Whether a business is an established global brand or a start-up, effective advertising and marketing can be the key to its success. And no matter where an ad appears – on the Internet, on the radio or television, in newspapers and magazines, in the mail, or on billboards or buses – the same truth-in-advertising standard applies. Additional standards apply if you use telemarketing in your promotional efforts.
This is an ad about PANTENE shampoo,in the first,I didn’t find it was an ad,I thought it was a micro film which was inspirational.It gave us strengh and confidence.When the girl played the violin on the stage so successfully,the violences just stayed up and clapped for her.
In fact,we get many ads in our daily life ,they are about foods,clothes,medicine,cellphone and so on.We may are bored with them,however we can’t ignore,there still be excellent ads.
广告的主题是你能型(You can shine)广告讲述了一个女孩无声的世界,坚强的生活,因为有音乐这个梦想,一个被众人嘲笑的梦想。
PS:剪出以下女主被嘲笑的几段视频对话,一直到You're wasting everyone's time.同样地,广告里还有一位和女孩一样哑巴残疾的老艺人。
一直到you will see.在广告里面最让人深刻的部分就是老艺人与女主的对话,这也是整个广告的精髓之处。
Why am I different from other?-why do you have to be like other?为什么我和别人不一样?---为什么你要和别人一样正是这位老艺人的话为女主的自我实现提供了动力,也体现了自我实现的需要。
台下原本靠在椅子上快要睡着的听众们都睡意全无、越坐越端正,摒着呼吸静静地聆听;评委席上的评委们一个个都惊讶的瞪圆了双眼、张大了嘴巴......当琴声达到高潮之后最后,浮现出泰国潘婷广告的字样:You can shine。
• 潘婷品牌,在宝洁公司的众多品牌中,是最引人注目和闪耀光芒的全 球性战略大品牌。在全球众多国家中,潘婷品牌毫无置疑是当地市场 的第一品牌,也是全球年销售数量最多、品牌运作最成功的洗护发品 牌。尽管在亚洲市场的部分主要国家,比如中国和日本,潘婷目前尚 未成为市场的霸主品牌,但是根据宝洁公司的全球品牌战略布局,未 来的几年内,潘婷品牌在中国、日本及东南亚众多国家,将被重点强 化并迅速培育成当地市场的洗护第一品牌。
You can shine
• 营销上的创意,这则广告的长度不适合在电视媒体中播放 ,但是却在 网络上传播很广,网络的传播形式一方面有利于广告的完整传播,可 以为观众展示一个完整的故事情节,另一方面也可以较大范围地接触 到品牌的潜在消费者。
• 主题上的创意,在该广告中全片都没有对品牌质量、品牌优势进行大 事渲染,只是在最后一幕画龙点睛地出现潘婷的LOGO。然而女主角 从头到尾披着潘婷广告的经典发型,还有最后的秀发飞扬情节,在潜 移默化之中,让潘婷与励志人生一起进入了观众的心理。这样的传播 效果更深刻、更牢固。
• 第三阵营包括花王诗芬、 清逸、 奥妮、 好迪、 可蒙、 柏丽丝、海鸥 霸王、 首乌、 亮妆、 芦荟、 花香(FA) 、 东洋之花。
• 第四阵营为其余中小区域企业及新锐品牌。
潘婷创意广告——You can shine
• 广告主题:you can shine! • 广告长度:四分钟 • 广告定位: 《you can shine》是潘婷在泰国的商业广告。它以you
泰国潘婷广告赏析泰国潘婷广告赏析泰国潘婷《You can shine》广告赏析“Why am I different from others?(为什么我和别人不一样)Why do you have to be like others?(你为什么要和别人一样) You can shine!(只要努力同样你也能闪亮你自己的人生!) 广告内容:这则广告讲述了一个聋哑的小女孩学习小提琴的励志故事,她经常蒙受竞争对手的不屑与打击,但最后凭借自己的坚持勤奋及落魄流浪艺人的鼓励,最终走上了比赛现场,并以精湛的技艺征服了全场所有的观众。
飘柔的广告词英文The Flawless Beauty of Pantene: An Analysis of its Iconic Advertising SloganThere are few advertising slogans as ubiquitous and instantly recognizable as Pantene’s “Beautiful Hair Begins with Pantene.” The slogan has become synonymous with the brand’s promise to help women achieve stronger, shinier, and healthier hair. In recent years, Pantene has expanded its product offerings and marketing campaigns, but the “Beautiful Hair Begins with Pantene” slogan remains a cornerstone of its brand identity.However, Pantene has a rival in terms of iconic advertising slogans: its sister brand, Head & Shoulders. Head & Shoulders’ “You Never Get a Second Chance to Make a First Impression” campaign has resonated with consumers for decades, cementing its place in advertising history. Despite the competition, Pantene’s slogan has managed to stand out and maintain its relevance.The use of the word “beautiful” in Pantene’s slogan is a powerful choice. It taps into women’s desires to look and feel their best at all times. By claiming that beautiful hair can begin with a single product, Pantene promises women it can help them achieve their beauty goals with ease. Rather than suggesting that achieving beautiful hair requires a complicated and expensive routine, Pantene makes beauty seem simple