
Supertex inc.HV9910BDB7HV9910B PFC 40W LED Driver DemoboardSpecificationsActual Size: 3.0” x 2.3” x 1.1”Top View Bottom ViewGeneral DescriptionThe Supertex HV9910BDB7 demonstrates the use of an HV9910B control IC in an off-line, High Brightness LED driver application. The board incorporates power factor correction (PFC) and satisfies the limits for harmonic currents according to the EN61000-3-2 Class C standard having total harmonic distortion (THD) less than 20%. The board features a low component count and long life operation due to the absence of electrolytic capacitors. The board is designed to supply a string of LEDs with a current of 350mA and a voltage in the 65 to 105V range from a 220/230VAC line.The conversion stage draws line current throughout the AC line cycle, partly using a charge pumping and partly using a boost conversion technique to charge the bulk energy storage capacitors. The LED current is provided with a continuous mode buck stage giving a DC current with about 30% peak-to-peak ripple. A patent for this conversion technique is pending. Please inquire with the Supertex applications department for design guidance, should change of input line voltage, output voltage, or output current be desired.An effort was made to satisfy the requirements of CISPR 15 (EN55015), limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment.The connection diagram details the hookup of the board to the AC line. Note that the load is NOT galvanically isolated, and that measurements to the board require measurement techniques in common use with non-isolated off-line power supplies (isolation transformers, differential probes, etc).Board LayoutSchematic DiagramConnection Diagram220VAC105VDC 350mADCConnectionsI nput Voltage - Connect the AC line input voltage to AC VIN as shown.LED String - Connect the LED strings between LED+ and LED- as shown (anode of the string to LED+ and cathode to LED-).Figure 3. Load regulation.Figure 4. AC line regulation.Figure 6. Power Factor vs. AC Line Voltage.Figure 5. Harmonic Distortion vs. AC Line Voltage.ILoad Regulation (V = 230V )0.3480.3520.3540.3560.3580.3620.3640.366V OI Line Regulation (V = 105V)0.3490.3500.3510.3520.3530.3540.3550.3560.3570.358V ACHarmonic Distortion (V = 105V, I = 350mA)10152025303540V ACPower Factor (V = 105V, I = 350mA)V ACTypical CharacteristicsEfficiency (V = 105V, I = 350mA) V ACEfficiency (V = 230V , I = 350mA)V OFigure 1. Efficiency at full load.Figure 2. Efficiency at nominal AC line voltage.Figure 7. EMI Characterization - Conducted Emissions vs CISPR 15 Limits. Figure 8. CT1 Construction Diagram.Supertex inc. does not recommend the use of its products in life support applications, and will not knowingly sell them for use in such applications unless it receives an adequate “product liability indemnification insurance agreement.” Supertex inc. does not assume responsibility for use of devices described, and limits its liability to the replacement of the devices determined defective due to workmanship. No responsibility is assumed for possible omissions and inaccuracies. Circuitry and specifications are subject to change without notice. For the latest product specifications refer to the Supertex inc. (website: http//)©2013 Supertex inc.All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.Supertex inc.。

介绍液晶显示器常用“通用驱动板” 1.常用“通用”介绍驱动板广告插播信息维库最新热卖芯片:AT89C2051-24SU RHRG30120Z84C0006VEC MX7575JN EPF6016ATC100-2 CEM9956A SN74AHC74DBR MAX799ESE C8051F120STS4DNFS30L目前,市场上常见的驱动板主要有乐华、鼎科、凯旋、华升等品牌。
常见的驱动板主要有以下几种类型:(1)2023 B-L驱动板2023B-L驱动板的主控芯片为RTD2023B,主要针对LVDS接口设计,实物如图1所示。
图1 2023B-L驱动板实物LVDS接口液晶面板,体积较小,价格便宜。
主要参数如下:该驱动板的主要特点是:支持输入;输入接口类型:VGA模拟RGB 输出接口类型:LVDS;/75Hz~12001600;显示模式:640×350/70Hz×即插即用:符合VESA DDC1/2B规范;工作电压:DC 12V±1.0V,2~3A;适用范围:适用于维修代换19in以下液晶显示器驱动板。
表2 VGA插座引脚功能2023B-L驱动板上的按键接口可以接五个按键、两个LED指示灯,各引脚功能见表3。
表3 2023B-L驱动板上的按键接口引脚功能。
4脚)引脚功能见表30输出接口(LVDS驱动板上的2023B-L输出接口各引脚功能表 4 2023B-L驱动板LVDS。
2023B-L接口引脚功能见表5驱动板上的高压板表5 2023B-L驱动板上的高压板接口引脚功能(2)203B-L驱动板2023B-L主要针对TTL接口设计,其上的LVDS接口为插孔,需要重新接上插针后才能插LVDS插头。
6驱动板实物如图2023B-T.图6 2023B-T驱动板实物图驱动板体积比2023B-L稍大,价格也相对高一些,其主要参数如下: 2023B-T RGB输入;VGA 输入接口类型:模拟 TTL;输出接口类型::1280~×1024/75 Hz 显示模式:640×350/70Hz 规范;/2B 即插即用:符合VESA DDC1 3A;工作电压:DC 12V±1.0V,2~显示器的驱动板。

Supertex inc.HV9918DB1High Current LED Driver DemoboardThe HV9918DB1 demoboard is a high current LED driver designedto drive one or two LEDs at 700mA from a 9.0 - 16VDC input. Thedemoboard uses Supertex’s HV9918 hysteretic buck LED driver IC.The HV9918DB1 includes digital control of PWM dimming, which allows the user to dim the LEDs using an external, TTL-compatible square wave source applied between DIM and GND . In this case, the PWM dimming frequency and duty ratio are set by the external square wave source.The demoboard is protected against short circuit and open LEDconditions. It also includes thermal derating of the LED current us-ing an external NTC resistor to prevent over-heating.The bottom of the HV9918DB1 is an exposed copper plane (con-nected to the input ground) which can be connected to a 1” square heatsink (eg: 374324B00035G from Aavid Thermalloy) to allow for operation in higher ambient temperatures without tripping the HV9918’s built-in over temperature protection.General DescriptionInput Connection: Connect the input DC voltage between VIN andGND terminals.Output Connection:Connect the LED(s) between LED+ (anode of LED string) and LED- (cathode of LED string) ter-minals.PWM Dimming Connection:1. If no PWM dimming is required, short PWMD and VDD terminals.2. If dimming using an external PWM dimming source, connect the PWM source between the PWMD and GNDterminals.NTC Thermistor Connection:1. If no thermal derating is required, the NTC terminalcan be left open.2. If thermal derating of the LED current is required, the NTC thermistor can be connected between NTCand GND terminals as shown.ConnectionsSilk ScreenOperation of the BoardThe HV9918DB1 uses Supertex’s HV9918 hysteretic buck LED driver IC to control the LED current. Since the regula-tion method controls both the peak and the valley current in the inductor, the demoboard has excellent line and load regulation.The LED current can be controlled in by PWM dimming. PWM dimming can be achieved in one of two ways:1. Analog control of PWM dimming where a 0-2V sourcecan be applied between NTC and GND terminals (the NTC terminal can also be used for thermal derating of the LED current as explained in the next section).2. Direct control of PWM dimming by applying a TTL com-patible square wave source between PWMD and GND terminals.Analog Control of PWM Dimming / Thermal De-ratingAnalog Control of PWM dimming can be accomplished by applying a 0 – 2.0V DC voltage between NTC and GND (the DC voltage must have a 500μA source/sink capability). In this case, PWMD is connected to VDD and the LEDs are dimmed at 1.0kHz (as set by the capacitor at the RAMP pin of the IC). The duty cycle of the LED current can be adjusted by varying the external voltage at NTC (0V = 0% LED cur-rent and 2.0V = 100% LED current).The same NTC terminal can instead be used to de-rate the LED current based on the LED temperature, if desired. This would reduce the LED current as the LED temperature rises and prevents over-heating of the LED. An NTC resistor can be used to sense the temperature of the LED and this resis-tor can be connected between the NTC and GND terminals of the HV9918DB1. The demoboard is designed to operate with a 100k NTC thermistor which has a B-constant of 4250 (eg: NCP18WF104 from Murata). With this NTC thermistor, the LED current will start dropping at 85ºC and will reach about 350mA at 125ºC.Thermal derating in the HV9918DB1 uses the analog control of PWM dimming function to limit the LED current when the LED temperature rises. During normal operating mode (con-stant LED current; no PWM dimming), the LED current will be PWM dimmed at 1.0kHz. During PWM dimming mode, the thermal derating function limits the maximum PWM dim-ming duty cycle so that the LED current does not exceed the maximum allowable current determined by the thermal derating circuit.Direct Control of PWM DimmingIn the direct control method, the PWM dimming of the LEDs is achieved by driving the PWMD terminal using an external square wave source. In this case, PWM dimming frequency and duty cycle are set by the external source.In this mode, if the thermal derating function is not desired, NTC terminal should be left open. In this case, the recom-mended PWM dimming frequency can be anything up to 10kHz.If thermal derating is desired, then the NTC thermistor should be connected between the NTC and GND terminals. In this case, the PWM dimming frequency should be greater than 1.2kHz.Fig. 1. Normal Operation – Drain Voltage and LED CurrentFig. 2. PWM Dimming WaveformFig. 3. PWM Dimming – Rising Edge WaveformFig. 4. PWM Dimming – Falling Edge WaveformFig. 5. Transient Response of LED Current to a Step Changein Input Voltage from 12V to 32VFig. 6. PWM Dimming of LED current with 2.78k between NTC and GNDFig. 7. Efficiency vs. Input Voltage798183858789Input Voltage (V)E f f i c i e n c y (%)Fig. 8 Line Regulation of LED Current0.711Input Voltage (V)L E D C u r r e n t (A )Fig. 9 Switching Frequency vs. Input Voltage100150200250300350400450500550Input Voltage (V)S w i t c h i n g F r e q u e n c y (k H z )LED Current vs NTC TemperatureTemperature (C)L E D C u r r e n t (%)Fig. 10. Thermal Derating of the LED CurrentII Normal inductor current waveformII 0Note:The increase in the LED current at 9.0V input and 6.7V output can be explained by the fact that when the dif-ference between the input and output voltages is very small, the rising inductor current waveform becomes more exponential rather than linear (the falling edge of the inductor current remains linear because the output voltage is high). This causes the average inductor (and therefore LED) current to increase even though the up-per and lower bounds are still the sameHV9918DB1 Schematic DiagramHV9918DB1 WaveformsSupertex inc. does not recommend the use of its products in life support applications, and will not knowingly sell them for use in such applications unless it receives an adequate “product liability indemnification insurance agreement.” Supertex inc. does not assume responsibility for use of devices described, and limits its liability to the replacement of the devices determined defective due to workmanship. No responsibility is assumed for possible omissions and inaccuracies. Circuitry and specifications are subject to change without notice. For the latest product specifications refer to the Supertex inc. (website: http//)©2013 Supertex inc.All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.Supertex inc.。

