ISSUE写作 自整理提纲素材 121-140




1.的确,生活条件好,人们不会再像our fathers 那样勇敢的开拓新土地,捍卫自己的领土;也不会再想《飘》里的斯嘉丽在南北战争之后用双手重建家园,再没有帮助的情况下;不会像圣地亚哥那样为了证明人可以被毁灭但不可以被达到与一群群鲨鱼搏斗。
1 是这样的 国家领导人每天处理那么多问题,分门别类,什么问题都有,但都是有一个共同的目标:为了人民更好的生活。奥巴马总统的一天行程安排:早上在白宫对全国发表剿灭本拉登的讲话,中午到伊拉克看望驻守士兵,傍晚时分可能又在国会与共和党人就提高政府负债上限展开辩论,这一切看似无关,无法给出一个标准化的tips逐一判断,但让我们看看他的竞选承诺,原来这都是为了降低就业率,保卫人民的安全,for well-being of the U.S. citizens
147.The effectiveness of a country's leaders is best measured by examining the wellbeing of that country's citizens.人民的安好最能体现一个国家领导人水平的高低



1、"We can usually learn much more from peopl e whose vi ews we share than from people whose views contradi ct our own; disagreement can cause stress and inhibit l earni ng." 1.我们通常从和我们意见统一的人那里学到的东西比从和我们意见相悖的人那里学到的东西多的多;意见分歧阻碍了学习。

Although we can learn knowledge from people whose vi ews we share, the knowledge i s limited, si nce the sphere of knowledge of the people who share the same opinion are confined to same level of cogni tion with us.It will be quite di fferent if we communi cate with people whose views contradi ct to ours.Admitted that, it i s little harder or even bitter to accept opposite views for us due to our self-assertion i s impai red caused by other‟s challenge.2、"Competition i s ul timately more benefi ci al than detrimental to society." 2.竞争对社会的好处大于坏处。

Through competing, the one who i s most eligible i s put on the right place, and then will produce much more val ues than those who are not competent as he or she.While, on the other hand, i f a competi tion is fraught wi th adulterati on and illegality, it will bring deteriorati on to the society rather than progress. A case in point i s related to market economi cs.3."It i s more i mportant to allocate money for immediate, exi sting social problems than to spend it on l ong-term research that might help future generations." 3.我们应该把更多的钱用在当前的问题上,而不是用在可能有助于我们后代的长期的研究项目上。




本文将从GRE issue开头和结尾段的写作手法为同学们提供写作模板,希望考生们可以从例子中找到写作灵感,总结出适合自己的GRE写作模板。



第一种:直接陈述观点+概述理由I agreewith the speaker's broad assertion that money spent on research is generallywell invested. However, the speaker unnecessarily extends this broad assertionto embrace research whose results are "controversial," while ignoringcertain compelling reasons why some types of research might be unjustifiable.My points of contention with the speaker involve the fundamental objectives andnature of research, as discussed below.例文中先支持原文观点:把钱话在研究上是很好的投资;然后转折:结果有争议的研究可以不包含在投资范围的;最后,引出下文要论述的理由。

第二种:比较双方观点,阐明自己观点There ismuch debate over the universal issues whether or not tradition andmodernization are incompatible. Some people may claim that they necessarilyconflict with each other, while others argue that the two are not mutuallyexclusive. Insofar as I can think, the best way is to coordinate them and exerttheir ownadvantages for contemporary society.第一句改写题目,第二句比较两种立场,第三句提出自己的观点。

13 我自己的ISSUE高频提纲

13 我自己的ISSUE高频提纲

MY OUTINES OF ISSUESISSUE221历史的最大作用在于消除错误印象:不同时代人不同1 在某些方面,尤其是人的本性方面,不同时代的人都是一样的:人们仍然有着avarice, lechery and jealousness贪婪好色嫉妒的本性,这使的不论哪个时代的人都在不断因此吃下苦果;人们同样对于未知世界是不安的渴望的,虽然我们现在知道的远比我们的祖先知道的多,但是我们都在不停的探索未知世界并且reassure我们自己;不同时代的人类都在追求艺术,因为艺术帮助我们反省自己并且探索自己规律;2 但是不能否认,我们与以前时代的人是有很大不同的。

首先我们的一些生活习惯不同,比如科技的进步使我们随时随地的可以进行交流,这使得我们无时无刻不在关注自己的收集;其次我们的一些观念改变了,比如对于成功,其他时代的人们也许会注重individuality,因为以前的business是小型的,人们之间交流少;而我们现在更注重conformity,现代社会关系很多,没有communication和cooperation 是不可能成功的。

All in all, 不同时代的人有很多不同。

3 另外,历史研究最大的好处远不止比较不同时代的人。




所以,我们在研究历史的时候更应该注重lessons,而不仅仅是人们相同或者不同ISSUE51教育满足每个学生的要求1 兴趣对于学生的学习非常重要。


GRE考试:issue写作指导(提纲 模板)

GRE考试:issue写作指导(提纲 模板)

GRE考试:issue作文重点题目和提纲gre issue 提纲“It is dangerous to trust only intelligence.”只相信智力是危险的。



