
用于if only, would rather+从句,as if/though, It is (high) time that..等结构中, 与if引导的虚拟结构形式一样.
例9 Look at the terrible situation I am in!
例1 Jean doesn’t want to work right away because she thinks that if she _______(要是找到工作) she probably wouldn’t be able to see her friends very often. (1996.1)
例5 It is highly desirable that a new president _____(被任命) for this college.
答案:be appointed 译文: 大家非常希望任命一位新校长来管理这所大
例6 It is essential that these application forms
答案:couldn’t be smiling like this now
译文: 你摔下来的时候如果我没有站在梯子下
• 真题: (2008.12)
• 89.You’d better take a sweater with you______________________________ _______________ (以防天气变冷)

做好翻译的关键在于了解英汉两种语言 的差异,把握两种语言不同用语习惯,
熟悉常见的翻译技巧,按照“忠实”, “通顺”两大原则,使译文尽可能多的
反映原文信息。英汉两种语言在结构上 存在较大差异。应注意以下几点:
3.信息重心 汉语的信息重心后置,即把要强调的内容放在后
面表达;英语的把主要的信息放在前面先说。 我原打算今年一月访问中国,后来不得不推迟了。
I had to postpone the visit which I had intended to pay to China in January.
顺便提一下,我希望能在这些国家得到 比我在美国这里所能得到的更好的治疗。
They, not surprisingly, did not respond at all.
Chairman Mao might have spoken with understandable pride of his policy of “self-reliance”.
a hot temper a hot topic
hot news hot music a hot battle
a hot car a hot material
a hot opportunity
in a blue mood to feel blue
a blue joke/movie
blue blood blue book

Ⅴ. Writing
• Daily schedule • 和我们大学生活、学习相关内容。
• 启发: • 掌握基础是关键,切勿好高骛远。 • 大部分题目比较简朴,充斥信心。 • 理解+记忆:语法应当先理解,然后记忆,
通过阅读和做题加强理解。 • 单词、词组重在记忆和利用。
启示: 词义掌握准确,结合例子记忆,不能够单个
记单词。 词组记忆要准确 基本语法结构如,倒装、虚拟语调、时态、
定语从句、数一致、反意疑问句、动名词, 分词等是必考内容。大家复习时,一定要结 合例句掌握牢固。
20分,内容关于早期印第安人。 词义辨析:9分 上下文意义:6分 介词:3分 定语从句:1分 比较级:1分 启示:理解全文意思是关键,以上下文意
earth, access to remind sb of sth,
介词使用办法:1分 语法结构:15分 so…as, 数一致:not only…but also … is /are, remember to do /doing 反意疑问句 倒装:not until 在句首 虚拟语调 定语从句, 时态一致,过去分词,动名词
Ⅱ.Vocabulary & Structure
▪ 40分,包括词汇和语法结构 ▪ 这部分属于最基本知识点,一个题不会做,
不会影响另一个题。 ▪ 真题特性: ▪ 词义辨析:9分:carry, suffer, appreciate,
take; contain, cover, list, touch; independently, individually, similarly, irregularly; scenes, views, sight, scenery; pleased, conscious, responsible, considerate;

6、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。——斯宾诺莎 7、自知之明是最难得的知识。——西班牙 8、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。——塞内加 9、有时候读书是一种巧妙地避开思考的方法。——赫尔普斯 10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。——笛卡儿
Thank you
同方专转本教材江苏专转本英语要求 转本开始讲解学习
51、没有哪பைடு நூலகம்社会可以制订一部永远 适用的 宪法, 甚至一 条永远 适用的 法律。 ——杰 斐逊 52、法律源于人的自卫本能。——英 格索尔
53、人们通常会发现,法律就是这样 一种的 网,触 犯法律 的人, 小的可 以穿网 而过, 大的可 以破网 而出, 只有中 等的才 会坠入 网中。 ——申 斯通 54、法律就是法律它是一座雄伟的大 夏,庇 护着我 们大家 ;它的 每一块 砖石都 垒在另 一块砖 石上。 ——高 尔斯华 绥 55、今天的法律未必明天仍是法律。 ——罗·伯顿

1. 2. 3.
6. 不定式 考点1:不定式作主语时常用it作形式主语放在句 首代替不定式,而将不定式移到谓语后面: eg: 要在10个月内造一幢24楼的房子是很困难的。 译: It is difficult to complete a 24-story building in 10 months.
Eg: 有人建议在居民区设立更多的流动商店。 It was advised that more mobile shops (should ) be set up in the residential areas. 考点分析:表示:“命令,建议,要求,想法” 的… 动词后所接的宾语从句 动词后所接的主语从句 名词后所接的表语从句 名词后所接的同位语从句 应该用(that) sb. (should) do的虚拟形式
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
7. 分词 考点1:分词作结果状语 eg: 这场战争持续了好多年,数百万的人死于 其中。 译:The war went on for years, killing millions of people.
考点2:分词作原因状语 Eg:看到大家都在聚精会神地看书, 我们停止了 讲话并且开始学习。 译:Seeing that everyone was bending over his/her book, we stopped talking and began to study.
考点3:分词作方式状语 eg:从一个年轻朋友的眼光来看, 奚俊是一个简 单,谦逊,平凡的人。 Seen from the eyes of a young friend, XiJun is a simple, modest and ordinary man.

