
珍珠岛高尔夫会所酒店英语培训教材Dandong Pearl-Island HotelHotel English training material目录第一章酒店根底英语 (1)第二章酒店前台英语 (7)第三章酒店礼宾英语 (17)第四章酒店商务中心英语 (23)第五章酒店总机英语 (26)第六章酒店客房英语 (28)第七章酒店餐饮英语 (34)第八章酒店收银英语 (42)第一章酒店根底英语●礼貌用语 Courtesy EnglishGood morning/afternoon/evening, Sir/Madam. 早上好/下午好/晚上好。
Nice to meet you. 很快乐见到你。
Welcome to our hotel. 欢送光临我们酒店。
Have a good time. 祝您在酒店过的愉快。
●用语 Telephone sentencesWait a moment, please. 对不起,请稍等。
Sorry, he is no in at the moment. 对不起,他暂时不在。
I beg your pardon? 对不起〔我没听清楚〕。
Could you speak a little slower, please?请您稍微讲慢一点。
●答谢用语 Thanks and answerThank you. 谢谢。
It’s very kind of you. 谢谢,您真客气。
You are welcome. 不用谢。
It is my pleasure. 非常乐意为您效劳。
I am at your service. 随时为您效劳。
That is all right. 没关系。
●征询语 ConsultCan I help you? / How many I help you? 我能为您做些什么?What is your suggestion? 您有什么意见或建议吗?Excuse me; may I have your name? 对不起,请问您怎么称呼?●指路 Asking and giving directionsThis way, please. 这边请。

三、情景应对Situational responses
(四)客人征询你的同意可否拿走某物品时: 1.Certainly,sir/madam.Let me help you . 好的,先生/小姐,让我来帮您。 2.Go ahead please.You’re welcome. 请拿吧,您可以随意使用。
三、情景应对Situational responses
(二)不能满足客人之要求时; 1. I’m terribly sorry, we don’t have… 非常抱歉,我们没有… 2. Awfuly sorry,sir/madam.We have sold out… 实在抱歉,先生/小姐,我们已经卖完了。 3. I’m afraid we do not have… 恐怕我们已没有…
三、情景应对Situational responses
(三)一时未能肯定是否能满足客人之要求时: 1. If you wait a minute, sir/madam.I’ll try to find out it for you. 如果您能等一会儿,先生/小姐,我将尽力找找。 2. Sorry to keep you waiting,I’m pleased to say we do have×××… 抱歉,让您久等了,我很高兴地说,我们确实有…
八、接听电话语Telephone Sentences 1、Good morning, Reception××speaking. May I help you? 您好,总台,我是某某… 2、Sorry, you’ve dialed a wrong number.抱歉,您打错电话了。 3、Please dial number…,thanks.请拨号码…,谢谢。 4、Who’s calling, please?请问您是谁? 5、Hold the line please, I’ll see if she is available. 6、Could you repeat that please? 请您再重复一遍好吗? 7、Will you please speak more slowly? 请您说的慢一点好吗? 8.I’msorry,I can’t follow you. 抱歉,我听不懂。

早餐时段(餐厅适用)早上好!欢迎光临西餐厅!Good morning!Welcome to Weste Restaurant1请问您用早餐吗?Would you like to have breakfast?2请问您的房号?May I have your room number?3请问您几位呢?How Many people of you?4我叫XX 请问您贵姓呢?My name is XX .May I have your name?5~~女士!这边请,您看坐这边可以吗?(拉椅)Ms~~!This way please!(offer chair assistance)6请问您需要来一杯咖啡或者红茶吗?Would you like to have a cup of coffee or tea?7“这是我们最新的报纸和杂志!”(客人只有一位时)我们的早餐是自助餐!食物您自取!请慢用!This is the newspaper and the magazine!(When the guest just only one) Our Breakfast is buffet you can take it by youself!午晚餐时段下午好/晚上好!欢迎光临xx餐厅!/xx酒吧!Good afternoon/evening!Welcome to xx Restaurant/xx bar.1请问您用餐吗/?(确认是否有预定)Would you like to have lunch/dinner/ drink here?2请问您的房号?(餐厅适用)May I have your room number?3请问您几位呢?How many people of you ?4我叫XX请问您贵姓呢?My name is XX .May I have your name?5~~女士!这边请,您看坐这边可以吗?(拉椅)Ms~~!This way please!(offer chair assistance)6这是我们的菜单,酒水单,还有最新的“报纸和杂志”(客人只有一位)This is our menu ,Beverage list and newspaper magazine!7开口布!打扰一下!请问您需要来一瓶带气或者不带气的矿泉水吗?(餐厅适用)巴黎&圣培露依云&椰树本地矿泉水Service the napkin! Would you like to have still or sparkling mineral water?Perrier, San Pelligrino, Evian&Local mineral water8您好!请问现在可以为您点单吗?(After10 minutes!) May I take your order now?9您好!现在为您重复点单!(客人特殊要求)May I repeat your order? (Special requirements)10上菜!/上饮品!Serving food ! /serving drinks!11确认客人满意度!How is your ~ ~?12送客!Thanks for your coming! We look forward to see you again!。

十二、结帐 1、This is your bill, thank you very much. 2、Sign your name and room number, please. 3、Would you like one check or separate? 4、Here’s your change.
五、上饮品 Excuse me, sir/madam, here is your …..
六、点菜 1、May I take your order now? sir/madam. 2、How would you like steak/Lamb chop? How about your steak? 一二成 Rare 三四成 medium rare 五成 medium 七八成 medium well 全熟 well done
三、递菜单、酒水单 This is our menu and drink list ,sir/madam.
四、问饮品 1、Excuse me, sir/madam, would you like something to drinke? 2、we have ……..which one would you like?
七、重复点单 Excuse me, sir/madam, you ordered … Would you like anything else?
