大学英语精读 英语知识点总结




大学英语知识点总结归纳一、语法知识点1. 英语句子的基本构成英语句子的基本构成包括主语、谓语、宾语等,根据不同的语法成分可以分为简单句、并列句、复合句等多种形式。


2. 时态英语中的时态包括一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在进行时、过去进行时、现在完成时、过去完成时等。


3. 语态英语中的语态包括主动语态和被动语态,正确使用语态可以使表达更加灵活多样。

4. 语气英语中的语气包括陈述语气、疑问语气、祈使语气等,每种语气的使用都有其特定的情境和表达方式。

5. 并列连词和从属连词并列连词用于连接并列结构的词、短语、从句等,包括and、or、but等;从属连词用于连接主从复合句,包括because、when、although等。

6. 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级形容词和副词的比较级和最高级形式可以用于比较不同事物的程度和大小。

7. 定冠词和不定冠词定冠词包括the,不定冠词包括a和an,使用时需要根据名词的情境和特点正确选择。

8. 代词代词分为人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词等,根据情境需要选择正确的代词形式。

9. 主谓一致主谓一致是指主语和谓语在人称和数上保持一致,是英语句子中的重要语法规则。

10. 介词介词用于连接名词、代词、动词或形容词等,构成介词短语用于修饰其他成分,掌握介词的使用可以使语言表达更加丰富。

二、词汇知识点1. 单词的拼写和发音掌握英语单词的拼写和发音是学习英语的基本功,有助于提高语言表达的准确性。

2. 同义词和反义词同义词和反义词可以丰富语言表达的方式,帮助学习者避免重复使用相同的词汇。

3. 词汇搭配词汇搭配是指在语言表达中,词语之间常常有固定的搭配关系,如动词搭配介词、名词搭配形容词等,掌握词汇搭配可以使表达更加自然流畅。

4. 词义辨析英语中存在大量近义词和异义词,学习者需要掌握它们的区别和正确用法,避免混淆。

现代大学英语精读3 复习 总结

现代大学英语精读3 复习 总结

English S ummary PhrasesPart I学术生活 academic l ife民族认同 ethnic i dentity种族歧视 racial p rejudice伦理道德观念 ethical v alues政治上的成熟 political m aturity认同危机 identity c risis基因工程 genetic e ngineering偶然事件 chance e vents青少年阶段 adolescence s tage每日工作日程 daily a genda功能独立 functional i ndependence异性 the o pposite s ex生活方式 a w ay o f l ife获得知识 to a cquire k nowledge给这个词下定义 to d efine t he w ord对这种对待感到反感 to r esent t he t reatment确立自己的身份 to e stablish t heir i dentity使学生感到沮丧 to f rustrate t he s tudents宣战 to d eclare w ar拖着脚步 to d rag o ne’s f eet对结果进行评估 to e valuate t he r esult对知识进行加工 to p rocess k nowledge缩小差距 to n arrow t he g ap扩大业务 to e xpand b usiness装配汽车 to a ssemble c ars提出事实 to p resent f actsPart I I决定今天到此为止 to c all i t a d ay获得利益 to m ake p rofit改进性能 to i mprove p erformance停学 to q uit s chool做一笔交易 to m ake a d eal变本加厉重新开始 to s tart a gain w ith a v engeance 注册登记成立一家公司 to i ncorporate a c ompany组装一辆汽车 to a ssemble a c arto g ross(top/net) 10 m illion d ollars营业额达(总数超/纯利达)一千万美元开发产品 to d evelop p roducts营销产品 to m arket p roducts从中得到教训 to d raw a l esson f rom i t实现梦想 to r ealize a d ream捐钱 to d onate m oney游手好闲,不务正业 to f ool a round经济前景 business(economic) p rospects竞争优势 a c ompetitive e dge营业执照 business l icense库存和管理费 inventory a nd o verheads按客户需要配置的电脑 custom-­‐made(personalized) c omputers 库存过多 surplus s tock/excess i nventory销售定额 a s ales q uota增值 added v alue零售价格 a r etail p rice千载难逢的机会 the o pportunity o f a l ifetime春假 spring r ecess财务和管理 finance a nd a dministration直销 direct m arketing会计基础 accounting b asics可以退货的保证 a m oney-­‐back g uarantee现场服务 on-­‐site s ervice市中心 a c ivic c enter犹太人集中的社区 the J ewish c ommunity终端用户 end u sersPart I II继续去写她的东西 to r esume h er w riting流露他的真情 to b etray h is t rue f eelings引起巨大愤怒 to a rouse g reat a nger出自己的洋相 to m ake a f ool o f o neself通知相关的所有人 to i nform e veryone c oncerned问讯 to m ake i nquires遭受巨大痛苦 to s uffer a t errible p ain扔一块石头 to p itch a s tone(因为重要)专门去做某事 to m ake a p oint o f d oing s omething侵犯我的隐私 t o i nfringe o n m y p rivacy放弃研究 to a bandon t he r esearch上一个新项目 to l aunch a n ew p roject重新做人 to s tart o ne’s l ife a fresh采纳一种新方法 to a dopt a n ew m ethod挑起激烈的反应 to p rovoke a v iolent r eaction找回自己丢失的车 to r ecover o ne’s m issing c ar涉及到和各种人打交道 to i nvolve d ealing w ith a ll k inds o f p eoplePart I V将人民币换成外币 t o c onvert C NY i nto f oreign c urrency寻找真理 to s eek t he t ruth抛掉旧的传统 to d iscard t he o ld t raditions讽刺人的虚荣 to s atirize h uman v anity在那岛上住人 to i nhabit t hat i sland钦佩他们的勇气 to a dmire t heir c ourage玩忽职守 to n eglect o ne’s d uty逃避后果 to e scape t he c onsequences挡路 to b lock o ne’s w ay毁掉名誉 to r uin o ne’s r eputation年久失修的防御工事 neglected f ortificationsa s quatter’s h ut擅自占用土地的人搭建的临时简陋房子容易变质的东西 perishable g oods社会习俗 conventions o f s ociety摇摇晃晃、头重脚轻的酒鬼 tottering d runks当前的风云人物 the m an o f t he h our英雄人物 heroic f igures一种带有使命感的神态 an a ir o f d estiny看人时如火一般的眼光 a w ar s care雨点般的石头 a s hower o f s tones一小撮捣乱分子 a h andful o f t rouble-­‐makersPart V塑造年轻人的心灵 to m old y oungsters’ t hinking涂上黄油 to s pread b utter污染环境 to c ontaminate t he e nvironment缓和口气 to m odify t he t one造成未曾料到的伤害 to w ork u nknown h arm创造奇迹 to w ork m iracles获得权力 to a cquire p ower抛弃朋友 to d esert o ne’s f riends放弃这一城市 to d esert t he c ity解决这一争端 to s ettle t he d ispute解决这一问题* to s ettle t he m atter赏心悦目 to d elight t he e ye侵入那个国家 to i nvade t hat c ountry侵犯某人隐私 to i nvade o ne’s p rivacy挖一口井 to s ink a w ell严酷的现实 harsh r eality空气污染 air c ontamination致命武器 lethal w eapons人工合成材料 synthetic m aterials事先的调查 advance i nvestigation生死攸关的斗争 a l ife-­‐and-­‐death s truggle外来物种 introduced s pecies自然保护区 natural r eserves农业的精耕细作 intensification o f a gricultureParagraphsPart IADuring t his t ime, s tudents a re g oing t hrough a n i dentity c risis a nd a re e ndeavoring t o find o ut w ho t hey a re a nd w hat t heir s trengths a nd w eaknesses a re. T hey h ave, o f course, p lenty o f b oth. I t i s i mportant t o k now h ow p eople p erceive t hemselves a s well a s h ow o thers p erceive t hem. A ccording t o p iers a nd l andau, i n a n a rticle discussing t he t heories o f E rik H. E rickson i n i nternational e ncyclopedia o f s ocial sciences (1979), i dentity i s d etermined b y g enetic e ndowment (what i s i nherited from p arents), s haped b y e nvironment, a nd i nfluenced b y c hance e vents. P eople a re influenced b y t heir e nvironment a nd, i n t urn, i nfluence t heir e nvironment. H ow people s ee t hemselves i n b oth r oles i s u nquestionably a p art o f t heir i dentity.BProbably o ne o f t he m ost s tressful m atters f or y oung c ollege s tudents i s e stablishing their f uture s exual i dentity, w hich i ncludes r elating t o t he o pposite s ex a nd projecting t heir f uture r oles a s m en o r w omen. E ach m ust d efine h er o f h is s exual identity i n a f eminine o r m asculine r ole. T hese a re e xciting t imes y e f rustrating t imes. Probably n othing c an m ake s tudents f eel l ower o r h igher e motionally t han t he w ay they a re r elating t o w homever t hey a re h aving a r omantic r elation w ith. F or e xample, when I w as w orking w ith a y oung c ollege s tudent, h e b ounced i nto m y o ffice o nce with a s mile o n h is f ace a nd e xcitement i n h is v oice. T he y oung m an d eclared, “I’ve just h ad t he b est d ay o f m y l ife!” h e w ent o n t o e xplain h ow h e h ad m et a n extraordinary y oung w oman a nd h ow t his r elationship w as a ll h e h ad d reamed a romantic r elationship s hould b e. T hat s ame y oung m an c ame i nto m y o ffice l ess t han a w eek l ater, d ragging h is f eet w ith a d ismayed, d ejected l ook o n h is f ace. H e s at down i n t he s ame c hair, s ighed d eeply, a nd d eclared,” I’ve j ust h ad t he w orst d ay o f my l ife!” h e a nd t he y oung w oman h ad j ust h ad a n a rgument, a nd t heir r elationship was n o l onger g oing w ell. T