
Household RegisterUnder Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security of P.R.C Matters that need attentionI. Household Register has the legal force to prove the citizenship status and the relationship between family members and it is the main basis for the household registration institution to investigate and check the household registration. The head of household or the member of the household shall initiatively submit the household register for checking at the time that the staff in the household registration authority conducts investigation and check of the Household Register.II. The head of the household shall keep the Household Register properly and is prohibited to alter, assign and lend the Household Register privately. If the Household Register is lost, the head of the household shall immediately report to the household registration authority.III. The registration rights of the Household Register shall belong to the registration authority. Any other unit and individual shall not make any records on the Household Register.IV. If the household has personnel increase or decrease or change of registered items, they shall apply to the registration authority for declaration with the Household Register.V. Upon migrating of the whole household from the precinct, the household shall submit the Household Register to the household registration authority for revocation.Register of Residence Change住址变动登记Page 2Registration card for permanent residence(常住人口登记卡)Signature seal承办人签章Recording date: June 24, 2016 Police station of Mapo, Wang Yanchen 登记日期:2016年6月24日马坡派出所王艳琛Page 3Registration Change and Records 登记事项变更和更正记载Page 4Registration card for permanent residence(常住人口登记卡)Signature seal承办人签章Recording date: June 24, 2016 Police station of Mapo, Wang Yanchen 登记日期:2016年6月24日马坡派出所王艳琛Page 5Registration Change and Records 登记事项变更和更正记载Page 6Registration card for permanent residence(常住人口登记卡)Non-agricultural family非农家庭户口Registration date : 20xx-xx-xxSignature seal承办人签章Recording date: January 29, 2019Police station of Mapo, Wang Yanchen 登记日期:2019年1月29日Page 7---------------------------------------------- End of Records--------------------------------------------------I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, this is an accurate translation of the original document.a)Full name of the translator: XXb) Qualification: Test for English Major-Band 8 (TEM8)c) Qualification Serial Number: XXXXXd) Contact details of the translator:Ⅰ) Phone Number: XXXⅡ)Contact Address: XXXe) Date of the translation:f) Signature of the translator:。

户口本内容:第一页注意事项 (五条内容)ATTENTION1.Residents Booklet have the force of law with proof of citizens hip and relationship between family members. It is the main basis for the Household Registration Office to investigating and verifying the situation of the residence. House owner and family members should hand in the Residents Booklet when the household registration officer investigate and check the household registration .2. House owner should keep the Residents Booklet safely. It sho uld not be altered, transfer, lend. Please report Household Regist ration Office. when being lost.3.The rights of registration of Residents Booklet belong to Hous ehold Registration Office. Any other unit or individuals shall not make any records in the bookle.t4.House owner should register the changes of family members or the other contents.5.All family members moving out of residence jurisdiction shou ld hand in Residents Booklet to Household Registration Office.