

最新-吸血鬼日记经典台词 精品

最新-吸血鬼日记经典台词 精品
1、I ill s s,b s .
2、I's ly y I'll k i ug.
4、Yu ill yusl,ll ig?
5、Kp i up.
6、I is lg sy.
7、I ls l y.
8、vyig I;v kp bui isi usig su.
9、Yu su ik.
10、is ip.
11、i' givig up .
、suil yu.
13、y yu ? I ul sk yu s qusi.
14、S k y b y.
15、L's jus u s.
16、I s ipss.
17、ss ss
18、Ppl gig sp givig yu bks.
19、y jus ' y.
20、S's lys vy piks.
21、I g I s.
22、ll yu is b y g.S i s,yu ivi i i,bus yu i.



------------------------------------------01-------------------------------------------Mystic Falls... I was born here.This is my home.- And mine. - And mine.For centuries, supernatural creatures have lived among us.They were vampires, werewolves, doppelgangers...- witches. - And even hybrids.There are those who protect them.The sheriff has a vampire for a daughter.And our lovely mayor has a son who is half- vampire, half- werewolf.And those who want them dead.- They're our friends... - Our enemies...The ones we love.And the ones we've lost.Matt, look out!And then there's me.I'm human...At least I was.Stefan...I'm right here.You've been in and out for hours.Wh- - what happened?You were in an accident.Oh, my God.- Matt, is he- - Alive?Ask Stefan, the hero.He's fine.Thank you.I thought that I- - how did you...Save you? He didn't.When Jeremy brought you to the hospital before all of this happened,your injuries were worse than anyone knew.Meredith Fell made a choice.She used Damon's blood to heal you.And when Rebekah ran Matt's truck off the road,you had vampire blood in your system, Elena.Oh, my God.Does- - does that mean that I...Am I dead?No.No, no, no!That- - that wasn't supposed to happen!Maybe it doesn't have to. I talked to Bonnie.She said she's stronger than ever.There might be something she can do to help you.No, the only thing that's going to helpis for you to feed and complete the transition.We have all day before she has to feed, Damon.That's a day to exhaust every possible way out of this. There is no way out of it!We all know the drill- - you feed or you die.There is no door number three.I was ready to die.I was supposed to die, I don't- -I don't want- - I can't be a vampire!If there's something that Bonnie can do, we have to try it. We will. We'll try everything.It's your choice, Elena.As always.Way to get her hopes up for somethingthat's never happened in the history of vampirism. Know what? You weren't there the day Elena looked me in the eyeand told me she absolutely never wanted this.Then you shouldn't have let her die.I never meant for her to die.She asked me to help Matt first and I did.And now the world has one more quarterback. Bravo, brother.I made a choicethat I will regret for the rest of my life.Now let me try to fix it.Jer!Are you ok?I watched Vickie go through this.She was a mess. Her emotions were all over the place. All of these old memories came flooding back.I'm fine. I'm not Vickie.No, you're not. You're you.You act like everything's okso no one worries about you, but you need help.I said I'm fine, ok?I- - I'm sorry, I...- Have you talked to Bonnie? - Yeah.She said when I was shot,she made some plea to the witch spirits to bring me back. And they listened.Yeah, but the consequences were horrible.And what could be more horrible than you turning into a vampire?I need my sister.Not another one of them.We're going to find a way out of this.Everything's going to be ok.I hope so.It's beautiful, isn't it?What is that doing here, Klaus?The deal we made with Tyler was thatyou'd leave his body and jump into someone else's- the first chance you got. - Yes.When I assumed I'd be a pile of ash.But apparently fate and oxygen intervened, and there I am.Put me back.I can't right now.Your history teacher outedTyler and Caroline to the council.They're on the war path and this body's vulnerable.I have to help Elena before she has to feed.Elena's dead and no longer my concern.You're forgetting who just saved your life.You're forgetting I can rip your tongue out!Now put...me...back.If I can keep Elena human,you'll still have an endless blood supply to make your hybrids.Isn't that what you really want?Same rules apply.No one knows. No one.Do you understand me, Bonnie?Pastor Young. To what do we owe the honor?And don't tell me it's your blood pressure again. Honestly, Dr. Fell, I wish it were.Blood bank's in the basement. One of you sweep the rooms.What are you doing?Adding a few security measures.The blood in this place has a habit of flying off the shelves. - Who gave you that authority? - The council.They've entrusted me to secure the town.And unlike some of our founding families,I don't have conflicting interests.What is that supposed to mean?Alaric Saltzman told us everything, Meredith. Probably time to start looking for a new job.Elena doesn't want to be a vampire.She doesn't want to be dead, and now she's not.This isn't your fault, Matt.This is all my fault. I was driving.I was saved. She's a vampire because of me!Shh! Cool it on the "V" word. I'm a fugitive, remember?I'm supposed to be halfway to Florida by now.If the council's after you, then why are you here? Because I don't know where to go.Tyler's dead, and everything's different now.And I- -Can I help you?Sorry.All good here.What's going on?We just need to ask you a few questions about your son. You can't arrest me. I'm the mayor of this town.Not anymore, you're not.Sorry, Liz.You're not going to work today.What are you talking about?What's going on?They're taking your badge.You're not fit to protect us anymore.You have no idea what you're up against.On the contrary, Liz. I've already taken your deputies. We've got the entire town's supply of vervain, including the stash found in the Salvatore house.We're making our move.Mom! Hey.Caroline, where are you? And tell me it's far away. Where am I? Good question.Uh, just a whole lot of boring highways.Why? Is everything ok?Oh! Caroline, what's going on?!It's disgusting.- No, it's, um... - It's disgusting.Yeah, I'm going to puke.I never thought I'd be saying this,but I can't stop thinking about blood.I should have saved you first.You shouldn't be going through this right now.No, if you had saved me, then Matt would be dead. What do you think I'd be going through then? Stefan, listen to me.You did the right thing.You did what you always do- - you respected my choice. And what am I supposed to doif Bonnie can't figure out a way to help you, huh? Because then you'll have another choice to make- -Either let yourself die, or be a vampire.Well, then we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Oh, my God. Did- -Did I just say,"Cross that bridge"?You're laughing.I'm pretty sure you don't actually think that's funny. I...I can't stop, though.Your emotions are a bit heightened today.A lot heightened.It's ok.It's ok.I'm sorry, I...Listen to me.No matter what happens,I'm here for you.I can help you.Yeah, I- - I- -Why don't you go back upstairs where it's dark.I'll clean up.I thought you left.Cute PJs.I'm tired, Damon.I brought you this.I thought that was gone.Thank you.I just have to say something.Why do you have to say it with my necklace? Because what I'm about to say is...probably the most selfish thing I've ever said in my life. Damon, don't go there.No, I just have to say it once.You just need to hear it.I love you, Elena.And it's because I love you that...I can't be selfish with you.And why you can't know this.I don't deserve you.But my brother does.God, I wish you didn't have to forget this.But you do.You should know better than to sneak up on a lady. Good advice. Have you seen one?Tragic about Elena.Not to make the gray cloud grayer,but does Matt even have automobile insurance? Stefan!Elena, don't move.Ah, you incessant woman.Hey, mom. What's up?Tyler, thank God. Are you ok?Fine. Why? What's going on?Pastor Young had me arrested this morning.The council grilled me on your whereabouts.Tyler, don't tell me where you are.The less I know, the better.Mom, I'm ok. Relax.You didn't answer your phone, honey.I was so scared that you were with Caroline.Why?What happened to Caroline?The council took her.What do you mean, they took her?Vervain ropes.Looks like Alaric outed us all to the council.The council...What exactly do they think they can do to me?What the hell happened?!- Tyler? - I'm harder to kill than you think.You're alive?!Tyler, you're alive!No time. Come on. We have to go.Wait, what about me?Keep 'em busy, little sister.That's impossible!They're gone.Whoever nailed Rebekah took them, too.Please tell me you have something. Anything.I can't. The council locked Carol and me out of our offices. Files, computers, everything.So the mayor and the sheriff never contemplated a back- up plan, liz?Damon, relax.When Caroline called to say she got away,did she know where they were planning to take her? No, just that she was in some vanin the middle of nowhereAnd she managed to escape.Perfect. We've narrowed it down to nowhere.Hey. Is Elena here?In what world are you the one that gets to live?! Damon, stop! It wasn't his fault!Let him go, Damon. Now.Still want to be a writer?I remember how you'd read your short storiesto my daughter when you'd baby- sit.She still loves writing because of you.Why did you bring me here?My deputies can watch out for us here.No vampires have been invited in.Look, Elena,I know it sounds crazy,but years ago it was your parents who were advocating having an emergency plan for this.I never thought we'd actually have to use it.Elena?Are you ok?Where's Stefan?Where he can't hurt you.He would never hurt me.You have no idea what you're talking about.Well, I know that where you go,Salvatore vampires seem to follow.- You hungry? - No.So we'll hold Stefanuntil Damon comes searching for you two.And we'll use Rebekahto lure her siblings back into town.You'll give us the white oak stake,and then...we will exterminate the entire vampire race for good. Something wrong?Elena, are you ok?Yeah.No, I've got to get out of here.Get her!I never thought I'd see you again!I don't get it. How are you alive?This is going to sound incredible, but...Easy, love.Wrong time, wrong place, wrong equipment.You're miraculously alive. We're fugitives on the run.All signs point to hot hybrid vampire sex.Did you just call me "love"?I don't know, love.Did I?What the hell did you do to Tyler?That's what I enjoy about you.So much more than a pretty face.Oh, my God. You're Klaus!You're disgusting!And you're a glorious kisser.Listen...I didn't have to risk exposure to come save you.Oh, you do one semi-decent thing and now you're my hero?Ugh! I need to go sanitize your mouth.Your mouth was all over me.I was an innocent victim.Put Tyler back.Gladly.Then maybe I'll take you up on your offerof hot hybrid sex.The spirits aren't listening.Well, is that it? Is that all we can do?There's something else I could try.What? Do it.If the witches won't help me save Elena,then maybe I could go tothe other side and bring her back myself.The other side? The other side's for dead people.She's still in transition.Not fully dead, not fully alive.What if her spirit still exists on both sides?Even if it does, how can you get there? You're not dead. No. No, Bonnie!I was able to stop your heart to stop Klaus'.I'll do the same thing to myself.Witches have free reign on the other side.I will find Elena and I will bring her back with me. Assuming you wake up!I'm stronger now. I found a new source of power.A new source of power?!What kind of powers can let you kill yourselfand bring someone back with you from the dead?Do you want Elena back or not?With your vervain and Alaric's weapons,they could be anywhere.Come on, guys, think.It takes a lot to hold a vampire.Reinforced steel, iron doors.The pastor has a cattle ranch.Those pens could easily be modified.It's remote, it's secluded.Well, guess what.Looks like you get a chance to prove how sorry you really are.Let's go.I thought I killed you.Where am I?They thought you were a vampireso they stuck you in here with us.Where's Stefan?Elena, I'm right here. Are you ok?Stefan...I need to feed.I see what's going on here.You died with vampire blood in your systemand you didn't feedand now you're locked up in herewithout a drop of human blood in sight.That is a problem.Just ignore her.Has anyone done the math, or shall I?I'd say you've got less than three hours to feed before I get to watch you die all over again. My day just got a whole lot better. Bonnie...Bonnie, open your eyes.Bonnie, I can't let you do this.You're dying!What the hell is that?!Bonnie, no!Hey! Bonnie!Bonnie, wake up!Bonnie, wake up!Elena...Come back.Come back, Elena.Stefan?Stefan, something's happening.You're going home.No.Grams? What are you doing?You can't be in here.You stay away from this sort of darkness. Elena needs me.She is not your problem to solve.Now go. Before they try to keep you here. Grams? Please!This magic is dark, Bonnie.It is not nature's plan.Touch it again,and the spirits will unleash their angerin ways that will make you suffer.Stay away.Go!Bonnie, wake up!Wake up! Come on.Bonnie, open your eyes.Ha! You're awake!You're alive.I couldn't do it.It didn't work.Stefan?What happened?I'm out of time.I need blood.I'm dying.Anyone! Hey!Will you shut up?You think we're afraid of you?You want more vervain?- Keep it down. - Listen to me.Elena's going to die if you don't let her out of here. Sorry. Not my problem.She's innocent. Let her out.Let her out!Stop!I said, let her out!She said she's not strong enough.You were strong enough to put me in here.Surely you're strong enough to get me out.I upset the spirits trying to save Elena.I can't use that kind of magic again. It's too dangerous. Bonnie, do the bloody spell!She said she can't, OK?We'll just wait a few daysuntil you're strong enough to do itwith traditional magic. Right, Bonnie?What are you doing?Ripping Tyler's heart out. I'll jump into someone else. Maybe you.- Oh, my God. - Oh, my God, stop, stop!He's bluffing. He needs a witch to do that.What makes you think I don't have one?Or ten? Pick, Bonnie!You or Tyler!Stop! Please! You're killing him!Fine, I'll do it! Just stop.Good.Let's begin.Elena.Are you still with me?Yeah.Yeah, I'm here.I'm ok.No, you're not.I can hear your breathing.Damon was right.You should have fed this morning.I'm so sorry.Don't be.You had hope.That's all I ever wanted you to have.And you had it.I love you so much.Do you know why I was even on that bridge?I was coming back for you, Stefan.I had to choose, and...I picked you.Because I love you.No matter what happens...It's the best choice I ever made.God...it sucks I can't see you right now.I'm smiling.Me, too.So, what, we just storm the place with zero weapons? No, we don't need weapons.Just bait.Anybody home?There's a big, bad vampire out here.Let him go, the boy's innocent.Well, that's the point.Give me Stefan and Elena, he's all yours.Come on, pastor. You know I'll kill him.- I want to kill him. - Go away.You are not invited in! And I'm not coming out.This is black magic. She shouldn't be doing this. Tyler...Caroline.Tyler!Bonnie, what are you doing?I warned you, child.I warned you to stay away.Bonnie, it works. Stop.What's happening? Let me go!- I can't. - Let me go!Bonnie, what's happening?- I can't let her go! - Bonnie, stop the spell!You made your choice.Now they're taking it out on me.I'm sorry, grams!They can't do this to you!Please! Don't do this to her!Bonnie, stop!No! No! No!Oh, my God!What have I done?! What do I do?!You're ok, you're ok.What did I do?!What did I do?!I got this.Bring the other one in.Excuse me!Hello, sir?I thought I told you to shut up.Here's the thing- - my family, we- - we have money. Castles, apartments, jewelry.Just name your price and let me out.I'd much rather watch you die.Elena. Elena!Go ahead and kill me.You can't possibly hate me more than I hate myself. Oh, yes, I can.It should have been you.Leave him alone!Just stop! Stop saving me.What the hell is your problem?What do you want me to say, thank you?Because honestly, I wish you'd just let me drown. What, you think you were my first choice?Elena's a vampire because of me.I have to live with that every day for the rest of my life. No, no, you don't have to live with that,You get to live with that.Because Elena put your life before her own.So every morning when you get out of bed,you sure as hell better earn it.You were going to kill him.Yep. The guy just won't die.It was my choice to save him.Why aren't you seeing that?It's a little hard to keep track of all your choices lately, Elena.I remember everything.One of the highlights of my transition... remembering everything that you compelled me to forget.Like how you and I met first.We were strangers.And you told me you wanted me to get everything I wanted from life.Damon, why didn't you tell me?Would it have made a difference?I didn't think so.You asked me to make a choice, Damon.So I did.If you're going to be mad,then take it out on me, not on Stefanor Matt or anyone else. Me.Are we done here?If it had been you at the bridge last nightand not Stefan,and I begged you to save Matt- -I would have saved you. In a heartbeat, no question.That's what I thought.Then Matt would be deadbecause you couldn't let go.Matt would be dead!But you wouldn't be.And you would have gotten to grow up.And had the life that you wanted; the life that you deserve.And I know that I didn't used to get that, but I do now. And I wanted that for you, Elena.And I would have gladly have given it to youand let Matt die because I am that selfish.But you knew that already.The first night we met's not all you remember.How dare you save Caroline over me!"Hello, brother, I thought you were dead.So pleased you're not."You left me.I only had time to save one of youand you can't be killed.Rest assured, I had a worse day than you.I think it's time for us to move on, find some more werewolves.So you can create your hybrid family?You don't know anything about family!Well, I know how easily they can be silenced with a dagger.No!- Drop them. - I mourned you!My heart broke thinking I'd never see you again!Put the blood down, Rebekah, there's a good girl.It's always been me! Not Finn.Not Elijah, not Kol, me.I loved you through everything and you don't even care. Drop it!You want your family?Here's your family.You know something, Rebekah, you were right.I don't care.From this moment on, you're not my family,You're not my sister.You are nothing.The whole council knows who we are now. Everything's about to change.Yeah, I'm sure Damon has a revenge plan cooked up. We'll figure out a way to deal with it.Stefan, you don't have to convince methat everything's going to be ok.I know.Wish I could, though.Wish I could just tell you that you'll never feel pain. That you'll never crave blood.But you will.It will be the worst thing that you've ever lived through. But I'll get to live.I'll be a sister and a friend, and...I'll be with you.Forever.If I want.I'm going to get through this.Just like we get through everything,one day at a time.We should get inside before sunrise.Bonnie made this for you yesterday.Just in case.Daylight ring?One day at a time, right?Folks, by now you know that the vampires have escaped. And it won't be long before they retaliate against us. But fear not.For I have been chosen to lead us in a movement.What are you talking about?Hear me, loved ones.Soon we'll be free to pass through the gates...and we'll all reunite in eternity.Seriously, Pastor, what's going on here? Friends...We are the beginning.------------------------------------------02-------------------------------------------Mystic Falls... I was born here.This is my home.- And mine. - And mine.For centuries, supernatural creatures have lived among us.They were vampires, werewolves, doppelgangers...- witches. - And even hybrids.There are those who protect them.What's going on?We just need to ask you a few questions about your son. You have no idea what you're up against.And those who want them dead.Friends, we are the beginning.The ones we love.And the ones we've lost.This magic is dark.You made your choice.Now they're taking it out on me.I'm sorry, grams! No, no!Then there's Elena. She's one of us now.A vampire.And I'll do anything to help her survive it.You're making a big mistake.No, I'm not.If I can get Elena used to animal blood right out the gate... You're reaching.Maybe she'll be able to bypass all the things that we went through.Delusional.Maybe she actually has a shot at this.Wrong. You're just wrong, Stefan.She won't be able to handle itif she hurts someone, Damon.Her compassion is her Achilles' heeland everything is magnified right now.Then you better hope she's not a fan of Bambi.Close your eyes.She needs human blood, Stefan.From the vein.Oh, come on, you know what happens.You name me a vampire who didn't kill at least one person when they were new.You name me one who went on the bunny diet and didn't kill dozens.If she kills someone, she will crumble.How much pain do you think she can takebefore she shuts off her humanity switch?It happens to the best of us at least once.We get over it, Stefan.A hundred years or so.Yeah, well, I think I'd like her to skip that part.She can't learn to control the blood lustif she's never actually experienced the blood lust.What are you doing? Knock it off.It's a cheat.Like giving a kid a calculator before they know math.I said stop.Don't worry, he'll heal.Bigger animals are more resilient.You did it.I know it's hard.But you can do this.What's going on?Oh, we're just having a little disagreement about process, right?You're still not on board with the animal plan.Nope. I say rip off the proverbial band-aid and let it bleed. You're a vampire, Elena. Be a vampire.You ready to go?Vampires eat people.It's part of the natural food pyramid.Trust me.You're going to be miserable.I can't do it.All right, it's like the starting line of a race, right?So you just push off with every ounce of strength that you have, ok?Yeah. I was a cheerleader. I sucked at track.Just concentrate, ok?You can do it.I can't.All I can think about is your hands on my body.- OK. - No, no, no, I didn't--I didn't say take them off.It feels good.- Yeah? - Mm-hmm.What does it feel like?It feels like you're touching every nerve on my body. Everything is heightened.Taste.The smell.Sight. Touch.This seat's taken."Faulty gas line leads to tragic explosion at Young farm". Really?Better than "Town council blown up,police have no suspects".Unless the perpetrator's right next to me.Well, don't look at me. I always take credit for killing people.Seriously, stop looking at me like that, Liz.If I was going to kill ten people, I wouldn't blow 'em up. I'd have a dinner party.The explosion was sparked from inside. This wasn't an accident.You say that like it's a bad thing.The council's dead, Liz. I see that as a win.I've known some of the council since I was a kid.They were my friends.Your friends tried to kill your daughter.Who's the new guy?Excuse me, sheriff. Hi.I was wondering if I could speak to you for a minute.It's about the explosion at the Young farm.- I'm sorry, mister... - Connor Jordan.Are you with the insurance investigators?No, no, I'm more of an independent contractor.Can we speak in private?Sure.Thanks.Nice to meet you, too,Mr. Busybody guy.So what are these again?They're paper lanterns.Student council made them for after the memorial.You light them up in honor of all the dead.Nobody thought fire might be a little inappropriate? Yeah, I wouldn't make that crack in front of Elena.How is she?I guess she's fine... Considering.If there's anything I can do, you know,short of giving her a ride, you'll let me know, right?I'm only alive because she told Stefan to save me first. She's a vampire because of me,so I'd like to pay it back or forward or whatever. Yeah.Jeremy?Picture an emo pixie cut and braces.- April? - Yeah.Oh, you look great.Do you remember April? Elena used to--Elena used to baby-sit you, yeah, I remember.Yeah, before I got shipped off to boarding school by my dad.Your dad. Oh, my god,I am so sorry about your dad.Thank you.I guess. I sort of don't know how to answerwhen people say that.Your dad was Pastor Young, right?He of the faulty gas line.Sorry. I haven't figured outwhat to say about that yet, either.Wow, I am being a freak.I'm just, you know,not much for grief, I guess.I have to go register... Or something.I think.Hey, Care, it's me.I'm back. I, um...Can you call me? I've been having some...Adjustment issues.Well, what's that for?This is from the year you were born.I think we should celebrate.Celebrate what?Your first feed.I know it was disgustingand traumatic and it was horrible.But you did it anyway.- You survived it. - Well, um...I wouldn't say I survived it.It actually kind of made me sick.Listen, I choked it down for a monthbefore I could stomach the taste.It gets easier.This, on the other hand,will go down like silk.You're so cheery.Yeah, because you're here.You're...Alive. Ish.And, uh, you're going--You're going to get through this.So, would you like to do the honors?Ok.Oh, my God.Cheers.Ah, perfect timing, Damon.Yeah, we just got back.What?- Did you do it? - That seat's taken.But there's no one here.I'm'st going to pretend like there's someone there. Because the alternative's just too damn depressing.Did you set off the explosion that killed the town council? Am I wearing my "I blew up the council" T-shirt?Why does everybody keep asking me that?- Did you? - No.Anything else?Yes.Something's wrong.I can't keep any of the animal blood down.Well, there's a shock.I think I need your help.Of course you do.Pick your meal.You got Asian fusion, Mexican.What about some good old American comfort food? No.No human blood. Stefan's right.I have to at least try to get through thiswithout hurting anyone.Fine. Come on.。