八、服务面包 What kind of bread would you like? soft bread/hard bread…。
九、上菜 Here is your soup/salad/steak…… enjoy your meal, please。
西兰花 broccoli
蔬 菜
胡萝卜 carrot

酒店英语之中餐酒店英语培训资料之中餐培训课程Lesson2餐饮用语(一)Making a Reservation预订桌位—Good afternoon.This is the Park Restaurant.May I help you?下午好,花园饭店。
我能为您效劳吗?—I’d like to make a reservation for tonight.我想预订今晚的座位。
—I see.What time?我明白了,什么时间?—About7:30.大约7:30左右。
—We are quite busy then.Could you come later?我们那时会非常忙。
你能晚一点来吗?—No,I can’t.I can make it earlier.不行。
—I can give you something at6:30.你可以6:30来。
—That’s a little early,but it will have to do.太早了一些,但也只好如此了。
—May I have your name?请留下你的姓名,好吗?—White.怀特。
—Will you spell that for me?你能拼一下吗?—W-H-I-T-E,White.W H I T E。
—How many will be in your party,Mr.White?怀特先生,你的宴请中有多少人?—There will be four of us.我们有四个人。
—Four people at6:30.We’ll be looking for you,Mr.White.6点30分,四个人。
(二)Showing Seats引导来宾入席Waiter:Good afternoon,sir.Welcome to the Flower Restaurant.下午好,先生。
酒店餐饮服务英语培训课件 (一)

酒店餐饮服务英语培训课件 (一)酒店餐饮服务英语培训课件是一种专门针对酒店餐饮服务业的英语培训教材。
一、课件内容酒店餐饮服务英语培训课件通常包含以下几个方面的内容:1. 餐厅基本用语:通过介绍餐厅内的常见设施、服务流程以及与顾客交流的基本用语,让学员掌握与顾客沟通的基本能力。
2. 食物准备和饮料制作:介绍食材、烹饪方式、菜肴名称、饮料种类及制作方法等,使学员了解餐厅内各种食物和饮料的特点,为顾客提供专业的餐饮服务。
3. 餐饮服务文化:了解不同餐饮服务文化的差异,包括不同地区的餐饮习惯、礼仪和传统文化等。
4. 服务质量控制:对餐厅服务流程、服务标准、服务质量等方面进行讲解,帮助餐厅提高服务质量,提高顾客满意度。
二、课件特点1. 专业性强:酒店餐饮服务英语培训课件是基于酒店餐饮服务业而设计的,内容紧扣行业的需求,学员不仅可以学到英语知识,还能够掌握行业相关的专业知识。
2. 实用性强:酒店餐饮服务英语培训课件的内容涵盖了实际工作中需要用到的各种英语词汇和语法,可以帮助学员提高其在工作中的英语应用能力,准确无误地与顾客交流。
3. 互动性强:酒店餐饮服务英语培训课件除了包含理论讲解外,还通过多种形式的互动活动,提供实践机会,帮助学员多维度地掌握相应的知识点。
三、课件使用方法1. 基础课程学习:建议学员根据自己的水平,从基础课程开始学习,循序渐进,逐步掌握餐饮服务业所需的英语运用能力。
2. 独立学习:学员可以在课件的指导下进行独立学习,利用多媒体资源进行学习,并通过在线问答、作业提交等形式交流与外教老师和学员之间。
3. 集中学习:培训机构或者酒店也可以通过集中学习的方式,邀请专业的英语教师进行讲解,并配合实际操作和对话进行训练。

RESTAURANT一.Welcome The Guest1.Welcome to our hotel, sir, Anything I can do for you?先生, 欢迎您来我们酒店. 我能为您做点什么吗?2.This way , please?这边请。
3.Welcome, sir. Step right in, please.欢迎光临,先生. 请进.4.Welcome back, Nice to meeting you again.欢迎您再来,很高兴又见到您.5.Good morning. How many persons of you, please?早上好,请问几位?6.Have you made/got a reservation, sir先生,您有预订座位吗?8.In whose name was the reservation made?请问是谁预订的餐位?9.Oh, Mr Smith. We’ve been/ We are expecting you.噢,史密斯先生,我们正等候着您呢?10.Where would you prefer to sit?您喜欢坐哪儿?11.What about that table near the window?靠窗边的位置怎么样?12.Is this table fine with you, madam?这张桌子可以吗, 夫人?13.I’m afraid all the private rooms are reserved. Would you mind sitting in the main dining rooms?恐怕所有的厅房都预订完了,您介意在主餐厅用餐吗?14.I’m s o glad you like it.很高兴您喜欢这儿.15.Here is the menu, please take your time. The waiter will be with you in a moment.这是菜单, 请享用您们的时光,服务员马上就来.二.Taking Orders16.What kind of drink would you like?您要喝什么饮料?17.Would you like to start with a glass of beer?您想先要一杯啤酒吗?18.May I take your order, madam?请问您要吃点什么,夫人?19.Are you ready to order now?您准备点菜了吗?20.Have you decided on something, sir?先生,您决定点什么菜吗?21.What are you going to have / take today?先生,您要吃点什么?22.What kind of dishes do you want?您要什么菜?23.What dishes do you particularly like?您特别喜欢吃什么菜?24.Would you like to order a set course or a la carte?您想叫一份套餐还是按菜单点菜?25.What sort of appetizer would you like?您想来点什么开胃品?26.Would you like some hors d`oeuvres?您是否要来点餐前小吃?27.Would you like to have something to start with before your main course?上主菜前您要来点什么吗?28.What sort of side dish would you like?您想要点什么配菜?29.Would kind of beverage do you like to go with your meal??您想要您的菜配什么酒?30.What kind of vegetable would you like to have?您想吃点什么蔬菜?31.What kind of soup do you like to have before the main course?您吃主菜前要喝点什么样的汤?32.How many portions?要几份?33.What would you like to follow?您下一道菜点什么?34.If you order a set dinner, you get your choice of soup or juice, one entrée with potato, vegetable, salad, bread, butter and sometimes coffeeand even dessert for a set price.如果您吃套菜, 您可以在规定的价格内选择某些食品, 汤或果汁, 一份主菜配土豆,沙拉, 黄油面包,有时还有咖啡,甚至甜点.35.What would you prefer, coffee or tea?您想要喝点什么, 咖啡还是茶?36.Is there anything else you would like to have? /Is there anything that you want?还有别的您想要吗?37.Roast Duck. There will be a slight delay for that.烤鸭, 那会稍微慢一点.38.Pizza will take about ten minutes to prepare. Would you mind waiting?比萨大概要10分钟才能做好, 您愿意等吗?39.Your order will be ready in a few minutes.您点的菜一会儿就来.40.The dish you ordered is come immediately.您点的菜马上就来.41.The T-bone steak is very good, I would suggest that you try it.T 型骨牛排很不错的.我建议您们试试这道菜.42.Can I recommend the Grand Marnia, sir. It’s very popular.先生,我推荐金万利,这种酒很受欢迎.43.We have a very nice vegetable today. Wine flavored bamboo shoots, it’s our chef’s recommendation. It’s delicious and worth a try.我们今天的蔬菜不错, 酒醉冬笋是我们主厨的拿手菜, 它的味道好值得一尝.44.Chinese food is divided into eight big cuisines, such as Cantonese food, Sichuan food, Fujian food, etc. Our restaurant is famous for itsCantonese style.中国菜可分为八大菜系, 有粤, 川, 闽等等. 我们餐厅以粤味风格的菜而闻名.45.What about the eggplant and min ced pork in dry red chilisauce ? It’s our special course.鱼香茄子怎么样? 它们是我们的特色菜.46.May I serve soup to you now?我现在可以上汤吗?47.Shall I put the fish in the middle of the table?我把鱼放在桌子中央好吗?48.Your eggs will be ready in a few minutes.您点的鸡蛋马上就来.49.The food is best while eaten hot. Please enjoy your meal.这道菜趁热吃最好,请慢慢享受.50.Take your time and enjoy it.请慢享受.51.Hope you’ll enjoy your dinner.希望您用餐愉快.52.Wish you a good appetite祝您用餐愉快。

一 餐厅用具
• 餐桌 The Table 桌布 Tablecloth (cloth) lay the cloth for dinner lay the cloth for four • 餐具 cover Covers are laid for four. Another cover, please. • 盘,碟 plate (供个人用) / dish (全桌人吃用) • 刀 knife 叉 fork 碗 bowl 勺子 spoon • 杯 cup 玻璃杯 glass • 茶杯和垫碟 a cup and saucer • 毛巾 hand towel 毛巾夹 towel tong • 席位巾 service cloth 餐巾 napkin
Food and Beverage Service
• • • • • • • • • • •
Good morning (afternoon, evening), sir ( madam ) How do you do? How do you do? Glad / Nice to meet you. How are you? Fine, thanks. And you? Welcome to our hotel (restaurant). Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel. I hope you will enjoy your stay with us. I hope you are enjoying your stay with us. I hope you have enjoyed your stay with us. Have a good time!
• • • • •

Hotel Housekeeping English 酒店客房英语
Housekeeping, May I come in, sir(madam)? 客房服务员,我可以进来吗,先生(女士)?
May I make up your room now, sir (madam)? 我现在能为您清扫房间吗?先生(女士)?
招呼语 Good morning. (用于中午以前) Good afternoon. (用于中午至下午六点以前) Good evening. (用于下午六点过后)
Good morning, sir. Are you checking-out? 早上好,先生,请问您要退房吗?
Here is your… 这是您的***
Hotel Front Office English 酒店前厅英语
Did you have any reservation, sir (madam)? 请问您有预订吗, 先生(女士)?
show me your license for registration,please?
Thank you, sir. 谢谢您,先生。
You are welcome/that’s all right 不客气。
Pardon? 对不起?
I beg your pardon? 对不起请再说一遍好吗?
Thank you for calling. 感谢您的来电。
you like pay any deposit for miscellaneous? 您的公司为您付房费,您可以付一下杂费押金吗?
Thank you, sir. How can I establish your method of payment? By credit card or cash? 谢谢您,先生.请问您怎么付押金?用信用卡还是 现金?

