

广告英语多用通俗易懂的词和单音节bq(张基,2003),如N i ke。
j ust do i t.(耐克,想做就做),这样的广告词简单、易懂;广告英语常用缩略词。
如W her e t o l ea ve you r t r oub l es w hen yO U fl y JA L(乘坐日航班机。
一路无忧)JA L是Japan A i r l i nes的缩写形式;广告英语繁用复合词。
如K odak Si ngl e—use--cal ner a8 t a ke pi ct u r es w h e r eyo uw oul d not no r m al l y t a ke yo ur e al ner a.(柯达一次性相机在你通常不带相机的场合拍出不平凡的照片),此广告通过复合词的使用,将产品的性能与用途表现得淋漓尽致;广告英语惯用创新词、杜撰词和外来词。

关键词:顺应论广告翻译语音顺应句式顺应1、顺应论概述1987年,国际语用学会秘书长维索尔伦提出了语用综观说,在他的pragmatics as a theory of linguistic adaptation书中指出,语言顺应即指语言顺应环境,或环境顺应语言,或两者同时相互顺应。
leo hickey 在其论文集《语用学与翻译》一书中指出,语用学有助于翻译“获得译文与原文之间的语用等值(pragmatic equivalence),从而在最大限度上使译文读者获得与原文读者同等的理解和感受”(leo hickey:1999)。

语境顺应论视角下的广告语言阐释戴丽琼(常州工学院外国语学院,江苏常州213001) 摘 要:顺应论是维索尔伦提出的语用学研究理论,它强调语言使用过程中所做出的语言选择必须顺应交际的环境和交际的对象。
关键词:顺应论;广告语言;语境中图分类号:H 31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-2129(2010)01-0071-04 收稿日期:2009-09-26 作者简介:戴丽琼(1972- ),女,江苏常熟人,常州工学院讲师,主要研究方向为语言学。
广告(adv ertise)原于拉丁语的advertere 一词,意为“唤起大众对某种事物的注意并诱导于一定的方向所使用的一种手段”。
1999年比利时国际语用学学会秘书长、比利时安特卫普大学教授Jef V erschueren 在他的新著Understanding Pr ag matics 一书中提出了一个全新的理论即“顺应性理论”(Adaptatio n T heor y )和语用综观视角,以全新的视角去理解和诠释语用学。
Jef Verschueren 的综观论从认知的、社会的、文化的综合角度,全方位考察语言现象及其运行的行为方式。
一、顺应论理论顺应论是国际语用学会秘书长Jef Verschueren 在他的Understanding Pragm atics 一书中提出的。

顺应论指导下的英语商业广告翻译策略选择和运用1 导言商业广告翻译是一门重要的翻译工作,它关系着广告宣传的效果和产品的销售。
2 顺应论策略在商业广告翻译中,顺应论策略是一种常用的翻译方法。
具体来说,顺应论策略的运用包括以下几个方面:2.1 目标受众的知识、文化、习惯和价值观在商业广告翻译中,翻译人员需要调查和了解目标受众的知识、文化、习惯和价值观。
2.2 语言的翻译技巧在商业广告翻译中,语言技巧是非常重要的。
2.3 社会文化因素的考虑在商业广告翻译过程中,翻译人员需要考虑社会文化因素。
3 注意事项在商业广告翻译过程中,需要注意以下几点:3.1 不能篡改原意商业广告翻译不能篡改原意。
3.2 不必与原文完全一致商业广告翻译不必与原文完全一致。
3.3 采用语言技巧商业广告翻译需要采用各种语言技巧。

比如:Wherever you are in the world, wherever you are in your life,we’re always ready to here from you.(HSB汇丰银行)这则广告语因“always”这个模糊性的频度副词的使用而成功,原因就是读到这样的广告语,消费者自然会觉得汇丰银行的服务非常周到,让他们相信汇丰银行会总是相伴左右,从而选择该银行的服务。