户别:Type of Household非农业家庭户口:Non-agricultural family户主姓名:Name of Householder沙岭派出所:Shaling Police Station户号:Household number住址:Current residential address沈阳市于洪区沙岭镇沙岭小区24号1-1-1:Room 1-1,Unit 1,No.24 Building.Shaling Block,Shaling Town,Yuhong District,Shenyang印章内容:辽宁省公安厅:Public Security Department of Liaoning省级公安机关户口专用章:Authorized supervisor沈阳市公安局:Public Security Bureau of Shenyang沙岭派出所:Shaling Police Station户口登记机关:Authorized Administrator承办人签章:Registrar于洪:Yuhong District董德银:Dong Deyin沙岭:Shaling2006年9月12日签发:Date of Issue:12th September 2006李刚页住址变动登记:Register of Residence Change变动后的住址:New Address变动日期:Date of registration update承办人签章:Registrar非农业家庭户口:Non-agricultural family常住人口登记卡:Information of Member姓名:Name户主或与户主关系:Householder him/herself or Relation to the householder户主:Householder himsel曾用名:Former name (if available)性别:Sex男:Male出生地:Place of birth辽宁省沈阳市shenyan, liaoning Province民族Ethnicity汉族Han籍贯Ancestral native place辽宁省建平县Jianping Country, liaoning Province出生日期Date of birth本市(县)其他地址Other residential address in this city (county)宗教信仰Religious belief无Nil公民身份证件编号Citizen ID card number身高Stature血型Blood groupB型:B文化程度Educational degree高中毕业Senior High School婚姻状况Marital status已婚Married兵役状况Military service status未服兵役:Nil服务处所Employer职业Occupation何时由何地迁来本市(县)When and from where immigrated to this city (county)何时由何地迁来本址When and from where moved in current residential address 2006.09.12由沈阳市于洪区东湖街10号3-4-112th September 2006 Romm 3-4-1, No.10 Donghu Street ,Yuhong District,Shenyang承办人签章:Registrar登记日期2006年09月12日Date of registe 12th September 2006。

封面:中华人民共和国People’s Republic of China结婚证Marriage Marriage CertificateP1:中华人民共和国民政部(印章)Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China (Special Seal for Marriage Certificate Administration)中华人民共和国民政部监制Supervised by Ministry of Civil Affairs of PRC结婚申请,符合《中华人民共和国婚姻法》规定,予以登记。
Marriage application comply with Marriage Law of the P.R.C., in confirmation of marriage registration the marriage certificate was distributed.登记机关(stamp)XX民政厅婚姻登记专用章Registration authority (seal) The special seal of XXX Civil Affairs Department of the marriage registration.婚姻登记员XXXThe marriage registrar XXXP2持证人Holder登记日期Registration Date结婚证字号Marriage Certificate No.备注姓名Fullname 性别Gender国籍Nationality出生日期Date of Birth身份证件号ID Number姓名Fullname 性别Gender国籍Nationality出生日期Date of Birth身份证件号ID NumberP3婚姻法规定,要求结婚的男女双方必须亲自到婚姻登记机关进行结婚登记。


中国居民身份证上的信息英语翻译(正面Front side)姓名:Name:性别:Sex(或译Gender,但档案、履历等场合sex常用一些):民族:Ethnicity:出生:Date of Birth(或直接简写为Birth):住址:Residential Address(或译Dwelling Place):公民身份号码:Citizen ID number:(背面Back side)中华人民共和国居民身份证Citizen Identity Card of the People's Republic of China签发机关:XX省XX市XX区(县)公安分局Authority: Public Security Sub-Bureau of XX District (County), XX City, XX Province有效期限:2008.05.18 -- 2028.05.18Valid through(或Duration of Validity,或Period of Validity): 2008.05.18 -- 2028.05.18结婚证Marriage Certificatel中华人民共和国People's Republic of China持证人:张三Certificate Holder:Zhang San登记日期:2009年12月29日Date of Registration:December 29, 2009结婚证字号:J130000-2009-000394Marriage Certificate Code:J130000-2009-000394备注:Remark:姓名:张三Name:Zhang San国籍:中国Nationality:China身份证号:420921************ID Number:420921************性别:男Gender:Male出生日期:1985年10月19日Date of Birth:October 19, 1985姓名:Selena GomezName:Selena Gomez国籍:美国Nationality:The United States of America身份证号:408888888ID Number:408888888性别:女Gender:Female出生日期:1986年11月25日Date of Birth:November 25, 1986中华人民共和国民政部The Ministry of Civil Affairs of People’s Republic of China结婚证Marital Certificatel中华人民共和国民政部监制Produced by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of People’s Republic of China结婚申请,符合《中华人民共和国婚姻法》规定,予以登记,发给此证。

内容中国身份证其他国家身份证中国户口本、居住证国外居住证其他国家护照和签证翻译时可直接套用:中国身份证版本1People’s Republic of ChinaResident Identity Card Name:Sex:Nationality:Date of birth:Address:Issued on January ××, 19××and valid for ××years×××Branch, ×××Public Security Bureau (seal)No.: ******************版本2:ID Card for the Inhabitant of the P.R.C(Photo of the Holder)Name:Sex: Nationality:Date of birth:Address:Date of issue:Valid for×× yearsNo.******************××× Sub-Bureau, Public Security Bureau of ×××(seal)版本3People’s Republic of ChinaResident Identity Card Name:Sex: (photo of the holder) Nationality:Date of birth:Address:Citizen ID No.:Issued by ××× Branch, ××× Municipal Public Security BureauValid for an indefinite term from May 1, 20××版本4(分正反面)Name:(photo)Gender:Nationality:Date of Birth:Address:Identification Card No.:People’s Republic of ChinaResident Identity CardIssuing Authority:×××Branch, ×××Public Security BureauPeriod of Validity: From May 1, 20××to long-term香港永久居民身份证(持证人照片)×××************出生日期:性别:签发日期:××××年××月**********国外身份证/身份证明外交官身份证美国国务院(持证人照片)编号:有效期至:出生日期:姓名:职衔:使团:地址:豁免声明见背面。