PART A RESTAURANTCHAPTER 1 GREETING & SEATINGTHEORYGreeting and seating the guests is important. First impression are lasting impressions, so remember:a)Use friendly language when talking to the guests and always be polite.b)Guests like to be recognized, so use the guest’s names as often as possible (especially for long staying guests,)c)Smile.The guest will usually expect the hostess / waitress to select a suitable table for him. However, if the guest makes a special request, you should do your best to please him.Should the restaurant be full, inform the guest of the approximate waiting time and suggest that he wait in the bar or try one of our other restaurants (offer to call for availability.) If they decide to wait be sure to “call” them wh en their table is ready.GREETINGSGood morning, sir.Good afternoon, Madam.Good evening, Ladies.Good morning, Gentlemen,Good afternoon, Mr. JohnsonSEATING THE GUESTA table for … … ?How many are you ?This way please .Please follow me .Would you like to sit here .Would you like to sit by the window ?Never ask “Are you alone ?” instead to ask “Will there be someone joining you ?”SPECIAL REQUESTSA window table ? Certainly, sir. This way please.No - smoking ? Certainly, sir. This way please.No - smoking ? I’m afraid we don’t have a no - smoking section. But this table is quite sheltered.A booth ? Certainly, sir. This way please.FULLY BOOKEDI’m sorry, sir. We are fully booked at the moment. Would you mind coming back at … o’clock ?May I suggest that you wait in the bar. It’s on the second floor.DIALOGUE :W : Good afternoon, sir. Welcome to the Chatterbox Coffeehouse.G : Thanks.W : How many persons, please ?G : A table for four, please.W : Where would you prefer to seat ?G : Well, by the window, please.W : I’ll show you to your table. This way please. Is this fine ?G : O.K. That’ll do fine.W : Please take a seat, sir.G : Thanks.W : A waiter will come to take your order. Just a moment, please.CHAPTER 2 TAKING A RESERVATIONTHEORYa)Make sure you have a pen / notepad near the telephone. Listen attentively and politely and ask the guest to repeat if you don’t understand. ( I’m sorry, sir ? Would you spell that, please ? )b)Be sure to repeat all the details.c)Make sure caller rings off before you do .d)If restaurant is booked for that date, offer an alternative. ( I’m sorry, sir, we are fully booked on that date / at that time. How about the 27th 9:00 p.m. )KEY PHRASES“ Good morning, Pine court Chinese Restaurant. Ben speaking. May I help you ?”“You’d like to make a reservation ? At wait time ? May I have your name and room number ?”“For how many people ? For which date ? At what time ? May I have your name and room number ?”“So, that’s a table for … people at … o’clock today / tomorrow / on the 24th.”“Thank you for calling Mr. … Goodbye.”DIALOGUE : C = Caller W = WaiterSITUATION ( A )C : Hello, is that the Chatterbox Coffeehouse ?W : Speaking. May I help you ?C : Yes, I’d like a table for 8 tonight.W : Just a moment, sir. I’ll check our reservation list. … Thank you for waiting, sir. I’m afraid we are fully booked for tonight. Wouldyou like make a reservation at another restaurant in the hotel ?C : Well, where do you recommend ?W : What kind of food would you prefer ?C : Let’s see. Something usual would be good.W : Our Pine court Chinese Restaurant serves many Chinese specialties.C : That sounds interesting.W : Shall I transfer your call ?C : Do that, please.W : Could you hold the line, please ? I’ll connect you.SITUATION ( B ) C = Caller W = WaiterC : Hello. Is this Bologna Italian Restaurant ?W ; Speaking. May I help you ?C : Yes, I’d like to reserve a table for tonight, please.W : Certainly, sir. For how many persons, please ?C : A party for six.W : At what time can we expect you ?C : Oh, at 7:00 tonight.W : Would you like a table in the main restaurant or in a private room, sir ?C : In the main restaurant will be fine.W : Certainly, sir. A table for 6 at 7 tonight. May I have your name and telephone number, please ?C ; Sure. It is Franks and my number is 585 - 7029.W : Thank you very much, Mr. Franks. My name is Wang and we look forward to seeing you.C : See you tonight. Goodbye.W : Goodbye.CHAPTER 3PRESENTING THE MENU & OFFERING A DRINKTHEORYa)Be sure to inform guest of items available other than on menu. E.g. Buffet, set menu.b)Be prepared to describe dishes to guest if they don’t know what they are: it’s m ade with … it’s served with …c)Make sure you know by heart all menu items, set menu, items available on buffet.d)Always repeat the order, even for drinks.e)If you give the guest a choice of items ask,” Would you prefer ?”KEY PHRASES“ Good Morning, sir.”“ Here is the menu. We have an excellent buffet today or perhaps you’d like to try the set menu ?”“ Would you like something to drink first ?”“ Certainly, sir, one Coca-Cola. ?”“ Tea, sir ? Would you prefer English or Chinese ?”DIALOGUE : W = Waiter G = GuestW : Good evening …… Are you ready to order, sir ?G : Yes. What kind of food is the tempura ?W : It is fish, prawns and assorted vegetables dipped in batter both Japanese and foreign guests.G : Um. It sounds delicious. We’ll hav e the tempura dinner for two,please.W : The tempura dinner comes with raw fish. Will that be fine ?G : I see. Well, I’ll take the raw fish but my wife doesn’t care for it.Could she have something else instead ?W : Certainly, sir. I would reco mmend the “Chawanmushi”. It is an egg custard with chicken, shrimp and gingko nuts.G : O.K. She’ll try that.W : Certainly. Just a moment, please.CHAPTER 4 TAKING THE ORDERTHEORYa)Make sure you record everything on the Captain’s order.b)Repeat the order to make sure you have understood everything correctly.c)Should you not understand, politely ask the guest to repeat : “ I’m sorry, sir ? Would you repeat that, please ?”d)Should the guest ask you for something not available on the menu don’t ref use outright, check with the kitchen :“ I’ll check with the kitchen, sir. Just a moment please.”KEY PHRASE“ Are you ready to order ?”“ May I take your order ?”“ So that’s one Club Sandwich and one Cheeseburger.”“ Anything else, sir ?”“ Thank you.”DIALOGUE :W : Good morning, sir. A table for two ?G : That’s right.W : I’ll show you to your table. This way, please.Please take a seat. Which would you prefer, tea or coffee ?G : Coffee, please.W : Two coffees ?G : Yes.W : Certainly, sir. Will there be anything else ?G : No, that’s all, thanks.CHAPTER 5 SERVING THE FOODTHEORYa)Your Department Head will explain which sauces are served with which dishes.b)Don’t forget to offer another drink when glass is ¾ empty.KEY PHRASES“ Excuse me, sir. Here is your … ”“ Would you like some Salad Dressing ?Tomato Ketchup ?Mustard ?”