《吸血鬼日记》的经典台词1.I know the risk,but I have to know her.我知道这很危险,但是我必须认识她。

2.I cant be freaked out by cars for the rest of my life.我余生都不会再碰车了。

3.Therere rings and then theres that.(E说S的戒指特别)4.for over a century,I have lived in secret.一个世纪以来,我都秘密地活着。

5.I am cool with it.对此我很满意6.He has that romance novel stare. 他眼神深邃7.I make the deal,I keep a deal.8.major lack of male real estate 优质男市场匮乏9. you done?你闹完了? D to E得知S被关进山洞里 E想冲进去时 D拦住E时讲的。

10. You cant,Dontever threaten me again11.Im good.表示说不用,谢谢12.she took my breath away.她把我迷住了。

13. Hawt-e staring 帅哥在看你14. I love you ,and its because I love you that I cant be selfish with you ,why you dont know this,I dont deserve youbut my brother does. God, I wish you didnt have to forget this. But you do.心碎的台词 I cant lose the way I feel about you...D帮助E的弟弟除去记忆那集,E对S说的`15. You hate me,huh?That sounds like the beginning of a love story,Stefan,not the end of one.16. Kathrine say :its always be Stefan17.I am fine.we are both fine.Thats what matters.我很好。




以下是一些《吸血鬼日记》中的经典语录:1. "It's okay to love them both. I did."(爱两个人并没有错,我就是这样做的。

)2. "People come and go, but the memories stay forever."(人来人往,但记忆永远留存。

)3. "In the end, we're all alone, and no one is coming to save you."(最终,我们都是孤独的,没有人会来拯救你。

)4. "I'm not the good guy, remember? I'm the selfish one."(记住,我不是好人,我是自私的人。

)5. "Sometimes you have to accept the fact that certain things will never go back to how they used to be."(有时你必须接受事实,某些事情永远不会回到过去。

)6. "Love is not a choice. It's a feeling, an emotion that consumes you."(爱不是选择,它是一种感觉,一种让你沉浸其中的情感。

)7. "You and I, we're messy and complicated, but that's what makes us us."(你和我,我们都很复杂,但这就是我们的特点。

)8. "We all have our demons, but it's how we deal with them that makes us who we are."(我们都有自己的恶魔,但是我们如何处理它们才决定了我们的本质。



吸血鬼日记第四季前九集歌曲第一集1.Whirring——The Joy Formidable2.Twice——Little Dragon3.Wait For the Morning——Amy Stroup第二集1.The Lonely Forest - "Woe Is Me... I Am Ruined"2.Marina & The Diamonds - "Fear and Loathing"3.The Fray - "Ungodly Hour"4.St. Philips Boy's Choir - "How Can I Keep From Singing第三集dyhawke - "Girl Like Me"2.Alex Clare - "Too Close"3.GROUPLOVE - "Don't Say Oh Well"4.Wild Belle - "Keep You"第四集1.Awolnation - "Kill Your Heroes"2.Hard-FI - "Sweat"3.Olivia Broadfield - "Happening"4.Anders Magna - "Glamour"5.Calvin Harris - Feel So Close第五集1.Daughter - Smother2.Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Tick3.Cat Power - Keep On Runnin'4.The Album Leaf - The Light 「片尾曲,纯音乐」5.The Album Leaf - One Minute第六集01.T he Heavy - Same Ol02. Dum Dum Girls - Bedroom Eyes03. Oberhofer - Away FRM U04. Fay Wolf - The Thread of the Thing05. A Fine Frenzy - It's Alive06. Aidan Hawken & Carina Round - Walking Blind第七集01.M att & Kim - Let's02.D eap Vally - Ain't Fair03.V itamin String Quartet - Ordinary World04.L aura Veirs - Little Deschutes05.V itamin String Quartet - Falling Slowly06.E d Sheeran - Kiss Me第八集01.B lue Foundation - Eyes On Fire02. Ivie Anderson with Duke Ellington - It Don't Mean A Thing(If It Ain't Got That Swing)03. Dragonette - Let it Go04. Morning Parade - Speechless (acoustic)05. Morning Parade – Speechless第九集1.Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas——Digital Daggers2.Christmas Song——Ravonettes3. Oblivion——Bastille4.O Holy Night——Cary Brothers2.。



第一季01Scene 1:For over a century,I have lived in secret.Hiding in the shadows.Alone in the world.Until now.I am a vampire.And this is my story.在过去的一个多世纪里,我秘密地活着。




M: An hour's drive to hear that crap.You know,it wasn't even a band.A guy with a guitar.An hour each way.居然开一个小时的车去听这种垃圾音乐,这根本算不上是一个乐队,一人抱一把吉他,每人一小时。

W: He wasn't that bad.他没你说的那么差。

M:He sounded like James Blunt.他的风格听起来像詹姆士.布朗特W: What wrong with that?那有什么不好呢?M: We already have a James Blunt.One's all we need.我们已经有一个詹姆士.布朗特了。


W: So why did you come?那你为什么还要来?M: Because I love you.因为我爱你。

W: Nicely done.答得不错。

What's with all the fog?哪来的这么大的雾?M: It'll clear in a second.刚才还没有的。

W: Watch out!小心!M: Are you ok?你还好吗?W: We just hit someone.Oh,my God!我们刚刚撞上某人了,上帝啊!M: Call for help.打电话叫救护车。

