鲁教版九年级英语复习教案:Unit 8 We’re trying to save the earth!——L5

鲁教版九年级英语复习教案:Unit 8 We’re trying to save the earth!——L5
鲁教版九年级英语复习教案:Unit 8 We’re trying to save the earth!——L5

Unit 8 We’re trying to save the earth!

The Fifth Period Section B 2a–2e & Grammar

【Teaching aims】

一、(1)听、说、读、写以下词汇:gate, bottle, president, metal

熟练掌握以下词组:upside down, be made of

(2) 了解以下词或词组的含义:inspiration, creative


1) Do you often throw away things you don't need anymore?

2) You have probably never heard of Amy Hayes, but she is a most unusual woman.

3) And the gate in front of her house is made of rocks and old glass bottles.

4) Amy isn't the only one who is good at recycling.

5) I hope people can read my book and enjoy it!




【Teaching steps】

Warm-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)

1.Do you remember the main idea of each paragraph?

Parts of the house Mat erials used

The windows and doors

The top of the house

The gate in front of her house

3.Let’s review Jessica’s story.

(1) How long has Jessica Wong been using old clothes to make bags?

(2) How does she sell her bags?

4.Let’s review Wang Tao’s story.

Wang Tao’s "metal art"

Wang Tao _______ _______ for using iron and other materials from old cars to make beautiful art pieces. The more popular works _______ even ________ seen in art shops around the city. Wang Tao hopes to set up a "metal art" theme park to show people the importance of environmental protection. Not only can the art bring happiness to others, but it also shows that even cold, hard iron ______ ______ ________ back to life with a little creativity.



Discuss in groups:

What can we learn from this sentence?

Not only can the art bring happiness to others, but it also shows that even cold, hard iron can be brought back to life with a little creativity.

Not only … but also …是一个并列连词,相当于汉语的“


例如:篮球不仅成为一项人们喜欢玩的运动,也成为一项人们喜欢观看的运动。Basketball has not only become a popular sport to pl ay but it has also become a popular sport to watch.

当not only连接两个并列分句时,not only分句用倒装语序。

Not only did he hear it, but he also saw it.

Not only can he speak Chinese fluently, but he can also speak English well.


Discuss in groups:

What can we learn from this sentence?

T he top of the house is an old boat turned upsi de down.

此处过去分词短语turned upside down 意为”被翻转过来的:被颠倒过来的“,用作后置定语。

例如:the sign on the wall

the children boating on the lake

the stories invented by eight-and nine- year-olds

a machine that can do many kinds of housework


Discuss in g roups:

What can we learn from this sentence?

She lives in a house in the UK that she built herself out of rubbish.

that she built …是以定语从句,修饰前面的名词house

build/make … out of …表示“ _________________” .

例如:This art piece is _____________ glass.

The houses in the last were always ____________ stone.


1. The man built a house_________ trash.

A. out

B. of

C. into

D. out of

2. We often call _________ Mr. Recycling.

A. he

B. his

C. him

D. her

3. We have never visited t he museum, but we have ______ it.

A. stood for

B. belonged to

C. heard about

D. kept on

4. A: What do you think of my shirt? It ___ cotton.

B: —It looks nice on you.

A. is made in

B. is made for

C. is made of

D. is made by

5. A: It’s difficult for village children to cross the river to school.

B:I think a bridge _____over the river.

A. should be built

B. will build

C. is built

D. was built


人教版新目标九年级英语Unit4单元教案 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section A (1a-2d) 学习目标 1.重点单词:humorous,silent,helpful,score 2.重点短语:used to,be afraid of,get good scores,from time to time 3.重点句式:—Did Mario use to be short? —Yes,he did.He used to be really short. —What's he like now? —He's tall now. She was never brave enough to ask questions. This party is such a great idea! It's been three years since we last saw our primary school classmates. Billy has changed so much! I used to see him reading in the library every day. 学习重点 1.重点短语和句型 2.能够用used to叙述过去的事情 学习难点 1.重点短语和句型

