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• 分布:distribute • 剩余:the rest, the remainder, the remaining
• 比: percentage, proportion, ratio
– a large percentage/proportion of the population – The proportion/ratio of imports to exports is 4 to 1.
– The smoking rate in young girls was on the rise.
• 下降:go down, decline, decrease, drop, fall (off), slide, slip, descend, dip, reduce, shrink, dwindle, diminish, show a downward trend, abate, slow down • 急剧下降: crash, collapse, plummet, plunge, slump • 缓慢下降:subside, ebb, ease down, edge down, creep down
• chart, diagram, figure (也可以表示数字), graph • Curve/line, pie, column/bar, table, map • 横轴 horizontal axis • 纵轴 vertical axis
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• number, amount, figure, quantity • data (动词用复数或单数) • statistics (动词用复数)
• 静值:at, of, with
– The number of population peaked at 2 million.
• 动值:to
– The number of population increased to 2 million.
• 差值:by
– The number of population increased by 2 million.
• • • • • •
A 5% drop decrease 3.7% rise further to 8% fall as much as 25% hit the bottom at 21 percent grow by around 25% to 14000 dollars a month
• rose steeply from the year 2000 to reach the peak at 21 percent • Prices fell by 3% compared with a rise of over 15% a year earlier. • The number of drug addicts increased progressively from 1.2 million to nearly 12 million by the end of 1990.
• remain/stay/maintain/keep stable (steady/constant/the same/balanced/unvarying) • stabilize/stand/level off(out)/even out/reach a plateau/flatten out at… • experience a stable trend, demonstrate no variation • there is hardly any/no/little change • resume/continue + 趋势
• 两倍:double, twice
– The total output is double that of last year. – The total output has doubled since last year. – The total output is twice as much as last year.
• 上升:go up, increase, grow, rise, climb, ascend, expand, show an upward trend, gain, pick up, take off, mount • 急剧上升: jump , soar, surge, escalate, rocket, swell, boom, leap, shoot up, skyrocket • 缓慢上升: ease up, edge up, creep up, accrue
• hit/reach/attain/decrease to the bottom (a low point/floor/base/valley/trough/nadir) at… • bottom out at…(动词短语)
• mean/average
– take an average
• average out at… • strike a balance
• • • • from A to B between A and B during A and B within a (small/large) range of …
• 第一位置:take the first place, occupy the first position, rank first • 中间位置:follow by, close behind, subsequently come • 最后位置:eventually stand, the last place was distributed to
– He gained approximately 50 pounds after going abroad. – There were just over 100 people in the hall. – House prices roughly tripled.
• 几乎:almost, nearly • 准确地:exactly, precisely
• account for, make up, take up, cover, represent , occupy, constitute, comprise, consist of • be due to/attributed to
– Specially, heating rooms accounts for the largest proportion (52.5%)of the electricity used.
• reach/hit/attain/increase to the peak(top/the highest point/summit/climax/zenith/pinnacle/ap ex/vertex/culmination) at… • peak at…(此处peak 作动词)


gradually, regularly, continuously, progressively, smoothly
evenly, equally

unevenly, unequally


suddenly, abruptly

correspondingly, proportionately
• trend/tendency/movement
– a sharply increasing trend – A and B experienced a climbing movement with the former being more noticeable/slightly higher than the latter.
• expect, predict, project, forecast, estimate, think
– xxx is expected to …
• be likely to
• Respectively, separately (用于句尾,表几 组元素的相对应), for each
– In 2010, the average annual salaries of the citizens in Shanghai and Hangzhou were 42000 RMB and 39000 RMB, respectively.
• 份: part, share, segment, section, portion, • 率: rate
– at a higher/steady rate
• • • • 20%: 20 percent 1/2: 50%, half, 1/3: one in three, one third 1/4: one out of every four, a quarter, one fourth, 25% • 大部分:a/the majority of, major(形容词) • 小部分:a fraction of, a/the minority of, minor(形容词)
• show, demonstrate, display, depict, relate, reveal, present, reflect, illustrate, indicate, unveil,unfold, give information about, provide an overview of
comparatively, relatively
• 修饰名词时,幅度副词去ly变成形容词。
– rise rapidly – There was a rapid rise….
• fluctuate(名词:fluctuation), wave, waver, vibrate, vary, shift, swing, flutter, alternate, vacillate, undulate • rise and fall, go up and down, range between … and … • 形容词: fluid, variable, volatile – The number of people using the station fluctuates. • 反转:reverse • 复苏:recover (from), bounce back
– a sharp decrease in the …

gently, steadily, stably, subtly, slowly, moderately, slightly, modestly, marginally, minimally
• rapidly, sharply, markedly, tremendously, immensely, significantly, substantially, noticeably, considerably, steeply, dramatically, drastically, overwhelmingly
• 三倍:triple, three times • 四倍:fourfold, four times
– a fourfold increase – the rate increases fourfold
• 大约:about, around, approximately, roughly, nearly, just over, just under, or so