W: Come on,come on.快接电话,快啊!M: Please be alive!千万别出人命啊!W: There's no signal.Darren!这里没有信号,达伦!Scene 2:Stefan:I shouldn't have come home.I know the risk.But I had no choice.I have to know her.我不应该回家来的,我知道这很冒险,但是我别无选择,我必须去认识她。



美剧《吸血鬼日记》口语精华(2)口语精华:1.Bummer.真倒霉!2.Step aside.滚一边去。

3.Are we done?有完没完啊?4.Don't be difficult.别为难人。

5.Don't shut me out.不要把我拒之门外。

6.Don't get too cocky.别太过自信了。

7.You two look chummy.你们挺合得来啊。

8.Well, you're no picnic, either.你也不是省油的灯啊。

9.No hard feelings, all right?别放心里去了。

10. Why are you so grumpy?你生气什么呢?!11.Consider me the honesty police.把我当做诚信警察吧。

12.I have it all under control.一切尽在我的掌握之中。

13.Your secret is safe with me.我会帮你保守秘密的。

14.That's not the way it works.这样行不通。

15.Why are you taking his side?为什么你帮着他说话呢?经典台词:1.Jeremy: I can't believe this is actually happening. That you're actually here. 真不敢相信这是真的,你真的在这儿。

Anna:I'm here.我在这儿。

2.Anna:You don't understand how amazing it is to finally be able to talk to you.I'm all by myself here.I mean,I don't have anyone.你不知道我终于可以和你说话是多么的美妙,我在这儿孤身一人,无依无靠。



第一季第一集Elena:Dear diary, I couldn’t have been more wrongI thought that I could smile, nod my way through it; pretend like it would all be OK Stefan:I had a planI wanted to change who I was;create a life as someone new, someone without the pastElena:Without the painElena& Stefan:someone aliveElena:But it’s not that easyThe bad things stay with youStefan:They follow youYou can’t escape them, as much as you want toElena:All you can do is be ready for the goodSo when it comes, you invite it in, because you need itI need it埃琳娜:亲爱的日记我真是大错特错。

本以为可以微笑应付自如假装一切都可以好起来斯特凡:我本来有个计划想改变自己塑造全新的自我没有过去埃琳娜:没有痛苦埃琳娜&斯特凡:充满活力埃琳娜:但并非易事困难总是追随你斯特凡:不愿离去无论多么渴望都无法摆脱埃琳娜:唯一能做的就是为美好的明天做好准备当它降临时能欣然接受因为我们需要它我需要它第五集Elena:I triedI want so much to make things right,But every instinct in my body is telling me to be carefulWhat you don’t know can hurt you埃琳娜:我竭尽全力我想让事情变得顺利本能告诉我万事需谨慎未知的一切都有可能伤害你第二十二集Damon: a failed and feeble attempt at doing the right thing达蒙:失败一次就无法尝试去做正确的事。

The Vampire Diaries吸血鬼日记中英对照

The Vampire Diaries吸血鬼日记中英对照

<<The Vampire Diaries>>吸血鬼日记——谁都不知道这一切到底是开始,还是结束……No matter what I go through...to get her back,fighting my blooding lust,trying to control of my life again.None of matter if she has feelings of somebody elsse不管我经历什么磨难去赢回她的心抵抗我的嗜血努力重新掌控我的人生。

如果她爱着别人,这一切都是枉然——StefanHe came into my life at a time when I needed someone, and I fell for him instantly.And no matter what I feel for you, I...I never un-fell for him.当我孤独无依的时候,他出现在我的生命里,我在一瞬间就爱上了他,无论我对你有着什么样的感觉,我...我对他的爱从未停止过——ElenaWhenever you go too far I will be there pull you back,every second every day,till you do not need me. Cause right now, you are all I got. 无论何时,只要你走极端,我就会把你拉回来, 每一天每一秒,知道你不再需要我。


——Damon said to StefanYour forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes that dark and em… 你真正的朋友会让你振作起来,原本黯淡、空虚的世界顿时变得明亮和充实——ElenaAll you can do is be ready for the good.So when it comes,you invite it in,because you need it. 你唯一能做的就是等待好事降临,当他们降临,你邀请它们进来,因为你需要它们When you lose someone it stays with you,Always reminding you of how easy it is to get hurt.当你失去了某个人时那种感觉如影随形,总在提醒你自己是多么容易受伤——ElenaPerhaps one day,in a year or even a century,you’ll show up at my door,and let me show you what the world has to offer。




吸血鬼日记中英文台词1) 我们和他们之间立着一堵无形的墙,所有人都无动于衷。

《吸血鬼日记第季》2) 或许是我们俩先遇见,或许… 也只能是或许了《吸血鬼日记》3) That's why people treat you like an object and not like a person 《吸血鬼日记》4) The only thing stronger than your craving for blood is your love for this one girl. 唯一比你的失血欲望更强烈的,竟然是你对这个女孩的爱 --克劳斯《吸血鬼日记》5) 平庸的人生很可怕。

《吸血鬼日记》6) 我爱你,因为我爱你所以我不能对你自私,为什么你不知道这些,我配不上你…但是我的弟弟能.上帝,我希望你不要忘记。


《吸血鬼日记》7) 记忆弥足珍贵。

《吸血鬼日记》8) 我遇见一个女孩,我们聊天,就像诗一样美丽,但是太阳升起真实的一天又要开始。

--闯《吸血鬼日记》9) There's no apology in the world that encompasses all the reasons that I'm wrong for you. But I'm not sorry that I met you.I'm not sorry that I knew you. When I was dying,you were the one who made me feel most alive. And even all the choices that I've made will always prove to be the worst. I'm not sorry that I love you. 《吸血鬼日记》10) 我要给你道别了达蒙,我爱你,我必须放手了。