and attainable.The concept of “beginning” is also crucial to the slogan’s effectiveness. By framing the start of beautiful hair as something that Pantene products can spark, the brand positions itself as an essential starting po int. Pantene’s slogan implies that without its products, women will struggle to achieve their desired hair looks. This idea of starting from scratch also makes the brand’s products feel like an essential part of women’s beauty routines, rather than something extraneous.But the most interesting part of Pantene’s advertising slogan is the name itself. The word “Pantene” is derived from “panthenol,” a vitamin crucial to healthy hair growth. This connection between the brand and the science behind hair care re inforces Pantene’s commitment to providing solutions based on scientific research. Additionally, using the scientific name of a vitamin as branding makes the product feel like it has a more specialized and targeted purpose.The effectiveness of Pantene’s “Beautiful Hair Begins with Pantene” slogan has stood the test of time. The brand has remained a fixture in the hair care market for decades, and its commitment to promoting beautiful hair has only grown stronger. By tapping into women’s desires for simple, attainable beauty and the science of healthy hair, Pantene has created an advertising slogan that resonates with its target demographic. It’s no surprise that “Beautiful Hair Begins with Pantene” has become a classic in the world of advertising, and it will likely remain so for years to come.。
• 这是一部相当完整的浓缩版电影:伏笔、 发展、转折、高潮、典型的人物性格、激 烈的矛盾冲突。可以说,一切符合戏剧的 元素都在本片中一一呈现。 • 自信是本片一直的宣扬,相信自己能行就 一定行,之后,打出本片的广告语:“潘 婷—您能行”。一语双关,呈现完美的结 尾。
1.1.广告主题:you can shine!(您能行) • “Why am I different from others?(为什 么我和别人不一样) • Why do you have to be like others?(你为 什么要和别人一样) • You can shine!(只要努力同样你也能闪亮 你自己的人生!)”
三句简单而震撼的旁白,道出了整个广告的主 题,更彰显出潘婷使用者的与众不同。
• 街头,一位衣衫破旧的老艺人忘情地拉着 小提琴。 • 他的身前,穿着暗淡背带裤、留着披肩发 的小小女孩好奇地看着他的一举一动,看 着那在琴弦上舞动的琴弓,好奇流畅华美 的乐曲是如何从琴弦和琴弓中源源不断地 流淌开来,沁人心脾。 • 老艺人给了小女孩一个温暖鼓励的笑容。
• 街头,衣衫更加破旧了的老艺人还在拉小提琴。一曲演 罢,老艺人鞠躬为礼,路人纷纷鼓掌。围观者渐渐散去 的时候,女孩静静地站在人群后。 • 老艺人蹲下身子收拾东西,看到了远远站着的她,老艺 人做了个拉琴的动作:你还在拉小提琴么?女孩的委屈 再也不能隐藏,渐渐从心底涌了出来。站在路边,低头 哭泣。 • 老艺人同女孩坐在街沿,女孩哭着伤心地比划——为什 么我和别人不一样?老艺人微笑着,不熟练的手语慢慢 地回答: 为什么……你……必须和别人一样? 女孩疑惑的表情,老艺人微笑着,继续比划: “音乐,是可以被看见的。”他用双手托着小提琴, 郑重地交到了女孩的手里。“闭起眼睛,”老艺人的手 划过面前,仿佛眼睑轻轻闭起。“……然后你就会看 到。”
而追溯潘婷的传奇历程,就要从深入人心的PRO-V 维他命原说起。
二十世纪四十年代,化学家Gustav Erlemann博士了解到PRO-V维他命原在二战中为士兵疗伤的广泛应用后,历时七年,经过数百次的测试最终证明:PRO-V维他命原不仅可以滋养秀发,帮助长效保湿,减少分叉,还可以增强发丝强韧度。
洗发水英文创意广告词我们熟知很多洗发水的广告,有些广告里面的广告词此时此刻还能朗朗上口,洗发水的广告多不胜数,那么英文版的广告词你知道多少?下面是我带来的内容,欢送阅读!洗发水英文广告词举例1. Clairol: a smell portrait2. Ouni: black hair, Chinese goods.3. Olive: Black hair, I like it.4. Pantene shampoo: have a healthy, of course, glossy.Rejoice: Rejoice, is so confident.6. ONeill angle soap shampoo extract: the Great Wall will never fall, when the self-domestics.7. La Fang: love life, love Lafang!8. Qing Yi: There Qingyi, more elegant.9. Head Shoulders: dandruff to go without a trace, hair is more outstanding.10. Rejoice: Rejoice, is so confident!11. Yiran the United States soft shampoo: true charm from the hair12. Head Shoulders: Neophelia, that is, dandruff.13. Spring leaves shampoo: healthy and natural vitality (Chinese herbal medicine + natural + live brain)14. Di color shampoo: Di color shampoo, very smooth.15. good Di: Hello, everyone is really good.