【提纲1】A. 无可否认的,智力因素在各个领域都很重要,无论是自然科学还是社会科学。

(论据1)Undoubtedly, intelligence plays an important role in many realms, including the natural science and the social sciences.B.要想成功光靠智力是远远不够的,还有很多其他的因素如勤奋、勇敢等。

(论据2)Intelligence by itself is not enough for one to succeed; many other factors such as diligence and courage must be taken into consideration.C.应该在此二者之间寻求平衡,即将两者结合起来。

We should strive for a balance between intelligence and emotion, that is, combine them with each other.【提纲2】Position: Intelligence is sufficient in some cases but not in any case.1、In scientific studies regarding the physical world, we should depend only on intelligence for discovering and testing truths.2、However, in the realm of human affairs, we have to use both our intelligence and our hearts for solving problems.3、Sometimes our intuition can give us valuable assistance in making a judgment.GRE考试:issue字数gre issue 字数要求是怎样的?很多考生担心考试时issue 字数上不去。



学习类1(1). "We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own; disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning."通常,我们从与我们意见相同的人身上学到的要比从那些与我们意见相悖的人身上学的东西要多得多;(因为)意见不统一会带来压力并且阻碍学习。


2)相反,我们能从与我们观点相悖的人身上获取新视野,从而找到解决问题的方法eg 与此同时,我们能从与我们观点相悖的人身上发现自身的不足eg3)历史告诉我们,无论是对个人还是社会,主要是通过不同意见的争论来获取进步,向前发展的。


.2(4). "No field of study can advance significantly unless outsiders bring their knowledge and experience to that field of study."在任何一个研究领域当中,除非有该领域之外的人引进他们的知识和经验,否则该领域就很难获得巨大的发展。

Outsider: a person does not belong to a particular group闭门造车,旁观者清Topic:同意,知识领域的重大进展依赖于各学科的知识和经验,甚至能创造出一个新的学科。



NO.130 教育3月北京第2"How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society."孩子们的社会化决定社会的命运。


This statement actually consist of two claims. First, the destiny of society is determined by how children are socialized today. Second, we have not yet learned how to raise children to be competent to help bring about a better society. As far asI am concerned, I disagree with both of the two claims.(1) There is no denying that children is the hope of a nation so that how children are socialized is indeed crucial for the future society.(2) However, the socialization of children is only one of the factors that determine the development of children, and yet it may not the most important one.(3) What is the most important, consider the item “better society” as equality, prosperity, stabilization, then we do have experienced great improvement and progress during the last decades, the time of those who once were the childern of our society, which means we do actually know how to raise children to contribute a better society. We devote to raise children in health, not only in physical but also in mental. Merits such as honesty, responsibility, persistence, kindness and so on are the core lessons should be taken to children.NO.48 历史与人民 3月北京第4"The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten."历史研究把太多重点放在对某些个人上.历史上一些重大事件和发展趋势不是由个别名人决定的,而可能是由那些已经被淡忘的人制造的。