伯特兰·罗素人生就是一场残酷的竞争是谁枪杀了威利·布珀第七章是谁枪杀了威利·布珀这是一个真实的故事是谁枪杀了威利·布珀故事发生在1950年的密苏里州堪萨斯城是谁枪杀了威利·布珀按照幸存者的要求使用了化名除此之外故事未做任何改动出于对逝者的尊重除此之外故事未做任何改动冥王星发现者除此之外故事未做任何改动密苏里州Six fucking hours! 整整六个小时I had to piss in my shoe! 我不得不尿进鞋子里Where are we? 我们现在在哪Pluto. 冥王星So tell me again. 再跟我说一遍He came to see you. 他来见你He needed guns. 他需要枪They're gonna kill all of youse. You know that, right? 他们会把你们全杀了你知道的吧Calamita. Tell me again, 卡拉米塔再跟我说一遍or I'll tie you to the bumper and you can run. 否则我把你栓到保险杠上跟着车跑J-jesus... 老天He-he came looking for some hardware-- 他来弄些武器uh, rifles, pistols-- said he was hitting the road, 步枪手枪说他要上路he had to kill some people in Kansas. 他得去堪萨斯杀一些人Kansas is a state. 堪萨斯是个州范围大了Like I said, Liberty or-or Liberal. 如我所说要么是利伯蒂要么是利伯勒尔Who has he got to kill? 他得去杀谁I don't know. A Swede? An Irishman? 我不知道好像是个瑞典人还是爱尔兰人Now, shit, boy, can I get out of the damn trunk? 该死我能从后备箱出来了吗Don't! No! God! 别关不老天You ever meet you a Korean? 你遇见过朝鲜人吗Say again? 你说什么I ain't never met me no Korean. 我从没遇见过朝鲜人But Truman says I ought to send my junior over there 但杜鲁门说我应该让我的小儿子去那里to shoot some. 杀朝鲜人Met a lady from Thailand once. 我遇见过一个来自泰国的女人I'm not sure what you'd call her. 我不确定该怎么叫她Radio said blue skies, but... 天气预报说今天是晴天但是My hips are screaming rain. 我的髋关节呐喊着今天会下雨You seen an Italian fella come through here? 你有没有看见一个意大利人经过这里Real skeletal-looking. 外表骨瘦如柴Wears a red coat? 穿着红色外套Mostly we get farmers round this way, 经过这条路的大部分是农民folks on their way to salvation Methodist 准备去拜访救世卫理公会or consecrated Lutheran. 或者神圣路德会的人Em and Henry give ten percent off all soda pop 小艾和亨利给能引述《圣经》的顾客if you pay with a bible quote. 汽水打九折This'd be yesterday, 那人应该是昨天经过的maybe this morning. 或今天早上Can't be that far ahead of me. 不可能比我快那么多What are we stopping for? Let's go! 我们为什么停下来了快走啊Son... 孩子Ain't my business, 这与我无关but are you at all concerned about that ruckus in your trunk?不过你一点都不担心你后备箱里的动静吗Let's go! 我们快走Nope. 不Don't leave me in here! 别把我丢在这里面Well, we the only filling station for a good hop, 我们是这一带唯一的加油站so if that fella's coming this way, 所以如果那家伙走这条路we gonna see him by and by. 我们不久后就能看见他Mind if I pull around back and wait? 我能把车停在后面等吗Well, Em and Henry are at church. 小艾和亨利的确是去教会了Like I said, they real religious. 如我所说他们很虔诚Don't usually see 'em till evenings on sundays. 周日通常到晚上才会见到他们Still, ain't supposed to dawdle with strangers. 但我仍然不该和陌生人闲混I could help you get these walls painted. 我可以帮你刷这些墙If by "help," you mean buy me a nehi 如果"帮我"是指给我买瓶汽水and pull me up a chair while you work, 让我坐着看你干活then you're on. 那我们成交Where'd you go? 你去哪了Come on. 出来We got work to do. 我们有活要干Well, what kind of work? 什么活Gonna paint this building. 给这栋楼刷漆Gonna paint this building. 10美分Go right ahead, your majesty. 别客气啊陛下You boys really think you can run things? 你们几个小子真认为你们能管事White man called my daddy "boy" once. 有个白人也曾叫过我爸"小子"He ended up with wooden teeth, 他最后被揍得只得戴木制假牙just like George Washington. 就像乔治·华盛顿一样Yeah, yeah. 是是是Personally... 我个人I'm all for you coloreds breaking even. 很支持你们黑人实现收支平衡I mean, why should the bosses get all the fat, 油水凭什么都让老板占了when we're the ones down in the mud 明明在泥地里辛苦拾取铜板的scrounging for dimes? 是我们So you're one of us now? 现在你成了我们的一员了吗No, I'm not saying that. 我可没这么说Just... 只是...Say there's a turtle. 假设有只海龟Turtle? 海龟Hmm, king turtle. 龟王He rules over everything he sees. 它看到的一切都归它管Except he's a turtle, so he's real low to the ground. 但它是只龟地面的视角实在有限I'm gonna put you back in the trunk. 我要把你塞回后备箱了No, no. 不别Hear me out. 听我说完So, this king turtle, he calls two of his guys 这只龟王叫来了它的两个手下and he tells them to climb on top of each other, 让一只爬到另一只的背上you know, like a ladder. 就像搭梯子And he climbs on their backs. 然后它爬上它们的背So now he can see further but still just, like, 50 feet. 这样它就能看得更远了但也就多50尺而已So he calls even more turtles. 于是它叫来更多的龟And one by one, they get on top of each other. 它们一只叠一只And up he goes. 而龟王也越来越高Till all the turtles are in a pile. 最后所有的龟叠成了一摞And old king turtle, oh, he can see for miles. 而老龟王能看到好几英里的范围了Except... 只是...The guys on the bottom... 最底层的那些龟...Are getting crushed. 它们逐渐被压碎了and I'm saying... 我的意思是...第四季第九集冰血暴第四季第九集冥王星发现者Today we are engaged in the final all-out battle 今天我们参与了共产无神论between communistic atheism and democratic christianity. 和民主基督教的终极全面战争The modern champions of communism 共产主义的现代冠军们The modern champions of communism 一天前have selected this as the time. 选择了现在这个时间点And, folks, the chips are down. They are truly down. 乡亲们现在到了关键时刻非常关键"When a great democracy is destroyed, "当伟大的民主被摧毁"It will not be from enemies from without, "那并非源自外部的敌人but rather because of enemies from within." "而更多是来自内部的破坏"I have here in my hands a list of 205 names 现在我手里有份205人的名单that were made known to the secretary... 国务卿已经知道了how much farther? 还有多远Hours, not days. 还要几小时吧用不了几天Hours, not days. 堪萨斯利伯勒尔What is it? 那是什么Someplace to kip. 能睡觉的地方Couple of nights. 能休息几个晚上Get our heads on straight. 让我们的头脑清醒清醒Get our heads on straight. 未来就是Get our heads on straight. 巴顿·阿姆斯旅馆What's that smell? 什么味道Fresh air. 是新鲜的空气梅隆土丘堪萨斯历史地标What does it say? 上面写了什么Sleep with one eye open. 睡觉时也得保持警惕We'll be needing a room for a night or two. 我们要一个房间住一两晚Plymouth Rock or Sutter's Mill? 普利茅斯岩还是萨特的磨坊What? 什么Things work a specific way around here, 这里的一切都自有章法so I got to figure out where to put you. 所以我得想想让你们住哪Plymouth Rock or Sutter's Mill? 普利茅斯岩还是萨特的磨坊Well, 这...That's in California, yeah? 那磨坊是在加州对吧Mccarthy or Eisenhower? 麦卡锡还是艾森豪威尔Oh, we don't follow politics. 我们不关心政治Eisenhower it is. 那就是艾森豪威尔了Uh, lastly... 最后...Old testament or new? 旧约还是新约Which is the one where you get to be born again? 能让人重生的是哪个That'd be the new. 那就是新约了West side it is. 那就是西边了Any bags? 有行李吗No. 没有- He your valet? - We take care of each other. -他是你的仆人吗 -我们互相照应The sisters don't much care for colored folk. 姐妹俩不太喜欢有色人种- "Sisters" As in nuns? - No. As in sisters. -"姐妹"是指修女吗 -不就是姐妹Picola and Iola Crumb. They the owners. 皮科拉和艾奥拉·克拉姆她们是这里的老板And like I said, they don't care much for coloreds. 我说了她们不太喜欢有色人种I understand. Come on, kid. 我明白走吧孩子- We'll find someplace else. - Now hold on. -我们去找找别的地方 -别急啊Didn't say they had a rule. 我又没说那是她们的规矩Just said they don't care for us. 只是说她们不喜欢咱们而已Steer clear of them, you'll be right as rain. 离她们远点就万事大吉Come on. I'll give you the tour. 来吧我带你们转转This is the sitting room, for board games and conversating. 这是客厅可以下棋聊天什么的What's with the line everyplace? 这里怎么到处都划了线Well, now, the sisters, 那姐妹俩they ain't got along since the dust bowl days. 她们老早就合不来But neither will renounce their claim to the premises, 但谁都不会放弃旅馆的所有权so I ask y'all questions, and given your answers, 所以我问了那些问题而根据你的回答you either go west or east. 你们要么住东边要么住西边Why east or west? 为什么是东或西Why any one thing or the other? 为什么凡事都要有原因Just is the way it is. 反正就是这样This is you and the boy. 这就是你们的房间Bathroom's down the hall. 浴室在走廊那头Towels in the armoire. 毛巾在大橱柜里You need anything else, we probably ain't got it, 还需要什么的话可能也没有but it don't hurt to ask. 不过问一句也没事I'm hungry. 我饿了Well, they put supper on the table at 5:00 each night. 晚餐每天晚上五点上桌Fish sticks, maybe even some potatoes. 炸鱼柳或许还能有土豆Green beans from a can. 罐头豌豆It ain't much, but it's better than boiling your shoes. 不算丰盛但好过啃鞋底I call this one. 我睡这张I saw some books in the den. 我看到小房间里有书You can read up here till I get back. 你可以读读等我回来Where are you going? 你要去哪If we're gonna hide and stay hidden, we need money. 如果我们想一直藏起来就需要钱It so happens I laid some away in town. 正好我在镇上存了几笔钱I've got to retrieve it, alone. 得把它们拿回来一个人But- but there's a hospital man next door, all bandaged up. 可隔壁有个病人浑身缠着绷带A man's a man. 人就是人If you can't run, just do like we practiced. 如果你跑不掉就按我们练习过的来Thigh, stomach, chest. 大腿肚子胸口Can't I ride with you? 我不能和你一起去吗No. Remember, 不行记住if I don't come back, I'm dead or in jail. 如果我没回来要么死了要么进了监狱if I don't come back, I'm dead or in jail. 伍德曼邮购商店Shit. 妈的You can see in here, this is frost-resistant, 你能看到这是防霜的so you don't get it on your food. 所以你食物上不会结霜Let me tell you a little about Kenmore-- 让我再向您介绍一下肯莫尔...I'll be with you in a moment, pal. 我马上就来接待你伙计Now, Kenmore is all about freedom from your cooking cares. 肯莫尔旨在解放您的烹饪体验- I'll have to ask my husband. - Oh, all right. -我得问问我丈夫 -好- You want to take a catalog, ma'am? - No. -您要拿一份商品目录吗 -不用All right. Have a good day. 好祝您愉快Happy new year, uh, in anticipation. 新年快乐提前祝福了What happened to the feed store? 那间饲料商店呢Well, now, old Miss Gingerly, you know, 金洁莉小姐你知道的her three boys all passed in the great war. 她的三个儿子都在一战里牺牲了So, desolate with grief, 她孤寡悲痛she, uh, turned over operations to her brother Virgil, 把生意交给了自己的兄弟维吉尔and he promptly gambled away the family fortune. 而他迅速把家业赌输了出去There, uh, used to be a wall here. 这里以前有一面墙Well, yeah... 是...Yes, sir, yeah, yeah, there did. 是的先生有过Can I interest you in a dinette set? 您有兴趣看看餐桌椅吗Maybe a "Dee-van" for your boudoir? 或许给卧室添一套迪万牌的You the new owner? 你是新老板吗Yes, sir. 对先生Beachwood, Indiana. 我是印第安纳州比奇伍德人Me and my brother Haskell, the younger, 我跟我弟弟哈斯克尔we, uh, bought the place at auction. 拍卖到了这间店Oh, now... 真是just when we was starting to hit it off. 我们才聊得开心呢Uh, back in a jiff. 我马上回来T. Woodman Catalog Store. 伍德曼邮购商店Yes, uh, yeah, yeah, yeah. 对是的All right. 好You, too. 你也是All righty, then. 那好Hey, come on. Come on, girl. 过来狗狗Good girl. 好狗狗Rabbit? Is that your name? 兔子这是你名字吗Wait. Wait up! 等等Come on, girl. 来狗狗Hey. Come on, girl. 过来狗狗Wait. Wait. 等等等等Well, now we got a secret, you and me. 现在你和我有秘密了How's that? 什么意思The sisters can't abide spirits of any kind. 姐妹俩不允许任何烈酒出现Alcohol, I'm saying. 我是说酒精I know what spirits are. 我知道什么是烈酒East or west? 东边还是西边的West? 西边吧You best step to this side of the line, then, 那你最好到线的这边来in case they're watching. 以防她们在盯着Hunk Swindell's the name. 我叫亨克·斯温德尔Aluminum siding's the game. 是装铝墙板的That your canine? 那是你的狗吗I found her upstairs. 我在楼上找到的它Ask me a question. 问我个问题- What? - Dale Carnegie. -什么 -戴尔·卡耐基How to win friends and influence people. 如何赢得朋友影响他人"Six Ways to Make People Like You." 《让人喜欢你的六个方法》Number one-- become genuinely interested in other people. 一对其他人表现出真实的兴趣So ask me a question. 所以问我个问题吧Um... You got any food? 你有吃的吗Make 'em laugh. "逗他们笑"Yeah, that's rule number nine. 那是第九条Hard to dislike a man what's got a funny bone. 幽默的人很难会讨人厌Me-- I got two, 我超级幽默plus the gift of gab, ever since I was a boy. 而且口才好从小就好But it wasn't till I found Mr. Carnegie 但直到我发现了卡耐基先生that I really learned to channel my thoughts 才真的学会把想法into a strategy for success. 变成成功的策略Who's this now? 这又是谁Ain't got a name, I don't think. 他好像没名字I'm just calling him "Boy." 我就只叫他"小子"You ain't from Texas by chance? 你不会是德州人吧No, sir. 