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be/go on the stage登台演出,当演员
为以下定语从句选用合适的关系词 1) She has reached the stage _____ she should learn to be independent. A. which B. where C. that D.when
2.weekly n. 周刊、周报 adj. 每周的 英语周报_E_n_g_li_sh__W__e_ek_l_y 每日的 _d_a_il_y_ 每年的_y_e_a_rl_y__
3.trip vi./vt 绊倒--_tr_i_pp_e_d_--_tr_i_p_pe_d n. 研究院,学会;专科院校
a. of or connected with seeing or sight b.b. show sadness because somebody has
died c.c. make a loud cry when you are in pain,
angry, excited, etc. d.d. the feeling of liking or loving sth/sb
very much and caring about them e.e. hit sth with a hammer f.f. happening or existing before the event
or object that you are talking about 2
1.comedy n.喜剧 喜剧演员_c_o_m_e_d_i_an____ 悲剧_t_r_a_g_ed_y___ 戏剧 _d_r_a_m_a_____
1.comedy n.喜剧 喜剧演员_c_o_m_e_d_i_an____ 悲剧_t_r_a_g_ed_y___ 戏剧 _d_r_a_m_a_____
2.weekly n. 周刊、周报 adj. 每周的 英语周报_E_n_g_li_sh__W__e_ek_l_y 每日的 _d_a_il_y_ 每年的_y_e_a_rl_y__
1.stage n. 舞__台_;__阶__段_,__时_期___ on (a) stage 在舞台上
Determined to go on the stage, Yang Mi went to Beijing Film Academy after the college entrance examination
2.weekly n. 周刊、周报 adj. 每周的 英语周报_E_n_g_li_sh__W__e_ek_l_y 每日的 _d_a_il_y_ 每年的_y_e_a_rl_y__
3.trip vi./vt 绊倒--_tr_i_pp_e_d_--_tr_i_p_pe_d n. 研究院,学会;专科院校
adj._a_c_a_d_em__ic___ 5. amuse vt. 逗笑,(使)娱乐
adj. _a_m__us_e_d_ / _a_m_u_s_in_g_ n. _a_m_u_s_e_m_e_n_t-- t_o__o_ne_’_s_a_m_u_s_e_m_e_nt
6.technical adj. 技术的,技能的 n. t_e_c_h_n_ol_o_g_y/ _te_c_h_n_iq_u_e__
adj._a_c_a_d_em__ic___ 5. amuse vt. 逗笑,(使)娱乐
adj. _a_m__us_e_d_ / _a_m_u_s_in_g_ n. _a_m_u_s_e_m_e_n_t-- t_o__o_ne_’_s_a_m_u_s_e_m_e_nt
6.technical adj. 技术的,技能的 n. t_e_c_h_n_ol_o_g_y/ _te_c_h_n_iq_u_e__
7.正如谚语所说,俗话说a_s_a_/_t_h_e_s_a_y_in_g_g_o_es 8.little-known adj. 鲜为人知的
反义词_w_e_l_l-_k_n_ow__n 比较级_b_e_t_te_r_-_k_n_ow__n 最高级_b_e_s_t_-_kn_o_w_n__
Test your memory
7.正如谚语所说,俗话说 a_s_a_/_t_h_e_s_a_y_in_g__g_oes 8.little-known adj. 鲜为人知的
反义词_w_e_l_l-_k_n_ow__n 比较级_b_e_tt_e_r_-_k_no_w_n_ 最高级_b_e_s_t-_k_n_o_w_n__
1.comedy n.喜剧 喜剧演员_c_o_m_e_d_i_an____ 悲剧_t_r_a_g_ed_y___ 戏剧 _d_r_a_m_a_____
6.technical adj. 技术的,技能的 n. t_e_c_h_n_ol_o_g_y/ _te_c_h_n_iq_u_e__
7.正如谚语所说,俗话说 a_s__a_s_a_y_in_g__g_oe_s__ 8.little-known adj. 鲜为人知的
反义词_w_e_l_l-_k_n_ow__n 比较级_b_e_t_t_er_-_k_n_o_w_n 最高级__be_s_t_-_k_n_ow__n _
Module 6 Unit 1 Words (1)
Choose the right meaning for each word
previous_f_.__ affection__d_. mourn __b_.__ howl ___c_. __ visual __a_. __ hammer__e_. _
3.trip vi./vt 绊倒--_tr_i_pp_e_d_--_tr_i_p_pe_d n. 研究院,学会;专科院校
adj._a_c_a_d_em__ic___ 5. amuse vt. 逗笑,(使)娱乐
adj. _a_m__us_e_d_ / _a_m_u_s_in_g_ n. _a_m_u_s_e_m_e_n_t-- t_o__o_ne_’_s_a_m_u_s_e_m_e_nt