

然而,正如Birgit Nedergaard-Larsen所言,字幕翻译是一种特殊的语言转换,并非单一地从源语言到目标语言的转换过程,期间涉及诸多文本以外因素的处理,如声音、图像、画面的融合等因素[1]。
二、超额翻译与欠额翻译彼得·纽马克在《翻译问题探讨》(Approaches to Translation)提出了交际翻译(communicative translation)和语义翻译(semantic translation)的概念。

Heading south for 400 kilometers brings us to Zhang Jiakou, in ancient times a gate on the Great Wall. This trading hub in central China is where mushrooms became a famous popular food.这段话选自《舌尖上的中国》,原文中“关隘”指非常险要的关口,译文中将非常险要的这一点省去不译,直接译成“gate”,而“中原与北方贸易往来的咽喉”也省去译成了“trading hub in central China”,在翻译台词时,为了配合影片的画面以及照顾观众的理解能力,一些无关紧要的语句便可省去不译。

二、影视作品翻译的现状与问题1. 现状随着互联网技术的不断发展,影视作品的传播渠道日益多样化。
2. 问题针对上述现状,影视作品翻译主要存在以下问题:(1)翻译不准确:由于语言障碍和文化差异,导致翻译结果不准确,影响观众对作品的理解。
三、有效的翻译策略与技巧针对上述问题,本文提出以下有效的翻译策略与技巧:1. 准确理解原作:在翻译过程中,首先要准确理解原作的意思,把握作品的情感色彩和文化内涵。
2. 合理运用翻译技巧:根据不同语言的特点和文化背景,合理运用翻译技巧,如直译、意译、增译、减译等,使译文更加符合目标语言的表达习惯。
3. 遵循统一的翻译标准:制定统一的翻译标准和规范,确保同一作品的翻译版本保持一致,便于观众的理解和接受。

二、国产电影英文译名的现状1. 命名趋势当前,国产电影的英文译名呈现出多样化的趋势。
一方面,许多电影选择直接使用中文原名进行音译,如“The Wandering Earth”(流浪地球);另一方面,也有一些电影采用意译的方式,以更贴合电影主题的英文词汇命名,如“If You Go Away”(芳华)。
2. 命名特点国产电影的英文译名往往注重传达文化内涵和情感色彩。
三、存在的问题1. 文化差异与误解由于中西方文化差异,某些中文电影名称在翻译成英文后可能产生歧义或误解。
2. 翻译不准确或不规范部分电影的英文译名存在翻译不准确或不规范的问题。
3. 缺乏国际市场考量部分国产电影在命名时缺乏对国际市场的考量,导致其英文译名在国际市场上难以引起关注。
四、解决策略1. 加强文化交流与理解在命名过程中,应加强中西方文化交流与理解,尽量保留中文原名的文化特色,同时确保英文译名在西方文化背景下也能被准确理解。
2. 规范翻译标准与流程应建立规范的翻译标准与流程,提高翻译人员的专业水平。

二、国产电影英文译名的现状1. 普遍现象目前,国产电影的英文译名普遍采用音译、意译或音意结合的方式。
音译主要依据电影原名的发音进行翻译,如《芳华》的英文名为“Fanghua”;意译则更注重电影内容的翻译,如《活着》的英文名“To Live”;而音意结合则是二者的结合,如《无间道》的英文名“Infernal Affairs”。
2. 多样化趋势随着国际交流的增多,国产电影的英文译名呈现出越来越多样化的趋势。
三、国产电影英文译名存在的问题1. 文化差异导致的误解由于中西方文化差异,一些国产电影的英文译名可能无法准确传达电影的内涵和主题,导致国外观众产生误解。
2. 翻译不规范部分国产电影的英文译名存在翻译不规范的问题。
3. 缺乏国际市场调研许多电影制片方在翻译电影英文名时,缺乏对国际市场的调研和分析。
四、解决策略1. 加强文化交流与传播为了减少文化差异导致的误解,我们需要加强中西方文化交流与传播。
2. 规范翻译标准与流程电影制片方应建立规范的翻译标准与流程,确保英文译名的准确性和规范性。