“ Would you like another glass of white wine ?”DIALOGUE :W : Your steak, salad and beer, sir. Please enjoy your lunch.W : Excuse me, may I show you the dessert menu ?G : Sure, go ahead .W : Here you are, sir.G : Let’s see. I’ll have some ice cream, please.W : Which flavor would you prefer, walnut or vanilla ?G : I’ll take the walnut, please.W : Certainly, sir. Just a moment, please.W : Your ice cream and coffee, sir. Will that be all ?G : Yes.W : Thank you, sir. Have a nice afternoon.G : Thanks.CHAPTER 6 CLEARING AWAYTHEORYa)Your Department Head will explain how to clear away dishes. It’s usually a good ideal to say a few words before clearing the dishes away.b)When clearing away main course dishes, it is common practice to offer a dessert. Check with your Department Head for correct procedure.c)Show your concern and help to increase guest satisfaction by checking that the guest enjoyed the meal.KEY PHRASE“ Excuse me, sir, have you finished ?”“ May I take this away ?”“ Did you enjoy your lunch / dinner / meal ?”“ Would you like a dessert, sir ?”“ Would you like a cup of coffee with your dessert, sir ?”SOME USEFUL SENTENCES :a)Excuse me, may I take your plate, sir ?b)Have you finished your meal, sir ?c)May I move your plate to the side ?d)May I clean ( clear ) the table, sir ?e)May I wipe the counter, sir ?CHAPTER 7 GUEST REQUESTSTHEORYa)You should try your best to satisfy the guest’s needs so all guest requests should be handled politely, showing concern.b)Check with your captain or the kitchen if the guest requests an item not normally available.c)Should a certain item be unavailable, always offer an alternative.KEY PHRASES“ Certainly, sir / One moment please. Of course madam.”“ I’ll check with the kitchen. Just a moment please, sir.”“ I’ll ask my captain, sir.”“ I’m sorry, sir. The … is not available today. May I recommend the … ?It’s very good.”DIALOGUE : OT = Order Taker G= GuestOT : Room Service. May I help you ?G : Yes, I’d like to order dinnerOT : Certainly, sir. Go ahead, please.G : I’ll have a grilled steak, a green salad and an order of FrenchFried.OT : I’m afraid we cannot ma ke any grilled dishes, sir. Would you like something else ?SENTENCES :I.There is no grill in Room Service.II. It is not in season.III. It has been sold out.IV. It is not on the menu.V.I’m afraid we cannot serve sandwiches yet, sir. They are availabl e from 11:00 a.m.VI. I’m afraid soybean milk is only available until 11 a.m.CHAPTER 8 THE BILL / CHECKTHEORYa)Try to bring the bill as promptly as possible.b)Remember to tell the guest the amount of the bill.c)Tell the guest how much you received.d)Tell the guest the amount of the change.e)If possible, count the change in front the guest.f)Always have a pen ready to give the guest.g)If the guest complains that the bill is wrong, apologize and check with cashier : “ I’m sorry, sir. Just a moment. I’ll check it for you.”Bill is used by British. Check is used by Americans.KEY PHRASES“ The bill / check, sir ? Certainly. One moment please.”“ Here you are, sir.”“ Please sign here.”“ I’m sorry, sir. Just a moment. I’ll check it for you.”DIALOGUE : C = Cashier G = GuestC : Good evening, sir. May I help you ?G : Yes, how much will this be ?C : Just a moment, please. I’ll check it for you.Thank you for your waiting, sir. Your bill comes to N.T.$ 13,450.G : Fine. Will this be enough ?C : No, that’s too much, sir. N.T.$ 15,000 will be enough. Here is yourchange of N.T.$ 1,550.G : Thanks.C : Thanks you, sir. Have a nice evening.CHAPTER 9 PARTINGSTHEORYa)Partings are equally as important as greetings. A guest who leaves the restaurant and is not bade farewell, may feel neglected and gain a negative impression of the restaurant, the staff and the whole hotel.b)Say “ Goodbye” with feeling and a smile.KEY PHRASES“ I hope you enjoyed your lunch / dinner / meal.”“ Goodbye sir / Mr. … … Thank you for your coming.”“ Good night Madam / Mrs. …. …”Invite them to come back “ Please come back to see us again.”SENTENCES :I.Have a nice day / afternoon / evening, sir.II.Thank you for dining with us. Please come again.III.I hope you enjoyed your meal. Please come again.IV.H ope to see you again soon.V.It’s a pleasure to serve you again, sir. We look forward to seeing / serving you again.VI.W e hope to welcome you again.VII.Could you pay at the Cashier’s Desk at the entrance, sir ?VIII.It’s very kind of you, sir, but I’m afraid we cannot accept tips. A 10% service charge has already been added to your bill.IX.Well, if you insist, sir. Thank you very much indeed.X.You may pay at your table, sir.CHAPTER 10 VOCABULARYCOMMON WORDS IN A RESTAURANTteapot salt and pepper napkin spoon knife fork cup and saucer glass plate bowl sugar bowl milk jug ashtray flower vase chopsticks toothpick table table cloth trayCHAPTER 11 VOCABULARYTABLE SET UPCONTINENTAL BREAKFAST1.Side plate ( B & B plate )2.Butter Knife3.Napkin4.Cup, saucer & teaspoon5.Toast rack6.Preserve dish with preserve spoon7.Butter dish with butter knife8.Sugar bowl9.Coffee pot or teapot10.H ot water jug or jug for cream or milkDINNER1.Dinner plate and napkin2.Dinner knife3.Dinner knife4.Fish knife5.Fish fork6.Soup spoon7.Dessert spoon8.Dessert fork9.Bread and butter plate10.B utter knife11.Wine glass12.S alt and pepper13.T able number14.A sh trayENGLISH LANGUAGE STRUCTURES FORTHE WESTERN RESTAURANTGREETING & SEATING“ Good morning / afternoon / evening, sir / Madam / Ladies / Gentlemen.”“ Have you made a reservation ?”“ How many are you ? / A table for …. … ?”“ I’m sorry, sir. We’re fully booked at the moment. Would you mind coming back in 20 minut es ?”“ May I suggest you wait in the bar ? It’s on the second floor ?”“ Where would you like to sit here ?”“ Would you like to sit here ?”“ This way please. / Please follow me. ?”OFFERING THE MENU / TAKING THE ORDER“ Would you like to see the menu ?Or perhaps you’d like to choose something from the buffet ?”“ Would you care for something to drink ? Would you like an apertif ?”“ Here is your Whisky, Madam. One ice creamed tea, sir.”“ Are you ready to order ? May I take your order ?”“ So, that’s one … … and two … … . Thank you Ladies.”“ Would you like anything else ?”BRINGING THE ORDER“ Here’s your steak.” “ One ham sandwich.”“ Would you like some tomato ketchup or mustard ?”“ Would you like another beer ?”OFFERING DESSERT“ Would you like a dessert, sir? / Would you like to see the dessert trolley ?”CLEARING THE TABLE“ Have you finished Madam ? Would you like another glass of red wine ?”“ Would you like some coffee ?”“ Did you enjoy your meal ?”PAYING THE BILL“ Here is your bill / check, Madam.”ENGLISH LANGUAGE FORCHINESE RESTAURANTGREETING & SEATING“ Good morning / afternoon / evening, sir / Madam / Ladies / Gentlemen.”“ Have you made a reservation ?”“ How many are you ? / A table for …. … ?”“ I’m sorry, sir. We’re fully booked at the moment. Would you mind coming back in 20 minutes ?”“ May I suggest you wait in the bar ? It’s on the second floor ?”“ Where would you like to sit here ?”“ Would you like to sit here ?”“ This way please. / Please follow me. ?”OFFERING THE MENU / TAKING THE ORDER”“ Would you like to see the menu/Here are the chef’s recommendations.”“ Would you like / care for something to drink ?”“ Here is your orange juice. One coca cola.”“ This dish is spicy. We can cook it with no chilli if you like.”“ So that’s one … … one… … and one … … with no chilli.”