ISSUE 作文提纲-By William1.As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, theability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate.1)Machines are superior to human in some aspects, can facilitateworking efficiency, and free us from repetitive works. Computer, assembling line.2)Machines rely on human mind to function. Thus, we human stillhave to think and instruct properly so that our purpose will be satiated.3)Relying excessively on technology appears together with indolent.It is controversial what causes what.2.To understand the most important characteristics of a society, onemust study its major cities.1)Cities do have some major cultural essence and can represent thesociety to certain extend. Like Beijing and Athens.2)Most cities are multi-cultural, and the traditional thing may besubstituted by influx of fresh culture. New York, Shanghai, and Tokyo.3)To fully understand a society, a more holistic view must be taken.Study both the cities and the rural areas.cational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade studentsfrom pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed.1)It is educational institutions’ responsibility to enable students tobe qualified for future competition and help they form a comprehensive view about themselves as well as the field they want to enter.2)Whether it is likely to succeed involves various factors. Such astalent, interest, and perseverance.3)It is the students themselves to make the decision what to do inthe future.4.Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems inways that no speaker or reformer ever could.1)Scandals do reveal some drawbacks of entertainment celebritiesand political leaders. In this sense, scandals help inform the public.2)Motivated by profitability, small or even famous presses fabricatescandals in order to promote sales. If this is the case, scandal will confuse the public and defame those celebrities with thing they have never done.3)People should distinguish defaming from debunking beforedrawing any conclusion about whether scandals are useful or not.5.Claim: Governments must ensure that their major cities receive thefinancial support they need in order to thrive.Reason: It is primarily in cities that a nation’s cultural traditions are preserved and generated.1)Major cities do need financial support in order to incite theeconomic development rather than preserve the traditions.2)It is equally possible that traditional essence will be found in ruralarea. People there are more pristine and preserve the custom better.3)Culture is representation of most of people in a society, so thefund should be invested to places where most people reside.Judge by city or rural area is a false standard.6.A nation should require all of its students to study the samenational curriculum until they enter college.1)It is true that certain courses are essential if the students want tofurther their education. For example, math, physics and computer.2)All the same curriculum would somehow suppress the students’interests and make them less motivated to learn.3)School should provide a combination of compulsory courses withselective courses.7.Some people believe that government funding of the arts isnecessary to ensure that the arts can flourish and be available to all people. Others believe that government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts.1)Art is never supposed to be accessible to all people because of itsintrinsic nature of spiritual product.2)Money should be used for more important issue as hunger andaccess to clean water.3)Government itself is not a proper entity to support art since artwill be restrict and utilized for political purpose and lose its purity of aesthesis.8.Claim: in any field-business, education, politics, government-thosein power should step down after five years.Reason: The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership.1)Rotating-presidency is an efficient way to prevent corruption andincite competition among the potential leader which in turn ends up more productive.2)However rotating would impair the consistency within agovernment or company, and this will undermine the policy durability and no long-term consideration will be available.3)It would be a favorable choice to make an eclectic choice.Implementing a strict supervision mechanism and evaluation system that guarantee that company function properly and suitable for creative ideas.9.In any field of endeavor, it is impossible to make a significantcontribution without first being strongly influenced by past achievements within that field.1)It is necessary to master the previous knowledge about a certainfield in order to further its study and make significant contribution to that field. Like Newton, Bill Gates.2)However it is the preoccupied ideas that restrain our creativethinking and limit our innovation ability. Literature and design.3)There are some fields that pre-knowledge never ranks first on thepriority list. Singing-talent’s role may appear more prominent. 10.N ations should pass laws to preserve any remaining wildernessareas in their natural state, even if these areas could be developed for economic gain.1)Human should bear some responsibility to preserve some of thenature habitat for wilderness. Conservatives for panda and Yellow Rock National Park.2)Extinction of wilderness areas and species could be explain awayby Darwin’s Selection Theory that it is normal to have species disappear from this planet and people should not try to protect them in sacrifice of everything.3)Conservation and economic gain never mutually contradict eachother. Establish Nature Park to stimulate tourism that benefits both nature and human.11.P eople’s behavior is largely determined by forces not of their ownmaking.1)Motivation. People could be motivated by numerous stimulationsfrom human natural desire to moral and ethical sense.2)Regulation. Not all our will are legitimate and we have to obey therule as long as we are in this society. Want to do but cannot do.3)Obligation. Required to sate the responsibility and be a strong linkin the social circle. Do not want to do but have to do.12.G overnment should offer a free university education to any studentwho has been admitted to a university but who cannot afford the tuition.1)It would be a favorable suggestion that students can obtaineducation without worry about the money they have to pay.2)Certain drawbacks are clear. How to define that who is qualifiedto acquire the support and those in power may have the chance to manipulate the money so that those in need do not have the money.3)Money should be given to solve more crucial issue such as hungerand access to clean water.13.U niversities should require every student to take a variety ofcourses outside the student’s field of study.1)Having various knowledge about several subjects is conducivethat inter-subject knowledge will help to broaden the horizon and improve working efficiency.2)Prepare them better for future careers since no career issingle-related and a broad view will help them stand out.3)Whether or not to choose a variety of courses should be studentsown choice and it is university’s responsibility to provide them with diverse courses rather than command them to go.14.A nation should require all of its students to study the samenational curriculum until they enter college.See 6.15.E ducational institutions should actively encourage students tochoose fields of study that will prepare them for lucrative careers.1)It is reasonable to take earning ability into account when choosingthe field of study. Family support, social status.2)Happiness is more important than money.3)Educational institution should focus more on enabling students tobe qualified for future competition and inculcating them knowledge rather than suggesting them what to do and what to be in the future.16.S ome people believe that in order to be effective, political leadersmust yield to public opinion and abandon principle for the sake of compromise. Others believe that the most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives.1)Political leaders should remain on some of their judgment andimplement the policy consistently. They know the information that cannot be exposed to public, so their decision is more likely to be farsighted.2)Yielding to public opinion may lead to decrease in workingefficiency, because there will always be endless controversies.3)It is part of the leader’s role to serve the public. In this sense,leaders should take public opinion into consideration.17.F ormal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather thanset them free.1)Formal education is necessary because it enables most of theordinary people to have access to knowledge. University education.2)Creative mind and innovation instinct will voluntarily makesomeone to acquire knowledge wherever possible. From mass media, from daily life.3)Formal education does not restrain us, but on the contrary, itestablishes