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摘要............................................................................................................................. I I Abstract (Ⅲ)

1.襄阳市地理位置对旅游业发展的分析 (1)

1.1从历史角度来分析 (1)

1.2从现实的角度来分析 (1)

1.3从文化类型及交通来分析 (2)

2.襄阳市旅游业发展的现状 (3)

2.1旅游资源丰富 (3)

2.2基础设施建设有了改善 (4)

2.3扩大了知名度 (4)

2.4带动经济发展 (5)

3.襄阳市旅游业的发展问题与制约因素 (6)

3.1发展旅游的观念模糊 (6)

3.2产业结构不平衡 (7)

3.3旅游供给结构不够合理 (6)

3.4旅游资源管理体系不完善 (6)

3.5产业扶持力度不够大 (7)

3.6区域旅游特色不够突出 (7)

3.7旅游者环保意识差 (7)

3.8旅游人才相对稀缺,产业素质有待提高 (8)

4.襄阳市旅游发展的对策 (9)

4.1贯彻投资主体多元化方针,调整投资结构 (9)

4.2完善旅游资源管理体系,适当限制游客量 (9)

4.3加快完善旅游基础设施建设,提高旅游业综合接待能力 (9)

4.4在旅游资源开发过程中,要坚持可持续发展的方式 (11)

4.5加大对外形象宣传。扩大襄阳旅游知名度 (12)

4.6培养和吸收一批高素质的旅游管理人员 (13)

4.7培养旅游环保和可持续发展意识 (14)

致谢 15 参考文献 (16)


襄阳是一座历史悠久的文化名城,锦绣多姿,山水奇特,古迹遗存尚多,有着深厚的历史文化底蕴。为襄阳市旅游业的发展提供了丰富的旅游资源,其中仅A级景区就有13家之多。在以“三国源头、魅力襄阳”为主题的指导下旅游基础设施建设有了改善, 旅游产业要素得到了很好的培育,因此,有效的扩大了其知名度。但是,也暴露了其中存在的很多的问题:如发展旅游的观念模糊、旅游者环保意识差、旅游供给结构不够合理、区域旅游特色不够突出,以及旅游资源管理体系不完善等等问题。当然,要扩大襄阳的旅游业的知名度,优化产业结构,提高经济效益,达到最终走向世界的目标,除了加大对外形象宣传、培养旅游环保和可持续发展意识以外,还必须调整投资结构、加快完善旅游基础设施建设,提高旅游业综合接待能力、培养和吸收一批高素质的旅游管理人员、优化和完善旅游资源管理体系,使得襄阳旅游业的质量和知名度发生一次质的飞跃。



Xiangyang is a famous cultural city with a long history, splendid scene, landscape strange, there are archeological sites, has deep historical and cultural heritage. For the tourism development of Xiangyang city with rich tourism resources, of which only a scenic area has 13much. In the " Three Kingdoms source, the charm of Xiangyang " as the theme, under the guidance of tourism infrastructure has improved, elements of the tourism industry has been a very good cultivation, therefore, effective expanded his popularity, however, also exposed some problems such as the development of Tourism: concept fuzzy, tourist environment consciousness is poor, tourism supply structure is not reasonable, the regional tourism characteristic is not quite outstanding and tourism resource management system is not perfect and so on. Of course, to expand the tourist industry of Xiangyang is famous degree, optimize industrial structure, raise economic benefits, to reach the final of the goal of the world, in addition to increased foreign publicity, culture tourism environmental protection and sustainable development awareness outside, still must adjust investment structure, accelerate the improvement of the tourism infrastructure construction, improve the comprehensive tourism reception ability, training and absorbed a number of high-quality tourism management, optimize and improve tourism resources management system, makes the Xiangyang tourism quality and visibility of a value leap.

Key word:Tourism,Development problems, countermeasures, Xiangyang City