江苏省2017年普通高校专转本选拔考试Part 1 Reading Comprehension 共20小题;每小题2分;共40分Directions There are 4 passages in this part;Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements;For each of them there are 4 choices marked A;B;C and D.You should decide on the best choice and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet.Passage OneQuestions 1 to 5 are based on the following passageWe use both words and gestures to express our feelings;but the problem is that these words and gestures can be understood in different waysIt is true that a smile means the same thing in any language;So does laughter or crying.There are also a number of striking similarities in the way different animals show the same feelings .Dogs; tigers and humans;for example; often show their teeth when they are angry.This is probably because they are born with those behavior patternsFear is another emotion that is shown in much the same way all over the world.In Chinese and English literature; a phrase like “he went pale and begin to tremble”suggests that the man is either very afraid or deep shocked; However;”he opened his eyes wide”is used to suggest anger in Chinese whereas in English it means surprise In Chinese surprise can be described in a phrase like “they stretched out their tongues”Sticking out your tongue in English is an insulting gesture or expresses strong dislikeEven in the same culture; people differ in ability to understand and express feelings;Experiments in America have shown that women are usually better than men at recognizing fear;anger;love and happiness on people’s faces;Other studies show that older people usually find it easier to recognize or understand body language than younger people do.1.According to the passage;——BA.We can hardly understand what people’s gestures meanB.words and gestures may have different meaning in different culturesC.words can be better understood by older peopleD.gestures can be understood by most of the people while words can not2.People’s facial expressions may be misunderstood because——BA people of different ages may have different understandingB people have different culturesC people of different sexes may understand a gesture differentlyD people of different countries speak different languagesA.3 .Even in the same culture.people ——AB.have different abilities to understand and express feelingsB.have exactly the same understanding of somethingC.never fail to understand each otherD.are equally intelligent4.From this passage; we can conclude ——C5.A words are used as frequently as gesturesB words are often difficult to understandC words and gestures are both used in expressing feelingsD gestures are more efficiently used than words5.The best title for this passage may be ——BA.Words and FeelingsB.Words;Gestures and FeelingsC.Gestures and FeelingsD.Culture and UnderstandingPassage TowQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the following passageThe English policeman has several nicknames but the most frequently used are"copper" and "bobby" the first name comes from the verb "to cop".which is also slang.meaning to take or to capture".and the second comes from the first name of Sir Robert Peel; the nineteenth-century politician; who was the of the police force as we know it today.An early nickname for the policeman was "peeler" but this one has died out.Whatever we may call them;the general opinion of the police seems to be a favorable one; except; of course; among the criminal part of the community where the police are given more derogatory nicknames which originated in America; such as "fuzz" or "pig".Visitors to England seem to be very impressed by the English police.It has.In fact; become a standing joke that the Visitor to Britain; when asked tar his views of the country.will always say; at some point or other; "I think your policemen are wonderful."Well;the British bobby may not always be wonderful but he is usually a very friendly and helpful sort of character.A music-hall song of some years ago was called "If You Want To Know The Time; Ask A Policeman".Nowadays.most people own watches but they still seem to find plenty of other questions to ask the policemen. In London; the policemen spend so much of their time directing visitors about the city that one wonders how they ever find time to do anything else.Two things are Immediately noticeable to the stranger; when he sees an English policeman for the first time.The first is that he does not carry a pistol and the second is that he wears a very distinctive of headgear.the policeman's helmet ;His helmet; together which his height;enables an English policeman to he seen from a considerable distance; a fact that is not without its usefulness.From time to time it is suggested that the policeman should be given a pistol and that his helmetshould be taken from him; but both these suggestions are resisted by given and that his helmet should be taken from him ;but both suggestions are resisted by the majority of the public and the police themselves.6.Nowadays British people call the policeman ——CA.pigB.peelerC.BobbyD.Fuzz7.Which of the following statements is TRUE BA.There are fewer criminals America than tn Britain.B.The English police usually leave a deep impression on visitors.C.The English bobby is friendly but not helpful.D.The English police enjoy having pistols.8.If you see an English policeman for the first time.you will probably notice at once that ——CA.he often tells people timeB.he is usually very helpfulC.he has a helmet on the headD.he wears special clothes9.That an English policemen can be seen from some distance is ——DA.standing jokeB.Of no helpC.Strange and funnyD.Of some help10.Visitors praise the English police because ——AA.they are polite and helpfulB.they obey ordersC.they often given thanksD.they are armed with modem equipmentPassage ThreeQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.It is difficult to imagine what life would be like without memory.The meanings of thousands of everyday perceptions the bases for the decisions we make; and the roots of our habits and skills are to he found in our past experiences;which are brought into the present by memory.Memory can be defined as the capacity to keep information available for later use.It not only includes "remembering" things like arithmetic or historical facts but also involves any change in the way an animal typically behaves.Memory is involved when a rat gives up eating grain because he has sniffed something suspicious in the grain pile.Memory is also involved