简历模板 简历翻译成英文

简历翻译成英文底纯:良好毕业院校: **大学专业:商务管理电子邮件: ----------联系电话: 手机:通信地址: 邮编:刻育背景及主修课程:? 20__年x月---20__年x月**大学商学系? 人力资源管理、公关与礼仪、电子商务、管理学原理、数据库设计、管理信息系统、西方经济学? 旅游接待英语、导游英语、旅行社经营管理、旅游市场营销、旅游资源规划与开发、旅游财务管理、旅游文化学、旅游地理学、旅游心理学? 餐饮管理、前厅客房管理、酒吧与餐饮管理、客源国概况、饭店管理个人技能:? 顺利通过大学英语CET-6,能熟练的用英语进行对话? 获得剑桥商务英语中级证书(Business English Certificate),熟悉商务英语,能阅读商务文献,并具备一定的商务英语写作能力? 熟练掌握饭店接待英语、旅游英语? 计算机CCT证书,以优异成绩获得全国计算机信息高新技术考试证书,具备Windows环境下文字处理、图文混排以及表格操作能力,熟练掌握WORD、EXCEL、PPT获奖情况:? 二等、三等奖学金(年份)并获系三好学生(年份)? 获系******rdquo;称号(20__)? 获校******rdquo;称号(20__)实践情况:? 参与******************心理调研活动? 为*************公司作市场调研分析,获得好评通信地址:**大学**分校------- 邮编:********联系方式:**************** E-mail:Name (Sex: female Age:22)ObjectiveA responsible secretary /management position which will provide challenge and freedom where I can bring my initiative and creativity into full play.Education20__.9-20__.6 Depts. Business Graduate School of ******** University, M.E.Academic preparation for management:Management: Principles of management, Organization theory, behavioral science. munication: Business munication, Human resource management, Human relations.Marketing: Marketing theory, Sales management.puter AbilitiesSkilled in use of Word, Excel, PPT, Win98, InterEnglish Skills?? Have a good mand of both spoken and written English Past CET-4, CET-6 Past Cambridge Business English Certificate Vantage, ability to write businessreportScholarships and Awards? 20__/20__ Second-class Scholarship for graduate? The best debater of the department? The best debater of the UniversityQualifications? General business knowledge relating to management? Have a passion for the Inter, and an abundance of mon sense? Ability to organize marketing caigns and to supervise employees. Effectivemunication abilities and public relations skills.通信地址:**大学**分校------- 邮编:********联系方式:**************** E-mail:简历翻译成英文二:张某某北京市海淀区西三环北路二号北京外国语大学100号信箱100089电话:+86(10) 8881 0000 手机:+86(0)1381 000 0000 EMAIL:刻育背景20__年x月至今北京外国语大学国际商学院中国,北京将于20__年x月获经济学学士学位,国际经济与贸易专业;文学学士学位,英语专业;总体GPA 3.6/4.0; 主要课程包括:微积分93/100,公司财务98/100,管理学90/100,商务沟通94/100,国际贸易92/100 工作经历20__年x月至20__年x月20__年x月至20__年x月20__年x月瑞穗实业银行上海分行暑期实习生中国,上海●通过银行后台(资金后台,人民币业务科,汇出汇入科,进出口科)的轮岗了解商业银行的后台日常业务; ●在进出口部门学习、使用银行G-Base系统核对汇票以及信用证,每天完成超过200份单证的审核;●参加银行的内部培训,学习了银行的定期存款产品以及中国目前的外汇管制系统; ●对银行有关人民币业务的资料进行分析,整理和归类,为银行进一步开展人民币业务做准备。

签证资料翻汇总–由走遍欧洲精心整理目录身份证 (3)行驶证 (4)企业营业执照副本 (5)户口本 (6)企业注册证 (10)结婚证 (11)房产证 (12)武汉网友提供的房产证模板 (14)存款余额证明 (20)单位证明样本 (21)个人收入证明参考样本 (22)准假信,收入证明,在职证明一体信 (23)意大利访友签证--个人邀请函样本 (25)法国访友签证- 邀请函样本 (29)父母探亲,准假条,邀请函英文格式(样本) (30)个人声明参考样本 (33)学位证/毕业证翻译 (34)退休证 (35)机构代码证 (36)机构代码证(另一个版本) (38)简历的中英文模板 (40)探亲邀请信的英文模板 (46)准假证明英文件 (47)公司派遣函 (48)申请表的翻译版本及填法模板 (49)企业营业执照 (51)企业营业执照–另一个版本 (52)Income/leave Certification (54)北京的行驶证翻译件 (55)事业单位法人证翻译样本 (56)独生子女光荣证(法语) (57)房产证+ 土地证(法语版) (60)银行余额证明 (62)房屋所有权证书 (63)委托书 (69)英文担保函 (70)工资表 (71)学生在籍及放假证明 (72)父母资金担保书 (74)身份证Name xxxxSex FemaleNationality HanD.O.B12 Jan 1983Address Room XXX No.167 XXX District XX City XXX ProvinceDate Issue31 Mar 2001Expiry10 YearsSerial No XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Branch Xiamen Municipal Public Security Bureau行驶证THE LICENSE OF MOTOR VEHICLES OF P.R.C.Register Code: 粤B XXXXX Type: SedanOwner: XXXXAddress: XXX, Huaqiang Road North, Futian District, Shenzhen, GD Province, P.R.CHINAEngine Code: XXXXX VIN: LXXXModel: V olks Wagon Passat SXXXXTotal Weight: 18XX kg Carry Weight: 14XX kgPassengers: 5 personsRegister Date: June XX, 200X Issued Date: July XX, 200XSize: 1234x5678x9100mmIssued By: Vehicle Management OfficeShenzhen Traffic Management Bureau (Seal)企业营业执照副本BUSINESS LICENSE OF THE ENTERPRISE JURIDICAL PERSON( DUPLICATE )No.11xxxx2Register Number: QIHEJINGZONGFUZI No.00xxxx0The Enterprise Name: Shenzhen xxxxxxx Co., Ltd.Address: Unit xxxx Building, No. xxxxxx Road, xxxxx District, ShenzhenLegal Representative: xxxxxxRegister Capital: USDxxxxxx.00 (Real Capital USDxxxxxx.00)Enterprise Type: Joint Venture (Hong Kong joint)Scope of Business: Manufacture of xxxxxx and parts, peripheral and service. Branch: No branch.Business Term: From 8th xxxxt xxxx to 7th xxxxt xxxxDate of Set-up: 8th xxxx xxxxIssued By: The Bureau of Shenzhen Industrial and Commercial Administration (seal) Date: 16th September 2009户口本Residence Type Non Agricultural Residence Name of House OwnerResidence Number AddressCertified Seal of Certified Seal of Guangdong Province Household Registration Office Public Security BureauFor Hukou certificate only Baomin Local Police StationShenzhen Public Security Bureau Undertaker’s Stamped signature : Issue Date: 01 July 2000Permanent resident population's registerName Householder r or Relationwith TheHouseholderHouseholderFormer Name Sex Male Place of Birth NationalityDate of BirthOther Dwelling Place in the City/Town Religious BeliefCitizen ID Number Height Blood GroupHighest Academic MaritalStatusMilitaryServicePlace of Work Occupation Previous Dwelling Place Before Moving intothe City/Town and Date of MovingPrevious Dwelling Place in the City/Town andDate of Moving into Present Dwelling PlaceSeal of Registrar:Issued Dart:Permanent resident population's registerName Householder r or Relation with TheHouseholderFormer Name Sex Place of Birth NationalityDate of BirthOther Dwelling Place in the City/Town Religious BeliefCitizen ID Number HeightBloodGroupHighest Academic MaritalStatusMilitaryServicePlace of Work Occupation Previous Dwelling Place BeforeMoving into the City/Town and Date ofMovingPrevious Dwelling Place in theCity/Town and Date of Moving intoPresent Dwelling PlaceSeal of Registrar:Issued Dart:Permanent resident population's registerName Householder r or Relation with TheHouseholderFormer Name Sex Place of Birth NationalityDate of BirthOther Dwelling Place in the City/Town Religious BeliefCitizen ID Number HeightBloodGroupHighest Academic MaritalStatusMilitaryServicePlace of Work Occupation Previous Dwelling Place Before Movinginto the City/Town and Date of MovingPrevious Dwelling Place in the City/Townand Date of Moving into Present DwellingPlaceSeal of Registrar:Issued Dart:企业注册证Foreign Investment Enterprise Representation Office Register CertificateRegister Number:Qi Du Yue Shen Ban Zi No. 7608XXThis representation office was approved to be registered and issue this certificate.Document No. 0059XXXName: Shanghai XX Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Representation officeAddress: Unit X, Block X, World Finance Center, 4003 Shennan Road East, Luohu Distric, ShenzhenLegal Representative: XXXScope of Business:Represent the Company to perform business expansion. Affiliate of:Shanghai XXX Co., Ltd.Valid from XX, 200X to XX, 202XIssued by:Shenzhen Administration for Industrial and Commercial (Seal)Date: XX, 2005People’s Republic of ChinaMarriage CertificateName: XXXGender: MaleDate of Birth: XX, 19XXNationality: HanID Number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXName: XXXGender: FemaleDate of Birth: XXX, 19XXNationality: HanID Number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and XXX applied for marriage registration. After being examined, their application conforms to the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China. We give