液晶屏接口 1
请参见 EJ070NA-01J 屏规 格书
6 运输,存储,使用要求 1,不要重压和弯折变形 2,防静电和水 3,相对湿度,小于 80% 4, 使用温度 -1-度--+60 度 5,使用湿度 0-+40 度
支持 LED 背光驱动
4 产品外观尺寸 5 产品结构说明 驱动板尺寸:54.2MMX27.5MM
7,AD 板接口功能说明 序号
1 2 3 8 接口功能详细说明 8.1
说明 LED 背光控制输入 LVDS 信号输入 液晶屏接口
6PIN 接口(此接口,默认不按装需要调整,请参见以下技术调整说明)
2 特性说明 输入信号 接口
标准 LVDS 信号接 DF14-20P 口
40PIN-0.5MM 标准 EJ080NA-04C 定义 6PIN 标准插座(默认不安装)
同屏供电 3.3V(不需要另外设置)
ED10-C_驱动板_0015G1 19.0042

12 1 1 1 2 11 5 7 3 4 1 1 4 2 1
C7,C16,C31,C33,C34,C55,C62,C110,C304 片状陶瓷电容器-50V-0.1μF±10%-X7R-0805-1.35mm ,C305,C306,C361 C23 C32 C13 C12,C24 片状陶瓷电容器-50V-22pF±5%-NPO-0603-0.9mm 片状陶瓷电容器-50V-0.01μF±10%-X7R-0603-0.9mm 片状陶瓷电容器-50V-4700PF±10%-X7R-06030.9mm 片状陶瓷电容器-25V-4.7uF±10%-X7R-1206-1.8mm
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
2 OF 7
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
法拉 C212J103K40F400 法拉 C203A104K01CD3A 华星 CT81-Y5P电容-471K-1KV 华星 Y2电容-Y5V-472M-250VAC 华星 Y2电容-Y5V-222M-250VAC ED10GT1 TYCO 0Z-SS-112LM1 TAIYO BK2125HS101-T ON BAS16LT1G ON MUR460RLG ON MURS160T3G ON BZX84C18LT1G ON BZX84C16LT1G VISHAY VS-12CWQ10FNPBF VISHAY BYV26E-TAP

模组驱动板通常被集成在LCD模组中,因此也称为LCD 驱动模块。

广州市东裕光电科技有限公司GUANGZHOU TONYU TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD产品规格书SPECIFICATION客户名称CUSTOMER 产品名称PRODUCTION对射式(槽型)光电开关Transmissive Sensor 产品型号MODEL DY-ITR9809版本号VERSION NOA1.0地址(Add):广东省广州市番禺区石基镇海涌路3号10号厂房2楼电话(Tel):************传真(Fax):************邮箱(E-mail):************网址(Net):客户确认CUSTOMER CONFIRMATION 审核CHECKED BY编制PREPARED BY汪建新陈少龙DY-ITR9809产品描述Descriptions●侧面安装对射式(槽型)光电开关。
(A side mounting transmissive sensor)产品特性Features●可靠性高(High reliability)●响应时间快(Fast response time)●解析度高(High analytic)●敏感度高(High sensitivity)●无铅(Pb free)●符合RoHS要求(This product itself will remain within RoHS compliant version)●符合欧盟REACH要求(Compliance with EU REACH)产品应用Applications●鼠标(Mouse Copier)●码盘(Switchc Scanner)●非接触式开关(Non-contact Switching)●智能家电(Smart Appliances)包装方式Packing Quantity Specification●袋装:150PCS/袋,5袋/小盒,10小盒/箱(150PCS/1Bag,5Bags/1Box,10Boxes/1Carton)一、外形图Outline dimensions:注(Notes):1、所有尺寸均以毫米为单位(All dimensions are in millimeters)。