hus, t he w ay s tudents a re r elating t o t hose o f t he opposite s ex h as a d efinite i nfluence o n t heir e motions.Part I IADell k new t hat I BM r equired i ts d ealers t o t ake a m onthly q uota o f P Cs, i n m ost c ases more t han t hey c ould s ell. H e a lso k new t hat h olding e xcess i nventory w as c ostly. S o he b ought d ealers' s urplus s tock a t c ost. B ack i n h is d orm r oom, h e a dded f eaturesto i mprove p erformance. T he s ouped-­‐up m odels f ound e ager b uyers. S eeing t he hungry m arket, D ell p laced l ocal a dvertisements o ffering h is c ustomized c omputers at 15 p ercent o ff r etail p rice. S oon h e w as s elling t o b usinesses, d octors' o ffices a nd law f irms. T he t runk o f h is c ar w as h is s tore; h is r oom t ook o n t he a ppearance o f a small f actory.BThe q uarters h e s hared w ith t wo r oommates l ooked l ike a c ombat z one-­‐ b oxes p iledhigh, c omputer b oards a nd t ools s cattered a round. O ne d ay h is r oommates h eaped all h is e quipment i nto a p ile, p reventing D ell f rom e ntering h is r oom. I t w as t ime t o come t o g rips w ith t he m agnitude o f w hat h e h ad c reated. T he b usiness w as n ow grossing m ore t han $ 50 000 a m onth.Part I IIAMr. C rowther, f or h is p art, h ad a lso s uffered s ome d istraction. T hought h e w as pretending t o r ead, h e w as a ctually u nable t o d o s o. F or a ll h is a ppearance o f indifference, t he s ight o f a w ell-­‐to-­‐do g entleman p itching a s uitcase f rom t he window o f a m oving t rain h ad s urprised h im v ery m uch. B ut h e h ad n ot b etrayed h is surprise. T he f ellow w as o bviously c ounting o n h im f or a v iolent r eaction, a nd s o M r. Crowther m ade a p oint o f n ot r eacting. W hether t he t hing w as a p ractical j oke o r n ot, Mr. C rowther c onsidered i t a n a nnoying i nfringement o f h is p rivacy. I t w as a s i f t he fellow h ad b urst a p aper b ag i n t he h ope o f m aking h im j ump. W ell, h e w asn't g oing to j ump, h e w asn't g oing t o g ive t hat f ellow t he s atisfaction. I f t he f ellow i magined that t o t hrow a s uitcase o ut o f t he w indow g ave h im s ome s ort o f i mportance, w ell, he w as m istaken.BMr. H arraby-­‐Ribston t ook t he d isclosure r emarkably w ell. H e d id, i t's t rue, f linch a nd turn a l ittle p ale, b ut i n a f ew m oments h e h ad r ecovered h imself." T hank y ou, s ir," he s aid; a nd l et m e s ay h ow m uch I a ppreciate y our o penness. I n f act, y ou t empt m e to b e e qually f rank w ith y ou. L et m e c onfess, t hen, t hat a s a m atter o f f act I h aven't left m y w ife, f or t he s imple r eason t hat I'm a b achelor. I g row v egetables o n r ather a large s cale a nd o nce a w eek b usiness t akes m e t o L ondon. A s f or t he m atter o f t he suitcase , I h ave s ome f riends w hose h ouse w e p assed a f ew m iles b ack a nd e very week I f ill a s uitcase w ith v egetables, b ring i t w ith m e, a nd t hrow i t o ut o f t he carriage-­‐window a s t he t rain p asses t heir h ouse. I t r olls d own t he e mbankment a nd lands u p a gainst t heir r ailings. I t's a p rimitive m ethod, I k now, b ut i t s aves p ostage and y ou c an h ave n o i dea h ow m uch e ntertaining c onversation i t p rovokes w ith m y fellow-­‐passengers. Y ou, i f I m ay s ay s o, a re n o e xception."Part I VAOnly t wenty, A lexander w as f ar o lder a nd w iser t han h is y ears. L ike a ll M acedonians he l oved d rinking, b ut h e c ould u sually h andle i t; a nd t oward w omen h e w as n obly restrained a nd c hivalrous. L ike a ll M acedonians h e l oved f ighting; h e w as a magnificent c ommander, b ut h e w as n ot m erely a m ilitary a utomaton. H e c ould think. A t t hirteen h e h ad b ecome a p upil o f t he g reatest m ind i n G reece, A ristotle who g ave h im t he b est o f G reek c ulture. H e t aught A lexander p oetry: t he y oung prince s lept w ith t he I liad u nder h is p illow a nd l onged t o e mulate A chilles, w ho brought t he m ighty p ower o f A sia t o r uin. H e t aught h im p hilosophy, i n p articular t he shapes a nd u ses o f p olitical p ower a nd h e t aught h im t he p rinciples o f s cientific research: d uring h is i nvasion o f t he P ersian d omains A lexander t ook w ith h im a l argecorps o f s cientists, a nd s hipped h undreds o f z oological s pecimens b ack t o G reece f or study. I ndeed, i t w as f rom A ristotle t hat A lexander l earned t o s eek o ut e verything strange w hich m ight b e i nstructive.BNow, A lexander w as i n C orinth t o t ake c ommand o f t he L eague o f G reek S tates, which, h is f ather P hilip h ad c reated a s a d isguise f or t he N ew M acedonian O rder. H e was w elcomed a nd h onored a nd f lattered. H e w as t he m an o f t he h our, o f t he century: h e w as u nanimously a ppointed c ommander-­‐in-­‐chief o f a n ew e xpedition against o ld, r ich, c orrupt A sia. N early e veryone c rowded t o C orinth i n o rder t o congratulate h im, t o s eek e mployment w ith h im, e ven s imply t o s ee h im. O nly Diogenes, a lthough h e l ived i n C orinth, d id n ot v isit t he n ew m onarch. W ith t hat generosity w hich A ristotle h ad t aught h im , A lexander d etermined t o c all u pon Diogenes.Part VAAnother f actor i n t he m odern i nsect p roblem i s t he s preading o f t housands o f different k inds o f o rganisms f rom t heir n ative h omes. S ome h undred m illion y ears ago, f looding s eas c ut m any l and b ridges b etween c ontinents a nd l iving t hings f ound themselves c onfined i n w hat a n e cologist c alls “colossal s eparate n ature r eserves”. There, i solated f rom o thers o f t heir k ind, t hey d eveloped m any n ew s pecies. W hen some o f t he l and m asses w ere j oined a gain, a bout 15 m illion y ears a go, t hese species b egan t o m ove o ut i nto n ew t erritories-­‐-­‐-­‐a m ovement t hat i s n ot o nly s till i n progress b ut i s n ow r eceiving c onsiderable a ssistance f rom m an.BIt i s n ot m y c ontention t hat c hemical i nsecticides m ust n ever b e u sed. I d o c ontend that w e h ave p ut p oisonous a nd b iologically p otent c hemicals i ndiscriminately i nto the h ands o f p ersons l argely o r w holly i gnorant o f t heir p otentials f or h arm. W e h ave subjected e normous n umbers o f p eople t o c ontact w ith t hese p oisons, w ithout t heir consent a nd o ften w ithout t heir k nowledge. I c ontend, f urthermore, t hat w e h ave allowed t hese c hemicals t o b e u sed w ith l ittle o r n o a dvance i nvestigation o f t heir effect o n s oil, w ater, w ildlife, a nd m an h imself. F uture g enerations a re u nlikely t o forgive o ur l ack o f c oncern f or t he i ntegrity o f t he n atural w orld t hat s upports a ll l ife.TranslatePart I1) 她打算申请那个学术工作。