三、结 语
字幕翻译过程中还会出现漏译和错译的地方,译者自己的专业素质不够强,缺乏责任心,一味强度速度,忽略译文的质量。科幻电影《隐身人》中的原话“And Ill assure you our patience is running out”这句话中有一个词“patience”和“patient”很相似,发声上也是相同的。“patience”是名词,翻译成“耐心”;“patient”可以是名词也可以是形容词,名词为“病人”的意思,形容词为“耐心的”,但《隐身人》的字幕翻译工作者却没有充分考虑作品的上下语境,凭自己的感觉,将“And Ill assure you our patience is running out”翻译成“我要让你知道,我们的病人越来越少了”草草了事。如果有点文化背景的观众就能看出,电影里不是这个意思,应该翻译成:“我跟你说,我们等得不耐烦了。”

二、汉英纪录片字幕翻译现状1. 汉英纪录片字幕翻译的困境由于两种语言的差异以及文化背景的不同,汉英纪录片字幕翻译面临着许多挑战。
2. 不同翻译策略的比较在对汉英纪录片字幕翻译进行研究分析的过程中,我们发现了一些常见的翻译策略和方法。
三、提高汉英纪录片字幕翻译质量的建议1. 充分理解纪录片内容在进行字幕翻译前,翻译人员应该对纪录片内容进行全面的了解和理解。
2. 保持准确和简洁字幕空间有限,因此在翻译过程中需要尽量保持准确和简洁。
3. 注意语言风格和词汇选择针对不同类型的纪录片,翻译人员需要注意语言风格和词汇选择。

三、影视作品翻译的现状与问题1. 现状:随着国际交流的增多,越来越多的影视作品被翻译成多种语言,以便在国际市场传播。
2. 问题:(1) 语言不地道:部分译作在语言表达上过于直译,缺乏地道的语言表述,导致观众难以理解。
(2) 文化差异:由于不同国家和地区的文化背景差异较大,一些特定的文化元素在翻译过程中难以得到准确传达。
(3) 翻译策略单一:部分译者过于依赖单一的翻译策略,缺乏灵活性和创新性。
四、改进策略与建议针对上述问题,本文提出以下改进策略与建议:1. 强化语言功力:译者应提高自身的语言功力,熟悉不同语言的表达习惯和语法结构,以实现地道的语言表达。
2. 深入了解文化背景:译者应加强对目标语国家文化背景的了解,以便准确传达原作中的文化元素。
3. 灵活运用多种翻译策略:根据不同的内容和语境,灵活运用“归化”和“异化”等翻译策略,以实现更好的传播效果。
4. 加强团队合作:影视作品翻译是一个团队协作的过程,应加强团队间的沟通与协作,确保翻译的准确性和一致性。

(二)策略探讨针对上述问题,本文提出以下策略:1. 语言层面的翻译策略:针对语言障碍,译者需具备良好的语言功底和跨文化交际能力,确保翻译的准确性、流畅性和可理解性。
2. 文化层面的应对策略:在翻译过程中,译者需充分了解源语和目的语的文化背景和价值观,以避免文化冲突。
3. 观众心理接受能力的考虑:在翻译过程中,要充分考虑观众的心理接受能力,尽量保持原作的风格和情感色彩,同时使翻译符合目的语观众的审美观念和文化习惯。


