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【英文摘要】”Commonness”is the essential attribute and the most important requirement of joint torts. There are a lot of debates on “commonness” with the implementation of Tort Liability Law in China. In theoretical research, “commonness” is involved with complicated issues such as fault and causal relationships, and is related to social policy and value judgment, so there have been substantive problems to be addressed. In China different laws have different rules about connotations of “commonness”in joint torts, and there is huge space in discussing cohesion between different provisions. Therefore we need to distinguish between academic disputes and choose appropriate judicial guidance that is suited to China’s judicial practice.In joint torts system there exist problems with interests balancing and value judgment between the tort party and the injured party. Different readings about “commonness” lead to different judgments on the scope of joint torts in judicial practices. This will ruin the unity of law application.This thesis begins with value orientation and historical development of joint torts system, and concludes that the system is consistent with social change and law evolution. This gives some thoughts for legislative explanation for Mainland China’s joint torts system. This

thesis also points out the theory of joint association should be adopted to explain the essential attribute of joint torts. This theory gives logical and appropriate explanation, conforming to China’s legal system and national conditions, for the long-term debates in academic circle. This thesis, in the context of joint association theory, constructs basic types of joint torts system, analyzes constitutive requirements of joint torts system, interprets requirements of “commonness”with omni-directional explanation and concrete analysis, clears up confusions, and provides some thoughts for addressing problems related to joint torts in China’s existing legislative framework.


【英文关键词】Joint torts Joint torts system Requirement of Commonness Theory of joint association 【目录】论共同侵权行为构成中的“共同性”要件内容摘要


9-17(一) 共同侵权制度的价值取向9-12 1. 填补受害人损害保护受害人权利9-10 2. 加重侵权人责任强化预防侵权行为

10-11 3. 分配赔偿风险公平合理分担损失11-12(二) 域外共同侵权制度的历史沿革12-17 1. 大陆法系概况12-15 2. 英美