1.s trategy n. 策略2.m eans n.方法,手段3.d iligence n.勤勉,用功diligent a.4.p rolonged a.持续很久的,长时间的5.p rolong vt.延长,拖延6.n evertheless ad.然而,尽管如此7.c ommand n.掌握8.s ustained a.持久的,坚持不懈的9.s ustain vt. 保持,使继续下去10.helpful a.有帮助的,乐于助人的plain vi.抱怨12.memorize vt.记住,背熟13.cram vt.把…塞满14.bound a.一定的,很可能的15.constant a.经常的,不断的mit vt.把…托付给17.acquaintance n.了解,认识,熟人18.concentrate v.集中注意力,专心19.effective a.有效的20.route n.途径,路线21.enlarge v.扩大,放大22.vocabulary n.词汇(量)23.idiom n.习语,成语age n.惯用法25.basis n.方法,基础26.addition n.增加,加法27.repetition n.重复28.opportunity n.机会municate v.交流情况,沟通30.enjoyable a.令人愉快的31.campus n.校园32.rehearsal n.排演,预演33.partner n.同伴34.instance n.事例35.detail n.详情,细节36.purchase n.购买,购置物vt.购买37.environment n.环境38.reliable a.可靠的39.source n.来源,出处40.handle vt.处理,对付41.apart ad.相距,分开地42.assign vt.分配(任务)给某人43.motivation n.动机,动力44.motivate vt.使有动机45.culture n.文化46.summarize vt.总结,概括47.accumulation n.积累48.absorb vt.汲取,吸收by no means决不at fault有过错at a time每次be bound to肯定会commit to memory记住watch out for密切注意learn of/about得知,听说on a regular/daily/weekly basis经常、每天、每周in addition to除...之外over and over again反复seek out寻找feel free随意for instance例如in detail详细地act out将...表演出来apart from除...之外put ...into practice把...付诸实践49.determined a.下定决心的50.determine v. determination n.51.retire vi.退休52.voyage n.航海,航行53.crew n.全体船员54.steer vt.为…掌舵,驾驶55.device n.设备,装置56.gale n.大风57.previous a.以前的,过早的58.dissuade vt.劝阻59.treacherous a.暗藏危险的,奸诈的60.cape n.海角61.fortunately ad.幸运地,幸亏62.contact vt.联系,接触63.nearby ad.在附近64.following a.接着的,下列的65.waken v.唤醒,醒来66.nightmare n.噩梦67.drag vt.托,拉68.sinister a.凶恶的,邪恶的69.knight n.爵士vt.封…为爵士70.sword n.剑,刀71.accomplish vt.完成72.adventurer n.冒险家73.conquer vt.征服74.undoubtedly ad.无疑地75.moreover ad.此外,而且76.being n.生物,人77.rare a.罕见的,不常发生的78.occasion n.时刻,时机,场合79.mayor n.市长80.content a.满意的,高兴的81.primary a.最初的,首要的,根本的82.arrange vi.作安排,筹划83.minor a.较小的,次要的84.operate vi.开刀,动手术85.funeral n.葬礼86.efficient a.高效的87.decade n.十年88.endure vt.忍受,忍耐89.mint n.薄荷糖90.slipper n.拖鞋91.un seal ed a.未密封的92.parcel n.包裹93.reluctant a.不情愿的,勉强的94.flutter vi.飘动95.stoop vi.弯腰96.tremble vi.颤抖Unit 41.Worthwhile a.值得花时间的2.current a.当前的3.social a.社会的4.activity n.活动5.prohibit vt.禁止6.reasonable a.(人)讲道理的,合理的7.proposal n.提议,建议8.distract vt. 分散(思想)9.actually ad.真实地,实际上10.gap n.缺口11.divorce n.离婚12.rate n.率13.failure n.失败,失败的人14.disturb vt.打扰,使烦恼15.emotional a.感情的16.pastime n.消遣,娱乐17.sunset n.日落18.neighborhood n.临近地区,地段19.sdult n.成年人20.entertainment n.快乐,乐趣,娱乐21.typical a.典型的22.barely ad.仅仅,勉强,几乎没有23.literate a.能读写的,有文化的24.radical a.激进的25.electronic a.电子的26.involve vt.(必须)包括27.imagination n.想象力28.invent vt.发明29.illustrate vt.给…插图,举例说明30.genius n.天才31.semester n.学期32.embarrass vt.使窘迫,使尴尬33.astonish vt.惊讶34.publish vt.出版,发行,发布35.dumb a.愚蠢的,哑的36.recipe n.食谱,烹饪法37.graduate v.(大学)毕业38.minus a.低于零的,负数的prep.减去undry n.洗衣店40.ancient a.很旧的,古代的41.random n.任意,无目的行动a.任意的42.manuscript n.手稿a.手写的43.nonsense n.胡说,废话,荒谬的想法44.package n.包装袋,包,盒45.enclose vt.附上,围住46.illustration n.插图47.chapter n.章。



