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Translate the following sentences into Chinese

Exercise 1 (词义引申)

1) What kind of person can be a candidate for surgery?

2) The drama of the emergency room contrasts with the calm of the outpatient clinic.

3) The type of specimen to be examined is determined by the presenting clinical picture.

4) The surgical mortality is in the neighborhood of 3% even in the best hands.

5) Moreover, there was another bonus. No large scars formed where the burns had


6) Further research is needed to illustrate to what an extent is heavy smoking

responsible for changes in renal function.

7) The course of the disease is extremely stormy with either a rapid progression to death

or an equally rapid improvement.

8) Architecture outlines may be preserved though all cellular details are lost.

Exercise 2 (否定句)

1) All atherosclerotic patients are not hypertensive subjects.

2) Both diets cannot provide adequate nourishment.

3) The doctors cannot be too careful in performing operation.

4) Pus formation is not entirely dependent on bacterial invasion.

5) Neither of the agents is antihypertensive.

6) No food is permitted for four hours after administration of the drug.

7) It is imperative to emphasize that no patient with a marked stridor should be submitted

to general anesthesia.

8) These tumors are often symptom-free until they grow large enough to cause pressure

on surrounding areas.

Exercise 3 (定语从句)

1) Fever is a condition in which the body temperature is higher than normal.


3) The plasma is a clear fluid where food material, carbon dioxide, salts and waste

materials are dissolved.

4) If, however, th The body consists of a large number of organs, each of which has its

own particular function to perform.e diagnosis is delayed, which is not infrequently the case, the underlying cardiac disease may progress and the prognosis is much serious.

5) Without correct treatment the prognosis of these children is poor, as was shown in a

follow-up study.

6) As people in wealthier regions run out of effective antibiotics, they come to share the lot

of people in poorer regions who can't afford them to begin with.
