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1、既兴奋又开心a mixture of excitement and happiness

2、心情愉快in cheerful spirits

3、振作精神keep up one’s spirits

4、满意的表情a satisfied look

5、高兴地跳起来dance/jump for joy

6、流下幸福的泪水tears of happiness flowing down

7、感到鼓舞的feel inspired/encouraged

8、精神高涨be in high spirit


1、强烈的失落感a strong sense of loss

2、陷入绝望fall into despair

3、悲痛欲绝cry one’s heart out

4、怀着沉重的心情with a heavy heart

5、沮丧的with a sinking heart

6、情绪低落be down in spirits

7、垂头丧气lose one’s spirits

8、意志消沉a broken spirit


1、不断地抱怨complain constantly

2、气得满脸通红flame with anger

3、愁眉苦脸have a worried look

4、气冲冲地跑出房间run out of the room in a burst of anger

5、感到尴尬的feel embarrassed

6、感到困惑的feel puzzled/confused

7、感到沮丧的feel frustrated/depressed

8、感到恼怒的feel annoyed

9、感到泄气的feel discouraged


1、宽容的精神a forgiving spirit

2、以和蔼可亲的态度with a kind and good-humored spirit

3、在这些情绪的控制下under the domination of these emotions


1、优美的身段a graceful figure

2、均匀的形体a shapely figure

3、瘦削的身材a skinny figure

4、细长的身体a slim figure

5、(人)形体很好have a good figure

6、中等身材an average build

7、身材魁梧的人a well-built man


1、脱颖而出stand out from the crowd

2、保守的性格conservative personalities

3、缺乏责任感lack of responsibility

4、具有…的美德with the virtue of

5、责任感sense of responsibility

6、高素质、有经验的老师highly qualified, well-experienced teaching staff

7、光明的前途promising future

8、脾气很好的人a good-humored/good-natured person

9、完人a perfect person

10、一个从事专门职业的人a professional person

11、天资高的人a talented person

12、有抱负的人an ambitious person

13、聪明人an intelligent person

14、温和可爱的个性lovable and good-natured personality

15、容易相处的人an easy person to deal with

16、冷酷无情的人a cold-blooded man

17、有前途的人a promising person

18、严肃的年轻人a serious young man

19、头脑简单的人a simple-minded man

20、能说会道的人a smooth-spoken man

21、见多识广的人a well-informed man

22、说话直率的人an outspoken man

23、单身女人/男人a single woman/man

24、20岁出头的姑娘a girl in her early twenties

25、动人的姑娘an attractive girl

26、著名人物well-known figure

27、品格正直的人a man of upright character

28、性格果断be of a determined character

29、乐观和有抱负的be optimistic and ambitious


1、鼓起勇气muster up courage

2、面对斗争与改变in the face of struggle and change

3、没有履行职责fail to carry out one’s duties

4、完全一团糟be completely in a mess

5、一项有意义的活动a meaningful/rewarding activity

6、相信in the belief that

7、抱着疲惫的双腿回家go home on tired legs

8、全心全意be devoted to sth whole-heartedly

9、感觉很不适应feel out of place

10、毫无倦意show no signs of tiredness

11、无力改变的结果be powerless to change the outcome

12、赞赏的眼光an admiring gaze

13、嫉妒的眼光an envious glance