《国产电影英文译名的现状及问题研究》篇一Title: A Study on the Current Status and Issues of English Translations for Domestic Chinese MoviesAbstract:This paper examines the current status of English translations for domestic Chinese movies, discussing the various factors that influence the quality of these translations. It also highlights the issues that arise in the process of translation and explores potential solutions to improve the quality of these translations.I. IntroductionIn the globalized world, English translations of domestic Chinese movies play a crucial role in their international market exposure. These translations have become an essential aspect of cultural exchange, providing audiences from various cultures with an opportunity to understand Chinese cinema. However, with this crucial role, the quality of English translations for domestic Chinese movies has become a focal point of attention.II. Current Status of English Translations for Domestic MoviesCurrently, there is a significant increase in the number of domestic Chinese movies being translated into English and released in international markets. This trend is evident in the variety of films being translated, ranging from blockbusters to smaller independent projects. The popularity of these films has also grown, with manyinternational audiences showing interest in understanding and experiencing Chinese cinema.III. Factors Influencing Translation QualityThe quality of English translations for domestic Chinese movies is influenced by several factors. Firstly, cultural differences between China and other countries can create challenges in translation, as certain cultural elements may not have an equivalent in other cultures. Secondly, the quality of the original script itself can also affect the translation process. A poorly written script can make it difficult to produce a high-quality translation. Additionally, the expertise and experience of the translation team also play a crucial role in ensuring accurate and effective translations.IV. Issues in Translation ProcessDespite the increasing number of domestic Chinese movies being translated into English, there are several issues that arise in the translation process. One such issue is a lack of consistency in translation styles and terminologies, leading to confusion and misunderstandings for international audiences. Another issue is the limited availability of professional translation services for Chinese movies, which can result in poor-quality translations and a lack of cultural sensitivity.V. Potential SolutionsTo improve the quality of English translations for domestic Chinese movies, several potential solutions can be explored. Firstly, there is a need for more professional translation services that are specialized in Chinese movie translations. These services should havea team of experienced and qualified translators who are familiar with both Chinese culture and international markets. Secondly, there should be more emphasis on cultural exchange and understanding between China and other countries during the translation process. This will help in bridging cultural gaps and ensuring that the translated version is culturally sensitive and appropriate for international audiences. Finally, more collaboration between domestic movie producers and international partners can help improve the quality of English translations by providing valuable feedback and input from both sides.VI. ConclusionIn conclusion, English translations for domestic Chinese movies play a crucial role in their international market exposure. However, there are several issues that arise in the translation process, such as cultural differences, poor quality of original scripts, limited professional translation services, and a lack of consistency in translation styles and terminologies. To improve the quality of these translations, there is a need for more professional translation services that are specialized in Chinese movie translations, greater emphasis on cultural exchange and understanding during the translation process, and more collaboration between domestic movie producers and international partners. By addressing these issues and implementing potential solutions, we can ensure that English translations for domestic Chinese movies are accurate, effective, and culturally sensitive, thereby enhancing their international market exposure and promoting cultural exchange between China and other countries.With these efforts, we can further promote the internationalization ofChinese cinema and bring the unique stories and perspectives of Chinese films to a wider global audience. This will not only benefit the growth of the domestic film industry but also contribute to cultural exchange and mutual understanding between China and other countries, strengthening ties and fostering greater international cooperation in the field of film and other related areas.总的来说,通过对国产电影英文译名的现状及问题进行深入研究,并采取相应的解决措施,我们可以提高国产电影在国际市场上的竞争力,推动中国电影的国际化进程,为文化交流和国际合作打下坚实的基础。

二、国内视听翻译的历史1. 电影翻译的初期阶段自上世纪初电影传入中国以来,电影翻译便应运而生。
2. 视听翻译的快速发展随着国内经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,视听作品的需求日益增长。
三、国内视听翻译的现状1. 翻译技术的进步随着科技的发展,视听翻译技术不断进步。
2. 多种形式的视听翻译国内的视听翻译不仅局限于电影、电视剧的字幕翻译,还涵盖了网络视频、游戏、动漫等新兴媒体的翻译。
3. 专业化与规范化的趋势随着市场竞争的加剧,国内的视听翻译逐渐呈现出专业化与规范化的趋势。
四、国内视听翻译面临的挑战与机遇1. 面临的挑战(1)文化差异与语言障碍:由于不同国家和地区的文化背景和语言习惯存在差异,视听翻译需要克服文化差异和语言障碍的挑战。


二、国产电影英文译名的现状1. 译名多样化:目前,国产电影的英文译名呈现出多样化的特点。
2. 翻译质量参差不齐:尽管有些电影的英文译名较好地传达了原片的意义和情感,但仍有不少译名存在翻译质量不高的问题。
三、国产电影英文译名存在的问题1. 词汇选择问题:一些译名在词汇选择上存在误区,如过度追求音译或意译,导致译名难以准确反映原片的内容和风格。
2. 语义缺失:部分译名在翻译过程中未能充分传达原片的语义信息,使得观众难以理解电影的主题和情节。
3. 文化差异问题:由于中西方文化差异较大,一些具有中国特色的文化元素在英文译名中难以得到准确表达,导致国外观众难以产生共鸣。
四、解决策略1. 统一译名规范:建议相关部门制定国产电影英文译名的规范,以减少译名混乱的现象。
2. 提高翻译质量:加强翻译人员的培训,提高其翻译水平和文化素养。
3. 强化文化传播:在翻译过程中,应注重传播中国优秀的传统文化,使国外观众更好地了解中国电影的文化内涵。
4. 建立反馈机制:建立观众对电影英文译名的反馈机制,及时收集观众的意见和建议,以便对译名进行持续改进。

