4.14 其它质量问题
泛硝:轻微,可以上色; 严重,无法修复。
勾心断:无法修复。 鞋内有钉:可以修复。 掉装饰扣:可以修复。 勾心软/勾心松动:可以修复。 ……
4.8 鞋口处断裂
产生原因: 受力过大或缝线不到位造成撕裂等。
解决方法: 轻度断裂可以返修。
4.9 断帮脚
产生原因: 1、皮革的爆破强度没有达到要求。 2、在生产操作过程中, 打砂轮时打磨过深。 3、鞋款与消费者脚型不合适, 穿着不当对 帮面破坏严重等因素, 造成断帮脚。
解决方法: 轻度可以返修,重度依照三包规定。
4.10 断面
1、腐蚀性断面: 皮革纤维组织受到破坏。在制鞋 的操作过程中,因为使用化学处置剂等腐蚀性 强的化学品而引起。
2、脆性断面:皮革的粒面层硬、板、没有弹性。 本身的皮质或因为温度使纤维受到破坏,或者 一些重复性操作使皮革失去弹性,会造成此种 断面。
2 常用帮面选料
羊皮 猪皮
2.1 常用革的分类
天然革 PVC人造革 PU人造革
2. 2 真皮分类
按来源分 按层次分 按皮面分 按工艺分
2.2.1 按来源 分
牛皮 羊皮 猪皮 马皮 鳄鱼皮 蜥蜴皮 ……
• 8周后,伤口明显改善
美皮康®有边型(Mepilex Border) 帖敷示意图
Inspiring Confidence
临床案例4:美皮康®骶尾部有边型 (Mepilex Border Sacrum)治疗骶尾部压疮
• 美皮康®(Mepilex)系列敷料
美皮康®普通型(Mepilex) 美皮康®薄型(Mepilex Lite) 美皮康®有边型(Mepilex Border)
美皮康®有边薄型 (Mepilex Border Lite)
• 特殊的骶尾部形 状设计
• 可用于任何时期的 骶尾部压疮
美皮康®骶尾部有边型 (Mepilex Border Sacrum)使用说明
揭除中间保护膜 先贴敷中间位置 揭掉两边的保护膜 确认敷料没有卷折
(五)美皮康®有边薄型 (Mepilex Border Lite)
适用科室: • 烧伤科、整形科、神经外科、血管科、骨科 、伤口中心 、
内分泌科 、 门诊换药室 适应症:适用于少量至中等量渗出液伤口 • 压疮、糖尿病足、动静脉溃疡、创伤性伤口、Ⅱ度烧伤、周
围皮肤受损/脆弱的伤口、 难于贴敷的伤口
美皮康®普通型(Mepilex) 使用说明
清洁伤口,揭掉 一边的保护膜
羧甲基纤维素钠( CMC)粘胶
佳洁士经典推广培训 128页PPT
10% 10% 8%
牙刷(MSU) 33,452 35,124 42,693
72,057 77,319
香皂(MSU) 41,708 42,847
总体 城市 农村
用牙膏刷牙(%) 刷牙频率(次/天)
92 100 89 1.2 1.7 1.1
佳 洁士, 真棒!
主要内容 • 牙刷的消费者需求 • 亮齿洁牙刷的竞争优势
– 彻底清洁牙齿 – 清洁牙缝,大牙等难以清洁的部位
– 刷头 – 刷柄 – 刷毛形状 – 刷毛硬度
中等大小 70%
中等刷毛 80%
7/8, 96
分销渠道的 重要性 (%)
杂货店/小店 其他
7/8, 96
中华 两面针 黑妹 高露洁 洁诺
市场占有率% 分销%
82 92
78 92
30 62
14 43
评价“极好/ 很好” 高26%
• 消费者产品使用测试表明:
» 亮齿洁牙刷更深入清洁牙缝?亮齿洁牙刷具有出色的 清洁后排大牙的效果
所有“马飞仕图”鞋均由工艺精湛的专业制鞋匠以手工精制完成。秉承着优良的传统技术,每双 鞋的制成平均需要160道工序。这也正是“马飞仕图”鞋具有无与伦比的舒适感和质量,并被全 球消费者所欣赏的原因。
就像我们使用最好的真皮一样,我们精心选择最好的原料。比如纯天然橡胶、乳胶和软木,这 使得您的脚倍感舒服。
目标 马飞仕图的理念 品牌历程 全球足迹 店铺形象 马飞仕图在中国 卓越之处 产品系列 市场推广 名仕之选 荣誉奖项
我们的目标: 我们的目标:
生产世界上最棒的皮鞋! 生产世界上最棒的皮鞋!
