大学英语 英国历史文化第二单元The Normansppt课件

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-- An Outline History of England --
⑤The lands that William gave to his lords were called fiefs (封地). The recipients of the lands were called vassals (封臣).
-- An Outline History of England --
II. Whitsun (Whitsunday )
Whitsunday is also known as
Pentecost and is a major festival in the Christian church. It is celebrated on the Sunday which falls on the 50th day after the Easter festival.
-- An Outline History of England --
Pentecost is recognized as the birth of
the Church. Whit Sunday is a favorite day for baptism. It is thought that because people are often baptized dressed in white, Whit Sunday was probably originally known as 'White Sunday'.
②According to this system, the King
owned all the land personally.
-- An Outline History of England --
③William gave his barons large estates in England in return for a promise of military service and a proportion of the land's produce. ④These estates were scattered far and wide over the country, so that those who held them could not easily combine to rebel the king.
⑥One peculiar feature of the feudal system of England was that all landowners must take the oath of allegiance,not only to their immediate lord, but also to the king.
How much land? Who holds it? How much is it worth? How many ploughs? How many oxen, sheep, swine?
-- An Outline History of England --
-- An Outline History of England --
-- An Outline History ofwk.baidu.comEngland --
III. The Domesday Book
Twenty years after the Conquest (1086), William sent
officials to every town throughout England, with power to call together the leaders of towns, examine them, and to make a complete survey of the economic life the country.
-- An Outline History of England --
After the Norman Conquest
I. Feudalism after the Norman Conquest
①Under William, the feudal system in
England was completely established.
大学英语 英国历 史文化第二单元 The Normans
Key Points of Unit 2
1. Feudalism after the Norman
Conquest 2. the origin of Whitsun 3. the Common Law 4. the Domesday Book
The name Pentecost comes
from a Greek word which means 'fiftieth'.
-- An Outline History of England --
Pentecost celebrates the coming
of the Holy Spirit in the form of flames to the followers of Jesus, as recorded in the New Testament. Jesus had told them to wait until the Spirit came to them. 50 days after the resurrection, the Spirit came.
To further extend his grip on England, William
I ordered that a book be made containing information on who owned what throughout the country.
This book would tell him who owed him what