四、解决策略针对上述问题,本文提出以下解决策略:1. 强化文化意识:在翻译过程中,译者应充分了解不同国家和地区的文化背景,准确传达原作的文化内涵。
2. 提高语言水平:译者应不断提高自己的语言水平,使翻译更加自然、流畅。
3. 引入先进技术:利用人工智能、机器学习等技术提高翻译效率和准确性,减轻译者的负担。
4. 建立专业团队:组建专业的影视作品翻译团队,确保翻译质量。
5. 加强交流合作:加强国内外影视行业的交流合作,共同推动影视作品翻译的发展。

西方学者Whitman-Linsen在1992年其文章Through the Dubbing Glass中就曾经强调“to dispel the disdain of literary intelligentsia, who seem to dismiss film translating and the degree of difficulty involved in it as not worthy of their attention”.(1992:17)1.2在影视翻译的实践中,很多学者发现大部分的翻译概念和理论对于影视翻译并不完全适用。

二、中国影视翻译理论研究的发展与现状1. 发展历程中国的影视翻译理论研究起步较晚,但发展迅速。
2. 现状分析随着国家对文化产业的重视和影视市场的繁荣,中国的影视翻译理论研究日益成熟。
三、西方影视翻译理论研究的发展与现状1. 发展历程西方的影视翻译理论研究历史悠久,早在电影诞生之初就已开始。
2. 现状分析西方的影视翻译理论研究注重理论与实践相结合,以实证研究为主。
四、中西方影视翻译理论研究的比较1. 异同点中西方影视翻译理论研究在发展历程和现状上存在一定差异。
2. 优势与挑战中国在影视翻译理论研究方面具有本土化优势和文化底蕴丰富的特点,这有助于更好地传达本土文化和价值观。

