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• 中国烹调是在高度文明中发展起来的一种艺术。 中国烹调是在高度文明中发展起来的一种艺术。 做菜时要考虑口味搭配,菜的颜色要悦目 菜的颜色要悦目。 做菜时要考虑口味搭配 菜的颜色要悦目。你们 或许会品尝出中国国内的菜肴和在贵国中餐厅 的菜在质量、用料和烹调方式上的不同之处。 的菜在质量、用料和烹调方式上的不同之处

Chinese cookery is an art growing out of a highly developed civilization. The balance of flavors is kept in mind during its preparation and the color of a dish has to be satisfying to the eye. You will probably tell the difference in quality, ingredients and styles between the food prepared in China with those prepared at Chinese restaurants in your countries.
Xiamen is a tourist seaport where hills, the sea, a lake and the city blend into harmonious scenery. It is a city full of vitality and life which is expanding from an island city into a bay city. Welcome to Xiamen and enjoy the wonder of the sea within the city and the city on the sea.
Tourism Translation: Xiamen--Amoy Xiamen--Amoy
厦门是一个港口风景旅游城市, 有山、海、城、湖交融的城市 景观;厦门又是充满生机和活 力的城市,正在从一个海岛型 城市,发展成一个海湾型城市, “海在城中,城在海上”; 厦 门欢迎你。
厦门人有崇尚自然的传统,人 与自然在这里和睦相处。白鹭 是厦门市的市鸟;白海豚被市 民视为镇港鱼,还是厦门国际 马拉松比赛的吉祥物。厦门建 立了中华白海豚自然保护区和 白鹭岛自然保护区。
Xiamen has a fine tradition to respect the nature. Here man and nature are living in harmony. Egret is the city bird; white dolphin is regarded as the harbor protector and named as the auspicious/lucky symbol for Xiamen International Marathon. Xiamen has established the Chinese White Dolphin Natural Reserve and Egret Natural Reserve.
• 中国的素菜起源于寺庙, 而南普陀寺的素菜 中国的素菜起源于寺庙 堪称一绝, 既讲究色、 堪称一绝, 既讲究色、香、味,形四大要 又讲究菜名的韵味, 素菜雅名。有名的" 素, 又讲究菜名的韵味 素菜雅名。有名的 半月沉江"这道菜 这道菜, 半月沉江 这道菜,就是当年诗人郭沫若在 此用餐时起的。 此用餐时起的

The architecture of South Putuo Temple is rich in artistic form. Its main buildings stand on a central axis, facing the sea backed by the hill, and flanking the axis are secondary structures. The complexes are mostly made of granite with distinctive local features and the layout dignified and imposing as well as graceful and delicate.
中秋节在农历八月十五。 在中秋节, 中秋节在农历八月十五。 在中秋节,人们合 家团聚,赏月,吃月饼,思念远方亲友。 家团聚,赏月,吃月饼,思念远方亲友。厦 门还有一种独特的“搏饼”活动, 门还有一种独特的“搏饼”活动, 据说是 郑成功驱逐荷兰侵略者, 郑成功驱逐荷兰侵略者,收复台湾时流传 下来的习俗
厦门给人的第一感觉是温馨。 这种温馨体现出了厦门人的哲 学理念,那就是人与自然、人 与人之间的和睦与和谐。在厦 门,东西方文明融合,传统与 现代并存, 经济与环境双赢。
The first impression that Xiamen gives to its visitors is its warmth, a warmth that reflects the locals’ philosophy: harmony between man and nature and between human beings. In Xiamen, the east and the west civilizations blend, tradition and fashion interact and the economy is highly developed when the environment is well protected.
Biblioteka Baidu

Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. It is an important occasion for family getting together enjoying the full moon and the mooncake, and missing people far away from home and friends. Besides, Xiamen has a unique custom in observing the festival. People play the mooncake game, a custom believed to have been handed down from General Zheng Chenggong during his fight against Dutch invaders for the recovery of Taiwan
农历正月十五日是元霄节,人 们赏花灯,猜灯谜; 近年来, 在厦金两地还有看焰火庆元宵 的活动。 厦门和金门在元宵节 当晚隔海同步燃放焰火,同庆佳 节,火树银花辉映海峡上空。
Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the first lunar month, usually in February. Traditional celebrations for this day include enjoying the marvel of lanterns and guessing at lantern riddles. But a popular celebration has come up in recent years. On the festive night fireworks shows are displayed from Xiamen and Jinmen across the Strait at the same time The dazzling blaze lights up the Strait.
中秋节在农历八月十五。 在中 秋节,人们合家团聚,赏月,吃 月饼,思念远方亲友。厦门还有 一种独特的“搏饼”活动, 据 说是郑成功驱逐荷兰侵略者, 收复台湾时流传下来的习俗。
Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. It is an important occasion for family getting together enjoying the full moon and the mooncake, and missing people far away from home and friends. Besides, Xiamen has a unique custom in observing the festival. People play the mooncake game, a custom believed to have been handed down from General Zheng Chenggong during his fight against Dutch invaders for the recovery of Taiwan.
• Chinese vegetarian cuisine originates from temples. The vegetarian food made in South Putuo Temple is superior of its kind. The chefs are not only particular about the food’s color, aroma, flavor and shape, but also demanding in the poetic images the elegant names bring to the dishes. The well-known dish “half-moon at the river bottom” was created by a famous poet Gu Moruo, out of his fascinated dining experience here.
• 厦门是中国茶叶最大的出口地,品茶是厦 厦门是中国茶叶最大的出口地, 门市民最普遍的日常嗜好。 门市民最普遍的日常嗜好。厦门保存着古 中国的茶道, 讲究五境之美,即茶叶、茶水、 中国的茶道 讲究五境之美,即茶叶、茶水、 茶具、火候、环境。茶壶大小如拳头, 茶具、火候、环境。茶壶大小如拳头,杯 小如核桃,讲究慢饮。 小如核桃,讲究慢饮
Xiamen is the largest tea exporting center in China and a leisurely tea drinking is a most popular hobby for the locals. The ancient Chinese tea ceremony is well kept in Xiamen, which lays emphasis on decency of five components: tea leaves, water, tea-set, fire and setting. The teapot is as small as a fist and the cups are no larger than nuts. Leisurely sipping is the way to do it.
• 南普陀的建筑具有浓厚的艺术形式: 南普陀的建筑具有浓厚的艺术形式 寺庙的 主要建筑沿着中轴线而建, 依山面海, 主要建筑沿着中轴线而建 依山面海, 左右 两侧为辅助建筑; 建筑多采用花岗岩石料, 两侧为辅助建筑 建筑多采用花岗岩石料 独具地方特色; 独具地方特色;整个格局显得高贵尊严而 又典雅别致。 又典雅别致