when a six-year-old child learns to swing a baseball bat.Memory exists not only in humans and animals but also in some physical objects and puters.for example; contain devices from storing data for later use.It is interesting to compare the memory-storage capacity of a computer with that of a human being.The instant-access memory of a large computer may hold up to 100;000" words" -ready for instant use.An average American teenager probably recognizes the meaning of about 100;000 words of English.However; this is but a fraction of the total amount of information which the teenager has stored.Consider.tar example- the number of faces and places that the teenager can recognize on sight.11.The use of words is the bass of the advanced problem-solving intelligence of human beings.A large part of a person's memory is in terms of words and combinations of words.12.According to the passage; memory is considered to be ——BA.the basis for decision making and problem solvingB.the ability to store information for future useC.an intelligence typically possessed by human beings13.D.the data mainly consisting of words and combinations of words14.The comparison between the memory capacity of a large computer and that of a human being shows that——Cputer's memory has a little bigger capacity than a teenager'sputer's memory capacity is much smaller than an adult human being'sputer's memory's capacity is much smaller even than a teenager'sputer's memory's capacity is the same as a teenager's13.1t is implied in the passage that ——CA.only human beings have problem-solving intelligenceB a person's memory is different from a computer's in every respectC.animals can solve very simple problemsD animals solve problems by instincts rather than intelligence14.The phrase “in terms of”in the last sentence can be best replaced by——BA.in connection withB.expressed byC.consistingD.by means of15.The main idea of the passage is——BA.What life would be like without memoryB.Memory is of vital importance to lifeC.How a person’s memory different from an animal’s or a computer’sD.What memory carriesPassage fourQuestions 16 to 20 are based on the following passageClearly if we are to participate in the society in which we live; we must communicate with other people.A great deal of communicating is performed on a person-to-person basis by the simple means of speech.If we travel inbuses; buy things in shops; or eat in restaurants; we are likely to have conversations where we give information or opinions; receive news or comment; and very likely to have our views challenged by other members of society.Face to face contact is by no means the only form of communication and during the last two hundred years the art of mass communication has become one of the dominating factors of contemporary society.Two things; above others; have caused the enormous growth of the communication industry.Firstly; inventiveness has led to advanced imprinting; telecommunications photography; radio and television.Secondly; speed has revolutionized the transmission and reception of communications so that local news often takes a back seat to national news; which itself is often almost eclipsed 黯然失色by international news.No longer is the possession of information confined to只限于a privileged minority.In the last century the wealthy man with his own library was indeed fortunate; but today there are public libraries.For years ago people used to flock to the cinema; but now far more people sit at home and turn on the TV to watch a programme that is being channeled into millions of homes.Communication is no longer merely concerned with the transmission of information.The modem communication industry influences the way people live in society and broadens their horizons by allowing access to information; education and entertainment.The printing; broadcasting and advertising industries are all involved with informing; educating and entertaining.Although a great deal of the material communicated by the mass media is very valuable to the individual and to the society of which he is part; the vast modem network of communications is open to abuse.However; the mass media are with us for better; for worse; and there is no turning back.16.The first paragraph the writer emphasizes the ——of face-to-face contact in social setting. DA. natureB. limitationC. creativityD. Usefulness17.The development of the communication industry in contemporary society results from ——BA.the advances and revolutionsB.the inventiveness and speedC.the art of mass communicationD.the advances and speed18.It is implied in the passage that —— C .A. local news used to be the only source of informationB. local news still takes a significant placeC. national news is becoming more popularD. international news is the fastest transmitted news19.Which of the following statements is NOT true AA. Public libraries have replaced the private libraries.B. To possess information used to be a privilegeC. Communication means more than transmission.D. Communication influences ways of life and thinking.20.It can be inferred from the last paragraph we can infer that the writer is ___A___.A.concerned about the wrong use of the mass mediaB.Happy about the flexible change in the mass mediaC.Pessimistic about the future of the mass mediaD.Indifferent to the harmful influence of the mass medPart II Vocabulary and Structure 共40小题;每小题1分;共40分Directions : there are 40 incomplete sentences in this part For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A; B;C and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.Then mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.21.I had supper with my friends yesterday afternoon._B___we went to attend a party.A.after whenB.after whichC.after thatD.after it考核: 非限制定语从句which;此题在专转本英语中常考;有时候直接which;有时候介词+which.22.__A__ difficulties he comes across he can manage to get them over.A.WhateverB.WhicheverC.HoweverD.Wherever考核: 疑问词+ever 之前讲过感叹词中what+名词;how+形容词;同理whatever+名词;however+形容词..感叹词中what类似such;+名词;how类似so;+形容词..23.A large number of students__B__at the English corner to practice oral English at the Moment.A.is gatheringB.are gatheringC.gathersD.Gather考核: the number of 和a number of: the number of ..的数量;后加单数;a number of大量的....后加复数 at the moment:现在;此刻;确定现在进行时24.The workers working day and night; the construction of the building __D__by the end ofThis month.will be completing B.will complete C.will have completed D.will have been Completed考核 : 将来完成时;by +将来时间;再加上被动语态..