a.ad.单独的(地) [əd'ventʃə] ['səuləu] n.冒险(活动) a.单独的
[ˌtrænzət'læ ntik] a.横渡大西洋的 [lʌŋ] n.肺 n.癌
['kæ nsə]
[di'tə:mind] a.下定了决心的 [di'tə:min] v.决定,使下定决心 n.决心, 果断, 意志
在别的时候;平时 在附近;即将来临 在附近;即将来临 毕竟,终究 对…有把握,确信 拿起,捡起
worthwhile program programme
[ˌwə:θ'wail] 的;有价值的
['prəugræ m]
['prougræ m] n.节目
educational current social movie nevertheless propose
n.实情 a.附加的,额外的 n.加,增加,加法 a.每周的;一周一次的 n.时间表 n.图(表) vt.指定…用于 ad.在旁边;到(向)一边
[ə'diʃənəl] [ə'diʃən] ['wi:kli] ['ʃedju:l] [tʃɑ:t] [kə'mit] [ə'said]
10 commit 11 aside 12 etc. 13 normal 14 reading 15 assignment 16 occupy 17 relaxation



大学英语精读(2)英语知识点总结Unit 1 The Dinner Party1. shortly before WW1 一战前不久2. track down 追溯,追查3. be seated 就座4. spring up 突然出现,开始5. outgrow the jumping-on-a-chair-at the sight of a mouse era 不再像过去那样见到老鼠就跳到椅子上6. That last ounce of self-control is what really counts.这多出来的一点自制力才是真正起作用的。

7. motion to sb 向某人示意signal to sb8. whisper sth to sb 向某人嘀咕,耳语9. the America comes to with a start.这个美国博物学家突然醒悟了.Startle-----startled10. bait for a snake 蛇的诱饵11. an empty room 一个空房子a bare marble floor 没铺地毯的大理石地板barely any hair====hardly/scarcely any hair12. serve the next course 上下一道菜a course of dish 一道菜13. frighten sb into doing sth 吓得某人去做…persuade sb into doing sthtalk sb into doing sththreaten sb into doing sth14. out of the corner of his eyes 从他的眼角里15. Stare straight ahead 盯着往前看16. Not move a muscle 纹丝不动17. Make for 前往18.Ring out19. Slam the door shut20. Exclaim21. at the sight of 一看见at the thought of 一想起22. a heated/spirited discussion 一场激烈的争论22. an example of perfect self-control一个镇定自若的典范23. A faint smile lights up the hostess’s face.Two spots of color brightened her face.A strange expression came over her face.24. a colonial official 一个殖民地官员25. give a large dinner party 办一个盛大的晚宴26. a visiting American naturalist美国访问博物学家27. a spacious dining room 宽敞的餐厅28. the major 少校the colonel29. feel like doing sth 想要/喜欢做某事30. commotion 混乱,骚动31. The tone of his voice is so commanding that it silences everyone. 他的语调很威严,让每个人都静下来不出声.32. count three hundred 数三百下count up to three hundred 数到第三百下33. sit like stone images 像石雕一样坐着Sit rootedUnit 2 Lessons from Jeffersonbe of interest/important 很有趣/很重要obtain knowledge from many sources从许多源头获取知识personal investigation 个人调查appoint him to a committee 派他去一个委员会study papers on the subject 研究该课题的文件make on-the-spot observations 做现场观察By birth and by education Jefferson belonged to the highest social class.无论是论出身还是论教育,杰弗逊都属于最高的社会阶层.noble persons 贵族persons of noble origins 出身高贵的人persons of humble origins 出身卑微的人go ou t of one’s way to do sth 特意/专门去做某事a cooking pot 做饭的锅If you will only do this, you may find out why people are dissatisfied. 如果也只有你愿意这样做,你才可能发现为什么人民不满意.Heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error. Use it.上帝赋予你一个判断正确和错误的头脑,就运用它吧.form a correct judgment 形成正确的判断not hesitate a moment to do sth毫不犹豫地去做某事the former and the latter 前者和后者In a free country, there will always be conflicting ideas, and this is a source of strength.在一个自由的国度,总会有冲突的意见,而这正是力量的源泉.It is conflict and not unquestioning agreement that keeps freedom alive.让自由保持活力的是冲突而不是绝对的一致.There are two sides to every question. If you take one side with effect, those who take the other side will of course resent your actions.每个问题都有两面.如果你有力地站在一方,那么另一方的人必定会憎恨你的行动.be chained to customs 受习俗的禁锢lose its usefulness 失去它的效用No society can make a perpetual constitution, or even a perpetual law. 任何一个社会都不能制定出永久的宪法或永久的法律.He did n’t fear new ideas, nor did he fear the future.他不惧怕新观点,也不惧怕未来.I steer my ship with hope, leaving fear behind.我满怀希望驾驶着帆船,把恐惧抛在身后.be based on knowledge 以知识为基石men of his age===peer 同龄人practice crop rotation and soil conservation 施行作物轮作和土壤保持standard practice 标准的做法be superior to any other in existence比现存的任何做法都优越be inferior to 不如…Of all Jefferson’s many talents, one is central.在杰弗逊的诸多才能中,其中一个是重要的.He was above all a good and tireless writer.首先,他是个优秀的不知疲倦的作家.Ageless-----parentless-----timeless31. complete works 全集32. when the time came to do sth当该做…的时候33. the task of writing it was his.撰写的任务都落在他的肩头了.34. We hold those truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.]我们坚信这些不言而喻的事实:人人生而平等.Every is born equal.35. He left his countrymen a rich legacy of ideas and examples.他给他的同胞留下一笔丰富的思想遗产和范例.36. owe a great debt to 归功于….====Be indebted to37. Only a nation of educated people could remain free. 只有一个由受教育的人民组成的国度才能保持自由.Unit 3 My First Jobapply for a teaching job 申请一份教学工作go from bad to worse 每况愈下enter university 进入大学in a suburb of London 在伦敦的郊区be very short of money 手头很紧Without a degree and with no experience in teaching, my chances of getting this job were slim. 一无学历,二无教学经历,我得到可能性是微乎其微. Chances of doing are/were……做某事的机会是……It proved an awkward journey. 这一路原来真是麻烦。


