“ Would you like any rice or noodles ? Fried or steamed rice ?”“ Would you like anything else ?”BRINGING THE ORDER“ Here is your pork with bean sprouts. One beef with no chilli.”“ Would you like some soy sauce ?”“ Would you like another beer / coca cola ?”“ Would you like a dessert ? Would you like to see the menu again ?”“ Would you like a cup of coffee ?”CLEARING THE TABLE“ Have you finished sir ? Would you like another drink ?”“ Did you enjoy your meal ?”PAYING THE BILL“ Here is your bill, sir. Thank you.”“ I’m sorry, sir. I’ll check with my supervisor. Just a moment.”PART B THE BARCHAPTER 12 GREETING & SEATINGTHEORYa)As said before, greeting and seating is very important. First impressions are lasting impressions.b)Using the guests’ names wherever possible makes the guest feel important.c)The guest will often ask to be seated in a particular place such as at the bar counter. You should do your best to satisfy his request. He may refer to sit at a table which is quieter, away from the piano, the singer or loudspeaker.d)Guests come to the bar to relax after hectic day sightseeing or a tiring day at work. It is your job to make them feel relax and at home.KEY PHRASES“ Good morning / afternoon / evening”“ Sir / Madam / Gentlemen / Ladies”“ Mr. / Mrs.”“ A table for … … ?”‘ How many are you ?”‘ This way, please.”“ Please follow me.”“ Would you like to sit here ?”“ Would you like to sit at the bar / counter ?”“ Would you like to sit near the piano / band ?”CHAPTER 13 PRESENTING DRINKS LISTTHEORYa)You should have a good knowledge of all drinks on the list, their ingredients and how each drink is made and served.b)You will often be asked to devise cocktails. Your Department Head will teach you the ingredients of all drink items.c)If you are not sure whether a certain item is available, check with the bartender or your supervisor.KEY PHRASES“ Here is the menu.”“ Here is the wine list.”“ Our cocktail of the month is Screwdriver. I can recommend it. It’s very good.”“ It’s made with Vodka and Fresh Orange Juice.”“ A Tom Collins ? Just a moment please. I’ll check with the bartender.( If the item requested is not on the drink list. )“ One moment please, I’ll check with my supervisor.”CHAPTER 14 TAKING THE ORDERTHEORYa)Make sure you have pen and paper ready to take the order.b)If the guest asks for an item which has different brands or different varieties, list the alternatives and ask the guest to choose.c)To make sure, you should repeat the order.d)If you didn’t catch what the guest said use:“ I’m sorry, sir.”“ Would you repeat that please, Mrs. Jake.”KEY PHRASES“ One Screwdriver and one beer certainly, sir.”“ Which beer would you like ? / do you prefer ?”“ We have San Miguel. Heineken or Tsingtao.”“ Would you like red or write wine madam ? Sweet or dry ?”“ So, that’s one Screwdriver and one Heineken beer. Thank you Madam, sir.”CHAPTER 15 DESCRIBING DRINKSTHEORYa)Before you are able to describe you should learn about the different types of spirit, beer, cocktail, soft drink, etc.b)Your Department Head will help you to do this, explaining names / brands of drinks, how they are made, how they are served, etc.c)It is important that you have a good beverage knowledge, and that you practice describing different drinks and cocktails once you know all the ingredients.d)The following are phrases for describing drinks. The more knowledge you obtain, the more professional you can become when describing beverages. In this booklet, we provide basic phrases only.KEY PHRASES“ It’s a kind of … … ?”“ It’s made with … … ?”“ Topped with … … ?”“ Garnished with … … ?”“ Red / white / rose”“ Sweet / dry”“ Straight.”“ On the rocks.”“ Single / double.”“ With a dash of … …”EXAMPLES“ Cognac is a kind of Brand.”“ It’s made with freshly brewed coffee and Cognac with fresh cream.”“ Champagne cocktail is garnished with twist of lemon peel.”“ Would you prefer red, write or rose wine ? Sweet or dry ?”“ Give me a scotch on the rocks.”“ Two Vodkas, one single and one double.”“ Half a beer with a dash of Hme.”CHAPTER 16 SERVING THE DRINKTHEORYa)It is important to say something when you serve the drink even if it’s only “ Here you are, sir.”b)Chips or nuts are usual served with a drink. You may ask your Department Head for procedures in your bar.c)Should the guest complain that you have brought the wrong order, offer to change it immediately.KRY PHRASES“ Excuse me, sir. Here’s your beer.”“ Excuse me, Madam. One Coca-Cola for you.”“ Here are some peanuts, potato chips.”“ I’m sorry Mr. Breakwater. I’ll change it for you immediately.”CHAPTER 17 A SECOND DRINKTHEORYa)Selling skills are very important in your job. Your Department Head will give you suggestions and techniques on how to improve and perfect these skills.b)At this stage you need only to know how to offer the guest a second drink in English.c)If you are going to use “another … ,,, ?” be sure that you remember exactly what the guest’s first drink was.KEY PHRASES“ Would you like another drink ?”“ Another Gin & Tonic, Mr. Francis ?”“ Same again, Madam ?”CHAPTER 18 GUEST REQUESTSTHEORYa)Remember the guest our reason why we are here. Try your utmost to satisfy the guests requests.b)If the guest requests an item which is not on the drinks list, check with the bartender as to its availability. Should the bartender not know, check with your supervisor.c)Should a certain item be unavailable, offer an alternative.“ I’m sorry, sir. We don’t have any … … today. May I suggest you trya … … instead ?”KEY PHRASES“ Some more ice ? Certainly, sir.”“ Another Beer, Mr. Johnson ? Yes, of course.”“ More peanuts? Yes, Madam. One moment please.”“ You’d like me to recommend something Mr. James ? I suggest you try a ‘ Pussyfoot’. It’s a very nice non-alcoholic cocktail.”“ I’ll check with my supervisor. One moment please.”“ I’ll check with the bartender. One moment please.”CHAPTER 19 THE CHECK / BILLTHEORYa)Check ( USA ) Bill ( UK )b)Try to bring the check as quickly as possible.c)Should the guest query the bill, apologize and check with the cashier.“ I’m sorry, sir. Just a moment, I’ll check it for you.”KEY PHRASES“ The check, sir ? Certainly, one moment please.”“ The bill, Mrs. Johnson ? Of course, Madam.”“ Here you are, Mr. John.”“ I’m sorry, sir. Just a moment I’ll check it for you.”CHAPTER 20 PARTINGSTHEORYa)Partings are equally as important as greetings. A guest who leaves the restaurant and is not bade farewell, may fell neglected and gain a negative impression of the restaurant, the staff and the whole hotel.b)Say “ Goodbye” with feeling and a smile.KEY PHRASES“ I hope you enjoyed your lunch / dinner / meal.”“ Goodbye sir / Mr … … Thank you for your coming.”