为达此目的,我们选用最优质的真皮,上等的材料和拥有高超技术的员工。 这是我们已赢得消费者依赖的既定路向。
“马飞仕图”鞋均采用顶级真皮,天然且不易变形。为了确保无污染,我们使用全天然透明的 苯胺着色剂。它赋予顶级真皮优质、卓越而丰富的纹理质感,而无任何刺激作用,确保鞋履舒适 耐用。因此,“马飞仕图”鞋所使用的真皮不含PCP,安全有保证。
这种技术是“马飞仕图”独家发明并拥有的。 技术是 仕图”独家发明并拥有的。
2011年富士山洗衣机产品功能销售卖点培训教材(PPT 36页)
•带水脱水:清洁机器、避免细菌滋生。 洗衣机干净,洗出来的衣物才干净。普 通洗衣机在使用1-2年以后,在内桶背 面会有不同程度的污染物附着在桶壁上, 久而久之就会滋生霉菌。而运用自洁技 术,通过带水脱水就像用高压水枪对洗 衣机的内外桶避进行冲刷,能够大大减 少甚至杜绝霉菌在桶壁上的滋生,也就 不存在污染源,真正做到健康洗衣。
二:为了提高粘结剂的粘结强度和作用时间, 公司专门制作烘箱,严格按照工艺要求,每次 粘结前都将粘结剂进行加热,以提高粘结效果 和质量,粘结后的产品我公司均使用配重块进
下落,会看见有个缓冲,然后就说 公司经过2万次测试,黏结的很牢固, 盖板很不容易坏,同时打开没有旋 转阻尼盖板的洗衣机顶盖板,做对
2、在讲解本项卖点的同时,结合钢 化玻璃发泡技术、旋转阻尼、和膜内 注塑控制面板。
•纹理清晰、均匀 1、直接对消费者讲:现在最流行的
•耐腐蚀、耐划伤、 越多的人都在买这种家电。 容易清洁
•具有时尚和科技 内注塑控制面板。
行压制48小时以上,让粘结剂的粘结效果达到 比。
无尘车间,减少了外界对粘结工艺的影响。 3、在讲解本项卖点的同时,结合IMD
注塑件的图文Biblioteka 色彩在膜内注塑时一次 成型。讲解小技巧:
BASIC IDENTITY MANUAL CEPSACepsa | Basic Identity Manual WelcomeThis manual contains the main elements that make up the Cepsa identity.If you need more information about any of the contentsof this document or wish to see other sections that donot appear here, please see the full version of the identity manual.If you have any questions, please contact:***************About this manualHOW SHOULD IT BE USED?This document is in PDF format, which will make it easy for you to search for the content you need at any moment.Here you will find the basic guidelines that define Cepsa’s visual style.If you need additional information not found in this manual, please contact ***************WHAT IS THIS MANUAL FOR?This manual is a toolkit boiled down to a few pages containing the basic elements of our identity, helping ensure that they are applied correctly and consistently in all our messages and points of contact. This manual is an essential tool that will help maintain a strong identity always.WHO IS THIS MANUAL FOR?This manual is for anyone who is part of Cepsa.It is also for all those who, directly or indirectly, depend on the management and correct application of our brand: partners, suppliers, designers, distributors, etc.We all share the responsibility forprotecting and caring for our brand. If we work together, we will ensure Cepsa has a coherent, unified, strong, recognized and admired brand every day.Cepsa | Basic Identity Manual1.Introduction Basic elements1. LogoThe basic elements help us build the Cepsa image.If we use these items correctly, we will be able to convey and project a coherent brand image.Summary of the elements:1. Logo 2. Typeface3. Colors2. TypefaceCorporate SystemDisplay Hero Flama LightFlama SemiboldTahoma Regular Tahoma BoldDisplay LightDisplay BoldHero Light Hero Bold3. ColorsThe logo is one of the basic components of the Cepsa identity.This page shows the primary andsecondary versions, which can appear in various colors. The primary color version is the one shown on the left—red on a white background.Our brand now appears on bright, clean, and high-tech backgrounds and red is the bright color that is transmitted through our logo.Brand fontSymbol Logo1. Primary version PaddingPadding2. Vertical secondary version3.5 xx/2xThe detached version of the primary logotype allows more flexibility when using it as a sign-off because it is less rigid. For vertical pieces, it is acceptable to use the logotype in a larger format without having to resort to the secondary version.Detachment also allows you to give more prominence to the symbol and better identify the Cepsa brand.The detached version of the logo must always follow the proportions specified on this page. The symbol and the name must always be visible on the sameplane and are never separate.Minimum distance between the em-blem and the typographic mark4 xxExample of a horizontal formatThe attached version should be used in all institutional applications, like stands, ephemeral architecture, merchandising, office materials, product identification and sponsorships, as well as on stationery and for digital media.The detached version should be used in communication materials, advertising and leaflets or posters amongst others.The table on this page shows how to use both versions of the logo, noting in red the scenarios covered in this manual.LogoApplying the different versions of the logotypeApplications Stationery Literature Advertising Digital media Audiovisual resources Attached version Detached versionEmail signaturePowerPoint© Presentation Principal applications Optional applicationsInternal documents Office© documents Uniforms Stand, events Signage VehiclesProduct, Packaging Service Stations Merchandising Sponsorships Cepsa | Basic Identity Manual | 1. Basic elementsLogoExample of how to use bothversions of the logotype Attached logotypeDetached logotypeOn this page you can see examples ofhow to use the attached and detachedversions of the logotype.StationeryAdvertisingMerchandising Digital mediaPosterFair standScientific publicationAdvertisingNote: The images in the examples are forreference only in order to demonstrateCepsa’s photographic style. If you want to usethese photographs, you will have to acquiretheir licenses, either from the individualphotographer or from the image bank.Cepsa has its own image bank containing awide range of images of its various businessareas.And if you need new images, contact theBrand Office: *************** Cepsa | Basic Identity Manual |3. Negative version on a red background 2. Red version on a gray or silver background4. Silver version on a black background 7. Red version on a dark image6. Red version on a light image with graphic device8. Red version on a dark image with graphic device5. Red version on a light image16 mm 30 mm4 mm4 mmAlthough no maximum size is set for ourlogo, it is important to define how muchit can be reduced.The minimum size for the connectedversion is 30 mm.For the disconnected version, theminimum size is defined by the heightof the “A,” which is 4 mm, like in theconnected version. This is also the casefor the vertical secondary version.The word "Cepsa" should never be