洗发水英文广告词引荐1. Pantene shampoo: have a healthy, of course, glossy.2. Sassoon shampoo: our glory from your style.3. Meet the fragrance COCOESSENCE: No matter where you are in the world, I can find you by incense.4. Head Shoulders: You do not have a second chance to make a first impression.5. Rejoice: two-in-one care, so gentle hair flowing6. Runfa shampoo: Ausei hair, edge of a hundred years.7. Pantene shampoo: 3000 worry silk, health, a new beginning.Rejoice: is so confident!9. Tianshun: Tianshun, every day along10. Longliqi: really good benefits11. La Fong: love life, love Lafang12. Lai Tong: really different13. pedicle of the show: pedicle of the show youth good friends!洗发水英文广告词精选1 floating shadow: plant extracts / green hair care.2. Hai Si: Dandruff to go without a trace, hair is more outstanding.3. Sassoon: My glory comes from your style.Rejoice: with silk Runfa, shampoo hair care once completed, so that hair flowing soft.5. Head Shoulders: to dandruff, so you rely on the more recent.6. Clairol: Do you want to be a fairy tale in the Cinderella I help you to achieve!7. Sunsilk: vitality comes from nutrition, vitality from the young, energy from the passion.8. Head Shoulders: removal of dandruff problems.9. Gone with the Wind: a floating shadow, more self-confidence.ON Avon: hair clever investment.。
洗发水的经典英文广告词Shiny and healthy hair is something everyone desires, and the key to achieving this lies in using the right shampoo. For decades, the advertising industry has been using creative and persuasive language to sell the idea that this or that shampoo is the perfect solution for all hair types. In this article, we are going to explore some of the classic English slogans of popular shampoos in recent times.1. "Because you're worth it" - L'OrealThis unforgettable slogan created by L'Oreal has become one of the most iconic in the hair care industry. It was first used in 1973, and since then it has been used to promote L'Oreal's wide range of products. The slogan aims to tell customers that they deserve the best and that is what L'Oreal products offer. It is a simple and elegant way of promoting self-confidence andself-worth.2. "I'm worth it" - PantenePantene has used this slogan to communicate a similar message to that of L'Oreal. The difference lies in focusing on the individual rather than the product. The slogan encourages women to feel empowered and confident with their hair, knowing thatPantene can help them achieve the desired look. It is a simple way of promoting self-love and empowerment.3. "Because life is too short for dull hair" - Herbal EssencesThis slogan suggests that hair is a crucial part of a person's overall appearance, and that it should be vibrant, shiny, and healthy. This look can be achieved by using Herbal Essences shampoo. The slogan is creative and exudes a sense of fun and youthfulness, attracting younger audiences and promoting a lighthearted, carefree approach to hair.4. "The ultimate dare for beautiful hair" - Head & ShouldersHead & Shoulders is world-famous for its range ofanti-dandruff shampoos, and the slogan communicates the company's commitment to providing the best products to promote healthy hair, even in people suffering from dandruff. The slogan conveys a sense of confidence and encourages customers to take on the challenge of beautiful hair with the help of Head & Shoulders.5. "Always be in love with your hair" - Suave ProfessionalsThis slogan by Suave Professionals aims to promote the idea of having a long-term relationship with your hair. It encourages customers to maintain a healthy hair-care routine with their products and stay in love with their hair. This slogan also