a sound foundation for further creation.18.T he well-being of a society is enhanced when many of its peoplequestion authority.1)Being reasonably skeptic is conducive in helping society todevelop. Because it provide different ideas from the orthodox andmight incite creative thinking.2)Over-skeptic will impede the productivity and impair the trustamong a society. Inter-individual relationship is undermined and upset the stability of society.3)Excessive skepticism may even contribute to commotion andupheaval which are devastating to a society and civilization.People will be eager to subvert the government and establish an alleged more equal and more democratic one.19.G overnments should focus on solving the immediate problems oftoday rather than on trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future.1)Immediate problem ask for action for its exigent nature. Caraccidents, wars, and earthquakes.2)Long term problems are also crucial to be taken care of. Globalwarming and soil erosion.3)Government should value the significance of the problem ratherthan when or where does it happen. Solving immediate problems and anticipated problems are not mutually contradictory.20.S ome people believe that college students should consider onlytheir own talents and interests when choosing a field of study.Others believe that college students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field.1)Interest and talent are significant because they are the bestmotivation that can make a student persistent about the field he chooses to enter. Bill Gates dropped out from university to develop Microsoft.2)Availability of jobs is also important because one has to beresponsible to support the family, maintain the social net work.That all need money which will be paid from the job.3)Choosing field of study is far more than considering solely oneaspect. It is indeed a multi-factor issue. Access to that field, prospective development.21.L aws should be flexible enough to take account of variouscircumstances, times, and places.1)Laws are not supposed to be omnipotent when dealing withdifferent cases. Laws are just a reference for judges.2)If laws are flexible which means the material and idea are morelikely to be substituted or revised, laws will lose their consistency and authority. Even worse, they will be easily interfered by power.3)It is reasonable to require justice rather than laws to be moreflexible and consider the motivation and circumstances under which the incident occurred.22.C laim: the best way to understand the character of a society is toexamine the character of the men and women that the societychooses as its heroes or its role models.Reason: Heroes and role models reveal a society’s highest ideals.1)Heroes are the highest ideals of a society and it represents partlythe society. They stand for the best characteristic and ideal model of the society. Yao Ming, excellent but not average.2)Heroes and ideal models are always disguised when facing thepublic, so what people see might not be true. Good at some aspects but not omnipotent.3)Impossible to be someone like a national hero, so the hero in turndoes not represent the general public’s characteristic.23.G overnment should place few, if any, restrictions on scientificresearch and development.1)Scientific research is supposed to be disinterested and aiming atbenefit all mankind. In this sense, government not only should not restrict but also encourage and provide support for scientific research. Medical research.2)In the actual world, some researches are designed to devastateand disrupt others’ basic human rights. Weapons.3)Even if the initial purpose is beneficent, it might turn out to beundesirable after some other applications have been discovered.Nuclear power.24.T he best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignorenegative ones.1)Praising positive actions indeed will encourage conducting thisdeed again, and thus cultivating a favorable habit.2)Praising too often will make one feel proud or even supercilious.So it is a desirable way to teach that help one form a habit of committing positive actions.3)On the other hand, ignoring negative action may lead to severeconsequence. If one is not punished for having done bad things, he will take it for granted that it is reasonable doing such deed.Bullying-abuse-murder.25.G overnments should offer college and university education free ofcharge to all students.1)Free of charge education is undoubtedly a favorable solution tosolve the undesirable drop-out and will enhance the basic human rights as receiving education.2)Supporting education to the degree like free education is not anappropriate choice under certain circumstance where money could have been used to solve more crucial problems. Hunger, access to clean water.3)Government can support education without upsetting otherimportant issues that ask for money simply by providing tuition loan rather than free education.26.T he luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life prevent peoplefrom developing into truly strong and independent individuals.1)It is how we define independent and strong that matter in thisissue. Conveniences of contemporary life indeed impede some of our abilities such as strength and speed. We no longer need to hunter or fight against each other on the battle using sword and spear. In this sense, we do retrograde some of our ability.2)Being inter-dependent is a more productive way for a society andthat benefits all the members living in it. People are more professional at what they do and with the help of technology. This state of a society is much more stable and solid.3)Now we are mentally strong and are capable of tasks that used tobe impossible even for ancient people. We can now observe galaxy and supernova under the help of telescope.27.I n any field of inquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert tomake important contribution.1)It is true that beginners are more likely to be innovative andcreative because they are less restricted by the pre-known knowledge. It is easier for them to think out of the box.2)Beginners have their drawbacks in making significantcontributions. Without knowing basic rules about a certain field, the laity’s voice may be as ridiculous as suggesting sending a manto the sun.3)Experts with certain traits are far more likely to makecontributions. Such as perseverance, innovation and talent.28.T he surest indicator of a great nation is represented not by theachievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but by the general welfare of its people.1)General welfare in by all means a significant indicator of thewell-being of a nation.2)Taking an insightful perspective, welfare of the general is merelythe side effect of the upper level’s contribution. Technology and regulation.3)The rulers, artists, or scientists not only made prominentcontribution to the society in the past, they will also determine where the society will go. Environmentalists predicting the global warming, physicists determine the prospective possible energy source.29.T he best way to teach –whether as an educator, employer, orparent-is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones.See 2430.T eachers’ salaries should be based on their students’ academicperformance.1)Academic performance is a crucial exponent when evaluating aschool’s achievement and assessing a teacher’s capability. Noble laureate alumni are always mentioned to attract more and better prospective enrollment for a university.2)It could be unfair for certain teachers teaching certain courseswhich are extremely hard to learn. In these classes students are not likely to acquire high scores as do in other classes, and such a relatively low academic performance is due to the subject itself, not the teacher’s ability to teach. For example quantum physics and topology.3)Relating academic performance to salaries may be misleading andcounterproductive to improving the education quality. Teachers will deliberately give higher scores to students in order to earn more money.31.S ociety should make efforts to save endangered species only ifpotential extinction of those species is the result of human activities.1)There are some species extinctions are attributed to humanactivities. We have deteriorated their natural habitat, disturbed the food chain and caused global warming.2)Undeniably is that there are extinctions which are not results ofhuman activities. According to Darwin’s Natural Selection Theory, it is normal to have animals extinct.3)We save the endanger species not because we are the cause oftheir extinction, but by accomplishing such action, we are able to maintain the diversity of nature, which in turn benefit human ourselves.32.C ollege students should base their choice of a field of study on theavailability of jobs in that field.See 2033.A s we acquire more knowledge, things do not become morecomprehensible, but more complex and mysterious.1)By acquiring more