lessthan 4 mm in height.The same guidelines apply to theversions in Chinese and Arabic.Attached primary logotype Detached primary logotypeVertical secondary logotype4 mm10.9.8.14.Incorrect use of the logo damages the impact of our communication, because it sends an inconsistent message to our audiences. Only what is explicitly described in this manual is correct. Any variation of color, orientation, proportion or combination is incorrect and is therefore prohibited.This page shows some examples of things that must not be done:1. Do not distort the logo.2. Do not rotate the logo in any way.3. Do not change its color.4. Do not add color gradients.5. D o not recreate the logo using anothertypeface.6. Do not use the logo in a line.7. Do not add any kind of effect whatsoever.8. Do not use the logo in low resolution.9. Do not use the logo with shadow.10. T he logo should not appear crossed out.11. D o not apply the logo in white on anybackground colors other than those specified in the manual.12. D o not apply the logo in red on anybackground colors other than those specified in the manual. 13. Never put the logo in a box.14. D o not use the logo in negative in blackand white.11.12.13.Cepsa’s corporate typeface is Flama in the versions presented here.Use it consistently, respecting the typography rules. This way, you'll help bolster the company’s visual identity and contribute to the public’s awareness of it. The colors that we use are mainly white and gray, and red is always used as an accent and never a principal color. Red or gray can also be used, but only in office environments.If you have design responsibilities and therefore need the Flama typeface, please contact the Brand Department: ***************In cases where an application has to be seen and shared by others who do not have our corporate typeface installed on their computers, you must use Tahoma instead.Flama lightFlama SemiboldFlama Semibold ItalicFlama Light ItalicABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%&*FLAMAABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%&*ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%&*ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%&*ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%&*AbcA new exclusive typography line to identify Cepsa products and services.Cepsa Hero has a very recognizable design reflective of the Cepsa logo’s DNA. This allows for a direct association between the parent brand and the product and service sub-brands.Its clean design allows for graphic manipulation, so each sub-brand can have own distinct feel, while being based on the same origin.Depending on business andcommunication needs, current sub-brands can be updated without losing their distinctive features.If you have design responsibilities and therefore need the Hero typeface, please contact the Brand Department: ***************Cepsa Hero Thin Cepsa Hero Thin Slanted Cepsa Hero Light Cepsa Hero Light Slanted Cepsa Hero Regular Cepsa Hero SlantedCepsa Hero Semibold Cepsa Hero Semibold Slanted Cepsa Hero BoldCepsa Hero Bold SlantedCEPSA HEROABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%&*AbcFor internal electronic media, like Microsoft® Office applications (e.g.PowerPoint) and web pages, the Tahoma replacement typeface is allowed. The Tahoma typeface should only be used when its application needs to be seen by and shared with third parties who do not have our corporate typeface installed on their computers. In these cases it will be necessary to use the Tahoma typeface.Tahoma Regular (Default font)ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz 1234567890.,;:!?%&@€$£¥Tahoma Regular (Default font)ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz 1234567890.,;:!?%&@€$£¥AbcImportantThe replacement typeface should never be used for professional applications or support media for printed communications.PowerPoint presentationA new exclusive typography line to identify Cepsa products.The Display typography should be used in the following cases:- S ervice station products and services.- O ther products (especially B2C) requiring significant prominence. This prevents logo overuse.- P roducts or services that are often the subject of communications at points of contact very visible to the general public.If you have design responsibilities and therefore need the Display typeface, please contact the Brand Department: ***************ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%&*ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%&*Display boldDisplay lightExamples of applicationOriginaColorColor referencesCepsa | Basic Identity Manual | 1. Basic elementsC63 M37 Y21 K57C10 M90 Y55 K45R41 G59 B76R114 G19 B41HTML #263746HTML #8B2332RAL K7-5008RAL K7-3003NCS 7502-B 3M 100-27Textile 19-4021 TPX 3M 3630-77NCS 4050-R 3M 100-2400Textile 19-1555 TPX C0 M100 Y100 K0Primary PaletteSecondary PaletteR213 G43 B30HTML #D52B1E RAL K7-3020NCS 1080-Y80R 3M 100-368Textile 18-1763 TPX 3M 3630-43PANTONE® 485 C C0 M0 Y0 K100R0 G0 B0HTML #000000RAL K7-9005NCS 8502-R 3M 100-12Textile 19-1111 TPX PANTONE® BLACK C ———————RAL K7-9006NCS Metallic 3M 100-2438Textile 16-0000 TPX PANTONE® SILVER PANTONE® 7546 C PANTONE® 202 CThis may be the case of paint forindustrial use (lacquered, plastic paint, etc.).TextileTo apply color in textiles we will use the references TPX and TCX.3MReference in adhesive vinyls.3M Transparent vinylThis is the type of adhesive vinylintended for use on glass or transparent surfaces.This acid vinyl will be used on glass.printers.HTMLUsed to define colors for web pages. These usually correspond to RGB color specifications.RALThese references are used for industrial paints, industrial design and architecture.NCSThese are used when the Pantone® references cannot be interpreted.Pantone®It is the main reference for all printed applications. Whenever possible, use the Pantone® spot color.RGBRed, Green, Blue - colors used in monitors and scanners.CMYKCyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key (black) – subtractive color model used in the four-color printing process and in colorC06 M04 Y06 K13C0 M0 Y0 K0R210 G208 B205R255 G255 B255HTML #D2D0CD HTML #FFFFFF RAL K7-7047RAL 9016NCS 1502-Y NCS S1002-G50Y 3M 100-11Textile 14-4002 TPX 3M 3630-513M 100-10Textile 11-0601 TCX PANTONE® COOL GRAY 2 CWHITEC60 M48 Y48 K15R108 G111 B112HTML #6C6F70RAL K7-7037NCS 5500-N 3M 100-1833Textile 18-4006 TPX 3M 3630-61PANTONE® 424 C *Acid Matte APA Frost ST 771Contact Cepsa | Basic Identity Manual | Additional informationIf you are unsure about the contentsof this manual or want to ask anyquestions, please write to:***************July 2020。