2.能够用used to 叙述过去的事情 自主学习 一、预习课本P25-26新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。 1.有幽默感的__________ 2.不说话的__________ 3.有帮助的__________ 4.进球__________ 二、认真预习1a-2d找出下列短语和句型。 1.过去经常__________________________________________________________ ______________ 2.害怕__________________________________________________________ ______________ 3.得高分__________________________________________________________ ______________ 4.时常;有时__________________________________________________________ ______________ 5.—Mario过去很矮。 —他现在长得什么样呢? —他现在很高。 __________________________________________________________

九年级英语《Unit 6 Reading》教案 苏教版

九年级英语《Unit 6 Reading》教案苏教版 1. Tea ching aims: 2) Watch the film. 2) Check their answers. 3) Read t he new words. 4) Skim Listen to the tape and answer the following 3 questions: a) Who was murdered? b) When did the murder take place? c) So far how many suspects do the police have ? 5) Scan Say: Now please read the article more carefully and try to tell the following sentences T or F. If it is false, please correct the mistake. a)The victim’s body was found in Valley Town. _____

b)The victim sold computer programs. _____ c)The victim worked in New Town, _____ d)It is possible that there was more than one attacker. _____ e)The victim had lots of enemies. _____ f)The victim was attacked with a gun. _____ g)The su spect is a short, fat man. _____ h)The police have arrested the murderer. _____ i)The victim’s parents offered a reward for information. _____ 6) Check their answers. 7) Listen Say: Now listen to the tape and try to underline the difficult sentences and phrases that you don’t understand. 8) Read the article themselves for several minutes then ask 8 students to read one paragraph by one paragraph. While re ading, after each paragraph, do some explanations about the difficult points. Also do some explanations about the title. Show the students more examples. 9) Read together with the tape once. Step 3. Skim 1) Ask the students to finish the exercise of Part C1, then check their answers by ask ing 2 pairs of students to read it. 2) Ask the students to work in pairs and tick out the main idea of the article.(slide show) the victim: clues: suspects: the police: 3) Check out their answers orally, then give out the answers on pieces of paper. 4) Interview: Work in groups of 8. Four work as the reporter, who is from the

新目标英语九年级教案unit 1unit 6

How do you study for a test?单元分析 内容提示 本单元主要内容是学会利用verb十by/with gerund 表示方式方法来讨论学习英语的策略,认识自己在学习方面的长处和不足。初步了解现在完成时的结构和用法。现在完成时由助动词have/has+动词的过去分词构成,主要表示过 去发生的某一动作对现在仍有影响或造成的后果,常与already,yet,just,ever,never等副词连用。 教学目标 一、学习目标(Language Goal) 1. Talk about how to study . 学会讨论各种学习方法和策略。 2. Find out your suitable learning methods. 找出适合自己的学习方法。 二、语言结构(Language Structures) 1. Verb + by with gerund by+动名词短语表示“通过…途径,方法” 2. How questions have引导的特殊疑问句 三、目标语言(Target Language) 1. How do you study for tests ? 你是怎样准备考试的? Well , I study by working with my classmates.

哦,我和同学们一起学习。 2. Have you ever studied with a group ? 你曾经参加过学习小组吗? Yes , I have . I’ve learned a lot that way . 是的,参加过。通过这种方式我学了许多。 3. I don’t have a partner to practice English with . 我没有同伴可以练习英语。 Maybe you should join an English club. 或许,你应该参加一个英语俱乐部。 4. What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation ? 大声朗读来练习发音怎么样? Why don’t you join an English language club ? 你为什么不参加一个英语俱乐部呢? 四、重点词汇(Key words and phrases) 1. flashcard n. 抽认卡 2. frustrating a. 令人沮丧的 3. memorize v. 记忆,背诵 4. aloud adv. 出声地、高声地 5. comma n. 逗号 6. pronunciation n. 发音 7. solution n. 解决办法 8. not at all 根本(不) 全然(不)


Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes 一. 本周教学内容: [话题](Topic): Rules [重点词组](Key Phrases) 1.be allowed to do 2. go out with one’s friends 3. part-time job 4. get sth. done 5.need to do sth. 6. instead of, instead 7. be strict with 8.concentrate on 9. get noisy 10. be good for 11.clean up 12. at least 13.perform a play 14.take time to do sth. 15. reply to 16. chat online, 17. material things 18.the latest jeans 19. agree with sth.(sb.) 20. make one’s life easier 21. send text messages 22.give sb. Direction 23. Beijing Youth Daily 24.be proud of 25. build one’s life on hard work, 26. have Friday afternoons off [交际用语] 1. I think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive 我认为应该允许16岁的孩子开车。 2. I disagree. I think sixteen is too young. 我不同意,我认为16岁这个年纪太年轻了。 3. Do you think thirteen-year-olds should be allowed to have part-time jobs ? 你认为应该允许13岁的孩子们做兼职工作吗? 4. No , I don’t . 不,我认为不应该。 5. Anna is allowed to wear her own clothes. 安娜可以选择自己的衣服。 6. They are not serious enough at that age. 那个年龄的他们不够稳重。 7. -What rules do you have at home ? 你家有什么规定吗? -Well , I’m not allowed to go out on school nights. 噢,我在周一至周五不能外出。 [重点难点释义](Language Points) 1. the other day 我们还可以说the other day , morning , week , month. 不久前的一天,一个上午、一个星期、一个月等 I saw him in London the other day. 我最近有一天在伦敦见过他。 2. get to 着手做某事 …and I got to talking about the rules … He got to doing the homework after supper. 3. concentrate on sth . 专注于某事(做某件事而不做其他事) He decided to concentrate on English because he just failed the exam. 他决心专攻英语因为他刚刚考试不及格。 This company concentrate on the Chinese market.

最新人教版九年级英语Unit1 教案

Unit 1How can we become good learners? 1 2 单元话题 Talk about how to study, in this unit, students learn to talk 3 about how to study for a test and give advice to those who have difficulties 4 in studying. 5 单元语法By + sth./doing sth. 6 教学目标 7 1.语言目标:理解重点句子,掌握学习英语的方法。介词by引导的方式状语8 的合理运用。 9 2.技能目标:正确运用动名词谈论学习中的问题。 10 3.情感目标:通过开展角色表演等活动,培养学生阅读兴趣。通过本单元的阅11 读,培养学生的文化意识,陶冶思想情操,让学生树立终身学习的道德素养。 12 13 14 第一课时Section A(1a~2d) 15 自主学习案 16 翻译下列词组。 17 1.通过制作生词卡 ________________________________ 18 2.通过听录音带___________________________________ 19 3.向某人寻求帮助__________________________________ 20 4 大声读来练习发音___________________________________ 21

5.小组合作学习___________________________________ 22 6.和朋友练习对话___________________________________ 23 7.逐个单词___________________________________ 24 8.作报告___________________________________ 25 9.意群___________________________________ 26 10.慢慢来___________________________________ 27 11.口语技能___________________________________ 28 12 英语口语___________________________________ 29 §课堂导学案 30 Step 1 准备与热身(Preparation) 31 Lead-in with a free talk(自由对话导入新课)(2分钟) 32 Greeting with the students:Hello, everyone.Welcome back to school.I'm 33 very happy to see you again.Most of you got good grades last term ! Of 34 course, don't lose your heart if you didn't get good grades. 35 OK.Today, let's talk about how to study for a test and how to learn 36 English well. 37 T: How do you study English? Do you study English by the following ways? 38 (Show some pictures and present the important phrases.) 39 T: How do you study English? 40 S: I study English by ________. 41

人教版九年级英语上册 Unit 4 教案设计

Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Grammar Focus Class Type Grammar Objectives 1. To learn the expression of “used to”. 2. To better understand and express the sentences with “used to”. Key 1. I used to be short. structure 2. She didn’t use to like tests. 3. You used to be short, didn’t you? / Did he use to wear glasses? —Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t. Difficulties How to well express and use the structure “used to”in practice. Period 1 Procedure Lead-in Enjoy a song: I Wonder. Step 1 Read the sentences with “used to be” underlined. Step 2 Explanations about “used to + 动词原形”. Step 3 The negative forms and questioned forms of “used to do”, and some examples about “used to do”. Step 4 Explain the disjunctive question with some examples. Step 5 Show Ss some comparisons pictures and ask them to make sentences by using “used to”. Step 6 More exercises. 1. The exchanges of sentence structures.