knowledge, the accumulation casts light uponnumbers of problems. Physics enable us to master construction and biology makes vaccine or even organ transplantation possible.2)While being able to solve more problems, it is indisputable thatwe come up with more questions asking for answers. Where is the edge, if exist, of the universe? Where is worm hole? Can we travel through time? Is superluminal possible?3)Things are complicated as their innate characters. Whataccumulating knowledge enabled us is not making things more elusive and impenetrable, but to equip us with the ability to find more questions that we seldom notice before.34.I n any situation, progress requires discussion among people whohave contrasting point of view.1)People share the same view will work efficiently with each other,and the group will be harmonious. Clubs summons people with the same interest and same ambition to be together, so they will work towards the same target like families.2)Different voices are valuable in groups. Because they are morelikely to be creative and innovative, and such characteristics are increasingly valuable in modern society.3)However on the other hand, being too stubborn to cooperatealways impede the development and far from being conducive. So on learn to tolerate the different view and cooperate for the maximum benefit.35.E ducational institutions should dissuade students from pursuingfields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed.See 336.G overnment should not fund any scientific research whoseconsequences are unclear.1)Few researches can be anticipated before being carried out, andwhether the consequences are clear or not is not a favorable standard.2)Even the consequences are unclear or negative, researches stillworth funding for, because the valuable experience will benefit the coming generation and direct later researches. Noble’sresearch about safer explosive.3)Though some researches may bear clear and accessible fruit,funding for them categorically is still open to doubt.Clone-antihuman, nuclear weapon-devastating.37.S ociety should identify those children who have special talents andprovide training for them at an early age to develop their talents.1)Undeniable is that special training will make it easier for childrenwith talents to succeed. It is a waste to leave those talents dormant forever.2)Distinguishing talented children from ordinary children may be adiscriminating action. This action will have negative impact on both the talented and ordinary. The talented are more likely to be pompous and never take pains to do something, while the ordinary just feel abandoned.3)There are much more than talent to be taken into considerationthan talent, such as moral sense, social skill, and correct values. 38.I t is primarily through our identification with social groups that wedefine ourselves.1)It is our intrinsic nature to be part of a group in which we sharethe same trait with others. Boys like to hang out with boys and keep away with girls since primary school, and people love to join the interest clubs and fraternities.2)People share within the same social group help each other andstimulate each other to become better. Top students in high schools like to form study groups in which they have the approximate academic performance, and in these groups, students are inspired by each other to work hard.3)As we grow up and accumulate more experience, we are morelikely to be distinguished by characteristics other than interests and gender, which divide us into different social groups. We are more likely to be self-independent and define ourselves by the occupation, family background, and personality.39.C ollege students should be encouraged to pursue subjects thatinterest them rather than the courses that seem most likely to lead to jobs.See 2040.C laim: When planning courses, educators should take into accountthe interests and suggestions of their students.Reason: Students are more motivated to learn when they are interested in what they are studying.1)Students are less likely to voluntarily sign up for difficult courses ifnot required to. However, these courses may be important.Physics, math and computer programming.2)Students’interests do count when arranging the curriculum.Motivation is indeed a significant role in stimulating a student to be persistent and fanatic. Bill Gates is crazy for computer programming and that devotion for numbers and structures in turn helped him build Microsoft.3)Being too extreme about either of the options, absoluteinterest-based or absolute experienced-based, is not a desirable choice. Educators should arrange some compulsory courses together with some selective courses which satiate the students’interests.4)Such suggestion helps professors to improve their teaching skillsand being up to date. Subsequently, the overall benefits or university and students will be satiated.41.T he greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who liveafter them, not by their contemporaries.1)Some great ideas are so advanced that cannot fit in thecontemporary society. Because the theory or idea is based on principle that are not pervasively acknowledged. Albert Einstain.He established a theory of relativity, which expended the frontier of physics tremendously. But such a theory was not comprehensively understood by more than ten people at that time.2)Some reasonable and conducive ideas are repudiated becausethey contradict the basic benefit of the ruling class. Copernicus’s theory about solar-centered universe instead of the pervasive earth-centered universe was more approximate to the truth, if not correct. Nevertheless, it offended the interests of the ruling class, the pontiff in this case.3)Undeniable is that there do exist some ideas that are appreciatedby the contemporaries. Bill Gates’s contribution to personal computer and Larry Page’s to internet searching engine.42.S tudents should always question what they are taught instead ofaccepting it passively.1)Skepticism is what enhances the acquired knowledge. Byquestioning the established theory, we scrutinize the equations and descriptions again and again.2)Help to establish new theories, and help form critical creativethinking. Copernicus’s heliocentrism.3)However, being too fascinated about skepticism will end up withcounterproductive result. Skepticism should be based on relatively reasonable questioning rather than innocent disturbance. America suspected the existence of weapons of mass destruction, so they invade Iraq without finding any such weapons.43.T he increasingly rapid pace of life today causes more problems thanit solves.1)Rapid pace of life is a hallmark of industrialization and issomehow inevitable. And such a development really improved certain aspects about our lives. We are capable of accomplishing things that were impossible and we significantly promoted the productivity and precision of our work.2)Serious problems that come with the advancement of society alsoappear prominent. Working pressure lead to headache or even suicide. In this sense, such a shift adds to the instable factors of society and upset our tranquil lives.3)Dealing with such a development and shift in lifestyle is more asubjective issue than a objective one. We should adjust our mental condition and adapt ourselves to this very rapid pace. 44.C laim: It is no longer possible for a society to regard any living manor woman as a hero.Reason: The reputation of anyone who is subjected to media scrutiny will eventually be diminished.1)It is reasonable to claim that media has negative impact on thereputation of heroes. Medias are so dedicated to scrutinize every drawback of celebrities and heroes.2)Sometimes, media also plays a positive role in promoting a heroespecially when stability of society is at stake. After 911,earthquake.3)People are more reasonable and well-educated today, so theyunderstand that even heroes are ordinary people executed certain marvelous deed. The peccadillo does not really impair their reputations.45.C ompetition for high grades seriously limits the quality of learningat all levels of education.1)It does have positive impact on students. Since dedicated to gethigh scores in exam, students will work harder and improve their efficiency voluntarily. This competition will enhance their mastery of basic principles and rules of science and art.2)The fanatic pursuit of high score will post much pressure onstudents which in turn end up with serious mental disease.Solitary, amnesia, or even delirium.3)Purely devotion for high score will impede other developmentsuch as communication skills and health. Thus, a highly respected mastery of knowledge cannot be applied to reality. Meaning that this competition will not improve the productivity, if not hamper, of science and society.46.U niversities should require every student to take a variety ofcourses outside the student’s field of study.1)A significant separation between art literature and science has。