考前预测题:I suppose that when I come back in ten years’ time all these old houses ______ down.A will have been pulledB will have pulledC will be pullingD will be pulled25.The book about American President Lincoln is very interesting and worth __C__twice.A.to readB.being readC.readingD.having read考核: be worth doing ; be动词+形容词+doing不多例如: be busy doing ; be worth doing 原题讲过26.Scientists have reached the conclusion __B__the temperature on the earth is gettinghigher and higher.A.whichB.thatC.whatD.When考核: 名词性从句4个中同位语从句: 抽象名词+that课堂经常讲: the fact that she killed her husband....27.I’m not __A__to think I can excel in maths without efforts.A.naive enoughB.enough naiveC.naively enoughD.enough naively考核: enough用法: enough+名词: enough food形容词、副词+enough: old enough28.Nowadays the Internet has become an important way of communication;__B__us to keepIn contact with our friends and relatives in the distance.to permit B.permitting C.permitted D.being考核: 逗号前是一个完整的额句子;没有连接词;后面那句只能做状语;主动: ing;被动: edA.29.He has been practicing English for eight years ; and now he can speak English as fluently as his English teacher __C__.is B.was C.does D.do考核: 为了避免重复;用do来代替前面的speak ;而且三单;此题是比较状语从句9个状语从句之一30.Because of the thick smog; many people move to Sanys in Hainan; believing it would be a wonderful place to __A__in.A.liveB.livingC.be livingD.be lived考核: 动词不定式: to +动词原形31.To my relief; my son ___A___ beer since his best friend was fined for driving after drinking.A.hasn’t touchedB.never touchedC.never touchD.doesn’t touch考核: 完成时: 最经典的题目就是since表示自从;前面加现在完成时;后面加过去式32.____B__ preparing dinner; she stood at the from door waiting for her children to return.A.To finishB.Having finishedC.Having been finishedD.Finished解析: 逗号后完整一句话;且没有连接词;前面做状语处理..主动ing;所以选BC;完成也是主动;无需被动语态;弃C33.In the silence of my room ; I could hear my grandparents’voices ___C___ they told stories about our hard working and brave family.A.thatB.whichC.asD.since解析: 时间状语从句as 当34.It is estimated that self-drive tour costs___A___ package tour; so we’d prefer our holiday organized by a local travel agent.A.twice as much asB.as much twice asC.more than twiceD.as much as twice解析: 原题做过;租公寓和酒店的费用倍数一定是这样表达: 倍数+as...as35.The boy had no choice but___A___his father into the room.A.to followB.followingC.followedD.follows解析: 讲过次用法: have no choice but to waitCan do nothing but wait规则: 有do不加to 此题没do ;那就加to36.Cakes and bread sold in shops are ___D___ packaged now than they used to.A.much more betterB.more betterC.bestD.better解析: 比较级弃C;better本身就是比较级;不需要more;选D注意: more+多音节形容词原形;整体是一个比较级: more interesting而不是more +比较级37.If she hadn’t gone back for her credit card ;she ___C___ the early train yesterday.A.won’t have missedB.wouldn’t missC.wouldn’t have missedD.won’t miss解析: 虚拟语气;表示跟事实相反..此题经常讲38.It is inspiring to hear the news that more high-speed railways ___C___ in our country.A.builtB.buildC.will be builtD.are building.解析: 此题简单: 铁路是被建;被动即可;只有C39.Under no circumstances___D___ do anything that will benefit yourself but do harm to your country.A.you willB.you shouldC.you canD.can you解析: 此题常讲否定词或否定词组放开头;部分倒装只有D倒装;选之40.The team overcame all the difficulties and completed the task three weeks ahead of time ___B___ is something we had not expected.A.itB.whichC.thatD.what解析: 非现制定语从句which代指整个句子;这里which也是代表前面整个句子41.The boy is not allowed to get access ___B___ the computer freely at home.A.inB.toC.atD.for解析: 固定搭配: get/have access to:可获得的;可接近的类似: be available42.____B__;all the people in the country should be responsible for present crisis.A.In a certain extentB.To a certain extentC.For a certain extent D .At a certain extent解析: 原题讲过;固定搭配: To a certain extent : 在一定程度上43.A___A___amount of time and money was wasted in the project; for which he was fired.A.considerableB..changeable Cparable Dfortable解析: considerable 表示数量大;可观的..东吴专转本VIP课程讲过44.While ___D___ a job; the graduate student got an offer to study abroad.A.applied toB.applying toC.applied toD.applying for解析: 主动;选ing;答案BC;申请选DApply for 申请Apply...to ....应用45.___B___that he loves children;I am sure teaching is the right career for him.A.GivingB.GivenC.To giveD.Give解析: 固定搭配: given that: 鉴于;考虑到46.He finds it hard to go to sleep___C___you tell him the truth of the incident.A.ifB.sinceC.unlessD.whatever解析: unless=if not: 如果你不跟他说那件事实;他很难睡着47.To our surprise;Professor Wang was___C___appointed president of the university.A.formerlyB.firmlyC.formallyD.fairly解析: form: 表格;形式;formal: 正式的;正规的;formally: 正式地Former: forefor=preFormer=previous:以前的formerly: 以前fairly: 公平的48.My father didn’t travel much when he was young;so he decided to ___B___lost time after retirement.A.make up withB.make up forC.make up toD.make up of解析: make up with 与...和解;make up for: 弥补;make up to: 巴结;make up of 构成49.The young man asked the general manager to ___C___him some time so that he could detail his sales plan.A .spend B.save C.spare D.share解析: 往年真题考过;spare time: 腾出;匀出;抽出时间50.The hotel is not very modern;but it does have the __D___of being close to nature.A.explanationB.evidenceC.advanceD.advantage解析: advantage 优点权衡利弊: weigh the advantages and disadvantages51.The boss asked each employee to ___D___ some new ideas to improve the sales of cosmetics.A.take control ofB.take charge of Ce up against D e up with解析: 提出;想出: 一个空: raise两个空: put forward三个空: come up with52.In order to ___D___ future confusion and problems; we should make a good plan.A.satisfy 使满意B.secure保护;使安全C.abuse滥用、虐待D.avoid避免53.When doing business; business people often ____C__ business cards to provide personal information as well as information about their companies.A.downloadB.transformC.exchangeD.predict解析: 交换;原题讲过54.I haven’t seen him for years;and I can hardly ___D___ him at first sight.A.realizeB.recognizeC.hearD.discover解析: 认出: 类似题讲过55.It’s time to wake up and get started;____D__ you will never turn your dream into reality.A.exceptB.unlessC.ifD.or解析: 送分题;or: 否则;要不然56.Whether a young man works hard or not___A___ to his further development.A.make a differenceB.make a promiseC.meets the needD.meets a deadline.解析: A:起作用;有影响B: 作出承诺C: 满足需要D: 在最后期限前57.Perhaps the most popular tourist attraction on the island is the beautiful beach __D____ warm water; abundant sea life ;and clean sand .A.makingB.showingC.lendingD.offering解析: 送分题;非谓语;都ing ;根据意思选择提供58.Although the twins were adopted by different families;they showed surprising ___C___ in their lives.A.tempersB.responsibilitiesC.similaritiesD.experiences解析: 不同家庭收养;但......