广东高考英语备考阅读 二轮复习

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例文2 • Underline the sentence that expresses the main idea, and notice how the other sentences work to support that main idea.
Identifying Topic Sentences
• •
What is the main idea? Which of the following sentence best summarizes the main idea of the passage? A. Express Mail is a good way to send urgent mail. B. Mail service today is more effective and 范围更大 dependable. C. First-class mail usually takes three days or less.
广东高考英语备考冲刺 --阅读理解解题关键
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 理解主旨和要义 理解文中具体信息 根据上下文推断生词的词义 作出简单判断和推理 理解文章的基本结构 理解作者的意图、观点和态度
• Finding and understanding the main idea. ① subject or main idea --Let’s watch this movie --Sure! What’s it about? --It’s about alien invaders. √ Main idea or subject? When you look beyond the facts and information to what the writer really wants to say about his or her subject, you’re looking for the main idea.
• Today’s postal service is more efficient and reliable than ever before. Mail that used to take months to move by horse and foot now moves around the country in days or hours by truck, train, and plane. First-class mail usually moves from New York City to Los Angeles in three days or less. If your letter or package is urgent, the U.S Postal Service offers Priority Mail and Express Mail services. Priority Mail is guaranteed to anywhere in the United States in two days or less. Express Mail will get your package there overnight.
• Which of the following sentences are assertions that require specific evidence or support? a. Blue is a color. b. Blue is a calming color. 需证明 c. Feng Xiaogang is a fabulous movie 需证明 director. d. Feng Xiaogang published Aftershock in 2010 需证明 e. Feng Xiaogang’s best movie is Aftershock.
• Identify the topic sentences and supporting sentences. • 2 topic sentences • 6 supporting sentences
1. Finally, there is a guard on duty 24 hours a day. 2. Some police offer duties, like writing reports, have no risk at all. 3. For example, there is a pool on the top floor. 4. Not all police duties are dangerous. 需证明 √ 5. Others, like traffic duty, put police officers at very little risk. 6. √ Tenants of the luxury apartment building enjoy many services. 需罗列 7. Still other duties, like investigating accidents, leave officers free of danger. 8. In addition, the lobby has a dry cleaner, an ATM machine, and a coffee shop.

Not all police duties are dangerous. Some duties, like writing reports, have no risk at all. Others, like traffic duty, put police officers at very little risk. Still other duties, like investigating accidents, leave officers free of danger.
• The main idea: is general enough to encompass all of the ideas in the passage. 概括性 is an assertion (An assertion is a statement made by the writer.)
Main idea
有若干个supporting idea 来支持
Supporting idea
Supporting idea
Supporting idea
Wilma Rudolph, the crippled child who became an Olympic running champion, is an inspiration for us all 其他句子都是围绕这个展
• Erik always played cops and robbers when he was a boy; now he’s a police officer. 先罗列现象,再总 Suzanne always played school结 as a little girl; today, she is a high-school math teacher. Kara always played store; today, she owns a chain of retail clothing shops. Long before they are faced with the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Some lucky people know exactly what they want to do with their lives.
• a. b.ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu√ c.
What is the main idea of this passage? Wilma Rudolph was very sick as a child 细节 Wilma Rudolph was an Olympic champion 细节 Wilma Rudolph is someone to admire.
• Tenants of the luxury apartment building enjoy many services. For example, there is a pool on the top floor. In addition, the lobby has a dry cleaner, an ATM machine, and a coffee shop. Finally, there is a guard on duty 24 hours a day.

a. b.
In the group of sentences below, which is general enough to be a main idea? The Gold Rush began in 1849. fact Many people moved to California after gold was discovered. fact The history and population of California were shaped by the Gold Rush. 能够被细节来解释 The life of a gold miner was not an easy one.
• What is the main idea of this passage? • Wilma Rudolph subject • Wilma Rudolph’s life Main idea: the overall fact, feeling, or thought a writer wants you convey about his or her subject. • 涵盖细节的 • 表述作者想表达的内容
Main idea: is the idea that the passage adds up to ; it’s what holds all of the ideas in the passage together. 是细节的总和 起到总控的作用 controlling 所有的句子都朝这个main idea 发展 (写作与阅读都应注意)
• Read through the passage and find out the main idea. (Two minutes ) 例文1 • Today’s postal service is more efficient and reliable than ever before. Mail that used to take months to move by horse and foot now moves around the country in days or hours by truck, train, and plane. First-class mail usually moves from New York City to Los Angeles in three days or less. If your letter or package is urgent, the U.S Postal Service offers Priority Mail and Express Mail services. Priority Mail is guaranteed to anywhere in the United States in two days or less. Express Mail will get your package there overnight.