现代大学英语精读1-U n i t1知识点汇总-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIANExpressions, Collocations & Phrases1. a useful word 一个有用的词2. a helpful suggestion 一个有用的建议3. a painful experience 一段痛苦的经历4. a tearful voice 一个撕心裂肺的嗓音5. a hopeless war 一场无望的战争6. a priceless stone 一块无价的石头7. a useless book 一本无用的书8. a careful look 仔细一看9. an eventful year 多事之秋10. a harmful habit 一个有害的习惯;不良习惯11. a harmless animal 一个无害的动物12. a shameless liar 一位无耻的撒谎者13. a classless society 无阶级社会14. a hopeful situation 一种有希望的形势15. a fruitful visit 一次有成就的访问16. a powerful army 一支强有力的军队17. a careless mistake 一个粗心的错误18. a homeless child 一个无家可归的孩子19. a toothless old man 一个牙齿掉光的老男人20. a nameless flower 一支无名花21. take?steps 采取措施22. hold back/dry one's tears 忍着眼泪/擦干眼泪23. play games 玩游戏24. take/have/steal a nap 打盹25. tell a story 讲故事26. face trouble/challenge/truth/fact/pressure 面对麻烦/挑战/事实/真相/压力27. announce a thing 宣布一件事28. invade a place/one's life/one's privacy 攻占某地/干涉某人生活/侵犯某人隐私29. cross the desert/channel/mountains/ocean 穿越沙漠/海峡/高山/横跨海洋30. reach some places/the stage 到达某些地方/达到某种地步31. employ people 雇用某人32. in?vain? 徒劳无益33. show?off? 炫耀,卖弄34. resort?to? 采取35. cling?to? 坚持,保留36. burst?into? 突然开始37. bring?about? 造成,引起,导致;创造;实现38. give?rise?to? 造成,引起,导致39. on?their?own? 独立地(凭自己的力量)40.41.42. Translations1. 他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。

大学英语精读1 -- 复习提纲

大学英语精读1 -- 复习提纲

3. 运用不同的词性1)evidence(明显,n.), evident(明显的,adj.), evidently(明显地,adv.)a. Do you have any evidence that Charles stole the jewels (宝石) ?b. Evidently, there is no one at home. The lights are out.c. It is evident that the elderly gentleman has been greatly hurt and will never come back to the store to samplepuddings any more.d. The old lady looked at her daughter with evident pride.2)kindness(善良,n.), kind(善良的,adj.), kindly(善良地,adv.)a. It’s very kind of you to invite me to tea.b. Would you kindly turn down the radio?c.Kindness is one of the qualities we would look for in a friend.d. The policeman treated the lost child very kindly.3)eagerness(渴望,迫切,n.),eager(渴望的,迫切的,adj.), eagerly(渴望地,迫切地,adv.)a. The old man began eagerly to sample one after another of the puddings as soon as he accepted the spoon.b. He is always eager to see new places and keen (渴望的) to meet new people.c. They looked forward to the occasion with great eagerness.d. All the children listened to the story with eager attention.4)sincerity(真挚,n.), sincere(真挚的,adj.), sincerely(真挚地,adv.)a. Was the narrator sincere in his offer to purchase a pudding for the old man?b. The narrator sincerely wished that he could take his tactless words.c. I may say in all sincerity that I did not mean to hurt you.d. Please give my sincere regards to all the members of your family.5)occasion(场合,n.), occasional(偶尔的,adj.), occasionally(偶尔地,adv.)a. We had fine weather all through July except for an occasional thunderstorm.b. Prof. Wilson’s daughter teaches at a high school in California, and she occasionally files to New York to see him.c. I can’t recall the occasion, but I did meet her before.d. In the past two years, Myra has come to see her mother only occasionally.6)surprise(使惊奇,v.), surprise(惊奇,n.), surprising(令人惊讶的,adj.), surprised(感到惊讶的,adv), surprisingly(令人惊讶地,adv.)a. I was surprised to hear that Tom had failed his exam.b. Aunt Sophia paid us a surprise visit last Sunday.c. Surprisingly our team lost for the first time in ten years.d. The news surprised all of us.e. It is not surprising that Jack got fired – he was always daydreaming at work.f. A look of surprise came into his eyes as he read the telegram (电报).7)please(使喜欢,v.), pleasure(愉快,n.), pleasant(令人愉快的,adj.), pleasing(令人高兴的,adj.), pleasantly(令人愉快地,adv.)a. I was pleasantly surprised to find it so easy to pick up new words while reading simplified novels.b. You’ll soon find it isn’t an easy job to try and please everybody in the office.c. It was particularly pleasing to be in this wild area, and to enjoy the unique feelings of peace that only mountainscan inspire.d. Dr. Wang takes great pleasure in helping children to learn painting.e. It was pleasant to sit down in the shade after standing for hours in the sun.8)admire(赞美,羡慕,v.), admiration(赞美,羡慕,n.), admirable(令人钦佩的,adj.), admiring(赞赏的,钦佩的,adj.), admired(赞美的,钦佩的,adj.), admiringly(钦佩地,羡慕地,adv.)a. All those who know him admire him for his frankness (坦白,率直).b. If our admiration is true, genuine, and progressive we will in the end come to admire the good and cease to admire the bad.c. There is nothing so admirable as a man who sacrifices his life and happiness for others.d. He never wrote entirely admiring reviews: “It’s the essence (本质) of a book never to be pe rfect,” he said, “so its writer must expect to come in for a little criticism.”e. He came into the sitting-room, where he looked round admiringly at my furniture and books.f. For twenty years, in fact, he was the most active and admired humanist(人文学者) in the world.9)astonish(使惊讶,v.), astonishment(惊讶,n.), astonishing(可惊讶的,adj.),astonished(惊讶的,adj.), astonishingly(可惊讶地,adv.)a. Lawson, while neither tactful (机敏的) nor popular, was astonishingly successful for a long period.b. She coped with the press with astonishing skill for someone who was just nineteen years old.c. To his astonishment, Judy threw her arms about him and hugged and kissed him.d. Why, Mamma, I could astonish you with a great many words you never heard in your life.e. “I work there,” he replied simply, and when he saw her astonished expression he set his glass down and began to explain.4. 中译英(translation)1. 据报道,那条铁路曾因洪水而停止修建。