- 234 -校园英语 /语言文化从结构顺应看英语广告中的语用模糊成都理工大学外国语学院/向凤雅【摘要】顺应论是语言使用者对不同语言做出的不同选择。
【关键词】语用模糊 英语广告 结构顺应一个好的广告应同时满足吸引注意、产生兴趣、刺激购买、加深印象和发出行动这些因素。
以下是一些例子:1)Less bread. No jam. 2)Everybody kneads (needs) it.例子1是一个伦敦交通公司的广告。
“Bread ” 是“钱”的俚语,而 “jam ”的另一个意思是“拥挤”。

c n e t a a t r n o c n i e a i n s c s p y i a r me t lwo n o i lwo l .I h sp p r d e tsn a g a e wi e d s u s d fo o t x u f c o s i t o sd r t , u h a h sc lwo l l o d, n a dd a d s c a rd n t i a e ,a v rii g l n g l b i c s e r m u l
【 关键词】 顺应论; 广告 ; 言选择 语 【 src ] codn rcu rn uigl g aem s cni f h o t u u kn figi i cocs A vrs glnu g s gi a AbtatA crigt Vesh ee , s n ug ut os t ecni o s igo nus c h ie. deti agaeui s o n a sot n ma l t in n
p o e so kn h ie n ln a esrcue o e sye om n rg t t tg n od rt es a e tep bi.Ad e t e a et a e te r cs fma igc oc si a g g t tr,c d , tl,fr a d p a mai sr e yi re p ru d h u l u u c a o c v ri r h v o tk h ss

该理论是1987年由耶夫﹒维索尔伦在其书Pragmatics as a Theory of Linguistic Adaptation首次提出,并在1999年出版的Understanding Pragmatics一书中进一步完善和发展了该理论。

【关键词】顺应论;选择;等值翻译;广告翻译1.顺应论简介Verschueren 在他的著作《语用学新解》中指出,语言的选择是从语境、语言结构等方面动态地根据不同的心理意识程度而做出某种顺应,语言使用的过程就是语言选择的过程,这种选择是有意识的或无意识的,出于语言内部或外部的原因做出的。

二、顺应论概述顺应论是由国际语用学会秘书长Jef Verschueren 提出。
人们之所以能在语言使用中不断进行语言选择,是由于人类语言具有以下三个重要特征,即变异性( variability )、商讨性( negotiability )和顺应性( adaptability )。
变异性指语言具有系列可供选择的可能性;商讨性是指语言的选择不是机械地按照规则或固定地按照形式- 功能关系做出,而是在高度灵活的语用原则和语用策略的基础上来完成;语言的顺应性则是指语言使用者能从可供选择的不同语言项目中做出灵活的选择,从而尽量满足交际的需要。
根据顺应论,要从以下四个方面描述和解释语言的使用,即语境关系的顺应 ( contextual correlates of adaptability )、语言结构的顺应( structural objects of adaptability )、顺应的动态性( dynamics of adaptability )以及顺应过程的意识程度( salience of adaptation processes )。


摘要: 广告双关语作为一种专门用途文体,有其特殊的功能和语言特征,这决定了广告双关语的翻译有其独特的标准和特点。
关键词: 顺应论; 广告双关语; 语言结构; 交际语境;英语论文范文一、广告双关语法国著名的广告评论家罗贝尔·罗兰曾经这样形容:“我们呼吸的空气是由氧气,氮气和广告组成的”。

二、广告翻译的语用特点广告翻译具有以下语用特点:1. 多样化和创新性广告翻译的核心目的是推销产品或服务,而不是简单地传递信息。
2. 针对性广告翻译应对目标受众进行针对性的翻译,以便于在目标文化中产生共鸣。
3. 简洁性和清晰度广告翻译需要具有简洁性和清晰度,在短时间内吸引目标受众的眼球和注意力。
4. 品牌一致性广告翻译需要维持品牌一致性,尤其是在跨国公司中,品牌形象往往与公司的核心价值相关联。
三、广告翻译的语用顺应理论广告翻译的语用顺应理论,包括Grice的说话准则、Austin和Searle的言语行为理论、Relevance Theory 等。
1. Grice的说话准则Grice的说话准则指出,语言交流应遵守一系列的准则,如信息的最大化,言外之意的最小化等等。