works well as a promotional tool for the brand's long-term benefits and commitment to customers.6. "Life doesn't always have to be so serious" - AussieAussie is known for promoting its fun approach to hair care, a sense of humor that is evident in their slogan. This slogan encourages customers to relax and take things easy when it comes to hair care, promoting an easy-going attitude that is reinforced by their fun-toned products. It is a great way of attracting audiences looking for a more fun and laid-back way of caring for their hair.7. "Healthy hair starts with a healthy scalp" - NioxinNioxin is another brand known for promoting healthy hair, and this slogan tells us where healthy hair really starts. The scalp is just as important as the hair, and Nioxin's products aim to provide both with the essential nutrients they need for growth and vitality. The slogan is simple, easy to understand, and works brilliantly as a promotional tool for their range of scalp care products.In conclusion, these slogans may seem simple, but they are well thought out and brilliantly crafted. These slogans have become iconic, and their longevity in the industry is a testament to their effectiveness. They communicate everything from confidence and empowerment to humor and fun. These slogans are not only designed to sell products but to create a bond between the customer and the brand for a great long-lasting relationship.。
潘婷广告策划书目录一、前言 (4)二、市场分析 (4)三、产品分析 (6)四、企业经营目标 (9)五、企业市场战略 (9)六、公关战略 (10)七、广告战略 (10)八、媒介战略、广告预算及分配 (11)九、广告设计 (12)附录1:潘婷洗发水调查问卷 (15)附录2:媒体投放价格...............................................................................................一、前言潘婷是全球第一的发品领导品牌,一直以来,它以保护秀发健康,提供秀发最完美的呵护为原则,受到全球爱美人士的喜爱。
潘婷 (Pantene) 形象革变的来由可以追溯到古希腊神话中一位掌管爱与美的女神——爱芙罗黛蒂 (Aphrodite) 。
而今潘婷(Pantene) 以其独特的秀发主张与优效技术,幻身成为时尚生活中的爱芙罗黛蒂,通过更高效的护发技术与全新的美丽主张,让所有使用潘婷 (Pantene) 的人们感受惠泽,发现自身的闪亮点,找到自己的美丽与魅力,焕发自信光彩。
英文歌词:(潘婷广告背景音乐)UnwrittenI am unwritten, can't read my mind, I'm undefinedI'm just beginning, the pen's in my hand, ending unplannedStaring at the blank page before youOpen up the dirty windowLet the sun illuminate1 the words that you could not findReaching for something in the distanceSo close you can almost taste itRelease your innovation2Feel the rain on your skinNo one else can feel it for youOnly you can let it inNo one else, no one elseCan speak the words on your lipsDrench3 yourself in words unspokenLive your life with arms wide openToday is where your book beginsThe rest is still unwrittenI break tradition, Sometimes my tries,are outside thelineWe’ve been conditioned to not make mistakesBut I can’t live that way no, no我是一张白纸,没人能够读懂我的思想,没人能够为我书写定义我的人生之路刚刚开始,握紧手中的笔,自己写下有意义的人生在开启肮脏的天窗之前,凝视自己这张尚未书写的空白一页让阳光给你启发,照亮你人生的意义追求远方的某物近在咫尺,你几乎能够触摸得到别再拘谨,释放你的激情感受让雨水打湿肌肤的感觉无人能与你感同身受只有你自己去掌握追求没有人,没有人能够在你的唇边给你讲述把自己沉浸在那些心照不宣的话语里敞开胸怀,好好生活今天是你人生之路开启的时刻你的余生仍旧要靠自己来把握打破传统的束缚, 有时我的尝试是不着边际我们曾被约束, 不要去犯错误但是我不要那样去生活不要不要I am unwritten, can't read my mind, I'm undefined.我是一张白纸,没人能够读懂我的思想,没人能够为我书写定义。
(化妆品广告) ——化妆品广告语力士新秘密,新惊喜——化妆品广告语放我的真心在你的手心。
(白丽香皂)——化妆品广告语自在秀发,自在我心(蓝蓓丝洗发水) ——化妆品广告语衣带渐宽终不悔,常忆宁红减肥茶。
长城永不倒,国货当自强(奥妮皂角洗发浸膏)——化妆品广告语要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝(大宝护肤品) ——化妆品广告语柔美皮肤,从旁氏开始(旁氏护肤品)——化妆品广告语“六神”有主,一家无忧。
(花露水)——化妆品广告语明星风采,纯纯关怀(美加净) ——化妆品广告语像呼吸一样真实,真实是惟一记住的话,真实是一张自由的脸.真空是沉淀后的完美。
(诗芙浓化妆品)——化妆品广告语拥有健康,当然亮泽(潘婷洗发水)——化妆品广告语今年二十,明年十八(白丽美容香皂) ——化妆品广告语第一流产品,为足下增光(上海鞋油)——化妆品广告语国内首创,驰名中外(珍珠霜)——化妆品广告语题目:英语化妆品广告语篇中名词化语法隐喻分析Analysis of Nominalization in EnglishCosmetic Advertising Te_ts:The Perspective ofGrammatical Metaphor摘要作为人类语言最普遍的特征之一,名词化一直是语言学家们关注的基本课题。
