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1. 这种看法基本正确,它反映了美国人的生活方式。

This idea is basically right, which reflects life style of American people.
2. 各州都有自己的交通法规,外州来的开车者应该了解当地的法规。

Each state has its traffic low and regulations. Drivers from other states should learn the local traffic low and regulations.

3. 我国有世界上最发达的租车业,你若打算在我国开车旅行,完全可以通过自己国家的旅行社办理租车预订事宜。

Our nation has the most developed car rental business in the world. If you want to travel by driving your car yourself, you can make the booking affair through the local travel agency.
4. 这个国家没有统一的飞机票价,各航空公司经常以竞相削价的方式来吸引更多的旅客。

There is no unified air fare in this country, and air liners compete through reducing the price one after another to attract passengers.
5. 事实上一种较为便利的做法是按电话簿黄页部分所列的出租车公司的号码打电话叫车,让他们派车上门来接你。

In fact, the easy way is to call the taxi company and they’ll pick you up.
easy way 便利的方法;convenient用于人,如it is convenient for you,in one’s convenience.
6. 自从25年前出现了首批有关艾滋病例的报告以来,整整一代人从出生起便生活在一个与艾滋病共存的世界里。

The case of AIDS了;AIDS = Acquired Immunity deficiency Symptom
Co-existence in the field.
7. 开展了大规模的教育运动是目前唯一行之有效的手段,认为这种运动难度大、代价高而无法实施完全是一种自暴自弃的态度。

Carry out campaign;effective means;expensive and difficult hard to implement ;self-abandon
8. 我们应该使人相信,知情总比蒙在鼓里好,因为了解实情后我们便可以采取一切可以采取的措施来治病,用适当的药物来控制疾病的传染。

We must make people believe to be informed is better than not to be informed. Because we can take all the measures possible to cure the disease after knowing the truth, and use proper medicine to control the infection of the disease.
9. 我认为中国人在商务谈判时倾向于使用一种迂回婉转的方式,而那些被认为在工作时具有一种“公务为先”的心态的美国人则往往表现出较为直截了当的作风。

I believe Chinese people tend to use indirect way in business negotiation while those Americans recognized with business first attitude to working always use the straight way.
10. 中国式的管理方式鼓励员工之间的合作,也鼓励普通员工与管理人员之间的合作,使员工有一种喜悦的参与感和成就感,使他们对自己的工作产生自豪感。

Chinese way of management encourage (inspire) the cooperation among the staffs and the cooperation among the staffs and the management level so that the staffs will have a happy sense of participation, achievement and pride.
11. 我认为,大多数中国人想从工作中找到生活的意义,他们将工作师为能使自己成为团体的一分子的必不可缺的条件。

Find significance of the life from the job;indispensable;factor
12. 换言之,许多中国人想从工作中找到生活的意义,他们将工作视为能使自己成为团体的一分子的必不可缺的条件。

In the other words;to be recognized by the society;precondition
13. 歌曲创作是我自我体验的一种表白。


Creation of the song is an expression of my own experience. It is much better if people are interested in it.
14. 听说美国城市的公共交通不尽如人意,有没有这回事?
It's said that the public transportation of America is not satisfactory. Is it right? Public transportation是看不到的交通,概况;traffic是看得到的交通

Drivers in the free way should control their speed within limits.
16. 调查结果表明,许多人对艾滋病的传播不以为然。

As indicated by the survey result, many people do not take spread of AIDS seriously. What do you think shall we do to make people aware of the seriousness of the problem?