Ke r s Ad e ii g En ls y wo d : v r sn g ih;S y e Ch r ce itc ;Ad p ai n Th o t tl a a t r i s s a tto e r y
中 图分 类 号 : 3 H1
1 引 言 .
文 献 标 识 码 : A
c s so h h r ce si so d etsn n l h i e i a ,s n a t n h t r a e e t x n p e .An h n c ris o tsu i so — u e n t e c a a t r t fa v rii g E g i n l xe l y tc i a d r eo i llv l h e a ll s i c s c c wi d t e are u t d e n Ad v rii g En l h fo t e Ad p a in T e r e s e t e w t h x e tt n t r g s me h n s f rsy it s su y e t n gi r m h a tt h o y p rp c i i t e e p c ai o b n o i t o tlsi t d . s s o v h o i c

制 进 行 了分 析探 讨 。 英 语 广 告 语 言 的 选 择 是 对 广 告 受众 的 心
智 世 界 、 交世 界 和 物 理 世 界 , 特 殊 的 交 际语 境 进 行 动 态顺 社 对
关键词 : 应论 顺
顺 应 性 选择
随 着 商 品经 济 全 球 化 的 日益 发展 ,英 语 广 告 已渗 透 到 生 活 的 方 方 面 面 。 响 着人 类 的衣 食 住 行 。 国学 者 路 易 斯 提 出 影 美
从 顺 应 论 角 度 看 英 语 广 告 语 言 的 选 择
陈 焕 红
( 名 学 院 外 国语 学 院 , 东 茂名 5 5 0 ) 茂 广 20 0
要 : 章 以 美 国近 期 重 要 期 刊 杂 志 中 刊 登 的 广 告 为 文
研 究语 料 .用 维 索 尔伦 的 顺 应 论 对 其 英 语 广 告 语 言的 选 择 机
顺 应 理 论
维索尔伦在他的《 用学 新解》 语 中提 出 了 语 言 顺 应 理 论 。 作 者 认 为 . 言使 用 过 程 是 不 断 选 择 语 言 的 过 程 , 由 语 言 内 语 它 部( 即结 构 ) 者 语 言 外 部 的原 因所 驱 动 。语 言 使 用 者 一 旦 使 或 用 语 言 , 要 根 据语 言 的 三 种 特 性 ( 异性 、 讨 性 和 顺 应 性 ) 就 变 商 对 语 言作 出选 择 。三 种 特 性 中 , 应 性 为 主 要 特 性 , 语 语 言 顺 英 使用 的过 程 其 实 就 是 在 不 同 的意 识 程 度 下 对 语 言结 构 和 语境 相关 要 素 之 间 的 相 互 顺 应 的 过 程 。 英 语 语 言 的使 用 必 须 要 顺应 交 际双 方 的心 智 世 界 、 理 世 界 和 社 交 世 界 。 语 语 言 使 物 英 用 过 程 中要 顺 应 的范 围很 广 , 向到 边 , 向 到 底 , 外 在 到 横 纵 从 内 在 , 言 的使 用无 不 包 含 着 顺 应 理 论 的 运 用 。 语 二 、 语 广 告语 言 中顺 应 性 的 体 现 英 V r h ee 认 为 .语 境 ” 语 言 交 际 的 环 境 , 与 话 语 相 es urn c “ 是 指 互顺 应 的一 切 因素 . 括 交 际 语 境 和 语 言 语 境 。 际 语 境 属 于 包 交 非 语 言 语 境 , 括 物 质 世 界 、 交 世 界 和 心 智 世 界 。 口 为 一 包 社 作 种 言语 交 际 .英 语 பைடு நூலகம் 告 语 言 的酝 酿 和 成 型也 是 广告 创作 者顺