惊人的相似59.Nowadays the English majors are ___C___ girls;though there are some boys.A.mostB.muchC.mostlyD.many解析: most of us: 名词Most students:形容词Mostly=mainly: 副词用来修饰动词are60.If someone comes to see me ;please tell him to leave a __A____A.messageB.letterC.sentenceD.notice解析: 送分题: leave a message :留言Part III Cloze 共20小题;每小题1分;共20分Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are 4 choices marked A; B; C and D.You should choose the ONE that best completes the passage.Then mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Most parents; I suppose; have had the experience of reading a bedtime story to their children.And they must have __61__ how difficult it is to write a good children’s book.Either the author has __62__ too high; so that children can’t __63__ what is in his or more often; her story; or the story seems to be __64__to the readers.The best children’s books are __65__ very difficult nor very simple; and satisfy __66__the chid who hears the story and the adult who read it.__67__ ; there are in fact __68__ books like this; the problem of finding the__69__ bedtime story is not __70__ to solve.This may be why many books __71__ as works of children’s literature were in fact written __72__ grown ups “Alice in Wonderland”is perhaps the most obvious of this.Children; left for themselves; often __73__ the worst possible interest in literature.Just __74__ a child in a bookshop or library; and he will __75__ willingly choose the books written in an unimaginative way; or have a look at the most children’s comics; full of the stories and jokes __76__ are the rejections of teachers and righting-thinking parents.Perhaps we parents should __77__trying to brainwash children into__78__ our taste in literature.After all; children and adults are__79__different that we parents should not expect that they will enjoy the __80__ books.So I suppose we’ll just have to compromise over the bedtime story.61.A.help B.realized C.told D.said他们一定意识到了;选最佳答案62.A.wanted B.said C.aimed D.Felt书中的内容让孩子们无法理解;说明作者的目标定得高..A.listenB.joinC.leaveD.follow孩子看不懂;跟不上书上内容64.A.talker B.Being talked C.talking D.talkbe +doing65.A.both B.neither C.either D.Or“neither…nor…”意为“既不……也不……”..66.A.both B.All C.some D.eitherboth...and...固定搭配67.A.Lucky B.Happily C.Unexcitedly D.Unfortunately“the problem of finding”有难题;得知是不好的方面;选unfortunately68.A.few B.Many C.much D.little因为few;所以才unfortunately;呼应67题A.difficultB.wrongC.rightD.left由上文述说的种种difficult可知;很难找到正确的床前读物70.A.hard B.easy C.enough Dfortable72.依然很简单;the problem;说明是难题;当然不容易解决73.71.A.reconsidered B.expressed C.concerned D.regarded74.regard...as 认为...是...;be regarded as ...被认为是...;regarded as...过去分词做后置定语..75.A.for B.to C.against D.over76.这些作品实际上是给成年人看的;write for somebody:为谁而写..A.knowB.showC.findD.add77.固定搭配: show interest in...=be interested in ...A.seizeB.bringC.takeD.leave原题中找答案Children; left for themselves:left是被动形式;其动词原形是leave78.;leave sb.+地点A.moreB.lessC.FewD.Greater孩子们更愿意选择有想象力的书76.A.whichever B.whatever C.which D.what定语从句关系代词的选择;which 和that ;此题只有which77.A.start B.forbid C.stop D.encourageStop doing: 停止做某事;其他三项不符合B.acceptingC.arrivingD.refusing接受我们的口味79.A.such B.less C.so D.much固定搭配: so...that...如此...以至于....D.same既然孩子与成人有着不同的喜好;家长不应该期盼家长与孩子欣赏同样的书Part IV Translation 共35分Section A共5小题;每小题4分;共20分Direction: Translate the following sentences into Chinese.You may refer to the corresponding passages in Part I .81.Other studies show that older people usually find it easier to recognize or understand body language than younger people do.82.Nowadays; most people own watches but they still seem to find plenty of other questions to ask the policeman.83.Memory exists not only in humans and animals but also in some physical objects and machines84.If we travel in buses; buy things in shops; or eat in restaurants; we are likely to have conversations where wegive information or opinions; receive news or comment; and very likely have our views challenged by other members of society.85.The modern communication industry influences the way people live in society and broadens their horizons by allowing access to information; education and entertainment.Section B 共5小题;每小题3分;共15分Direction: Translate the following sentences into English.86.你明天出去时最好带上雨伞;以防下雨..87.因为天气变幻无常;我们没有出去野餐..88.她希望自己明天面试时会有好运..89.他从来没有想到会在伦敦遇到老同学..90.必须立即采取有效措施以防此类事件再次发生..Part V Writing15分Direction: For the part;you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay with the title Social Practice.You are required to write at least 120 words;following the outline given below:1.社会实践的作用;2.可能产生的问题;3.你的建议2017年江苏专转本考试大学英语试题卷非英语专业翻译部分参考答案Part IV Translation 共35分Section A 共5小题;每小题4分;共20分81 .其他研究表明;通常老年人比年轻人更容易识别或理解身体语言..82 .现在;虽然大部分人都有了手表;但是他们似乎仍然有许多其他问题要问警察..83 .记忆不仅存在于人类和动物界;也存在于某些物体和机器中..84 .如果我们坐公交车;在商店买东西;或是在饭店吃饭;我们就有可能和别人交谈;并表达自己的观点或是传达信息、接收信息或是评价;而且很有可能我们的观点也会收到其他人的质疑..85.现代交通业影响了人们的生活方式;并通过让人们拥有了获得信息、教育和娱乐的途径而开阔了人们的眼界..Section B 共5小题;每小题3分;共15分86.You’d better take an umbrella with you in case it rains tomorrow.87.Because the weather was so changeable; we didn’t go out for a picnic.88 .She hopes to have good luck in the interview tomorrow.89.He has never imagined that be could meet his old classmates in London.90.Some effective measures must be taken to prevent such accidents from happening again.。

• C) 很多有关人员配备问题基本上都得到了答复, 只有第二个重要问题还未经过讨论。
• D) 第二个重要问题是有关人员调动的问题,这 次已经得到妥善解决,不必再次讨论。
• 50. The sales service includes installation (安装) and training within one week of receiving the order. On the day of installation, our training engineer will spend one hour with your secretary, providing instructions on the operation of this easy-to-use photocopier (复印机). You may call us for help at any time in the future. If necessary, our trainer will go to your company to help you with the operation of the machine.
• 在收到订单后一周之内,我们会提供安 装和培训的销售服务。在安装机器的当 日,我们的培训工程师将用一小时的时 间培训你的秘书,并提供操作指南。在 以后的使用中,如果需要帮助,可随时 给我们打电话。必要时,我们的培训人 员也会上门对于机器的使用提供操作指 导。
• It is obvious that Jack can hardly understand the instructions of the mobile phone he is reading.

一般来说 generally speaking 越…… 越 .....the+比较级, the+比较级 为….做准备
2.There is a beautiful positive cycle that is
created by living a life of honorable actions. Honorable thoughts lead to honorable actions. Honorable actions lead us to a happier existence.
never seem to 似乎从来不 , disturb sb , 打 扰,妨碍 ,使不安
似乎从来没有足够的时间去做礼拜,这一点使得我们一些亲 戚朋友感到不安.
句型 It is important that
by that name can now be seen in so many parts of the world . That program became one of America’s exports after it went on the air in New York in 1969.
传宗接代,维系家族血统纯正这件事通常是极为重要的,不能 由浪漫和偶遇支配的.
7.Researchers have found that school performance is little related to job competence . Qualities like “steady and dependable “ and “practical and organized “ are more important .