当务之急与百年大计227、36、244、11、24、170、101、222、191、173、224、98、44个体和整体(少数和多数、局部和整体)230、234、52、239、42、183、232、147、88、233、198、243、2、3、8、9、25、140、145、182、28、40、41、47、51、57、59、73、136、142、116、159、210、85、93、141、165、120、125、150、151、155、179、161、188、77、103、194、203、209、4、23、149、192、211、5、62、63、204、132、158、33技术进步对人类的影响231、18、130、135、217、240、146、176、99、10、104、38、117、46、49、68、87、131、163、185、195、199、213、94、95、109、115、129、139理性与感性236、71、90、92、162、27、114、106、107、137、164、172、196、13、89、186不同领域的交流228、118、30、134、43、61、74、111、112、138、156、157、177、180、21、200、201、223、54、37、97、184、154、160、19统一与分歧(竞争)225、226、229、241、242、15、17、26、32、39、45、48、58、72、75、22、76、102、121、122、152、123、124、126、133、143、148、174、175、178、181、189、193、205、207、208、214、215、218、219、220、235、237、91、96、65、81、12、35、80现实和理想238、53、166、60、31、66、70、14、79、86、110、128、144、171、190、202、212、216 新与旧6、7、34、50、55、64、67、78、82、83、100、105、108、84、127、153、56、167、168、169、187、197、206、113、119、38、221◆当务之急与百年大计●227、当务之急和百年大计(现在和将来)P1Humanity should take into account both long-term interests and short-term interests when making budgets1、当代问题Naturally, each generation is most concerned about solving problems that immediately confront them such as the development of economy, the problems of losing jobs, crimes, poverty, disease and war because these social problems threaten the process of our lives and safety of our assets. 失业问题As a result, government carries out a policy to ensure every child in poor African countries can be vaccinated with the hygiene conditions are unqualified.2、长远计划造福后人(环境的问题太土了吧;探索外太空)While at the same time, we should invest some money into some long-term researches. As we all know, a lot of problems cannot be settled immediately instead of long-term research, just like the environment problem, which needs a long-term plan as a fundamental solution. Long-term research devotes to resolving or preventing social problems that might occur to our descendants 后代; preserve the environment from deterioration恶化is easier than resolving those already emerged environmental problems which threaten the ecosystem.3、我们受益,还要造福后人(例子)Therefore, as beneficiaries受益人of previous先前的generations, each generation should make its own contribution for the well-being of future generations. Those who only emphasis thetemporary life and ignore the future will make a serious effect on the future generations. Faced with the problem of energy, how can our children operate the planes, automobiles even televisions without the research of energy conservation?●36、P36只不过多了政府:1、To win the favor of the general public, governments throughout the world tend to focus on solving the immediate problems of today.改成政府组织解决问题2、However, a government’s failing to prepare for future challenges will cause disasters to its country in the long run.环境问题3、Furthermore, a government should always take into consideration the possible future effects of the actions it takes today.●244、P2顺序颠倒写1、No one would deny the fact that it is in the young generation that lies the future of our society. 孩子决定未来,投资教育(周恩来:为中华的崛起而读书stage its economic take-off实现经济起飞)2、However, this does not mean that we can ignore the interests of adults, who make up the major work force of our society avoiding no one can take well care of the young generation. 如果忽视了对成人的服务,可能间接会影响到孩子。