Ke r s Lig itcAd p ain Th o y d e tsm e t r n lt n;l g itcsr cu e ywo d : n usi a tto e r ;a v rie n sta sai o i usi tu t r n
关键词 : 语言顺应理论 ; 广告翻译 ; 语言结构
中图 分 类 号 : 1. H35 9 文 献标 志码 : A 文 章 编 号 :083 3 (0 9 0 —180 10 —6 4 2 0 )40 2—4
La g a e S r c u a a t to n Ad E- Tr n lto n u g tu t r lAd p a i n i C a sa i n.
Vo. 3No 4 12 .
Au . 0 9 g 2 0
广 告英 汉 翻译 中的语 言结 构顺 应
从语言顺应理论 的角度研究
( 肥 工 业 大 学 外 国语 言 学 院 , 肥 合 合 200) 3 0 9
要 : Vesh ee 以 rc urn的语 言顺应理论为基础 , 探讨英文广告汉译时语言结构顺应 问题 , 从顺应 理论 的角度
Fr m h r p c i e o n u s i a t t n Th o y o t ePe s e tv fLi g itcAd p a i e r o
ZHANG i-e g Jn fn
( h o fFo eg t de ,H ee ie st fTe h lg ,H ee 3 0 ,Chn ) c S o lo rin S u is fiUnv riyo c noo y fi2 0 09 ia

