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舌头变得不灵,噬人的热情 像火焰一样烧遍了我的全身, 我眼前一片漆黑;耳朵里雷鸣; 头脑轰轰。 我周身淌着冷汗;一阵阵微颤 透过我的四肢,我的容颜 比冬天的草儿还白;眼睛里只看见 死和发疯。
He is more than a hero
• He is a god in my eyes— • the man who is allowed • to sit beside you—he
• • • • •
faithful as I found a shining virgin mode to link Dorian rhythms with the speech of celebration. The olive wreath on his flowing locks moves me to my God-appointed duty
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
To blend clamoring flutes and the lyre’s supple voice with my pattern of words, all for Ainesidamos’ son. And Pisa bids me speak out. From Pisa come heavenly songs to man and to the victor. The upright Aitolian judge of Greeks, obeying Herakles’ ancient laws, loops the gray glory of the olive over the hero’s brow and locks long ago Amphitryon’s son carried the silver olive tree from the shadowy springs of the Danube, to be the handsomest symbol of the Olympian games.
• Chasing the doe, he saw the distant land
behind • the cold north wind • and stood in wonder at the trees. • A sweet desire burned in him to plant them at the • finish-mark of the twelve-lap track • of horses. And now he comes graciously to the • festival, with the godlike • Twin sons of deep-girdled Leda.
• Some say there are nine Muses: but
they’re wrong. • Look at Sappho of Lesbos; she makes ten.
• The tenth muse by Plato • LESBIAN /Lesbian a woman who is
Olympian Ode III
• To Theron of Akragas in Sicily, • winner in the chariot race, 466B.C.
• I shall honor glorious Akragas and please the • Diodkouroi, kind to strangers, • and Helen of the lovely hair, • when I have raised a hymn of Olympic victory • Theron and his stallions • of the never-tiring hooves. The Muses were
sexually attracted to other woman rather than to men.
Pindar(品达)(about 518-428) is best known for his odes celebrating the victories at the athletic games, such as the 14 Olympian odes. 在十七世纪古典主义时期被称为“崇高颂 歌”的典范
c--- Alcman’s Choral lyric
• D --- the lyric of Lesbos • E ---The Ionian Middle Classes • F--- Solon the Athenian
1.1.3. Lyric poetry /Lyrics (抒情诗)
• 1)双管歌-----或称为哀歌. • 2)琴歌 独唱琴歌---Sappho • 合唱琴歌---Pindaros • 3)讽刺诗 • Sappho(萨福about 612-580B.C.), woman poet of Lesbos • Among men there is Homer! • Among women there is Sappho!
• At Olympos he had charged those future stars
• • • • • • • • • •
to guide the wonderful games where men’s courage and chariot-speed are tested. My heart impels me to say that glory has come to Theron and the of Emmenos as a gift from the horsemen Dioskouroi. Among all mortals they drew near the gods through lavish feasts and true reverence for the mysteries. If water is best of all things, and gold the dearest possession,
• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
But the valley of Kronian Pelops was not yet verdant with beauty of trees. He thought his garden, naked of green, must suffer the sun’s dagger rays. So his spirit moved him to journey To Istrian land. There, Leto’s daughter, driver of horses, welcomed him as he came from ridges and mazy gullies of Arkadia When, at Eurysteus’ command, his doomed ties with Zeus drove him on his mission to bring back the gold-horned doe that Taygeta one day wrote down to be sacrificed to Artemis Orthosia.
• a ---Archilochus, the founder of Greek lyric,
seized upon and made his own. A characteristic feature of Archilochus’ style is the gradual pointing of thought and sharpening of tone. • B ---military and political Elegy (Callinus and Tyrtaeus)
1.1.3. Lyric poetry /Lyrics
• In the archaic age of Greece, before
philosophical works entered the arena, lyric was the characteristic literary form, as heroic epic was for the earlier, and to an even greater degree than tragedy was for the beginning of the classical age.
• • • • • •
A delight to strangers and loved by Friends, Pindar was servant of the Sweet-voiced Muses. This man charmed newcomers, and he was dear To his own townsmen: the Muses’ servant, Pindar. ---Plato
• 给一个富有而没有知识的女人
你将永远的长眠,没有人记得你是谁, 因为你从没有在缪斯的树上摘过玫瑰; 你将在寒冷的阴间,同那些不知名的鬼魂 到处飘荡,和在世一样默默无闻。
• 他就像天神一样快乐逍遥,
他能够一双眼睛盯着你瞧, 他能够坐着听你絮语叨叨, 好比音乐。 听见你的笑声,我的心儿就会跳, 跳动得就像恐怖在心里滋扰; 只要看你一眼,我立刻失掉 言语能力。
• who listens intimately • to the sweet murmur of • your voice, the enticing
• laughter that makes my own • heart bear fast. If I meet • you suddenly, I can’t • speak—my tongue is broken: • a thin flame runs under • my skin: seeing nothing,
• With candid heart he persuaded the • • • • • • • •
• •
Hyperboreans, people of Apollo; He begged them for a tree for Zeus’ garden to bring refreshing shade to all men, and crown their valor. Already the altars were hallowed for his father; and the mid-month moon, riding in her gold cart, illumined the round eye of evening. He established the fair judging for the great fifth-year games by the overhanging banks of holy Alpheus River.
Olympian Ode XI
• To the Lokrian boy Agesidamos, • winner in the boxing,476B.C.
Olympian Ode XII
• For Ergoteles of Himera, winner of • the long distance run, 472 B.C., now • exiled from Knossos.
• hearing only my own ears • drumming, I drip with sweat: • trembling shakes my body • and I turn paler than • dry grass. At such times • death isn’t far from me.