them the permission to register and hereby issue this marriage certificate.Issue Department: Bureau of Civil Affairs at Shenzhen City (Seal)Issue Date: XX, 200XOwnerXXX (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)[100%]*******************LandLand nd areaPurpose of Land Residence Location area Futian District Land locationUsage period70 years, from XX, 199X to XX, 20XXShen Fang Di Zi No. 30XXXXX(Original)Shenzhen Municipal Planning and Land and Resources Bureau (Chop)Register date: XXX, 200XBuildings and fixturesBuilding nameBuilding area Building inside areaPurpose of building Residence Completion dateRegistered valueSummary of other rights and appendixTransferable building.1)Mortgaged to China XXXX Bank,广东这边的可能还需要用到:Property ownership certificate权属人property owner身份证号码identity card no.国籍nationality房屋所有权来源source of housing ownership **年×月购买purchased in **,****房屋用途usage of the house占有房屋份额share of the house ×栋×××号全套,××平米full owner of suite***,building no.** area:***square meters房屋所有权性质property of housing ownership土地使用权来源source of land-use right 出让assignment土地使用权性质property of land-use right 国有state-owned房地坐落site of the house房屋情况state of the house建筑结构architecture 钢精混凝土结构armoured concrete层数floors竣工日期date of completion建基面积area of the building base建筑面积building area其中住宅建筑面积domestic building area其中套内建筑面积room building area四墙归属ownership of four walls 东。

1 本文件共包含四类模版,分别为户口本,房产证,结婚证和完税证明。
2 因各个地区同类证件格式不一,建议各位以当地证件规格排列以方便签证官将中英文信息进行对照。
3 户口本模版中首页为户口簿在册成员信息,第二页为户主信息,第三页开始为家庭成员个人信息,使用者可根据在册人数数量保留适当的页数。
4 其他使用模版中出现的问题和对其他模版的要求可以随时邮件联系我。
1 户口本Permanent resident population's registerPermanent resident population's registerSeal of Registrar: Issued Dart: Permanent resident population's registerSeal of Registrar: Issued Dart: 2 房产证3 结婚证People’s Republic of ChinaMarriage CertificateName: XXXGender: MaleDate of Birth: XX, 19XXNationality: HanID Number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXName: XXXGender: FemaleDate of Birth: XXX, 19XXNationality: HanID Number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and XXX applied for marriage registration. After being examined, their application conforms to the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China. We give them th e permission to register and hereby issue this marriage certificate.Issue Department: Bureau of Civil Affairs at Shenzhen City (Seal)Issue Date: XX, 200X4 完税证明(大多数地区签证不需要)。

1、 人名翻译法:即汉语拼音,姓的第一个字母需大写;单名的第一个字母需大写,双名的第一个字第一个字母大写,第二个字不用大写。
如果有英文名,则参考Mark Ma (前英文名后姓)
2、female 女性 male 男性
3月3日翻译为March 30, 1980 (一月January 二月February 三月March 四月 April 五月May 六月June 七月 July 八月August 九月September 十月October 十一月November 十二月December )
(房/室: Room ,如202房Room NO. 202 栋/楼:Building 路: Road 街:Street 区:District 小区/社区/楼盘:Residential Quarter 市:City 省:Province )
1、签发机关:分局Branch 公安局 Public Security Bureau

1. 申请人个人信息
- 姓名:
- 出生日期:
- 国籍:
- 身份证件号码:
2. 学历证明原件信息
- 证书颁发机构:
- 证书名称:
- 证书编号:
- 证书颁发日期:
- 证书有效期至:
- 研究专业:
3. 翻译件格式要求
- 文件格式:翻译件须以电子文档形式提交,支持PDF或Word文档格式。
- 语言要求:翻译件必须使用中文或英文书写,其他语言需提供中文或英文的翻译版本。
- 字体要求:翻译件应使用常见字体,如宋体、微软雅黑等,字号应适中,以确保清晰可读。
4. 翻译内容要求
- 翻译准确:翻译件应准确反映学历证明原件的内容,包括证书颁发机构、证书名称、证书编号、证书颁发日期、证书有效期至等信息。
- 语言流畅:翻译应遵循通顺、准确、简明的原则,以确保翻译内容的语言流畅易懂。
- 不得涂改:翻译件不得有任何涂改、删改、涂抹、标记等痕迹,以确保翻译件的完整性和可信度。
5. 翻译人员要求
- 翻译资质:翻译人员应具备相关学历或资质,能够熟练理解并准确翻译学历证明的内容。
- 保密责任:翻译人员应对学历证明的内容及申请人个人信息保守秘密,不得泄露给任何第三方。
2018年身份证英文公证书-范文word版 (15页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==身份证英文公证书篇一:公证书中英文对照版下载亲属关系公证书(如:(201X)湘州乾证字第1174申请人:XXX男,XXXX年X月X日出生,身份证号码:住址:关系人:XXX,男,XXXX年X月X日出生,身份证号码:住址:公证事项:亲属关系兹证明XXX是XXX的儿子。
