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College English
Pyramid of Social Responsibility
(Carroll 1991)
College English
Text A Striking the Right Balance
Para 1 In 1776, Adam Smith described how an “invisible hand” guides companies as they strive for profits, and that hand leads them to decisions that benefit society. Smith’s insights led him to conclude that profit maximization is the right goal for a business and that the free enterprise system is best for society.
2016年3· 15晚会:共筑消费新生态
Balance profit and business ethics
College English
Business ethics means written and unwritten codes of moral standards that are critical to the current activities and future aspirations of a business organization. They can differ from one company to another because of differences in cultural perspectives, operational structures and strategic orientations. The guiding framework of business ethics exists all levels of the organization. It is about having the wisdom to determine the difference between right actions and wrong decisions. In simpler terms, business ethics provides the morality standards and behavioral patterns expected of individuals and the business as a whole. These moral standards can be perceived in terms of the microenvironment and macro environment of the business.
自由企业制度,就是确保企业能够拥有在产权受法律保护的基础上所 享有的自由创业权、自由经营权、自由交易权以及自由支配或处置财 产权等一系列的制度安排。它包括产权制度、进入退出制度、公平竞 争制度、平等合约制度、平等交易制度以及平等获取信息服务制度等。
College English
Do you agree or not?
College English
Para 2
Most academics today subscribe to the following modified version of Adam Smith’s theory: A firm’s principal goal should be to maximize the wealth of its stockholders, which means maximizing the value of its stocks.
College English
Para 2
Free enterprise is still the best economic system for the country as a whole. Under the free enterprise framework, companies develop products and services that people want and that benefit society. However, some constraints are needed--- firms should not be allowed to pollute the air and water, to engage in unfair employment practices, or to create monopolies that exploit consumers.
College English
Corporate Social Responsibility
Definitions Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is about how companies manage the business processes to produce an overall positive impact on society Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to a business practice that involves participating in activities that benefit society.
College English
Text A Striking the Right Balance
But the world has changed since 1776. Firms today are much larger, they operated globally, they have thousands of employees, and they are owned by millions of stockholders. This make us wonder if the “invisible hand” still provides reliable guidance. Should companies still try to maximize profits, or should they take broader view and take more balanced actions designed to benefit customers, employees, suppliers, and society as a whole?
College English
学术英语 Academic English
College English
Unit 2 Business Ethics
Text A Striking the Right Balance
Unit 2
Business Ethics
College English
Text A Background information
College English
Stakeholder VS Shareholder
Shareholder Perspective Those who approach ethical decision making from a shareholder perspective focus on making decisions that are in the owners' best interest. Decisions are guided by a need to maximize return on investment for the organization's shareholders. Individuals who approach ethics from this perspective feel that ethical business practices are ones that make the most money.
Profit maximization is the right goal for a business---- Adam Smith
College English
【曝光】“饿了么”惊现黑心作坊 看完你还会饿 么? 【曝光】制造用废钢料 这样的假牙你敢戴吗? 【权威发布】跨境电商进口儿童用品超三成不合 格 【消费预警】你买的人参可能一半是白糖!
Business Ethics
College English
Stakeholder VS Shareholder
There are two schools of thought regarding how companies should approach a definition for business ethics: the shareholder perspective and the stakeholder perspective.
College English
Stakeholder VS Shareholder
Stakeholder Perspective The phrase corporate social responsibility is often used in discussions of business ethics. The idea behind this concept is the belief that companies should consider the needs and interests of multiple stakeholder groups, not just those with a direct financial stake in the organization's profits and losses. Organizations that approach business ethics from a stakeholder perspective consider how decisions impact those inside and outside the organization. Stakeholders may include: employees, suppliers, customers, competitors, government agencies, the news media, community residents and others. The idea behind stakeholder based ethical decision making is to make sound business decisions that work for the good of all affected parties.
College English
Importance of Ethical Business Decisions
Companies and people who behave in a socially responsible manner are much more likely to enjoy ultimate success than those whose actions are motivated solely by profits. Knowing the difference between right and wrong and choosing what is right is the foundation for ethical decision making. In many cases, doing the right thing often leads to the greatest financial, social, and personal rewards in the long run.
Free enterprise
Free enterprise refers to the system of business in which individuals are free to decide what to produce, how to produce it, and at what price to sell it.