人教版九年级英语上册 Unit 6 教案设计

Unit 6 Grammar Focus Class Type Grammar Objectives 1. To learn and understand the “passive voice in the past tense”. 2. To better understand and well use the passive voice in the past tense in practice. Key 1. When wad the zipper invented? structure —It was invented in 1893. 2. Who was it invented by? —It was invented by … 3. What is the hot ice-cream scoop used for? —It’s used for serving really cold ice-cream. Difficulties How to well use the structure about passive voice in the past tense in practice. Period 1 Procedure Lead-in Show Ss the basic form of passive voice in different tenses. Step 1 Examples of active voice sentences and passive voice sentences. Step 2 Explanation about the exchanges of active voice sentences and passive voice sentences. Step 3 The four steps that the exchanges of active voice sentences and passive voice sentences should obey. Step 4 The sentence structures of passive voice sentences with examples. Step 5 The use of passive voice with specific examples sentences. Step 6 Ask Ss to read the sentences with the passive voice parts Earlybird


Period 4 Section B (1a-2d) 【知识与能力目标】 1. 学习并掌握新词汇:convenient, comer, politely, request, direction, correct, polite, direct, indirect, speaker, whom, impolite,address,underground, course,request for directions, depend on, lead in to, a parking lot, in different situation, ask for, any other language. 2.学习掌握重点句式: ⑴The clerk tells her to go to the corner of Market and Middle Streets. ⑵.Can you tell me where there’s a good place to eat? ⑶.We also need to learn how to be polite by being less direct or more indirect— when we ask for help. ⑷.The expressions they use might de?pend on whom they are speaking to or how well they know each ot 【过程与方法目标】 本节课运用任务型教学法,情境交际法,活动教学法,以小组互动,竞赛的方式适时去鼓励学生学习英语的兴趣和热情。 【情感态度价值观目标】 培养学生尊重他人,对人有礼貌,热爱生活。 【教学重点】 礼貌的向他人寻求帮助;正确地使用宾语从句。 【教学难点】 运用宾语从句礼貌的寻求帮助。 【教学步骤】 Step 1. Revision You are a tourist in a city, you want to know something about the city. Make a conversation about asking information politely. A: Could you please tell me where the nearest bank is? B: Sure, go east along this street, then you’ll see it. A: Can you tell me if there is a delicious restaurant near here? B: Sure. Walk along this street, the restaurant is on you right. A: And do you know where the biggest hospital is? B: Go down this street, turn left at the first crossing, you will see it. A: After dinner, I want to buy a pair of shoes, would you mind telling me where the nearest supermarket is? B: It’s over there, just across from you. A: Haha! I see it. Thank you very much! B: You are welcome. Step 2. Lead in 1) Talk about places in your city. 2) Show some pictures of places and discuss what qualities are important for each place. Step 3. Pair work 1a What qualities are important for each place? Write the words from the box next to each place below. Write the most important words first. Places Qualities restroom clean, uncrowded, convenient museum interesting, quiet, uncrowded restaurant clean, inexpensive, quiet