17. 美式经营之道在我们中国人看来常常显得咄咄逼人。

American way of business in the mind of Chinese people often seems demanding.
18. 我们应该承认我们之间的文化差异,应该尊重这些差异,以免产生误解。

We should confess the cultural difference between us and respect them to avoid misunderstanding.
19. 我把首张专辑献给母亲,因为她对我的艺术生涯产生了巨大的影响。

I give the first album to my mother, because she has generated a tremendous effect on my artistic career.
20. 请你用三个词来总结下自己走过的人生道路,并给那些想成为歌手和作曲家的年轻人提些建议。

Please use three words to make a conclusion of your life and please give some propose on those young men who want to be singers and composers.
pr opose内部人士提意见;advice是外部人士提意见。

21. MBA
Mas ter of Business Administration
22. 首先请允许我感谢东道主的精心安排与好客。

First of all, please allow me to thank you the host (hostess) very much for nice arrangement and hospitality.
23. 我非常感谢您热情洋溢的欢迎词,对我本人以及代表团所有成员来说,这是愉快而难忘的一刻。

I t's pleasant and impressive moment to all the members of the delegation and myself for your kind and generous remarks.
(重要)24. 访问中国这一古老文明的摇篮是我梦寐以求的愿望,我为自己能成为贵国的客人而深感荣幸。

I always have a dream to visit China, the cradle of the old civilization. It's my pleasure to be guest of honor.
(重要)25. 我接受阁下的盛情邀请访问这个伟大的国家,这使我有极好的机会重温旧情,再交新友。

To visit your country gives me the opportunity to review the old friends and to make new friends.
26. 为中国人民所独有的、著称于世的款待,我谨向你们表示感谢。

World wide famous;I would like to extend my gratitude to you.

We have strongly felt that diversity, dynamics and ever progress in your country are under the guidance of the opening and reform policy.
28. 我对中国人民怀有一种特殊的敬慕之情和个人友谊,在这里我所感受到的是贵国人民的高度礼貌和诚挚友谊。

I have special respect and personal friendship to the Chinese people. Here what we have felt is the high courtesy and sincere friendship of your people.

We have very extensive fields in our friendly cooperation concerning all the
fields of the country such as the fields of industry, agriculture, business, culture, health, education and exchange in science.
30. 我期待着在今后几天里能有机会向你们学习,从你们为造福贵国人民而崔金经济和社会发展的奋斗和经验中学到一些东西。

I expect to learn from you in the coming few days from your striving and experience to benefit your people to prompt economic and social development.
31. 我们已经注意到,那些将我们联系在一起并且强化我们关系的东西已在很大程度上弱化了我们之间的差异。

notice;those links to us; to strengthen our relations;weaken our difference to a large extent (degree)
32. 我们对贵国的访问是一种良好诚意的象征,我们怀着这种良好的诚意,希望能在友谊的基础上文化关系和商业关系,建立重要的战略关系。

Symbol of sincerity;to establish;strategic;on the basis friendship

All the countries, despite the size and power, should establish the relationships on the basis of respecting each other and equality and mutual benefit.
(重要)34. 我们必须坦诚地承认我们两个社会在意识形态和制度上的根本差异。

We must confess frankly that the fundamental difference between two societies in ideaology and social system.
35. 我来中国不是为了。

My visiting in China is not for…;But to strengthen those to link us.
36. 我一向认为,我们的历史传统孕育着未来的丰收。

I always believe;preview
37. 今天,中国经济突飞猛进,日新月异。


Rapid progress; in Chinese economy with change day by day;stride to new level; we'll extend our respect to you.
38. 让这股太平洋的浪潮平顺的滚向前,促进人民的双向交流,促进思想的双向交流,打破猜忌和不信任这两大障碍,建立合作关系。


Pacific;tide;smooth;running with power;two way communication;to break suspicion;untrust;joint;obstacle;optimism; spirit
39. 让我们沿着通往共同的目标的不同的道路一起开始新的长征。


Let's start a new long march along with the different roads leading to the same target;the target is to establish.
40. 我愿借此机会邀请阁下访问加拿大,以便使我们能有机会来回报你们给与我们的热情欢迎和盛情款待。

Your excellency;gracious treat
41. 我敬请各位与我一起举杯,为我们的友谊与合作而干杯。

Raise the cup;let's propose a toast;cheers。