英语精读知识点总结1. Skimming and ScanningWhen reading in English, it's important to learn how to skim and scan the text. Skimming is reading quickly to get the main idea of the text, while scanning means looking for specific information. This technique helps you to save time and focus on the key points.2. Context CluesWhen you come across unfamiliar words in the text, you can use context clues to understand their meanings. Context clues may include synonyms, antonyms, examples, definitions, or explanations that surround the unfamiliar word.3. InferenceInferencing is an important reading skill. It involves drawing conclusions based on the information given. To make an inference, you need to analyze the text and make logical guesses about what is not directly stated.4. Main Idea and Supporting DetailsIdentifying the main idea and supporting details is essential for understanding a text. The main idea is the central point of the text, while supporting details are examples, reasons, and pieces of evidence that explain or prove the main idea.5. Text StructureUnderstanding the structure of a text can help you comprehend it better. Common text structures include cause and effect, problem and solution, compare and contrast, and chronological order. Recognizing these structures can aid in the understanding of the overall meaning of the text.6. Vocabulary BuildingExpanding your vocabulary is crucial for improving your reading skills. You can use various strategies such as reading, using a dictionary, or learning word families to enhance your vocabulary.7. AnnotationAnnotating a text means adding notes, highlights, or other marks to the text as you read. This helps you to better understand and remember the information. Annotation also helps you to engage with the material and make connections between ideas.8. Making ConnectionsMaking connections between the text and your own experiences or other texts can help you to understand and remember the information. There are three types of connections: text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world.9. SummarizingSummarizing a text in your own words can help you to identify the main points and retain the information. It also allows you to demonstrate your understanding of the text.10. Critical ThinkingEngaging in critical thinking while reading involves analyzing, evaluating, and interpreting the text. It requires you to ask questions, consider alternative viewpoints, and make connections between ideas.By paying attention to these key points of reading comprehension, you can improve your English reading skills and become a more proficient reader. Remember to practice these skills regularly, and you will see improvement in your ability to understand and analyze English texts. Keep reading and enjoy the journey of improving your English reading comprehension!。



大学英语英语专业精读6 重点词汇总结Lesson 1 How to Get the Poor off Our Conscience ---John Kenneth Galbraithimplicit: adj. [im'plisit]1) 不言明的;含蓄的Her silence gave implicit consent. 她的沉默表示默许。

2) 内含的;固有的[(+in)] It is implicit in our agreement that she will be a partner. 我们的协议中含有她将成为合伙人这一意思。

3) 无疑问的;无保留的;绝对的[B] The crew had implicit faith in the captain's judgment. 全体船员都绝对相信船长的判断。

American society.implementation: [,ɪmpləmɛn'teʃən] n. 1) 履行;完成2) 成就exacerbate: v. make (pain, disease, a situation) worse; aggravate 使(疼痛﹑疾病﹑情形)恶化; 加剧: Scratching exacerbates a skin rash. 皮疹搔後会恶化。


polarization: 极化to produce a polarization of , multi-polarizationa near contemporary of: 与…同一时代extraordinarily (highly) influential: 极具影响力extraordinarily good overwhelmingly honestoverriding: adj. 最主要的最重要的是本星期要完成这一项目。

Our overriding concern is the eradication of illiteracy. 我们最关心的事是消除文盲。



1. clutch at: to try hard to hold sth. Esp. when you’re in a dangerous situation.Clutch to: to hold tightly2. from time to time 时不时3. make sb. Out of sb. 塑造某人成为~●make a mountain out of molehill 小题大做4. tear away 强制带离5. there is no good to be had in doing sth. 做某事是没有好处的6. come alone 出现Alone with: together with7. give rise to (由少到多)Make sth. Happen 引发(从无到有)8. resort to =give in to =fall back on 诉诸于9. Those who were able took advantage of the opportunities for success and happiness that present themselves.有才华的人总是在成功和幸福的机遇到来时及时地抓住(这些良机)10. let up :减轻,减慢1. passion●intense enthusiasm 酷爱●Intense emotion 强烈的情感2.happen to :碰巧3.in the first place: 首先4.wear an expression of …5.turn to 转向6.move in to●make intrusive advances toward intrude on●to attempt to seize control of7.zeroed in on●identify sth. And concentrate on it●locate target and aim at it8.interfer☞interference☞interferer●meddle in other people affairs●have undesirable effect9.shake down 敲诈10. be on the case :be in charge of or dealing of a particular crime1.barter for 物物交换2.spring up 迅速发展3.tend to 倾向4.If that kind of thing had happened when I was young, the whole village would condemned such an ungrateful son, and his father would surely have given him a good beating 虚拟语气5. But I feel a great pity for my wife. I have been forcing silence upon her all these years, yet she has not once complained of anything. 但是我对我的妻子感到抱歉,我这些年我一直对她沉默寡言,而她却从未抱怨过什么6.tie sb. Down 束缚某人1.for want of =lack of =be short of =be lacking in缺少,缺乏2. be something of n. 在一定程度上3.in return(for) 作为回报4.linger on●逗留,徘徊●持续●打发时间5.deny☞denial 否认1.now and then 有时2.turn up: find or to be found,appear3.keen:●characterized by strength and distinctness ofperception 洞察●extremely sensitive or responsive●having or showing great mental penetration or acumen1.give in : unwillingly agree2.at heart: in one’s deeply feelings3.supply sb. with sth.4.at length:●fully comprehensively 非常全面的⇨反义brief●at last, finally⇨反义immediately5.read A into B。