国内影视字幕翻译研究的现状及发展趋势+英⽂稿件国内影视字幕翻译研究的现状及发展趋势+英⽂稿件The research present and development trend of domestic filmsubtitle translationAbstract:With the development of the global economic, cultural communication is the main trend.Films is the main way of the cultural communication,we know the different culture through the film. For our country, the films is a tool to spreading our traditional culture. The translation of film subtitle reflects the different culture,and that have effect on viewers.Many scholars pay attention to the translation of the film subtitle at present.There are two kinds of treads.One hand,they stress that our Chinese film subtitle should be translated into english form,and they often ignore our traditional culture.On the other hand,some scholars pay attention to the our cultural factors,and they do not consider on the feeling of the views abroad.The two kinds of the translation is not right. And that is the focus of the quarrel.The paper should adopt to the way to make the different culture harmonious.We should respect our traditional culture factor and combine the western culture,so that the kind of the translation can remain the traditionalculture and make the viewers abroad understand. I think that there are many difference between english culture and Chinese culture. Only we tell the difference between english culture and Chinese culture ,we can translate the film subtitle rightly. Text:A The background of the domestic film subtitle translationAlong with the global economic and cultural globalization, China and other foreign countries exchange cultural frequently day by day. The film is a common form of culture, and is a kind of mass culture. The films and television works are to convey different cultural connotations. The film subtitle are important part of film culture, we must firstly understand the film subtitle,so as to understand the films. For the foreign film, how to translate the film titles make it is accurate, that is a very important thing, directly and that affect the viewer of the film's understanding degree. At the same time the translation of the film subtitle is good or bad, directly affects the business value. Generally speaking, the audience through the film subtitle to judge whether watch or not. Therefore, from this point of view, the translation of the film subtitle is very important. In the translation process, we need to consider these questions. Film translation is not only the transformation of language, but also a kind of understanding cultural connotation . From Chinese culture to western culture, two different cultural background,have different requirements in the film translation.Appropriate translators, should fully understand the original cultural connotation, and then consider on the cultural background of the target audience , to make it comply with its cultural background. For the translator,the requirements are relatively high. Translation of film, likes the translation of culture. For the translator,they must understand the language in original flavor, while taking into account the movie character a series of problems, the deal with the differences in culture and language, and translate the right film subtitle. The translator should try to keep the function of original culture, while maintain the information that transfer effect. In this paper,,we discusses the translation problems, and analysis of Chinese and Western culture differences, by the way of example and the data analysis method.B The error of of domestic film subtitle translationWith the development of the society, cultural link is frequent.That is obvious that there are many difference between Chinese culture and western culture.There are mang error in the translation of the film subtitle.Many scholars think that there are two kinds of the tread.Some scholars think that the translation should pay attention to the traditional culture,so that they usually stress the traditional culture.For example,they often translate the film subtitle as Chinese thought,so that the western viewers can not understand the film meaning.On the other hand, manyscholars are eager to follow the western thought,so that they often ignore the Chinese culture factors,so that in the view of Chinese,the way of translation loses the origin culture.C The reason of the errorLanguage is the carrier of culture,and reflects the culture, that plays a very important role in culture.At the same time, language is a part of culture, but also is deeply influenced by the cultural. Language and culture are mutualinfluence.Understanding the language is basic of understanding culture,and understanding the culture must understand the language. In English-Chinese translation, the translator should have a good English-Chinese knowledge and skills oftranslation,to accurately translate Chinese to English and versa accurate transmission of cultural information.At the same time , it is particularly important tot he need for the two languages of English and Chinese characteristics and the profound understanding cultural differences .Chinese and English are two different cultural language. Language as a part of culture, the differences of the different language is the cultural differences represented by the language , thus deepening the understanding of the cultural differences between English and Chinese, is the sky in English - Chinese translation to accurate transmission of cultural information . Two kinds of English and Chinese cultural differences show many aspects, including language, lifestyle, dress, behavior, diet habit. But in translationbetween English and Chinese, it is mainly related to the communication differences( Cattrysse,Prtrick.2001).Many scholars believe that difference between Chinese and western film subtitles translation , for the following three reasons. These can be summed up as differences in values, habits of thinking differences and the differences of cultural connotation.Value difference is the underlying factors of cultural values, that is the result of the accumulation of long-term social culture . Different geographical environment, historical tradition, social background that creates the different culture values of Chinese and Western . On the cultural personality, Chinese advocate group values, while the Westerners worship individual value.Chinese pay attention to the social ethics,while the Westerners pay attention to individual morality. These differences in the language is obvious, and the translators should pay attention to the difference, so as to avoid the mistakes in communication.D The trend of domestic film subtitle translationStressed Chinese cultural factorMany scholars should pay attention to the effect on Chinese culture.for Chinese place(Nida,Eugene A,2004)Chinese own things.In the films of "House of Flying Daggers ",we can find some difference between Chinese culture and western culture.We can tell the difference by a dialogue.