2. 我们本来可以不犯这样的错误,只是我们没有接受他的忠告。
3. 只要我们不灰心,我们就能找到克服困难的方法。
4. 委员会没能就一项政策达成一致意见,所以决定于下个月再开会。
5. 我们应该努力学习,因为不努力学习的人是不能取得伟大成就的。
2. 我记得以前在电视上见过他,但我不能肯定。
3. 我们的冰箱坏了,必须找人修一下。
4. 面对这样复杂的情形,他努力控制着自己的情感。
5. 我期待着再次见到他,因为我们整整十年没见面。
To his surprised, she criticized him instead of praising him.2.陈大夫整个晚上都在为伤员做手术。
Dr. Chen went on operating on wounded soldiers throughout the night.3.我们提议对计划作修改。
We propose (advise) that some changes should be made in the plan.4.他那么细心不会不注意到这一点的。
He is too careful to not have noticed it.5.很难说这两个人中谁年龄大些,看上去他们年龄差不多。
It is hard to tell which of the two is older, They look about the same age.08年翻译:1.汤姆失业了,不是因为他年龄过大,而是因为他懒惰。
Tom was out of job, not because of his old age, but because of his laziness.2.玛丽连伙食费都不够,更不用说娱乐了。
Mary did not have enough accommodation, say nothing of her entertainment.3.她一听说脚步声就不唱了。

1. 名词+aboutcomplaint about 埋怨concern about 关心,照顾doubt about (of) 对…的怀疑discussion about (of, on) 讨论information about 有关…的信息opinion about (on) 对…意见2. 名词+againstcomplaint against 控诉caution against 提防insurance against 保险precaution against 预防protection against 防护spite against 怨恨struggle against 与…斗争war against 对…的战争warning against 告诫3. 名词+foraffection for 对…的爱ambition for 有…的理想anxiety for 焦虑,担心attraction for 吸引capacity for 做…的能力care for 关心,喜欢cause for …的起因consideration for 考虑contempt for 对…藐视cure for 治…的良药/疗法demand for 对…需求excuse for …的借口explanation for (of) 对…的解释fine for 因…而罚款longing for 渴望necessity for 对…的需求passion for 对…的酷爱preference for 偏好preparation for 准备punishment for 因…而受罚reason for …的理由regret for 因…此后悔reputation for …的名声request for 对…要求,请求requirement for …的要求,条件respect for 对…尊敬responsibility for 对…的责任substitute for …的替代品sympathy for 对…的同情talent for 有…的天赋4. 名词+fromabsence from 缺席divorce from 与…离婚,脱离retirement from 从…退休shelter from 遁藏freedom from 解脱relief from 免除,解除5. 名词+inbelief in 对…的信仰,信任break in 强行闯入;插嘴,打断change in 在…方面的变更decrease/fall/decline/drop in 在…方面的减少increase/rise in 在…方面的增加delight in 喜欢faith in 对…信任progress in 在…方面的进步success in 在…上的胜利trust in 对…的信任6. 名词+intodevelopment into 成长成inquiry into 对…调查、询问insight into 对…深刻理解,洞见investigation into 对…的深入调查research into 研究study into 对…的研究7. 名词+ofattack of 患…病care of (=in care of) 由…转交command of 对…精通,掌握doubt of 对…怀疑dream of …的梦想the idea (thought) of 对…想法impression of 对…的印象intention of …的意图lack of 缺少neglect of 对…的疏忽opinion of 对…的看法8. 名词+onattack on 攻击authority on …方面的权威comment on 对…颁发评论congratulation on 祝贺dependence on 依赖effect on 影响emphasis on 对…强调impact on 影响(leave/make an) impression on对…留下印象improvement on 对…的改进influence on 对…的影响judgement on 根据…的判断lecture on 有关…的讲座mercy (pity) on 怜悯operation on 给…入手术pressure on 对…的压力reliance on 依赖remark on 对…的评论9. 名词+overadvantage over 比…优越authority over 对(某人)的控制、管理权力choice over 先于…的选择,不选择…control over 对…的控制increase over 比…增加power over 对…的权力preference over 比…更喜欢,先于…的选择priority over 比…优先superiority over 比…优越,优于10. 名词+toaccess to 接近,…的通路accident to 产生于…的事故admission to 准许进入…answer to 对…回答approach to …的办法assent to 同意attention to 对…的注意attitude to (toward) 对…态度blindness to 对…不知clue to …的线索contribution to 对…的贡献door to 通向…的门entrance/entry to 通向…的入口exception to …的例外exposure to 接触,流露于gratitude to 对…感激guide to …的指南indifference to 对…无动于衷introduction to …入门,介绍,引见key to …的谜底,…的关键marriage to 与…结婚monument to …的纪念碑objection to 否决opposition to 否决preface/forward to …的前言reply to 回答respond to 对…的回答,回答;对…响应,反响;(药物)有效resistance to 抵抗…ratio to 与…之比right to …的权力solution to …的谜底traitor to …的叛徒,叛变…11. 名词+withacquaintance with 与…认识alliance with 与…联盟bargain with 与…讨价还价chat with 与…闲谈coincidence with 与…的巧合collision with 与…相撞connection with 与…相关consultation with 与…协商conversation with 与…交谈correspondence with 与…通信familiarity with 与…熟悉harmony with 与…和谐the matter with …有问题/麻烦patience with 对…耐心转转本英语备考资料之常考易混近形词111组1. aboard adv., prep. 在船(车/飞机)上,上船(车/飞机) abroad adv. 国外,海外board n. 木板;董事会;(包饭的)伙食vt.上(船,车等) broad adj. 宽的,广阔的,广泛的2. abstract adj. 笼统的n. 