下面是店铺带来的关于潘婷英文广告语的内容,欢迎阅读!潘婷英文广告语1, the beautiful declaration2, Pantene believe that every one of you are the most unique of their own, with unlimited beauty potential.3, then, from now on and the world's top hair care technology and shiny new advocate peer, I believe every woman from the inside out of the change may, together with the new Pantene, bloom belongs to your unique glory!4, Pantene believe that every one of you are the most unique of their own, with unlimited beauty potential. With the new Pantene, bloom is your unique glory!5, dandruff to go without a trace, the hair is more outstanding, I believe Pantene!6, with a healthy, of course, glossy.7, 3000 worry silk, health, a new beginningIf it shines, I will see the rainbow instead of the drizzle; When I shine, I will light the light, Dance at any time, not just at the prom!潘婷英文广告文案Advertising is a video about a deaf girl, in order to facilitate the introduction I gave her a name Tingting, also echoes the product. She loves the violin and loves music. But in their class has a rich girl (Lily) everywhere against her, saying she was wasting everyone's time, which makes Tingting very low self-esteem, very sad.Tingting in the street to know a street for a living of the elderly, the elderly is also a violin, but also sign language, so Tingting is not happy when the elderly will see the violin. They chat with sign language, Tingting asked the elderly: Why do I not the same as others? The old man replied: Why should the same as others? Music is a life, gently close your eyes to feel, you can see.Old people gave a Tingting a violin. Tingting very encouraged, no longer inferior, no longer immersed in the pain, but the intention to practice the violin, and sometimes together with the elderly for everyone to play.Unfortunately, Lily to some small fry to the elderly stalls smashed, the elderly also injured in the hospital. Lily to be used to block Tingting, Tingting not to participate in classical music competition. However, the game that day, Ting-ting or go, for their love of music, in order to live up to her support for the elderly.Her music shocked the audience, the referee was shocked. In Tingting playing process, her hair flowing smooth, like her music, playing the audience broke out as the end of the thunderous applause, advertising is the Pantene's advertising language: you can type.洗发水英文广告语Pantene shampoo: have a healthy, of course, glossy.Sassoon shampoo: our glory from your style.Head & Shoulders: You do not have a second chance to make a first impression. Rejoice: wash care combo, let hair elegantRunfa shampoo: Hair color hair, margin of a hundred years.Pantene shampoo: 3000 worry silk, health new beginning. Rejoice: is so confident!Longliqi: really good benefitsLa Fong: love life, love LafangLai Tong: really differentPedicle of the show: pedicle of the show, youth good friends! Clairol: a smell portraitOni: Black hair, Chinese goods.Ony: Black hair, I like it.Pantene shampoo: have a healthy, of course, glossy.Rejoice: Rejoice, is so confident.Laoni: love life, love La Fong!Qing Yi: There Qingyi, more elegant.Head & Shoulders: Dandruff to go without a trace, hair is more outstanding."Yiran the United States" soft shampoo: "true charm from the inside and hair," Head & Shoulders: "the new sea Flying, that is no dandruff.。
潘婷《you can shine》广告赏析报告一、广告总体介绍(一)广告作品名称:潘婷泰国励志广告《you can shine》(二)广告发布媒介:网络(主要)和电视(三)广告发布时间:2008年(四)广告主简介:宝洁公司(Procter & Gamble),简称P&G,是一家美国消费日用品生产商,也是目前全球最大的日用品公司之一。
