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He is busy (in) preparing for the interview.


★The students like him because he has a good sense of humour.

★It is because he has a good sense of humour that the students like him.

★The reason why the students like him is that he has a good sense of humour.


When (you are) in trouble / having problems / you meet with difficulties, asking for help doesn’t mean you are dumb or stupid.


Different measures are being taken to solve the problem of heavy traffic in the big cities in China.

5.父母经常面对这样的选择:要么做他们认为有利于孩子发展的事情,要么对其放任自流。(either)★Parents often faced the choice that either they did what they felt was good for the development of the child or they just let him be.

★Parents often face the choice that either they do what they feel is good for the development of the child or they just let him be.



The low-carbon life is getting more and more popular among / with young people.


★Many people who failed did not realize that they were just one step away from success.

★Many losers don’t realize that they are just one step away from success.

3.照片的展出非常成功,几个月后杰森就辞职做了专职摄影师。(so…t hat)

The exhibition of the photos was so successful that within months Jason quit his job to become a professional photographer.


Some experts think too much homework and lack of exercise have bad effects on studen ts’ health and learning problems.

5.住在高层建筑内的人们应学会采取一切措施预防事故发生,并学会在紧急情况出现时自救。(Those)★Those who live in high-rises should learn to take all measures against accidents and to save themselves when an emergency occurs.

★Those who live in high-rises should learn to take action to prevent accidents from happening and learn to save themselves when emergencies occurring / at the time of emergencies.



★He is aware of making / having made a serious mistake.


It is not possible to solve the problem of environmental pollution overnight / in a day.


★The American student, Kate, said (that) working as a volunteer at the shanghai Expo was a very precious experience in her life.

★Kate, an American student, said…

4.百思买(Best Buy)突然关闭在中国队所有门店,让人非常吃惊。(close)

★Best Buy suddenly closed all of its shops / chain stores in China, which made people very surprised.

★Best Buy…, making…

★That Best Buy…surprised people very much.

5.学习语法规则是需要的,但是对学生来说更重要的是提高运用英语进行交际的能力。(Though)Though learning grammar rules is needed / Though it’s necessary to learn grammar rules, what is more important for students is to improve / develop their ability to communicate (with other people) in English.



A lot of young people are keen on chatting online.
