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Design and Simulation Of Optimum Receiver in Additive

Gaussian White Noise Channel


In the digital communication system, the received signal is often deteriorated by additive Gaussian white noise signal at the receiver side. Therefore, researched Optimum Receiver in Additive Gaussian White Noise Channel has a certain practicality best significance. Optimum receiver contain signals demodulator and detector, However, the signal demodulation has two methods of the related demodulator and the match filter demodulator , the detector by the MAP and ML for two major principles composition.

The design mainly design and simulation optimum receiver use of MATLAB m-files based on 4PSK signal modulation.Superposition of noise on the input signals received 4PSK modulation, use of relevant signal demodulation demodulator and ML principles detection to achieve. In the relevant demodulator, the received signal, respectively multiplying the base functions and then integration. The detector, the use of phase to determine the output, and ultimately obtain the receiving data. Adopted random binary pass through 4PSK modulate that Superposition of Gaussian white noise, then Tested the design of the receiver. the results can be seen from the test, the error rate is 0 when the signal to noise ratio is greater than -8dB, indicating that the receiver is more Achieve good noise performance.

Key words: demodulator;detector;4PSK;signal-noise; error rate


1绪论 (1)

1.1课题背景及目的 (1)

1.2国内外发展状况 (1)

1.3论文构成及研究内容 (2)

2 AGWN最佳接收机的原理 (3)

2.1 受加性高斯白噪声恶化信号的最佳接收机 (3)

2.2最佳解调器 (3)

2.2.1相关解调器 (4)

2.2.2匹配滤波器解调 (5)

2.3最佳检测器 (7)

3 4PSK最佳接收机的设计 (9)

3.1 4PSK的最佳接收机工作原理 (9)

3.2 4PSK的最佳接收机的功能 (10)

3.3 4PSK的最佳接收机设计的流程图 (10)

3.4 4PSK的最佳接收机的仿真 (12)

4测试结果及性能分析 (14)

4.1测试数据的生成 (14)

4.2测试的结果及分析 (15)

5总结 (21)

参考文献 (22)

致谢 (23)

附录 (24)

附件1开题报告 .........................................................................................错误!未定义书签。附件2英文原文及译文 . (37)