摘要,梗概attract vt. 吸引:be attracted to迷恋,喜欢subtract vt. 减去(from)3. accent n. 口音,重音access n. 接近(或进入)的,机会;通道,入口assess vt. 对…进行估价,评价excess n. 超出,过量adj.过量的,额定的asset n. 财富,资产exception n. 例外4. accident n. 事故;意外,偶然之事incident n. 产生的事;事变,事件5. acquire vt. 取得,获得,学得enquire (in) vt. 询问,探听require vt. 需要;要求,规定request n.要求,请求v.要求,请求6. adapt vt. 使适应,使适合vi.适应(to)adopt vt. 收养;采纳,采取7. affect vt. 影响;引起感情摆荡effect n.效果,影响vt.实现,产生…的结果infect vt. 沾染,感染defect n. 缺点,缺陷effort n. 努力,精力afford vt. 承担得起,买得起,花得起(时间等);供给,给予8. alive adj. 活着的(作表语或后置定语);有活力的,有生气的live adj. 活的,有生命的(只用于物,放在名词前);现场直播的lively adj. 布满活力的,活泼的;栩栩如生的living adj. 活着的(可形容人或物,可作表语或定语)9. alone adj. (作定语)(实际上的)单独一人,孤单一人adv. 单独lonely adj. (心理上的)孤独的,寂寞的lone adj. (正式)孤单的,孤独lonesome adj. 寂寞的,冷清的10. amaze vt. 使惊愕amuse vt. 使…消遣、娱乐11. altitude n. 高度,海拔attitude n. 态度,看法12. amplify vt. 放年夜,增强magnify vt. 放年夜,扩年夜multiply vt. 使成倍增加;使相乘13. applicable adj. 适用的;有效的,生效的applicant n. 申请人applied adj. 实用的,应用的14. appreciate vt. 感激;评价,欣赏appeal n. 呼吁;控拆;吸引力vi.呼吁,求助于approve v. 批准;赞许apply v. 申请;应用,运用;适用15. arise vi. 呈现,产生;站起来,起身arouse vt. 惊醒,叫醒;引起;唤起,唤醒raise vt. 举起;使升起;增加,提高rise vi. 起身;起床;升起;上涨,增高16. ashamed adj. 渐愧,害臊shameful adj. 可耻的,不品德的shameless adj. 无耻的,不要脸的17. assignment n. (分拨的)任务,作业;分派assessment n. 估价,评价18. assist v. 帮忙,协助consist vi. 组成(of);在于(in)insist v. 坚持观点,坚决主张(on)persist vi. 坚持(做下去)resist v. 抵当,抵挡;忍住,经受19. assume vt. 假定,设想consume vt. 消耗,花费resume v. (中断后)继续20. assure vt. 向…包管;使有包管: ~sb. of/that ensure vt. 包管,包管有,使一定获得: ~ that insure vt. 给…(经济意义上的)保险: ~ sth. against reassure vt. 使安心secure adj. 平安的;可靠的;安心的21. attain vt. 达到;获得vi. 达到contain vt. 包涵,容纳,装有maintain vt. 维持;调养;坚持认为;赡养retain vt. 保存,坚持sustain vt. 供养;支撑,接受;经受22. attraction n. 吸引(力);有吸引力的人或事物attention n. 注意,注意力23. available adj. (用于物)可利用的,可获得的;(用于人)可见到的acceptable adj. 可接受的approachable adj. 可接受,可处理的attainable adj. 可达到的applicable adj. 可应用的;适当的,合适的24. awake adj. 醒着的vt. 唤醒,使觉醒vi. 醒来,醒悟到awaken vt. 使觉醒,唤醒wake vi. 醒来~ up唤醒;使觉悟waken vi. 醒来vt. 弄醒,叫醒25. award n. 奖品,奖金vt. 发给,给予(奖品等)reward n. 酬报,酬报vt. 酬报,酬报26. blast v. 炸毁n. 爆炸;一阵,一股(风)burst n. 爆烈;突发的一阵v.爆裂,爆炸;突然产生(牙,蕾等)绽开;布满(with)27. bounce n. 弹,反弹v. (使)弹起,(使)弹起,(使)跳起bound n. 鸿沟,界限v. 限定boundary n. 鸿沟,界线28. confirm vt. 使有效,批准;证实,确认confine vt. 限制,使局限于;禁闭conform vi. 遵守,合适confess v. 供认,坦白;懊悔29. comment n. 评论,意见v. 评论commentary n. 解说(词)30. compete v. 竞赛,竞争complete adj. 完整的;完成的vt.完成,(使)完整31. conceive v. 设想,构思deceive v. 期骗,蒙骗perceive vt. 觉察,感知;认识到,理解32. conscience n. 良心consciousness n. 意识,知觉33. consequently adv. 所以,因此subsequently adv. 随后34. conserve vt. 节约,呵护preserve vt. 保管;呵护,维护;腌渍reserve vt. 保存,蕴藏;预订(定) n. 蕴藏物,蕴藏金,缄默寡言35. custom n. 习惯,风气,惯例customs n. 海关,关税costume n. 服装36. continual adj. 不竭的;频繁的continuous adj. 连续的,继续的37. contact n. vt. 接触,联系contract n. 合同,契约vi. 订合同;缩小,收缩contrast n. 比较,对比vt. vi. 比较,对比contrary adj. 相反的n. 相反(的事物);对立面38. continually adv. 老是,不竭地(有长久间隔的) continuously adv. 连续不竭地(不中断)39. continuance n. 继续期间continuation n. 继续,继续continuity n. 连续性40. counsel n. 忠告,劝告;法令顾问,辩白人vt.忠告,劝告council n. 委员会,理事会41. dairy n. 牛奶场,乳品店;乳制品adj. 牛奶的,乳品的diary n. 日记,日记簿42. dead adj. 死的,死寂的deadly adj. 致命的;像死了似的,极度的,很是的deathlike adj. 死一般的,可怕的deathly adj. 死一般的,致死的adv. 死一般地43. decent adj. 正派的,得体的;体面的;相当好的descent n. 下降,降下;遗传,血统descend vi. 下来,下降;遗传vt. 沿着…走下来ascend vt. 攀登vi.升,上升44. dedicate vt. 贡献,供奉;献身,致力delicate adj. 纤细的,娇嫩的45. defect n. 缺点,缺陷defend vt. 捍卫,防卫;为…辩白46. definite adj. 明确的,确定的infinite adj. 无限的,无穷的,无边无际的define vt. 解释,下界说;限定,规定47. destination n. 目的地,终点distinction n. 不同,不合;杰出48. deduce vt. 推论,演绎reduce vt. 缩小,减少;简化;使成为49. different adj. 差别的,不合的; indifferent adj. 冷漠的,不关心的(to) 50. desert n. 沙漠,穷山恶水dessert n. 甜食,点心51. distant adj. 遥远的distinct adj. 清楚的distinctive adj. 有区另外,有特色的52. economy n. 经济;节约,节省economics n. 经济学economist n. 经济学家53. economic adj. 经济上的;经济学上的economical adj. 节约的,节省的54. efficient adj. 效率高的;有能力的sufficient adj. 充分的,足够的55. electric adj. 电的,由电把持的,由电产生的electrical adj. 与电有关的56. electric adj. 呈现,涌现;冒出,(事实)流露electrical adj. 潜入水中vt.