Supertex inc.HV9930DB1General DescriptionThe HV9930DB1 is an LED driver demoboard capable of driving up to 7 1-watt LEDs in series from an automotive input of 9 - 16VDC. The demoboard uses Supertex’s HV9930 in a boost-buck topology. The converter operates at frequencies in excess of 300kHz and has excellent output current regulation over the input voltage range. It can also withstand transients up to 42V and operate down to 6V input. The converter is also protected against open LED and output short circuit conditions. Protection against reverse polarity up to 20V is also included.Board Layout and Connection DiagramHigh Bright LED Driver IC DemoboardMeeting Automotive RequirementsConnections:Input - The input is connected between the terminals of connector J1 as shown in the Connection Diagram.Output - The output is connected between the terminals of connector J2 as shown.Enable/PWM Dimming:To just enable the board, short pins 1 and 2 of connector J3 as shown. For PWM dimming, connect the external push-pullsquare wave source between terminals 1 and 3 of connectorJ3 as shown by the dotted lines.Note: During PWM dimming, pin 2 of connector J3 should be left open. Also, the PWM signal must have the proper polarity with the positive connected to pin 1 of J3. Note that pin 3 of J3 is internally connected to the return path of the input voltage.Actual Size: 2.25” x 1.25”PWM DimmingV INTesting the Demo BoardNormal Operation: Connect the input source and the output LEDs as shown in the Connection Diagram and enable the board. The LEDs will glow with a steady intensity. Connect-ing an ammeter in series with the LEDs will allow measure-ment of the LED current. The current will be 350mA +/- 5%.Open LED test: Connect a voltmeter across the output ter-minals of the HV9930DB1. Start the demoboard normally, and once the LED current reaches steady state, unplug one end of the LED string from the demoboard. The output volt-age will rise to about 33V and stabilize.Short Circuit Test: When the HV9930DB1 is operating in steady state, connect a jumper across the terminals of the LED string. Notice that the switching frequency drops, but the average output current remains the same.PWM Dimming: With the input voltage to the board discon-nected, apply a TTL compatible, push-pull square wave sig-nal between PWMD and GND terminals of connector J3 as shown in the Connection Diagram. Turn the input voltage back on and adjust the duty cycle and / or frequency of the PWM dimming signal. The output current will track the PWMdimming signal. Note that although the converter operates perfectly well at 1.0kHz PWM dimming frequency, the best PWM dimming ratios can be obtained at lower frequencieslike 100 or 200HzTypical ResultsFig. 1 shows the efficiency plot f or the HV9930DB1 over the input voltage range. The converter has efficiencies greater than 80% over 13V input. Note that these measurements do not include the 0.3 - 0.5W loss in the reverse blocking diode.Fig. 2 shows the variation of the switching frequency over the input votage range. The frequency varies from 300kHz to 500kHz over the entire input voltage range and avoids the restricted frequency band of 150kHz to 300kHz and the AM band greater than 530kHz. This makes it easier to meet the conducted and radiated EMI specifications for the automo -tive industry.Fig.3 shows the output current variation over the input volt-age range. The LED current has a variation of about 2.0mA over the entire voltage range.7072747678808284Input Voltage (V)E f f i c i e n c y (%)300350400450500Input Voltage (V)S w i t c h i n g F r e q u e n c y (k H z )348.0348.5349.0349.5350.0350.5Input Voltage (V)O u t p u t C u r r e n t (m A )Fig. 3 Output Current vs. Input VoltageThe waveforms in Fig.4 show the drain voltage of the FET (channel 1 (blue); 10V/div) and the LED current (channel 4 (green); 100mA/div) at three different operating conditions – 9.0V in, 13.5V in and 16V in.Fig. 5 shows the operation of the converter during cold crank conditions as the input voltage decreases from 13.5V to 6V and increases back to 13.5V. In these cases, the input current reaches the limit set and the output current drops correspondingly. Thus, the LEDs continue to glow, but with reduced intensity. Once the voltage ramps back up, the out-put current goes back to its normal value and the converter comes out of the input current limit.Fig.6 shows the LED current during an input step change from 13.5 to 42V and back to 13.5V (similar to a clamped load dump). It can be seen that the LED current drops brieflywhen the input voltage jumps, but there are no overshoots.(a)(b)(c)Fig. 4. Steady State Waveforms(a): 9.0V in; (b): 13.5V in; (c): 16V inFig. 5. Cold Crank OperationChannel 1 (blue): Input voltage (10V/div)Channel 3 (pink): Input current (1A/div)Channel 4 (green): LED current; 100mA/divFig. 6 LED current during step changesin the input voltageChannel 1(blue): Input voltage (10V/div)Channel 4 (green): LED current (100mA/div)Fig. 7a shows the operation of the converter during an Open LED condition and Fig. 7b shows the operation during output short circuit condition. In both cases, it can be seen that the HV9930DB1 can easily withstand faults and come back into normal operation almost instantly.Fig. 8 shows the PWM dimming performance of the HV9930DB1 with a 100Hz, 3.3V square wave signal. The converter can easily operate at PWM dimming duty cyclesfrom 1% - 99%.(a): Open LED Condition(b): Output Short CircuitFig. 7 HV9930DB1 during output fault conditionsFET drain voltage (20V/div)Channel 1 in (a); Channel 2 in (b)Channel 4 (green): LED currentShort Circuit(a)(b)(c)Fig. 8 PWM Dimming at 100HzChannel 1 (blue): PWM Dimming Input Signal (2V/div)Channel 4 (Green): LED current (100mA/div)Fig. 9 shows the rise and fall times of the output current dur-ing PWM dimming. The converter has nearly symmetric rise and fall times of about 25µs. These rise and fall times can be reduced (if desired) by reducing the output capacitance C10. However, this will lead to increased ripple in the output current.Conducted EMI Tests on theHV9930DB1In preliminary tests conducted on the demo board, the board meets SAE J1113 Class 3 conducted EMI standards without the need for any input filters (other than the input capacitors already included). This is a result of the combination of the continuous input current and a localized switching loop (Q1 – C1 – D3).Table 1 details the conducted EMI limit as per SAE J1113 and the maximum conducted EMI obtained from measure-ments on the board. The table also lists the Class of the SAE standard the board meets in each frequency range.The conducted EMI plots for the HV9930DB1 obtained at an input voltage of 13.5V and an LED string voltage of 27V(output current is 350mA) are given in the Appendix. Fig. 9. PWM Dimming rise and fall timesChannel 1 (blue): PWM Dimming Input Signal (2V/div)Channel 4 (Green): LED current (100mA/div)(a): rise time(b): fall timeHV9930DB1 Circuit Schematic:PCB Top LayerPCB Bottom LayerAppendix – Conducted EMI Test ResultsAppendix – Conducted EMI Test Results (cont.)Ref. Level = 65dBµVRef. Level = 49dBµVSupertex inc. does not recommend the use of its products in life support applications, and will not knowingly sell them for use in such applications unless it receives an adequate “product liability indemnification insurance agreement.” Supertex inc. does not assume responsibility for use of devices described, and limits its liability to the replacement of the devices determined defective due to workmanship. No responsibility is assumed for possible omissions and inaccuracies. Circuitry and specifications are subject to change without notice. For the latest product specifications refer to the Supertex inc. (website: http//)©2013 Supertex inc.All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.Supertex inc.。

液晶驱动板规格书产品名称 PCB-800099驱动板文件编号 TYT20120909供应商:深圳市天宇朗通科技有限公司地址:深圳福田区振华路高科德电子市场42073联系人 张先生客户名称:客户地址:联系人文件级别 公共文件发布日期2012-09-091.产品说明:本驱动板可以1,1路VGA信号输入2,2路A V信号输入3,1路HDMI信号输入,且本IC支持的是HDMI1.14,1路倒车信号输入5,支持宽电压输入,并可以在,5V-24V之间正常工作,6,标准背光6PIN,接口,可外接高压板7,驱动板集成液晶屏LED背光驱动板路,8,标准LVDS信号输出,可支持单6,单8,双6,双8等标准的LVDS信号的液晶屏,但只支持屏供电为3.3V的液晶屏9,标准按键板接口,并支持双色LED指示灯显示10,支持TTL信号输出,可支持AT070TN92,AT065TN14AT080TN52AT090TN12AT090TN10AT070TN90AT070TN93AT070TN94等,通用50PIN接口的TTL液晶屏11,配合本公司编号为PCB800100的液晶屏转接板,可支持如下液晶屏EJ070NA01-1024X600分辨率EJ080NA04B-1024X768分辨率ZJ070NA01,型号的通用40PIN高分液晶屏12,配合PCB800100,还可以支持4。
3,5,6,7寸,40PIN通用的屏,定义参见AT0543TN24V,113,本驱动板最大输出显示分辨率为,1920X1080超过,1440X900显示分辨率时,需要视IC的工作情况,增加散热片,以降低IC的工作温度)14本IC,VGA部分可以直接输入YPBPR信号,通过程序实现15,本驱动板可增加遥控功能(需要通过软件实现)16,本驱动板可以自动检测,并显示相关的输入电压信息-----注,此功能为定制功能,需要联系我公司技术部17,本驱动板可以支持自动检测信号开关机功能,--此功能为定制功能18,本驱动板可以加BNC接口---需要定制19,支持倒车控制,并显示A V2上,倒车电压支持50V以内的电压输入20,本驱动板定位孔为四个,21,如果特殊要求,我公司可以提供其它的定制服务22,客户需要改程序,需要连接我公司,购买相关的程序下载板,23,利用本公司的USB接口程序下载板,可以自行在BIN代码上添加LOGO6产品尺寸图7接口功能详细说明7.1CON1,接口定义8 运输,存储,使用要求1,不要重压和弯折变形 2,防静电和水3,相对湿度,小于80% 4, 使用温度 -1-度--+60度 5,使用湿度0-+40度。
液晶万能驱动板HDVX9-CS V29 TV板的说明书

