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M10Unit 3 Protecting ourselves

Reading Aids today ⑴





本单元的核心教学项目是“保护我们自己”(Protecting ourselves),整个教学内容围绕这个主题而展开.本节课是这个单元中重点章节.在这节课中,主要讲述了艾滋病的相关内容.

本节课是以阅读为主的Reading课型。先从阅读入手,让学生首先能理解语篇,根据阅读课型遵循的Task-based Reading的教学过程,要求学生从速读到精读,从把握文章的结构,再到把握各个部分的主要内容,使学生对语篇有一个从整体到细节再到整体的把握。在此基础上,根据Reading的内容与要求,有目的地进行归纳整理,提取有效信息,再让学生把学到的知识进行提炼,达到解决问题的目的。


因此,无论从课程标准的要求上看,还是从知识的扩展上看,本课都具有重要的作用. Teaching Methods(教学方法)

1. Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.

2. Careful reading to get the detailed information.

3. Asking-and-answering to help the students understand the text exactly.

4. Pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Learning aims(学习目标):

1. To get a general idea of the TV news special transcript.

2. To improve reading ability.

3. To learn to identify links between paragraphs.

4. Get the students to learn about how to protect themselves from Aids.

Important and difficult points(重点难点):

1. Try to get the structure of the passage.

2. Try to identify links between paragraphs

3. How to help the students understand the text exactly, especially some complicated sentences. Teaching Aids:

1. the multimedia

2. a tape recorder

3. the blackboard


预习导航【有关资料查一查】(you can find some information in Baidu)

1. Do the AIDS quiz and make judgments according to what you have known about AIDS. (T/F) Only bad people get AIDS. ( )

If I had HIV, I would know because I would feel sick. ( )

HIV/AIDS is difficult to cure. ( )

People who have HIV look different from everyone else. ( )

It is safe to be friends with people who are living with HIV/AIDS. ( )

2. Ask students to answer the questions related to Aids, through which the topic has been

introduced (show the students the red ribbon) /i?ct=201326592&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&tn=baiduimage&istype=2&fm=ind ex&pv=&z=0&word=%B0%AC%D7%CC%BA%EC%CB%BF%B4%F8&s=0

● Are you familiar with this red ribbon?

● What can you associate the logo of Aids with?

● What does it mean?


3. Equip yourself with some relevant information about AIDS.

• What is the full name for Aids?


• What is it caused by?


• How is the disease transmitted?


(show the students some pictures ,guess and say :Can Aids be transmitted

via the following routes?))

picture1: eating food with Aids patients /i?ct=503316480&z=&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=%B3%D4%B7%B9%CD%BC%C6%AC&in=23515&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&pn=7&rn=1&di=6497698920&ln=1994&fr=&fm=result&fmq=1332834351732_R&ic=0&s=0&se=1&sme=0&tab=&width=&height=&face=0&is=&istype=2#pn7&-1&di6497698920&objURLhttp%3A%2F%%2FUploadFiles%2FSoft5%2F2010%2F5%2F201005040133486641.jpg&fromURL http%3A%2F%%2Fitem%2F394539.aspx&W1001&H813&T8684&S150&TPjpg

picture2: mother-to-child transmission /i?ct=503316480&z=&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=%CE%B9%C4%CC%CD%BC%C6%AC&in=5820&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&pn=13&rn=1&di=72894375705&ln=1997&fr=&fm=result&fmq=1332834442503_R&ic=0&s=0&se=1&sme=0&tab=&width =&height=&face=0&is=&istype=2#pn13&-1&di72894375705&objURLhttp%3A%2F%2Fa %2F57%2F14%2F14300001010994128566149417386.jpg&fromURLhttp %3A%2F%%2Fa3_57_14_14300001010994128566149417386_jpg.ht ml&W350&H471&T7883&S20&TPjpg


using the same toilet seat /i?ct=503316480&z=&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=%C2%ED%CD %B0%CD%BC%C6%AC&in=3581&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&pn=26&rn=1&di=27050794155&ln=1998&fr=&fm=detail&fmq=1332834499257_R&ic=0&s=&se=1&sme=0&tab=&width =&height=&face=0&is=&istype=2#pn26&-1&di27050794155&objURLhttp%3A%2F%2Fa %2Fsupportshouse_d%2Fdecor_roomphoto%2Ff7%2F31%2F20070601_3787_5.jpg&fromURLhttp%3A%2F%%2Fdecor%2F
