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1.(1分)Who is going to have a party?

A.Ted B.Bob C.Linda.

2.(1分)How will Alice go to school?

A.By bus B.By taxi C.By car.

3.(1分)How's the weather in Toronto?

A.Sunny B.Snowy C.Rainy.

4.(1分)Where are they going?

A.The water park B.The city park C.The amusement park.

5.(1分)What is Cindy doing now?

A.Playing tennis B.Watching TV C.Taking a shower.



6.Where is Tony going on holiday?

A.To London B.To Paris C.To Sydney

7.How long did it take the woman to fly there?

A.About 8 hours B.About 9 hours C.About 10 hours.8.(3分)请听第2段材料,回答第8至9小题.

8.What's important for Mark in his mother's opinion?

A.To be active B.To be polite C.To be helpful

9.Who is smiling at Mark?

A.Sandra B.His mother C.The camp leader.


10.Who loves to eat meat?

A.Jack B.Jack's father C.Jack's grandfather

11.What will Jack tell his mother to bring?

A.Strawberries B.Beef C.Carrots

12.Which of the following is True?

A.Jack's mother is not at home at he moment

B.Jack's father bought a watermelon at the market

C.Jack's grandmother will be back tomorrow evening.


13.How old is the speaker now?




14.What will he be in twenty years?

A.A player B.A businessman C.An engineer

15.How often will he have a family trip then?

A.Once a week B.Once a month C.Once a year.




21.(1.5分)﹣What's the date today,Dad?

﹣Oh!It's ____1st.Happy Children's Day,Kangkang!()

A.April B.May C.June D.July

22.(1.5分)Something wrong with my camera.May I use _____?()A.you B.your C.yours D.yourself

23.(1.5分)﹣Is Laura in the teachers'office?

﹣No,I didn't see ___ there.()

A.anybody B.somebody C.nobody D.everybody

24.(1.5分)﹣Can you go to the movies with me tomorrow night?

﹣Sorry,I ____ study for an English test.()

A.can B.may C.must D.might

25.(1.5分)Hurry up,everyone!The school bus ___ for us.()

A.waits B.waited C.was waiting D.is waiting

26.(1.5分)﹣It'nearly six o'clock.Do you think Mr.Smith ____ late?

﹣I don't think so.The fast train is usually on time.()

A.was B.will be C.is D.has been

27.(1.5分)﹣How was your last trip to Shanghai Disneyland?

﹣It's ____ one I've ever had.()

A.good B.better C.best D.the best

28.(1.5分)﹣Have you ever heard about the fire in the market?

﹣Yes,luckily no one ____.()

A.was hurt B.hurt

C.has hurt D.will be hurt.

29.(1.5分)I will have to close my clothes shop ___ my business improves.()A.if B.unless C.after D.when

30.(1.5分)﹣Do you know Mr.White has gone to New York>

﹣Oh,can you tell me ____?()

A.when he left B.when he is leaving

C.when did he leave D.when will he leave