HDVX9-CS-V29 液晶电视驱动板
Ø CON8 (2 X 20PIN/2.0mm双列排针):LVDS接口
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
屏供电 屏供电 屏供电 地 地 地 LVDS奇数线对0 负极 LVDS奇数线对0 正极 LVDS奇数线对1 负极 LVDS奇数线对1 正极 LVDS奇数线对2 负极 LVDS奇数线对2 正极 地 地 LVDS奇数线时钟 负极 LVDS奇数线时钟 正极 LVDS奇数线对3 负极 LVDS奇数线对3 正极 LVDS偶数线对0 负极 LVDS偶数线对0 正极 LVDS偶数线对1 负极 LVDS偶数线对1 正极 LVDS偶数线对2 负极 LVDS偶数线对2 正极 地 地 LVDS偶数线时钟 负极 LVDS偶数线时钟 正极 LVDS偶数线对3 负极 LVDS偶数线对3 正极
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未定义 节目减 节目加 菜单 信源 音量减 音量加 地 指示灯_绿 指示灯_红 电源 地 遥控接收输入 接收供电

全球LED驱动IC规格书下载大全编辑文子目录台湾地区部分: 4点晶科技股份有限公司 4台湾聚积科技公司 4台湾广鹏(富晶)科技公司 5台湾台晶科技 5台湾易亨电子公司 5台湾圆创科技股份有限公司 5台湾晶锜科技公司 6天鈺科技股份有限公司 6台湾飞虹积体电路有限公司 6台湾芯瑞科技股份有限公司 6台湾茂达电子公司 6日本部分: 6东芝公司 6松下电器产业株式会社半导体社 6美国部分: 7IR 国际整流器公司 7ON 安森美半导体 7美国超科公司 (SUPERTEX 7TI 美国德州仪器公司屏幕驱动部分 8 TI 美国德州仪器公司白光LED驱动器 8美国美信集成产品公司白光LED驱动器 9美国美信集成产品公司高亮度LED驱动器 9美国国家半导体公司新产品: 10美国国家半导体公司白色LED低功率驱动部分 10美国国家半导体公司照明管理单元(LMU) 11美国凌特公司白光背光及背光指示部分: 12美国凌特公司全彩背光部分: 12美国凌特公司大电流驱动及LED闪光灯部分: 13飞兆半导体公司 13ADI 美国模拟器件公司 14美国 SIPEX 公司 14美国PI ( POWER INTEGRATIONS公司 14美国PI ( POWER INTEGRATIONS公司数据手册 14美国PI ( POWER INTEGRATIONS公司IC 产品系列参考 14美国加州ZYWYN 公司 (美商齐荣小屏背光部分 15美国加州ZYWYN 公司(美商齐荣大尺寸嵌入式背光部分 15美国加州ZYWYN 公司(美商齐荣工业照明部分 15美国灿瑞科技公司 15美商茂力公司(MPS 16美国CATALYST 16欧洲英国IXYS半导体公司 17美国迈瑞半导体公司 17欧洲部分: 17德国英飞凌 17奥地利微电子 17NXP 荷兰皇家飞利浦公司I²C LED 显示控制 17NXP 荷兰皇家飞利浦公司高功率系统用 SMPS 芯片 17ST 意法半导体公司显示器驱动器 18英国ZETEX(捷特科)公司 18国内部分: 18杭州士兰微电子有限公司 18深圳泉芯电子技木有限公司 18深圳光华源科技有限公司 18深圳国微电子股份有限公司 19深圳市彩拓科技开发有限公司 19华润矽威科技(上海)有限公司 19深圳市安联创科技有限公司 19LED屏幕配套部分逻辑IC,飞利浦些列: 19LED 驱动配套部分 MOS管: 19台湾地区部分:点晶科技股份有限公司DD311 单信道大功率恒流驱动IC最大1A最高耐压36V线性恒流IC 规格书DD312 单信道大功率恒流驱动IC最大1A最高耐压18V线性恒流IC 规格书DD313 三信道大功率恒流驱动IC 500mA R/G/B恒流驱动IC 规格书DM412 三通道装饰照明专用可直接数据级联恒流IC 200mA R/G/B恒流驱动IC 规格书DM413 三通道装饰照明专用PWM输出驱动IC 100mA R/G/B恒流驱动IC 规格书DM114A,DM115A 新版8位驱动IC 主要是用于屏幕及灯饰规格书DM115B通用8位恒流驱动IC 恒流一致性及稳定性高规格书DM11C 8位驱动IC 具有短断点侦测及温度保护功能,屏幕灯饰使用规格书DM13C 16位驱动IC 具有短断点侦测及温度保护功能,屏幕灯饰使用规格书DM13A 16位恒流驱动,面对低端屏幕客户规格书DM134,DM135, DM136 16位驱动IC 主要用于LED屏幕及护栏管规格书DM132 16位1024级PWM输出驱动IC 规格书DM137 16位开,短路,过温智能侦测驱动IC 规格书DM133 16位开路检测&64级电流调整&过温警示驱动IC 规格书DM163 8x3信道4096级PWM驱动IC 规格书DM621 4×3装饰照明专用PWM输出驱动恒流IC 规格书DM631 12比特内置PWM+实时检测恒流驱动IC 规格书DM632 16比特内置PWM+实时检测恒流驱动IC 规格书DM163 8×3通道4096级PWM输出恒流驱动IC 规格书DM164 8×3通道4096级PWM输出恒流驱动IC 规格书DD211 二倍升压驱动IC 2-3.3V 最大升压100mA固定式恒流IC 规格书DD231 3信道驱动IC 5-30mA 可设置小体上电即亮型IC 规格书DD233 4信道驱动IC 5-30mA 可设置小体、可开关型IC 规格书DD212 1.5-5.5V二倍升压最大400mA电流输出驱动单颗LED恒流IC 规格书PC112,PC113 2.8-5V四倍升压驱动20mA小功率多颗LED恒流IC 规格书ST2225A 35输出信道之数字/字母LED驱动芯片规格书台湾聚积科技公司MBI1801 1路恒流驱动1.2A电流可设定PWM信号灰度调节规格书MBI1802 2路恒流驱动360mA电流可两路单独设定PWM信号灰度调节规格书MBI1804 4路恒流驱动240mA电流可设定PWM信号灰度调节规格书MBI1816 16路恒流驱动电流可设定PWM信号灰度调节规格书MBI5016 16位最大90mA LED屏幕、护栏灯管恒流驱动IC 已停产规格书MBI5024 面对低端客户16位LED屏幕、护栏灯管恒流驱动IC 规格书MBI5025 16位最大45mALED屏幕、护栏灯管恒流驱动IC 规格书MBI5026 16位最大90mA LED屏幕、护栏灯管恒流驱动IC 规格书MBI5028 16位最大90mA LED屏幕、护栏灯管恒流驱动IC,具电流增益功能规格书MBI5030 16位内置PWM高灰阶LED恒流驱动IC 规格书MBI5031 16位内置PWM高灰阶LED恒流驱动IC,相对5030低端客户规格书MBI5039MBI5168 8位LED屏幕、护栏灯管恒流驱动IC 规格书MBI6010 3位级联式LED灯饰屏幕,R/G/B单独电流可设置恒流驱动IC 规格书台湾广鹏(富晶)科技公司A701、A702 固定式5-30mA灯饰恒流规格书A703 120mA可开式6-50V降压型恒流IC 规格书A705 220mA、2.7-12V固定降压型单路恒流IC 规格书A706 5-40mA、5-50V/PWM多路可开关型恒流IC 规格书AMC711x 固定式小电流灯饰应用规格书AMC711x_E固定式小电流灯饰应用规格书AMC7135 2-6V 低压差固定式恒流驱动IC 1颗LED 规格书AMC7140 5-50V DC&DC 最大500mA电流可调,1颗或多颗LED驱动IC 规格书AMC7150 5-24V DC&DC 最大1.5A固定式, 1-3颗LED驱动IC 规格书AMC7169 LED保护IC 规格书台湾台晶科技T6309A 手机背光规格书T6309B 手机背光规格书T6313A 手机背光规格书T6319A 手机背光 LED并联固定电压背光驱动IC 规格书T6311A 路灯规格书T6316A/B 路灯规格书T6326A 手电式设备低压差电流多路可调400mA 规格书T6335A 矿灯低压差恒流式与AMC7135相同规格书T6336A 草坪灯用于主付灯矿灯规格书T6315A 草坪灯规格书T6317A MR16-1W 7-24V 350mA 1W多颗驱动IC 规格书T6325A MR16-3/5W 7-24V 700mA 多颗LED驱动IC 规格书T6327A 矿灯主付灯多电流可选固定式低压差是LED恒流驱动规格书T6329A磷酸铁锂电池矿灯升压式LED驱动恒流IC 规格书台湾易亨电子公司台湾圆创科技股份有限公司AT1325 8-bit Constant Current LED Sink Driver 规格书AT1326 16-bit Constant Current LED Sink Driver 规格书AT1313 Constant current LED driver 规格书AT1312 Boost constant current LED driver 规格书AT1314 Buck constant current LED driver 规格书台湾晶锜科技公司SCT2024 16位移位LED恒流驱动,适合目前LED大屏幕使用3-40mA 规格书SCT2026 16位移位LED恒流驱动,适合目前LED大屏幕使用3-90mA规格书SCT2210 16位移位LED恒流驱动,适合LED大屏幕及插件护栏管使用3-120mA 规格书SCT2110 8位移位LED恒流驱动IC,主要用于灯饰产品规格书SCT2512 12位移位护栏管专用IC,3路OE灰度可以单独调节规格书SCT2007 3路点光源驱动IC,可兼容MIB6010 规格书天鈺科技股份有限公司FP6742A 输入4.5-25V,输出8路小功率背光源升压驱动IC 规格书FP6742 输入4.5-25V,输出6路小功率背光源升压驱动IC 规格书FP6741 输入4.5-25V,输出10路小功率背光源升压驱动IC 规格书FP6732FP6700 高压驱动IC(类似HV9910)规格书FP6735 输入2.8-5.5升压驱动10pcs 25mA 规格书台湾飞虹积体电路有限公司台湾芯瑞科技股份有限公司SMD733 3-40V电压输入,内置MOS管降压型驱动电流1A 规格书SMD735 3-40V电压输入,降压型驱动电流700mA(可替代AMC7150)规格书SMD736 最高40V电压输入,内置MOS管降压型驱动电流3A 规格书SMD802 市电直驱1A LED驱动IC(可替代HV9910)规格书SMD911 市电直驱IC,外置MOS LED隔离方案驱动IC 规格书SMD912 市电隔离型直驱IC,外置MOS LED驱动IC 规格书台湾茂达电子公司APW7003APW7008APW7071APW7005日本部分:东芝公司TB62725 8位移位恒流驱动IC 规格书TB62726AN/AF 16位全彩LED大屏幕规格书TB62726ANG/AFG 16位全彩LED大屏幕规格书TCA62746AFG/AFNG 16位全彩LED大屏幕带断、短路侦测及温度保护规格书松下电器产业株式会社半导体社MIP551 电压输入(80~280 VAC)输出电流0.5 A 多颗LED应用规格书MIP552 电压输入(80~280 VAC)输出电流1 A 多颗LED应用规格书美国部分:IR 国际整流器公司IRS2540 200V市电直驱1W多颗LED驱动IC,500mA 规格书IRS2541 600V市电直驱1W多颗LED驱动IC,500mA 规格书ON 安森美半导体NCP5612 2通道泵式可PWM的白色LED驱动产品是LCD屏背光照明,操作模态 1 x 和 1.5 x 泵式驱动,87% 效率连同 0.2% 相配误差。
超特克HV823DB1 EL驱动演示板用户指南说明书