Electric cylinder units EPCS-BSThis product is also available as a modular mechanical systemElectric cylinder EPCC2d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/08Electric cylinder units EPCS-BSKey featuresAt a glancePlug and work with the Simplified Motion SeriesThe simplicity of pneumatics is now combined for the first time with the advantag-es of electric automation thanks to the Simplified Motion Series.These integrated drives are the perfect solution for all users who are looking for an electric alternative for very simple movement and positioning tasks between two mechanical end positions, but don't want the commissioning process for tra -ditional electric drive systems that can often be quite complex. There is no need for any software since operation is simply based on the "plug and work" principle. Digital I/O (DIO) and IO-Link ® are always automatically in -cluded – a product with two types of control as standard.IntegratedEasyStandardisedConnectedThe integrated electronics in the drive are at the heart of the Simplified Motion Series.For commissioning, simply set all rele-vant parameters directly on the drive:• Speed and force• Reference end position and cush -ioning• Manual operationElectrical connection via M12 plug design• Power (4-pin): power supply for the motor• Logic (8-pin): control signal, sensor signal and power for the integrated electronicsUse of extended functions possible via IO-Link ®:• Remote configuration of motion pa-rameters• Copy and backup function for trans -ferring parameters• Read function for extended p rocess parameters• Freely definable intermediate posi-tion• Firmware updateThe functions of the Simplified Motion Series Basic profile for movement between two end positions: Extended motion profile for simplified press-fitting and clamping functions: with v v• • Proximity switches are required in order to implement any intermediate positions.• With the intermediate position that can be freely configured via IO-Link ®, movements can be stopped at any point between the end positions, without the need for proximity switches or external stops32023/08 – Subject to changed Internet: /catalogue/...Electric cylinder units EPCS-BSKey featuresAt a glance• Without external servo drive: all the necessary electronic components are com -bined in the integrated drive• Two control options integrated as standard: digital I/O and IO-Link ®• Complete solution for simple movements between mechanical end positions • Simplified commissioning: all parameters can be manually set directly on the drive• No special expertise required for commissioning• End-position feedback similar to that of a conventional proximity switch is inte-grated as standard• Very high-quality ball screw with low internal friction• Ideal for precise and fast movement in sorting, distribution or clamping appli -cationsThe products in the Simplified Motion Series Electric cylinder unit EPCE Electric cylinder unit EPCSElectric cylinder unit with parallelmotor mounting EPCSMini slide unit EGSS-BS-KFMini slide unit with parallel motor mounting EGSS-BS-KFSpindle axis unit ELGS-BS-KFSpindle axis unit with parallel motor mounting ELGS-BS-KFToothed belt axis unit ELGS-TB-KF Toothed belt axis unit ELGE Rotary drive unit ERMSModular and flexible with motor, motor mounting kit and servo driveThis product is also available as a modular mechanical system as electric cylinder EPCC-BS:When it comes down to flexibility and adaptability, the compact dimensions and different combinations are ideal for making optimal use of the installation space.• Compact: optimum ratio of installation space to working space • Unique: "one-size-down" mounting system• Modular: individual combinations with motor, motor mounting kit and servo drive • Flexible: wide range of mounting options for optimum machine integration4d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/08Electric cylinder units EPCS-BSKey featuresCombination matrix between axis ELGC-TB/ELGS-TB, ELGC-BS/ELGS-BS, mini slide EGSC-BS/EGSS-BS, electric cylinder EPCC-BS/EPCS-BS and guide axis ELFC Mounting options with profile mounting and with angle kitWith profile mounting EAHF-L2-…-P-D…With angle kit EHAA-D-L2-…-APElectric cylinder units EPCS-BS Key featuresCombination matrix between axis ELGC/ELGS-TB, ELGC/ELGS-BS, mini slides EGSC/EGSS-BS, electric cylinder EPCC/EPCS-BS and guide axis ELFCMounting options with adapter kit or direct fasteningWith adapter kit EHAA-D-L2With direct mounting• Mounting option: base axis with the same size assembly axis• Mounting option: base axis with height compensation for one-size-down as-sembly axis• When motors are mounted using parallel kits, this may lead to interfering con-• Mounting option: base axis with the same size assembly axis5 2023/08 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...6d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/08Electric cylinder units EPCS-BSKey featuresTypical handling systemsThe axes ELGC can be combined into very space-saving handling systems that are suitable for assembly systems, test and inspection systems, small parts handling, the electronics industry and desktop applications where compact dimensions are essential. Combining the very compact