不先生Oil fields as far as the eye can see, I heard. 我听说有无边无际的油田Instant millions. 随便就能赚几百万All you got to do is get off the train. 你只要跳下火车That's where I'm headed. 我就要去那个地方Yeah. My new friend's got a bit of gold rush fever. 我的新朋友有点淘金热Better than knocking on doors 总比那些得拎着公文包with nothing but a briefcase and a smile. 带着微笑敲开一扇扇门的家伙好Ain't nothing in this world impossible 只要一个人态度端正if'n a man's got the right attitude. 这世上就没有他做不到的事Said stay in the room. 我说了待在房里But the dog got out. 但是狗跑出去了Whose dog? 谁的狗Mine. 我的We've had a setback. 我们遇到了一点麻烦Things ain't the way I left 'em, 情况和我离开的时候不一样了which... only a fool thinks 不过...只有蠢蛋才会以为the world's gonna stay exactly as it was. 这个世界会一直保持原样So there's that. 所以没办法But I worked the problem, and I think... I got a solve. 不过我想了想我觉得...我应该有办法I think she likes me. 我觉得它喜欢我I'm glad you're having such a nice day, 见到你今天过得这么开心可真好but I don't want you wandering the place while I'm gone. 但是我不在的时候希望你不要到处乱跑Last thing we need is unwanted attention. 我们不希望招致不必要的注意Come and get it while it's hot! 快下来饭要凉了Wait. That... 等等那...Stay. 别乱跑My name's Hunk Swindell. 我叫亨克·斯温德尔This is Hickory J. Milch. 这是希克里·J·米尔奇And you're... 你是...- Uh, Pastor Roanoke. - Pastor Roanoke. -罗诺克牧师 -罗诺克牧师Very good, and, uh, this is... 好的这位是...No coloreds at the table. 黑人不准上桌What? 什么I said, no coloreds at the table. 我说黑人不准上桌My side, my rules. 我这边按我的规矩来- Sit down, sweetie. - What? -请坐亲爱的 -什么Hey, glad you could join us. 欢迎你加入我们We were just going around the room, doing introductions. 我们正在挨个做自我介绍Uh, you met myself and young Hickory. 你已经认识我和小希克里了Uh, on the east side, there's Pastor Roanoke 东边坐的这位是罗诺克牧师- and his wife. - Mother. -还有他的妻子 -是母亲Mother. 母亲And across from them, uh, that's the Major, 他们对面这位是少校hero of wounded knee, and his... 膝盖受伤的英雄还有他的...Uh, Millie is my niece. 米莉是我的侄女So now you know who we are. 你们现在都知道我们的名字了Uh, the name's Duffy. 我叫达菲And this is my ward... Colt. 这是我的受监护人柯特- What? - Said he's an Irishman, -什么 -他说他是爱尔兰人and the negro is his ward. 那个黑鬼是他的受监护人Say the blessing already. 赶紧开始祈祷吧Food's getting cold. 吃的都快凉了Almighty father, we pray thee, 全能的天父我们在此祈祷sanctify this food that it may strengthen us 让这食物圣洁让我们足够强大to do and endure thy holy will. 能够承担圣意Here's a good one that can't fail. 我知道一段绝对有用的Lord Jesus, hear our prayers 耶稣啊请聆听我们的祈祷and bless us with thy bounty 为我们的今世来生in this life and the next, for where there is risk, 赋予无尽的金钱有危险的地方there is always reward. 必有相应的赏赐Amen. 阿门What kind of cockamamie blessing is that? 这算哪门子祈祷It's a prayer for prosperity. 这是对财富的祈祷Son, 孩子that ain't how you talk to God. 你不该这么和上帝说话It's how we conversate with him out West. 我们西部就是这么和他交流的Heathens. 异教徒So, Duffy, what brings you to this neck of the woods? 达菲什么风把你吹到了这里I heard there was some honest work up at Sioux Falls. 我听说苏福尔斯有些不错的活干Planning to make a fresh start of it. 我打算重新开始Well, that's damn peculiar, 我倒是觉得if you ask me. 你们可真奇怪White man traveling with a negro child. 白人带着一个黑小孩到处跑What? 什么Said he don't much care for colored folk. 他说他不喜欢黑人What line of work you in, partner? 你干哪行的哥们You ask a lot of questions. 你的问题很多Guilty as charged. 被你说中了Dale Carnegie-- rule number one. 戴尔·卡耐基第一条规则but I'll lay off you. 不过我还是放过你吧Tell me a story, Seymour. 给我讲个故事西摩Well, which one do you want, sugar plum? 你想听什么亲爱的Uh, let's see. Hansel and Gretel. 我想想韩赛尔和格雷塔Or would you like the Legend of Goldilocks? 还是想听金发姑娘的故事Hey, funny you mention that. 既然你说到这个I was talking to a fella on the train, 我在火车上和一个家伙聊过天must've been, um, winter last, works in publishing. 应该是去年冬天的事了他是干出版社这行的Did you know that in the original Goldilocks, 你知道原版的金发姑娘故事中it was witches, not bears? 其实是女巫而不是熊吗In any case, he tells me, 总之他对我说think about this poor girl, 想想这个可怜的小女孩no home of her own, just wandering the woods. 无家可归在树林里游荡This fella said that to his mind, 这家伙说在他看来Goldilocks is the classic example 金发姑娘就是局外人of an outsider in search of himself. 找寻自我的典型例子If you think about it, the story's got no ending. 仔细想想看这个故事没有结局I mean, the bears-- they get justice-- 虽说那几头熊得到了公道chasing an intruder out of their home, but for the girl? 把一个闯入者赶出了家门但这个小姑娘呢Well, she's back out in the cold. 她又回到了大冷天里No family, no home. 孤苦伶仃无家可归Doesn't fit in anywhere. 与世界格格不入I thought I said leave the dog in the room. 我不是说了把狗留在房里吗She'll get lonely and she'll bark, 它会觉得孤单然后汪汪大叫的and that's unwanted attention, right? 那可是不必要的关注不是吗Right? 对吗Right? 未来是- The future is what? - How's that? -未来是什么 -你说啥What's it gonna say? 后面接的是什么Wait till it's finished. Then you'll see. 等我弄完你就知道了Well... Finish the damn thing already. 那你就赶紧弄完啊Moment I finish it, I'm out of a job. 等我一完工我就失业了Plus, what do you care? It's just a sign. 再说你在意个什么劲一块牌子而已It's the principle, 这是原则问题making people live with uncertainty. 让人承受这种不确定性It ain't right. 这是不对的Send a letter to your congressman, you're so irate. 火这么大写信给你的国会议员投诉去吧And in Kansas City today, 今天在堪萨斯城the mayor is calling for additional law enforcement 市长要求增派执法力量as the war between organized crime syndicates heats up,因为有组织的犯罪团伙之间的战争愈演愈烈following yesterday's deadly shoot-out 继昨天在凯尔西屠宰场at the Kelsey slaughterhouse. 发生了致命的枪击事件之后- Is this where your money is? - Stay put. -你的钱在这吗 -待着别动Lock the doors and don't talk to nobody. 把门锁好不要和任何人说话and quiet the mutt. 还有让狗也安静点- You're being paranoid. - You didn't see him. -你多疑了 -你是没看见他Like a poison pack of cigarettes. 就像一包有毒的香烟He asked about the wall. 他问了墙壁的事Maybe he's just an enemy to change. 说不定他就是不喜欢改变What's that supposed to mean? 你这话是什么意思I'm saying, maybe he liked things the way they were. 我是说他可能喜欢过去的样子You know, I've half a mind 我都有点想to drive over to the cemetery and make Ma take back 开车去墓地让妈妈收回她说when she said you was the smart one. 你比较聪明的那句话了Well, if this fella comes back, we'll show him. 好吧要是他回来了我们就让他见识下Show me what? 见识什么Both of you in the office, now. 你们两个都进办公室You found something that belongs to me. 你们找到了本该是我的东西I don't know what you're talking about. 我不懂你在说什么The money. Where is it? 钱在哪里What money? 什么钱Not gonna ask again. 我不会再问一遍I-it's in the safe. 在保险柜里What's left. 剩下的钱Open it. 去打开M-mister, what were we supposed to do? 先生我们当时别无选择A bag of money in the wall, 在墙里发现了一袋钱opening a store with mouths to feed. 我们当时刚开了一家店要养家糊口You, you thank the lord is what you do. 我们只能感谢上帝A-and count every dime. 然后清点好每一分钱Not your money. 这不是你们的钱We bought the store as is, mister. 我们原封不动地买下的这家店先生Leaky pipes, bag of money, what have you. 漏水的管道一袋子钱诸如此类的That's the American way. 那就是美国方式There was five grand in here. 这里面本来有五千块Boy, is this your car? 小子这是你的车吗You got a hearing problem or something? 你是听不见人说话吗What are you doing? 你在干什么Just waiting. 坐这等着For what? 等什么I got a wife. 我有个老婆I... I ain't married yet. 我还没成家Who's gonna feed the dogs? 我死了谁去喂狗啊Step out of the vehicle. 下车I didn't do anything. 我什么都没干Come on, do it now. 赶紧下车- I'm just waiting. - I said out of the car. -我就是在等人而已 -我说了下车Now. 快点Quiet. 安静Is there a problem, officer? 有什么事吗警官- Is this your car? - Yes, sir. -这是你的车吗 -是的长官He with you? 他跟你一起的Yes. 是的- And what's your relation to this kid? - I'm his guardian. -你跟这小孩是什么关系 -我是他的监护人Who talked you into that cockeyed arrangement? 是谁说服你干这种荒唐事的Well, now, I served with his Daddy in the war. 我和他爸爸一起参过军Jerries killed him on Armistice Day. 德国佬在停战日那天把他杀了Can you believe that? 你敢相信吗First man killed in peacetime. 第一个在和平时期遇害的人Least I could do was care for his offspring. 我至少能做的就是照顾他的后代Well... 好吧You want my advice, 要我说you gonna travel with a colored kid 你要跟一个黑人小孩作伴in a town like this... 在这样的小镇转悠Just keep him out of sight. 最好别让人看见他Yes, sir. 是长官Appreciate that. It's, uh, all new to me. 谢谢我都不知道这些Appreciate that. It's, uh, all new to me. 巴顿·阿姆斯旅馆I'm hungry. 我饿了Supper's in an hour. 一小时后晚餐就好了Maybe they got something in the kitchen. 也许厨房里有吃的I could look. 我可以去看看I've changed my mind. 我改变主意了We're leaving tonight. 我们今晚就走- After the meal. - Can I bring Rabbit? -吃完晚饭 -我能带兔子一起吗- No. - Why not? -不行 -为什么'Cause I said so. 我说不行就是不行Don't need another mouth to feed, 不需要多张吃饭的嘴and she's always barking. 而且它总是在叫But I could teach her to be quiet. 但我可以教它安静I said no. 我说了不行What's that about? 摔帽子干嘛- I just wanted one thing. - One thing? -我就想要这一样东西 -一样东西Huh, what are you on about? 你什么意思One thing for my birthday. 我的生日礼物Your... 你的What? 什么When the hell is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候Today. 今天Hey. You wouldn't happen to have a 你这里碰巧有cupcake or a candy bar or something? 纸杯蛋糕或者糖块之类的吗For the kid. 给孩子的It's his birthday, see, and I didn't know and... 今天是他的生日我不知道Mm-mm, the sisters don't believe in sugar. 姐妹俩不相信糖But there's a filling station 但是沿着这条路eight or nine miles down the road. 开八九英里有个加油站Probably get him a cupcake or candy bar or something there.你可以在那里给他买个纸杯蛋糕或者糖块之类的Thanks. 谢谢If the kid comes looking for me... 如果孩子来找我just tell him I'll be right back. 告诉他我马上回来just tell him I'll be right back. 未来就是现在What the heck does that even mean? 那是什么意思Got me. 难倒我了Could be a statement 可能是说明as to the underlying unreliability of time. 时间的潜在不可靠性Or a testimony 或者是证词along the lines of "Seize the day." 证明"把握今天"这句话along the lines of "Seize the day." 未来就是现在They don't pay me to write 'em, 他们付我钱不是让我写这广告牌的just slap 'em up. 只是贴上去Which I did. 我做到了And now it's done. 现在做完了And I find myself once more at a crossroads, 我发现自己又一次站在十字路口unemployed. 失业了So I... 所以我Suppose for me, 我想对我来说the future I once feared has arrived, 我曾经害怕的未来到来了as predicted by this very billboard. 就像是这块广告牌预言的一样as predicted by this very billboard. 未来就是现在冰刹车维修冰冰冰香烟冰香烟冰香烟I am alpha 我是阿尔法and omega. 我是亚米加The first... 我是始And the last. 也是终And what thou seest, 你所看见的write it in a book 当写在书上and send it to the seven churches 要送给亚洲的which are in Asia. 七间教会I just woke up. 我刚醒来Come closer. 靠近些It smells like rain. 有雨的味道Ah, worry not. 别担心For it is written-- no more flood. 《圣经》里写了不会再有洪水The fire next time. 下次是大火I'm looking for my friend. 我在找我的朋友I fell asleep. 我睡着了Come closer. 靠近些I'm... I'm gonna wait in my room. 我去我房间里等I'm... I'm gonna wait in my room. 巴顿·阿姆斯旅馆I'm... I'm gonna wait in my room. 未来就是现在I'm... I'm gonna wait in my room. 未来就是现在I'm... I'm gonna wait in my room. 原创翻译双语字幕仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利最新连载海外影视剧下载仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利翻译 Eunice 苏小黛 roaddog仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利翻译小酸奶子V 冰蓝仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利校对冰蓝仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利时间轴想念Gallifrey的wholock 加森冰蓝仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利后期冰蓝仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利总监冰蓝。















