does “Someone is green with envy” mean? It means that he or she is very jealous(嫉妒的 ).
1.Who should wear red clothes? Anyone in need of strength.
2.What does Red represent? Power and strong feelings
3. Which colour _r_e_p_re_s_e_n_ts__ new life and growth?
4. The girl is a little bit blue today. Let’s go to her and __ch__ee_r____ her ____u_p____.
Read, learn and say.
Tell me your feeling after looking at the pictures, paying attention to the colours.
You may say like this: The main colours of the picture are blue and white. They are calm colours. They can make us feel relaxed, calm, peaceful, …
1.What colour can give you energy? Why?
Green. Because it is the colour of nature and represents new life and growth.
2.What does “Someone is green with envy” mean? It means that he or she is very jealous(嫉妒的 ).
1.Who should wear red clothes? Anyone in need of strength.
2.What does Red represent? Power and strong feelings

someone who appears instead of an actor in some scenes, or instead of a famous person in public, usually where their body is seen but their face is not seen clearly
adj. not very regular or frequent 不规律,偶然的
1. _O__d_d_ly_ (odd) enough, the most expensive tickets sold fastest.
2. Apparently his _o_d_d__n_e_ss__ (odd) frightened the little girl.
adv. in a way that almost does not happen or exist
adv. just, certainly not more than 刚好,不超过
adv. only a very short time before 刚才,刚刚
Practice makes perfect.请指出下划线单词的意思
Years later, we decided to tear down our ugly house and build a beautiful one with a garden. 几年后,我们决定拆掉这个难看的房子,建一座带花园的 漂亮房子。
They tried to tear down the reputation of the novelist. 他们试图诋毁小说家的名声。
stand with his/her upper body curved forwards and down towards the ground, often as a result of strong emotion or pain
adj. not very regular or frequent 不规律,偶然的
1. _O__d_d_ly_ (odd) enough, the most expensive tickets sold fastest.
2. Apparently his _o_d_d__n_e_ss__ (odd) frightened the little girl.
adv. in a way that almost does not happen or exist
adv. just, certainly not more than 刚好,不超过
adv. only a very short time before 刚才,刚刚
Practice makes perfect.请指出下划线单词的意思
Years later, we decided to tear down our ugly house and build a beautiful one with a garden. 几年后,我们决定拆掉这个难看的房子,建一座带花园的 漂亮房子。
They tried to tear down the reputation of the novelist. 他们试图诋毁小说家的名声。
stand with his/her upper body curved forwards and down towards the ground, often as a result of strong emotion or pain

throat. However, in some cases, the virus causes the body’s own immune system ___o_v_e_rr_e_a_c_t__(过度反应), resulting in the body _k_i_ll_in_g___(kill) its own healthy
their own lives to _t_ir_e_l_e_ss_l_y__(tire) serve and treat patients. Volunteers w__o_rk_e_d__r_o_u_n_d_t_h_e_c_l_o_c_k_(夜以继日地工作) to deliver food and medicines to
② Cloze test Covid-19 is ah_i_g_h_ly___(high)ini_fe_c_t_io_u_s____(传染的) disease that can be __t_r_a_n_sm__i_tt_e_d____(transmit) easily and swiftly from person to person. This __t_y_p_ic_a_l_ly____ happens when people take in respiratory droplets from an _i_n_fe_c_t_e_d_(infect) person through their mouth, nose or eyes. They can also get
_w__it_h_o_u_t___ warning, __a_tt_a_c_k_in_g__(attack) its _u_n_s_u_s_p_e_c_ti_n_g___(suspect) victims with cruel efficiency. This silent and _in_v_i_s_ib_l_e____(看不见的) enemy moved __sw__if_t_ly__(swift) through communities, __s_e_cr_e_t_ly__ (secret) crossed borders and _s_o_w__e_d_t_h_e_s_e_e_d_s__o_f _fe_a_r__(播下恐惧的种子) along its path. However, this was
their own lives to _t_ir_e_l_e_ss_l_y__(tire) serve and treat patients. Volunteers w__o_rk_e_d__r_o_u_n_d_t_h_e_c_l_o_c_k_(夜以继日地工作) to deliver food and medicines to
② Cloze test Covid-19 is ah_i_g_h_ly___(high)ini_fe_c_t_io_u_s____(传染的) disease that can be __t_r_a_n_sm__i_tt_e_d____(transmit) easily and swiftly from person to person. This __t_y_p_ic_a_l_ly____ happens when people take in respiratory droplets from an _i_n_fe_c_t_e_d_(infect) person through their mouth, nose or eyes. They can also get
_w__it_h_o_u_t___ warning, __a_tt_a_c_k_in_g__(attack) its _u_n_s_u_s_p_e_c_ti_n_g___(suspect) victims with cruel efficiency. This silent and _in_v_i_s_ib_l_e____(看不见的) enemy moved __sw__if_t_ly__(swift) through communities, __s_e_cr_e_t_ly__ (secret) crossed borders and _s_o_w__e_d_t_h_e_s_e_e_d_s__o_f _fe_a_r__(播下恐惧的种子) along its path. However, this was