山东省乳山市夏村镇初级中学九年级英语下册《Unit5 I like music that I can dance to》教案牛津版 教学目标 1.学会不同时间段的表达法: 2.学会用频度副词谈论自己的日常生活及日常作息习惯: 3.学习合理安排时间,加强时间的计划性。 4能用所学知识对某一活动进行合理安排。 教学内容 1.单元词汇 what time, go to school ? up, getup, runt shower? take a shower t> always, mornings o* clock, work, go to bed? do homeworks go home , start, wish, letter, love, home, morning, job, evening, afternoon, around, me, tell, write, Saturday, survey, all, bus, get to, nighty listen, soon. 2.句型 (1)What time do you get up/have breakfast/go to school? I usually get up/have breakfast/go to school at …. (2)When does your mother go to work? She goes to work at 7:00? (3)What time is it? It * s eleven o' clock? (4)He brushes his teeth and has a shower? (5)To get to work, he takes the number 17 bus to hotel? (6)The bus takes him to work at 7? (7)He works all night? (8)People love to listen to him? (9)Do you want to know about my moring ? (10)School stars at nine clock? (11)Please write and tell me about your moring? 3?精讲点拨: 关于时间(time)的介词小结: (1)at:主要表示某时刻、某时段(固定搭配)如, at six o' clock at night at first (2)on:主要表示某一天,也可以表示一天的时段,如: on June first on New Year* s Day on Monday afternoon (3)in:主要表示长于一天或固左结构中或一段时间之内,如, in January

最新人教版英语九年级Unit 6 优质课教案

Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to. Period1 (section A 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c) Language goal 1 new words : prefer,lyrics,gentle,energy,interest,known,sing along with, 2 key sentences I prefer music that has great lyrics. I like music that I can sing along with. Rose likes music that’s quiet and gentle. Ability goals Enable the student to talk about different kinds of music and their own preference. Emotion and attitude goals Enable the student to enjoy different kinds of music. Teaching important points The Attributive Clause Teaching procedures and ways Step1 T: Do you like music? What kind of music do you like? Answer my questions with the phrases on the screen. Teacher provide some phrases describing music on the screen. ask


Unit 6 When was it invented ? Grammar and Writing Teaching Aims 1. Knowledge objects: (1) The students will be able to use the patterns be done in the given situations or daily life. (2) The students will be able to use the following phrases: be invented in ; be used for doing ; be invented by … to make sentences. 2. Ability objects: (1)The students will be able to get the information needed in reading. (2) The students will be able to talk about and write the information about their inventions using target language. 3. Emotion & attitude Enable the students to have the spirit of creating new things and love our mother land, study hard to achieve our dreams. Important and difficult points: The students will be able to use be done structure correctly in speaking and writing practice. The students will be able to adopt correct reading and writing strategies. Teaching approach and means: Task-based Teaching Approaches. multimedia Teaching procedures Grammar Step 1 Lead-in ( Show some pictures of the Great Wall .) T: What’s this ? Ss: The Great Wall. T: It is the symbol of China and it is famous all over the world ,right ? But what was it used for ? (Ask one student to answer .)

冀教版九年级英语全一册 Unit 3 单元 教案

冀教版九年级英语全一册Unit 3 单元教案 Lesson 13: Be Careful, Danny! I. Learning aims: Master the new words: careful, safety, hang, ceiling, serious, ambulance, necessary II. Learning important and difficult points: 1) I think I’m tall enough. 2) I tried to catch you, but you landed on top of me. 3) I don’t think my arm is broken. 4) Tell her we are taking Brian to the hospital. Language Points: 1. careful 【用法】作形容词,意为“小心的、仔细的”,在句中作定语或表语。它的副词形式是carefully。 【举例】①Li Hong is a careful girl. She does everything carefully. 李红是个认真的女孩。她做任何事情都很认真。②Please be careful when you cross the street. 当您横过街道时要当心。 2. I tried to catch you, but you landed on top of me. 我尽力要抓住你,但你落在了我头上。 【用法】句式try to do something 意为“尽力做某事”;类似句式try doing something 则表示“尝试做某事”。


