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阅读很多巴西人不会读书in2000 36 simply 37average 38 ranked 39 launched 40 expensive 41 neglected 42 potential 43 distributed 44 quit 45 collection触屏一代

46-55 D G A E C H G D A F 年轻女性收入

56-60 C B A D A阅读有关领导力的作品

61-65 B A D B C

翻译中国应进一步发展核能 2%:China should further develop nuclear energy,because nuclear power currently accounts for only 2% of its total generating. The proportion ranks the 30th among all countries possessing nuclear energy,which is almost the lowest.

China’s nuclear power development stoppe d after the nuclear power station accident in Japan in March,2011.The approval of new nuclear power plants was suspended,and the nationwide nuclear energy safety inspection started.It wasn't until October,2012 that examination and approval was restored cautiously.

With the improvement of technology and safety measures,the possibility of nuclear accidents can definitely be minimized.In other words,the nuclear energy can be exploited and utilized safely.


阅读全球变暖36、I 37、G38、C 39、K 40、D 41、F42、A 43、B 44、H45、L

纸质书末日46-55 C N J H A L B F C M

政府是否应该推动高等教育或人文科学的发展:56-60 B D A D C


61-65 A D C B A


Chinese educators have long known that reading is of great importance to a nation.Some of them have proposed to establish the National Reading Day in 2003.They argued that people should read good books,especially the classic ones.Through reading,people can better learn

to be grateful,responsible and cooperative,the basic qualities which should be cultivated by education.Reading is especially important for students in primary and secondary schools because once the interest of reading is not fostered at that critical time,it will be more difficult for them to cultivate later.



36-45:N E F L J M I G K O 我哭故我在

46-55:H C A L N F H M D J 医院希望能控制医疗失误56-60:A C B C B


61-65:D B C D A

翻译为了促进教育公平In order to promote education equity, China has invested 36 billion to improve rural educational facilities and strengthen the rural compulsory education in the central and western regions. The funds were used to better school facilities, buy books, which benefited more than 160,000 primary and secondary schools. They were also spent to purchase music and painting apparatus. Nowadays children in rural and mountainous areas can have music and art classes the same as those children in coastal cities. Some students who transfer to cities for better education return to the local rural schools again.

similarly F justified J revenues E fair L simply M theft B contribute G maintaining Growing Up Colored:盎格鲁撒克逊裔的白人新教徒46-55 F D J C I M B H E G Children are a delight...least regulated South:3% in2012 in1990 80% 56-60 A C B D B

Alex Pang’s amusing new book...go offline

沉思的生态的61-65 D D A B C


It is a new trend in recent years that more and more Chinese young people are getting interested in traveling .The increasing number

of young travelers can be attributed to the rapid

growth of their income and their curiosity for

exploring the outside world.While traveling

more,youngsters spend less time in big cities

and famous scenic spots.Instead,they are

attracted to remoter places.Some of them

would even choose cultures,enlarge their

knowledge and broaden their horizons through



阅读As an Alaskan fisherman, Timothy

June,54,...climate change污染物尿36

N survey 37 O traces 38 I products 39 K

released 40 J ranging 41 M simply 42 H

necessarily 43 L shocked 44 C belong 45 B


In Hard Economy for All Ages,Older Isn’

t Better...It’s Brutal 46-55 F I D O K B


New Yorkers are gradually getting used

to more pedaling骑单车的56-60 B C B A


Various studies have shown 1980-2008

College Campuses 63% 25%

61-65 C B C A D



The Internet community of China develops

fastest all over the world.The number of

Chinese netizens has reached about 420 million

in 2010 and it is still on the dramatic

increase.The growing popularity of the Internet

results in great social changes.Chinese netizens

are usually different from American

netizens.The latter is more often driven by

practical needs,using the Internet as a tool to

send e-mails,buy and sell goods,make

researches,arrange trips and make

payments.The former are more likely to use the

Internet for the reason of social contacts,so

they use forums,blogs and chat rooms on a

larger scale.