Supertex inc.Supertex inc.HV823DB1Doc.# DSDB-HV823DB1B032114The HV823DB1 EL Driver demoboard contains all the circuitry necessary to drive an EL (Electroluminescent) lamp. Simply connect it to a power supply and a lamp as shown below.The supplied circuit has been optimized to drive an 8.0in 2 lamp from a 3.0 to 3.3V supply. The circuit may be customized withdifferent component values to suit a particular application. To assist in customization, various circuits optimized for a variety of applications are provided. For additional assitance in designing EL driver circuits, please refer to AN-H34 (HV823 & HV825 EL Lamp Driver Circuits).Board Layout and ConnectionsEL DriverDemoboardConnections:EN - Enable InputEnables/disables the lamp driver. A logic high (V DD ) enables the driver and a logic low (GND) disables the driver. This input may be connected to a mechanical switch as shown,or to a logic circuit output that has a source impedance of less than 20KΩ.V DD- IC SupplySupplies the HV823 EL driver IC. The supplied circuit is op-timized for 3.0V to 3.3V operation. Current draw is typically 100µA when enabled and less than 1µA when disabled.V IN - Inductor SupplySupplies the high voltage power converter. Current draw is approximately 50mA.GND - Circuit GroundConnect to V DD negative terminal. Supply bypass capacitors for both V DD and V IN are provided on the demoboard. An ex-ternal supply bypass capacitor is not necessary.V A and V B - Lamp ConnectionsConnect to EL lamp of 3 to 12 square inches. Polarity is ir-relevant.EnableGeneral DescriptionSupertex inc. does not recommend the use of its products in life support applications, and will not knowingly sell them for use in such applications unless it receives an adequate “product liability indemnification insurance agreement.” Supertex inc. does not assume responsibility for use of devices described, and limits its liability to the replacement of the devices determined defective due to workmanship. No responsibility is assumed for possible omissions and inaccuracies. Circuitry and specifications are subject to change without notice. For the latest product specifications refer to the Supertex inc. (website: http//)©2014 Supertex inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.Supertex inc.1235 Bordeaux Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089Tel: 2HV823DB1Doc.# DSDB-HV823DB1B032114HV823DB1 Circuit SchematicEnableV ON = V DD R EL-Osc EL LampGNDR SW-Osc Note:1. Tie V DD and V IN together if split suppies are not used. C DD is not needed when a single supply is used.Notes:1. Lamp brightness can vary by type and manufacturer.2. ‘same’ in the V IN column indicates that V IN and V DD are connected together to the same power supply.3. The recommended inductor is a Murata LQH4N series. Other inductors may be used, however, different inductor characteristics (especially series resistance) may result in overall circuit performance different from that listed. Please refer to Application Note AN-H33 for more information.Modifiying the Supplied CircuitThe supplied circuit is optimized to drive an 8.0in 2green lamp from a 3.0 to 3.3V supply. To better suit other applications, the circuit may be modified by changing one or more of the components. The following table lists various applications inorder of lamp size, along with supply voltages and compo-nent values. Find the circuit that most closely matches the desired application and change components as needed. For component locations, refer to the board layout and connec-tion diagram at the begining of this note.。

深圳创能达电子科技有限公司液晶显示控制板规格书产品型号:HD6361-TVM080731Ver1.1王林果2009-1-9目录版本变更记录1产品概述该TV板主要用于配接T FT L CD P ANEL,实现视频输入的液晶显示器或广告机、监视器等,支持最高分辨率达WUXGA(1920X1200)的LCD屏, 输入信号为CVBS视频信号时,支持PAL/NTSC两大彩色制式,输入信号为模拟VGA的R、G、B输入时,色彩再现可支持至24 b it。
行频在30 到94.5KHz、场频56 到 75 Hz 范围内的信号,可以实现同步自动检测。
2 产品特性说明特性说明TV:PAL(B/G、D/K、I);SECAM;NTSC_M一路CVBS:(1.0Vp-p)PAL/NTSC制式输入信号:模拟RGB(0.7Vp-p),行场同步分离 (TTL)输出信号: CVBS(1.0Vp-p)支持模式:DOS, VGA, SVGA, XGA, SXGA+, UXGA, WXGA, WXGA+, WSXGA, WSXGA+, WUXGA等色彩:24bit行同步范围: 30-94KHz场同步范围: 56-75Hz输出信号:单/双路LVDS标准,单路TTL标准音频输出功率:2W×2,可扩展为8W×2控制按键:POWER、AV/TV、NENU、 CH+、CH-、VOL+、VOL-、IR、LED_R、LED_GOSD菜单:亮度,对比度,自动校正,相位,时钟,行场位置,功能设置,复位OSD语言(可选):简体中文、繁体中文、英文、法语、德语、意大利语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语、荷兰语、土耳其语、韩语、日语、阿拉伯语、波斯语、俄语、泰语、越南语、印尼语电源输入:12 V(+/-1V)(DC)电源操作:正常工作模式,待机模式功耗: 1.8W(无负载时)尺寸:110mm(L)×60mm(W)×16mm(H) 即插即用功能:支持电源管理:待机功耗<1W(与电源有关系)3 PC-RGB支持模式表本节列出了部分本产品所能支持的 PC-RGB 模式,包含了它的场频、行频和分辨率。
MIC3202 MIC3202-1高亮LED驱动器评估板说明书

