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HP Latex 打印技术 总览 – 特点
• “Latex” 用来描述水性—分散聚合物
– 化学成分上不同于自然橡胶 – HP Latex 墨水防过敏
• HP Latex Inks 为水基墨水
– 打印在低成本,无覆膜,溶剂兼容的介质
• 效果媲美溶剂墨水技术*
– 户内,橱窗内/户外应用 – 防磨防刮防水 – 色域
• A stable suspension prevents pigment particles from settling and forming groups (aggregates)
– to prevent clogging in the ink delivery system or printhead – to minimize image grain and improve gloss uniformity
• 颜料的局限性:
– 在某些介质上光泽不一致 – 分散稳定性限制了保存期限
• Pigments are particles of colorant that must be dispersed in the ink vehicle
• The dispersion keeps pigment particles suspended in the ink
HP 墨水技术
墨水 喷墨打印机最难的部分
• 必须与打印系统各个部门相互作用 • 必须能够在广泛的介质上输出高质量的作品 • 必须能够在广泛的环境条件下使用
打印头材料 的兼容性 打印机材料 的兼容性 墨滴产生设计
墨水 墨水
Color Maps
• 画面质量 • 持久性 • 不褪色性
– delivers
• pigment 墨水不会在打印机内或打印机上聚集 • smooth resin layer encapsulating pigments for excellent gloss uniformity on glossy and semi-gloss photo papers
SEM of Encapsulated Vivera Pigment
Saturn V “Moon Rocket”
• 染料分子 • 大小: ~2 nm • 物理状态: 溶解的
• 染料是分子般大小,可以深入到任何 可吸收的打印介质 • 染料基的优势:
– 在高光介质上的统一性 – 高饱和度 – 广泛的色域
• 染料基的局限性:
– 抗褪色性和防水性依赖于不同的介质 – 光,湿度和污染物可能会引起褪色 – 户外抗褪色性和防水性有局限
• 颜料粒子 • 大小: 50 - 150 nm • 物理状态 分散的 • 颜料是由10000多个染料分子构成的 粒子构成 • 颜料基的优势:
– 户内户外高防水性 – 高耐用性 – 有利于形成出色的饱和度和色域
• 颜料粒子附着在大部分介质的表层 或者其附近
– 需要粘合剂(聚合物/树脂)来保证 抗划抗磨
400 300 200 100
this is not good
latax墨水技术应用 墨水技术应用
high high
UV-光固化 Scitex 工业水性
UV 光固化
对人体建 康的影响
影像/艺 影像 艺 CAD/ 术品复制 GIS
* Printers using HP Latex Inks use internal heaters to dry and cure the latex polymer film. Some substrates may have an inherent odor.
** Special ventilation is not required to meet US OSHA requirements on occupational exposure to VOCs from HP Latex Inks. Ventilation equipment installation is at the discretion of
HP Latex 墨水
总览 – 工作场所和环境
• HP Latex 墨水可以实现溶剂墨水技术的优势,比如户外的持久性 , 并且不会对环境、健康和安全造成不良影响
– 不需要特殊处理 • 不含任何带有危险警告标示的材料(全球) – 非易燃可燃 – 极低的VOC 挥发 • HP Latex 墨水的共溶剂和浓度与Designjet 的水性墨相似 在办公环境应用且不需特殊通风设备 – 打印产品无味无嗅* – 工作地点不需特殊通风设备** – 无臭氧释放*** – 无有害空气污染物 (HAPs)*** – 通过北欧白天鹅认证 – 墨盒的设计旨在最大化应用墨水和减少材料的使用
• 喷墨墨水由两个主要部分组成
– 着色剂 (重量的5-10%)
• 墨滴的有效负荷 • 染料基墨水、颜料基墨水、或两者结合
– 墨水载体(重量的90-95%)
• 主要成分: 水 (水性墨 ), 有机溶剂(溶剂墨), 或者单体(UV 光固化墨) • 将着色剂 运送到打印介质 • 控制墨水与介质的相互作用 • 保证墨滴形成的一致性 • 保持墨水物理与化学的性能 • 保持染料溶解 • 保持 颜料分散
With water, many additives are needed to obtain the required vehicle properties

HP Vivera Pigment Inks
stabilized pigment dispersion
• HP 静电封装技术(EET)
the customer—no specific HP recommendation is intended. Typically no air discharge permitting is required with inks that emit extremely low VOCs. Customers should consult state and local requirements and regulations. *** No ozone products expected based on ink composition and printing technology; HAPs per US Environmental Protection Agency Method 311.
展览展示/ 展览展示 装饰装修 POP/ POS 标识标牌 活动/事件 活动 事件 车贴 建筑物外包
Fra Baidu bibliotek
水性墨 适用于吸附介质和覆膜介质
着色剂 表面活性剂 聚合物/粘合剂 保湿剂 防卷曲添加剂 添加剂 防腐剂 络合剂 共溶剂
(figure does not represent exact proportions)
• HP Latex 墨水打印即干,打印输出完成后可直接应用无需等待 晾干
– 应用HP Latex 技术的HP 打印机有内置加热器烘干固化
* HP image permanence and scratch, smudge, and water resistance estimates by HP Image Permanence Lab. Display permanence tested according to SAE J1960 using HP Latex and solvent inks on a range of media, including HP media; in a vertical display orientation in simulated nominal outdoor display conditions for select high and low climates, including exposure to direct sunlight and water; performance may vary as environmental conditions change. Scratch, smudge, and water resistance tested using HP Latex and solvent inks on a wide range of HP media. Laminated display permanence using Neschen Solvoprint Performance Clear 80 laminate. Results may vary based on specific media performance. For more information, see www.hp.com/go/supplies/printpermanence.
HP Latex 墨水 持久性和耐磨性1
• 与溶剂墨水技术相比,latax墨水可以达到更好的耐受 性和持久性 • 耐受性*
– 耐磨耐划防水
• 持久性
– 户外: 一系列介质上可达不覆膜3年,覆膜5年* – 户内: 一系列介质上橱窗室内无覆膜5年,覆膜10年**
* HP image permanence and scratch, smudge, and water resistance estimates by HP Image Permanence Lab. Display permanence tested according to SAE J1960 using HP Latex and solvent inks on a range of media, including HP media; in a vertical display orientation in simulated nominal outdoor display conditions for select high and low climates, including exposure to direct sunlight and water; performance may vary as environmental conditions change. Scratch, smudge, and water resistance tested using HP Latex and solvent inks on a wide range of HP media. Laminated display permanence using Neschen Solvoprint Performance Clear 80 laminate. Results may vary based on specific media performance. For more information, see www.hp.com/go/supplies/printpermanence . ** Interior in-window display ratings by HP Image Permanence Lab on a range of media including HP media. HP in-window predictions based on test data under Xenon-Arc illuminant. Calculation assumes 6,000 Lux/12 hr day. Laminated display permanence using Neschen Solvoprint Performance Clear 80 laminate. For details: www.hp.com/go/supplies/printpermanence.
– optimizes
• pigment chemistry • particle size • formulation of encapsulating polymer (resin) • distribution of electrostatic charge within the resin
Electrosteric Encapsulation Technology [EET]