“ Good night Madam / Mrs …. …”Invite them to come back “ Please come back to see us again.”SENTENCES :I.Have a nice day / afternoon / evening, sir.II.Thank you for dining with us. Please come again.III.I hope you enjoyed your meal. Please come again.IV.H ope to see you again soon.V.It’s a pleasure to serve you again, sir. We look forward to seeing / serving you again.VI.W e hope to welcome you again.VII.Could y ou pay at the Cashier’s Desk at the entrance, sir ?VIII.It’s very kind of you, sir, but I’m afraid we cannot accept tips. A 10% service charge has already been added to your bill.IX.Well, if you insist, sir. Thank you very much indeed.X.You may pay at your table, sir.SITUATION 1 IN THE LOUNGEW = Waiter J = Mr. JohnsonW : Good evening, Mr. Johnson. How are you this evening ?J : Fine thanks.W : Your usual, Mr. Johnson. Scotch on the rocks ?J : No, I think I’ll have a white win e for a change.W : Sweet or dry ?J : Dry. What could I do this evening ?W : Why don’t you try the disco, Mr. Johnson ? It’s on the top floor.They play some excellent music there .J : Yes, that’s a good idea but I’ll have one more drink before I leave.W : Another write wine ?J : No, I’ll have a rum and coke.W : I’m sorry, sir ?J : A RUM AND COKE.W : Certainly, Mr. Johnson. One run and coke. With ice ?J : Yes, please.W : Here you are, sir. Enjoy your drink.SITUATION 2 AN EVENING IN THE BAR H = Hostess B = Bartender A = Guest A D = Guest DH : Good evening, Madam, sir. A table for two ?A : We’d like to sit at the counter.H : Certainly, sir. Here you are.B : What would you like to drink, sir, Madam ?A : One screwdriver and one orange juice.B : Yes, sir. One screwdriver and an orange juice.D : Can we have a sandwich ?B : Certainly, Madam. I can order a sandwich for you from ourChatterbox Coffeehouse. Let me show you the menu.D : Thank you very much. Do you have any entertainment here ?B : Yes, Madam. We have an excellent pianist from the Philippines.She will start her performance at 6:00 p.m.A : That’s great. Can you tell me which beer you sell here ?B : Yes, sir. We sell four types of beer : Tsingtao, Heineken,Carlsberg and San Miguel.A : How much is the foreign beer ?B : 6 yuan per can.D : Why is so expensive ?B : We have to pay high taxes on imported beer.D : I see. Thank you for your help.B : `You are welcome, Madam. Enjoy your drink.CHAPTER 21 COMMON WORD IN THE BARglass straw bottle cancocktail stick swizzle stick bottle opener corkscrew /wine opener coaster ashtray lighter matches drinks list ice snacks nutsPART C ROOM SERVICECHAPTER 22 TAKING THE ORDERIf the guest would like to eat or drink something in the comfortable of his own room, he may order room service. The food or beverage will be delivered on a tray or trolley to his room. This is usually a 24-hour service.THEORYa)The majority of room service orders are taken over the telephone, so ensure that your telephone manner is up to standard.b)Answer the phone promptly within 3 rings. Greet the guest, by name as displayed on the phone read out, identify yourself and offer assistance.c)Write down the guest’s name and room number.d)Don’t forget to repeat the order, to make sure you heard correctly.e)Should you misunderstand, ask the guest to repeat : “ I’m sorry, sir ?” “Would you repeat that please, madam ?”f)Let guest ring off first.KRY PHRASES“ Room Service. Good morning, ( guest’s name ). Frank speaking. May Ihelp you ?”“ Yes, of course. Would you like toast or rolls, tea or coffee?”“ So, that’s one toast and coffee”“ Thank you Mr. … … Goodbye.”CHAPTER 23 DELIVERING / BRINGING ORDERTHEORYa)Room service waiters should knock on guest’s door and identify themselves.b)Greeting is very important, whether in the room or in the restaurant.c)Ask the guest to sign, rather than just handing him the check without saying anything. ( Print & Signature )d)Should you forget something apologize and inform the guest that you will return immediately.e)Just as greetings are important, partings contribute greatly to guest satisfaction.KEY PHRASES“ Room service.May I come in ?”“ Good morning / afternoon /evening, Mr. Robbins.”“ Here is your breakfast / lunch / dinner / tea / coffee etc.”“ Would you please sign here ?”“ I’m sorry, sir. I’ll bring some tomato ketchup immediately.”“ Goodbye, Mr. Johnson. Enjoy your lunch / dinner.”SITUATION BREAKFAST IN THE ROOMO = Order taker D = Mr. Dunlop W = WaiterMr. Dunlop wants to have breakfastin his room. He calls Room Service.O : Room service. Good morning, Mr. Dunlop. Frank speaking. May IHelp you ?D : Hello. I’d like to order the full breakfast please.O : Yes, of course sir. Would you like bacon, sausage or ham withyour eggs ?D : Bacon and eggs.O : How would you like your eggs ?D : Two fried eggs. Sun side up.O : Certainly. Would you like some toast or rolls ?D : Do you have any croissants ?O : Yes, we do. And would you like any fruit juice, sir ?D : Yes, please. Some tomato juice. Oh ! and some English tea.O : So, that’s tomato juice, bacon and fried eggs, sunny side up,croissants and English tea.D : That’s right.O : Thank you Mr. Dunlop. Goodbye.。

餐厅员工英语培训教材惠州康帝国际酒店餐饮部餐厅英语培训Basic English for Hotel Service一、酒店服务基础英语称谓(Addressing):1. (直接)Mr. ×××, Mrs. Ms. ×××, Miss, sir, madam, gentlemen, ladies, young lady, younggentleman.(间接)the lady with you, the gentleman with you, that lady, that gentleman.问好(Greeting):2. Good morning, sir/madam.3. Good afternoon, sir/madam.4. Good evening, sir/madam.5. How are you today, sir?(回答:Fine, thank you. And you?)欢迎(Welcoming):6. Welcome to the ×××× Hotel.7. Welcome to our restaurant.8. We’re glad to see you again.询问/征询(Asking/inquiring):9. May I have your name, please? 10. Your initials, please?11. May I have your first name? 12. May I take you order now?13. May I have your room number? 14. May I have your signature, sir?… here please.15. May I know who I’m talking with?(打电话时用)16. May I ask who is next?17. May I be of service, madam? 18. May I recommend our , sir?19. May I help you with , madam?20. Would you like me to book a for you?21. Would you like to sit by the window?惠州康帝国际酒店餐饮部餐厅英语培训 22. Would you like to have a cup of tea? 23. Is there anything else I can do for you, madam?24. How about a ?祝愿/祝福(Expressing good wishes):25. Have a pleasant stay at the ×××, sir. 26. Have a pleasant stay with us, madam. 27. Have a nice day!28. Have a pleasant evening.29. Have a good weekend!30. Have a good day.31. Enjoy your stay/day.32. Happy New Year!33. Merry Christmas!34. Happy Birthday!对一般祝愿的回答(Answers to good wishes): 35. You too, Mr. .36. The same to you, sir/madam.致谢(Expressing thanks):37. Thank you.38. Thank you very much.39. Thank you for telling us.40. Thank you for your compliment. 41. Thank you for coming.42. Thank you for calling.43. Thank you for waiting.44. Thank you for being so understanding.(得到谅解时用)45. That’s very kind of you. Thank you very much.惠州康帝国际酒店餐饮部餐厅英语培训对致谢的回答(Answers to thanks): 46. You are welcome.47. With pleasure.48. My pleasure.49. Thank you.(用升调)致歉(Apologizing):50. Excuse me. (打扰客人时)51. I’m awfu lly sorry.52. I beg your pardon, sir. 53. Excuse me for interrupting.(不得不打扰客人时) 54. Sorry to have bothered you.(打扰客人后)55. I’m very sorry. There could have been a mistake. I do apologize.(有投诉时)56. I’m sorry. Would you excuse me, please.(中止谈话时用) 57. I’m sorry. I’m being called.(同上)58. I’m sorry to have kept you waiting, sir.(让客人久等时用) 59. I’m sorry. The house/restaurant is fully booked.60. I’m sorry. We have run out of .