----------Narcissuss水仙2008-8-20题号:51、"Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student."单纯的是非题:Ts: A debate over individualism and uniformity of education has existed long. In my opinion, 同样重要individualism of education is as important as uniformity. though education needs to take account of the students' taste, a great number of required courses are needed in order to provide students with a broad education. 课程总称curriculum正:让步承认符合学生兴趣student-centered education带来的好处。

when education takes into account the specific needs and interests of each student, students will feel centered and appreciated, therefore be more motivated to study. 定义真正的教育genuine education is not inserting the stuffing of information into a person, but rather eliciting knowledge from him; it is the drawing out of what is in the mind. The sausage-casing view of education. Pupils are more like oysters than sausages. There are pearls in each of us , if only we knew how to cultivate them with ardor and persistence.一,兴趣激发学习的激情;In such an educational system, students, feeling centered and appreciated, will be more motivated to study. Fully develop their distinct potential and talent.二,高等教育阶段,术业有专攻,为以后专业工作准备,否则都是浅尝辄止,没有核心。



文化类1(6). "The most effective way to understand contemporary culture is to analyze the t rends of its youth."了解当代文化最有效的途径就是去分析当代年轻人的潮流。





In order to understand contemporary culture, It’s better to consider the youth idea combined with the other people's idea. Just take only one part of the population's opinion is insufficiently, and the youth is not a critical factor in the contemporary culture trend. The most important factor in deciding the current culture is the media1)年轻人的潮流是多变的,那只代表了一种时尚,是文化最前沿的东西,而不是文化的全部。

年轻人的特点就是喜欢新奇的事物,最新的folk music film 都是他们的最爱;同是他们的兴趣也是多变的,每一季的时装发布会之后,他们所追随的东西就发生了变化,这种多边性决定了这不是文化的全部和主流,因为文化是一个相对稳定的东西;当然年轻人的这种潮流为文化注入了新鲜与活力。


when it comes to the classics and other stable form of human mind, such as philosophy, classic art, it is primarily through the analysis of the old form we achieve our goal.3)Form my point of view,最有效的途径是了解一个社会的媒体。

Issue 提纲整理

Issue 提纲整理

130“How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learnt how to raise children who can bring about a better society.”1●How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Common senses: Children are the future of one nation. Any society, be it modernization or tradition, for sustainable development sake, should endeavor to refine the education system to meet the demands of the currents. Otherwise, it may bring the destructive consequence to itself.Culture revolutionJapan grows up after ww2 (depends on science and education)●Unfortunately, we have not yet learn how to raise children who canbring about a better society.①Deficiency of our current educational systemAntisocial behaviorJuvenile delinquency, street crime, adolescent abortion, group sex, guns& alcohol abusive, addiction to drugs and virtual games mainly concerned about violence and sex.②Admittedly,以上是少数但是大多数受教育的学生处于迷茫状态,如何学习?学习什么?Example:*学校决定课程-student control over curriculum●In order to ameliorate the current situation, what should we do?*学校决定课程-focus of education*思考传统48"The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten."2●Admittedly, in some degree, those significant events in history havemuch to do with the groups of people.1)When it comes to the greatest architecture in the world, such as the Tai Mahal, the Great Wall, the Pyramid, and so forth, it seems that the mass groups have done the hardest job instead of the famous few, however, just consider if there is no such famous few, be they monarchs or architects, who else want to devote his whole life just for a gratuitous architecture?2)历史上events:Martin Luther King Jr.( campaign for civil rights)Mahatam Gandhi (nonviolence campaign)●However, it is the famous few that inspire and guide us to to the,美国就不能recovery from depression*Abraham Lincoln, exerted himself in the civil war for the freedom of the black.2)In the realm of science& technology*没有Wright Brother的努力,人类飞天的梦想,就永远不会实现*Newton, detected and found the universal gravitation*Thomas Edison, exerted himself day and night assiduously just for the brightness of human*Herry Ford, invented first car for ordinary people●Place emphasis on individuals is the most efficient way to studyhistory.history overemphasize on individual是因为资料的比较容易得到,而若要记下common people involved 不现实impossible,famous few的written records, photos, samples are easily collected. 因为当时人们会pay more attention on them。