Advertising introduction
Advertising introduction广告简介这是一个关于潘婷洗发水的广告-化茧成蝶的瞬间It's an advertisement about pan - shampoo cocoon instantaneously into butterfly.短片长达四分零三秒Video lasted for 4 minutes and 3 seconds .它讲述的是一个残疾女孩追逐梦想的故事It is a story about a disabled girl chasing her own dream . 这个女孩子是一个聋哑人,出身于普通家庭。
This girl is a deaf mute, who was born in an ordinary family.但因为她从小就结识了一位街头卖艺的大叔,所以对古典音乐很感兴趣。
When she was young ,she knew a street performer of classical music,so she was interested in classical music since that moment.与这个女孩同在一班有另外一个女孩,她出身富贵人家。
Compared to this girl ,there is another girl who was born a silver spoon in her mouth.因为两人在音乐方面都很有天赋,富贵女孩心生嫉妒,总是故意为难聋哑女孩。
Because they are all in music talent and rich girl envies,she always make trouble with the deaf girl intentionally .世事难料,两人同时报名参加了一场古典音乐大赛。
Y ou never know, both registers to attend a classical music contest.富贵女孩恨心再生,找人在聋哑女孩陪卖艺大伯街头演绎时,打伤了大伯,并摔坏了小提琴。
advertising(english topic)
• Attention(A)
A good advertisement should attract the consumer's attention to the product directly.
• Interest(I)
The introduction and publicity of an advertisement should arouse(激起) consumers’ great interest.
The advertising spokesperson
First,I want to buy Pantene(潘婷)Shampoo,because I see this advertising. As you know ,I like Tangwei (汤唯)very much.
• Action(A)
The advertising makes consumer to response to the advertising information and evoke(唤起,引起) them to take the action of purchasing
• In brief,the successful ad. must have AIDA
But when I see this slogan, I decide to buy this Shampoo finally. Because I want to have beautiful and shiny hair like them.
不止是秀发在闪亮,更是你的美丽在闪耀!闪耀吧,更美的自己! 不止是秀发在闪亮,更是你的美丽在闪耀!闪耀吧,更美的自己! 闪亮
You can shine——潘婷泰国励志广告赏析0815020305广告083王倩You can shine——潘婷泰国励志广告赏析内容摘要:这是一个弱势的女孩如何突破重重障碍实现自己梦想的故事。
潘婷简介英文作文Pantene is a well-known brand of hair care productsthat has been around for many years. It offers a wide range of shampoos, conditioners, and styling products to help people achieve healthy and beautiful hair.The brand's products are designed to address various hair concerns, such as dryness, damage, and frizz. Whether you have straight, curly, or wavy hair, Pantene has a product that can cater to your specific needs.One of the key ingredients in Pantene products is Pro-Vitamin B5, which helps to nourish and strengthen the hair from within. This ingredient is known for its ability to moisturize and improve the overall health of the hair, leaving it soft and shiny.Pantene is also committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility. The brand has taken steps to reduce its carbon footprint and minimize waste in itsproduction processes, making it a more eco-friendly choice for consumers.In addition to its regular product line, Pantene also offers specialized collections for specific hair types, such as the "Smooth & Sleek" collection for frizzy hair and the "Volume & Body" collection for fine hair. This allows people to find the perfect products for their individual hair needs.Overall, Pantene is a trusted brand that has been helping people achieve healthy, beautiful hair for many years. With its wide range of products and commitment to sustainability, it continues to be a popular choice for consumers around the world.。
英语 report
You only see me in the taste delicious, but can not see me for eating crazy. You have your attitude, I have my insistence. You laugh at me only know to eat whole day , I pity you do not understand the color and taste of the perfect.
