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Sentence- making

U1 In-class reading

a great/good many a fairly large number of 很多

Stop complaining! A great many people would be happy to have work.

come along

1) appear or arrive 出现

Take any job opportunity that comes along.

2) arrive together with someone else 与别人一起来到

Come along with us, if you like.

dwell on 谈或想得很多

Let’s not dwell on your past mistakes.

hand in hand

1) accompanying each other, closely connected 相伴,形影相随地

Dirt and disease go hand in hand.

2) holding hands 手拉手地

They walked away hand in hand.

have something at heart be deeply concerned about 对……深切关心

He has the welfare of the poor at heart.

in contrast与……形成对比,与……截然相反

In contrast to her elder brother, she was always considerate.

of one’s choice chosen by oneself, not by someone else 中意的,自己选中的

She married the man of her choice.

set aside (为某目的)节省或保留(钱或时间等)

I’ll set a piece of cake aside for you.

Passage 1

be apt to likely or having a tendency to do something 常会,容易(有某种倾向)He is apt to lose his temper in difficult situations.

be prone to易于(做某事,常指不好的事)

Some plants are prone to a particular disease.

cheer up improve one’s mood 高兴起来

I cheered up at the good news.

in a…light in the way of looking at or considering a matter 从…的角度, 从…的观点Try to see the problem in a new light.

in the grip of in the power or control of 受…控制

The local economy is in the grip of a recession (萧条).

in the meantime 在此期间, 与此同时

The doctor will be here soon. In the meantime try to relax.

run for try to get elected 竞选

He did not want to run for president in that year.

Passage 2

hold somebody back阻碍某人,阻止某人

You shouldn’t let other people’s opinions hold you back.

in a … mood the way you feel at a particular time 处于……心情

I’m in a good mood today.

in part to some degree, but not completely 部分地

The accident was due in part to my carelessness, but mainly to bad luck.

keep track of keep informed of 了解…的情况

It’s difficult to keep track of all the new ideas and developments in education.

take credit receive the praise, approval, or honor 接受荣誉

Her boss took all the credit instead.

U2 In-class reading

at the (very) thought (…)一想到某事

At the very thought that he would be cast into prison, he shook with fear.

choose to 情愿,决定

I chose to ignore his advice.

escape someone’s notice逃过某人的注意

Nothing important escapes her notice.

jump to one’s feet rise up suddenly 突然站起,一跃而起

He suddenly jumped to his feet and left.

now and again sometimes but not very often or regularly 时而,偶尔

Now and again he’d join in when we were playing video games.

rest assured (that) used to tell someone not to worry or be certain 请放心

You can rest assured that I will never tell anyone.

set off 1) start to go somewhere 出发,启程

We set off early the next morning.

2) 激起,引起(尤指意外事件)

Smoke alarms can be set off by smoke from cigarettes, cooking, and fireplaces. slowly but surely carefully in order to avoid problems 稳扎稳打地

We are slowly but surely gaining the support of the public.

Passage 1

be consumed with/by 而不断受折磨

He was consumed with guilt after the accident.

cast a spell on/over

1) do a piece of magic to change someone or something 用符咒镇住

The witch will cast a spell on you if she sees you here!

2) attract someone very strongly and keep their attention completely 使迷住,使着迷The beautiful island seemed to have cast a spell on him.

in place of instead of 代替

I changed my mind. I want a red one in place of the blue one.

put an end to something end something 结束

Winning the competition put an end to his financial problems.

Passage 2

adept at good at something that needs care and skill 擅长于

She’s very adep t at making people feel at their ease.

at will whenever you want and in whatever way you want 随心所欲地