刘:柳云飞死后传说他有个⽬盲的⼥⼉也神秘失踪当时飞⼑门上下震动⼀⾯声称为帮主复仇⼀⾯寻找帮助⼥⼉Leo:the old leader's blind daughter disappeared after his death.It was a heavy blow to the F'lying Daggers.They vowed revenge for their loss,while searching for the girl.In the translation,we can see the way of the translation.Liu yunFei appears three times as a Chinese name,but in the translation of the film, that is replaced with old leader.In the view of the Chinese,they can not respect the translation.And "Liu" is a common family name,but in the translation ,the translator translate the "Liu" into "Captain Leo"."Leo" is a western name,the way of translation ignore the Chinese traditional factors.For another example,in the "House of Flying Daggers ", there is difference in the way of showing love.Chinese is implicit to show love,but westers show love warmly.The different way of showing love also reflects the difference between Chinese culture and western culture.你不该回来回来……为⼀个⼈You shouldn't have come back.I came back for you ,my love.The kind of translation loses the origin culture.In fact,westers are pleasure to see the implicit way,we should remain the traditional culture.In the translation of the film subtitle,we should pay attention to the Chinese culture,those Chinese factors shouldbe pay attention to .Considering the western customWe translate the film subtitle into western viewers,we must respect the western custom.In the western country,they call the lucky men "lucky dog".In China,the ''dog' is a bad meaning,if we do not know the western custom ,we may make mistakes.In the translation of"卧虎藏龙" , the students translated into crouching.Tiger, hidden iron, rather than the Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, because in the eyes of the western, the dragon is a ferocious animal, and is not friendly for the people .It also reflects the differences between Chinese culture and Western culture(Venuti Lawrence.2001).The thought of Westerners is recessive.In the life, they never hidden its own views and opinions, and they will truly own the passions, express like or dislike to others freely . And the Chinese are influenced by several thousand years of Confucian , who usually express personal views in other way. This differences of thinking affect all aspects of English and Chinese. For westerners, they meet and hug, and they think that is a very common thing. Among friends, relatives, the westerners will often hear" I love you."" You are so beautiful today " . In their view, language is a mirror of the soul, if the language is frank, then the heart will be frank. This explicit expression will deepen their relatives and friendship. When we see the film ,we must know the culture of the film ,so that we can understand what the film sayabout. If we are careless to the culture, we will never understand the deep meaning.Conclusion:With the development of the society,culture communication is the tread.On the press of the communication,the films is the main way to spread culture.Chinese films is the main way to spread our traditional culture,and we stress the cultural factors though the films.I think that the film subtitle translation reflects the cultural factors.When we translate the Chinese film subtitle,we should respect the western custom,and remain the Chinese culture(Venuti Lawrence.1998).So that we can spread our culture by the films.Many scholars think that the translation of the film subtitle should stress the western culture or Chinese culture.As a visual art, movie subtitle directly affect the audience about understanding and experience ontology of the film(Venuti Lawrence.2004) , and even that can be called the art of translation, and that is a bridge for cultural exchange,what is an international information communication link, important way. A film excellent translation is not only a language of simple switching, but also is fully manifests of the cultural fusion. The effect of cultural difference on translation that absolutely can not be ignored. A true understanding of the cultural differences in the west, and creative fusion culture,that is a solid foundation for the success of the translation . Strengtheningthe cultural connotation of the degree of attention, we should effort to overcome language barriers,in the process of translation, to realize the cultural significance. Therefore, the translation of subtitles ,we should pay attention to many factors. When we translate the film subtitles to another language,we should know the culture of the country including language culture ,custom culture,etc,If you do not have enough time to study,you will never to try to translate the film tittle.We must make the viewer pleasure,by the film subtitle ,if we translate the Chinese film into english,we must stress the symbol of the film,I think that we should make it balance.On the hand,we should spread our traditional culture as far as possible,on the other hand,we should respect western custom,for example some unfortunate numbers.There are some new phrases ,so that those make the viewers surprise.If we often refer the Chinese own phrases,the viewers should be familiar with the phrases,so that we reach the goal of spreading traditional culture.If the translators often translate the films subtitle like this ,the westerners should know the Chinese culture, so that it realize the culture communication. Refer:[1]Cattrysse,Prtrick.2001,"Multimedia&Translation:M ethodological Considerations",in Yves Gambier and Henrik Gotttlied Media Translation,Am-sterdam/Philadelphia:John Benjamins Publishing Com-pany.[2]Nida,Eugene A,2004,Language and Culture -Con-texts in Translating.Shanghai Foreign language education press.[3] Venuti Lawrence.2001,"Strategies of translation",in Mona Backer Routlted encyclopedia of translation studier,London&New York:Routledge.[4]Venuti Lawrence.1998,The Scandals ofTranslation-Toward an Ethics of Difference.London and New York :Routledge[5]Venuti Lawrence.2004,The Translator's invisibility :a history of translation.Shanghai foreign language education press.。