Check your answer. 5. Why will the push for future developments in
precision farming benefit all of us? Because precision farming will become more effective and have an even greater impact on how we grow our food.
Para. 3: _P_r_e_c_is_io_n__f_a_r_m_i_n_g_b__o_a_st_s_a__d_iv_e_r_s_e_r_a_n_g_e__o_f_______ _a_p_p_li_c_a_ti_o_n__ca_p__a_b_il_it_i_es__a_t _d_i_ff_e_r_e_n_t _s_ta_g_e_s_o_t_io_n.
As the data library builds up, the big picture of the soil is revealed so that farmers are able to accurately assess the condition of the soil in real time, identify potential problems
capabilities monitoring
Field sensors check the soil’s moisture, nutrient levels and pH levels, enabling farmers to monitor their crops at any time, from anywhere.
Unit 1 Extended reading 语言点课件-高中英语牛津译林版(2020)必修第二册

We can only seat you in twenty minutes.
9 Forrest looks around. A larger girl moves over so Forrest can't sit next to her. She shakes her head. Forrest looks to the other side where a boy sits alone on a larger seat. The boy looks angrily at Forrest. 福雷斯特四下看了看。一个大块头的女孩往空坐上挪了挪,
the first half of the 20th century 20世纪前半期
the end of 20th century
5 Mrs Gump and Forrest wait for the school bus. wait 是个不及物动词。
翻译为“wait me”。
而与wait搭配的介词就是 ,
示“等待的目的”于是“等我”就应该翻译为“wait for
They waited for the ferry to return. 他们等候渡船返回。
, some of the major
events of the United States
① the major events ? 重大事件
The historical article sketched the major events of the
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Find the best answers
1.The reason why people were interested in the disappearance of the child is that____ A. The lost boy was 15 years old.
B. The police advised them to do so.
Can you tell me what happened that night?
Mr. Foster
Mrs. Foster
(from China Daily)
Detective Sam Peterson
For example (with Mr. Justin):
Students A: Can you tell me what happened that night? Students B: I went on night work that evening. …surprised … not tell … stay out late. not show up … lunch the next day… my wife … worry … ask me …. police Students A: So far, the police haven’t found … about …, but …not rule out the possibilities …taken by aliens,…also look into other…not give up until…Don’t worry too much.
A.They can’t make sure that Justin was taken by aliens. B.They think it possible for some people to make up an amazing story. C.They are looking at other possibilities, such as murder.
Boy missing, police puzzled Skimming missing boy It’s about a ________ __ & the first paragraph: Scanning two days ago when____________;
where____________________; Dover, New Hampshire Justin Foster what___________; went missing who__________; how_________________; show great interest sightings of puzzling lights & why_______________________ reports of alien visits _______________
D.All of the above.
5.We can know_______. A.The police have known the cause of the boy’s disappearance. B. the police haven’t found convincing evidence about the boy’s disappearance C. the police will catch the aliens who took away the boy. D. the police won’t get any information about the child’s disappearance
Main points
Main points
The boy was taken away by aliens.
(Para. 5~7 )
Supporting details Kelly saw ______________________ a large spaceship flying ______. outside shout Kelly heard Justin ____________. Mavis Wood said that the aliens took her away ______________________ so that they could do ______________________ research on her _____________.
Police found 20 that Justin did 21 22 in fact return home. But police have not ruled out 23 24 the possibility that Justin was taken away by aliens. Detective in charge of Sam Peterson was 25 26 27 the case.
Justin Foster didn’t show up at the family _______________________ lunch the next day _______________.
Supporting details Justin’s friends said The police ________________________ Justin went home after the found that ______________. game with them Justin Witnesses said returned ________________________ they saw Justin walking home. ________________________. towards his home at 10.45 p.m. (Para. 3~4) Kelly heard ________________________ him put on his favourite CD in _______. his room
the following paragraphs: evidence
Justin’s parents, sister, neighbors … given by____________________________
Main points
Justin Foster went missing.
( Para. 2)
D. reach for
3. We can infer that the boy might go missing______. A. in his own room B. on the playground C. in Kelly’s room D. in his brother’s room
4. What is the attitude of the police to the disappearance of the boy?_____
Fill in the blanks to summarize the story
Justin Foster went missing 1 last Friday night. His mother went to bed early that evening because 2 of a headache . He didn’t show 3 4 up 5 at the family lunch the next day. That evening, Justin returned 6 home after the game. Witnesses 7 also said
Reading strategy
The structure of a o give more important facts
the following to give detailed but less paragraphs important information
they saw Justin walking towards his home. Justin’s sister, Kelly heard 8 him 9 10 11 CD and she also put on his favourite saw a large spaceship 12 flying outside. She heard Justin 13 . shout Mavis Wood said that she was taken 14 away 15 by aliens 16 . They did some 17 on her. The whole experience 18 . research was frightening just like a nightmare 19 .
A boy is missing, and the Boy missing, police puzzled police are puzzled.
how/when/where was the boy missing?
why are the police puzzled?
Boy missing, police puzzled
Students are encouraged to choose one of them to discuss it with their partners.
Reading strategy
The structure of a news story title
to give a general idea about the news
the first to tell readers “who” paragraph “when” “where” “what” “why” “how”