中华人民共和国XXXX公证处公证员:XXXXXXX年X月X日)Notarial certificate of Kinship(For example:(201X) Xiangzhou 1174Applicant: XXX, male, was born on August 5, 1990ID number:Location:Relationship:ID number:Location:The notarization matter: kinshipCertify that XXX is XXX's son.People's Republic of ChinaNotary Office of the Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture GanchengNotary: XXXNovember XX, XXXX)篇二:公证书英文版(共6篇)篇一:公证书英文版certificate(90)lu zi, no. 1130(编号)this is to certificate that miss.yao xiaofen holds a diploma issued to her in june, 201X by qinzhou university (diploma no.116074201X000990)and that we have carefully checked the seal of the university and the signature by president xu shuye lingshan county,qinzhou city notary public office guangxi provincethe peoples republic of chinanotary:date:篇二:英文公证书范本英文公证书范本[作者:赛凌翻译 | 发表日期:201X-02-09|文章来源:赛凌翻译网 ]此英文公证书范本源于爱尔兰公证书翻译,作为公司登记注册公证。
Unit 11 各类证明书的翻译

实事求是 真实有效的信息 用语严谨
证件的英译SubjectFra bibliotekExam
Intensive Reading
Extensive Reading
English Composition 85
Modern English Grammar 82
Survey of USA & UK
Pedagogical Psychology
February 10, 2012
Personnel Office (seal) Sun Yat-sen University
可具体写明是何种事由的证明,如Schooling Record Certificate (学历业绩证明)、 Identity Certificate (身份证明)、Birth Certificate (出生证明),也可只注明 Certificate/Testimonial(证明)字样
标题 Heading
正文 Text
署名和日期 Signature and Date
在职证明 Certificate of Employment
Registration No.:
Official ID No.:
Test Time: (month/year)

证件单词英语单词:document1.1 词性:名词1.2 中文释义:文件,公文,文献,证件1.3 英文释义:A written or printed paper that gives information or serves as evidence or proof.1.4 同义词:paper, record---2 起源与背景2.1 词源:源于拉丁语“documentum”,意为“教导、证据”。
2.2 趣闻:在古代,重要的文件常常被刻在石头或金属上以保存。
---3 常用搭配与短语3.1 短语:official document(官方文件)例句:They need to submit the official document.翻译:他们需要提交这份官方文件。
3.2 短语:identity document(身份证件)例句:Please show your identity document.翻译:请出示你的身份证件。
3.3 短语:confidential document(机密文件)例句:This is a very important confidential document.翻译:这是一份非常重要的机密文件。
3.4 短语:document verification(文件核实)例句:We have to go through the document verification process.翻译:我们得经历文件核实的过程。
3.5 短语:document storage(文件存储)例句:They have a proper system for document storage.翻译:他们有一个合适的文件存储系统。
---4 实用片段(1)"I can't find the important document anywhere. I hope I didn't lose it." John said anxiously. His colleague replied, "Let's look for it together."翻译:“我到处都找不到那份重要文件。

签证资料翻汇总–由译声翻译精心整理目录身份证 (3)行驶证 (4)企业营业执照副本 (5)户口本 (6)企业注册证 (10)结婚证 (11)房产证 (12)武汉网友提供的房产证模板 (14)存款余额证明 (20)单位证明样本 (21)个人收入证明参考样本 (22)准假信,收入证明,在职证明一体信 (23)意大利访友签证--个人邀请函样本 (25)法国访友签证- 邀请函样本 (29)父母探亲,准假条,邀请函英文格式(样本) (30)个人声明参考样本 (33)学位证/毕业证翻译 (34)退休证 (35)机构代码证 (36)机构代码证(另一个版本) (38)简历的中英文模板 (40)探亲邀请信的英文模板 (46)准假证明英文件 (47)公司派遣函 (48)申请表的翻译版本及填法模板 (49)企业营业执照 (51)企业营业执照–另一个版本 (52)Income/leave Certification (54)北京的行驶证翻译件 (55)事业单位法人证翻译样本 (56)独生子女光荣证(法语) (57)房产证+ 土地证(法语版) (60)银行余额证明 (62)房屋所有权证书 (63)委托书 (69)英文担保函 (70)工资表 (71)学生在籍及放假证明 (72)父母资金担保书 (74)身份证Name xxxxSex FemaleNationality HanD.O.B12 Jan 1983Address Room XXX No.167 XXX District XX City XXX ProvinceDate Issue31 Mar 2001Expiry10 Y earsSerial No XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Branch Xiamen Municipal Public Security Bureau行驶证THE LICENSE OF MOTOR VEHICLES OF P.R.C.Register Code: 粤B XXXXX T ype: SedanOwner: XXXXAddress: XXX, Huaqiang Road North, Futian District, Shenzhen, GD Province, P.R.CHINAEngine Code: XXXXX VIN: LXXXModel: V olks Wagon Passat SXXXXT otal Weight: 18XX kg Carry Weight: 14XX kgPassengers: 5 personsRegister Date: June XX, 200X Issued Date: July XX, 200XSize: 1234x5678x9100mmIssued By: V ehicle Management OfficeShenzhen Traffic Management Bureau (Seal)企业营业执照副本BUSINESS LICENSE OF THE ENTERPRISE JURIDICAL PERSON( DUPLICATE )No.11xxxx2Register Number: QIHEJINGZONGFUZI No.00xxxx0The Enterprise Name: Shenzhen xxxxxxx Co., Ltd.Address: Unit xxxx Building, No. xxxxxx Road, xxxxx District, ShenzhenLegal Representative: xxxxxxRegister Capital: USDxxxxxx.00 (Real Capital USDxxxxxx.00)Enterprise Type: Joint V enture (Hong Kong joint)Scope of Business: Manufacture of xxxxxx and parts, peripheral and service. Branch: No branch.Business T erm: From 8th xxxxt xxxx to 7th xxxxt xxxxDate of Set-up: 8th xxxx xxxxIssued By: The Bureau of Shenzhen Industrial