超神注定是孤独的旅行,路上少不了超鬼的队友,但那有怎样, 哪怕队友再坑也要努力前进。我是LOLER,我为自己代言。
God is destined to be a lonely trip, road and ultimately, the super ghost of his teammates, but how, even if teammates was apit also strive to move forward. I am LOLER, I speak for myself.
减肥是注定痛苦的旅行,路上充满了反弹与身材走 样,但那有怎样?哪怕饿晕,也要晕的有型,我是 胖子,我为自己代言。
• reducing fertilizer is destined to travel on the road is full of pain, rebound and out of shape, but so what? Even if hungry, also want to faint, I am fat, I speak for myself.
你只看到我的单身,却没看到我的努力;你有你的标准,我有我的温柔;你嘲笑 我不够漂亮,不配去爱;我可怜你总太肤浅,你可以轻视我的真善美,我会证明 这是谁的时代;
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1, the beautiful declaration
2, Pantene believe that every one of you are the most unique of their own, with unlimited beauty potential.
3, then, from now on and the world's top hair care technology and shiny new advocate peer, I believe every woman from the inside out of the change may, together with the new Pantene, bloom belongs to your unique glory!
4, Pantene believe that every one of you are the most unique of their own, with unlimited beauty potential. With the new Pantene, bloom is your unique glory!
5, dandruff to go without a trace, the hair is more outstanding, I believe Pantene!
6, with a healthy, of course, glossy.
7, 3000 worry silk, health, a new beginning
If it shines, I will see the rainbow instead of the drizzle; When I shine, I will light the light, Dance at any time, not just at the prom!
Advertising is a video about a deaf girl, in order to facilitate the introduction I gave her a name Tingting, also echoes the product. She loves the violin and loves music. But in their class has a rich girl (Lily) everywhere against her, saying she was wasting everyone's time, which makes Tingting very low self-esteem, very sad.
Tingting in the street to know a street for a living of the elderly, the elderly is also a violin, but also sign language, so Tingting is not happy when the elderly will
see the violin. They chat with sign language, Tingting
asked the elderly: Why do I not the same as others? The old man replied: Why should the same as others? Music is a life, gently close your eyes to feel, you can see.
Old people gave a Tingting a violin. Tingting very encouraged, no longer inferior, no longer immersed in the pain, but the intention to practice the violin, and sometimes together with the elderly for everyone to play.
Unfortunately, Lily to some small fry to the elderly stalls smashed, the elderly also injured in the hospital. Lily to be used to block Tingting, Tingting not to participate in classical music petition. However, the game that day, Ting-ting or go, for their love of music, in
order to live up to her support for the elderly.
Her music shocked the audience, the referee was shocked. In Tingting playing process, her hair flowing smooth, like her music, playing the audience broke out as the end of the thunderous applause, advertising is the Pantene's
advertising language: you can type.
Pantene shampoo: have a healthy, of course, glossy.
Sassoon shampoo: our glory from your style.
Head & Shoulders: You do not have a second chance to make a first impression. Rejoice: wash care bo, let hair elegant
Runfa shampoo: Hair color hair, margin of a hundred years.
Pantene shampoo: 3000 worry silk, health new beginning. Rejoice: is so confident!
Longliqi: really good benefits
La Fong: love life, love Lafang
Lai Tong: really different
Pedicle of the show: pedicle of the show, youth good friends! Clairol: a smell portrait
Oni: Black hair, Chinese goods.
Ony: Black hair, I like it.
Pantene shampoo: have a healthy, of course, glossy.
Rejoice: Rejoice, is so confident.
Laoni: love life, love La Fong!
Qing Yi: There Qingyi, more elegant.
Head & Shoulders: Dandruff to go without a trace, hair is more outstanding.
"Yiran the United States" soft shampoo: "true charm from the inside and hair," Head & Shoulders: "the new sea Flying, that is no dandruff.。