对道歉的回答(Answers to apology): 61. That’s all right.62. It doesn’t matter.指示(Directing):63. Let me show you.64. This way, please.65. Please dial “0”, sir.66. It will be on your right hand side. You won’t miss it. 67. Go straight ahead.68. Go down to the lobby. 69. Please take the lift to the 3rd floor.惠州康帝国际酒店餐饮部餐厅英语培训 70. Turn left/right at the first corner. 提示(Arousing attention):71. Here you are.(递东西时)72. Here we are.(到目的地时)73. There comes the taxi.(有的士来时)74. There he is.(发现要找的人时)75. Be aware of the ceiling, sir.表示安慰(Reassuring):76. Don’t worry, madam. We’ll see to it.77. I’ll look into the matter.78. I’ll be with you in a moment.79. There is no hurry, sir. Take your time. 80. It won’t be too long, sir.81. Please take you time, madam.82. We’ll let you know as soon as there is any available.83. I’ll report it to my manager.表示乐意效劳(Willing to serve):84. Very good, sir. I’ll be glad to help.85. Certainly, madam. I’ll be happy to do it.86. Yes, I will.87. Yes, certainly, just leave it to us, sir. 88. Glad to be of service. Please feel free to contact us anytime.89. My name is , if there is anything I can do for you, just let me know.表示婉拒(Declining):90. I’m afraid such information is confidential.91. That’s very kind of you, but no, thank you.92. That won’t be necessary, sir, but t hank you all the same. 93. I’m afraid we cannot do that.惠州康帝国际酒店餐饮部餐厅英语培训肯定答复(Positive answers):94. Certainly, sir, I will bring it to you right away.95. We do have available.未肯定时的答复(Uncertain answers):96. I’m sorry I cannot guarantee, but I’ll do my best.97. I’m sorry, madam, I’m not sure, but I’ll ask my manager/the chef about it for you. 98. If you wait a moment, sir, I’ll try to find out.否定的答复(Negative answers):99. I’m sorry, there is no discount.100. I’m sorry, madam, I’m afraid we don’t have any available.表示高兴(Expressing happiness):101. My pleasure. I’m happy everything was to your satisfaction.102. I’m glad to hear that.表示遗憾(Expressing pity):103. I’m sorry to hear that.104. It’s a great pity.表示关怀(Expressing concern):105. Did you have a nice trip? 106. Are you all right, sir?107. I hope you did not hurt yourself. 108. Would you like to see the doctor? 109. I hope you feel better now.表示谦让(Being modest):110. After you, sir.111. You first, sir.请让路(Asking for a pass):惠州康帝国际酒店餐饮部餐厅英语培训 112. Excuse me, please.113. May I come through, please?表示同意(Agreeing):114. That’s true.115. Absolutely, sir.116. Exactly, sir.表示不同意(Disagreeing):117. Not really. It’s good value for the price.表示明白(Understanding):118. Yes, I see, sir.表示不明白(Not understanding):119. Could you speak slowly, please? 120. I’m sorry, I don’t quite understand. Should I get the manager?121. Pardon?(用升调)告别语(Saying good-bye):122. Good-bye, and have a nice trip. 123. Thank you for coming.124. Sorry, I have to go. Nice talking with you.125. We all look forward to serving you again.126. Hope you enjoyed staying with us.惠州康帝国际酒店餐饮部餐厅英语培训参考资料Occupation and Position 职位与职务 Beauty Salon 美容室 Assistant Manager 大堂副经理 Bowling Alley 保龄球馆 Attendant 客房服务员 Business Center 商务中心 Captain (head waiter) 领班Cashier’s 收银处 Clerk/Staff 职员 Conference Room 会议室 Driver 司机 Front Office Reception 前台接待处 General Manager 总经理 Hair Salon 理发室 Manager 经理 Hot Spring Natatorium 温泉游泳馆 Operator 接线生 Information 问询处 Porter/Bell boy 行李生 In-house Doctor 医务室 Receptionist 接待员 Karaoke 卡拉OK Secretary 秘书 Lobby Bar 大堂吧 Supervisor 主管 Reservation 订房部 Vice-General Manager 副总经理 Room service 送餐部 Waiter 餐厅男服务员Shopping Arcade 商场 Waitress 餐厅女服务员 Tennis Center 网球中心Villa 别墅 Na me of Hotel’s Departments 酒店部门名称 Western Restaurant 西餐厅General Manager’s Office 总经理室Numerals 数字 Public Relations and sales 公关销售部Cardinal Numbers Marketing Department 基数one 一 Front office 前台部two 二 Housekeeping Department 客房部three 三 Laundry 洗涤部four 四 Steward Department 管家部five 五 Food and Beverage Department 餐饮部 six 六 Accounting Department 财务部 seven 七 Security Department 保安部 eight 八Engineering Department 动力部 nine 九 Apartment 公寓楼 ten 十 Banquet Hall 宴会厅 eleven 十一 Ballroom 舞厅 twelve 十二 Bar 酒吧 thirteen 十三惠州康帝国际酒店餐饮部餐厅英语培训Third 3rd 第三 fourteen 十四fourth 4th 第四 fifteen 十五fifth 5th 第五 sixteen 十六sixth 6th 第六 seventeen 十七seventh 7th 第七 eighteen 十八eighth 8th 第八 nineteen 十九 ninth 9th 第九 twenty 二十 tenth 10th 第十 twenty-one 二十一 eleventh 11th 第十一 thirty 三十 twelfth 12th 第十二 thirty-two 三十二 thirteenth 13th 第十三fourteenth 14th 第十四 forty 四十fifteenth 15th 第十五 forty-three 四十三sixteenth 16th 第十六 fifty 五十seventeenth 17th 第十七 fifty-four 五十四eighteenth 18th 第十八 sixty 六十nineteenth 19th 第十九 sixty-five 六十五 twentieth 20th 第二十seventy 七十 twenty-first 21th 第二十一 seventy-six 七十六 thirtieth 30th 第三十 eighty 八十 thirty-second 32nd 第三十二 eighty-seven 八十七fortieth 40th 第四十forty-third 43rd 第四十三 ninety 九十fiftieth 50th 第五十 ninety-eight 九十八fifty-fourth 54th 第五十四 one hundred 一百sixtieth 60th 第六十 one hundred and nine 一百零九sixty-fifth 65th 第六十五 one thousand 一千seventieth 70th 第七十 one million 一百万 seventh-sixth 76th 第七十六eightieth 80th 第八十序数 Ordinal numbers eighty-seventh 87th 第八十七 first 1st 第一ninetieth 90th 第九十 second 2nd 第二 ninety-eighth 98th 第九十八惠州康帝国际酒店餐饮部餐厅英语培训4. Dates 日期 Dates & Time 日期和时间Year 年 1. The days of the week 星期month 月 Sunday (Sun.) 星期日day 日 Monday (Mon.) 星期一week 星期 Tuesday (Tues.) 星期二morning (a.m.) 上午 Wednesday (Wed.) 星期三 noon 中午 Thursday (Thur.) 星期四 afternoon (p.m.) 下午 Friday (Fri.) 星期五 evening 晚上Saturday (Sat.) 星期六 night 夜晚2. The months of the year 月份 today 今天tomorrow 明天 January (Jan.) 一月yesterday 昨天 February (Feb.) 二月the day before yesterday 前天 March (Mar.) 三月the day after tomorrow 后天 April (Apr.) 四月weekend 周末 May (May.) 五月 weekday 周日 June (Jun.) 六月 this year 今年 July (Jul.) 七月 last year 去年 August (Aug.) 八月 next year 明年September (Sep.) 九月 5. Seasons 季节 October (Oct.) 十月 spring 春天November (Nov.) 十一月 summer 夏天autumn 秋天 December (Dec.) 十二月winter 冬天 3. Times 时间6. Festivals and Celebrations 节日、庆祝日 hour 小时New Year 新年 minute 分钟New year’s Day 元旦 second 秒钟Spring Festival 春节 quarter 刻钟Easter 复活节o’clock 点钟Thanksgiving Day 感恩节It’s four past eight (eight four) 8:04 National Day 国庆节It’s fifteen to nine (a quarter to nine) 8:45 Christmas 圣诞节It’s half past seven (seven thirty) 7:30Christmas Eve 平安夜7:55 It’s five to eight (seven fifty-five) 惠州康帝国际酒店餐饮部餐厅英语培训English for F&B service二、餐厅服务英语1、Good morning,×××restaurant.may l help you?2、For what time,sir?3、May l have your name,please? / Under what name is this booking made,please?4、Would you spell it for me? / spelling,please?5、For how many people?6、A table for three?7、May l repeat…a table for fo r this afternoon/evening forMr./Miss .8、Please be aware that the reservation will be kept for 15 minutes after the reservedtime.9、Thank you,sir.10、Hope you enjoy your meal.11、Good morning.table for two?12、Would you like a table near the window?13、What would you like to drink before ordering? 14、Would you like to order now?15、Would you like a high chair for baby?16、Will you have separate checks,sir?17、I’m sorry but there is no table available just now.Would you care to wait?18、Would you like to have a drink in the lounge while you wait?19、Would you mind sharing the table with other people? 20、What kind of tea would you like,sir?