MIC3202/MIC3202-1Evaluation BoardHigh-Brightness LED Driver with IntegratedMOSFET and High-Side Current Sense Micrel Inc. • 2180 Fortune Drive • San Jose, CA 95131 • USA • tel +1 (408) 944-0800 • fax + 1 (408) 474-1000 • General DescriptionThe MIC3202/MIC3202-1 is a hysteretic step-down,constant-current, High-Brightness LED (HB LED) driver.It provides an ideal solution for interior/exterior lighting,architectural and ambient lighting, LED bulbs, and othergeneral illumination applications.This board enables the evaluation of theMIC3202/MIC3202-1 for 1A LED current. The board isoptimized for ease of testing, with all the components ona single side. The device operates from a 6V to 37Vinput voltage range, and includes an integrated 1.0AMOSFET. When the input voltage approaches andcrosses UVLO threshold, the internal 5V V CC isregulated and the integrated MOSFET is turned on if ENpin and DIM pin are high. The inductor current builds uplinearly. When the CS pin voltage hits the V CS(MAX) withrespect to V IN,the internal MOSFET is turned off and theSchottky diode takes over and returns the current to V IN.Then the current through inductor and LEDs startsdecreasing. When CS pin hits V CS(MIN), the internalMOSFET is turned on and the cycle repeats.Since the control scheme does not need loopcompensation, it makes for a very simple design andavoids problems of instability.Datasheets and support documentation can be found onMicrel’s web site at: .RequirementsThis board needs a single-bench power sourceadjustable over the input voltage of 6V < V IN < 37V thatcan provide at least 1A of current. The loads can eitherbe active (electronic load in CV mode) or passive(LEDs) with the ability to dissipate the maximum loadpower while keeping accessible surfaces ideally <70°C.PrecautionsThere is no reverse input protection on this board. Whenconnecting the input sources, ensure that the correctpolarity is observed.In the line transient condition, such as hot plug-in, anelectrolytic capacitor may be required at the VIN andGND terminals in order to prevent IC damage from asurge voltage.Getting Started1. Connect V IN supply to the input VIN and GNDterminals. With the output of this supply disabled,set the supply voltage to the desired input testvoltage (6V < V IN < 37V). This supply voltage shouldbe monitored at the test boards input terminals toallow voltage drops in the test cables (and ammeterif used) to be accounted for. An ammeter can beadded inline with the +VIN input terminal toaccurately measure input current.2. Connect the LEDs to the output terminalsbetween LED+ and LED−. This LED voltage dropdepends on manufacturer tolerance and number ofLEDs. The LED current can be measured using anammeter or current probe. A 4.7µF ceramiccapacitor helps to reduce the current ripple throughthe LED. The LED current is set to 1A by a 200mΩcurrent-sense resistor (R CS).3. Enable the input supply. By default, the IC isenabled when the input voltage crosses the VINthreshold (4V) and the internal VCC regulator andinternal MOSFET are turned on with the EN andDIM pins are high. To use the EN and DIM functionsof the MIC3202/MIC3202-1, a test point is providedfor each of them.Ordering InformationPart Number DescriptionMIC3202YME EV MIC3202YME Evaluation BoardOther FeaturesEN InputThe EN pin provides a logic level control of the output and the voltage has to be 2.0V or higher to enable the current regulator. The output stage is gated by the DIM pin. When the EN pin is pulled low, the regulator goes to off-state and the supply current of the device is reduced to below 1µA. Do not drive the EN pin above the supply voltage. DIM InputThe DIM pin provides a logic level control for brightness of the LED. A PWM input can be used to control the brightness of LED. DIM high enables the output and its voltage has to be 2.0V or higher. DIM low disables the output, regardless of EN high-state. Current-Sense InputThe CS pin provides the high-side current sense to set the LED current with an external sense resistor.A sense resistor R CS is placed between V IN and LED+ terminals.The current through LED is sensed by the sense resistor (R CS ). The sensed voltage is fed back to the MIC3202 to regulate the LED current R CS is given by:)I V +V (x 21=R LED)MIN (CS )MAX (CS CS Error!Bookmark not defined.I LED is LED current required to set.R CS (Ω) I LED (A)I 2R (W)Size (SMD)1.33 0.15 0.03 0603 0.56 0.35 0.07 0805 0.4 0.5 0.1 0805 0.28 0.7 0.137 0805 0.2 1.0 0.2 1206For V CS(MAX) and V CS(MIN) refers to the Electrical Characteristics table. Frequency of OperationTo calculate the frequency spread across input supply:)V +V (×I Δ×L )V R ×I V (×)V +R ×I +V (=F IN D L LED CS LED IN LED CS LED D SW --CS)MIN (CS )MAX (CS L R V V =I Δ-where:V D is Schottky diode forward drop V LED is total LEDs voltage drop V IN is input voltageI LED is average LED currentAccording to the above equation, choose the inductor to make the operating frequency no higher than 1MHz.Refer to the datasheet Application Information for more information on components selection guidelines. Frequency DitheringThe MIC3202 is designed to modulate the V CS(MAX) with amplitude ±6mV by a pseudo random generator to generate the ±12% of the switching frequency dithering. This spreads the frequency spectrum over a wider range and reduce the EMI noise peaks.The MIC3202-1 is non-dithering version of the MIC3202.Notes:1. If bulk capacitor on input rail is away (4 inches or more) from the MIC3202/MIC3202-1, install the 100µF bulk capacitor near V IN.2. Source impedance should be as low as 10mΩ.Bill of MaterialsItem Part Number Manufacturer DescriptionQty. 12105C475KAZ2A AVX (1) C1, C2, C8GRM32ER71H475KA88L Murata (2) 4.7µF/50V, Ceramic Capacitor, X7R, Size 1210 2 08053D105KAT2A AVX (1)1µF/25V, Ceramic Capacitor, X5R, Size 0805 1 GRM21BR71E105KA99L Murata (2) C3, C9C2012X7R1E105K TDK (3)1µF/25V, Ceramic Capacitor, X7R, Size 0805 1 06035C271KAT2A AVX (1)C4, C7GRM188R71H271KA01D Murata (2)270pF/50V, Ceramic Capacitor NPO, Size 0603206035C104MAT AVX (1)GRM188R71H104KA93D Murata (2) C5, C6C1608X7R1H104K TDK (3)0.1µF/50V, Ceramic Capacitor, X7R, Size 06032SS24-TP MCC (4) D1 SS24 Fairchild (5) 60V, 2A, SMA, Schottky Diode 1 D2, D3B0530WS-TPMCC (4) 30V, 200mA, Schottky diode, SOD-323 2 L1 SLF10145T-470M1R4 TDK (3) 47µH, 1.4A, SMT, Power Inductor 1 R1 CSR 1/2 0.2 1% I Stackpole Electronics,Inc (7)0.2Ω Resistor, 1/2W, 1%, Size 12061 R2, R3CRCW06031003FKEAVishay (8) 100k Ω Resistor, 1%, Size 06032 R4 CRCW08052R20FKEA Vishay (8) 2.2Ω Resistor, 1%, Size 0805 1 R5 CRCW080510R0FKEA Vishay (8) 10Ω Resistor, 1%, Size 0805 1 R6 CRCW060310K0FKEA Vishay (8) 10k Ω Resistor, 1%, Size 0603 1 R7, R8CRCW06030000FKEAVishay (8)0Ω Resistor, 1%, Size 06032 R9 CRCW060349R9FKEA Vishay (8)49.9Ω Resistor, 1%, Size 0603 1RV1 3386P-1-104TLF Bourns (9) POT 100k Ω 3/8" SQ CERM SL ST1U1 MIC3202YME Micrel, Inc.(10)High Brightness LED Driver with High-SideCurrent Sense 1 U2 MIC1557YM5Micrel, Inc.(10) RC Time/Oscillator (SOT-23-5)1Notes:1. AVX: .2. Murata: .3. TDK: .4. MCC: .5. Fairchild: .6.Diodes Inc. : .7. Stackpole Electronics: . 8. Vishay: . 9.Bourns Inc : . 10. Micrel, Inc.: .PCB Layout RecommendationsTop AssemblyTop LayerPCB Layout Recommendations (Continued)Bottom Layer。