大一英语精读必备知识点一、词汇与词义辨析1. 同义词与近义词的区别同义词指的是词义上相近甚至相同的词语,而近义词则是指词义上相近但不完全相同的词语。


2. 多义词的辨析多义词是指一个词语具有多种不同的词义。



3. 动词短语与动词的辨析动词短语是由动词加上一个或多个副词或介词构成的短语,有时与单个动词在意义上有一定的区别。

例如,look after和take care of都可以表示“照顾”,但look after侧重于关注的动作,而take care of更强调全面的照顾。

二、语法与句型1. 名词性从句名词性从句是指在句子中充当名词的作用,可以作主语、宾语、表语等。


2. 倒装句倒装句是指将句子中的主语和谓语动词的次序颠倒。


例如,完全倒装句:“Out rushed the students.” 部分倒装句:“Not only did he study hard, but he also got excellent grades.”3. 虚拟语气虚拟语气用于表示非真实或假设的情况。


三、阅读技巧与方法1. 预测词义在阅读过程中,遇到不认识的词汇时,可以通过上下文推测其意思。


2. 理解段落主题每个段落都有一个主题或中心思想,可以通过分析段落的主题句来理解整个段落的内容。


3. 抓住关键信息在阅读文章时,可以通过标记和摘录关键信息,如人名、地名、日期等,帮助记忆和理解。



现代大学英语精读第二册语法点总结第一篇:现代大学英语精读第二册语法点总结现代大学英语精读第二册语法点总结Unit 1: the usages of future times;(将来时态)coordinating conjunctions(并列连词)Unit 2:“the way” in relative clauses(the way在关系从句中的用法)with + noun + preposition phrase/ participle /adjective construction(with结构做伴随状语)Unit 3: noun clauses(introduced by wh-words);(名词性从句)the gerund(动名词)Unit 4: appositive clause(同位语从句)indefinite pronoun: anybody/anyone;somebody / someone;everybody/ everyone;nobody/ no one;anything;something;everything;nothing(不定代词)Unit 5: the gerund;(动名词)the infinitive;(to do 不定式)attributive modifiers(定语)Unit 6:the present perfect continuous tense(现在完成进行时) the usage of the present participle phrase(现在分词)Unit 7:无(test)Unit 8:Comparative Degree(比较级:特别是the more….the more;better and better结构)Subject Complement(形容词做主语补足语:S+V+Adj.)Unit 9: with/without + noun phrase + an infinitive phrase(with、without在独立主格结构的应用)the infinitive as the subject(to do 不定式做主语)Unit 10:past participle phrase as adverbial(过去分词做定语的用法)Unit 11: part of speech(词性)Unit 12: ever/ never 的用法比较级的用法(特别是比较级前面有副词修饰;同级比较)Unit 13:V+O+C宾语补足语Could / might /should/ must +have done(虚拟语气)Unit 14:无(test)Unit 15:Parallelismsingle compound sentence(简单并列复合句)Unit 16:把疑问句改写为陈述句第二篇:大学英语精读第二册英语翻译整理1.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。

大学英语精读1Lesson 1 知识要点

大学英语精读1Lesson 1 知识要点

overlook vt.
a. to have a view of sth. from above 俯瞰,远眺 b. to fail to see or notice; pay no attention to 没有注意到,忽略 Examples: Our room overlooks the ocean. 从我们的房间可以远眺大海. 从我们的房间可以远眺大海 I’m afraid I overlooked your name; I’ll add it to the list immediately. 抱歉我漏了你的名字; 我马上就加进名单里. 抱歉我漏了你的名字 我马上就加进名单里 I’ll overlook your mistake this time. 这次你的错误忽略不记. 这次你的错误忽略不记
Para. 17-20 At the end of school day: everything has changed!
Language Study
Para. 1-7
Language and Details
Clutch (L1, Para 1) hold tightly, usu. in fear, anxiety, or pain esp. Synonyms because you are frightened, in pain, or do not want to hold lose something 抓紧,攫住 seize grip Silent and pale, the girl clutched (to/onto) her mother’s chest. grasp 这个苍白安静的小女孩紧紧地靠在母亲胸前 grab A drowning man will clutch at a straw. snatch























现代大学英语精读1 Unit1知识点汇总

现代大学英语精读1 Unit1知识点汇总

Expressions, Collocations & Phrases1. a useful word 一个有用的词2. a helpful suggestion 一个有用的建议3. a painful experience 一段痛苦的经历4. a tearful voice 一个撕心裂肺的嗓音5. a hopeless war 一场无望的战争6. a priceless stone 一块无价的石头7. a useless book 一本无用的书8. a careful look 仔细一看9. an eventful year 多事之秋10. a harmful habit 一个有害的习惯;不良习惯11. a harmless animal 一个无害的动物12. a shameless liar 一位无耻的撒谎者13. a classless society 无阶级社会14. a hopeful situation 一种有希望的形势15. a fruitful visit 一次有成就的访问16. a powerful army 一支强有力的军队17. a careless mistake 一个粗心的错误18. a homeless child 一个无家可归的孩子19. a toothless old man 一个牙齿掉光的老男人20. a nameless flower 一支无名花21. take steps 采取措施22. hold back/dry one's tears 忍着眼泪/擦干眼泪23. play games 玩游戏24. take/have/steal a nap 打盹25. tell a story 讲故事26. face trouble/challenge/truth/fact/pressure 面对麻烦/挑战/事实/真相/压力27. announce a thing 宣布一件事28. invade a place/one's life/one's privacy 攻占某地/干涉某人生活/侵犯某人隐私29. cross the desert/channel/mountains/ocean 穿越沙漠/海峡/高山/横跨海洋30. reach some places/the stage 到达某些地方/达到某种地步31. employ people 雇用某人32. in vain 徒劳无益33. show off 炫耀,卖弄34. resort to 采取35. cling to 坚持,保留36. burst into 突然开始37. bring about 造成,引起,导致;创造;实现38. give rise to 造成,引起,导致39. on their own 独立地(凭自己的力量)40.41.42.Translations1. 他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。





• Popular as it is now, Xiamen was rather isolated ________. • (at one time)
be bound to do sth
• be certain to do sth • People of different cultures are bound to have conflicts in their ways of thinking. • Differences of opinion on this issue are bound to exist.
• [U] knowledge; control; order • By the time they are ready to go to university, high school students have had a good command of learning skills. • Poets have a good command of rhyme and rhythm. • A good command of English is a great benefit to do international trade.
commit … to sth:
• give all of … to sth • He committed himself to football. • May I commit my house to your care when I am away? • 他把所有机密文件都付诸一炬。 • He committed the confidential papers to fire.
• way, method, approach, techniques, manner, means, mode • Underlining is an easy and yet helpful reading strategy for understanding the general idea and structure of a certain passage. • Spending big money to develop open source software is a good business strategy for companies competing against Microsoft. • While strategies without any action is no way to success, actions without a strategy is the longest way to success.