linear axes ELGC, mini slides EGSC and electric cyl-inder EPCC offers an optimum ratio of installation space to working space. These feature a common system approach and platform architecture and the connections are largely adapterless.Cantilever systemPlanar surface gantry3-dimensional gantryElectric cylinder units EPCS-BS Type codes7 2023/08 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...8d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/08Electric cylinder units EPCS-BSPeripherals overviewCable outlet direction Standard[D] Underneath [L] Left [R] RightControl elements[1] Pushbutton actuators for parameterisation and controlOn topaaElectric cylinder units EPCS-BS Peripherals overview1)Proximity switches are optional and only required in order to sense any intermediate positions.92023/08 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...10d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/08Electric cylinder units EPCS-BSDatasheet-N- Size 32 ... 60-T-Stroke length 25 ... 500 mm1) At the drive shaft 2) When new3) Adjustable in increments of 10%4)Unchangeable parameterDatasheetMaterialsSectional view1234Pin allocationPower supply Logic interface Plug PlugDatasheetMaximum permissible loads on the piston rodIf there are two or more forces and torques si -multaneously acting on the piston rod, the following equations must be satisfied:F 1/M 1 = dynamic value F 2/M 2 = maximum valueff vv =|FF yy 1|FF yy2+|FF zz1|FF zz2+|MM yy1|MM yy2+|MM zz1|MM zz2≤1 |MMMMMMMM | ≤ MMMMMMMM mmmmmmmm mmmm|FFFF FFFF | ≤ FFFFFFFF mmmmmmmm mmmm Maximum permissible lateral forces Fy max and Fz max on the piston rod as a function of projection AEPCSA [mm]F y m a x , F z m a x [N ]100200300400500600110100EPCS-BS-32EPCS-BS-45EPCS-BS-60H- -NoteEngineering software Electric Motion Sizinga /x/electric-motion-sizingPiston rod deflection f 2 as a function of projection A and lateral force FA [mm]f [m m ]1002003004005006000123456ffff 1=FFFF 1FFFF 2∙ffff 2f 1 = Piston rod deflection caused by lateral force [mm]F 1 = Lateral force [N]F 2 = Standardised lateral force [N] (constant force from graph)f 2= Piston rod deflection caused by lateral force [N] (reading from graph)Example : Electric cylinder EPCS-32-50-8P with a lateral force of 7 N F 1 = 7 N and F standard = 3.5 NValue read from graph for EPCS-32 and projection = 50 mm f 2 = 1 mmCalculation of deflection caused by lateral force:ffff 1=FFFF 1FFFF 2∙ffff 2=3 NNNN 1,5 NNNN∙1 mmmmmmmm =2 mmmmmmmmEPCS-BS-32 (F 2 = 3.5 N)EPCS-BS-45 (F 2 = 4.0 N)EPCS-BS-60 (F 2 = 8.0 N)DatasheetCalculating the mean feed force F xm with the electric cylinder EPCSThe peak feed force value must not exceed the maximum feed force within a movement cycle. The peak value is generally achieved in vertical operation during the acceleration phase of the upwards stroke. If the maximum feed force is exceeded, this can increase wear and thus shorten the service life of the ball screw. The maximum speed must likewise not be exceed-ed:F xš F xmax andv xš v xmaxCalculating the mean feed force F xm (to DIN 69051-4)During operation, the continuous feed force may be briefly exceeded up to the maximum feed force. The continuous feedforce must, however, be adhered to when averaged over a movement cycle:F xmš F xcontinuousFFFF xxxx xxxx=��FFFF xxxx3∙vvvv xxxx vvvv xxxx xxxx∙qqqq1003=FFFF xxxx xxxx=�FFFF xxxx13∙vvvv xxxx1vvvv xxxx xxxx∙qqqq1100+FFFF xxxx23∙vvvv xxxx2vvvv xxxx xxxx∙qqqq2100+FFFF xxxx33∙vvvv xxxx3vvvv xxxx xxxx∙qqqq3100 3+⋯Mean feed speed (to DIN 69051-4)vv xxxx=∑vv xx∙qq100=vv xx1∙qq1100+vv xx2∙qq2100+vv xx3∙qq3100+⋯F x Feed forceF xm Mean feed forceF xmax.Max. feed forceF xcontinuous C ontinuous feed forceq Timev x Feed speedv xm Mean feed speedv xmax.Max. Feed speed F x [N]q [100%]F xmaxF xmF x3F x2F x1q1q2q3v x [mm/s]q [100%]v xmav xmv x3v x2v x1q1q2q3Mean feed force F xm as a function of running performance L, with an operating coefficient f B of 1.0 at room temperature Size 32Size 45EPCS-45L [km]F [N ]200040006000800010000075150225300375450525600EPCS-BS-32-3P EPCS-BS-32-8PEPCS-BS-45-3P EPCS-BS-45-10PSize 60EPCS-60L [km]F [N ]20004000600080001000002004006008001000EPCS-BS-60-5P EPCS-BS-60-12P1) This refers to stress caused by impact, temperature, contamination, shock and vibrations that affect the cylinder or piston rod.H- -NoteThe specifications for running performance are based on experimentally deter-mined and theoretically calculated data (at room temperature). The running per-formance that can be achieved in practice can deviate considerably from the specified curves under different parameters.LLLL 1=LLLL ffff BBBB3L 1 Actual service life L Target service life(d graphs)f B Operating coefficientDatasheetSizing example Application data:• Payload: 25 kg• Mounting position: horizontal • Motor mounting position: axial • Stroke: 150 mm• Max. permissible positioning time: 2 s (one direction)Step 1: Selecting the smallest possible size from the table a page 10Step 2: Selecting the max. speed level v for payload mStep 3: Reading off the min. positioning time t for stroke lEPCS-45-10P v m [k g ]EPCS-45-10P vt [s ]HorizontalVerticall = 50 mm l = 100 mm l = 150 mm l = 200 mm l = 250 mm l = 300 mma Max. speed level for the payload: level 7a Min. positioning time for 150 mm at level 7: 1 sResultThe application can be implemented using EPCS-BS-45-150-10P . A minimum positioning time (one direction) of 1 s is achieved. Longer positioning times can be select-ed at any time using a lower speed level.Mass m as a function of speed level v With axial kit EPCS-BS-32-3PEPCS-BS-32-8PEPCS-32-3P v m [k g ]123456789100510152025EPCS-32-8Pvm [k g ]123456789100510152025Horizontal VerticalEPCS-BS-45-3PEPCS-BS-45-10PEPCS-45-3Pv m [k g ]123456789100102030405060EPCS-45-10Pvm [k g ]12345678910010********Horizontal VerticalEPCS-BS-60-5PEPCS-BS-60-12PEPCS-60-5Pv m [k g ]12345678910020406080100120EPCS-60-12Pvm [k g ]123456789100102030405060Horizontal VerticalH- -NoteThe