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国内影视字幕翻译研究的现状及发展趋势+英文稿件The research present and development trend of domestic filmsubtitle translationAbstract:With the development of the global economic, cultural communication is the main trend.Films is the main way of the cultural communication,we know the different culture through the film. For our country, the films is a tool to spreading our traditional culture. The translation of film subtitle reflects the different culture,and that have effect on viewers.Many scholars pay attention to the translation of the film subtitle at present.There are two kinds of treads.One hand,they stress that our Chinese film subtitle should be translated into english form,and they often ignore our traditional culture.On the other hand,some scholars pay attention to the our cultural factors,and they do not consider on the feeling of the views abroad.The two kinds of the translation is not right. And that is the focus of the quarrel.The paper should adopt to the way to make the different culture harmonious.We should respect our traditional culture factor and combine the western culture,so that the kind of the translation can remain the traditionalculture and make the viewers abroad understand. I think that there are many difference between english culture and Chinese culture. Only we tell the difference between english culture and Chinese culture ,we can translate the film subtitle rightly.Text:A The background of the domestic film subtitle translationAlong with the global economic and cultural globalization, China and other foreign countries exchange cultural frequently day by day. The film is a common form of culture, and is a kind of mass culture. The films and television works are to convey different cultural connotations. The film subtitle are important part of film culture, we must firstly understand the film subtitle,so as to understand the films. For the foreign film, how to translate the film titles make it is accurate, that is a very important thing, directly and that affect the viewer of the film's understanding degree. At the same time the translation of the film subtitle is good or bad, directly affects the business value. Generally speaking, the audience through the film subtitle to judge whether watch or not. Therefore, from this point of view, the translation of the film subtitle is very important. In the translation process, we need to consider these questions. Film translation is not only the transformation of language, but also a kind of understanding cultural connotation . From Chinese culture to western culture, two different cultural background,have different requirements in the film translation.Appropriate translators, should fully understand the original cultural connotation, and then consider on the cultural background of the target audience , to make it comply with its cultural background. For the translator,the requirements are relatively high. Translation of film, likes the translation of culture. For the translator,they must understand the language in original flavor, while taking into account the movie character a series of problems, the deal with the differences in culture and language, and translate the right film subtitle. The translator should try to keep the function of original culture, while maintain the information that transfer effect. In this paper,,we discusses the translation problems, and analysis of Chinese and Western culture differences, by the way of example and the data analysis method.B The error of of domestic film subtitle translationWith the development of the society, cultural link is frequent.That is obvious that there are many difference between Chinese culture and western culture.There are mang error in the translation of the film subtitle.Many scholars think that there are two kinds of the tread.Some scholars think that the translation should pay attention to the traditional culture,so that they usually stress the traditional culture.For example,they often translate the film subtitle as Chinese thought,so that the western viewers can not understand the film meaning.On the other hand, manyscholars are eager to follow the western thought,so that they often ignore the Chinese culture factors,so that in the view of Chinese,the way of translation loses the origin culture.C The reason of the errorLanguage is the carrier of culture,and reflects the culture, that plays a very important role in culture.At the same time, language is a part of culture, but also is deeply influenced by the cultural. Language and culture are mutual influence.Understanding the language is basic of understanding culture,and understanding the culture must understand the language. In English-Chinese translation, the translator should have a good English-Chinese knowledge and skills of translation,to accurately translate Chinese to English and versa accurate transmission of cultural information.At the same time , it is particularly important tot he need for the two languages of English and Chinese characteristics and the profound understanding cultural differences .Chinese and English are two different cultural language. Language as a part of culture, the differences of the different language is the cultural differences represented by the language , thus deepening the understanding of the cultural differences between English and Chinese, is the sky in English - Chinese translation to accurate transmission of cultural information . Two kinds of English and Chinese cultural differences show many aspects, including language, lifestyle, dress, behavior, diet habit. But in translationbetween English and Chinese, it is mainly related to the communication differences( Cattrysse,Prtrick.2001).Many scholars believe that difference between Chinese and western film subtitles translation , for the following three reasons. These can be summed up as differences in values, habits of thinking differences and the differences of cultural connotation.Value difference is the underlying factors of cultural values, that is the result of the accumulation of long-term social culture . Different geographical environment, historical tradition, social background that creates the different culture values of Chinese and Western . On the cultural personality, Chinese advocate group values, while the Westerners worship individual value.Chinese pay attention to the social ethics,while the Westerners pay attention to individual morality. These differences in the language is obvious, and the translators should pay attention to the difference, so as to avoid the mistakes in communication.D The trend of domestic film subtitle translationStressed Chinese cultural factorMany scholars should pay attention to the effect on Chinese culture.for Chinese place(Nida,Eugene A,2004)Chinese own things.In the films of "House of Flying Daggers ",we can find some difference between Chinese culture and western culture.We can tell the difference by a dialogue.