11. 我一直认为世界上最悲伤的是失去你深爱的人,但我错了。










吸血鬼日记经典台词1、I will start fresh,be some one new。


2、It's the only way I'll make it through。


3、No comment。

不予评论4、You need to chill yourself,all right?你的冷静点,行吗?5、Keep it up。

爱干嘛干嘛6、It is long story。

说来话长7、I lost control today。

今天我失控了8、Everything I;ve kept buried inside came rushing to the surface。


9、You are such a dick。


10、Memories are too inportant。


11、i'm not giving up on that。


12、Do not suilt you。


13、Why are you here now?I could ask you the same question。


14、She took my breath away。


15、Let's just cut to the chase。


16、I was impressed。


17、Ashes and Ashes灰飞烟灭18、People are going to stop giving you breaks。


19、They just don't care anymore。


20、She's always the one that everyone picks。



吸血鬼日记最新经典台词吸血鬼日记最新经典台词《吸血鬼日记》(The Vampire Diaries)哥伦比亚及华纳兄弟联合电视网出品,Marcos Siega导演,Nina Dobrev、Paul Wesley、Ian Somerhalder主演。


吸血鬼日记最新经典台词Damon:I know you love Stefan.(我知道你爱斯特凡)And it will always be Stefan.(而且永远都会是斯特凡)But I love you.(但是我爱你)You should know that.(你应该知道)Elena :I do.(我知道)史上最强势:From now on , you''re under my protection. 从现在开始,你由我罩着。

1、恋爱实用句She took my breath away. 她把我迷住了。

2、眼神秒杀句He has that romance novel stare. 他眼神深邃3、最强情话此言一出,你无敌了。

Everything I like about me is you.我最喜欢自己的地方就是有你爱我4、恋人吵架后和解句两个人在一起总会有吵架的时候,当对方主动来关心你、道歉的时候,用这句话来下台阶是不错的选择。

Happy to know you still care. 很高兴知道你还会关心我。

5、树立形象句No one''s going to hurt you. 没人能伤害你。

6、任人宰割句I''ll do whatever it is you need me to do, Elena.你让我做什么我都会去做,Elena。

——《吸血鬼日记》7、与众不同句如果你想在别人面前炫耀一下你的恋人又想不出什么TA的`优势时,至少你可以说She wasn''t just any girl. 她不是一般的女孩。




《吸血鬼日记》励志语录大全:1、Keep it up.爱干嘛干嘛2、It's the only way I'll make it through.这是我能挺过去的唯一办法。

3、No comment.不予评论4、You need to chill yourself,all right?你的冷静点,行吗?5、I will start fresh,be some one new.我要重新开始,做不一样的自己。

6、It is long story.说来话长7、I lost control today.今天我失控了8、Everything I;ve kept buried inside came rushing to the surface.我已经深埋内心的一切,都冲破了束缚。

9、You are such a dick.你真是个混蛋。

10、Memories are too inportant.记忆弥足珍贵。

11、i'm not giving up on that.我不会放弃。

12、Do not suilt you.一点都不适合你。

13、Why are you here now? I could ask you the same question.你来这里做什么?我可以问你同样的问题。

14、She took my breath away.她把我的灵魂都吸走了。

15、Let's just cut to the chase.我们直截了当。

16、I was impressed.真令我印象深刻。

17、Ashes and Ashes灰飞烟灭18、People are going to stop giving you breaks.人们总是针锋相对。

19、They just don't care anymore.他们不再互相关心。





吸血鬼日记经典台词【精选版】1) 不单单是她把他变成了一个好人。










《吸血鬼日记》2) 大家都各自疏远了,好像大家都假装他们可以独自熬过去。

《吸血鬼日记第季》3) Elena, I Love You So Much That Enough To Let You Go. Damon Salvatore 《吸血鬼日记》4) Why are you here now? I could ask you the same question. 你来这里做什么?我可以问你同样的问题。

《吸血鬼日记》5) Whenever anyone tells me I can't do something, I prove them wrong. 《吸血鬼日记》6) 那你怎样熬过来的,你每天怎样醒来,怎么样一天天过日子而不崩溃。

《吸血鬼日记第季》7) 当有人问“你好吗”,其实他并不想知道答案。

《吸血鬼日记》8) 我想谢谢你给我,我一直想要的一切,满满的爱,还有热情、冒险,我最想要的就是可以一直见到你,但是没有办法。

《吸血鬼日记第季》9) 之前我一直认为,世界上最悲伤的事情就是失去你深爱的人,但是我错了。


《吸血鬼日记》10) 信頼による行动を。


《吸血鬼日记》吸血鬼日记经典台词【最新版】1) I predict this is going to a year to kick ass. 《吸血鬼日记》2) I'm an idiot for ever trusting you 《吸血鬼日记》3) He has that romance novel stare. 《吸血鬼日记》4) D,whenever you go too far,i will be there to put you back,every second,every day till you don't need me. S,why? D,'cause right now,you're all i got. 《吸血鬼日记》5) Mommy? Am I gonna die? 妈咪,我会死吗? I would say your chances of suvival are %.要我说啊,你的存活率是%。