Verschueren 的语用综观论强调了语言使用过程中连续的选择和动态的顺应,从认知、社会、文化等多维度透视语言现象和语言的应用方式,因此对翻译研究和翻译实践有较强的阐释力。
一、顺应论概述1987年比利时语用学家Jef Verschueren(耶夫·维索尔伦)在Pragmatics as a Theory of Linguistics Adaptation一书中提出了顺应论,从综合的角度探讨了语言现象的成因、诠释了语言使用过程。
十年后,在另一部著作Understanding Pragmatics中,他进一步修改完善了顺应论。
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关键词:广告顺应论语言特征ABSTRACTIn modern society, the influence of advertising is so strong and widespread that no one can avoid it. With the overwhelming development of advertisement, it is so closely related with social life. The advertising language is not the simple commercial terminology and linguistic notation, but a kind of language that use various of language skills. Under the situation of economic globalization, the internationalization of advertising is becoming more and more obvious. Therefore, the advertising language must be adapted to the audience language and communication context. So this paper will give an analysis to the characteristic of English advertising under the adaption theory. It includes three aspects: adapt the language, culture and psychology of target audience, and gives a conclusion at the end of this paper.KEY WORDS:Advertising Adaptation Theory Language characteristics桂林理工大学本科学年论文CONTENTS1. Introduction (1)2.Advertising (2)2.1The Origin of A dvertising (2)2.2The Definition of A dvertising (3)2.3The Function of English A dvertising (4)3. The Language Characteristic of English A dvertising (4)3.1 Characteristics of Lexicon (4)3.2 Characteristics of Syntax (5)3.3 Characteristics of R hetoric (5)4. The Adaption T heory (5)5. The Characteristics of English Advertising under the Adaption T heory (6)5.1 To Adapt the Language of Target A udience (6)5.2 To Adapt the Culture of Target A udience (7)5.3 To Adapt the Psychology of Target A udience (8)6. Conclusion (8)Bibliography (9)Acknowledgements (10)The Language Characteristics of English Advertising under theAdaption Theory1.IntroductionNowadays, under the situation of economic globalization, the internationalization of advertising is becoming more and more obvious. Therefore, the advertising language must be adapted to the audience language and communication context. The adaptation theory is proposed by Verschueren for pragmatic investigation. It thinks that: in the process of using language, the language choice must be adapted to the communication environment and communication objects.(Jef V erschueren: 2000)Advertising is a communicative action and its ultimate aim is to arouse the interest of consumers, so as to promote the purchase act. When study the characteristics of English advertising under the adaption theory, we can achieve the commercial purpose and the social effect of the advertisements more easily according to the target readers with different language psychologies, cultures and value orientations.2、AdvertisingAdvertising is a form of communication used to encourage or persuade audience (viewers, readers or listeners, sometimes a specific group of people.) to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering, Advertising messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via various traditional media; including mass media such as newspaper, magazines, television commercial, radio advertisement, outdoor advertising or direct mail; or new media such as blogs and websites and text messages.2.1 The Origin of AdvertisingThe origin of advertising is related to the definition which people give to it. in the book “History of Advertising” which published in 1875.Mr.henry Sampson described the origin of advertising as follows:…… There is little doubt that the desire among tradesmen and merchants to make good their wares has had an existence almost as long as the customs of buying and selling, and it is but natural to suppose that advertisements in some shape or form have existed not only from time immemorial, but almost for all time.(Jef V ers-chueren:2000)For the reason that the spoken language was developed earlier then the written language, so the earliest advertising media must be mouth-to-mouth. The evidence demonstrated that the history of advertising can be traced back to the old Greece, at that time the peddler attracted customs by horn, and they appealed them and sold their products to them. This can be seen as the earliest advertising in the world.In the middle age in Britain, a golden arm that waves hammer represented the goldsmith; in China the signs for things like the signboard for tavern came into being. In the 17th century, with the up surging of European’s industrial revolution, the newspaper pushed a further development for the advertising. Upon the entering of the 20th century and a hundred year after that the media of advertising developed more rapid than ever, from the wireless in 20s to the creation of the television station in1939, advertising made new breakthrough. In modern commercial society the importance of advertisement is as much as its products. The rapid development of information technology in the 20th century has provided new room for allareas. After the commercial use of international website the e-commerce came into being and flourished. With the rapid development as well as the quick spread of the Internet, the e-advertising has developed quickly, and it will become one of the most potential effective and economic means of advertising.2.2、The Definition of AdvertisingThere are various definitions of advertising according to different perspectives or purposes. Encyclopedia Britannica defines advertisement as follows:“Advertising is a form of communication intended to promote the sale of a product or service, to influence public opinion, to gain political support, to advance a particular cause, or to elicit some other response desired by the advertiser. …Advertising is distinguished from other forms of communication in that the advertiser pays the media to deliver the message.”(Encyclopedia Britannica, V olume I, 1994)According to the Definition Committee of American Marketing Association), advertising is defined as follows:“Advertising is the non-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the vario us media.”From the above given definitions, it’s not difficult for us to find that the advertising commonly has follow components:(1)Advertising is directed to groups of people rather than individuals (no personal). The groups of people are the intended or the target audience of the advertisement communication.(2)Most advertising t is paid for by sponsors, except some public service ads.(3)Most advertising is intended to be persuasive —to convince people to buy products or services, but some ads promote the images of enterprises.