刘:柳云飞死后传说他有个目盲的女儿也神秘失踪当时飞刀门上下震动一面声称为帮主复仇一面寻找帮助女儿Leo:the old leader's blind daughter disappeared after his death.It was a heavy blow to the F'lying Daggers.They vowed revenge for their loss,while searching for the girl.In the translation,we can see the way of the translation.Liu yunFei appears three times as a Chinese name,but in the translation of the film, that is replaced with old leader.In the view of the Chinese,they can not respect the translation.And "Liu" is a common family name,but in the translation ,the translator translate the "Liu" into "Captain Leo"."Leo" is a western name,the way of translation ignore the Chinese traditional factors.For another example,in the "House of Flying Daggers ", there is difference in the way of showing love.Chinese is implicit to show love,but westers show love warmly.The different way of showing love also reflects the difference between Chinese culture and western culture.你不该回来回来……为一个人You shouldn't have come back.I came back for you ,my love.The kind of translation loses the origin culture.In fact,westers are pleasure to see the implicit way,we should remain the traditional culture.In the translation of the film subtitle,we should pay attention to the Chinese culture,those Chinese factors shouldbe pay attention to .Considering the western customWe translate the film subtitle into western viewers,we must respect the western custom.In the western country,they call the lucky men "lucky dog".In China,the ''dog' is a bad meaning,if we do not know the western custom ,we may make mistakes.In the translation of"卧虎藏龙" , the students translated into crouching.Tiger, hidden iron, rather than the Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, because in the eyes of the western, the dragon is a ferocious animal, and is not friendly for the people .It also reflects the differences between Chinese culture and Western culture(Venuti Lawrence.2001).The thought of Westerners is recessive.In the life, they never hidden its own views and opinions, and they will truly own the passions, express like or dislike to others freely . And the Chinese are influenced by several thousand years of Confucian , who usually express personal views in other way. This differences of thinking affect all aspects of English and Chinese. For westerners, they meet and hug, and they think that is a very common thing. Among friends, relatives, the westerners will often hear" I love you."" You are so beautiful today " . In their view, language is a mirror of the soul, if the language is frank, then the heart will be frank. This explicit expression will deepen their relatives and friendship. When we see the film ,we must know the culture of the film ,so that we can understand what the film sayabout. If we are careless to the culture, we will never understand the deep meaning.Conclusion:With the development of the society,culture communication is the tread.On the press of the communication,the films is the main way to spread culture.Chinese films is the main way to spread our traditional culture,and we stress the cultural factors though the films.I think that the film subtitle translation reflects the cultural factors.When we translate the Chinese film subtitle,we should respect the western custom,and remain the Chinese culture(Venuti Lawrence.1998).So that we can spread our culture by the films.Many scholars think that the translation of the film subtitle should stress the western culture or Chinese culture.As a visual art, movie subtitle directly affect the audience about understanding and experience ontology of the film(Venuti Lawrence.2004) , and even that can be called the art of translation, and that is a bridge for cultural exchange,what is an international information communication link, important way. A film excellent translation is not only a language of simple switching, but also is fully manifests of the cultural fusion. The effect of cultural difference on translation that absolutely can not be ignored. A true understanding of the cultural differences in the west, and creative fusion culture,that is a solid foundation for the success of the translation . Strengtheningthe cultural connotation of the degree of attention, we should effort to overcome language barriers,in the process of translation, to realize the cultural significance. Therefore, the translation of subtitles ,we should pay attention to many factors.When we translate the film subtitles to another language,we should know the culture of the country including language culture ,custom culture,etc,If you do not have enough time to study,you will never to try to translate the film tittle.We must make the viewer pleasure,by the film subtitle ,if we translate the Chinese film into english,we must stress the symbol of the film,I think that we should make it balance.On the hand,we should spread our traditional culture as far as possible,on the other hand,we should respect western custom,for example some unfortunate numbers.There are some new phrases ,so that those make the viewers surprise.If we often refer the Chinese own phrases,the viewers should be familiar with the phrases,so that we reach the goal of spreading traditional culture.If the translators often translate the films subtitle like this ,the westerners should know the Chinese culture, so that it realize the culture communication. Refer:[1]Cattrysse,Prtrick.2001,"Multimedia&Translation:M ethodological Considerations",in Yves Gambier and Henrik Gotttlied Media Translation,Am-sterdam/Philadelphia:John Benjamins Publishing Com-pany.[2]Nida,Eugene A,2004,Language and Culture -Con-texts in Translating.Shanghai Foreign language education press.[3] Venuti Lawrence.2001,"Strategies of translation",in Mona Backer Routlted encyclopedia of translation studier,London &New York:Routledge.[4]Venuti Lawrence.1998,The Scandals ofTranslation-Toward an Ethics of Difference.London and New York :Routledge[5]Venuti Lawrence.2004,The Translator's invisibility :a history of translation.Shanghai foreign language education press.11。