and Commercial Administration (seal) Date: 16th September 2009户口本Residence Type Non Agricultural Residence Name of House OwnerResidence Number AddressCertified Seal of Certified Seal of Guangdong Province Household Registration Office Public Security BureauFor Hukou certificate only Baomin Local Police StationShenzhen Public Security Bureau Undertaker’s Stamped signature : Issue Date: 01 July 2000Permanent resident population's registerName Householder r or Relationwith TheHouseholderHouseholderFormer Name Sex Male Place of Birth NationalityDate of BirthOther Dwelling Place in the City/T own Religious BeliefCitizen ID Number Height Blood GroupHighest Academic MaritalStatusMilitaryServicePlace of Work Occupation Previous Dwelling Place Before Moving intothe City/T own and Date of MovingPrevious Dwelling Place in the City/T own andDate of Moving into Present Dwelling PlaceSeal of Registrar:Issued Dart:Permanent resident population's registerName Householder r or Relation with TheHouseholderFormer Name Sex Place of Birth NationalityDate of BirthOther Dwelling Place in the City/T own Religious BeliefCitizen ID Number HeightBloodGroupHighest Academic MaritalStatusMilitaryServicePlace of Work Occupation Previous Dwelling Place BeforeMoving into the City/T own and Date ofMovingPrevious Dwelling Place in theCity/T own and Date of Moving intoPresent Dwelling PlaceSeal of Registrar:Issued Dart:Permanent resident population's registerName Householder r or Relation with TheHouseholderFormer Name Sex Place of Birth NationalityDate of BirthOther Dwelling Place in the City/T own Religious BeliefCitizen ID Number HeightBloodGroupHighest Academic MaritalStatusMilitaryServicePlace of Work Occupation Previous Dwelling Place Before Movinginto the City/T own and Date of MovingPrevious Dwelling Place in the City/T ownand Date of Moving into Present DwellingPlaceSeal of Registrar:Issued Dart:企业注册证Foreign Investment Enterprise Representation Office Register CertificateRegister Number:Qi Du Yue Shen Ban Zi No. 7608XXThis representation office was approved to be registered and issue this certificate.Document No. 0059XXXName: Shanghai XX Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Representation officeAddress: Unit X, Block X, World Finance Center, 4003 Shennan Road East, Luohu Distric, ShenzhenLegal Representative: XXXScope of Business:Represent the Company to perform business expansion. Affiliate of:Shanghai XXX Co., Ltd.Valid from XX, 200X to XX, 202XIssued by:Shenzhen Administration for Industrial and Commercial (Seal)Date: XX, 2005People’s Republic of ChinaMarriage CertificateName: XXXGender: MaleDate of Birth: XX, 19XXNationality: HanID Number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXName: XXXGender: FemaleDate of Birth: XXX, 19XXNationality: HanID Number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and XXX applied for marriage registration. After being examined, their application conforms to the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China. W e give them the permission to register and hereby issue this marriage certificate.Issue Department: Bureau of Civil Affairs at Shenzhen City (Seal)Issue Date: XX, 200XOwnerXXX (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)[100%]*******************LandLand nd areaPurpose of Land Residence Location area Futian District Land locationUsage period70 years, from XX, 199X to XX, 20XXShen Fang Di Zi No. 30XXXXX(Original)Shenzhen Municipal Planning and Land and Resources Bureau (Chop)Register date: XXX, 200XBuildings and fixturesBuilding nameBuilding area Building inside areaPurpose of building Residence Completion dateRegistered valueSummary of other rights and appendixTransferable building.1)Mortgaged to China XXXX Bank,广东这边的可能还需要用到:Property ownership certificate权属人property owner身份证号码identity card no.国籍nationality房屋所有权来源source of housing ownership **年×月购买purchased in **,****房屋用途usage of the house占有房屋份额share of the house ×栋×××号全套,××平米full owner of suite***,building no.** area:***square meters房屋所有权性质property of housing ownership土地使用权来源source of land-use right 出让assignment土地使用权性质property of land-use right 国有state-owned房地坐落site of the house房屋情况state of the house建筑结构architecture 钢精混凝土结构armoured concrete层数floors竣工日期date of completion建基面积area of the building base建筑面积building area其中住宅建筑面积domestic building area其中套内建筑面积room building area四墙归属ownership of four walls 东。