吸血鬼日记(第一季-第四季)所有插曲第一季;【原声音乐】1 Closer To Love -- Mat Kearney2 I Got A Round(吸血鬼日记插曲) -- The Vampire Diaries3 Gravity (吸血鬼日记插曲) -- The Vampire Diaries4 Chances -- Five for Fighting5 Off Track --The Features 6 This Is Beautiful -- Tyrone Well7 Cut 割掉爱割掉伤痛吸血鬼日记插曲 --The Vampire Diaries 8 Come Back When You Can 吸血鬼日记插曲 --The Vampire Diaries 9 Yet -- Switchfoot10 Sleep Alone 吸血鬼日记插曲寂寞女声 -- The Vampire Diaries 11 BOOM --Anjulie12 Say (All I Need).mp3 延续出Apologize不一样的风格 --OneRepublic 13 I m A Lady -- Santogold 14 I m Not Over -- Carolina Liar15 Shadows Of Ourselves -- Thievery Corporation 16 all we are --Matt Nathanson 17 Brightest Hour -- The Submarines18 Temptation 诱惑Moby 音乐天堂杂志推荐曲目 -- Moby 19 Down Down 吸血鬼日记插曲感人 -- The Vampire Diaries 20 kids -- MGMT21 siren song -- Bat For Lashes22 Back To Me -- The All-American Rejects 23 Running Up That Hill --Placebo 24 Thinking of You.. -- Katy Perry25 Consoler of the Lonely -- The Raconteurs 26 Help I am Alive -- Metric27 Hang You From The Heavens -- The Dead Weather 28 White Lies -- death.29 I am An Animal -- Neko Case 30 Heavy Cross -- The Gossip 31 Never say never --Fray32 All the same to me--Anya Marina(为小镇纪念日挑选小姐,在男女对跳的舞里的歌曲) 33 It is what it is第二季第一集: 1:Sara Bareilles And One Republic - Come Home2:Piano Tribute Players - How to Save a Life3:Gemma Hayes - Out of our hands4:Hurts - Wonderful Life5:Mads Langer - The River Has Run Wild第二集:1. "Animal" by Neon Trees. Elena 和 Bonnie讨论Katherine2. "Geraldine" by Glasvegas. Elena和 Bonnie准备嘉年华3. "Currency Of Love" by Silversun Pickups. Damon 和Stefan 观察 Tyler 和Mason的腕力比赛4. "The Ladder" by Andrew Belle . Caroline 在嘉年华与Matt 相遇5. "All This Time" by OneRepublic. 片尾曲第三集: 1. Meiko "Under My Bed" Matt 去 Caroline家,但是caroline不能见光2. Lifehouse "In Your Skin" Stefan 尝试劝服bonnie帮caroline做个戒指.3. The Asteroids Galaxy Tour "Fantasy Friend Forever"4. The Duke Spirit "Send A Little Love Token"5. Stars "Changes" Caroline 向matt道歉6. A Fine Frenzy "Ashes And Wine" matt与Caroline分手第四集: 1. Haydn "Quartet For Strings In C Major, Emperor" 暂缺 (一个纯配乐)2. Collide "Rock On"3. Ballas Hough Band "Together Faraway"4. Howls "Hammock"5. Goldfrapp "We Radiate"6. Tyrone Wells "Time Of Our Lives"7. Sara Bareilles "Breathe Again"第五集:1. The Smashing Pumpkins “The Fellowship” – Available on The Vampire Diaries: Original Soundtrack October 12th2. Trent Dabbs “Counting Sleep” –3. Athlete “Superhuman Touch” –4. The Rifles “Sometimes” –5. The Fast Romantics “Cool Kids” –6. The Naked And Famous “Punching In A Dream” – Unavailable7. Sky Ferreira “Obsession” –8. Title Tracks “Steady Love” –9. New Politics “Yeah Yeah Yeah” –10. The Pass “Colors” –11. Kris Allen “I Need To Know”第六集: 1. The Script "This Love"2. The Black Keys "Tighten Up"3. The Temper Trap "Science Of Fear"4. Athlete "Wires" 片尾曲第七集:1. Cruel Black Dove "Love My Way" (Psychadelic Furs Cover)2.Gorillaz - On Melancholy Hill (Feed Me Remix)3. Digital Daggers "Head Over Heals" (Tears For Fears Cover)4. Morning Parade "Under The Stars"5. Joel & Luke "People Change" - just as long as a live version, but the quality is good6. Kaskade Feat. Dragonette "Fire In Your New Shoes"7. Tawgs Salter "Brave"第八集:1.Sleeperstar --- I Was Wrong2. Tv On The Radio --- Wolf Like Me3. Editors --- Blood4. Andrew Belle ft Erin McCarley --- In My Veins5. Cruel Black Dove --- Love Song6. Afters ---Ocean Wide7.Dragonette --- We Rule The World第九集:1. Atomic Tom - You Always Get What You Want2. David Gray - A Moment Changes Everything3. Pete Yorn - Precious Stone4. Matt Duncan - Puritan Heart5. Free Energy - Light Love6. The Pass - Trap of Mirrors7. Ben Harper - Amen Omen第十集:1.Kat Graham -- Only Happy When It Rains2.Joel and Luke --- Love's To Blame3.Rie Sinclair --- No Way Out第十一集:1. Ra Ra Riot - Shadowcasting2. Goldhawks - This Time Next Year3. The Drums - Let's Go Surfing4. Agent Ribbons - I'm Alright5.Superchunk - Everything At Once6. Land Of Talk - Quarry Hymns7. Howie Day - Longest Night第十二集:1、Anberlin - Impossible2、 The Daylights - The Last Time3、 Broken Bells - The Mall & Misery4、Stars - Take Me to the Riot5、 Telekinesis - Country Lane6、 Death Ships - I Like It Alot7、 TV on the Radio - DLZ第十三集:1. Adele "Do not You Remember"2. Alex Band "Only One"3. Hurts "Stay"4. Natasha Bedingfield "Strip Me"5. Ryan Star "Losing Your Memory第十四集:1 .Free Energy - All I Know - 320 kbps2 . Smith Westerns - All Die Young3 .Ladyhawke - Manipulating Woman4. Kyler England - You Wait For Rain5. Matthew West - Family Tree第十五集:1 Foster The People - Pumped Up Kicks -2 Pet Lion - When I Grow Old -3 The XX - Islands - 320 kbps4 The National - Lemonworld -5 The Airborne Toxic Event - Happiness Is Overrated第十六集:1. Angel Taylor - Epiphany2. S.O.Stereo - I'll Take the Bullet3.1 Eternal Flame - Candice Accola (Caroline) with S.O.Stereo4. S.O.Stereo - Hello Miss Heels5. James Morrison ft Nelly Furtado - Broken Strings第十七集:1. Piano Tribute Players - Halfway Gone. Caroline问Lockwood太太Matt 哪儿去了; Stefan 和 Elena和Caroline说他们会帮忙寻找Matt.2. Snow Patro - Give Me Strength. 片尾第十八集: 1. Patrick Stump - Spotlight (Oh Nostalgia)2. Kula Shaker - Hush3. The Mamas and the Papas - Dedicated to the One I Love4. Trent Dabbs - Last Kiss5. The Birthday Massacre - I Think We're Alone Now6. The Manhattans - I wanna Be (Your Everything)7. The Dollyrots - Dream Lover第十九集:1. Foster The People - Helena Beat2. Doves - Compulsion3. Lykke Li - Get Some第二十集:1. Cheyenne Marie Mize - Not2. The Vaccines - Wolf Pack第二十一集:1 . Birdy - Skinny Love第二十二集:1. Ingrid Michaelson - Turn To Stone2. Days Difference - Speakers3. Girl Named Toby - Holding A Heart4. Levi Kreis - I Should Go第三季E01The Civil Wars --Barton HollowTrent Dabbs --Means To An EndMartin Solveig and Dragonette --HelloThe Kicks --Hawk EyesWalk The Moon --Anna SunLocation Location --StarpusherE02Delta Spirit --ParadePortugal The Man --Got It All (This Can’t Be Living Now)Smith Westerns --Still NewThe Joy Formidable --A Heavy AbacusE03Gloria's 1920's Band - St. James InfirmaryGloria's 1920's Band - My Sweet Hunk O' TrashPink Frost - You Should KnowSnake!Snake!Snakes! - We Come Out At NightThe Elliots - Blood CallNerves Junior - KaleE04Aidan Hawken - Wanna Be Sure 【很好听的一首】Yeah Yeah Yeahs - PhenomenaPortugal. The Man - Floating (Time Isn't Working My Side)E05TV On the Radio - Will Doelekinesis - Please Ask For HelpIda Maria - 10,000 LoversE06OK Go - This Too ShallThe Gods Of Macho - Black Iron LungYoung The Giant - My BodyArctic Monkeys - Brick By BrickCults - Rave OnThe Kills - SatelliteE07The Airborne Toxic - EventChangingEmpires - HitchhikerMichael Johns & The Ontic - Come On Come On NursesFever - DreamsE08Nadine Coyle - Put Your Hands UpThe Cadillac Black - I'm RockinThe Cadillac Black - Get Your Buzz OnThe Cadillac Black - Turn It OnTrent Dabbs - Losing GroundThe Kicks - Shake It LooseE09Only Children - Don't Stop (Bit Funk Remix)My Morning Jacket - First LightMy Morning Jacket - Holdin' On To Black MetalMy Morning Jacket - The Day Is ComingE10Apex Manor - Teenage BloodThe Trigger Codeb - Come On Let's Do It OK!PreviewE11The Naked and Famous - Punching In A DreamThe Daylights - You AreTrent Dabbs - False AlarmE12Delta Spirit - Money SavesE14Mates Of State – At Least I Have YouSugar and The Hi Lows - Stubborn Lover * Mathclub - Brand NewE15Civil Twilight - Fire EscapePreviewWe Were Promised Jet - packsMedicinePreviewDum Dum Girls - Teardrops On My PillowPreviewUme - RubiconE16Gary Clark Jr. - Don't Owe You A ThangGods Of Macho - Let's DanceBlack Daniel - Snakeskin HeartMagic Wands - Black MagicThe Features - How It StartsPreviewE17Telekinesis - Country LaneAWOLNATION - Guilty Filthy SoulThe Kills - Future Starts SlowE18Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Shame And FortuneSleigh Bells - DemonsE19Civil Twilight - Dying To Be Born Christel Alsos - When The Light Dies Out Mississippi Twilight - Starting NowThe Strange Familiar - RedemptionE20The Fray - Be Still 很好听Caro Emerald - That ManE21The Gods Of Macho - RenoMiddle Class RutStart To RunAnalogue RevolutionLightWe Were Promised JetpacksAct On Impulse James Carrington - AcheE22Pink - So WhatLow vs. Diamond - WastedShadow Rewind - AirplaneMetric - Sick Muse第四季S04 E18歌曲: “Why Try”歌手: Young Summer時刻: Stefan 和 Damon 的談心對話關於 Elena.歌曲: “Forget Me Not”歌手: The Civil Wars時刻: 餐廳裡面放的歌Song: “Days Long Gone”Artist: Don GallardoS04E17歌名: “Psycho Killer”歌手: Talking Heads音乐时刻: Damon 告诉一个男的他将要吸他的血歌名: “Ask the Angels”歌手: Dead Sara音乐时刻: Damon回想与Lexi向另一名女的吸血歌名: “Loudmouth”歌手: Cary Brothers音乐时刻: Damon 闪回歌名: “Lemon Scent”歌手: Dead Sara音乐时刻: Rebekah 告诉 Elena 她们应该联合起来歌名: “Let's Dance”歌手: Ramones音乐时刻: Damon 回想和Lexi亲热歌名: “Heartbeat”歌手: Kopecky Family Band音乐时刻: Rebekah 和 Elena 偷了Damon的车.歌名: “Arms and Enemies”歌手: The Quiet Kind音乐时刻: Caroline 和 Klaus 把巫师们埋葬. S04E16歌曲: 5 to 9歌手: FIDLAR音乐时刻: Elena 看到Jeremy的追悼传单.歌曲: “Temporary”歌手: White Rabbits音乐时刻: Elena 到达啦啦队比赛现场歌曲: “Lions of Least”歌手: Pontiak音乐时刻: Caroline 责骂 Elena 吸啦啦队员血歌曲: “I Love It”歌手: Icona Pop音乐时刻: Elena 开了一个派对歌曲: Miracle Mile歌手: Cold War Kids音乐时刻: Caroline 和 Stefan 看着 Elena 跳舞的时候歌曲: Professional Griefers歌手: Deadmau5音乐时刻: Elena tries to bite Sheriff Forbes.歌曲: Dance With Me歌手: Ra Ra Riot音乐时刻: Damon告诉Rebekah她最好做一个吸血鬼的时候歌曲: Control歌手: Garbage音乐时刻: Klaus 和and Hayley 厮混的时候歌曲: Anymore of This歌手: Mindy Smith and Matthew Perryman Jones音乐时刻: Caroline 接到Tyler的信的时候歌曲: White on White歌手: FIDLAR音乐时刻: Elena 和 Damon 去纽约的时候S04E14/15Song: “Family”Artist:Noah GundersenMusic moment: Elena (Nina Dobrev) burns down the houseSong: “Been a Long Day”Artist: Rosi GolanMusic moment: Caroline (Candice Accola) tells Tyler (Michael Trevino) to live his life without herS04E12歌曲: “Another Girl”歌手: Wild Belle時刻: Stefan在Rebekah身邊起來, 想要逃開的時候歌曲: “99 Luftballons”歌手: Gothic Sluts, Inc.時刻: Bonnie 在吹氣球的時候歌曲: “Lovesong”歌曲: “Wanted Dead or Alive”歌手: Bon Jovi時刻: Stefan 在緬懷 Lexi 的時候歌曲: “If You Were Here”歌手: Cary Brothers時刻: Stefan 和 Rebekah 在玩 Breakfast club 滑動的時候歌曲: “Maneater”歌手: Bird and the Bee時刻: Rebekah在挑裙子去舞會的時候S04E 11曲目: “Sleep Alone”歌手: Two Door Cinema Club時刻: Stefan裸上半身和Bex聊天的時候曲目: “Missing”歌手: The xx時刻: Bex告訴 Stefan 愛是黯淡的的时候曲目: “Skin”歌手: Zola Jesus時刻: Stefan 告訴 Elena 當他不再愛她的時候她不會再看見他的時候曲目: “16 Years”歌手: PhantogramSE04 10曲目: “Shooting the Moon”歌手: Mona时刻: Caroline 和 Stefan 聊天, 当他在 Mystic Grill 喝酒的时候曲目: “Go Right Ahead”歌手: The Hives时刻: Damon 听着Elena的语音留言, Jeremy和Matt对打的时候曲目: “New York”歌手: Snow Patrol时刻: 当Elena 告诉Damon她爱他的时候 (这首插曲原本是打算放在第三季第10集DE第一吻的时刻, 但是后来改变了主意, Holding on and letting go那首歌也很好听~)曲目: “Nothing Will Ever Change (This Love of Mine)”歌手: Jimmy Jules时刻: Klaus 站在一群正在转化的吸血鬼中间的时候S04E08歌曲: “Take You to the Mistletoe”歌手: The Kicks歌词:Don’t you know it’s cold outside, so I think you should come in close歌曲: “O Holy Night”歌手: Cary Brothers时刻: Tyler 和 Hayley 聊天, Klaus 屠杀的时候歌曲: Christmas Wrapping歌手: The Waitresses歌曲: “Christmas Song”歌手: Ravonettes时刻: Tyler的妈妈担心他不能高中毕业的时候歌曲: “Christmas Treat”歌手: Julian Casablancas歌曲: “Jingle Bells”歌手: Sugar & The Hi Lows时刻: Klaush和Stefan讨论杀人的时候歌曲: “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas”歌手: Digital Daggers时刻: Klaus 和 Carol Lockwood谈话的时候歌曲: “Oblivion”歌手: Bastille时刻: Elena 吻 Damon, Bonnie 和 Jeremy 说再见的时候S04E07Song: “Let's Go”Artist: Matt & KimMusic moment: Pageant prepSong: “Little Deschutes”Artist: Laura VeirsMusic moment: Pageant dancingSong: "Ain't Fair"Artist: Deap VallyMusic moment: Hayley does some sire bond breakingSong: "Ordinary World" (Cover of Duran Duran)Artist: Vitamin String QuartetMusic moment: Hayley messes with the Miss Mystic Falls crownSong: “Falling Slowly”Artist: Vitamin String Quartet (cover of The Swell Season) Music moment: Klaus and Caroline flirtSong: “Kiss Me”Artist: Ed SheeranMusic moment: Damon and Elena have sexS04E06歌曲: “The Thread of the Thing”歌手: Fay Wolf时刻: Damon 和Elena 聊到Stefan的时候歌曲: “Same Ol'”歌手: The Heavy时刻: Hayley 用酒来悼念Dean歌曲: “Bedroom Eyes”歌手: Dum Dum Girls时刻: Klaus 告诉Caroline他不会让Tyler伤害她的时候歌曲: “Away Frm U”歌手: Oberhofer时刻: Caroline告诉Klaus她在分散他的注意力歌曲: “It's Alive”歌手: A Fine Frenzy时刻: Matt 告诉Damon一些关于Professor Shane的事歌曲: "Walking Blind"歌手: Aidan Hawken and Carina Round时刻: Stefan和Elena分手的时候S04E051Daughter - Smother2Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Tick3Cat Power - Keep On Runnin'4The Album Leaf - The Light第五季(更新至S05E20)歌手: Vampire Weekend歌曲: "Unbelievers"场景: Elena 发邮件给 Bonnie 告诉她夏天发生的事.部分歌词: Got a little soulThe world is a cold, cold place to beWant a little warmthBut who’s gonna save a little warmth for me?歌手: Lorde歌曲: “Royals”场景: Elena 在给Damon最后一个吻接着去大学Lyrics: I've never seen a diamond in the fleshI cut my teeth on wedding rings in the movies.And I'm not proud of my addressIn the torn up town, no post code envy.歌手: NONONO歌曲: “Pumpin Blood”场景: Rebekah 与 Matt 在派对对质.部分歌词: Hey heart, on the road againMoving on forwardStick and stones won't break our bonesWe're in the car on the highwayIt's a magical feeling that no one's got a homeYou're out calling, still young, happiness in all.歌手: Smallpools歌曲: “Dreaming”场景: Elena and Caroline 到达他们大学第一个派对部分歌词: I see the place that we belong together.. together.Like we were something more.And it felt like maybe we could last forever..foreverBut you led them to our hideout,Forced their way inside, now they want us to to surrender. 歌手: Cary Brothers歌曲: “Run Away”场景: Damon 在车祸之后安抚Jeremy. Tyler 伤透了 Caroline 的心.部分歌词: It's another day,And I suffocateWith no peace of mindAnd the forecast tells of a summer storm.S05E03Bass Drum Of Death “Way Out”Empires “Hello Lover”Fitz & The Tantrums “Dear Mr. President”Metric “Breathing Underwater”J. Roddy Walston & The Business “Hard Times”Sara Bareilles “Satellite Call”S05E04歌曲: "I've Got Friends" 歌手: Manchester Orchestra场景: Damon 和 Stefan 在车上; Damon 把车毁坏.歌曲: "Back Against the Wall" 歌手: Cage the Elephant场景: Bonnie 看着 Jeremy 健身.歌曲: "Longest Night" 歌手: Howie Day场景: Stefan 和 Elena 在学校楼顶聊天.歌曲: "Hearts Like Ours" 歌手: The Naked and Famous场景: Jesse 和 Caroline 学习; 他们接吻歌曲: "Gravity" 歌手: Sara Bareilles场景: Elena 和 Stefan在 Wickery桥附近聊天歌曲: "Without a Word" 歌手: Birdy场景: Elena, Caroline, Matt, Damon 和 Jeremy为Bonnie办丧礼S05E05Brooke Annibale “You Don’t Know”2. Barbara Brown “Send Him To Me”3. Meiko “Bad Things”4. Cults “Most Wanted”5. Cary Brothers “Never Tear Us Apart”6. The Delta Riggs “Stars”7. OneRepublic “Au Revoir”S05E06Tame Impala “Elephant”Wild Belle “Shine In The Sun”The Delta Riggs “Stars”Queens Of The Stone Age “Keep Your Eyes Peeled”Fitz & The Tantrums “The Walker”Fitz & The Tantrums “Spark”Dum Dum Girls “Coming Down”S05E07The Originals Season 1 Episode 7 "Bloodletting 放血" 插曲列表:The Neighbourhood “Let It Go”场景: 剧中刚开始, 镜头由Marcel家的门口慢慢进入; "格斗之夜"的打斗的背景音乐King Krule “Easy Easy”场景: 镜头由街道进入到 Marcel管辖下的供吸血鬼玩乐的酒吧 (大约在8:25); Marcel与 Josh 聊天Yeah Yeah Yeahs “Subway”场景: Davina 与 Josh 聊天 (大约在34:20)The Naked & Famous “Grow Old”场景: Klaus独自喝酒的时候Rebekah出现 (大约在38:11)S05E08“Lonesome Road” by Junior Kimbrough: 當Rebekah和Kieran神父告解“Gamblin’man” by Banzai Republic: 當Marcel開始走在法語區的街上“Out of the Blue” by Prides: Plays when Klaus 現身和Josh在車房見面“Bartholomew” by The Silent Comedy: 當Klaus探訪Marcel並發現所有的本地吸血鬼都聯手對付他“Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child” by Dr. Michael White: 當Klaus把所有在戰鬥中死亡的吸血鬼燒死Artist: Deap VallySong: "Creeplife"Scene: Katherine tries to write down her "feelings" in a diary.Artist: Patsy ClineSong: "Walkin' After Midnight"Scene: Damon meets Enzo in the Whitmore cells.Artist: Eddie RobbinsSong: "A Girl Like You"Scene: Flashback to Enzo and Damon planning their escape from Whitmore. Artist: SantigoldSong: "My Superman"Scene: Katherine and Stefan kiss in the library.S05E10Artist: Yeah Yeah YeahsSong: "Slave"Scene: Beginning of the episode; Damon tries to break out of his cell in Whitmore House.Artist: alt-JSong: "Fitzpleasure"Scene: Katherine wakes up in bed next to Stefan and discovers a lock of hair that had fallen out. She promptly runs to the bathroom.Artist: LordeSong: "The Love Club"Scene: Matt is training Katherine in the woods, when she discovers she might be going deaf. She panics and Nadia enters the scene.Artist: KodalineSong: "All I Want"Scene: End of the episode; Katherine and Stefan talk; Wes confronts Aaron; Katherine agrees to go with Nadia's plan; Katherine falls down the stairs after she suffers a heart attack.插曲列表:歌手: The Fray歌曲: "Love Don't Die"场景: 剧集的开头, Damon和Elena都在不爽他们的分手歌手:Jagwar Ma歌曲: "Come Save Me"场景: Elena她们加入Damon他们的喝酒游戏并且分享Katherine的故事- 对他们所干过的坏事歌手: Sarah Blasko歌曲: "Illusory Light"场景: Stefan 准备和Katherine说永别; Katherine有一个关于他父亲死亡的闪回, Stefan告诉她她会得到安息歌手: Passenger歌曲: "Let Her Go"场景: Damon 和 Stefan 边喝酒边谈论 Katherine 在Salvatore别墅.S05E12S05E13S05E14S05E15S05E16S05E17Artist: The Head and the HeartSong: "Shake"Scene: Damon and Elena finally get out of bed – and proceed to hook up again.Artist: Arctic MonkeysSong: "Do I Wanna Know?"Scene: Damon and Elena walk through the halls of Mystic Falls High talking about Jeremy; Damon pushes Elena up against the lockers and tells her all the naughty things he wants to do to her.Artist: Ingrid MichaelsonSong: "Girls Chase Boys"Scene: Caroline contemplates ways to kill Tom while he eats pancakes at a diner. Artist: Amy StroupSong: "Far From Yesterday"Scene: Stefan tells Caroline he knew she couldn't kill Tom; Damon catches Elena packing up her things; Bonnie leaves a voice mail for Jeremy.S05E18Artist: Sara HickmanSong: “Mad World”Scene: Beginning of the episode: in an alternate dream world, Elena and Stefan meet each other for the first time.Artist: WolfmotherSong: “Woman”Scene: Enzo and Damon talk about Damon and Elena's current relationship status before Damon turns the conversation to Enzo’s quest to find Maggie. Artist: The Lonely ForestSong: “Warm/Happy”Scene: Elena awakens from current daydream about Stefan at the bar; Caroline questions Elena about her visions when she receives a call from Stefan.Artist: Angus StoneSong: “It Was Blue”Scene: Liv explains to Tyler, Jeremy, and Matt that they have make sure that they aren't currently possessed by a Traveler; The boys must be stabbed by the Traveler knife.Artist: M83Song: “Outro”Scene: Damon tells Elena he doesn't want to see her anymore.S05E19Artist:Angus StoneSong: “Be What You Be”Scene: Beginning of the episode; Stefan is helping Elena study.Artist: U.S. RoyaltySong: “Breathless”Scene: Enzo walks into the coffee shop; Bonnie asks Liv if she knows Enzo; Enzo walks over to Stefan and Elena and begins to question Stefan about what happened to Maggie in 1960.Artist: Brick + MortarSong: “Locked In a Cage”Scene: Flashback of Maggie and Enzo; Enzo is in the cage and Maggie is in the chair outside his cell taking notes.Artist: Lee Silver ProductionsSong: “Ninety Nine Pounds of Dynamite”Scene: Flashback of Damon meeting Maggie for the first time.Artist: Lee Silver ProductionsSong: “Poor Little Girl”Scene: Maggie pleads with Enzo to make her a vampire; Maggie leaves Whitmore House after being compelled.Artist: Johnny AngelSong: “Starlight”Scene: Damon meets up with Maggie in a flashback.S05E20Artist: KerliSong: “Chemical”Scene: Damon kisses Elena because he “had a really crappy day.”Artist: LuciusSong: “Turn It Around”Scene: Damon, Caroline, Elena, and Stefan play charades.。