惠州康帝国际酒店餐饮部餐厅英语培训21、Here is the menu.22、Do you use chopsticks,sir?23、I’ll get you a knife and fork.24、We have Cantonese,Sichuan and Shanghai food.25、Cantonese food is rather light,Sichuan food is spicy and Shanghai food is oily.26、Roasted Suckling pig is the most famous of our kitchen.Do you want to try?27、How much do you want to pay for each person?28、I’ll bring your food right away.29、I’m afraid this food takes quite a while to prepare.Would you mind waiting a bitlonger?30、Here is your meal.Sorry to have kept you waiting. 31、I’m sorry,sir.Your dining coupons only include soft drink or beer. 32、If you want to have any wines and spirts,you have to pay extra. 33、Sorry,it is sold out.May l recommend something else to you? 34、Sorry,it is not available right now,It’s off season.35、All your dishes are served now.Please enjoy your meal. 36、Would you like to have one more beer?37、I’m sorry,sir.Would you like it cooked a little more?38、I’m sorry,I don’t understand.would you like to talk to our manager?39、I’ll get you the manager.40、Sorry,I got it wrong.41、Would you please wait a moment?42、Would you like some desserts or fruit after your meal?惠州康帝国际酒店餐饮部餐厅英语培训三、单词中英对译1、烟灰缸 ashtray2、筷子 chopsticks3、叉 fork4、刀 knife5、洗手间 toilet6、毛巾 towel7、牛肉 beef8、羊肉 mutton9、猪肉 pork 10、香肠 sausage 11、肉蟹 male crad 12、鱼翅 shark s fin 13、芦笋 asparagus 14、豆腐 bean curd 15、土豆 potato 16、菠菜 spinach 17、红烧 braised 18、蒸 steamed 19、炒 sautee 20、烧腊 roasted 21、Bar 酒吧 22、Florist 花店23、Black tea 红茶 24、Mineral water矿泉水 25、Mango 芒果 26、Strawberry草莓27、Beer 啤酒 28、Cocktail鸡尾酒29、Congee 粥 30、Noodles面条31、Lobster 龙虾 32、Perch鲈鱼33、Scrag羊颈肉 34、Beijing duck填鸭 35、Turnip萝卜 36、Apple苹果37、ONION 洋葱 38、A LA CARTE 散餐 39、CARROT 胡萝卜 40、BEEF CONSOMME 牛肉清汤 41、CERELY 芹菜 42、FISH STOCK 鱼大汤 43、CABBAGE 椰菜44、SPAGHETTI 意大利粉 45、ASPARAGUS 芦笋 46、BEETROOT 甜菜头 47、FISH 鱼 48、CHICKEN A LA KING 鸡皇饭 49、GAROUPA 石斑鱼 50、DEEP FRIED PRAWN 炸直虾 51、SHRIMP 虾仁 52、PORK CHOP 猪扒 53、SCALLOP 带子 54、SEAFOOD COCKTAIL 海鲜鸡尾杯 55、BUTTER 牛油 56、FRESH CREAM CAKE 鲜奶油蛋糕 57、SUGAR 白糖 58、BROWN SAUCE 黄汁惠州康帝国际酒店餐饮部餐厅英语培训59、CREAM 鲜奶油 60、BAKING POWDER 泡打粉 61、THYME 百里香香草 62、FRESH HERB 鲜香草 63、BAY LEAVE 香叶 64、SPINACH LEAVE 菠菜叶 65、BEEF 牛肉 66、NEW YORK CUT 分量大的 67、CHICKEN 鸡 68、ENGLISH CUT 分量小的69、SPARE RIB 排骨 70、SIRLION STEAK 西冷牛扒 71、LAMB 羊肉 72、CHOCOLATE MOUSSE 巧克力幕司 73、BOILING 煮开 74、POACHED EGG 波蛋 75、STEAM 蒸 76、CLUB SANDWICH 公司三文治 77、TOOTH 牙签 78、CHOPSTICKS 筷子79、NAPKIN 餐巾 80、TABLE CLOTH 台布四、常用英语短句子:(中英对译)1、欢迎您来这里用餐,Welcome to have your meals here。


烧烤用叉 roasting fork 糕点叉 dessert fork
海鲜叉 seafood fork
蚝叉 oyster fork
饼叉 cake fork
水果叉 fruit fork
蜜饯叉 pickle fork
餐匙 tablespoon
汤匙 soup spoon
茶匙 teaspoon
咖啡匙 coffee spoon 冷饮匙 iced tea spoon
七. 味道 flavor
味淡的 milder 有香料的,香的 spicy
辣的 hot
咸的 salty
酸的 sour 苦的 bitter
油腻的 greasy / rich
甜的 sweet
松脆的 crisp 味重的 heavy
清淡的 light 无味的 insipid
老的 tough
嫩的 tender
Reservations Call
1. Good morning, sir。Restaurant, May I help you?
2. I’d like to reserve a table for tonight, please.
I’d like to make a reservation for three for
糊的 starchy
猪肉pork twice-cooked pork slices回锅肉
牛肉beef 羊肉mutton 鸡肉chicken
goose 鹅
鸽 pigeon
矿泉水 mineral water
Food and Beverage manager 餐饮部经理
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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take too much time.
服务员:Yes,sir. All the buffet dishes are over
there, you can choose by yourself.
客人:Ok, thank you.
(after a while)
服务员:Is everything all right,sir? 客人:Very well. Can I have my bill,please? 服务员:Yes,sir. Here is your bill. Two handred and eighteen yuan in total. 客人:This is two hundred and twenty yuan.
服务员:So here is the menu.Please take your
time. I’ll be at your service later.
服务员:Sir, shall I take your order now?
客人:Yes. We’d like grilled American sirloin
Ms.(小姐),sir(先生),madam(女士, 夫人),lady(女士),gentleman(先生), ladies and gentlemen(女士们先生们), everyone(每一位)
Good morning / afternoon / evening. 早上好/下午好/晚上好 How are you today,sir? 您好,先生。 Glad to see you (again). 很高兴(再次)见到您。
(a while later) 服务员:May I take your order now,sir? 客人:Yes. 服务员:We have buffet,a la carte dishes and table d’hote,which do you like best? 客人:I think we’d like to have the a la carte.
辣椒酱 chilli sauce 姜 ginger
咖喱粉 curry power 蒜 garlic
盐 salt 糖 sugar
葱 shallot
煮的 boiled 炖的 stewed
7 May I show you our menu,please?
服务员:This way,please. Would you like to seat
by the window?
服务员:May I take your order now,sir?
客人:Yes,please. I’m in a hurry.
服务员:Ok. We have both buffet-style and a la carte dishes. Which would you preper? 客人:I’d like the buffet. It’s simple and won’t
客人:OK, thank you.
服务员:Just a moment please.
(after the dinner)
客人:Waitress. Can I have my bill?
服务员:Just a moment sir. Well,the total is
three hundred and seventy one yuan.
服务员:You are welcome.
对话 3-2
服务员:Good morning. Would you like a seat
by the window?
客人:Yes,please. 服务员:How about this one? 客人:That’s fine. Thank you. 服务员:We have both buffet-style and a la carte dishes. Which would you prefer? 客人:I’d like the a la carte for breakfast. I’m not very hungry.
12 We have both buffet-style and a la carte dishes, Which would you prefer? 我们有自助式和点菜式,您喜欢哪一种? 13 How would you like your egg/steak done? 您喜欢鸡蛋/牛排怎么做? 14 How many are there in your party? 请问你们一共有多少人?
对话 3-1
服务员:Good evening. Welcome to our restaurant. Do you have a reservation? 客人:I don’t think so. 服务员:How many persons in your party? 客人:four.
服务员:This way,please. Would you like a seat by the window? 客人:That’s fine. 服务员:Here is our menu.Please take your time. I will be at your service soon. 客人:Thank you.
真是很抱歉。 I beg your pardon,sir. 请您原谅,先生。
Excuse me for interrupting.
I am sorry, the restaurant is fully booked.
I’m sorry to have kept you waiting,sir.
勤 练 practice
自助餐 buffet
桌布 tablecloth
玻璃杯 glass
咖啡杯 cup
刀 knife
叉 fork 盘,碟 plate
毛巾 hand towel
餐巾 napkin 碗 bowl
酒店餐饮英语 打招呼
客人:Here is four hundred.
服务员:Excuse me,sir. This is your receipt and change. Thank you for coming. Have a good day.
Excuse me.
I am awfully / very sorry.
炒的 fried/sauted 苦的 bitter
油炸的 deep-fried 辣的 hot/spicy
蒸的 steamed
酸的 sour 甜的 sweet
咸的 salty
老的 tough 嫩的 tender
对话 4-1
服务员:Good evening. Welcome! How many persons? 客人:Just two.
服务员:Ok, May I take your order now? 客人:Sure. 服务员:Here is our menu. 客人:I would like to have a fried egg,
two slices of bread with butter and
ham and a glass of milk.
Here is the menu.
8 What would you like to drink? Beer / Coca
cola / sprite / fruit juice / mineral water / tea
酱油 soy sauce
黄油 butter
筷子 chopsticks
勺 spoon 醋 vinegar
蜂蜜 honey
酱 paste 番茄酱 tomato sauce
1 What can I do for you? 有什么需要帮忙的吗? 2 May I take your order now? 现在点菜可以吗? 3 May I recommend our speciality for you,sir?
服务员:Anything else?
客人:That’s enough. How much is it?
服务员:Totally 109 yuan.
客人:Do I buy now? 服务员:Yes,please. 客人:Ok.here is 120 yuan. Keep the change. Thank you for your nice service. 服务员:You are welcome.
steak,grilled Angus beef tenderloin,
and French onion soup.and what’s your speciality? 服务员:Seafood. The roasted codfish with olive sauce is our special. It’s very popular. 客人:OK. A piece of roasted codfish. Do you think it’s enough for us? 服务员:Just about.
Would you like to pay cash or by credit card?
Excuse me,sir. Would you please sign your