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Sunset and Moonrise on the River
The departing sunbeams pave a way on the river,
Half of its waves turn red and the other half shiver. How I love the third night of the ninth moon aglow!
the pearly dew, the bow-shaped moon.
(艾黎 译)
语义选词的比较 残阳:departing sunbeams / Remnant of sunshine / A beam of the setting sun 铺:pave / spread / turn 瑟瑟,红 :turn red shiver/ emerald green reddish/ glow dark green 墨绿/ red / shiver 脱离原诗意义 可怜:How I love / lovely/ how将诗人的热爱之情升华, 将其情感表达的淋漓尽致,徐忠杰的译本未把可怜一词 译出来 月:crescent新月不仅描述月的形状,而且间接说明新 月所处季节正直秋分时节,因为初三正是新月才露的时 候。 真珠:pearls / precious pearls / pearly dew
—— 唐 白居易
一道残阳铺水中, 半江瑟瑟半江红。 可怜九月初三夜, 露似真珠月似弓。
这首诗大约是822年(长庆二年) 诗人在赴杭州任刺史的途中写的。 当时朝廷政治昏暗,斗争激烈,诗 人品尽朝官滋味,自求外任。该诗 从侧面反映出诗人离开朝廷后轻松 愉快的心情。
一道残阳铺水中,半江瑟瑟半江红。 夕阳临江,美景绚烂,半江碧绿如瑟瑟之色,半江为红 日所映。 可怜九月初三夜,露似真珠月似弓。 更让人喜爱的,是九月初三的月夜,滴滴清露就像粒粒 珍珠,一弯新月仿佛一张精巧的弓。诗人选取了红日西 沉到新月东升这一段时间里的两组景物进行描写,运用 了新颖巧妙的比喻,创造出和谐、宁静的意境。
Tห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ank you !
On the night of the third day of the ninth moon,
Dew appears as precious pearls; the moon, a bow. (徐忠杰 译)
Sunset over the River
A beam of the setting sun turns half the river dark green and the other half red ; on the lovely third night of the ninth moon---
The dewdrops look like pearls, the crescent like a bow
Sunset by the River Remnant of sunshine spread over the river. Half an emerald green; half a reddish glow.