吸血鬼日记经典台词【Katherine】1.kiss me or kill me. 吻我或者杀了我。

2.Better you die than I die 你死总比我死好。

3.Hello, John;goodbye ,John. 你好,John;再见,John.【Damon】1.I don't deserve you ,but my bother does. 我配不上你,但是我弟弟可以。

2.I will always choose you. 我一直都会选择你。

3.I don't mind being the bad guy;I'll make all the life and death decisions,while you'rebusy worr ying about collateral damage.I'll even let her hate me for it. But at the end of the day, I'll be the o ne to keep her alive. 我不介意当一个坏人;但你还在忙于考虑利害关系,我已经做了生死决定;我甚至会让她因为而恨我;但是到了最后,只有我能让她活下来。

4.I promise you, I will never leave you again 我向你承诺,我永远都不会再离开你5.Two is company,three is party。

两人作伴,三人聚会6.No matter where you go ,I will be there to pull you back;Cause right now, you are all I got. 无论你走多远,我都会在这里拉你回来;因为现在,我只有你了。

7.Because when people see good,they expect good.And I don't want to have to live up to anyone 's expectations. 因为当人们看见好的一面,他们就期待好的。

2019-《吸血鬼日记》口语精华 3-实用word文档 (2页)

2019-《吸血鬼日记》口语精华 3-实用word文档 (2页)
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《吸血ush now .
2. Fair enough .
3. Head on home .
4. Youre all lame .
5. Quite the temper .
6. No turning back .
7. Call it a hunch .
8. Well , the verdicts in .
9. Dont be an ass .
10. Dont leave out the hard part .
11. If you want to make an omelet , you have to break a few eggs .
1. Stefan : I listen to the words that come out of your mouth , and all I hear is the sound of your heart pumping blood through your body . And when that clock ticks down ... Im going to have to feed on you .
2. Klaus : Now this is fascinating . Ive never seen this before . The only thing stronger than your craving for blood is your love for this one girl . Why dont you turn it off ?
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Mystic Falls... I was born here.This is my home.- And mine. - And mine.For centuries, supernatural creatures have lived among us. They were vampires, werewolves, doppelgangers...- witches. - And even hybrids.Some search for a cure...No matter what the consequences.Others plot a revolution.Do you want to be free?We have to work together.And some try to walk away.Elena is sired to Damon.You don't think I'm gonna be able to do what I need to when I have to tell Elena to stay away from me.I know what you're about to do.Please don't do this to me.I'm not the good guy, remember?I'm the selfish one.But I have to do the right thing by you.This would be so much more fun if we were naked.That was your call, not mine.I was being a gentleman.You shouldn't have stayed.I know.I should have made you leave,sent you packing.I promised Stefan.I know.You're sired to me, Elena,which means everything that you think you feelmight not even be real.I know, Damon, but...It feels real.And I'm not ready to let go of that.I could make you.Invoke the sire bond.So do it.I told him I would set you free.Right after I didn't tell him that we slept together.So, what do you want to do?I want to throw you back in my bed and never let you leave. So do it.Saved by the cell phone.I have to meet Bonnie.She's teaching Jeremy how not to kill me.Want to come?Looks like a giant snowflake.I prefer to think of it as an expression of post-modernism.It's my donation to the Winter Wonderland Charity Event. You said it was urgent?Yes. Take this to the Mystic Grill immediately.You want me to be a delivery guy?What I want is for you to do whatever I say,without the attitude.Be careful with that.It's still wet.Abraham lincoln freed the slaves, you know.What is the point of my hybrids being sired to meif I can't maximize on the benefits of free labor?What are you doing here?Elena is sired to Damon.I into it as much.Which means I need to find the cure now more than ever, and here you are making post-modern snowflakes.I've delivered.I retrieved the hunter's sword from Italy,Which 'll use to decipher the maphidden in the hunter's mark.You're the one who's supposed to deliver the hunterand his mark.Jeremy is the hunter,and he has to keep killing vampires to complete his mark, but we can't quite figure out how to keep him from killing us. Sounds like quite the chore,which is why I feel perfectly justifiedin doing a little charity work.Or maybe you're lying about having found the sword.Why would I lie to you, Sefan?We're in this together.The hilt acts as a cypher whichwe'll use to decode the marks on Jeremy's tattoowhen he's killed enough vampiresto complete it.I heard you moved out of your house.Bit of a martyr move?I'm not here to bond, Klaus.On the contrary,I think right now I'm the best friend you've got.I'm sick of taking his crap.I should rip his throat off,see if he can boss us around without a larynx.You won't have to take it much longer.You keep saying that, but here we are hiding,plotting a revolution that's never gonna happen.Never say never.And never say I don't pull through.I found the witch that's gonna save your lives.Are you serious?We promised you guys we'd free you from Klaus.You did your part by breaking your sire bond.Now Hayley and I are going to do ours.You're going to do what?Hayley found a witch strong enough to do the body-jump spell-- You know, the Klaus specialty.So you're going to put him in someone else's body,And then what?We'll encase the body in concrete, then bury it.Why not just desiccate him like Bonnie did?Because to do that spell,you have to stop a human heart.I was a little short of volunteers.Who was dumb enough to volunteertheir body to be a Klaus sublet?Ok, don't freak out.Freak out?Freak out?I'm about to hemorrhage. You volunteered?It's not forever,just long enough for the hybrids to be able to completely disappear.I can think of better ways for us to spend our senior yearthan you buried in concrete, Tyler.This started with me.This has to end with me.I need your support.Jeremy?They shouldn't be here.They're here to help you.Do you trust me?Yeah, I trust you.Let's go inside.What the hell is professor shadypants doing here?I invited him.Hey, listen. We are ready to get started,but before we can do that,we need her...in here.This is your house now, Jer.You have to invite me in.Go ahead, Jeremy. Invite her in.You can come in.Jeremy!Hey. Sorry. I know I'm late.If I'm gonna be a friend in your time of need,then you need to work on your punctuality.I'm in a crisis. Where are you?I'm at my house. Why? What's wrong?My boyfriend dumb-ass martyr.And why are you at your house?Aren't you trying to keep your distance from Elena? Well, she's not here anymore.Damon took Jeremy Gilbert lake house with Bonnie,so I guess her house is safe for her again.Hey, listen, I got Klaus to tell mea little bit more hunter's sword.You know that map in Jeremy's tattoo?The sword decodes it.It's literally the key to finding the cure.Klaus told you this?Yeah. Why?And did he happen to hand over the sword for safekeeping? Uh, what do you think?What's wrong?We need to get our hands on that sword, like, today.Tyler his hybrids are taking out Klaus tonight.Here to steal Tiny Tim's crutches?Dickens was a dark man.You would have liked him.Nice snowflake, by the way.Is my work really that literal?I'm serious.There's something...Lonely about it.I'm gonna take that as a compliment.Can I offer you some champagne?Can't. Too many adult prying eyes.Don't wanna be a high-school cautionary taleat the next town meeting.Well, then, it's a good thingthe high-school part is nearly over.If we're gonna be nice to each other,then I will need that glass of champagne.Is that our thing?We don't have a "thing."Allow me.Well, he's not walking around with it.Check the rest of the house.I am. I haven't found anything.Try the sock drawer.People leave the sketchiest stuff in sock drawers. I'm gonna need real ideas, Damon.Here's two: kill Tyler before he goes to Klaus,or, since Klaus has suddenly become MVPin our ray race for the cure,tell him about the hybrids. And he will kill Tyler. Nobody's killing Tyler.Hello?Stef.Look, I know it's a touchy subject,but do you know where Elena is today?I think she's running around...trying to figure out how to deprogram Jeremy.W'd take it last night--You telling her to stay away from you?Not well.You ok?Peachy.Got to go Bonnie's enlisted Dr. Evilin her plan, and I have to thwart him.All Jeremy feels when he sees a vampireis a burning desire to kill them.Even if consciously he doesn't want to,as in your case,it's his subconscious that's calling the shots. Persuasion helps reverse your conscious thoughts. Think of it as kind of a conditioned response, right? See vampire, kill vampire.What I'm doing is creating a kind of middle step.It's like a detour where his subconsciouslearns to recognize you as someone he loves,someone he wants to protect.And that gives him a choice.He can choose to take the detourinstead of a conditioned response.Ok. Talk to him. He'll listen.I'm not... sure what to say.You chose to do this hereat your family's vacation house, right?So maybe just start by telling him why.Every holiday, we came here.This place was family,and when mom and dad died,Jenna made us come here,and we thoug it was an awful idea,but it was like they were here with us.They would have wanted us to stick together, Jer...To fight for each otherno matter what.Jeremy, how do you feel about Elena right now?She ruin our lifes.She's not even my real sister.She's just the reason thateveryone I've ever loved has died.She means nothing to me.I will kill her even if that means I die myself.Did it work?Did you find the sword?Nope.What are we gonna do now?Klaus is the only shot we have at finding the cure.We need him. Tyler has to call it off.Well, that's not gonna happen.You told him?I've had 12 hybrids sworn to secrecy for a month.I have Hayley and a witch risking their lives,and you're blabbing my plan to him?Look, all I'm asking you for is a little bit of time, ok? How long? An hour? A day?Because every minute that goes by that we don't do this, they're at risk.You and Klaus alreadyserved one of them up for Jeremy to kill.I don't owe you anything.I'm taking him out.I'm sorry, but I can't let you do that.Stephan--I'm sorry, but I can't.Stefan.Sorry, man, but you don't have a choice.You're not allowed to feel this sorry for yourselfunless you're sitting on a bar stool.Fortunately, I travel with we bar.It didn't work.I shouldn't have put so much hopeinto reprogramming someone's mind.If it were that easy,Then you and I wouldn't be in this situation.Right?Last time I was here,I was so completely in love with Stefan.Now it's barely a memory.Is that the sire bond...or just that I'm so happy to be here with you?Maybe there's something else they can try.Tyler.Keep them down here untilwe're ready to bring Klaus in.Use these if you have to.Come on, Tyler.This is bigger than you.It's about more than revenge for us.I know what it's about for you, Stefan.It's about the cure.You know what happens to a hybridwhen he's cured of being a vampire?We go back to being werewolves,turning on every full moon.We could give a rat's ass about the cure.Tyler, come on.I needed you on my side, Caro.That's all I wanted.You ok?Shane wants to try again.Survey says...Professor Shane has been dipping into the magical herbs a little too much if he thinks using a vampire to suppress the need to kill another one is going to work on a hunter. It's like dangling a cheeseburgerin front of someone on a master cleanse.Just find someone else to touchyour warm and fuzzy detour feelings to.Gee, I wonder who that could be.You.I feel that way about you.Well, this isn't awkward at all.I'll be...anywhere else.It was good thinking using Bonnieas Jeremy's emotional touchstone.Damon is very intuitive.And Bonnie told meabout your relationship with him.I don't mean pry, obviously.It'plicated.Any ideas how to hypnotize me out of it?You know, in all my world travels,the one spell that I've never foundis how to break some one from loving too much.Trust me, I've looked.My wife and son died.I was just--I was trying to figure out a way not to miss them. If your hypno-herbs work,we should be singing "Kumbaya" around the fire by dinner. So now tell me why I'm not killing you.Damon.I'm serious.Why are you after the vampire cure?I didn't say I was looking for the cure,but I can tell you where to find it.Klaus' sword tellls us where to find.The sword will lead you there, sure,but so can I.What? How?Because I've already been there.Instruct the guest to drop their donationsat the gift tree in the grill.Yes, ma'am.Excuse me.There you are.Quick, a toast before people can judge us.What's wrong?Please say something.But you'll miss graduation.Which...I guess is a ridiculous thing to worry about. I'm their alpha.They're looking to me to help them.You do what you have to do, Tyler.Don't look so shocked.I'm trying to channel your father.He'd be proud of you, you know.You're a leader of people, just like he was.Thank you, mom.It's a rock.It's not just any rock.Hmm. So this is the little wives' talethat you told at the occult exhibit?All right, long story short--Once upon a time, there was a witch named Silas who loved a girl and wanted to be with her forever. So he and his best friend, another witch,made an immortality spell.And then Silas' best friend witch got jealousand killed Silas' girlbefore he had a chance to make her immortal. Well, cursed to an eternity without his one true love, Silas finds a way to reverse the immortality spell. And then, before he has a chance to take it,his former friend buries him underground,leaving him and the cure to rot.So it's a cure for immortality?Human blood is the life force of an immortal.No more immortality,no more need to feed on blood.You dig up Silas,and you've got your cure.Oh, this is ridiculous.We are not hostages.Sure you are, sweetie.Relax.It's my brother.What's up?Don't ask how or why or who,but I just found the answer to your Tyler problem. You're kidding.We don't need the sword.This is the markof the brotherhood of the five.Then up the arm, you have the murderof a girl by a witch.The symbols in the vines are your map,which you obviously no longer need.When this mark is complete,it will contain the spell that we needto dig up Silas.And where did you say he was buried?Oh, I forgot. You didn't.You've threatened to kill me, what,like, 3 times already this week?The location is how I'm gonna survive your bad moods. And what's in it for you?If not the cure, then what?I'm in this for Silas, all right?Up until this point, he's only been a myth.So write a thesis.Would you rather be the guy who writes about Noah's Ark or the one who sails it down the Hudson River?I'm not buying it.You don't have to buy anything.You just have to believethat I can fix your brotherand when his hunter's mark is complete,I'm gonna take you to the cure.How the hell did you even get out?I got out because even your idiot hybridsrecognized the stupidityof your alpha hybrid martyr plan.I'm not going to fight with you anymore, Caroline.Oh, we're gonna do plenty of fighting,the second that you shove Klaus into someone else's body. We've been through this. I don't have anyone else's body. Yeah? Well, I do.What? Who?Klaus' sister Rebekah.She's got a dagger in her.Stefan's been hiding her coffin in the tunnels.We dump Klaus into her body and bury her.We just killed two original birds with one stone.It's too late to change the plans.Call Bonnie.Make sure it'll work.Tyler.It's a brilliant plan, Hayley.You're a genius. I love you.I love you, even when I hate you.I got to go find my mom,let her know I might actually graduate.How's it going?I think we're making progress.Caroline, hey.Bonnie, I need you to think fast.I know that the daggers don't work on Klaus,but what if we put his essence into Rebekah?It'll work, right? Say it'll work.Slow down what's happening?Just come on, Bonnie. Will it work?Yeah. I don't see why not.Bonnie Bennett, I love you.Do you need my help?I can leave Elena here with Jeremy.Elena? She's there, too?Yeah, she came here with Damon,who's being slightly less horrible than usual.You know what? I can't deal with this right now.She said it would work.I gathered. Congratulations.Thank you.My pleasure.Jer and I should take these decorations home with us.We could use the holiday cheer.Look at you, suddenly ply optimist.I think Shane's gonna get us through this.I trust him.Which you clearly don't.Maybe because I think he blew up 12 people at the Young farm. What?A little tip, professor,I heard you before you even took your first step.I see we're back to thefalse accusation part of our relationship.What is he talking about?Da--Damon discovered that I was in contactPastor Young prior to the explosion at the Young farm.The pastor was severely depressed.He had lost his wife to cancer,and he sought me out for a little supernatural assistance.I tried to help, but he was too far gone.It's just I never expected that he'd take 12 innocents with him. Elena.It's ok.I think we've got this.Elena, don't move, ok?No matter what.Jeremy, remember the detour.Choose the right path.She doesn't like me much.Where have you been all day?I've been around.I'm not interested in vagaries, Stefan.You've been dodgy and Caroline's been lovely,which I've come to recognize as a tool of distraction.Now do you have something to share with me,or should I compel it out of you?I broke into your safe to look for the sword.Why?Because I don't trust you.I showed you the sword.I explained its value.I've been on your side the entire time.What do you want from me?A secret brotherhood handshake?I found the letters.You have a few pen pals over the centuries.Well, is keeping my victims' letters really so differentfrom writing their names on a wall,like you did?Ripper?Loneliness, Stefan.That's why you and I memorialize our dead.There's the briefest of moments before we killwhere we literally hold their life in our hands,and then we rip it away,and we're left nothing.So gathering other people's lettersor writing their names on a wall--It's a reminder...that in the end we're left infinitelyand utterly alone.Oh. Sorry.Hello? Are you ok?Oh, my gosh! Caroline!Somebody help! Help!Holy crap!Have you seen Hayley?You didn't have a pulse.You were dead.Stefan, it's me.That little werewolf slut has lost her mind.Go to the Lockwood cellar and make surethat Rebekah's body is still there.I'm gonna find Tyler.Hayley is trying to screw this up.Forget everything you just saw and heard.You are Miss Mystic Falls,and you have duties to fulfill.OkThere you are.Stefan has been looking for you.Adrian's leading Klaus to the cellar.How come the only time April youngisn't following you around like a lost puppyis when I'm lying dead with a broken neck?April saw you?Yeah. It's ok. I compelled her.She's--she's wearing Jere's vervain braceletShe can't be compelled.Hey, mom. I don't see you.Things have changed. It's gonna be fine.I'll be back later. I'll pick you up.What are you doing here?You're supposed to be taking the witch to the cellar. There is no witch, Tyler.What?I made it up.Where the hell is the witch?Adrian should be here any minute.Kim.No!I never intended for you to put Klaus down.I needed him for the sacrifice.The what?I don't know how to explain itbut I made a deal with someonewho can help me find my family.What are you talking about? What kind of deal? There needed to be 12 for the sacrifice, Tyler.12 what?I'm sorry.Hayley, what did you do?If you run now, you might make it out alive.Where is Tyler Lockwood?You'd do well to answer me, love.Where is he?I don't know.Wrong answer.Check this out.Jenna used that to make out with Logan Fell.All the drama you're missing, the actual fun part. Elena we can't. I can't.Damon, you can't keep telling me that this isn't real.I know how I feel and that you feel it, too,So stop fighting it.It's good to see you like that--all normal with your brother.I want that again for you.Christmas was always mine and Stefan's favorite holiday when we were kids, not that I've celebrated since.I kind of miss that.You're thinking about how upset he'll bewhen he finds out that you and I are together.I've been lying to him all day.No. You were helping me with Jeremy.The point isn't what I was doing,the point is that I'm here with you.I was supposed to invoke the sire bond, Elena.Send you away.I was supposed to do the right thing by youand the right thing by my brother.Which is what I'm gonna do right now.You're gonna go home.What? No. Damon--I'm gonna stay here with Jeremy.I'm gonna help him complete the mark.I'll teach him how to hunt.I'll protect him, and we'll kill vampireswithout you.Damon, please.I'm setting you free, Elena.This is what I want.It is what will make me happy.I can't find April. I can't reach Tyler.This is a disaster.Is this you in crisis mode?Because it's a lot more stealth than mine.I thought I'd be happierwatching Klaus get led away to the slaughter,but for some reason I can't help but feel kind of... guilty.Yeah. You and me both.All day I've been trying to remind myselfof all the horrible things he's done.See, that's the thing.We've all done horrible things.And I'm sitting here trying to figure outwhat makes us any better than him.And I think it's just that we have family we can trust. Yeah.You're right, Stefan.Trust is everything.Have you heard from Damon?Yeah. He's still with Jeremy at the lake house.Did he happen to mention...where Elena was?Wait. Why are you--why are you asking me this? They're together, aren't they?How together are they?Caroline, tell me.How together are they?Thank you.I was ready to fight you on this,but suddenly every part of my bodyis telling me that I need to get in this carand leave you.So do it.Tyler, honey,you're supposed to be in my sober cab.I think I drank half the party.Good evening, Carol.If you're looking for Tyler,I'd like a little word with him myself.Klaus, please.Don't hurt him.He's my son.He's all I have.And you're all he has.There's a beautiful symmetry to that, don't you think?。