Lesson 51.miserable: a. 悲惨的,可怜的同义词: unhappy, wretched反义词: comfortable派生词: misery: n. 痛苦,苦难miserably: ad.后缀-able构成形容词,表示“具有...的”;“能...的”,例如:eatable 可食用的drinkable 可饮用的reasonable 通情达理的sensible 可感觉的2.merry a. 愉快的同义词:happy, cheerful习惯用于:Merry Christmas!3.pony: 小马(归类记忆法)horse: mare 母马donkey 驴子stallion 公马mule 骡子pony 小马Christmas was coming,这句用的是过去进行时,但表达的是将来时间,意思是“圣诞节快到了。

”go, come,leave, land(着陆),take off(起飞),start, arrive等词用进行时表示将来。

如: The plane is taking off in five minutes.He is leaving for Shanghai tomorrow.make sure: act so as to make something certain 确保;查明如:Father makes sure that all lights are off before he goes to bed.父母睡觉前都要检查是否所有的灯都关了。

Make sure that you haven't forgotten to pack everything you're likely to need.I think the party begins at 6:00, but I'll phone to make sure (确认).He looked behind him to make sure that he was not being followed.比较be sure to do sth./that: be certain to do sth./thatBe sure to wait to me as soon as you get there.你一到那里就一定给我写信。

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Unit 1 The Dinner Party1. shortly before WW1 一战前不久2. track down 追溯,追查3. be seated 就座4. spring up 突然出现,开始5. outgrow the jumping-on-a-chair-at the sight of a mouse era 不再像过去那样见到老鼠就跳到椅子上6. That last ounce of self-control is what really counts.这多出来的一点自制力才是真正起作用的。

7. motion to sb 向某人示意signal to sb8. whisper sth to sb 向某人嘀咕,耳语9. the America comes to with a start.这个美国博物学家突然醒悟了.Startle-----startled10. bait for a snake 蛇的诱饵11. an empty room 一个空房子a bare marble floor 没铺地毯的大理石地板barely any hair====hardly/scarcely any hair12. serve the next course 上下一道菜a course of dish 一道菜13. frighten sb into doing sth 吓得某人去做…persuade sb into doing sthtalk sb into doing sththreaten sb into doing sth14. out of the corner of his eyes 从他的眼角里15. Stare straight ahead 盯着往前看16. Not move a muscle 纹丝不动17. Make for 前往18.Ring out19. Slam the door shut20. Exclaim21. at the sight of 一看见at the thought of 一想起22. a heated/spirited discussion 一场激烈的争论22. an example of perfect self-control一个镇定自若的典范23. A faint smile lights up the hostess’s face.Two spots of color brightened her face.A strange expression came over her face.24. a colonial official 一个殖民地官员25. give a large dinner party 办一个盛大的晚宴26. a visiting American naturalist美国访问博物学家27. a spacious dining room 宽敞的餐厅28. the major 少校 the colonel29. feel like doing sth 想要/喜欢做某事30. commotion 混乱,骚动31. The tone of his voice is so commanding that it silences everyone. 他的语调很威严,让每个人都静下来不出声.32. count three hundred 数三百下count up to three hundred 数到第三百下33. sit like stone images 像石雕一样坐着Sit rootedUnit 2 Lessons from Jeffersonbe of interest/important 很有趣/很重要obtain knowledge from many sources从许多源头获取知识personal investigation 个人调查appoint him to a committee 派他去一个委员会study papers on the subject 研究该课题的文件make on-the-spot observations 做现场观察By birth and by education Jefferson belonged to the highest social class.无论是论出身还是论教育,杰弗逊都属于最高的社会阶层.noble persons 贵族persons of noble origins 出身高贵的人persons of humble origins 出身卑微的人go out of one’s way to do sth 特意/专门去做某事a cooking pot 做饭的锅If you will only do this, you may find out why people are dissatisfied. 如果也只有你愿意这样做,你才可能发现为什么人民不满意.Heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error. Use it.上帝赋予你一个判断正确和错误的头脑,就运用它吧.form a correct judgment 形成正确的判断not hesitate a moment to do sth毫不犹豫地去做某事the former and the latter 前者和后者In a free country, there will always be conflicting ideas, and this is a source of strength.在一个自由的国度,总会有冲突的意见,而这正是力量的源泉.It is conflict and not unquestioning agreement that keeps freedom alive.让自由保持活力的是冲突而不是绝对的一致.There are two sides to every question. If you take one side with effect, those who take the other side will of course resent your actions.每个问题都有两面.如果你有力地站在一方,那么另一方的人必定会憎恨你的行动. be chained to customs 受习俗的禁锢lose its usefulness 失去它的效用No society can make a perpetual constitution, or even a perpetual law. 任何一个社会都不能制定出永久的宪法或永久的法律.He didn’t fear new ideas, nor did he fear the future.他不惧怕新观点,也不惧怕未来.I steer my ship with hope, leaving fear behind.我满怀希望驾驶着帆船,把恐惧抛在身后.be based on knowledge 以知识为基石men of his age===peer 同龄人practice crop rotation and soil conservation 施行作物轮作和土壤保持standard practice 标准的做法be superior to any other in existence比现存的任何做法都优越be inferior to 不如…Of all Jefferson’s many talents, one is central.在杰弗逊的诸多才能中,其中一个是重要的.He was above all a good and tireless writer.首先,他是个优秀的不知疲倦的作家.Ageless-----parentless-----timeless31. complete works 全集32. when the time came to do sth当该做…的时候33. the task of writing it was his.撰写的任务都落在他的肩头了.34. We hold those truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.]我们坚信这些不言而喻的事实:人人生而平等.Every is born equal.35. He left his countrymen a rich legacy of ideas and examples.他给他的同胞留下一笔丰富的思想遗产和范例.36. owe a great debt to 归功于….====Be indebted to37. Only a nation of educated people could remain free. 只有一个由受教育的人民组成的国度才能保持自由.Unit 3 My First Jobapply for a teaching job 申请一份教学工作go from bad to worse 每况愈下enter university 进入大学in a suburb of London 在伦敦的郊区be very short of money 手头很紧Without a degree and with no experience in teaching, my chances of getting this job were slim. 一无学历,二无教学经历,我得到可能性是微乎其微. Chances of doing are/were……做某事的机会是……It proved an awkward journey. 这一路原来真是麻烦。

a ten-minute bus ride 十分钟的车程a walk of at least a quarter of mile 步行至少四分之一英里9. as a result 结果….. with the result that…Result in….. .Result from…..too depressed to feel nervous 太沮丧了就感觉不到紧张了four evergreen shrubs stood at each corner 四个角上各有一个冬青灌木struggle to survive the dust and fumes from a busy main road 经受着从繁忙的大街上吹来的烟尘,挣扎着努力活下来a sandy-colored moustache 一个沙色的小胡子a wrinkled forehead 布满皱纹的前额with an air of surprised disapproval 一种吃惊的,不以为然的神态sth smell of ….闻起来有…味道The room smells of unpleasantly stale cabbiage.房间发出一股烂白菜的味道,闻上去很不舒服。
