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1. 我叫李华,是光明中学高二的学生。

My name is Li Hua, a Senior 2 student from Evergreen High School.

2. 我对这个活动非常感兴趣,所以我想参加并成为志愿者。

I am very much interested in this activity so I’d like to take part in it as a volunteer.

3. 我认为我有能力做些事情。

I think I have the responsibility to do something.

4. 这对我来说也是一个交到更多朋友的机会。

It’s also a good chance for me to make more friends.

5. 上周六我们班组织了一个名为“创建绿色世界”的志愿者活动。

Last Saturday, my class organized a volunteer activity called “Building a Green World”.

6. 我们都十分高兴,因为我们为其他人和环境做了有益的事情。

All of us were happy because we did something good to others and to the environment.

7. 我相信这个活动能够提高人们的环保意识。

I believe this a ctivity can increase people’s awareness of environmental protection.

8. 保护地球就是保护我们自己。

Protecting the earth is protecting ourselves.

9. 不要犹豫来问我关于中文课程的任何问题。

Don’t hesitate to ask me any questions about the Chinese course.


All are among the dream places you want to visit.

11. 我们将在下午5点半结束。

We’ll end up the day at 5:30 in the afternoon.

12. 我强烈建议你带够足够的电池,因为有很多你能记录到相机里的东西。

I strongly advise you to take enough batteries with you because there are so many things that you can record in your camera.

13. 我代表我们全体同学在欢迎仪式上致辞。

On behalf of all students, I gave them a welcome speech at the welcome ceremony.

14. 我很惊喜地发现语言不是我们之间的问题,因为他们都能用简单的中文交谈,我们能用英语回答他们的问题。

We were surprised and glad to find that language was not a problem between us, for they could all

talk in simple Chinese and we could answer their questions in English.

15. 时光飞逝,但是留给我们持久的记忆。

Time passed quickly, but left with us a lasting memory.

16. 希望很快收到你的来信。

Hope to hear from you soon.


Last Friday, our first School Book Fair finally opened.

18. 书市也给我们提供了为希望工程贡献我们微薄的力量的机会

The book fair also gave us a chance to contribute our bit for the Hope Project.

19. 我们学校组织了名为“我们的生活与环境”的活动。

Our school organized an activity named Our Life and Our Environment.

20. 在此期间,有很多我们能参与的项目。

During that period, there were a lot of programmes for us to take part in.

21. 我们从中学到了很多保护环境的方法。

We learned from it the ways of protecting our environment.

22. 我们在公共交通使用方面进行了讨论,例如:更多地使用地铁和巴士。

We had a discussion on the use of public transportation, such as taking the underground and buses more often.

23. 我们还决定收集用过的瓶子来再循环利用。

We also decided to collect used bottles for recycling.

24. 我们能做到处处尽自己的职责。

And we can do our part here and now.

25. 我认为家长应该鼓励他们的孩子做更多地家务。这样他们能学会更独立更有责任感。

I think parents should encourage their children to do more housework. This way, they may learn to be more independent and responsible.

26. 鼓励越来越多的人使用公共交通。

More and more people are encouraged to choose public transportation.

27. 现在我可以乘坐嘉附近的地铁,节省我很多时间。

Now I can take the underground railways near my home, which saves me a lot of time.

28. 我认为在国外学习有优点也有缺点。

I think studying abroad has both its advantages and disadvantages.