淹没,浸没57. emergence n. 呈现←(emerge)emergency n. 紧急情况,意外之事58. emigrant n. 移出之移民adv.移出国的migrant n. 移民adj.移居的immigrant n. 移入之移民,侨民adj.(从外国)移来的,移民的59. emigrate v. 移居国外immigrate v. (从外国)移来,移居入境migrate vi. 移居(国外);(候鸟等的)迁徙60. employment n. 职业,工作;使用employee n. 雇员employer n. 雇主61. especial adj. 特另外,尤其的special adj. 特殊的,专门的;专用的specific adj. 明确的,具体的;特定的;特效的(药)62. exception n 除外,例外expectation n. 期待,期望;料想63. explore v. 勘探,探险;探究,探索explode vt.使爆炸(裂) vi.迸发,爆炸expose vt. 使流露,揭露expand v. 扩年夜,膨胀64. extensive adj. 广泛的,广阔的,深远的intensive adj. 集中的,深入的expansive adj. 扩张的,膨胀的expensive adj. 昂贵的,花钱多的65. extension n. 伸展,扩年夜;延长,延期;(德律风的)分机expansion n. 扩年夜,膨胀66. formal adj. 外形的,形式的;正式的former n. 前者adj.先前的67. generous adj. 年夜方的,慷慨的genuine adj. 真正的;真诚的68. honorable adj. 光荣的;可尊敬的honorary adj. 名誉的69. idleness n. 闲散laziness n. 懒惰70. imaginable adj. 可想象的imaginative adj. 想象力丰富的imaginary adj. 想象中存在的,虚构的71. imitate vt. 模仿;仿造intimate adj. 亲密的;私人的72. inferior adj. 下等的,下级的;劣等的,次的superior adj. (职务等)上级的;优越的;优质的,较好的73. interpret v. 解释,说明;翻译,口译interrupt v. 打断,打搅;中断74. late adj.迟的,晚的;已故的adv.迟latter adj.后者的;后一半的,接近终了的n.后者last adj. 最后的later adv. 后来,过一会儿latest adj. 最近的,最新的75. loyal adj. 忠诚的,忠心的royal adj. 王室的,皇家的76. most adv. pron. 年夜大都mostly adv. 年夜大都,年夜部分,主要地,在大都情况下77. note n. 条子;笔记;注解;票据,钞票notice n.注意,觉察;通知,公告vt.注意到,觉察到78. nuisance n. 令人讨厌的人或事nonsense n. 空话,胡说79. present vt. 提供,赠送represent vt. 代表;暗示;描绘80. optimistic adj. 乐观的,乐观主义的optional adj. 选择性的;任选的,随意的81. perspective n. 视觉,观点,想法;远景prospective adj. 未来的,预期的82. physician n. 内科医生physicist n. 物理学家83. precious adj. 珍贵的,贵重的previous adj. 先,前,以前的;在…之前(to)84. principal n.担任人,校长adj.最重要的,主要的principle n. 原理,原则85. possess vt. 占有,拥有process vt.加工,处理n.处理,进程86. precede v. 先于,领先,先行proveed vi. 进行,继续下去87. produce v.制造,生产;引起,产生n.农产品(总称,不成数) product n. 产品,产品,功效(可数)production n. 生产(不成数);产量(不成数);作品productivity n. 生产率88. promote vt. 增进;提拔progress n.进步,进展;前进vi.前进;进展proceed vi. 继续前进;继续(做某事)propose vt.建议;筹算vi.求婚89. protect vt. 呵护,捍卫protest v.抗议,否决n.(against)抗议,否决90. release vt. 释放;宣布,刊行;铺开,松开relieve vt. 解除,缓解;救济,解救;使…免除relate vi.有关,涉及vt.使有关联;叙述;讲述91. respectable adj. 受人尊敬的,值得敬重的respectful adj. 对人尊敬的,恭敬的,礼貌的respective adj. 各自的,分另外92. respectively adv. 辨别地,辨别为respectfully adv. 恭敬地,尊敬地respectably adv. 可敬地93. reveal vt. 使露出,展现;透露,泄露revise vt. 修订,修正;温习rewrite vt. 改写,重写reserve vt. 保存,蕴藏;预订(定)reverse v.倒置;反转,成长n.反转;背面;相反的情况adj.相反的;倒转的94. route n. 路线,路程routine n.例行公事,惯例,惯常的法度adj.例行的,惯例的95. sample n.样品,抽样vt.从…中抽样,取样specimen n. 标本,样本96. scene n. (戏的)一场;(故事,事情)产生地;布景,舞台;风光scenery n. (全新的)风光,景色;舞台布景97. sensible adj. 感觉获得的;明智的,通情达理的sensitive adj. 敏感的;灵敏的(to)98. spit vi.吐唾沫(痰)vt.吐出n.唾液split v.(使)裂开,劈开,撕开n.裂口;割裂99. stationary adj. 静止的,固定的stationery n. 纸张文具(总称)100. strip n.窄带vt.剥夺vi.脱衣stripe n. 条子,条纹101. successful adj. 胜利的successive adj. 连续的,连接的102. staff n. 全体职工,全体人员;顾问部stuff n.原料vt.填满,塞满103. statue n. 塑像,雕像status n. 位置,身份state n. 状态104. transform vt. 修改,变形;改革transfer vt.转移,调动;转让vi.迁移,调动transport vt.运输,运送n.运输,运送transmit vt. 传送,传递;广播,发射105. trap n.陷井,圈套vt.诱捕trick n.诡计,花招;花招;窍门v.欺骗106. track n.跑道,小路;踪迹vt.追踪trace n.踪迹,痕迹vt.追踪107. unlike adj.不合的,不相似的prep.不像…dislike n.不喜欢vt.不喜欢,厌恶alike adj. 相同的,相像的108. usage n. 惯用语,惯用法;使用use vt.运用;使用n.运用,用途109. variable adj. 易变的,可变的,变更的,不稳定的variant adj.变异的n.变体,变形various adj. 各种不合的,各式各样的;许多,很多110. variance n. 不合: at~(with)与…不一致,意见不合variation n. 变更,变动;变量variety n. 多样性;种种,种类111. wander vt. 漫游,闲逛,走神,(神情)恍惚wonder vi.感到惊讶(at)vt.想知道n.惊奇,奇迹专转本英语词汇备考默认分类1.confident和confidantconfident“深信,确信,自信”。
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29、在一切能够接受法律支配的人类 的状态 中,哪 里没有 法律, 那里就 没有自 由。— —洛克
30、风俗可以造就法律,也可以不会再掉进坑里。——黑格尔 32、希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。——普列姆昌德 33、希望是人生的乳母。——科策布 34、形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋。——郭沫若 35、学到很多东西的诀窍,就是一下子不要学很多。——洛克
26、我们像鹰一样,生来就是自由的 ,但是 为了生 存,我 们不得 不为自 己编织 一个笼 子,然 后把自 己关在 里面。 ——博 莱索
27、法律如果不讲道理,即使延续时 间再长 ,也还 是没有 制约力 的。— —爱·科 克
28、好法律是由坏风俗创造出来的。 ——马 克罗维 乌斯