阅读 For decades,Americans...world

wall two 36 F critical 37 D contemporary 38 K

led 39 N proportions 40 C closely 41 E courses

42 B actually 43 I especially 44 G declining 45

H degrees

Ban Sugary Drinks46-55 B N M A E C G O


The rise of the Internet...human history

56-60 B B C A D

1950 13.4% 二十世纪六十年代2010年10%

60-65 B C B A D

翻译大熊猫是一种温顺的动物:The giant

panda is a kind of gentle animal with a unique

black-and-white coat.It has been listed as an

endangered species due to its very limited

number.The giant panda is of special

significance to WWF (World Wide Fund for

Nature).And it has been its symbol since its

establishment in 1961.The giant panda is the

rarest member of bear family,mainly living in

the forests of Southwest China.Now,there are

approximately 1000 giant pandas in the

world.The animal that mainly eats bamboo is

facing many threats.Therefore,to ensure its

survival is of greater importance than ever




机会26A announcing 27 K entitled 28 G

critically 29 L potential 30 D commitment 31

H develop 32 J enhance 33 O retain 34 E

component 35 C challenges

The Changes Facing Fast Food 快餐业面

临的改变36-45K A G I B D E H F J

防晒霜2011年 1621人 1167 1101 46B It

will protect them from sunburn 47 A It is

ineffective inpreventing melanomas 48D Daily

application of sunscreen helps redduce the

incidence of melanomas 49C It is not based on

direct observation of thesubjects 50A Using

both covering up and sunscreen

Across the rich world 62-74岁 65% 32% 20

世纪51-55 B B A C D


is one of the most ancient civilizations across

the world,from which many elements that

construct the foundation of the modern world

are derived. Now China has the world’s fastest

growing economy and is experiencing a new

industrial revolution. It has also launched an

ambitious space exploration plan,including the

building of a space station by 2020.Currently,

being one of the largest exporters in the world,

China is attracting massive foreign

investment.Meanwhile,it has invested billions

of dollars overseas as well.In 2011,China

surpassed Japan,becoming the second largest

economic entity in the world.


阅读肥胖症糖尿病久坐的26 H passively

27 F harmful 28 I previously 29 L surfing 30 C

decade 31 A climbed 32 G outcomes 33 E

effective 34 B consume 35 D determine

Essay-Grading Software Offers

Professors a Break 36-45 F B M C E Q G P


Work-life balance 0.8% 污名46-50 A C A



51-55 C A D D B

翻译据报道,今年中国快递服务 11月11

It is reported that courier in China will

deliver about 12 billion parcels this year,which

will make it possible for China to overtake the

United States and become the world’s largest

courier market.Most parcels are packed with

items purchased online.China offers millions of

online retailers opportunities to sell their

products at significantly competitive prices.

Chinese consumers purchased $9 billion worth

of commodities on the nation’s largest

shopping platform on the day of 11th

November alone.Since there are many such

special shopping day’s in China,it is no

wonder that China’s courier services have



阅读As a rger community.

26 A assets 27 E excellent 28 L origin 29 N

up-to-date 30 B attend 31 G guidelines 32 C

aware 33 H involved 34 D especially 35 O


Reaping the Rewards of Risk-Taking 36-45


Junk food 肥胖症分配46-50 B C D D C

Kodak’s decision ...破产自满 1975

51-55 B A D A C


阅读Scholars of the

information...industrial society26 J

fundamentally 27 G expands 28 O superficial

29 K interpretation 30 B acquired 31 I flows 32

F elements 33 M regard 34 H familiar 35 A


Joy:A Subject Schools Lack 讽刺蹲伏坚


36-45 G D A F K H C I B J

When it’s five o’clock...be happier 士

46-50 C A D B A

Martha Stewart...in 2004...society 附


51-55 A B C D B


阅读For many Americans,2003...coral


26 N saw 27 F decades 28 H globally 29 D

chances 30 J occurs 31 A additional 32 B

associated 33 G experiences 34 M reduce 35 K


How to Eat Well 垃圾食谱卡路里外包


36-45 D B F O G E J M C H

The wallet is heading for

extinction...much longer 眨眼鹅卵石

46-50 A B D A D

Everybody sleeps...rest of us losing?

冰球剥夺51-55 A C C B B


阅读Children do not think the way

adults do...all over the world 认知的

26 G favorite 27 M protest 28 B amount 29 O