(4)The sponsor must be identified. It appears as trademark, brand name of products or services, or the name of an enterprise in the advertisement.(5)Advertising reaches us through media.2.3、The Function of English AdvertisingGenerally speaking the advertising has the following listed functions: information function、demand creation function、persuasive function、get action function、goodwill establishment function.(王希燕: 2004)All this functions can be fall into two categories: the economic functions and the ideological functions.The economic role of advertising may be its primary role. It bridges markets, products and consumer goods to the public and thus to support the free economy. It can help the consumers to identify and differentiate products and build brand preference and loyalty.To make an in-depth study, we find that advertising involves social values and attitudes. Nowadays, more and more advertising adopts the style of emotion appeal. They suggest our concerns about relationship, our sense of social status, happiness and contentment and many others. It may be said that advertising is a mirror of ideology and culture. By imposing images on the products and services, advertising can influence our attitudes and feelings and meet our ideological needs so as to persuade us to act. For instance, some advertisers claim that the consumption of their products will give youth, love, social acceptance etc.3、The Language Characteristic of English AdvertisingIn a highly developed society, advertisements have great impact on us almost everywhere. With the further development of globalization, English has become an international language, thus English in advertising has become the focus of everyone’s attention.As a practical language, with its high effectiveness, English in advertising has evolved from common language into an informal professional language. English in advertising differs from common English not only in words but also in its style.With the rapid development of advertising and with the rapid advancement of science and technology as well as social changes,English in advertising has changed a lot. To those who learn and love English, learning the characteristics of English in advertising will improve themselves as well as provide them the chance to enjoy the language art.As a special language, English in advertising has its distinctive characteristics in lexicon, syntax and rhetoric. It differs from common English. In some cases, the final purpose of advertising is to persuade the consumer to buy certain goods or accept certain services. Thus, the language of advertising English pursues a sort of language art, on condition that to master this language art is to get the key to the success of advertising.3.1 Characteristics of LexiconEnglish in advertising and common English contains obvious differences in selecting words. Advertising language, as a medium of disseminating information, aims mainly at attracting the consumer’s attention, it uses the thriftiest words, explains the profound things insimple way, and produces instant results.In order to make consumers easily and effectively accept the advertising information, the English in advertising often be used carefully and skillfully, the characteristics of the language in advertising and the consumer’s psychology need to be considered.3.2 Characteristics of SyntaxAdvertising regards social masses as the subject of consideration, everybody in the society may be the possible consumer. So the sentence in advertisement must be popular, simple and clear. The sentences must catch the consumer’s eyes all at once. Longwinded sentences often make people bored; simple sentences are understandable, powerful, colloquial, cordial and easy to be accepted by consumers. So, simple sentence is the basic characteristic of the sentence in English advertising.3.3 Characteristics of RhetoricRhetoric, in brief, is an instrument that on the basis of purport and context, using various kinds of language materials and expression techniques, expressing all the things being expressed appropriately. Rhetoric is used to study language from the angle of use, it is regarded as a powerful implement for strengthening the effect of language expressing, and it occupies an indispensable position in advertising English.Rhetorical devices in advertising English serves the purpose of the content, it should suit the content and induce the consumer to get into a wonderful world of product. This requests the copywriter to achieve the purpose of attention value and memory value. The copywriter tries to be fanciful in selecting words and making sentences and also tries to produceunconventional creative power.4、The Adaption TheoryAdaptation Theory was established by Jef Verchueren who was the general secretary of International Pragmatics Association in his book Understanding Pragmatics in 2000. It suggests the contextual correlates of adaptability, the structural objects of adaptability and the dynamics of adaptability in linguistic choice. Met pragmatic indicators are a linguistic component that has no effect on the truth value of the utterance but expresses emotional or attitudinal or procedural meanings. They are used for the uttered to construct the text and to help or lead the hearer to the adaptation of the uttered communicative intention.5、The Characteristics of English Advertising Under The Adaption TheoryThe adaption theory provides a new theory frame to the study of language phenomenon .Verchueren thinks that in order to realize the aim of communication, the advertising language must be adapted to the audience language and communication context. Advertising is a communicative action and its ultimate aim is to arouse the interest of consumers, so as to promote the purchase act. Therefore, the advertising language must be adapted to the language, psychology, culture of the target readers with a view so as to achieve the commercial purpose and the social effect of the advertisements.5.1 To Adapt the Language of Target AudienceLanguage has a powerful influence over people and their behavior. This is especially true in the fields of marketing and advertising. The choice of language to convey specific messages with the intention of influencing people is vitally important.Visual content and design in advertising have a very great impact on the consumer, but it is language that helps people to identify a product and remember it.The English language is known for its extensive vocabulary. Where many other languages have only one or two words which carry a particular meaning, English may have five or six.Moreover, the meanings