lines represent the maximum values. The lower speed levels can be set at any time.DatasheetPositioning time t as a function of speed level v and stroke l With axial kit EPCS-BS-32-3PEPCS-BS-32-8PEPCS-32-3P v t [s ]123456789100510********EPCS-32-8Pvt [s ]12345678910024681012l = 50 mm l = 100 mm l = 150 mm l = 200 mml = 50 mm l = 100 mm l = 150 mm l = 200 mmEPCS-BS-45-3P EPCS-BS-45-10PEPCS-45-3Pv t [s ]12345678910010********EPCS-45-10Pv t [s ]12345678910024********l = 50 mm l = 100 mm l = 150 mm l = 200 mm l = 250 mm l = 300 mm l = 50 mm l = 100 mm l = 150 mm l = 200 mm l = 250 mm l = 300 mmElectric cylinder units EPCS-BSDatasheetPositioning time t as a function of speed level v and stroke l With axial kit EPCS-BS-60-5PEPCS-BS-60-12PEPCS-60-5P v t [s ]123456789100102030405060EPCS-60-12Pvt [s ]123456789100510152025l = 50 mm l = 100 mm l = 150 mm l = 200 mm l = 250 mm l = 300 mm l = 350 mm l = 400 mm l = 500 mm l = 50 mm l = 100 mm l = 150 mm l = 200 mm l = 250 mm l = 300 mm l = 350 mm l = 400 mm l = 500 mmElectric cylinder units EPCS-BSDatasheetMass m as a function of speed level v With parallel kit EPCS-BS-32-3PEPCS-BS-32-8PEPCS-32-3P v m [k g ]12345678910510152025EPCS-32-8Pvm [k g ]123456789100510152025Horizontal VerticalEPCS-BS-45-3PEPCS-BS-45-10PEPCS-45-3Pv m [k g ]123456789100102030405060EPCS-45-10Pvm [k g ]12345678910010********Horizontal VerticalEPCS-BS-60-5PEPCS-BS-60-12PEPCS-60-5Pv m [k g ]12345678910020406080100120EPCS-60-12Pvm [k g ]123456789100102030405060Horizontal VerticalH- -NoteThe lines represent the maximum values. The lower speed levels can be set at any time.Electric cylinder units EPCS-BSDatasheetPositioning time t as a function of speed level v and stroke l With parallel kit EPCS-BS-32-3PEPCS-BS-32-8PEPCS-32-3P v t [s ]123456789100510********EPCS-32-8Pvt [s ]12345678910024681012l = 50 mm l = 100 mm l = 150 mm l = 200 mml = 50 mm l = 100 mm l = 150 mm l = 200 mmEPCS-BS-45-3P EPCS-BS-45-10PEPCS-45-3Pv t [s ]12345678910010********EPCS-45-10Pv t [s ]12345678910024********l = 50 mm l = 100 mm l = 150 mm l = 200 mm l = 250 mm l = 300 mm l = 50 mm l = 100 mm l = 150 mm l = 200 mm l = 250 mm l = 300 mmElectric cylinder units EPCS-BSDatasheetPositioning time t as a function of speed level v and stroke l With parallel kit EPCS-BS-60-5PEPCS-BS-60-12PEPCS-60-5P v t [s ]123456789100102030405060EPCS-60-12Pvt [s ]123456789100510152025l = 50 mm l = 100 mm l = 150 mm l = 200 mm l = 250 mm l = 300 mm l = 350 mm l = 400 mm l = 500 mm l = 50 mm l = 100 mm l = 150 mm l = 200 mm l = 250 mm l = 300 mm l = 350 mm l = 400 mm l = 500 mmFeed force F as a function of force level F1EPCS-BSF1F [N ]123456789101002003004005006007008009001000EPCS-BS-32-3P/-8P EPCS-BS-45-3P EPCS-BS-45-10P EPCS-BS-60-5P EPCS-BS-60-12PElectric cylinder units EPCS-BS DatasheetElectric cylinder units EPCS-BS DatasheetElectric cylinder units EPCS-BS DatasheetElectric cylinder units EPCS-BS DatasheetElectric cylinder units EPCS-BS Ordering data – Modular product system[2]Not with motor mounting position PR[3]Not with motor mounting position PT[4]Not with motor mounting position PL[5]Not in combination with cable outlet direction R[6]Not in combination with cable outlet direction L[7]Not in combination with cable outlet direction standard[8]Not in combination with cable outlet direction DElectric cylinder units EPCS-BSAccessoriesProfile mounting EAHF-L2-...-P-S• For mounting the cylinder on the side of the profile Material:Anodised wrought aluminium alloyRoHS-compliantProfile mounting EAHF-L2-...-P Material:Anodised wrought aluminium alloy RoHS-compliant • For mounting the cylinder on the side of the profile.The profile mounting can be attached to the mounting surface using the drilled hole in the centreAccessoriesFlange mounting EAHH Material:Galvanised steel RoHS-compliant1)Corrosion resistance class CRC 1 to Festo standard FN 940070 Low corrosion stress. Dry internal application or transport and storage protection. Also applies to parts behind covers, in the non-visible interior area, or parts that are covered in the application (e.g. drive trunnions).Adapter kit EAHA Material:RoHS-compliant1)Corrosion resistance class CRC 1 to Festo standard FN 940070Low corrosion stress. Dry internal application or transport and storage protection. Also applies to parts behind covers, in the non-visible interior area, or parts that are covered in the application (e.g. drive trunnions).AccessoriesSwivel mounting EAHS Material:Galvanised steel RoHS-compliant1)Corrosion resistance class CRC 1 to Festo standard FN 940070 Low corrosion stress. Dry internal application or transport and storage protection. Also applies to parts behind covers, in the non-visible interior area, or parts that are covered in the application (e.g. drive trunnions).Trunnion support LNZG Material:Trunnion support: Anodised aluminiumPlain bearing: Plastic Free of copper and PTFE RoHS-compliant1)Corrosion resistance class CRC 2 to Festo standard FN 940070Moderate corrosion stress. Indoor applications in which condensation can occur. External visible parts with primarily decorative surface requirements that are in direct contact with a normal industrial environment.Swivel flange SNCSMaterial:Die-cast aluminiumFree of copper and PTFE RoHS-compliant1)Corrosion resistance class CRC 1 to Festo standard FN 940070 Low corrosion stress. Dry internal application or transport and storage protection. Also applies to parts behind covers, in the non-visible interior area, or parts that are covered in the application (e.g. drive trunnions).AccessoriesSwivel flange SNCLMaterial:Wrought aluminium alloyFree of copper and PTFE RoHS-compliant1)Corrosion resistance class CRC 1 to Festo standard FN 940070 Low corrosion stress. Dry internal application or transport and storage protection. Also applies to parts behind covers, in the non-visible interior area, or parts that are covered in the application (e.g. drive trunnions).Corrosion resistance class CRC 2 to Festo standard FN 940070Moderate corrosion stress. Indoor applications in which condensation can occur. External visible parts with primarily decorative surface requirements that are in direct contact with a normal industrial environment.Swivel flange SNCBMaterial:Die-cast aluminiumFree of copper and PTFE RoHS-compliant1)Corrosion resistance class CRC 1 to Festo standard FN 940070 Low corrosion stress. Dry internal application or transport and storage protection. Also applies to parts behind covers, in the non-visible interior area, or parts that are covered in the application (e.g. drive trunnions).Accessories1)Packaging unit1)Packaging unitAccessoriesSensor bracket EAPM-L2Material:Anodised wrought aluminium alloyRoHS-compliant412023/08 – Subject to changed Internet: /catalogue/...Electric cylinder units EPCS-BSAccessories。
