外研版英语 宾语从句易错大盘点含答案解析

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1.The weather forecast doesn’t say _________.

A.if it rains tomorrow B.if does it rain tomorrow

C.if it will rain tomorrow D.if will it rain tomorrow






2.—Well done! You did very well in the final exam. Could you please tell me ________?—Sure. I listened to the teacher carefully and did lots of exercises.

A.which is the best way to improve my grade

B.how did you deal with to get the good marks

C.what you did to get the good marks




句意“-干的漂亮,你在期末考试中做得很好。你能告诉我你做什么来取得好成绩的吗?-好的,我认真听老师讲课并且做了许多练习”。本题考查宾语从句,宾语从句用陈述句语序,排除A和B,且根据I listened to the teacher carefully and did lots of exercises可知,表示“做什么来取得好成绩”,故选C。

3.—Excuse me, could you tell me ______?

—Sorry, sir. I wasn’t there at that time.

A.how did the accident happen B.how the accident happened

C.how does the accident happen D.how the accident happens




4.—I wonder ______.

—She always cares much about others.

A.how does Jane get on so well with her classmates

B.why Jane is generally liked by all the other classmates

C.if Jane is popular with her classmates




句意:——我想知道为什么其他同学都喜欢简。——她总是非常关心其他人。Ahow does Jane get on so well with her classmates简怎么和她的同学相处得这么好,宾语从句应使用陈述语序,可排除A;Bwhy Jane is generally liked by all the other classmates为什么其他同学都喜欢简;Cif Jane is popular with her classmates简是否受同学的欢迎。根据She always cares much about others.可知此处询问她为什么被其他同学喜欢,可排除C。故选B。

5.----I’d like to v isit Kate tomorrow. Do you know______ ?

---- Sorry, I don’t know her address, either.

A.why she lives there B.who she lives with

C.where she lives D.how she lives



试题分析:句意:----我想明天去拜访凯特。你知道她住在哪里吗?----对不起,我也不知道她的地址。再根据Sorry, I don’t know her addre ss, either.可知问住在哪儿,故选C。


6.—I'd like to know ________ for the party.

—I have no idea.

A.why did she buy so little food

B.what she has prepared

C.whether will she dance

D.when is she leaving




7.---The light in the professor’s lab was still on at 11:00 o’clock. Do you know ?

---maybe at midnight again.

A.how long has he worked B.why does he stay up so late

C.if he is busy studying D.when he stopped working




句意“-教授实验室的灯仍然亮着,你知道他什么时候停止工作吗?-可能再一次到半夜”。本题考查宾语从句,宾语从句用陈述句语序,排除A和B;且根据maybe at midnight again可知,应问“他何时停止工作”,故选D。
