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目录 (2)

摘要 (3)

第1章融资异质性与企业国际化一个综述性分析 (5)

1.1 一个综述性分析 (5)

1.2 融资异质性与贸易 (6)

1.3 融资异质性与企业国际化 (7)

第2章金融体系改革与中小企业融资关系 (9)

2.1 我国中小企业与中小银行银企关系分析 (9)

2.2 我国现有中小企业直接融资市场分析 (10)

第3章中小企业民间融资的最新形式及未来趋势 (11)

3.1 中小企业民间融资的最新形式 (11)

3.1.1 民间的票据融资 (12)

3.1.2 “转贷”和寄售商行 (12)

3.2 中小企业民间融资的发展趋势 (13)

3.3 中小企业民间金融向民营金融的转变 (13)

3.4 中小企业民间金融从“关系型融资”向“契约型融资”转变 (13)

3.5 建立民营金融与正规金融相互竞争的现代金融市场 (14)

结论 (14)

参考文献 (15)

致谢 (16)








Chinese government has begun to promote Chinese enterprises "going out" of the national development strategy. According to the World Trade Organization Secretariat of the preliminary statistics, China has become the world's first trade in goods. At the same time, along with the promotion of government policy and the promotion of enterprise's own competitiveness, foreign direct investment has become an important model for Chinese enterprises to carry out international business. However, with the government vigorously promote the process of internationalization of enterprises is different, supporting the reform of China's financial system is still in a lag phase.

Is still in the stage of transformation in China, enterprises in access to financial resources not only face the market mechanism in a general sense of the financial friction, but also by because of China's financial system is not perfect due to other complex factors. Due to the planned economy period, historical legacy "ownership discrimination of credit problems, and based on the different type of social structure caused by the enterprise financing environment, the more widespread financial market segmentation phenomenon, these will be in varying degrees to the enterprise internationalization affects the behavior.

With the development of new new trade theory further complements the traditional based on the economies of scale and diversity of the new trade theory. Foreign trade theory has made a new explanation to the reasons of international trade from the enterprise level. They emphasize the heterogeneity exists in the enterprise's efficiency, due to the export will face a larger amount of fixed costs, including access to external market information, target consumer preferences and set up distribution channels such as. Therefore, enterprise efficiency is only high enough to overcome higher export fixed cost for export. The development of international trade theory has promoted the development of the research on financial factors and the internationalization of enterprises. The development speed of the small and medium-sized enterprises and the contribution to the development of China's economy and the small and medium-sized enterprises can get the loan serious imbalance. Small and medium enterprises generally face financing difficulties, and the formal financial constraints is the main reason for their financing difficulties. The folk finance has great flexibility, and formal financial market not only has competition, and has a complementary relationship, it is to overcome the financing barriers between the SMEs and the informal banks, to meet the financing needs of SMEs for credit gap of formal financial stock market, provides the powerful guarantee of funds for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Private finance is a very effective financing channel for small and medium enterprises, especially for those small and medium-sized enterprises in the early stage of entrepreneurship. At the same time, the choice of private finance is not only the choice of small and medium enterprises in the face of