PCB800168-HDMI驱动板规格书RTD2660驱动板规格书型号:PCB8000168类别:通用组件级别:公共编制:审核:批准:发布日期:2012年09月09日目录1、产品说明2、主要特性3、产品外观图4、产品结构尺寸5、运输、存储、使用要求6、接口定义及接口电气要求7、附录1.产品说明:本驱动板主要IC采用RTD2660H,背光驱动IC采用YB1522,电源采用AMS1117-3.3V,AMS1117-1.8V电阻元件,台湾厚生,此元件工作温度-50度到125度电容元件,三星品牌,此元件工作温度-50度到125度大容量电容,1206封装,为日本TDK电容,工作温度-50度到125度HDMI座,采用镀金品质保证产品,PCB中国名牌KB品牌军工级材料,PCB厚度为1.6MM普通产品默认为有铅产品,需要无铅ROHS级别产品,请联系我公司另行生产我公司注重产品功能和品质升级,有权不在事先通知的前提下,更改产品性能请在使用本产品前详细阅读本产品相关规格说明,在使用过程中,需要防静电,防短路,防水,防潮等本驱动板支持1.1路HDMI信号输入,且本IC支持的是HDMI1.2,支持HDMI1080P显示2.支持5V直流电压输入,也可以使用USB或移动电源供电,但需要正负极不能反接,以免损坏电路板3.驱动板集成液晶屏LED背光驱动板路,4.标准按键板接口,并支持双色LED指示灯显示5.支持TTL信号输出,可支持AT070TN92、AT065TN14、AT080TN52、AT090TN12、AT090TN10、AT070TN90AT070TN93、AT070TN94等,通用50PIN接口的TTL液晶屏6.配合本公司编号为PCB800100的液晶屏转接板,可支持如下液晶屏EJ070NA01-1024X600分辨率EJ080NA04B-1024X768分辨率ZJ070NA01,型号的通用40PIN高分液晶屏7.配合PCB800100,还可以支持4.3、5、6、7寸等40PIN通用的屏,定义参见AT043TN24V.18.本驱动板支持遥控功能,需要配合指定遥控器9.本驱动板可以自动检测,并显示相关的输入电压信息-----注:此功能为定制功能,需要联系我公司技术部10.本驱动板可以支持自动检测信号开关机功能,--此功能为定制功能11.本驱动板定位孔为四个,12.如果特殊要求,我公司可以提供其它的定制服务13.客户需要改程序,需要连接我公司,购买相关的程序下载板,14.利用本公司的USB接口程序下载板,可以自行在BIN代码上添加LOGO2.接口功能说明位号功能说明备注HDMI HDMI输入HDMI标准为1.2J3电源输入J7LED背光座CON1TTL-50PIN信号输出J6按键,遥控,LED指示灯接口J5升级程序接口工厂升级用3.产品外观图4.产品结构尺寸(1)PCB厚度+最高零件的高度=10.00mm(2)PCB长度=70.00mm(3)PCB宽度=49.50mm按键尺寸:76.00mm*16.00mm*8.00mm5.运输,存储,使用要求1,不要重压和弯折变形2,防静电和水3,相对湿度,小于80%4,使用温度-1-度--+60度5,使用湿度0-+40度6.接口功能详细说明J6按键板,遥控器输入接口序号定义说明15V遥控器供电,实为3.3V 2GND地3IR遥控输入4POWER开关机功能5MENU菜单显示功能6+加7_减8SOURCE信号源转换9LED-R LED指示灯10LED-G LED指示灯J3-DC IN电源接口1+5V正电源输入2+5V正电源输入3GND GND4GND GNDHDMI接口1HDMI标准接口标准线材可用J5.升级接口1SCL SCL升级口2SDA SDA升级口3GND GND4NC NCCON1接口定义序号定义描述1VLED+Power for LED backlight(Anode) 2VLED+Power for LED backlight(Anode) 3VLED-Power for LED backlight(Cathode) 4VLED-Power for LED backlight(Cathode) 5GND Power ground 6VCOM Common voltage7DVDD Power for Digital Circuit8MODE DE/SYNC mode select9DE Data Input Enable10VS Vertical Sync Input11HS Horizontal Sync Input12B7Blue data(MSB)13B6Blue data14B5Blue data15B4Blue data16B3Blue data17B2Blue data18B1Blue data19B0Blue data(LSB)20G7Green data(MSB)21G6Green data22G5Green data23G4Green data24G3Green data25G2Green data26G1Green data27G0Green data(LSB)28R7Red data(MSB)29R6Red data30R5Red data31R4Red data32R3Red data33R2Red data34R1Red data35R0Red data(LSB)36GND Power Ground37DCLK Sample clock38GND Power Ground39L/R Left/right selection 40U/D Up/down selection 41VGH Gate ON Voltage42VGL Gate OFF Voltage 43AVDD Power for Analog Circuit 44RESET Global reset pin.45NC No connection46VCOM Common Voltage47DITHB Dithering function 48GND Power Ground49NC No connection50NC No connection本驱动板可使用遥控器图片(选配)SW1:电源开关键。