传统文化与现代化之间存在着复杂的互动关系。现代化进程必然 会对传统文化产生影响,但同时也需要保留和传承传统文化的精 髓。如何平衡传统文化与现代化的关系,既能促进社会发展,又 能保持文化传承,是当代社会面临的重要课题。
在探讨传统文化与现代化的关系时,需要关注文化的多样性与包 容性。现代化并非要完全摒弃传统,而是要在传承中创新,在借 鉴中发展。
环境保护与经济发展并非相互矛盾,两者 可以相互促进。
保护自然环境是可持续经济发展的基石, 我们要重视生态保护的长期效益。
发展绿色科技,可以有效减少环境污染, 促进经济绿色转型。
ISSUE高频话题:平等机会与 社会公正
平等机会和社会公正一直是人类社会关注的重要议题。GRE写作中经常出现探 讨这两者的关系。本节将探讨平等机会与社会公正的内涵,分析两者之间的 关系,并举例说明如何运用相关论证进行写作。
社会稳定是改革成功的基础,为改革创造 良好的外部环境。
在改革过程中,要注重改革的力度和节奏 ,确保社会稳定,避免剧烈动荡。
解释逻辑 3
选择相关例子 1



社会类1(2). "Competition is ultimately more beneficial than detrimental to society."归根结底,竞争对于社会是利多弊少。

竞争对于社会的优点和缺点Topic:同意,"Competition is ultimately more beneficial than detrimental to society."1)“物竞天择,适者生存”是自然界的普遍规律。












行为类1(12). "People's attitudes are determined more by their immediate situation or surroundings than by any internal characteristic."人们的态度更多的是由临时的情况或者环境所决定,而非人们自身的特点。

.心理问题之冲动和可预测------------------------------2(18). "Only by being forced to defend an idea against the doubts and contrasting views of others does one really discover the value of that idea."只有通过排除异议和对照其他的观点来捍卫一个理念,人们才能真正的发现该理念的价值所在。

------------------------------3(21). "Reform is seldom brought about by people who are concerned with their own reputation and social standing. Those who are really in earnest about reforming a government, an educational system, or any other institution must be willing to be viewed with disdain by the rest of the world."改革几乎从来都不是由那些关心自己声誉和社会地位的人发起的。




第一章題庫所有244道Issue題目的寫作提綱GRE寫作Issue問題題庫分析與提綱第一類社會2. "Competition is ultimately more beneficial than detrimental to society."歸根結底,競爭對於社會是利多弊少。

Generally speaking, competition contributes to progress in society.1. Generally speaking, competition contributes to progress in society.2. In democratic countries, when parties and candidates compete for power, the public benefits.3. Admittedly, when competition gets out of the control of mores and laws, society will suffer.競爭對於社會的優點和缺點------------------------------3. "It is more important to allocate money for immediate, existing social problems than to spend it on long-term research that might help future generations."與其花錢進行可能有助於後代的長期性研究,還不如把錢花在迫在眉睫,已經存在的社會問題上。

Humanity should take into account both long-term interests and short-term interests when making budgets.1. Naturally, each generation is most concerned about solving problems that immediately confront them.2. However, what differentiates human beings from other animals is that humans have a sense of future and are morallyresponsible for the well-being of their descendents.3. Therefore, as beneficiaries of previous generations, each generation should make its own contribution for thewell-being of future generations.當務之急和百年大計的關係------------------------------9. "Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years that scholars' ideas reach only a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience, their ideas will have little use."近些年來,學科已經細化到了相當的程度以至於學者們的理念只影響小範圍的人群。



1======================Issue 51======================【题目】”Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student.‖【翻译】只有针对每个学生的需要和兴趣,教育才真正的有意义。

【题纲】Position: There is no doubt that education should pay more attention on the needs and interests of students, but it is possible for education to satisfy every student.1、从教育的目的上讨论,兴趣对教育的重要性;对个人,爱因斯坦有句至理名言:―兴趣是最好的老师‖;对社会,教育的目的就是为社会培养各种人才,如果不注重学生兴趣,那么他们到社会不可能尽其所能。





另一方面,学生没有足够的判断力来决定自己该学什么,比如数学,有些学生不喜欢学,但是能够去掉吗?过分强调学生兴趣势必会造成教学的紊乱,而且学生的兴趣不同阶段可能发生改变;4、总结2=================Issue 144=================【题目】"It is the artist, not the critic, who gives society something of lasting value."【翻译】是艺术家而不是批评家,给了社会一些永久的价值。

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123. The best way for a society to prepare its young people for leadership in government, industry, or other fields is by instilling in them a sense of cooperation, not competition.


竞争是社会进步的动力:从政治角度,候选人之间的竞争使政治更加公开化,民主化,有利于选民;从经济角度,商家,产家之间的竞争促进产品质量的提高,消费者受益,比如各种不同手机厂家的竞争,使得手机的价格越来越低;从体育角度,individual 之间的竞争体现了人类超越自我的人性(Olympic spirit);



130. Some people believe that corporations have a responsibility to promote the well-being of the societies and environments in which they are operate. Others believe that the only responsibility of corporations, provided they operate within the law, is to make as much money as possible.



141. It is more harmful to compromise one’s own beliefs than to adhere to them.