第周年月日星期第节 课题Unit1.How can we become good learners?Period 1讲授人喻正方 教学目标知识与技能Be able to pronounce and master the new words and phrases in this unit. 过程与方法Audio-lingual methods. 情感态度价值观 1. Educate the students to learn how to learn and find right ways of learning English. 2. Overcome the difficulties and make great progress. 教学重点Master the new words and phrases. 教学难点To develop the students’ abilities in reading and using the new words.课标要求Talk about how to study 教学准备mufti-media, tape 课时安排1.Section A1 2. Section A2 3. Section A3 4.Section B1 5. Section B2 6.Section B 3 教学过程 备注 教师活动学生活动Step1. Leading in: 1. The teacher and the students greet each other. 2. English song every week. Step2. Presentation: 1.The teacher checks the students’ first preview work. 2.The teacher leads the students to classify the new words in this unit. 3.The teacher offers any help if necessary. Step3. Practice: The teacher gives any help as the students do group works or they present their findings. Step4. Consolidation: Finish off the exercises on PPT. Step5. Homework: 1.All the students sing an English song together. They try to use different ways to show their singing 2.The students read the new words loudly in order to make teacher check their pronunciation. 3.Do groups works to classify the new words in this unit. n. flashcard, vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, mistake, comma, challenge, solution, secret, learner, term, trouble, essay, duty, friendship, disagreement, development, adult, soldier, psychologist. v. memorize, frustrate, add, pronounce, realize, matter, impress, deal, solve, regard, influence, lose, face. adj. specific, frustrating, spoken, afraid, complete, soft, unfair, unimportant. Adv. aloud, differently, quickly, slowly, fast. Phrases make mistakes, later on, it doesn’t matter, be afraid to , laugh at, take notes, look up, make up, deal with,


Unit4 Reading (1)精品教案 Teaching aims: 1. Learn some new words on talking about Spud Webb's story. 2. Practise reading skills by doing some exercises. Step 1 Revision Turn them into English: 1. 挂在心上,惦念 2. 怎么了? 3. 长得太大 4. 建完它 5. 那样学 6. —…就… 7. 大量信息 8. 他是怎样了解世界的? 9. 我喜欢凭借因特网了解世界。 10. 他们不允许我们拍照。 Keys: 1. on one ' s mind 2. What ' s up? 3. grow too big 4. finish building it 5. learn that way 6. as soon as 7. a great deal of information 8. How does he learn about the world? 9. I like to learn about the world through the Internet. 10. They don ' t allow us to take photos. Step 2 New words: 1. junior high 初级中学 2. try out for sth. 参加… 选拔 e.g. She is trying out for the school play. 她正在参加学校戏剧演员选拔。 3. lose heart 泄气,灰心 4. score vi. vt. 得分 e.g. Frank scored again in the second hal f. 弗兰克在下半场时再次得分。


Unit 3 Make our world more beautiful! 1.教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands) 词汇: pour waste dirty be afraid of member join environment harm rubbish collect whenever produce whenever neighbourhood litter onto public spit cut down protect tidy dustbin recycle suppose do well in nearby contribution make a contribution to riddle 日常交际用语:How long have you been…? I have been… for … What have you done since…? How long have you been at th is…?For… How long has she/he worked there? She’s/He’s worked there for…/all her/his life. 语法:现在完成时态(三) 现在完成时用来表示过去开始,持续到现在的动作或状态,可以和表示从过 去某一时刻延续到现在的一段时间的状语连用。 和for与表示一段时间的词组连用 和since与表示过去某一段时刻的次货词组连用 教学步骤(Teaching steps) 第9课 (步骤一)复习 检查家庭作业。 (步骤2)介绍新语言项目 把学生分为若干小组。把List at least five ways we can clean up our hometown..这菊花写在黑板上。给学生及分钟时间让他们在他们的小组里列出他们自己的净化他们家乡的方法。教师在教室里四处走动并给学生必要的帮助,确保每个学生都有发言的机会。鼓励学询问在他们讨论时需要用的词语。他们特可以使用汉英辞典。让几组学生和全班一起给出他们的答案。把学生的想法写在黑板上。 (步骤3)读,说 学生用书低11页第一部分。口语录音带第9课。合上书。把下列这个问题写在黑板上:What has the factory been doing?方录音杨学生汀病赵答案。核对答案。(It has been pouring waste water into the river near it.)教学生词pour, waste,dirty和词组be afraid of.把书打开。在访一边录音让学生听并让他们跟着重复。 和全班一起做练习死地9课怜惜1。 (步骤四)介绍信语言项目 收集一个学生的资料,斌感召下列方式在黑板上画一时间轴线: 1988→→→1994→→→2000→→→now rd born started 3 year primary jr.middle school school
