现代大学英语2 第二课Maheegun My Brother

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2.3 The author at the year of 14
The happiest year
Maheegun: 1.mischievous:Why? 2.How did grandma treat him?
That summer: 1.What did they do? That fall: 2.Why they went to the meadow? That winter
1.2 Wolf IQ Test
1. Generally, how old are wolf pups before they C can walk? ____. A. Three hours B. Three days C. Three weeks B 2. Wolves use _____ for individual as well as pack development. A. sleep B. play C. aggression
The 2nd trouble
1.For how long did the snow last? 2.What was his 2nd trouble? What might happen? 3.What happened when slashing off the branches ?
The 3rd trouble
1) How do you think Maheegun came to be abandoned? 2)How did the boy save his life? 3) Describe the looks of the wolf and his character. Do you find him lovable? 4) What would the boy’s grandma do after Maheegun scattered her sewing basket? 5) How did Maheegun return to his own kind?
Maheegun Returned to the wild
Restless, check(the wind), pointed to, sitting still, ears pointed, alert,stirred,slip down,
How did the God create the human being in the Bible?
Part 3 (Paras. 18—40 ) : The reunion of the two when the boy’s life was endangered by two hungry wolves. Part 4 (Paras. 41—44 )
The brothers returned to the place where they each belonged—the boy to his warm home, the wolf to his kind in the wild.
By that time, what did Maheegun look like?
2.4 Maheegun is growing up
The 4 stages of him
A decision has to be made(?)
They had a wonderful time
2.1.Text Analysis The characters in the text:
The author (age.race.)
Maheegun Grandpa Grandma Mrs.Yesno
2.2 Answer the Following Questions
A trouble-maker(8-9)
People treated him like a child.
A naughty wolf(4-5)
Saved by the boy
The wolf cub (1-3)
Find out some words that describe the actions of Maheegun.
2.6 Cultural Note
According to the Bible, all creatures are design in this way.
According to the first part of the Bible, known as Genesis, God created the The world and everything is it in 6 days, and on the seventh day God rested. When God made human beings, he made a man called Adam out of earth, An then made a woman called Eve out of one of Adam’s ribs, God assigned Different roles to Adam and Eve—the 1st man and woman.
2.7 The Adventure in the snow
The adventure in the mountain
The 1st trouble
1.Where did the boy go? Why did he return home alone? 2.How did he find he was lost? 3.What is the use of the tall pine tree? 4.What did the boy decide to do? 5.Make a list of all the descriptions of snow in this part.
才一岁大的小猩猩 Rishi被美国迈阿密一 家动物研究所收养后, 和摄影师巴里的女儿 艾米丽(Emily)很快 便成为了好朋友,他 们甚至一起玩过家家。
5.British naturalist Olivier Houalet 他被人们称为“现代版泰 山” ,自己抚养了5只印 度豹幼仔。待它们长大后, Olivier Houalet决定放豹 归山。4年前,Olivier Houalet将这些被遗弃的 “大猫”们捡回了家,充 当它们的母亲,抚养其长 大。
Key points of the discussion:
The greatest hug comes from those who don’t speak. We should respect all the other creatures on the planet. We should do our best to protect the animals.
1.3 Structure of the Text
Part 1 (Paras. 1—3 ) : The
The happy days the boy and Part 2 (Paras. 4—17 ) : Maheegun had together in the short period of less than a year, and how Maheegun returned to the wild where he bel来自百度文库nged.
6) What happened during the Easter holidays after two years? 7) Why did he get lost in the forest? 8) How did the timber wolves find him? 9) How did Maheegun save the boy’s life? 10) Why did grandpa raise his rifle when he saw Maheegun?
Lesson 2 Maheegun My Brother
2.Text analysis
3.Further Discussion
Characters in the story
Follow-up questions The adventure in the snow
Yorkshire ,Britain.
一头名叫“灰姑娘” 的小猪可能是世界上 第一头患有洁癖症的 小猪,自出生后,它 一直不肯和兄弟姐妹 一起在泥巴中玩耍。 直到主人为它定做了4 只小靴子,它才终于 肯和泥巴亲近。
英国人约翰· 海格的宠 物兔却一出生就是一 只无耳的.这只兔子名 为文森特,灵感来源 得自曾将自己的左耳 耳垂切下来的荷兰艺 术家凡· 高.
Discussion: What do you learn from the pictures and the video?
Warming-up 1.1The relationship between human and animals
Hampshire,Britain :
前皇家海军官员艾伦□ 帕顿同一只拉布拉多犬 生活了近12年。这只拉 布拉多犬不仅在一场车 祸中挽救了主人帕顿的 性命,而且还是一位帮 他做家务的好手。据悉, 这只拉布拉多犬名叫昂 德(Endal)。在日常 生活中,它会认真帮助 主人做家务,如清空洗 衣机中的衣服和前往商 店购物。在主人的调教 下,拉布拉多犬昂德还 会熟练操作自动取款机 取出固定数额的钱,邮 寄信件,以及递送手机。
Adam’s role being to take care of Eve, provide for her and protect her, and also guide her. God created living creatures in the same way.
Wolf IQ Test
3. How successful are wolves when
A hunting their prey? _____.
A. Not very successful
B. Mostly successful
C. Always successful
C 4. To signal alarm, a wolf will ____.
B. making wolves pets C. increased education
The story depicts the ideal relationship between humans and wild animals— they are fellow creatures on earth, and therefore should treat each other like brothers.
A. howl bark
B. growl
II. Wolf IQ Test
A 5.A high, curled tail on a wolf is generally a sign of____.
A. dominance B. fear C. submission 6. The survival and the future of wolves will depend on ____. A. sending wolves to Canada