身份证正面姓名Name:性别民族Sex: Male Ethnicity:出生Date of birth:住址:Residential Address:公民身份号码:Citizen ID Number:身份证反面中华人民共和国居民身份证Citizen Identity Card of the People’s Republic of China签发机关苏州市公安局工业园区分局Authority: Public Security Sub-Bureau of XX District (County), XX City, XX Province有效期限2013.01.21—2033.01.21Valid through: 2013.01.21--2033.01.21常住人口登记卡Information of Member户号No.姓名户主或与户主关系户主Name: Householder him/herself or Relation to the householder: Householder himself 曾用名/ 性别男Former name(If available)/ Sex: Male出生地湖南省凤凰县民族土家Place of birth: Fenghuang County of Hunan Province Ethnicity: Tujia籍贯湖南省凤凰县Ancestral native place: Fenghuang County of Hunan Province出生日期Date of birth:本市(县)其他住址/ 宗教信仰/Other residential address in this city (county): / Religious belief /公民身份证件编号身高173血型/Citizen ID Card Number:Stature 173 cm Blood Group: /文化程度大学本科婚姻状况已婚Educational degree: University degreeMarital status: Married兵役状况/Military service status: /服务处所职业/Employer: Occupation /何时由何地迁来本市(县)When and from where immigrated to this city (county):何时由何地迁来本址When and from where moved in current residential address:承办人签章登记日期2016年01月15日Registrar:Date of register: 15 JAN 2016家庭基本信息Basic Information of Household户别家庭户户主姓名Type of Household: Household Name of Householder: ZHONG.LI 户号Household Number:住址Current residential address:Registrar:Date of register:。

〔一〕常用词汇〔中英〕证badge护照passport注册,报到register采购代表purchasing agent邀请函invitation身份证ID card驾照driving license办证make the badge补办证re-apply a new IC card 〔re-application〕个人有效证件personal document 个人近照most recent photo电子请帖E-invitation重要通知单Important Notice网上预申请回执Notice forPre-registered名片Business card / name card 采购商号码Buyer NO. 采购商报到表〔即蓝表〕Buyer registration form行李寄放处Luggage office穿梭巴士Shuttle bus柜台Counter易通卡E-Pass卡易通卡持有者E-Pass holders填写采购商表格fill the buyer’s registration form港澳身份证/回乡证H.K./Macao ID Card /Home-Return Permit 台胞证Taiwan Compatriot Travel Certificate 有一年以上境外有效工作签证的中国护照A Chinese passport with overseas employment visa valid for over one year由广交会发出的邀请函Invitation issued by CIEF /sent by Canton Fair /from Canton Fair〔二〕验证组常用英语1,麻烦出示护照Hello,passport,please2,请问您是否第一次来吗Is this your first time to come here?3,您是丢了采购商证吗?Do you lose your IC card/badge?4,您需要补办吗You need to re-register5,您有身份证和护照复印件吗Do you have an ID card and copy of your passport?6,请去咨询台,让我们的同事向您的酒店确认您的护照号Please go to the “information desk〞and then our colleague will confirm with your hotel about your passport number.〔三〕咨询台常用语句Is it the first time for you to come here?这是您第一次来广交会吗?Do you have invitation?请问您有邀请函吗?Has your company registered here before?您的公司之前在这里注册过吗?May I have your business card?/ can you show me your card?你可以出示你的名片吗?Did you pre-register on line before?您之前有网上预注册吗?please make sure that you bring your passport and photo请确认你带上了您的护照及照片I’d like to contact the hotel that you stay in and confirm your passport number!我需要联络您所在的酒店及确认您的护照号码。
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1、 人名翻译法:即汉语拼音,姓的第一个字母需大写;单名的第一个字母需大写,双名的第一个字第一个字母大写,第二个字不用大写。
如果有英文名,则参考Mark Ma (前英文名后姓)
2、female 女性 male 男性
3月3日翻译为March 30, 1980 (一月January 二月February 三月March 四月 April 五月May 六月June 七月 July 八月August 九月September 十月October 十一月November 十二月December )
(房/室: Room ,如202房Room NO. 202 栋/楼:Building 路: Road 街:Street 区:District 小区/社区/楼盘:Residential Quarter 市:City 省:Province )
1、签发机关:分局Branch 公安局 Public Security Bureau