最新新概念英语口语 Lesson18

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新概念英语口语 Lesson18
bread 面包
a piece of bBiblioteka Baiduead 一片面包
beef 牛肉
breakfast 早饭
have breakfast 吃早饭
supper 晚饭
cook 做饭
pick food 挑食
Don’t pick your food. 不要挑食
I have a piece of bread. Why do you cook so much vegetable?
Don’t pick your food. You should eat some vegetable.
Mom ,why do you cook so much vegetable? I want to eat beef.
Vegetable Song Come in here, follow me. Eat the carrot(胡萝卜), eat the peanut(花生). Eat the tomato(西红柿), eat the beans(豆子). Eat the turnip(芜菁), eat the corn(玉米). Eat the cabbage(卷心菜) and eat the French beans.
turnip 芜菁
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B: I had a cake, an egg and an apple. (我吃了一块蛋糕,一个鸡蛋和一个苹果。)
A:Mom ,why do you cook so much vegetable? I want to eat beef.
(妈妈,你怎么做了那么多蔬菜。我想吃牛肉。) B:Don’t pick your food. You should eat some vegetable.
I waSnut ptoperatisbereeaf.dy now. You should eat some vegetable.
It’s benefit to your health.
A: I had a piece of bread, a cup of tea for breakfast What about you ?