Supertex inc.HV9910BDB3General DescriptionThe HV9910BDB3 demoboard is a high current LED driver designed to drive one LED or two LEDs in series at currents up to 1.0A from a 10 – 30VDC input. The demoboard uses Supertex’s HV9910B Universal LED driver IC to drive a buck converter.The HV9910BDB3 can be configured to operate in either a constant frequency mode (for driving a single LED) or in a constant off-time mode (for driving two LEDs).The output current can be adjusted in two ways – either with linear dimming using the onboard potentiometer or with PWM dimming by applying a TTL – compatible square wave signal at the PWMD terminal. Using linear dimming, the output current of the HV9910DB1 can be lowered to about 0.01A (note: zero output current can be obtained only by PWM dimming).Connection DiagramLow Voltage, High Current,LED Driver DemoboardConnections1. Input Connection - Connect the input DC voltage between VIN and GND terminals of connector J1 as shown in the connection diagram.2. Output Connection - Connect the LEDs between LED+ (anode of LED string) and LED- (cathode of LED string) of connector J2.a. If the load is one LED, short the RT and FREQ terminals of connector J4 using a jumper.b. If the load is two LEDs, short the RT and OFFT terminals of connector J4 using a jumper.3. PWM Dimming Connectiona. If no PWM dimming is required, short PWMD and VDD terminals of connector J3.b. If PWM dimming is required, connect the TTL-compatible PWM sourc between PWMD and GND terminals of connector J3. The recommended PWMdimming frequency is ≤ 1.0kHz.Short for constantfrequency modeFrequently Asked Questions1. Why does the demoboard have two operating modes?Constant frequency mode limits the maximum output voltage to less then 50% of the minimum input voltage. So, in this case, if we use only the constant frequency mode, the maximum output voltage will have to be less than 5V. Constant off-time mode removes this limita-tion and allows the output voltage become higher. How-ever, in order to achieve reasonable noise immunity and to limit the switching frequency variation over the input voltage range, it is not recommended to operate the HV9910DB3 with the output voltage exceeding 80% of the input voltage, even in the constant off-time mode. Please refer to application note AN-H50 on the Supertex website for more details.2. If the minimum input voltage in my application is high-er (say 20V), does that mean I can drive a 9V LED stringin the constant frequency mode or an 16V LED string inthe constant off-time mode using the demoboard?Although a larger LED string can be driven using the demoboard in these conditions, the demoboard will not be able to drive the LED at 1A.The HV9910B is a constant peak current controller. Theaverage LED current is equal to the peak current set (using the sense resistor) minus one-half of the ripple current in the inductor.Higher output voltages lead to larger ripple current val-ues, which will reduce the maximum LED current the board can deliver.3. How can I compute the maximum LED current thedemoboard can deliver if I use a higher input voltage and a higher LED string voltage?See table below:ParametersMinimum input voltage Maximum LED string voltageSwitching frequency (constant frequency mode) Off-Time (constant off-time mode)HV9910B CS threshold voltage Sense Resistor Inductor= V IN,MIN = V O,MAX = f S = T OFF = V CS = R CS = L(100kHz)(5.1μs)(0.25V)(0.22Ω)(220μH)Constant Off-Time ModeConstant Frequency ModeV O,MAX • T OFF LΔl =I LED = –V CS R CS Δl 2V O, MAX V IN,MIN 1 –Maximum Switching Frequency ={{T OFFV O, MAX V IN,MIN1 –{{L • f SV O,MAX • I LED = –V CS R CS Δl2Δl =Frequently Asked Questions (cont.)4. If the constant off-time mode allows a wider LED volt-age range, why not use that mode exclusively? Why do we need the constant frequency mode?Although the constant off-time mode allows the demoboard to operate at a higher output voltage, the LED ripple current is directly proportional to the output voltage in this mode. This makes it difficult to get a good load regulation of the LED current in the constant off-time mode with a wide variation in the LED string voltage (in this case it will be a 1:4 variation). At lower LED volt-age values, the ripple will be lower and the LED current would be higher.By switching between the two modes depending on the load, we can get a better current accuracy without hav-ing to adjust the LD voltage or the sense resistor.5. Why is the efficiency of the demoboard higher with aload of two LEDs compared to a single LED load?Losses in the HV9910BDB3 occur due mainly due to two factors: a. Conduction losses in the FET and diode b. Switching losses in the FET Switching losses are dependent on the switching fre-quency, input voltage and total parasitic capacitance at the node. At higher switching frequencies, the switching losses are higher.Conduction losses are dependent on the duty cycle. Since the voltage drop on the FET is smaller than the voltage drop on the diode (the on-resistance of the FET is very small), the higher the duty cycle, the smaller is the conduction loss. Please note that we are ignoring the losses in the inductor, which will be identical in both cases.Also, efficiency = P OUT / P IN = P OUT / (P OUT + losses) = 1/ (1 + losses/P OUT ), where P OUT is the output power and P IN is the input power. So, if the output power is higher, the fixed switching losses are a smaller fraction of the output power and thereby the efficiency is higher.Comparing the operation of the converter in both modes at 12V input for this particular demoboard, the following are the differences:a. Output power is higher with 2 LEDs as the loadb. Switching frequency in the constant off-time mode is 55kHz, whereas it is 100kHz in the constant frequency modec. Duty cycle of operation is about higher in the con-stant off-time mode by a factor of 2 than in the con-stant frequency mode All the above factors favor the higher load voltage and thusthe demoboard has a higher efficiency when the load is larg -er.6. Why are the LED current rise and fall times during PWM dimming different when the load changes from one LED to two LEDs?The LED current rise time is directly proportional to V IN - V OUT and the fall time is proportional to V OUT (where V IN is the input voltage and V OUT is the output voltage). Since V OUT is higher with two LEDs, the rise time will be larger and the fall time will be smaller.Load Regulation (@ V IN = 12V)0246810Load Voltage (V)C h a n g e i n c u r r e n t (%)Constant Off-Time ModeTypical ResultsConstant Frequency Mode:The HV9910BDB3 is designed to be operated in the con-stant frequency mode when the load is a single LED. Inthis mode, the line regulation of the LED current is less than 2% and full-load efficiency greater than 80%.Fig. 1. Efficiency vs. Input Voltage Plot Efficiency vs. Input Voltage (@V O = 4V)828486888121620242832Input Voltage (V)E f f i c i e n c y (%)Fig. 2. Line Regulation of LED Current PlotLine Regulation (@V O = 4V)-2-1128121620242832Input Voltage (V)C h a n g e i n c u r r e n t (%)Efficiency vs. Load Voltage (@ V IN = 12V)758085902345Load Voltage (V)E f f i c i e n c y (%)Load Regulation (@ V IN = 12V)1232345Load Voltage (V)C h a n g e i n c u r r e n t (%)Fig. 3. Efficiency vs. Load Voltage Plot Fig. 4. Load Regulation of LED Current PlotConstant Off-Time Mode:The HV9910BDB3 is designed to be operated in the con-stant off-time mode when the load is two LEDs in series.In this mode, the line regulation of the LED current is less than 2% and the efficiency greater than 80%.Fig. 5 . Efficiency vs. Input Voltage Plot Efficiency vs. Input Voltage (@V O = 7.8V)9091929394958121620242832Input Voltage (V)E f f i c i e n c y (%)Fig. 6. Line Regulation of LED Current PlotLine Regulation (@ V O = 7.8V)-2-1128121620242832Input Voltage (V)C h a n g e i n c u r r e n t (%)Efficiency vs. Load Voltage (@V IN = 12V)75808590952468Load Voltage (V)E f f i c i e n c y (%)Load Regulation (@ V IN = 12V)02468102468Load Voltage (V)C h a n g e i n c u r r e n t (%)Fig. 7 . Efficiency vs. Load Voltage Plot Fig. 8. Load Regulation of LED Current PlotThe variation in the switching frequency, when the HV9910BDB3 is operated in the constant off-time mode, isshown in Figs. 9 and 10.Fig. 9. Switching Frequency vs. Input Voltage Plot Switching Frequency vs. Input Voltage(@V O = 7.8V)2040 60 80 100 120 140 8121620242832Input Voltage (V) S w i t c h i n g F r e q u e n c y (k H z )4060801001201402 4 6 8Load Voltage (V)S w i t c h i n g F r e q u e n c y (k H z )Fig. 10. Switching Frequency vs. Load Voltage PlotSwitching Frequency vs. Load Voltage(@V IN = 12V)WaveformsConstant Frequency mode (LED Voltage = 3.3V):Drain Voltage LED CurrentDrain VoltageLED CurrentDrain Voltage LED Current Drain VoltageLED Current(a) 10V Input Fig. 13. Steady State Waveforms in Constant Frequency ModeC1 (Yellow) : Drain Voltage (10V/div)C4 (Green) : LED Current (200mA/div)(b) 12V Input(c) 24V Input (d) 30V InputTime Base : 10μs/divPWM Dimming InputLED CurrentPWM Dimming InputLED CurrentPWM Dimming InputLED Current(b) PWM Dimming Rise Time Time Scale : 10μs/div (c) PWM Dimming Fall Time Time Scale : 10μs/divFig. 12. PWM Dimming Performance in Constant Frequency ModeC1 (Yellow) : PWMD Input Voltage (2V/div)C4 (Green) : LED Current (200mA/div)(a) PWM Dimming Performance Time Scale : 500μs/divConstant Off-time mode (LED Voltage = 6.4V):(a) 10V Input Drain Voltage LED CurrentDrain VoltageLED CurrentDrain VoltageLED CurrentDrain VoltageLED CurrentFig. 13. Steady State Waveforms in Constant Frequency ModeC1 (Yellow) : Drain Voltage (10V/div)C4 (Green) : LED Current (200mA/div)(b) 12V Input(c) 24V Input (d) 30V InputTime Base : 10μs/divPWM Dimming InputLED CurrentPWM Dimming InputLED Current(a) PWM Dimming Performance Time Scale : 500μs/divPWM Dimming InputLED Current(b) PWM Dimming Rise Time Time Scale : 10μs/div (c) PWM Dimming Fall Time Time Scale : 10μs/divFig. 14. PWM Dimming Performance in Constant Frequency ModeC1 (Yellow) : PWMD Input Voltage (2V/div)C4 (Green) : LED Current (200mA/div)11Supertex inc.Doc.# DSDB-HV9910BDB3A032813HV9910BDB3Schematic DiagramC 62.2µF 16VJ 3Supertex inc. does not recommend the use of its products in life support applications, and will not knowingly sell them for use in such applications unless it receives an adequate “product liability indemnification insurance agreement.” Supertex inc. does not assume responsibility for use of devices described, and limits its liability to the replacement of the devices determined defective due to workmanship. No responsibility is assumed for possible omissions and inaccuracies. Circuitry and specifications are subject to change without notice. For the latest product specifications refer to the Supertex inc. (website: http//)©2014 Supertex inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.Supertex inc.1235 Bordeaux Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089Tel: 12HV9910BDB3Doc.# DSDB-HV9910BDB3A032813。
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产品名称 PCB-800099驱动板文件编号 TYT20120909
联系人 张先生
文件级别 公共文件
2,2路A V信号输入
19,支持倒车控制,并显示A V2上,倒车电压支持50V以内的电压输入
8 运输,存储,使用要求
1,不要重压和弯折变形 2,防静电和水
3,相对湿度,小于80% 4, 使用温度 -1-度--+60度 5,使用湿度0-+40度。