of these five or six words may differ very slightly and in a very subtle way. It is important to understand the connotation of a word. Connotation is the feeling or ideas that are suggested by a word, rather than the actual meaning of the word. Armchair, for example, suggests comfort, whereas chair arouses no particular feelings.The target audience, of course, also puts its own meaning into certain words. Different people sometimes interpret language in different ways.For example, the advertisement word “never late on Father’s Day”, two [ei] make it harmonious. But it is very different to reserve these kinds of music’s beauty in Chinese. Otherwise, the translator should notice some pronunciations which maybe because bad effect in others language. For example, the Toshiba company in Japan once used a advertisement word “东芝(Toshiba), 东芝(Toshiba),大家的东芝(our Toshiba)”. This is advertisement lyric. But some young people use partial tone to translate “偷去吧,偷去吧,大家的东西”. It makes this advertisement in strict. And “Toshiba”becomes “goods”; the impression of “Toshiba”becomes weaker.5.2 To Adapt the Culture of Target AudienceCulture plays an important role in the process of choice-making in communication,especially in cross-culture communication. According to the basic communicating process, cross-culture is indispensible to media. So advertising act as an important form or medium of communication by transmitting the message of products and services as well as culture information to the target audiences.Language is a part of culture, and also is the cultural carrier. It reflects national characters. It not only contains the background of history and culture, but also holds some opinions about life, life-way, and thinking-way. And advertisement word is reflected by culture.The audience of advertisement is consumer. When advertising in a new environment .people must study the consumer behavior in that country. Many factors influence consumer behavior, including cultural background, political views, religious belief, individual preference, age, sex, income, consumption habit and so on. Cultural factors include culture, politics, religion, habit, etc. or they will definitely encounter some difficulties.For example, the English word “dragon” is often associated with fire and portrayed as breathing fire, or else as a creature of that primeval chaos which was to be destroyed only through disciplined marshaling of mental and physical prowess; but its corresponding word “龙”in Chinese is usually understood as a symbol of happiness, capable of producing the potion of immortality (Biedermann, 1989). If “金龙牌”was translated as “Golden Dragon”, it would have negative effect among western community.Another typical example is about the promotion of the “OPIUM” brand fragrance in China. The advertiser’s intention is to appeal consumers through the attraction of opium. Buthe doesn’t know that opium is what Chinese people hate. It associates with invasion and the national humiliation in Chinese historical culture. As a result, the fragrance was violently resisted by Chinese people after it appeared in Chinese market. And later on it was banned from being sold in China for violating Chinese trademark law.So, according to the above given examples, we can learn that if people want their products be accepted by customers successfully, the advertisement language should adapt to the culture of target audience.5.3 To Adapt the Psychology of Target AudienceVerschueren thinks that he psychological world contains personalities, personal feelings, beliefs, intensions, motivations and other cognitive factors. Advertizing can be considered as an art of persuasiveness and encourage. Advertisers should also cater the Psychological word of target audience and satisfied their needs physically or psychologically. Therefore, when launching an advertising campaign , the advertiser should make some adoptions to consumer’s psychological world and motivation to purchase.The Chinese product“轻身减肥片”is a classical case ,its English advertisement was“obesity deducting tablets”at first stage .However, the product did not have a good selling in America because of its translated advertisement in America. In American’s eyes ,this medicine was just fit for “obese people”,which violated the consuming psychology of the buyers. After the name of this changed as “slimming pills”,it enjoyed an expected selling over the whole market.There also an typical case:“满堂红”was an real estate company in China. In the practical promotion activity ,the advertiser made the English advertisement as “my top home”,which was irrelevant to theoriginal version. However, it was proved that the effect of this advertisement was remarkable. All in all the advertiser caught the consumer’s psychological motivations and used “My”to move the audience,“Top”to express the roundness of my own home.“home is an emotional word and full of warmth, harmony ,and love .This diction increased the emotional communications and cordial feelings between and manufacturers. Undoubtedly this advertisement can facilitate the purchase action.6. ConclusionIn the book, “Understanding Pragmatics”Verschueren said:“there is no principled limit to the range of social factors that linguistic choice are interadaptable with. Most of them have to do with properties of social settings or institutions.”(Understanding Pragmatics,2000)It is no doubt that either linguistic factors or cultural factors have to be taken into consideration in drafting English advertisements.Language, image symbols and colors may carry different meanings in different cultures, and people living in different cultures also differ in their pragmatic rules, values, and beliefs and so on. As a result flexible adaption both to linguistic reality and social world is necessary to avoid possible misunderstandings.Bibliography[1] Courland L.Bovee. William F Arens. Contemporary Advertising [M]. U.S.A: Von Hoffman Press, 2000.[2] Grey Myers. Advertising Language Varieties and Its Social Contexts[M]. 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Without her constructive suggestions, patient guidance and kind encouragement, the completion of the paper would not have been possible.I would also show my gratitude to Mr. Hu Jin who gave me the reference book, “Understanding Pragmatics”, and also helped me in the course of this paper writing. My thanks go to all the teachers who have taught me in my study.At the same time, let me thank all my friends, classmates, who have either lectured to me, orencouraged me, or supported me during my four years' study and enjoy my pleasure and share my difficulty in those past days.。