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I remember having seen him somewhere.

She didn’t explain her theory clearly.


I was very busy yesterday.

They recently had an accident.

We have had no news from her yet.


You must always bear this in mind.

She is seldom ill.


He speaks English very well.

I don’t quite agree with you.

He didn’t work hard enough.



To test his idea, they recruited 276 healthy volunteers raging in age from 18 to 55.

If you have a sedentary job, you really need to exercise to maintain your bones.


The students were wild with joy to hear of your success.

She burst into tears to hear the news.


He went to the small island only to do nothing.

The old man came back from abroad to find that his hometown had greatly changed.


1. He ran so fast _______________________________________. (以便赶上第一班车。)

2. when I passed by,_________________________________. (她假装没看见。)

3. He is too excited ____________________________________. (以至于说不出话来。)



We live quite near my office.(地点)

Who knows what will happen in the future? (时间)

The sewing machine is worked by foot.(方式)

We’re waiting for them to arrive for lunch.(目的)

He worked himself to death.(结果)

He is so useful to me that I can’t do without him.(条件)

With all your faults, I still like you.(让步)

He lay on his bed with the sunlight falling on his face.(伴随状语)

I don’t believe in dream.(范畴)

What country do you come from?(来源)


He was not conscious of my presence in the room.

I am not interested in doing business with that firm.


John is now somewhere on the high seas, and we wish him a pleasant holiday.

Do you live here in Middle Town, Mr. John?


On the whole, Jack has been a good friend.

4. The game was postponed_____________________________________ . (因为下雨。)

5. He ran ________________________________________________ . (他跑去避雨。)

6. _____________________________ would you trust them? (你对他们信任程度如何?)



When (it is) completed, the canal will connect the river with the lake.

The graduates say they will go wherever (they are) needed.


Fearing that the police would recognize him he never went out in daylight.

Scolded by the teacher, the girl felt unfair.


(If they are) Coated with sugar, bananas will taste better.

(If I had been) Given more time, I would have done much better.


Even if (I were) invited, I wouldn’t go.

Though (they were) defeated again and again, they went on fighting.


He ran out of the room shouting.

He stared at me, (he was) astonished.


7. ______________________________ , I can also work out this problem. (再给我一个小时,)

8. ________________________________________, the book looks old. (由于用了很长时间,)

9. __________________________________________, I find it useful. (在阅读本书的过程中,)