USP604-000-110SafetyNotices• Keep out reach of children• Before use, check condition and proper function of the sprayer• Only pump up and down and maintain sprayer in an upright position or a vertically hanging position• Do not leave insecticide filled sprayer out in direct sunlight• Note wind direction when in use to avoid spraying in areas that arent supposed to be treated and yourself• Never spray into electrical outlets or cable boxes• When using metal extension close to electrical equipment, pay attention to avoid electric shock• Do not operate a sprayer that has visible wear on parts• Always wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when handling dangerous substances• Application of insecticides should follow manufacturer recommendations and must be in compliance with local regulations in regards to the application of pesticides. We are not liable for consequences of improper application• When unscrewing cap, never point the lance at others or yourself• Never blow through clogged nozzles or valves with your mouth• Before repair and maintenance, drain insecticide and release all pressure from sprayer• Always replace damaged, or malfunctioning partsIt is the operator’s responsibility to ensure the safe use of thesprayer and that they’re fully compliant with national or localregulations governing compression sprayer and applications ofpesticides.AIROFOG USA is not liable for damages that has ocurreddue to improper use/repair/maintenance, the use of non-recommended or non OEM parts, and acceptance of damaged/broken sprayers for any reason.CautionAirofog USA15074 Aviation Loop Drive +1-352-593-5152**********************Airofog USA15074 Aviation Loop Drive +1-352-593-5152**********************• Empty tank• Drain the hose and lance• Carefully inspect all gaskets and hoses as well as the other fittings for wear• Replace any worn parts as necessary• DO NOT insert metal objects into tip• Clean with soft bristle brush to free clogs • Detergents or solvents can be used to soak tip for several hours to break up clogging• DO NOT use ammonia; it can corrode brass• Run warm water over and into extension straw • Blow compressed air through the back of the nozzle and extension straw• Rinse tank thoroughly with water • Add water and detergent to the tank • Attach pump cap and tighten it • Shake vigorously to clean inside of tank • Flush the hose and trigger valve• Empty the tank and refill with clean water • Flush the hose and trigger valve once more • Empty remaining water• Sprayer should be cleaned thoroughly weekly• Piston o-ring and trigger valve o-ring should be oiled every 90 days• Grease threads on the inside of the filler capwith marine or automotive grease every 90 days • Check valve at the bottom of the pump cylinderprevents liquid from entering pump. If Liquid is leaking into pump, valve should be inspected and/or replacedClogged nozzle and extension strawPump & trigger valvemaintenanceCleaning the sprayerAirofog USA guarantees the Airofog Unique Sprayers to be free of defects in materials and workmanship to the original purchaser for a period of one(1) year on labor and parts which are not subject to usual wearDuring this period, AIROFOG USA will replace and/or repair the parts and manufacturer faults on the exclusive judgment of our technical department free of chargeShipping and dispatch of defect equipment will be at original purchaser’s expenseGuarantee does not cover damages occurred during transport or by incorrect handling, tampering, use, or the use of non-recommended products and so on.Under no circumstances will AIROFOG USA be liable for damages due to improper use or application. Under no circumstances will AIROFOG USA be responsible for damages to any persons or property.Airofog GuaranteeAirofog USA15074 Aviation Loop Drive +1-352-593-5152**********************Operation &Repair• Never open or close bottle by turning the handle as this may severelydamage the handle• Press down then turn the pump handle 90 degrees to unlock it.• Pump the plunger up and down until required pressure is reached • Lock pump handle back in original position my pumping it down and turning the handle 90 degrees back into its original position • Never exceed maximum psi ratings when pressurizing thesprayer• Modification of sprayer may result in harm or injury to both sprayer and user• If any parts so signs of damage or wear, replace immediately • Always use OEM parts for repair and maintenancePressurizing the sprayerRepairApplication rates of multi-nozzle (water @ 40psi)Application rates of aerosol nozzle (water @ 60psi)Fine fan Coarse fan Pin stream CC strawFine, white Medium, blue Coarse, red CC tip12oz./min 26oz./min 11oz./min 1.7oz./min2oz./min 3oz./min 4.4oz./min 3.8oz./minTrademarks appearing within are the property of Airofog Machinery Co., Ltd. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Airofog USA15074 Aviation Loop Drive +1-352-593-5152**********************Lance Assembly (USL)Airofog USA15074 Aviation Loop Drive +1-352-593-5152**********************Airofog USA15074 Aviation Loop Drive +1-352-593-5152**********************1/12346789101112131415/116/11718192023242626/126/226/3272829/1DFV 9.2/ rod; Black SpringCountersunk screw Spring Piston O-ringPump cylinder assembly O-ringCylinder tube Check valve Pressure gauge T-connector Bottle cap O-ring Hook Hook ringPressure release valve Supply tube Disc GasketHose adapter assembly Adapter Cutting ring Retaining nutCoiled hose; blue Hose holder spring Female adapter DF valve assembly Strainer housing Gasket Strainer Valve body TriggerTrigger screw Safety lock nut Snap ringAdjusting screw Lock nut Sealing nut O-ring x2Seat spring Viton o-ring GasketLong seat stemMulti-nozzle assembly GasketMulti-nozzle holder GasketMulti-nozzle Retainer O-ring C&C strawStraw with o-ring603-001-010605-002-000604-003-000604-004-000505-001-020604-007-000604-008-000604-009-000935-027-010604-011-000604-012-000604-013-000510-003-030604-015-010604-016-010604-017-000601-018-000604-019-000604-022-010604-023-000505-002-020601-004-010601-004-011601-004-012601-004-01325Hose replacement kits (Pos: 26/2x2, 26/3x2,27)Pump service kit(Pos: 8, 10, 12, 16/1, 24x3)DF service kit (Pos: 24, 9.1, 9.3, 9.13/1, 9.18, 9.19x2, 12.4, 12.8)604-025-100605-035-0604-036-000601-004-130601-004-040604-029-010501-009-000501-009-020500-009-030500-009-040500-009-050500-009-060500-009-070500-009-080500-009-090500-009-100500-009-110500-009-121500-009-131500-009-150500-009-180505-009-150500-009-200500-012-000505-009-150500-012-030500-012-040500-012-060500-012-070935-018-000500-012-090500-012-100Pos.Part no.Service kitsHose replacement kit (604-025-100) not included with purchaseAerosol Assembly (USA)Airofog USA15074 Aviation Loop Drive +1-352-593-5152**********************Airofog USA15074 Aviation Loop Drive +1-352-593-5152**********************1/123456789101112131415/116/11718192023242626/126/226/3272828/12930313233343536373839404141/141/341/442/1BottlePiston rod; Black SpringCountersunk screw Cylinder cap Spring Piston O-ringPump cylinder assembly O-ringCylinder tube Check valve Pressure gauge T-connector Bottle cap O-ring Hook Hook ringPressure release valve Supply tube Disc GasketHose adapter assembly Adapter Cutting ring Retaining nut Coiled hose; blue Hose holder spring Hose holder spring Flexi valve assembly Valve handle Valve body Spring SeatViton o-ring Viton o-ring Seat sleeve Valve cup Trigger Viton o-ringSpiral want extension Aerosol nozzle set Aerosol nozzle; white Aerosol nozzle; blue Aerosol nozzle;red C&C extension603-001-010605-002-000604-003-000604-004-000604-005-000505-001-020604-007-000604-008-000604-009-000935-027-010604-011-000604-012-000604-013-000510-003-030604-015-010604-016-010604-017-000601-018-000604-019-000604-022-010604-023-000505-002-02025Hose replacement kits(Pos: 26/2x2, 26/3x2,27)Pump service kit(Pos: 8, 10, 12, 16/1, 24x3)Flexi-valve service kit(Pos: 34,35x2,39x3)604-025-100605-035-010601-023-200601-004-010601-004-011601-004-012601-004-013601-004-130601-004-040603-004-040601-007-000601-007-010601-007-020505-003-014601-007-040601-007-080935-041-000601-007-070601-007-080601-007-090601-007-100601-008-010601-009-000601-009-030601-009-050601-009-070604-010-012Pos.Part no.Service kitsHose replacement kit (604-025-100) not included with purchasePistol Grip Assembly (USP)Airofog USA15074 Aviation Loop Drive +1-352-593-5152**********************Airofog USA 15074 Aviation Loop Drive Brooksville, FL 34604USA +1-352-593-5152********************** 1/1256789101112131415/116/11718192023242626/126/226/3272829/1DFV 9.2/ Piston rod; Black Cylinder cap Spring Piston O-ring Pump cylinder assembly O-ring Cylinder tube Check valve Pressure gauge T-connector Bottle cap O-ring Hook Hook ring Pressure release valve Supply tube Disc Gasket Hose adapter assembly Adapter Cutting ring Retaining nut Coiled hose; blue Hose holder spring Female adapter DF valve assembly Strainer housing Gasket Strainer Valve body Trigger Trigger screw Safety lock nut Snap ring Adjusting screw Lock nutSealing nut O-ring x2Seat spring Viton o-ringGasket Long seat stemMulti-nozzle assembly Gasket Multi-nozzle holder GasketMulti-nozzleRetainerO-ringC&C straw Straw with o-ring 603-001-010605-002-000604-005-000505-001-020604-007-000604-008-000604-009-000935-027-010604-011-000604-012-000604-013-000510-003-030604-015-010604-016-010604-017-000601-018-000604-019-000604-022-010604-023-000505-002-020601-004-010601-004-011601-004-012601-004-01325Hose replacement kits (Pos: 26/2x2, 26/3x2,27)Pump service kit (Pos: 8, 10, 12, 16/1, 24x3)DF service kit (Pos: 24, 9.1, 9.3, 9.13/1, 9.18, 9.19x2, 12.4, 12.8)604-025-100605-035-010604-036-000601-004-130601-004-040604-029-010501-009-000501-009-020500-009-030500-009-040500-009-050500-009-060500-009-070500-009-080500-009-090500-009-100500-009-110500-009-121500-009-131500-009-150500-009-180505-009-150500-009-200500-012-000505-009-150500-012-030500-012-040500-012-060500-012-070935-018-000500-012-090500-012-100Pos.Pos.Part no.Part no.Service kits Description Hose replacement kit (604-025-100) not included with purchaseAirofog USA15074 Aviation Loop Drive Brooksville, FL 34604 USA +1-352-593-5152********************** 。
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西蒙电气品牌推介培训课件PPT(共 54张)
强大的专业能力 知名的国际品牌 优异的工程业绩 良好的百姓口碑
Enjoy Simon, Enjoy Life .
No 希望能够有机会和您一起合作,
1999 年 7 月,西蒙电气来到中国,西蒙电气(中国)制造 的产品逐步发展成了以家用开关、插座为主业,同时生产 低压电器、灯具、布线等相关多元化产品。目前在中国获 得的产品专利近百项,位居国内同行前列。
全球领先的制造与物流体系 世 全自动化生产流程+先进物流配送系统-----------> 界的西蒙
1.太原希尔顿酒店 2.泉州达利酒店 3.益来仕城市名人酒店 4.三明天元国际酒店 5.南昌-锦江皇冠大酒 店 6.喜来登乌鲁木齐酒店 7.福州鑫金悦戴斯酒店 8.福州希尔顿花园酒店
节能型的电子 类开关 45E系列
全国设有33个办事处,80多个联络处,2000多家经分销商 拥有完善的售后服务网络.
狮王进口新品产品培训资料(PPT 34页)
直接揭开产品剥离纸,将胶贴冷却面紧贴于额头及其它需要降温冷 敷的部位,冷藏后使用效果更佳
凉爽时间 紧急退热贴 儿童用
规格:6片/盒 价格: 26.8元
• 长时间站立后使用 • 长时间步行后使用 • 长时间旅行时使用穿 • 运动后快速恢复 • 腿脚疲乏时使用 • 穿高跟鞋后使用
休足时间产品卖点 添加5种植物精华配方成份
~恢复精神、 消肿~
1、降温效果好:亲水性高分子凝胶含水量高,直接贴于额头即可使皮肤的表面温度下 降2度,并可持续降温8小时,有效清凉降温
2、舒缓神经:含6种草本植物精华,能舒缓神经,清凉提神 3、安全性高:100%物理降温,安全可靠无副作用 4、使用方便:直接使用,马上降温退热 5、用途广泛:可用于突然发热时,能起到镇定缓痛、提神醒脑、舒缓疲劳、清凉消暑的作用
25% 25%
1/3~2/3 2/3以上 剥落脱落